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Total No. of printed pages : 16 Roll No. [ }

716 R I 716 E I 716 DE

Regular/Ex-Regular/Dis. Edu. (Reg. & Ex-Reg.)
POL (Arts)
(As per 2014- 2017 Syllabi)

2017 (A)
Full Marks -100

Tiine :_3 Hours

Answer afl constituent parts of Question

Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 serially and continuously.
fl'ifl 9°. e, 9, '!l (J ~ RC/lf6Q Q§6(i>~f} fJRfJ Cl/°~r;,> f]'if!Q
QfilQ £Rlf?kJ6Q (J {i>Q(i>~R Q/(i>6Q QC/ I

Read the instructions given in each Group.

f/691/Q {i>Qfbl6Q ??Gl!fl/Qe!_(il/ P6Q6f/(il91 0/0 QQ I
. The figures in the right-hand margin_indicate marks.
. f?ffi& ON/661 q9G' 0°tJ!lfI flef!bl FJ.rTl?lf qfll-1 I

-- ---~--.._,.,,,~=~------------,

Answer all questions.
<CIYI~ ty<QIQ Q@Q ~~ I

1. Answer all questions by selecting the correct

answer from the alternatives given against ea~h :
<yG~%~ <y<QI ~2~ tyQ@ Q~~- Yl~'.9) ~5~ Q@Q c;t~g QQ
<(JYJg ty<QIQ Q@Q ~~ : .
(a) Which one of the following is a National Party
in India?
~£jig Yl~Vl, GQQ~ QIQ~GQ '<JQ CCii'l~1~ QQ m;IQ' ?
(i) Biju Janata Dal
~gg~1 Q'ijjl
(ii) Bahujan Samaj Party
Q~_~m ~mg rn~
(iii) Shivasena
(iv) Akali Dal ·
~Ql'iiil1 Q'ijjl
(b) At which one of the following levels in our
Panchayati Raj System the Panchayat Samiti
is constituted ?
~6£)1g YlCl4'9l, 6QQ @Q6Q ~IY'l <J2ll~Q QICCii' Q4Q'&ll6Q
<Jei1~~ ~?JQ gog QQ1£J1-<J ?

Political Science (Set-0) 2 Contd.

716 R / 716 E I 716 DE
(i) Village

(ii) Block

(iii) Sub-division
Q't)~@ .

(iv) District
(c) Which one of the following is.not essential
goal of a Political Party?
~~I~ ~CJY'9l, 6QQ~ 6QI~ Ql'26~ ~ YJ.~Y Q!SY
<;J.62 ?
(i) To form and run government in public
'2~12J 2GGQ Ql~Y QQQI 81Q '<JQQIQ QO~
(ii) ,.;._ To contest elections
§Ql<Ql~GQ 'Sl~~~GI QQQI
I. . .
(iii) To expose weaknesses of the rival
political party
'YW!a Ql'2G?}~Q QQQ 6Ql~-~QQGl{jl 'SlQl'31
•. I
(iv) To defend the country
. 600Q ~Qlal 81Q Ql~Y QQQI

· Political Science (Set- D) 3 P.T.O.

716 R /716 E / 716 DE
(d) Which one of the following is not the function
of an opposition party ?
§()~lg YlcW91. ()QQ~ Q()QICJ1 QQQ QlxJY <;J_E;c;2?
(i) To make delay in legislative process
<'.llQyjl ~610,yjl QlxJY<ir_ QQ$1.9 QQQI
(ii) To offer healthy and acceptable criticism 9211 ~26l()!CJIQY «JYli()Ql~Yrl ()8cq QQQI
(iii) To topple the government of the rival
(iv) To ensure smooth conduct of election
<'.lQICI ~l~yjl 8Q~IQyjll ~9 QQQI
(e) Which one of the following is not a condition
for successful working of Democracy ?
§E;Yj1g YlCIY'91_ ()QQ~ Q6196!Q «J8'Q91 81Q '<JQ «J@
cq_E;c;2 ?
(i).;,. Literacy

· (ii) Corruption
. ~~1~
(iii) Political awareness
Ql~G?}9Q ()~9gi /

(iv) Honesty of the citizens

yjllQQQYllyjlQ'Q «lltJ.91

Political Science (Set- D) 4 Contd.

