Microplastics WHO Report (1)
Microplastics WHO Report (1)
Microplastics WHO Report (1)
exposure to
nano- and
and potential
implications for
human health
Dietary and inhalation
exposure to
nano- and
and potential
implications for
human health
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for
human health
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Suggested citation. Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and
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Acknowledgements v
Abbreviations and acronyms vii
Executive summary viii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background and scope 1
1.2 Definitions 3
1.3 Composition and properties of particles 5
2. Human exposure 13
2.1 Occurrence in drinking-water 13
2.2 Occurrence in air 20
2.3 Dermal exposure 26
2.4 Occurrence in food 28
2.5 Summary and recommendations 43
3. Observations from epidemiology 45
3.1 Summary and recommendations 47
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics 49
4.1 Dosimetry: extrapolation from external to internal exposure 49
4.2 Biokinetics 57
4.3 Biokinetics: summary and recommendations 64
5. Toxicological effects 67
5.1 Literature review and experimental study evaluation 68
5.2 Nano- and microplastics as vectors of chemical exposure 84
5.3 Summary and recommendations 88
6. Nano- and microplastics as vectors of pathogens 91
6.1 Microplastic-associated biofilms in water 91
6.2 Microplastic-associated biofilms in food 93
7. Summary and research topics 95
7.1 Summary 95
7.2 Options for curbing exposure 98
7.3 Key messages and research topics 98
References 101
Annex Quality assurance and quality control scoring for studies reporting
microplastic particles in air samples 137
Fig. 1. Attributes of nano- and microplastics to be considered in
assessing both exposure and hazard 6
Fig. 2. Classifications of manufactured and commonly encountered
plastic materials 7
Fig. 3. Concentrations of microplastic particles in drinking-water
according to particle size in studies with a total assessment
score ≥ 11 and in which particles were verified as plastic 19
Fig.4. Dietary consumption from 16 food categories derived from
all 17 GEMS/Food clusters 40
Fig. 5. Extrapolation of concentrations and doses of inhaled
particles in the respiratory tract of rats to humans 50
Fig. 6. Main regions of particle deposition in the human respiratory
system and modelled deposition of a 1-g/cm3 spherical particle in
relation to the diameter of the particle 52
Fig. 7. Approach used to evaluate studies of effects in vivo and in
vitro for use in assessing human health risks due to exposure to
nano- and microplastic particles 68
Fig. 8. QA/QC evaluation scores for 76 studies in mammals in vivo 70
Fig. 9. QA/QC evaluation scores for 76 studies in mammals in vivo
exposed by ingestion or inhalation 70
Fig. 10. QA/QC evaluation scores for 37 studies of effects in vitro 73
Fig. 11. QA/QC evaluation scores for 37 studies of effects in vitro
designed to reflect exposure by ingestion and by inhalation 81
Fig. 12. Uptake and biokinetics that influence the effects on human
health of exposure to nano- and microplastic particles 97
Table 1. Average densities of commonly used polymers, the
applications of representative additives and the estimated typical
percentages added (weight/weight) of commonly used polymers 9
Table 2. Recent studies on the numbers and characteristics of
microplastic or microplastic-like particles in drinking-water 16
Table 3. Studies with a total assessment score > 10 of microplastic
particles in indoor and outdoor air at urban and rural sites 25
Table 4. Reported numbers of microplastic or microplastic-like
particles and particle characteristics in studies of their presence
in food and beverages for human consumption 31
Table 5. Estimated daily and annual per capita ingestion of
microplastic particles 38
Table 6. Criteria for evaluating the reliability and quality of in-vivo
and in-vitro studies on the effects and biokinetics of nano- and
microplastic particles 57
Table 7. Experimental study design criteria related specifically to
animal husbandry 76
Box 1. Definitions of nano-, micro-, meso- and macro-plastic
particles and related terms 4
Box 2. Recommendations for improving sampling and analytical
methods 14
The World Health Organization expresses its appreciation to
all those who contributed to the preparation and development
of this report, including the colleagues named below.
