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Practical immunology

3 class 2024-2025
Department of
Handling Of Lab. Animals
Characteristics features of
:laboratory animals
1. Small in size and easily to control.
2. Short life cycle and rapidly reproduction (short
gestation period and multifetuses)
3. Cheap in price with lower nearing cost.
It is mammalian species like large animal and.4
: Purposes of use lab. Animals

1. Evaluation and standardization of vaccines

and drugs.
2. Study the pathogenesis of some diseases.
3. Study some immunological tests such as
delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH ) –
4. Prepare hyperimmune serum for some
immunological studies.
Restraints Methods In Lab Animals:

• In Mice&ratsThe animal should be grasped

by the tail, and should then be placed on a
rough surface such as a cage top while
holding the tail firmly
• One-handed method :
• Place the mouse’s tail between the last two
fingers of the hand that is holding the nape.
• Two-handed method:
• The scruff can be grasped between the
thumb and forefinger whilst maintaining a
grip on the tail.

Guinea pigs&rabbits: grasp the loose skin of
shoulders and necks.The hind limbs must be
supportedat all times to prevent animals from
.injuring its back
RABBITS are very susceptible to lumbar
spinal luxation
:Route of injection in lab animals

1. Intradermal injection(ID) :
❖ Insert the needle just under the surface of the
❖ Adistinct bleb should form
❖ Site of injection:The flank
In mice Syringe 1ml, hypodermic needles 15 ×
0.5 mm.
In Guinea pig&rabbit Needle 2.0 × 0.5 mm are
suitable for them The hair at site is removed
with curved scissors or mechanical clippers.
injection (S/C)
With your fingers lift the skin to make atent like
at site of injection&insert needle into the
.Subcutaneous tissue

:Site of injection
.Loose skin around the neck&shoulder area

In mice 1-2 ml syringe , hypodermic needle ( 15

. × 0.5 mm)
In guinea pigs and rabbits,rats Syringe of
.suitable size, hypodermic needle (30 × 0.5 mm)
:Intramuscular injection (IM)-3

Restrian the animal(ginea pig&rabbit)

:Site of injection
Caudal thigh muscle
The recommended needle size is 25 gauges
:Intravenous inoculation (IV)-4
:Site of injection
External marginal ear vein(rabbit)
Tail vein(mouse)
Disifect injection site and insert
:Intra-peritoneal injection(IP)-5
Disinfect injection site
:Site of injection
cranial into the abdomen at 30-45 degree
.caudal to umbillicus and lateral to midline

Note:yellow aspirate indicates needle in

needle in intestine. Greenish-brown aspirate
:Blood withdrawal
heart puncture-1
Tail vein-2
Ear vessels-3
retro-orbital plexus-4
Note:dilation of vessels achieved by use of
aheat lamp,alcohol,massaging of ear,warm
water bath or xylene
Serum:fluid portion of blood obtained after
blood coagulation which contained protein

Plasma:fluid portion of blood obtained after

using anticoagulants such as EDTA,sodium
.citrate,heparin.which contained fibrinogen
Preparation of serum from blood :
❑ In most immunological procedures serum is employed in preference to

❑ Serum is obtained by allowing blood to clot. Collecting the expressed

serum and removing any loose blood cells by centrifugation.

❑ Clotting and retraction take place best at 37C.

❑ Immersion of the container in water bath is very much more efficient than
the use of an incubator.

❑ Contraction for 2 hours in a water bath or by overnight storage in cold is

sufficient for most of the serum to be expressed.

❑ Allow it to clot, and the needle should be removed immediately after

collection and the plunger drawn back slightly so that the surface of the
blood is within the syringe barrel.

❑ The syringe is then left upright in a test tube rack in an incubator until the
blood clots.

❑ When clot retraction is complete the serum is delivered to the final


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