Academic sphere: This would include punctuality and sincerity in attending P.G. academic
activity. It will include the record of case presentation, assignment, group discussion, journal club
presentation, basic sciences lectures, interdisciplinary integrated lectures, death review meeting,
clinico-pathological and clinico-radiological meeting etc.
studentare supposed to record the academic activity in the log book where you have activity
contributed (you have presented a case, review article from the journal, death review case etc.)
and also your presence in a particular session.
studentare supposed to get signature of the Post-graduate teacher about your regularity in
attending the postgraduate study program every month.
A. Clinical postings: To get holistic training you would be rotated in different specialty units as
per the protocol of the department and the institution. students are supposed to keep record of
these postings.
B. Community programs: As part of our commitment to the community, you are supposed to
actively participate in the community programs which are designed by the department and / or
institution, like attending multi-diagnostic camps, school health check up program
etc.Studnets have to keep record of your attendance in these programs in your log book.
D. Skill development: We expect student to develop skills in relation with your specialty. The
department has enlisted certain procedures to be learnt in each year of your training. Students
have to record this in your logbook. Apart from your specialty-related skills, we would wish
you to acquire certain basic skills like CPR, endotracheal intubation etc. student would be
posted in casualty and critical care unit for this purpose. Recording details of all these is of
utmost importance.
E. Recent Advances and CME:Student need to keep abreast with recent advances in the
medical field. faculty will encourage student to attend CME programs and conferences.
faculty also would wish studentto present scientific paper in your specialty or related-
specialty. Please record such events.
F. Personal achievements: Please record personal achievement in form of award or prizes
during your tenure in the department. Please furnish the proof of your achievement to the
departmental head who in turn would acknowledge it in this logbook.
G. Teaching and training:As a part of duty, resident doctors have to teach and train
undergraduate medical students as well as paramedical staff. Student’s contribution has to be
H. Formal evaluation:Department has developed a system for your continuous evaluation which
would be in a non-formal manner. Formal evaluation will also be done according to semester /
year. The record of which will be kept in the record book.
DVL - P.G Curriculum
Postgraduate Courses in Dermatology Venereology Leprosy
M.D. in Dermatology Venereology Leprosy
The postgraduate training course would be trained a MBBS doctor who will:
Practice efficiently and effectively, backed by scientific knowledge and skill base
Exercise empathy and a caring attitude and maintain high ethical standards
Continue to evince keen interest in continuing education in the specialty irrespective of
whether he is in a teaching institution or is the specialty
Be a motivated ‘teacher’ – defined as specialist keen to share his knowledge and skill
with a colleague or a junior or any learner
A. Cognitive domain
At the end of the course, the student should have acquired following theoretical
Describe structure, functions and development of human skin.
Describe ultrastructural aspects of epidermis, epidermal appendages,
dermoepidermaljunction, dermis, and sub-cutis.
Describe basic pathologic patterns and reactions of skin.
Demonstrate the knowledge of common laboratory stains and procedures used inthe
histopathologic diagnosis of skin diseases and special techniques such
asimmunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase and other related techniques.
Describe the basics of cutaneous bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitologyand host
Describe papulosqamous and vesiculobullous disorders.
Describe disorders of epidermal appendages and related disorders.
Describe inflammatory and neoplastic disorders of dermis.
Describe skin lesions in nutritional, metabolic and heritable disorders.
Describe pharmacokinetics and principles of topical and systemic therapy.
Describe drug reaction, its diagnosis and management.
Describe cutaneous manifestations of systemic disorders.
Describe anatomy of male and female genitalia, epidemiological transmission,clinical
aspects and management of STDs and HIV.
Describe clinical features, reactions, treatment and rehabilitation in leprosy.
Describe etiology, pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management ofcommon
problems in dermatology including emergencies in adults and children.
Describe indications and methods for fluid and electrolyte replacement therapyincluding
blood transfusion in dermatological conditions.
Describe common dermatological malignancies in the country and theirmanagement
including prevention.
Should be expert in evaluation of ECG, chest X-ray (CXR), biochemical,haematology and
immunology reports related to dermatology.
Acquire knowledge of common laboratory stains and procedures used in
thehistopathologic diagnosis of skin diseases and special techniques such asimmuno-
fluorescence, immuno-peroxidase and other related techniques.
Acquire knowledge of the basics of laser operation and precautions which needsto be
Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology andinterpretation of
data in medical literature/publications.
Skilled as a self-directed learner, recognize continuing educational needs; use appropriate
learning resources and critically analyze relevant published literature in order to practice
evidence-based dermatology;
Should also have a broad idea how to approach an uncommon dermatological disease.
B. Affective Domain
At the end of the course, the student should have acquired the following attitudinal
Demonstrate self-awareness and personal development in routine conduct.