This report is the product of several expert meetings held
between 2019 and 2022, and represents a follow-up to the
WHO report on Microplastics in Drinking Water, published in
Lead authors
• Alan Boobis, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
• Flemming Cassee, National Institute for Public Health
and the Environment, Netherlands
• Todd Gouin, Independent Consultant, United Kingdom
• Bart Koelmans, Wageningen University, Netherlands
• Shirley Price, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
• Sandra Wagener, German Federal Institute for Risk
Assessment, Berlin, Germany
• Stephanie Wright, Imperial College London, United
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
bw body weight
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GEMS/Food Global Environmental Monitoring System – Food Contamination
Monitoring and Assessment Programme
LOD limit of detection
LOQ limit of quantification
MMAD mass median aerodynamic diameter
MOE margin of exposure
MP microplastic particles
NMP nano- and microplastic particles
NP nanoplastic particles
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PBPK physiologically based pharmacokinetics
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
PET poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PM particulate matter
PM10 particulate matter ≤ 10 µm
PM2.5 particulate matter ≤ 2.5 µm
PVC polyvinyl chloride
QA/QC quality assurance and quality control
QIVIVE quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation
TAS total assessment score
WHO World Health Organization
wt weight
ww wet body weight
The number of reports of the presence of microplastic
particles (MP) in the environment has increased significantly
during the past few years. MP have been detected in air,
water, soil, food and beverages, indicating that exposure
of humans to these particles is ubiquitous. In 2019, the
World Health Organization (WHO) commissioned a report to
evaluate the evidence for risks to human health associated
with exposure to nano- and microplastic particles (NMP) in
drinking-water. The report was based on literature reviews
of studies published up to December 2021 in which original
data on the occurrence of NMP in air, water, food and
beverages were reported and also experimental studies
on their toxicity. WHO experts evaluated the quality of
the studies of environmental monitoring and of toxicity,
particularly with regard to the reliability and relevance of the
data for characterizing risk. The possible role of NMP as
vectors of chemicals and pathogens was also assessed, and
clinical observations from occupational epidemiology are
summarized. A key observation is that MP are ubiquitous in
the environment and have been detected in environmental
media with direct relevance for human exposure, including air,
dust, water, food and beverages.
There is increasing awareness of the occurrence of NMP
in air and their implications for human health. Studies
of the inhalation of NMP should include consideration
of their biokinetics, as their intake depends on their size,
shape, density and surface chemistry, which influence their
deposition in the alveolar regions of the lungs. Observations
from occupational epidemiology suggest that acute and
chronic exposure to elevated concentrations of NMP, such
as polyvinyl chloride dust and nylon flock, can result in harm
to the respiratory tract. Better characterization is necessary
of the properties of NMP in air, such as the fractions that
contribute to (regulated levels of) particulate matter and their
absolute concentrations. The current lack of such data limits
characterization and quantification of the impact of human
inhalation of NMP.
Ingestion of MP has been reported in a variety of foods and
beverages, including fish and seafood products, salt, sugar,
honey, rice, milk and drinking-water. Limited characterization
of the hazard of NMP due to dietary exposure suggests the
possibility of adverse outcomes similar to those of other
well-studied insoluble particles, as they have similar modes of
Executive summary
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Although the limited data provide little evidence that NMP
have adverse effects in humans, there is increasing public
awareness and an overwhelming consensus among all
stakeholders that plastics do not belong in the environment,
and measures should be taken to mitigate exposure to
NMP. This should include better management of plastics
throughout their product life-cycle and reducing the use of
plastics, when possible, to move towards a more sustainable
plastics economy. In addition to measures to better manage
plastic, such as innovations in waste treatment and initiatives
to reduce the use of plastics, innovations in materials science
should be supported, particularly to ensure substantial
reductions in the release of NMP from plastic products used
in commerce.
The weight of the scientific evidence provided by current data
on adverse effects of NMP on human health is low, because
of substantial limitations of the available information.
