EST mp report
EST mp report
EST mp report
Sr. Name of
Specifications Qty Remarks
No. resources/Material
Processor: i3 1
1. Computer RAM: 4.00GB
01 19
1.1 Rationale:
The world today is facing the biggest challenge of survival. Degradation of ecosystem, depletion
of natural resources, increasing levels of pollution pose major threat to the survival of mankind.
The need of the hour, therefore, is to concentrate on the area of environmental aspects, which
shall provide an insight into various environment related issues. Environmental studies are an
interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, chemical and biological sciences, with
the study of the environment. It provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary
approach to the study.
Name of resources/Material Specifications Qty Remarks
Processor: i3
1. Computer 1
RAM: 4.00 GB
Literature Survey/
Information Collection
3. Project Proposal
6. Quality of Prototype/Model
7. Report Preparation
8. Presentation
9. Viva
2 Literature Survey
Information Collection
3 Completion of the
Target as per project
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of
6 Report Preparation
7 Presentation .
8 Viva