Cellular Reproduction Project Rubric_2019

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Name: _________________________________ Period: ________

Cellular Reproduction Project_2019 Rubric

Honor Contract is Present and Signed: _____/5

All Sections have Titles: _____/20

Project is in Order: _____/10

Project is Bound in Some Way (folder, book, binder, etc.): _____/5

All diagrams must be in color. Deduct one point for each diagram that is not in color.

All diagrams must be labeled or/titled or/captioned (this will depend on the diagram).
Deduct one point for each diagram that is not labeled or/titled or/captioned.

Cover Page
Name: _____/1 Due Date: _____/1 Period: _____/1 Diagram: _____/1

Cell Cycle Chromosomes Phases of Mitosis Regulation

Chart or Table or List of 3 Table of terms with Diagram of each Regulators: compare and
Stages (interphase in definitions (chromatin, phase: _____/6 contrast/discuss:
detail, mitosis overview, chromosomes, I p53 gene,
cytokinesis overview): sister chromatids, P oncogene,
_____/5 centromeres, M cyclins,
Diagram (pie chart of cell kinetochores, A kinases,
cycle): ____/2 histones and T/C contact inhibition, and
telomeres): _____/7 Detailed description of growth factors: _____/12
Diagram(s) of each stage (I –
chromosome structures overview; PMATC -
showing detailed): _____/6
relationship/transition Explained Plant vs
between terms: _____/5 Animal Cytokinesis:

Checkpoints Cancer Reproduction Eukaryotes/Mitosis

What are they? _____/1 Cancer discussion Define asexual Chart/table/list of:
When do they happen? (cancer, reproduction and budding,
_____/1 benign, sexual reproduction: fragmentation,
Why do they happen? malignant, _____/2 vegetative reproduction:
_____/1 tumor, 2-3 examples of _____/3
What happens if a cell metastasize, organisms that do Examples of each: _____/3
can’t “pass” the biopsy): _____/6 each: _____/4 Diagrams of each: _____/3
checkpoint? _____/1 Key terms are Pros and cons: _____/4
Visual Aid: _____/5 highlighted: _____/1 Types of cells
Table of types with involved: _____/2
origin and affected
areas (carcinoma,
sarcoma, lymphoma,
leukemia, and myeloma:
Name: _________________________________ Period: ________

Prokaryotes/Binary Multicellular Differentiation Stem Cells

Fission Interactions Discuss cell 3 special qualities of
Detailed description of Create a flow chart of differentiation in a stem cells: _____/3
each stage: _____/5 interactions between paragraph (how it Discuss:
Diagram of each phase: levels of organization works and what it totipotent,
_____/5 from subatomic creates): _____/6 pluripotent
particles to an Diagram: _____/5 multipotent (type, what
organism: _____/5 it can give rise to, and
(should be 10 of these – examples for each):
subatomic particles (p+, _____/9
n, e-), atom, molecule, Venn/table/chart
macromolecule, comparing and
organelle, cell, tissue, contrasting adult stem
organ, organ system, cells and embryonic stem
organism) cells: _____/4
Label each level_____/3

Stem Cell Potential Research Aging and Death Bibliography

Visual aid that illustrates Potential used for Discussion of Bibliography (minimum
what stem cells can embryonic stem cells: telomeres being cell of 2 citations per section
become: _____/5 _____/1 “time keepers”: _____/5 (except for the cover
Discuss in 3-4 What do scientists hope Visual aid: _____/5 page)
sentences/bullets: _____/4 to do with them? _____/1 (organized by section,
Do you think stem cell but does not have to be
research should be legal in APA format…url is
and government funded fine):
Why or why not? _____/1


_____________________/240 points

Final Grade: _____________________

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