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The Bar Magnet


Previous Year Question Chapter - 6
π𝑑2 2π𝑑2
(c) (d) (μ2 −1)
√2√μ2 −1
. MCQ .
c. For which of the following media,
Here, question 12 (i) to (v) is a case study
with respect to air, the value of
base question of 5 marks.
critical angle is maximum?
1. A ray of light travels from a denser to a
(a) Crown glass (b) Flint glass
rarer medium. After refraction, it bends
(c) Water (d) Diamond
away from the normal. When we keep
d. The critical angle for a pair of two
increasing the angle of incidence, the angle
media A and B of refractive indices
of refraction also increases till the refracted
2.0 and 1.0 respectively is:
ray grazes along the interference of two
(a) 0o (b) 30o (b) 45o (b) 60o
media. The angle of incidence for which it
e. The critical angle of pair of a
happens is called critical angle. If the angle
medium and air is 30o. the speed of
of incidence is increased further the ray will
light in the medium is:
not emerge and it will be reflected back in
(a) 1 x 108 m s-1
the denser medium. This phenomenon is
(b) 1.5 x 108 m s-1
called total internal reflection of light.
(c) 2.2 x 108 m s-1
a. A ray of light travels from a
(d) 2.8 x 108 m s-1 (2021-22)
medium into water at an angle of
. VSA . (1 marks)
incidence of 18o. the refractive
2. When an object is placed between 𝑓 and 2𝑓
index of the medium is more than
of a concave mirror, would the image
that of water and the critical angle
formed be (i) real or virtual and (ii)
for the interface between the two
diminished or magnified? (2015)
media is 20o. which one of the
3. A ray of light falls on a transparent sphere
following figures best represents the
with centre C as shown in the figure. the
correct path of the ray of light?
ray emerges from the sphere parallel to the
line AB. Find the angle of refraction to A if
refractive index of the material of the
(a) (b) sphere is √3.

(c) (d)
b. A point source of light is placed at 4. A ray of light falls on a transparent sphere
the bottom of a tank filled with of n = √3 at an angle of incidenc 60o with
water, of refractive index μ, tw a the diameter AB of the sphere having
depth d. the area of the surface of center C. the ray emerges from the sphere
water through which light from the parallel to the line AB. Find the angle of
source can emerge, is: emergence.
π𝑑2 π𝑑2
(a) 2(μ2 −1) (b) (μ2 −1)
for water is 1.33, find the wavelength,
frequency and speed of the refracted light.
12. How does the refractive index of a
(2014) transparent medium depend on the
. SA I . (2 marks) wavelength of incident light used? Velocity
5. An object is kept 20 cm in from of a 108 m/s. if the ray of light passes from glass
concave mirror of radius of curvature 60 to air, calculate the value of critical angle.
cm. Find the nature and position of the (2015)
image formed. (2020) . L A . (5 marks)
6. An object is kept in front on a concave 13. Define the term ‘focal length of a mirror’.
mirror of focal length 15 cm. The image with the help of a ray diagram. Obtain the
formed is real and three times the size of relation between its focal length and radius
the object. Calculate the distance of the of curvature. (2020)
object from the mirror. (2019) 14. an object is placed in front of a concave
7. Use the mirror equation to show that an mirror. It is observed that a virtual image is
object placed between 𝑓 and 2𝑓 of a formed. Draw the ray diagram to show the
concave mirror produced a real image image formation and hence derive the
beyond 2𝑓. (2015) 1 1 1
mirror equation 𝑓 = 𝑢 + 𝑣. (2020)
. SA II . (3 marks)
8. A concave mirror produces a two times 15. a. Draw a ray diagram to show image
enlarged virtual image of an object kept 10 formation when the concave mirror
cm away from the mirror. produces a real, inverted and magnified
a. Find the focal length of the mirror. image of the object.
b. By how much distance, in order to get b. Obtain the mirror formula and write the
two times enlarged real image of the expression for the linear magnification.
object? (2020) (2018)
9. a. Calculate the distance of an object of 16. Under what conditions is the phenomenon
height h from a concave mirror of radius of total internal reflection of light
of curvature 20 cm, so as the obtain a observed? Obtain the relation between the
real image of magnification 2. Find the critical angle of incidence and the refractive
location also. index of the medium. (2019)
b. Using mirror formula, explain why does . MCQ .
a convex mirror always produce a virtual 17. A window is provided in the middle of a
image. (2016) wall. Its image is obtained on the opposite
10. a. A mobile phone lies along the principal wall at a distance ‘d’ from it using a lens. If
axis of a concave mirror. Show, with the the window and its image are of the same
help of a suitable diagram, the formation size, then the focal length of the lens used
of its image. Explain why magnification is.