716 R /716 E / 716 DE
(f) Which one of the following helps to establish
Social Justice in India?
§6Y)I~ YlCJYVl 6QQ~ QIQ~6Q '<llYll§Q <n'YIQ ~~~I
W6Q «1210.Q 621Q211'<1 ?
(i) Fundame.ntal Rights
(ii) . Fundamental Duties
(iii) Directive Principles of State Policy
Ql§'i1'1~ §QIYlQ §6Q'511Q<ffil1
(iv) Impartial Judiciary
§Q68~ <n'YIQ81QQI
(g) Which one of the following is not a part of the
Directive Principles of State Policy?
§6Y,11~ Yl~V)_ 6QQ~ Ql§'i1'1~ §QIYlQ §6Q'511Q<ffil1Q '<!Q
CJ '61 <q_62 ?

(i) ~ Uniform Civil Code

'<IQ 9CJ. 69Gl<ii1 «1°'2~1
(ii) Free and compulsory Primary Education
Y119611 (3 QJCJY~IQ<ffi'Q ~ICJ?lQ ~~I
(iii) ·Equal wage for equal work
'<!Yll<n' QlfCJY rnG' '<!Yll<n' rn0'.2]?1Q
(iv) Abolition of Untouchability
G1¥i<51Y~I §Q1Q61

Political Science (Set- D) 5 P.T.O.

