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Academic year: 2024-25

Title of Micro Project:

Eco-Friendly Holi

Program/Code: Computer Engineering (CO) Semester: Fifth

Course/Code: Environmental Studies(22447)

Name: Roll No: 19

Enrolment No.: 220093

Name of Faculty: Prof. Anurag Rathod



This is to certify that Mr. / Ms.

Roll No 19 of Fifth Semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering (CO) of Institute, B. V.
POLYTECHNIC (Code: 0093) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject –
Environmental Studies(22447) for the academic year 2024 - 2025 as prescribed in the

Place: Vasai Enrollment No: 220093

Date: ……………………… Exam. Seat No: …………………………………….

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Annexure - I
Part A: Micro Project Proposal

Part A: Micro Project Proposal

1.1 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project:
1. To celebrate Holi in a way that’s fun and environmentally friendly.

2.1 Course Outcomes integrated:

1. Develop Public awareness about environment.
2. Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.

3.1 Proposed Methodology:

1. Literature survey.
2. Collect information through different sources
3. Analysis of data.
4. Compilation of collected data.

4.1 Action Plan

Sr. Planned Planned Name of

Details of the activity
No. Start date Finish date Members
1 Formation of Group & Topic Selection All members
2 Submission of Proposed Plan All members
3 Preparation of Report All members
4 Final valuation of a working Report All members
5 Presentation of Report All members
6 Submission of Final Report All members

5.1 Resource Required:

Sr. Name of
Specifications Qty Remarks
No. resources/Material
Processor: i3 1
1. Computer RAM: 4.00GB

2. Microsoft Word Word -2016 -

3. Printer Hp Laser Jet 1

Learning Manual of Software -

4. Refer Book
Testing by MSBTE.
6.1 Name of Team Members with Roll No:

Sr Roll Name of Student Product and Process Individual Total

No. No. assessment (06) Presentation (04) (10)

01 19

Name & Signature of Faculty: Prof. Anurag Rathod

Annexure- II

1.1 Rationale:
The world today is facing the biggest challenge of survival. Degradation of ecosystem, depletion
of natural resources, increasing levels of pollution pose major threat to the survival of mankind.
The need of the hour, therefore, is to concentrate on the area of environmental aspects, which
shall provide an insight into various environment related issues. Environmental studies are an
interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, chemical and biological sciences, with
the study of the environment. It provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary
approach to the study.

2.1 Aim/Benefits of the Micro Project:

1. To celebrate Holi in a way that’s fun and environmentally friendly.

3.1 Course Outcomes Integrated:

1. Develop Public awareness about environment.
2. Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.

4.1 Actual Procedure Followed.

1 Discussion about topic with guide and among group members
2 Literature survey
3 Information collection
4 Compilation of content
5 Editing and revising content
6 Report Preparation

5.1: Actual Resources Required:

Name of resources/Material Specifications Qty Remarks
Processor: i3
1. Computer 1
RAM: 4.00 GB

2. Microsoft Word Word -2016 -

3. Printer Hp Laser Jet 1

6.1 Skill Developed/Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project

The following skills were developed:
1. Teamwork: Learned to work in a team and boost individual confidence.
2. Problem-Solving: Developed good problem-solving habits.
3. Technical Writing: Preparing the report of proposed plan and the final report.
Annexure - III

Rubrics for Assessment of Micro-Project.

Title: Eco-Friendly Holi Academic year: 2024-25

Institute Code: 0093 Course & Code: Environmental Studies(22447)

Program: CO-5-I Roll No: 19

Name of Candidate: Name of Faculty: Prof. Anurag Rathod

Sr. Poor Average Good Excellent

Characteristic to be Assessed
No. (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)

1. Relevance to the Course

Literature Survey/
Information Collection

3. Project Proposal

Completion of the Target as

per Project Proposal

5. Analysis of Data and


6. Quality of Prototype/Model

7. Report Preparation

8. Presentation

9. Viva

Name & Signature of Faculty: Prof. Anurag Rathod

Annexure- IV Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Title: Eco-Friendly Holi Academic year: 2024-25