𝑑 𝑑 𝑑 𝑑
is not uniform. (a) + 4 (b) + 2 (c) − 4 (d) − 2 (2020)
b. Suppose the lower half of the concave Here question 18(i) to (v) is a case study
mirror’s reflection surface is covered question of 5 marks.
with an opaque material. What effect this 18. Two transparent media of refractive indices
will have on the image of the object? n1 and n2 are separated by a spherical
Explain. (2014) transparent surface. The rays of light
11. monochromatic light of wavelength 589 nm incident on the surface get refracted into the
is incident from air on a water surface. If μ medium on the other side. The laws of
refraction are valid at each point of the b) Virtual and of the size of
spherical surface. A lens is a transparent the object.
potical medium bounded by two surfaces, c) Real and enlarged.
at least on of which should be spherical. d) Virtual and diminished.
The focal length of a lens is determined by d. A thin converging lens of focal
the radii of curvature (R1 and R2) of its two length 10 cm and a thin diverging
surfaces and the refractive index (n) of the lens of focal length 20 cm are
medium of the lens with respect to the placed coaxially in contact. The
surrounding medium. Depending on R1 and power of the combination is
R2 a lens behaves as diverging or a (a) -5D (b) +5D
converging lens. The ability of a lens to (b) +15D (b) -15D
diverge or converge bean of light incident e. An equi-concave lens of focal
on it define its power. length ‘f’ is cut into two identical
a. An object is placed at the point B as parts along the dotted line as shown
shown in the figure. the object in the figure. the focal length of
distance (u) and the image distance each part will be
(v) are related as.

𝑓 𝑓
(a) 4 (b) 2
(b) f (b) 2f
1 1 𝑛2 −𝑛1 1
(a) 𝑣 − 𝑢 = ( ) (2021-22)
𝑛1 𝑅
1 1 𝑛1 −𝑛2 1 19. A biconvex lens of glass refractive index
(b) 𝑣 − 𝑢 = ( )
𝑛2 𝑅 1.47 is immersed in a liquid. It becomes
𝑛2 𝑛1 𝑛2 −𝑛1
(c) − =( ) invisible and behaves as a plane glass plate.
𝑣 𝑢 𝑅
𝑛1 𝑛2 𝑛1 −𝑛2 The refractive index of the liquid is
(b) − =( ) (a) 1.47 (b) 1.62
𝑣 𝑢 𝑅
b. A point object is placed in air at a (b) 1.33 (b) 1.51
distance ‘R’ in front of a convex (2020)
spherical refracting surface of radius . VSA . (1 marks)
of curvature R. If the medium on the 20. A biconvex lens made up of glass of
other side of the surface is glass, refractive index 1.5, forms a real image of
then the image is an object in air. If the whole set-up were
a) Real and formed in glass. immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.7,
b) Real and formed in air then how will the nature of the image be
c) Virtual and formed in glass. affected? (2020)
d) Virtual and formed in air. 21. An object approaches a converging lens
c. An object is kept at 2F in front of an with a uniform speed of 5 m/s and stops at
equi-convex lens. The image the focus. How will the image move with
formed is respect to the lens? Specify its nature.
a) Real and of the size of the (2021)
22. A concave lens of refractive index 1.5 is produced by the lens is (i) negative and
immersed in a medium of refractive index (ii) positive.
1.65. what is the nature of the lens? (2015) (b) A point is placed at O in the front of a
23. A biconvex lens made of a transparent glass sphere as shown in figure.
material of refractive index 1.25 is
immersed in water of refractive index 1.33.
will the lens behave as a converging or a
diverging lens? Give reason. (2014)
. SA I . (2 marks) Show the formation of image by the sphere.
24. A convex lens is placed in contact with a (2021-22)
plane mirror. A point object at a distance of 31. A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is
20 cm on the axis of this combination has placed coaxially with a convex mirror of
its image coinciding with itself. What is the radius of curvature 20 cm. The two are kept
focal length of the lens? (2014) at 15 cm from each other. A point object
25. The focal length of a equi-concave lens is lies 60 cm in front of the convex lens. Draw
¾ times for radius of curvature of its a ray diagram to show the formation of the
surfaces. Find the refractive index of the image by the combination. Determine the
material of the lens. Under what condition nature and position of the image formed.