716 R/716 E / 716 DE
(h) A citizen of India is arrested and detained
without trial for more than 24 hours. For which
one of the following writs he shall pray the
Supreme Court ?
§Q8' GQl86Q ~I ~IQ6Q Q661 g1gQG'ii. 9~ Q~1'9)_
ClCJ.G «IYIQ CJ'01G QgjlgQI I §6~11Y YICJY~ 6GQ
8QY116Q'81 81Q 6«1 «J6cq'I~ gylQl~Q6Q ~1cig1
(i) HabeasCorpus
l?IQQ«l_ GOQ.
(ii) Mandamus
(iii) _©uo warranto
(iv) Certiorari
' «IQ~(3QIQ1
(i) Who among the following is regarded as the
'Father of Scientific Socialism' ?
~6~11Y YICJY'91 ~ 'Q!ffilg Q~G~ «IY119QIQQ Q~G' ?
(i) Karl Marx
(ii) Lenin
(iii) Stalin
(iv) C.E.M. Joad
~. Q. --Gq. 691~
Political Science (Set- D) 6 Contd.
716 R /716 E / 716 DE
U) Which one of the following· is the feature of
Indian Foreign Policy of Non-Alignment"?
~~lg ~CIY'i 6QQ~ QIQ~Q ~Q6t:l~ 6Q6~G g1°§Q .
'GG Q~61 CJ6~ ?
(i) Acting as a Mediator between two
'C£Q QI§ YICl46Q ~C1%lQ ti?iGI .
(ii) Non-involvement in Power Bloc Politics
~~~I 6Ql~1 Q1~g1~ «lW «ll?iQ g 62QI
(iii) Cooperation with Neighbouring States
t:16~1~l Ql§~lgQ> «lW «126£JIQ Q~I
(iv) Taking side with all Nations
«l~@ QI§~ t:l~ ~261 GQQI
(k) Which one of the following is not a source of
income of a Municipality ?
~6~1g ~CIY'i 6GQ~ 68"1Qrn~GIQ CJl!VaQ 'GG Q~
'tJ.62 ?
(i) Holding Tax
Ql«l~l? ~«]
(ii) Income Tax
(iii) WaterTax

(iv) Government Grants

«1QGIQ1 CJ@lg Science (Set- D) 7 P.T.O.

716 R/716 E / 716 DE
(I) Which one of the following does not build up
a healthy public opinion ?

«l21~Q ~ ~12?
§GY,Jllii) Y'lCIYVl, '<JQ ~~ ~~Y'lXi go~ QQQIGQ

(i) Alert and active citizenship

«I~1g (3 «i§i~ ~lgQQXil
(ii) Free mass media
~IM~ g61-Y11CJYY1
(iii) Corrupt political leadership
~1~@ Ql~G~Xil
(iv) Freedom of speech and expression
QI~ 'GQ GJQQy§ ~IM~Xil

(m) Which one of the following is not a

Constitutional strategy for National
Integration ?
~GY;Jllii) Y'lCIYVl, GQQ~
g1Xi1~ «l 0 2Xi 81Q '<JQ «llr1.CJI~
- '\:J - -

GG1'81~ ~G2 ?
(i) "'" Secularism
(ii) Regionalism
(iii) Social Justice
«llY'llgQ ~YI~
(iv) Economic Development
GJeJG?}~Q QQl'81

Pol~tical Science (Set~ D} . 8

716 R / 716 E I 716 DE
(n) Who among the following ·is the ex-officio
chairman of NITI AYOG?
~'(.11g YICIY'91~~8<tflc.J.<qi%l QQE;Q 'gig GJl6QIQ'Q

(i) President
(ii) Vice President
(iii) Prime Minister

(iv) Speaker of Lok Sabha

6QIQ«JQIQ 91£1~9
(o) Who of the following authors influenced
Mahatma Gandhi?
§6~1g 6QQ Q£lQXil Y12101QIX)l1~ <yQIQXi Qgei_E;Q ?
(i) · John Ruskin
~~ Q«l,Qiti'
(ii) Tolstoy

(iii) John Locke

~~ Qt;;(
(iv) Abraham Lincoln
GJl~l2Yl Qt;;j)'~

Political Science (Set - D) 9 P.T.O.

716 R /716 E / 716 DE
"' ·--.,,,,,..,--

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate terms/numbers/

date/year: 1x 15= 15
Q~~g ~ct;' I «1°~41 I ~IQ~ I 91~21 ~IQI '5J_<rjl4~1<rjl'q}_~Q
QQ61 QQ:

(a) Educational institutions play a big role in

formulation of _ _ __
_ _ _ _ QQ<rjl6Q ~~1~100 Y.l.~4 \Yl?iQI Q~~ I

(b) Both Japan and Switzerland have _ _ __

party system.
QQQ ~l~l<rjl (3 ~~QQ41~6Q - - - - QQ1Q
Q4Q<611 QW I

(c) Political parties in India are given recognition

by the Commission.
_ _ _ _ ~16QIQ Ql~6~GQ QQ911g~ ~J1<ilG
~Ql<rjl QQeJI~@ I

(d) _ _ _ _ is the executive organ of Gram


«1°'6.ll I

(e) The word PLEBISCITE is derived from the

Latin word _ _ __

Political Science (Set- D) 10 Contd.

716 R/716 E / 716 DE
(f) Right to Information is a _ _ _ _ rig hf.
<{~~I <'J~GIQ '{JG <'J~GIQ <'J6~ I

(g) Article of our Constitution

provides protection of life and personal
liberty of citizens and non-citizens.
<'JIYI '<l~l~Q ~IQI '<10@ ~IQQG (3
<'JGl~IQQG'it ~1W~IQ61 (3 ~Y§QG ~G~GIQ ~QIEI

(h) Freedom to form and manage association in

India is included in Article _ _ __
QIQG6Q '<1°Q QO~ (3 QQ~IQ~I _ _ _ _ ~IQIQ

Wi~~ I

(i) _ _ _ _ said, " State is a soulless


U) said, "Democracy is a
government in which every one has a share."
_ _ _ _ G2eJ.6G, "6£1Q '<JQQIQ6Q ~6GYG
~Y§G'Q <'J '51 <'J~, Gl<itl ~ Q61G~ I"

Political Science (Set- D) 11 P.T.O.

716 R / 716 E I 716 DE
(k) _ _ _ _ borrowed the idea of 'Dialectics'
from Hegel.

Gll~('J_GQ I

(I) Panchasheel Agreement was signed between

India and _ _ __

'tJl:'!l'511iril' ~§~IYll QIQ<ci (3 Ylc.J%Q

c;,]l~Q9 6l?IQ('J_QI I

(m) . Subjects on which both Centre and States can

make law are included in the _ _ __
_ _ _ _ <cilQQI~~ ~0. Q'tJGQ QQ0. 6Q§' (3
Qlcrn'Y GllQ~ ~610.~ QQEJ@ I

(n) According to Article 1 of our Constitution,

'India' that is 'Bharat' shall be a _ _ __
of States.
GllYI <.(]s:i.CJl~Q CJIQI ~ Gl~<.(]16Q 'Q~Gll' QI 'Qlg<(;I'
Qlcrn'YYll~G'Q '<JQ I

(o) Feminism supports liberation.

~IQ1QllQ' Yll~Q ~§ Gll6~1~~ <.(]YteJ~

Political Science (Set- D) 12 Contd.

716 R / 716 E / 716 DE
'di -QQIQ

3. Answer any eleven of the following questions in

two sentences each: 2x11=22
~6~1g Y\~'.2} 6SCJ~Q161~ '<IQIQ6QI~ ~<Q)Q Q@Q ~6£l%i1 ~
ffel6b!!?l QIQ%Q ~(ill~ QQ :

(a) What is Preventive Detention?

~~E)~CJq_QQ C.l~Q Q' 61 7

(b) What is Bi-party system ?

~-QQ1~ QYQY.11 Q' 61 7

(c) How is Gram Panchayat constituted ?

~IY\8ell~£l QXJQ QO~ QQISCJM 7

(d) What is Landsgemeinde ?

'Gl~~6'iil'?i6~' . Q' 61 7
.:-..;..._ .
(e) What is Right to Education ?
~~IQQ C.ICJ_QIQ Q' 61 7

(f) What is Universal Adult Suffrage?

~l~'O'm ~IQIQQ Y\QQl'O' Q' 61 7 ·

(g) What is Central Information Commission ?

6Q§1~ '<l_G~I C.116~1Q Q' 61 7

Political Science (Set- D) 13 P.T.O.

716 R /716 E / 716 DE
(h) What is Satyagraha?
~X>'Yl~li' Q' 61 ?

(i) What is 'Mandamus'?

'01@0~' Q' 61 ?

U) What is Right to Information ?

~!Ql~I ~CJ.QIQ Q' 61 ?

(k) What do you mean by Aggressive

Nationalism ?
9~ ~1Xi1~Xil<Q>IQ Q26Q ~60 Q' 61 ~~ ?
(I) . What is Residuary Power?
~~~ Q<;;ilQI la0Xil Q' 61 ?
(m) What is National Integration?
~1x;im ~ 02~ Q' 61 ?

