Abstract: Background and objectives: This study aimed to assess the impact and predicted outcomes
of patients with multiple trauma by identifying the prevalence of trauma sustained and associated
complications. Materials and Methods: This retrospective cohort study focused on individual
characteristics of patients with multiple trauma admitted to our County Emergency Hospital. The
final table centralized the characteristics of 352 subjects aged between 3 and 93 years who presented
with multiple trauma from 2015 to 2021. Inclusion criteria for this study were the presence of multiple
trauma, intervention times, mentioned subjects’ ages, and types of multiple trauma. Results: Patients
with multiple trauma face an increased risk of mortality due to the underlying pathophysiological
response. Factors that can influence the outcomes of multiple-trauma patients include the severity of
the initial injury, the number of injuries sustained, and the location of injuries. Conclusion: The first
60 min after trauma, known as the “golden hour,” is crucial in determining patient outcomes. Injuries
to the head, neck, and spine are particularly serious and can result in life-threatening complications.
this early window, as it has been emphasized, taught, and practiced globally for over four
decades. The primary steps in early trauma management include primary assessment,
simultaneous resuscitation, a reassessment of airway, breathing, and circulation, and
secondary assessment. Primary assessment provides essential baseline data for patient
survival when life or limb is at risk. Resuscitation should begin simultaneously with the
primary assessment whenever instability is detected. Secondary assessment should follow
the completion of primary assessment and resuscitation [9].
Individuals with multiple trauma require ongoing support and care to address the
long-term effects of their injuries on their mental health [10].
The management of multiple trauma requires well-defined protocols, such as ALS
(advanced life support), a universal protocol that includes both the assessment and man-
agement of trauma patients. ALS includes primary, secondary, and tertiary assessment [11].
The primary purpose of primary assessment is to identify and immediately treat
potentially life-threatening conditions. Imaging plays an active role in diagnosing multiple-
trauma patients. Computer tomography is preferred since it brings crucial information in
a short amount of time. Magnetic resonance imaging is less feasible in multiple-trauma
patients because it is a lengthy process and due to other extrinsic limiting factors [12].
The first and most important step in the ALS protocol is airway assessment and
management, including managing the cervical spine for protection. In patients with apnea,
a GCS (of less than or equal to 8), orotracheal intubation, and mechanical ventilation are
required [13].
The second step includes the assessment of breathing and ventilation, where respi-
ratory rate and efficiency are evaluated. Chest assessment is also necessary to identify
potentially life-threatening trauma. Critical conditions requiring immediate management,
which may be complicated by hypoxia, hypovolemia, a low heart rate, and even “exitus
letalis”, include tension pneumothorax, massive closed hemothorax, cardiac tamponade,
and open hemothorax rib flap [14].
One of the most common complications encountered in multiple trauma is massive
hemorrhage, with the most common reason for shock in these patients being hypovolemic
shock resulting from massive hemorrhage. Hemorrhagic shock is characterized by tachy-
cardia, hypotension, increased capillary refill time, increased respiratory rate, and altered
mental status [15].
In the case of multiple-trauma patients, it is necessary to remove clothing at the scene
of the accident to conduct a comprehensive assessment. Therefore, another important
step in managing these patients is to minimize environmental exposure and consequently
minimize heat loss [16].
The early identification of life-threatening injuries that require immediate management
and other injuries that may become life-threatening if not properly managed are primary
steps in minimizing the negative impact on patients with multiple trauma.
3. Results
In the first instance, the objective was to assess the sociodemographic distribution of
the group to compare their results with those in the existing literature. After evaluating
the age distribution, it was found that the mean age of the group was 29.94 years, with a
standard deviation of 14.266. The youngest member was 3 years old, while the oldest was
93. The skewness index was 1.016, indicating a positive skew in the group’s distribution.
Other sociodemographic factors examined included gender and the year of patient
registration. Frequency analysis revealed a higher prevalence of males (72.7%) than females
Regarding registration years, the prevalence of multiple trauma in the group by gender
and year of case registration is represented in Table 1.
Table 1. Prevalence of multiple trauma in the group by gender and year of case registration.
Further analysis identified the prevalence of different types of multiple trauma in the
study group. Road traffic accidents were the most common (68.09% of patients), followed
by falls from heights (15.50% of patients). Other injuries and their prevalence are listed in
Table 2.
To assess the impact and predicted outcomes of patients with multiple trauma, this
study identified the prevalence of trauma sustained and associated complications. The
most common traumas in this group were traumatic brain injury and traumatic facial injury.