will this lens behave as a converging lens? (2014)
(2020) 32. A doubled convex lens is made of a glass of
26. A screen is placed 80 cm from an object. refractive index 1.55, with both faces of the
The image of the object on the screen is same radius of curvature. Find the radius of
formed by a convex lens placed between curvature required, if the focal length is 20
them at two different locations separated by cm. (2017)
a distance 20 cm. determine the focal length 33. A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is
of the lens. (2020) placed coaxially with a concave mirror of
27. A beam of light converges at a point P. now focal length 10 cm at a distance of 50 cm
a convex lens is placed in the path of the apart from each other. A beam of light
convergent beam at 15 cm from point P. at coming parallel to the principal axis is
what does a beam converge if the convex incident on the convex lens. Find the
lens has a focal length 10 cm? (2019) position of the final image formed by this
28. Using lens maker’s formula, derive the thin combination. Draw the ray diagram
1 1 1 showing the formation of the image. (2014)
lens formula 𝑓 = 𝑉 - 𝑢 for a biconvex lens.
. L A . (4/5 marks)
(2020) 34. An object is placed 30 cm in front of a
. SA II . (3 marks) plano-convex lens with its spherical surface
29. A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is of radius of curvature 20 cm. if the
placed coaxially with a convex mirror of refractive index of the material of the lens
radius of curvature 20 cm. the two are kept is 1.5, find the position and nature of the
15 cm apart. A point object is placed 40 cm image formed. (2020)
in front of the convex lens. Find the 35. A lens is a transparent optical medium
position of the image formed by this bounded by two surface at least one of
combination. Draw the ray diagram which should be spherical. Considering
showing the image formation. (2014) image formation by a single spherical
30. (a) An object is placed in front of a surface successively at the two surfaces of a
converging lens. Obtain the conditions lens, lens maker’s formula is obtained. It is
under which the magnification useful to design lenses of desired focal
length using surfaces of suitable radii of for refraction at a convex spherical
curvature. This formula helps us obtain a surface. Consider the object to be a
relation n, v and f for a lens. Lenses form point source lying on the principal axis
images of objects and they are used in a in rear medium of refractive index n1
number of optical devices, for example and a real image formed in the denser
microscopes and telescopes. medium of refractive index n2. Hence,
a. An object AB is is kept in front of a derive lens maker’s formula.
composite convex lens, as shown if (b) Light form a point source in air falls on
figure. will the lens produce one a convex spherical glass surface of
image? If not, explain. refractive index 1.5 and radius of
curvature 20 cm. the distance of light
source from the glass surface is 100
cm. at what position is the image
b. A real image of an object formed by formed? (2016)
a convex lens is observed on a 38. (a) A point object ‘O’ is kept in a medium
screen. If the screen is removed, of refractive index n1 in front of a
will the image still be formed? convex spherical surface of radius of
Explain. curvature R which separates the second
c. A double convex lens is made of medium of refractive index n2 from the
glass of refractive index 1.55 with first one as shown in the figure. draw
both faces of the same radius of the ray diagram showing the image
curvature. Find the radius of formation and deduce the relationship
curvature required if focal length is between the object distance and the
20 cm. image distance in terms of n1, n2 and R.
Two convex lenses A and B of focal
lengths 15 cm and 10 cm
respectively are placed coaxially ‘d’
distance apart. A point object is kept (b) (i) when the image formed above acts
at a distance of 30 cm in front of as a virtual object for a concave
lens A. find the value of ‘d’ so that spherical surface separating the
the rays emerging from lens B are medium n2 from n1 (n2 > n1), draw this
parallel to its principal axis. (2023) ray diagram and write the similar
36. (a) Derive lens maker’s formula for a (similar to all relation).
biconvex lens. (ii) Hence, obtain the expression for the
(b) A point object is placed at a distance of lens maker’s formula. (2015)
12 cm on the principal axis of a 39. Draw a ray diagram showing the formation
convex lens of focal length 10 cm. a of the image by a point object on the
convex mirror is placed coaxially on principal axis of a spherical convex surface
the other side of the lens at a distance separating two media or refractive indices
of 10 cm. if the final image coincides n1 and n2. When a point source is kept in
with the object, sketch the ray diagram rarer medium of refractive index n1. Derive
and find the focal length of the convex the relation between object and image
mirror. (2020) distance in terms of refractive index of the
37. (a) Derive the mathematical relation medium and radius are curvature of the
between refractive indices n1 and n2 of surface.
two media and radius of curvature R
Hence obtain the expression for lens- the surrounding medium and the radii of
maker’s formula in the case of thin convex curvature of its two surfaces.
lens. (2014) (a) The power of a convex lens
40. (a) A point object is places in front of a a. Increases when the lens is
double convex lens (of refractive index dipped in water.
n = n2/n1 were respect to air) with its b. Increases when the wavelength
spherical faces of radii r curvature R1 of incident light decreases.
and R2. Show the path of rays due to c. Decreases when another convex
refraction at first and subsequently at lens is placed in contact with its.
the second surface to obtain the d. Increases when the lens is cut
formation of the real image of the into two identical plano-convex
object. lenses.