(n) What is Terrorism ?

~JIX>'t;;ii"QIQ Q' 61 ?

4. Explain any six of the following within six sentences

each: 3x6=18
~6~1g 0~'.9) 6~6Ql61~ U'GJ6~11~Q 9@Q !;]6X>'YQ~ fi't!J€b!!?i'
QIQY6Q ~~IQ 6Q<t51 :
(a) Article-352
CJIQI - "11'8 9

Political Science (Set-0) 14 Contd.

716 R/716 E / 716 DE
(b) Functions of Gram Sabha
~l~<.ClQIQ Qlfl41Q91
(c) Features of Liberal Democracy
QQIQQIQ'l Q61~~Q lii\~61

(d) Right to freedom of Religion

tl~<ol~ <;,jltl1'0'~1 ~CJ_QIQ

(e) Sarvoday

(f)- Fundamental Duties

6¢i!~ Q~Q4
(g) Panchasheel
(h) Features of Feminism
<n'IQ1QIQQ lii\~61

Answer any four questions : 7-x4=30
6£16Ql61~ ~IQ6<Qll~ ~'&)Q Q@Q Q~ :

5. Describe the composition and functions of

Municipal Corporation.
6~Q W~Q <o!O<n' (3 Qlfl41Q91 Q~<n'I QQ I

Political Science (Set- D) 15 . P.T.O.

716 R/716 E / 716 DE
6. Discuss the features of Indirect.Democracy.
<JGQl!B C0161'0'GlQ \ii'\!B61'91_~Q GJIGQl<Ql~I QQ I

7.... Explain the functions of Political Party.

Ql'iii'G~~Q '<f<;TIIQ Qlsc)YIQ<;;il1 'i<d'.IQ G\ii'\'61 I

8. Discuss the features of Federal State.


«l 0 Q1£Ji Ql§Q Q!B61 GJl()Ql<Ql~I QQ I

9. Examine the basic principles of Gandhism.

C011~1Ql'<fQ G¢;1QQ ~1~~Q ~1!BI QQ I

10. Explain the nature and types of Fundamental Rights

provided in our Constitution.
GJI~ «!?1.CJl~GQ ~'<r@ ()¢;1QQ GJCJ_QIQ'91_~QQ ~~~ (3 G'2]611
QQIQ ~<6'.IQ G\ii'\'61 I

Po_litical Science (Set- D) 16 -C

716 RI 716 EI 716 DE

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