Institute Code: 0093 Course & Code: Environmental Studies(22447)
Program: CO-5-I Roll No: 19
Name of Candidate: Name of Faculty: Prof. Anurag Rathod
Semester: Fifth

Course Outcomes Integrated:

1. Apply Develop Public awareness about environment.
2. Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project:

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No. assessed Marks Marks Mark Marks Total
1-3 4-5 6-8 9-10

(A) Process and product assessment Out Of 6

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey
Information Collection
3 Completion of the
Target as per project
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of
6 Report Preparation

(B) Individual Presentation/Viva Out of 4

7 Presentation .

8 Viva

Name and designation of the Faculty Member: Prof. Anurag Rathod

Weekly Activity Sheet

Topic: Eco-Friendly Holi Academic year: 2024-25

Institute Code: 0093 Course & Code: Environmental Studies(22447)
Program: CO-5-I Roll No: 19
Name of Candidate: Name of Faculty: Prof. Anurag Rathod
Semester: Fifth



1. 1st Week Discussion and Finalization of Topic

2. 2nd Week Literature Review

3. 3rd Week Submission of Proposed Plan

4 4th Week Information Collection

5. 5th Week Analysis of Data

6. 6th Week Compilation of content

7. 7th Week Editing and Revising the Content

8. 8th Week Report Preparation

9. 9th Week Report Preparation

10. 10th- 12th Presentation


Signature of Student Dated Signature of Faculty

Celebrating Eco-friendly Holi: A Path Towards Sustainability
A report on promoting ecofriendly practices during the Holi festival.
This report explores the concept of celebrating Holi in an ecofriendly manner, ai
ming to reduce environmental harm while preserving the festival's cultural signi
ficance. It highlights the methods to incorporate sustainable practices, such as u
sing organic colors and minimizing water usage. The findings reveal a positive s
hift in communities embracing green alternatives, and recommendations are ma
de for wider adoption of these methods to promote environmental consciousness
during Holi.
Holi, the festival of colors, is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm across India.
However, the traditional practices of using synthetic colors, excessive water, an
d burning materials during Holika Dahan have significant environmental impact
s. This report discusses the importance of shifting towards ecofriendly methods
of celebrating Holi, with a focus on reducing pollution, conserving resources, an
d spreading awareness about sustainability. The objectives of this report are to e
xamine the environmental concerns related to traditional Holi celebrations and s
uggest alternatives that can make the festival more sustainable.
To assess the impact and feasibility of ecofriendly Holi celebrations, we conduct
ed a survey of 100 participants across different regions who celebrated Holi usin
g both traditional and sustainable practices. Additionally, we reviewed literature
on the environmental impact of synthetic colors and water consumption during
Holi, and analyzed community initiatives that promote ecofriendly celebrations.
The survey results showed a growing awareness of the environmental impact of
traditional Holi practices. 65% of participants expressed a preference for organi
c colors, while 50% reported efforts to reduce water usage. Communities that pr
omoted ecofriendly initiatives saw a reduction in waste and pollution. The revie
w of literature highlighted the harmful effects of chemicalbased colors on both h
uman health and ecosystems.
The findings suggest a positive trend towards the adoption of ecofriendly practi
ces during Holi. Organic colors, made from natural ingredients like flowers and
turmeric, are safe for the skin and do not pollute water bodies. Water conservati
on efforts, such as promoting dry Holi or controlled water games, were wellrece
ived by the younger generation. However, challenges remain in making these alt
ernatives accessible and affordable to a wider population. The key to increasing
adoption lies in communitydriven initiatives and government support.
Ecofriendly Holi is not only achievable but also essential for sustainable living.
The report concludes that greater awareness and accessibility to organic colors,
combined with efforts to reduce water wastage, can significantly reduce the envi
ronmental impact of the festival. Recommendations include increasing commun
ity awareness campaigns, promoting local production of organic colors, and enc
ouraging minimalistic celebrations that focus on joy rather than excess.
Smith, A.( 2020). "The Environmental Impact of Festivals in India".
Gupta, P.( 2021). "Sustainable Celebrations: A Guide to Green Festivities".
Survey conducted by Eco Holi Initiative, March 2024.

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