Hence obtain the lens-maker’s formula for (b) The focal length of a concave lens is 40
a thin lens. cm. the power of the lens is
(b) A double convex lens having both faces a. 0.025 D b. 2.5 D
of the same radius of curvature has c. -0.025 D d. -2.5 D
refractive index 1.55. find out the (c) The focal length of a concave lens (μ𝑔
radius of curvature of the lens required = 1.5) in air is 20 cm. what should be
to get the focal length of 20 cm. (2014) the refractive index of the surrounding
. MCQ . medium so that the lens behaves as a
41. A biconcave lens of power P vertically converging lens of focal length 60 cm?
splits into two identical plano concave a. 1.4 b. 1.8
parts. The power of each part will be c. 1.7 d. 1.2
(a) 2P (b) P/2 (c) P (d) P/√2 (2020) (d) Beams of red light, blue light, yellow
. VSA . (1 marks) light and violet light are incident on a
42. What is the power of an equiconvex lens of convex lens, one-by-one. Which one of
refractive index n2 dipped in a liquid of them converges nearest to the lens?
refractive index n1, where n1 < n2 ? a. Blue light b. Violet light
. SA II . (3 marks) c. Red light d. Yellow light
43. (i) Define SI unit of power of a lens. (e) A beam of light coming parallel to the
(ii) A plano convex lens is made of glass of principal axis of a convex lens L1 of
refractive index 1.5. the radius of focal length 15 cm is incident on it.
curvature of the convex surface is 25 Another convex lens L2 of focal length
cm. 25 cm is placed coaxially at a distance d
(a) Calculate the focal length of lens. from L1. For the final image to be
(b) If an object is placed 50 cm in front of formed at infinity, the value of d should
the lens, find the nature and position of be:
the image formed. (2021-22) a. 10 cm b. 15 cm
. L A . (4/5 marks) c. 25 cm d. 40 cm
44. A lens is portion of a transparent medium (2022)
bounded by two surfaces and one of these 45. The lens maker’s formula is useful do
surfaces is essentially spherical. It is used to design lenses of desired focal length using
converge or diverge the light incident on it. surfaces of suitable radii curvature. The
Power of lens is the measure of its ability to focal length also depends on the refractive
converge or diverge the light incident on it. index of the material of the lens and the
Power of a lens depends on the refractive surrounding medium. The refractive index
index of the material of lens with respect to depends on the wavelength of the light
used. The power of a lens is related to its index 1.5, is placed on a layer of liquid
focal length. placed n top of a plane mirror as shown in
(a) How will the power of a lens be the figure. An optical needle with its tip on
affected with an increase of the principal axis of the lens is moved along
wavelength of light? the axis until its real. Inverted image
(b) The radius of curvature of two coincides with the needle itself. The
surfaces of a convex lens is R each. distance of the needle from the lens is
For what value of m of its material measured to be x. On removing the liquid is
will its focal length become equal found to be y. Obtain the expression for the
to R? refractive index of the liquid in terms of x
(c) The focal length of a concave lens and y.
of μ = 1.5 is 20 cm in air. It is
completely immersed in water of μ
= . Calculate its focal length in
water. OR
An object is placed in front of a
lens which forms its erect image of
magnification 3. The power of the
lens is 5 D. calculate the distance of (2018)
the object and the image from the . L A . (5 marks)
lens. (2023) 49. Draw a ray diagram to show the image
. SA I . (2 marks) formation by a combination of two thin
46. An equi-convex lens of focal length ‘f’ is convex lenses in contact. Obtain the
cut into two identical plane convex lenses. expression for the power of this
How will the power of each part be related combination in terms of the focal lengths of
to the focal length of the original lens? the lenses. (2015)
A double convex lens of +5 D is made of 50. (a) Using the ray diagram for a system of
glass of refractive index 1.55 with both two lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 in
faces of equal radii of curvature. Find the contact with each other, show that the two
value of its radius of curvature. (2015) lens system can be regarded as equivalent
. SA II . (3 marks) to a single lens of focal length f, where
1 1 1
47. In the following diagram, an object ‘O’ is = +
f f1 f2
placed 15 cm in front of a convex lens L1 of
Also write the relation for the equivalent
focal length 20 cm and the final image is
power of the lens combination.
formed at I at a distance of 80 cm from the
(b) Determine the position of the image
second lens L2. Find the focal length of the
formed by the lens combination given in
lens L2.
the figure.