The distribution of these traumas, categorized by severity in relation to the total number
of patients, was as follows: 13.4% had grade 0 minor acute TBI, 7.1% had grade 1 minor
Clin. Pract. 2024, 14 1565
acute TBI, 1. 4% had grade 2 minor acute TBI, 2% had moderate TBI, 20.2% had severe
acute TBI, 9.9% had TBI, 5.1% had craniofacial trauma (CFT), and 1.1% had TBI and CFT.
Additionally, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) was predominantly traumatic, with only
6.8% of patients having SAH (Table 3).
Table 3. Diagnoses and complications associated with multiple trauma in the studied group.
Number of Number of
Diagnose Percentage Complications Percentage
Patients Patients
TBI/CFT Hematoma
Minor acute TBI, grade 0 47 13.4% Epicranial 5 1.4%
Minor acute TBI, grade 1 25 7.1% Subdural 17 4.8%
Minor acute TBI, grade 2 5 1.4% Extradural 8 2.3%
Medium acute TBI 7 2.0% Paraspinal 1 0.3%
Severe acute TBI 71 20.2% Intraparenchymal 1 0.3%
TBI 35 9.9% No 320 90.9%
CFT 18 5.1% Coma
TBI and CFT 4 1.1% Yes 40 11.4%
No 140 39.8% No 312 88.6%
OTI/MV Epistaxis
Yes 26 7.4% Yes 4 1.1%
No 326 92.6% No 348 98.9%
Yes 24 6.8% Yes 15 4.3%
No 328 93.2% No 337 95.7%
SCR Pneumothorax
Nonresponsive to CPA 11 3.1% Yes 30 8.5%
Resuscitated 6 1.7% No 322 91.5%
Absent 335 95.2% Pneumomediastinum
Shock type Yes 2 0.6%
Traumatic 12 3.4% No 350 99.4%
Hemorrhagic 9 2.6% Hemopneumothorax
Traumatic and hemorrhagic 3 0.9% Yes 9 2.6%
Cardiogenic 1 0.3% No 343 97.4%
Hypovolemic 2 0.6% Hemoperitoneum
No 325 92.3% Yes 12 3.4%
Organ rupture No 340 96.6%
Spleen 12 3.4%
Liver 2 0.6%
Liver and spleen 1 0.3%
No 337 95.7%
Most subjects in this study group had no hematomas (90.9%). The types of hematomas
identified and their prevalence were as follows: 1.4% had epicranial hematomas, 4.8% had
subdural hematomas, 2.3% had extradural hematomas, 0.3% had paravertebral hematomas,
and 0.3% had intraparenchymal hematomas. Additionally, 1.1% of subjects had epistaxis,
and 4.3% had ethanolic intoxication (Table 3).
Out of the 352 subjects, 11.4% experienced coma, while 7.4% underwent orotracheal
intubation and mechanical ventilation. Furthermore, 17 patients had negative outcomes
related to cardiorespiratory arrest, with 3.1% being unresponsive to resuscitation maneuvers
and 7.7% being responsive (Table 3).
Chest trauma is often associated with rib fractures, both with and without displace-
ment. According to the literature, common complications include pneumothorax and
hemopneumothorax. In our group, the prevalence of these complications was 8.5% of
patients with pneumothorax and 2.6% of patients with hemopneumothorax (Table 3).
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4. Discussion
There are no standard threshold values for multiple trauma, but mortality ranges from
10% in patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 15 to 20% in those with an ISS of >25.
This results in 1 in 3 cases of severe multiple trauma resulting in severe disability, and the
morbidity arising from such injuries is considerable [17,18].
There is a high incidence of multiple trauma in developing countries, and it continues
to be one of the main causes of death among young people aged 10–40 years. In this
study, the mean age of the subjects was 29.94 years, similar to other values found in the
literature [19,20].
Trauma patients in rural areas are usually older, less severely injured, and more likely
to die at the scene than urban patients. The rate of fatal accidents is more than twice as
high in rural areas than in urban areas [21,22]. The most common mode of multiple trauma
identified in this group was road traffic accidents, with a prevalence of 68.09%.
The outcome of patients with multiple trauma often depends on the severity of head
injuries, affecting both short-term survival and long-term outcomes. Gennarelli demon-
strated a continuous, progressive, inverse-proportional relationship between mortality
following traumatic brain injury and GCS score. Specifically, they observed that the mor-
tality rate increases as the GCS score decreases [23]. These results are supported by other
studies in the literature [24]. The mean GCS score recorded in this group was 11.2, with
most subjects presenting a GCS higher than 8 points.
Massive hemorrhages are the main cause of death in multiple-trauma patients. Ac-
cording to studies in the literature, one-third of trauma patients with major bleeding and
almost half of all patients with massive bleeding will die [25]. Hemostasis requires a
balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis, which allows the control of bleeding and the
prevention of intravascular thrombosis. Major hemorrhage disrupts coagulum fibrinolysis,
leading to altered hemostatic response and worsening blood loss [26]. In this study, we
identified 2.6% of patients with hemorrhagic shock.