Behavior and Emotional Stability: Dependable, disciplined, dedicated, stablein
emergency situations and shows positive approach.
Motivation and Initiative: Is innovative, enterprising,does not shirk duties orleave any
work pending and motivates team members.
Honesty and Integrity: Is truthful, admits mistakes, does not cook upinformation, has
ethical conduct and exhibits good moral values.
Interpersonal Skills and Leadership Quality: Has compassionate attitude towards
patients and attendants, gets on well with colleagues and paramedical staff, is respectful to
seniors, has good communication skills.
Should be able to maintain confidentiality with regards to history, physical examination
and management of patients.
Identify social, economic, environmental, biological and emotional determinants of
patients, and institute diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, preventive and promotive
measures to provide holistic care to patients at individual and community level against
skin, venereal disease and leprosy.
Recognize the emotional and behavioral characteristics of patients and keep these
fundamental attributes in focus while dealing with them.
Demonstrate empathy and humane approach towards patients and their families and respect
their sensibilities.
Demonstrate communication skills of a high order in explaining management and
prognosis, providing counseling and giving health education messages to patients, families
and communities.
Organize and supervise the desired managerial and leadership skills.
Should be able to function as a part of a team, develop an attitude of cooperation with
colleagues, and interact with the patient and the clinician or other colleagues to provide the
best possible diagnosis or opinion.
Always adopt ethical principles and maintain proper etiquette in dealings with patients,
relatives and other health personnel and to respect the rights of the patient including the
right to information and second opinion.
C. Psychomotor Domain
A student at the end of training of 3 years of MD programme, must acquire the following
practical skills:
Course contents
Topics related to allied basic sciences
The structure, functions and development of human skin.
Ultrastructural aspects of epidermis, epidermal appendages, dermo-epidermaljunction,
dermis, and sub-cutis.
Immunology, molecular biology and genetics in relation to the skin.
Epidermal cell kinetics and keratinization.
Lipids of epidermis and sebaceous glands.
Percutaneous absorption.
Skin as an organ of protection and thermoregulation.
Biology of eccrine and apocrine sweat glands.
Biology of melanocytes and melanin formation.
Biology of hair follicles, sebaceous glands and nails.
Epidermal proteins.
Dermal connective tissue: collagen, elastin, reticulin, basement membrane andground
Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and steroids by the skin.
Cutaneous vasculature and vascular reactions.
Mechanism of cutaneous wound healing.
Cellular and molecular biology of cutaneous inflammation and arachidonic
Immunologic aspects of epidermis.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system.
Cytokines and chemokines.
Lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and mast cells.
Complement system.
Hypersensitivity and allergy.
Cutaneous carcinogenesis (chemical, viral and radiation).
Basics of cutaneous bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology and hostresistance.
Common laboratory procedures, stains,culture media etc. related to the cutaneousdiagnosis.
Basic pathologic patterns and reactions of skin.
Common laboratory stains and procedures used in the histopathologic diagnosisof skin
diseases and special techniques such as immunofluorescence,immunoperoxidase and other
related techniques.
Clinical dermatology
Epidemiology of cutaneous disease.
Psychologic aspects of skin disease and psycho-cutaneous disorders.
Pathophysiology and clinical aspects of pruritus.
Papulosquamous diseases
Psoriasis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, pityriasis rosea.
Parapsoriasis, lichen planus, lichen niditus.
Palmo-plantar keratodermas, Darier’s disease, porokeratosis.
Ichthyoses and ichthyosiform dermatoses.
Kyrle’s disease and other perforating disorders.
Vesiculo - bullous disorders
Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Bullous pemphigoid, Pemphigus.
Chronic bullous disease of childhood.
Herpes gestationis (pemphigoid gestationis).
Hereditary epidermolysis bullosa.
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita.
Dermatitis herpetiformis.
Familial benign pemphigus.
Subcorneal pustular dermatoses.
Pustular eruptions of palms and soles.
Disorders of epidermal appendages and related disorders
Disorders of hair and nails.
Disorders of sebaceous glands.
Rosacea, Perioral dermatitis, acne.
Disorders of eccrine and apocrine sweat glands.
Follicular syndromes with inflammation and atrophy.
S. No Posting Period
1 Medicine 2 Week
2 Surgery 2 Week
3 Obstetrics & Gynecology 2 Week
Signature of HOD
Signature of HOD
Signature of HOD
Residency in Dermatology Venereology & Leprosy Department
Name of PG student:
Average/ not Good/
Particulars more than Remarks
satisfactory satisfactory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Journal based/
recent advances
Patient based /
Laboratory or skill
based learning
Academic Activities/
Departmental &
learning activity
learning and
Thesis/ Research
Log book
Signatureof H.O.D.