(2016) Three lenses of focal lengths +10 cm, -10
48. A symmetric biconvex lens of radius of cm and +30 cm are arranged coaxially as in
curvature R and made of glass of refractive
the figure given below. Find the position of BAC made of material of refractive index
the final image formed by the combination. 1.5. complete the path of ray through the
prism. From which face will the ray
emerge? Justify your answer.
. MCQ .
51. For a glass prism, the angle of minimum
deviation will be smallest for the light of
(a) red color (b) blue color
(c) yellow color (d) green color (2016)
. VSA . (1 marks) 57. Two monochromatic rays of light are
52. Assertion (A): The angle of minimum incident normally on the face AB of an
deviation for a prism is lesser for red light isosceles right-angled prism ABC. The
than that for blue light. refractive indices of the glass prism for the
Reason (R): The refractive index of the two rays ‘1’ and ‘2’ are respectively 1.33
material of a prism for blue light is greater and 1.45. trace the path of these ryas after
than that for red light. entering the prism.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct
explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the
correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false. (2014)
(d) A is false and R is also false. (2021) . SA II . (3 marks)
53. How does the angle of minimum deviation 58. (a) Write two necessary conditions for total
of a glass prism vary, if the incident violet internal reflection.
light is replaced by red light? Give reason. (b) Two prisms ABC and DBC are
(2017) arranged as shown if figure.
54. A ray of light on passing through an
equilateral glass prim, suffers a minimum
deviation equal to the angle of the prism.
The value of refractive index of the
material of the prism. Of _____. (2020)
. SA I . (2 marks)
55. Figure shows a ray of light passing through
prism. If the refracted ray QR is parallel to The critical angles for the two prisms with
the base BC, show that respect to air are 41.1o and 45o respectively.
Trace the path of the ray through the
combination. (2021-22)
59. A ray of light through a prism of refractive
index √2 as shown in the figure. Find:

(i) r1 = r2 = A/2,
(ii) angle of minimum deviation, 𝛿 m = 2i–A.
56. A ray PQ incident normally on the
refracting face BA is refracted in the prism
(i) The angle of incidence (Lr2) at face (b) Find the angle of incidence at face AB
AC. so that the emergent ray grazes along
(ii) The angle of minimum devotion for the face AC. (2017)
this prism. (2021-22) 64. Three rays (1,2,3) of different colors fall
60. A ray of light is incident on a prism at an normally on one of the sides of an isosceles
angle of 45o and passes symmetrically as right angled prism as shown. The refractive
shown in the figure, Calculate. index of prism for these rays is 1.39, 1.47
and 1.52 respectively. Find which of theses
rays get internally reflected and which rays.
Justify your answer with the help of
necessary calculations.

(a) The angle of minimum deviation, (2016)

(b) The refractive index of the martial of . L A . (5 marks)
the prism, and 65. (i) Explain the working principle of an
(c) The angle of refraction at the point P. optical fiber with the help of a diagram.
(2021-22) Mention one use of a light pipe.
61. (a) Plot a graph for angle of deviation as a (ii) A ray of light is incident at an angle of
function of angle of incidence for a 60o on one face of a prism with the
triangular prism. prism angle A = 60o. The ray passes
(b) Derive the relation for the refractive symmetrically through the prism. Find
index of the prism in terms of the angle the angle of minimum deviation (𝛿 m)
of minimum deviation and angle of and refractive is immersed in water,
prism. (2019) how will 𝛿 m be affected? Justify your
62. The figure shows a ray of light falling answer. (2023)
normally on the face AB of an equilateral 66. Calculate the angle of emergence (e) of the
glass prism having refractive index , ray of light incident normally on the face
4 AC of a glass prim ABC of refractive index
placed in water of refractive index 3. Will
√3. How will the angle of emergence
this ray suffer total internal reflection on
change qualitatively, if the ray of light
striking the face AC? Justify your answer.
emerges form the prism into a liquid of
refractive index 1.3 instead of air?

63. (a) A ray of light incident of face AB of an
equilateral glass prism, shows
minimum deviation of 30 . Calculate
the speed of light through the prism.