Normally, cellular and molecular interactions contribute to restoring tissue home-
ostasis and reducing acute inflammation [27]. Severe trauma is associated with systemic
inflammatory syndrome. The endothelium activated by exposure to inflammatory cy-
tokines becomes more porous, allowing mediators of tissue injury to access the intercellular
space. This leads to a vicious circle of inflammation and immune pheresis, resulting in
inflammation-associated sepsis and an increased risk of developing multi-organ dysfunc-
tion syndrome [23,28–30]. The first inflammatory response occurs immediately after injury,
precipitating organ dysfunction in the days and weeks that follow [31,32]. The patient
becomes vulnerable, and tissue hypoxia and hypovolemia set in, facilitating the onset
of infection. The nature of the medical and surgical interventions required defines the
second inflammatory moment. In this study, we identified a varied prevalence of different
types of shock. Traumatic shock was found in 3.4% of subjects, whereas 0.3% of patients
experienced cardiogenic shock, and 0.6% experienced hypovolemic shock. In addition,
0.9% of patients experienced both traumatic and hemorrhagic shock.
If early and adequate resuscitation following a major trauma fails, three key physiolog-
ical disorders are found: hypothermia, coagulopathy, and acidosis. These are recognized
in the literature as the “lethal triad” [1,31,33,34]. They exhibit a continuous effect on each
other, ultimately resulting in patient death if not individually treated.
Multiple trauma is generally used to describe trauma patients whose injuries involve
more than one region of the body, compromise the patient’s physiology, and may cause
the dysfunction of uninjured organs [35]. Patients with multiple trauma are at increased
risk of mortality due to the underlying pathophysiological response. According to the
literature, head and brain injury and chest trauma are major risk factors in trauma pa-
tients, and the concomitant occurrence of these factors leads to an exponential increase in
mortality [17,36,37]. Additionally, pulmonary contusions can cause decreased pulmonary
reserve, leading to hypoventilation and hypoxia, subsequently causing secondary brain
injury. Studies have also identified a significant correlation between early intubation and
Clin. Pract. 2024, 14 1568
brain damage in patients with multiple trauma [38]. In our study, we identified that 11.4%
of patients were in a coma, 7.4% of patients required OTI + MV, 3.1% of patients had an
unresponsive CRA to resuscitation maneuvers, and 7.7% of patients were responsive to
resuscitation maneuvers.
Injury to the abdomen can change nutritional balance and increase bacterial transloca-
tion from the gastrointestinal tract [39,40]. Increased levels of post-traumatic endotoxemia
have also been reported in the literature [41].
The severity of injury, relevant pathophysiological changes, and physiological changes
can be used for mortality prediction [35]. In addition, disorders produced in the post-
traumatic immune system pose one of the greatest threats to life [42,43].
Severe multiple trauma often comes with traumatic intracranial hemorrhagic lesions.
According to the literature, mortality rates increase about eightfold in cases involving
both intracranial and extracranial hemorrhagic trauma (such as massive hemothorax, intra-
abdominal organ injury, and pelvic fracture) compared to situations with just head trauma.
In our study, we found a prevalence of 6.8% for SAH, 8.5% for pneumothorax, and 2.6% for
hemopneumothorax. The severity of abdominal trauma was also evaluated based on the
types of visceral injuries found in the group. We observed a prevalence of 3.44% for spleen
rupture and 0.6% for liver rupture, with 0.3% of patients having both liver and spleen
rupture [36]. In addition, the relative risk of inducting a coma was 2.053 times higher in
patients with SAH, 0.867 times higher in patients with pneumothorax, and 2.229 times
higher in patients with hemopneumothorax.
Head trauma is still a big problem worldwide. The rapid and comprehensive assess-
ment of head injuries is crucial in managing each case because primary and secondary
lesions can be threatening [44].
The prognosis largely depends on the time of presentation to the doctor but also on
the patient’s comorbidities [45].
The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity, prevent complications, im-
prove symptoms and quality of life, decrease hospitalizations, and improve mortality. The
goal of pharmacologic therapy is to control symptoms and initiate and escalate drugs that
reduce mortality and morbidity in multiple-trauma patients [46].
5. Conclusions
Factors that may influence the outcome of multiple-trauma patients include the sever-
ity of the initial injury, the number of injuries sustained, and the location of the injuries.
Patients with more severe injuries are at a higher risk of experiencing worse outcomes.
Additionally, patients with multiple injuries are also more likely to have worse outcomes.
Injuries to the head, neck, and spine are particularly serious and can result in life-
threatening complications.
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