67. A ray of light passing from air through an prism (A) is equal to the angle of
equilateral glass prism undergoes minimum minimum deviation (𝛿𝑚 ). Hence obtain
deviation when the angle of incidence is the value of the refractive index for
angle of prism A = 60o. (2015)
of the angle of prism. Calculate the speed
. VSA . (1 marks)
of light in the prism. (2017)
70. In simple microscope, a convex lens of
68. (a) Plot a graph to show variation of the
focal length 5 cm is used. Calculate the
angle of deviation as a function of
magnifying power when the object is
angle of incidence for light passing
placed at the focus of the lens. (2021)
through a prim. Derive an expression
71. A compound microscope is used because a
for refractive index of the prism in
realistic simple microscope does not have
terms of angle of minimum deviation
____ magnification. (2020)
and angle of prism.
. SA I . (2 marks)
(b) A ray of light incident normally an one
72. Define the magnifying power of a
face of a right isosceles prism is totally
compound microscope when the final
reflected as shown in figure. what must
image is formed at infinity. Why most both
be the minimum value of refractive
the objective and the eyepiece of a
index of glass? Give relevant
compound microscope has short focal
length? Explain. (2017)
73. You are given two converging lenses of
focal lengths 1.25 cm and 5 cm to design a
compound microscope. If it is desired to
have a magnification of 30, find out the
separation between the objective and the
eyepiece. (2015)
(2016) . SA II . (3 marks)
69. (a) A ray PQ of light is incident on the face 74. With the help of a ray diagram, show how a
AB of a glass prism ABC (as shown in compound microscope forms a magnified
the figure) and emerges out of the faces image of a tiny object, at least distance of
AC. Trace the path of the ray. Show distinct vision. Hence derive an expression
that 𝐿i + 𝐿e = 𝐿A + 𝐿𝛿 where 𝛿 and e for the magnification produced by it.
denote the angle of deviation and angle (2021-22)
of emergence respectively. Plot a graph OR
showing the variation of the angle of With the help of ray diagram, explain the
deviation as a function of angle of formation of image in a compound
incidence. State the condition under microscope when the final image is formed
which 𝐿𝛿 is minimum. at the near point. Obtain the expression for
the magnifying power in this case. (2020)
75. (b) (i) Draw a labelled ray diagram showing
the formation of the image at least distance
of distinct vision by a compound
(ii) A small object is placed at a distance of
3.0 cm from a magnifier of focal length 4.0
(b) Find out the relation between the cm. Find.
refractive index (𝜇) of the glass prism (I) The position of the image formed and
𝐿A for the case when the angle of (II) The linear magnification produced.
(2021-22) objective of focal length 1.25 cm. if the
76. An optical instrument uses an objective lens eye-piece has a focal length of 5 cm
of power 100 D and an eyepiece power 40 and the final image is formed at the
D. The final image is formed at infinity near point. find the magnifying power
when the tube length of the instrument is of the microscope. (2023)
kept at 20 cm. 81. A compound microscope consists of two
(a) Identify the optical instrument. converging lenses. One of them, of smaller
(b) Calculate the angular magnification aperture and smaller focal length is called
produced by the instrument. (2020) objective and the other of slightly larger
77. (a) Draw a ray diagram for the formation of aperture and slightly larger focal length is
image by a compound microscope. called eye-piece. Both the lenses are fitted
(b) You are given the following three in a tube with an arrangement to vary the
lenses. Which two lenses will you use distance between them. A tiny object is
as an objective to construct compound placed in front of the objective at a distance
microscope? slightly greater than its focal length. The
Lenses Power (D) Aperture (cm) objective produces the image of the object
L1 3 8 which acts as an object for the eye-piece.
L2 6 1 The year piece, in turn produces the final
L3 10 1 magnified image.
(2017) a. In a compound microscope the
78. Draw a ray diagram showing the image images formed by the objective and
formation by a compound microscope. the eye-piece are respectively
Obtain expression for total magnification (a) virtual, real (b) real, virtual
when the image is formed at infinity. (c) virtual, virtual (c) real, real
(2015) b. The magnification due to a
79. (a) Draw a labelled ray diagram showing compound microscope does not
the formation of a final image by a depend upon
compound microscope at least distance (a) the aperture of the objective and
of distinct vision. the eye-piece
(b) The total magnification produced by a (b) the focal length of the objective
compound microscope is 20. The and the eye-piece
magnification produced by the eye (c) the length of the tube
piece is 5. The microscope is focused (d) the color of the light used
on a certain object. The distance c. Which of the following is not
between the objective and eyepiece is correct in the context of a
observed to be 14 cm. if least distance compound microscope?
of distinct vision is 20 cm, calculate the (a) both the lenses are of short focal
focal length of the objective and the lengths.
eye piece. (b) the magnifying power increases
. L A . (4/5 marks) by decreasing the focal lengths of
80. (i) Draw a ray diagram to show the working the two lenses.
of a compound microscope. Obtain the (c) the distance between the two
expression for the expression for the lenses is more than (𝑓0 + 𝑓𝑒 ).
total magnification for the final image
(d) the microscope can be used as a
to be formed at the near point.
telescope by interchanging the two
(ii) In a compound microscope an object is
placed at a distance of 1.5 cm from the
d. A compound microscope consists of lens of focal length 15 m and an eyepiece
an objective of 10X and an eye- of focal length 1.0 cm. If this telescope is
piece of 20 X. the magnification due used to view the Moon, find the diameter of
to the microscope would be the image of the Moon formed by the
(a) 2 (b) 10 (c) 30 (d) 200 objective lens. The diameter of the Moon is
e. The focal length of objective and 3.48 x 106 m, and the radius of lunar of
eye-piece of a compound orbit is 3.8 x 108 m. (2019)
microscope are 1.2 cm and 3.0 cm 86. (a) (i) Draw a labelled ray diagram showing
respectively. The object is placed at the formation of the image at infinity by an
a distance of 1.25 cm from the astronomical telescope.
objective. If the final image is (ii) A telescope consists of an objective of
formed at infinity, the magnifying focal length 150 cm and an eyepiece of
power of the microscope would be focal length 6.0 cm. If the final image is
(a) 100 (b) 150 formed at infinity, then calculate.
(c) 200 (d) 250 (I) The length of the tube in this
(2022) adjustment, and
. SA I . (2 marks) (II) the magnification produced. (2021-22)
82. A small telescope has an objective lens of 87. With the help of a ray diagram explain the
focal length 150 cm and eyepiece of focal working of a reflecting telescope. Mention
length 5 cm. what is the magnifying power two advantages of a reef refracting
of the telescope for viewing distant objects telescope over a refracting telescope.
in normal adjustment? (2021-22)
If this telescope is used to view a 100 m tall 88. What is the difference in the construction of
tower 3 km away, what is the height of the an astronomical telescope and a compound
image of the tower formed by the objective microscope? The focal lengths of the
lens? (2015) objective and eyepiece of a compound
83. (a) Draw a ray diagram showing the microscope are 1.25 cm and 5.0 cm,
formation of image by a reflecting respectively. Find the position of the object
telescope. relative to the objective in order to obtain
(b) Write two advantages of a reflecting an angular magnification of 30 when the
telescope over a refracting telescope. final image is formed at the near point.
(2017) (2020)
OR 89. Which two of the following lenses, L1, L2
Draw a schematic arrangement of a and L3 will you select as objective and
reflecting telescope (Cassegrain) showing eyepiece for constructing best possible (i)
how rays coming from a distant object are and telescope (ii) microscope? Give reason
received at the eye-piece. Write its two to support your answer.
important advantages over a refracting Lenses Power (D) Aperture (cm)
telescope. (2016) L1 6D 1 cm
84. Why should the objective of a telescope L2 3D 8 cm
have large focal length and large aperture? L3 10 D 1 cm
Justify your answer. (2017) (2015)
. SA II . (3 marks) 90. Draw a ray diagram to show the image
85. Draw a labelled ray diagram of an formation of distant object by a refracting
astronomical telescope in the near point telescope. Write the expression for its
adjustment position. A giant refracting angular magnification in terms of the focal
telescope at an observatory has an objective lengths of the lenses used. State the
important considerations required to astronomical telescope, in normal
achieve large resolution and their adjustment. Obtain the expression for
consequent limitation. (2019) its magnifying power.
91. (a) draw a ray diagram depicting the (ii) The magnifying power of an
formation of the image by an astronomical astronomical telescope in normal
telescope in normal adjustment. adjustment is 2.9 and the objective and
(b) You are given the following three the eyepiece are separated by a distance
lenses. Which two lenses will you use as an of 150 cm. find the focal lengths of the
eyepiece and as an objective to construct an two lens. (2023)
astronomical telescope? Give reason. 95. An astronomical telescope has an objective
Lenses Power (D) Aperture (cm) lens of focal length 20 m and eyepiece of
L1 3 8 focal length 1 cm.
L2 6 1 a. Find the angular magnification of the
L3 10 1 telescope.
(2017) b. If the telescope is used to view
. L A . (5 marks) Moon, find the diameter of the
92. (a) Draw a labelled ray diagram of an image formed by the objective lens.
astronomical telescope to show the Given he diameter of the Moon is
image formation of a distant object. 3.5 x 106 m and radius of lunar orbit
Write the main considerations required is 3.8 x 108 m. (2020)
in selecting the objective and eyepiece 96. Draw a labelled ray diagram to obtain the
lenses in order to have large real image formed by an astronomical
magnifying power and high resolution telescope in normal adjustment position.
of the telescope. Define its magnifying power.
(b) A compound microscope has an You are given three lenses of power 0.5 D,
objective focal length 1.25 cm and 4 D and 10 D to design a telescope.
eyepiece of focal length 5 cm. A small (i) Which lenses should be use as objective
object is kept at 2.5 cm from the and eyepiece? Justify your answer.
objective. If the final image formed is (ii) Why is the aperture of the objective
at infinity. Find the distance between preferred to be large? (2016)
the objective and the eyepiece. (2014) 97. (a) Draw a labelled schematic ray diagram
93. (i) Draw a ray diagram to show how the of astronomical telescope in normal
final image is formed at infinity in an adjustment.
astronomical refracting telescope. (b) Which two aberrations objectives of
Obtain an expression for its magnifying refracting telescope suffer from? How
power. are these overcome in reflecting
(ii) Two thin lenses L1 and L2, L1 being a telescope? (2016)
convex lens of focal length 24 cm and 98. Draw a ray diagram showing the image
L2 a concave lens of focal length 18 formation of a distant object by a refracting
cm are placed coaxially at a telescope. Define its magnifying power and
separation of 45 cm. A 1 cm tall write the two important factors considered
object is placed in front of the lens L1 to increases the magnifying power.
and a distance of 36 cm. find the Describe briefly the two main limitations
location and height on the image and explain how far these can be minimized
formed by the combination. (2023) in a reflecting telescope. (2015)
94. (i) Draw a ray diagram for the formation
of image of an object by an
99. Explain two advantages of a reflecting
telescope over a refracting telescope.

Additional Question

. MCQ .
What does it signify? (2021-22)
1. Given below two statements labelled as
. MCQ .
Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
5. Given below two statements labelled as
Assertion (A): A convex mirror cannot
Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
form real images.
Assertion (A): A convex lens of focal
Reason (R): Convex mirror converges the
length 30 cm can’t be used as a simple
parallel rays that are incident on it.
microscope in normal setting.
Select the most appropriate answer from the
Reason (R): For normal setting, the
options given below:
angular magnification of simple microscope
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the
is M = D/F
correct explanation of A.
Select the most appropriate answer from the
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
options given below:
correct explanation of A.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the
(c) A is true but R is false.
correct explanation of A.
(d) A is false but R is true (2020-21)
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
. SA I . (2 marks)
correct explanation of A.
2. A biconvex lens made of a transparent
(c) A is true but R is false.
material of refractive index 1.25 is
(d) A is false but R is true (2020-21)
immersed in water of refractive index 1.33.
. SA II . (3 marks)
will the lens behave as a converging or a
6. (a) Draw a ray diagram of compound
diverging lens? Justify your answer.
microscope for the final image
formed at least distance of distinct
3. Write two characteristics of image formed
when an object is placed between the
(b) An angular magnification of 30X is
optical centre and focus of a thin convex
desired using an objective of focal
lens. Draw the graph showing variation of
length 1.25 cm an an eye piece of
image distance V with object distance u in
focal length 5 cm. how will you set
this case. (2022-23)
up the compound microscope for
. SA II . (3 marks)
the final image formed at least
4. The focal length of a convex lens made of
distance of distinct vision?
glass of refractive index (1.5) is 20 cm.
what will be its new focal length when
7. (a) Draw a ray diagram of astronomical
placed in a medium of refractive index
telescope for the final image formed
1.25? Is focal length positive or negative?
at infinity.
(b) A small telescope has an objective
lens of focal length 140 cm and an
eyepiece of focal length 5.0 cm. find
the magnifying power of the
telescope for viewing distant objects
(i) The telescope is in normal adjustment.
(ii) The final image is formed at the least
distance of distinct vision. (2022-23)
. L A . (4 marks)
8. A number of optical devices and
instruments have been designed and
developed such as periscope, binocular,
microscopes and telescopes utilizing the
reflecting and refracting properties of
mirrors, lenses and prisms. Most of them
are in common use. Our knowledge about
the formation of images by the mirrors and
lenses is the basic requirements for
understanding the working of theses
(a) Why the image formed at infinity is
often considered most suitable for
viewing? Explain.
(b) In modern microscopes
multicomponent lenses are used for
both the objective and the eyepiece.
(c) Write two points of difference between
a compound microscope and and
astronomical telescope.
Write two distinct advantages of a
reflecting type telescope over a
refracting type telescope. (2022-23)

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