Executive summary
Both the intentional use and unintentional generation of nano- to micro-sized
plastic particles and their release to the environment have implications for human
and ecosystem health and are emerging public concerns. Increasing numbers of
studies have demonstrated the presence of nano- and microplastic particles (NMP)
in drinking-water, air, food and beverages, indicating possible risks to human health
associated with exposure to the particles and to chemical toxicants and biological
agents vectored by NMP (1–9).
WHO previously reviewed scientific information on microplastic particles (MP) in
drinking-water, drinking-water sources and wastewater (1, 2) to evaluate the potential
risks for human health. This report extends the assessment by including evaluations of
exposure to NMP from other sources, including the air and diet. Recent reports on MP in
food and the environment, such as those of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
(10), the Science Advice for Policy by European Authorities (11), the Norwegian Scientific
Committee for Food and Environment (12), the Government of Canada’s Science
Assessment of Plastic Pollution (13), the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food,
Consumer Products and the Environment in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland (14) and the State of California (United States of America) (15), show
that the available data on exposure to MP and its effects are insufficient to conduct a full
quantitative risk assessment. This report summarizes current scientific understanding
of exposure to and the effects and potential risks of NMP in relation to human health
and provides guidance and recommendations for future research. The report:
• summarizes data on human exposure to NMP in food, beverages, drinking-water
and air and on the pathways specific to human health;
• examines the implications for human health on the basis of data on occurrence,
toxicology and exposure;
• when possible, identifies opportunities for mitigating exposure to NMP; and
• identifies gaps in the data and proposes topics for research.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
1. Introduction
1.2 Definitions
The definitions, composition and properties of NMP have been debated for several
years. Below, we briefly summarize the terms commonly used in research on the
implications of exposure to NMP for the environment and human health. A common
definition of “microplastics” is plastic particles that are < 5 mm in diameter (11, 29,
30). This definition is perceived as a pragmatic approach for differentiating crudely
between macro- and microparticles in the marine environment (30–33).
A definition that is appropriate for assessing the potential effects of exposure to NMP
on the environment and human health, for both scientific and regulatory purposes,
remains, however, an area of debate (11, 29, 34–39). Contentious components of
defining NMP include the polymer composition and dimensions for differentiating
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
nano-, micro-, meso- and macroplastic particles. Nevertheless, regulatory bodies have
recently provided or proposed a number of definitions for regulatory decision-making.
The list in Box 1 is not exhaustive and is presented to illustrate various perspectives
and challenges associated with defining NMP. For a more thorough discussion, see,
for instance, references 37 and 38.
1. Introduction
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
1.3.1 Properties
The heterogeneity of NMP, which have various polymer compositions, sizes and
shapes, significantly complicates assessment of human exposure. The difficulty is
increased by the inconsistency in reporting of the properties of NMP in the scientific
literature. Furthermore, reporting of accurate data on each of the properties of NMP is
limited by analytical capability, which may vary significantly among research groups
(2, 3, 28, 54–60). Depending on the sample matrix, the sampling method may be
limited by the pore sizes of filters, which determine the lower size limit of particles that
can be sampled. When extraction and isolation of particles for analytical verification
are required, digestion methods may physically alter the size of the particles,
influencing quantification of exposure.
The analytical methods for verifying polymer composition are evolving constantly,
with the introduction of methods such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,
Raman spectroscopy and pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy. The
sensitivity of analysis with respect to both size and shape has improved, although
characterization of the polymer composition of fibres is still difficult (37, 39).
Laboratory studies on the effects of exposure to NMP on human health are often
limited to a single type of polymer and shape in a relatively narrow size range and may
not represent human exposure.
1.3.2 Composition
All polymeric materials can be divided into subclasses
according to the method of synthesis or some characteristic
of the material. For instance, manufactured synthetic
polymers can be classified into four main groups according
to their structure, origin or source, molecular force and
mode of polymerization (Fig. 2). In polymer science, for
1. Introduction
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
1.3.3 Additives
Few synthetic polymers are used commercially in the “pure” state. Some polyethylenes
and polystyrenes are sold as homopolymers without additives; however, chemical
additives and other materials are added to most polymers to improve their properties,
which can result in a range of densities (see Table 1) (62, 67, 68). On a weight basis,
fillers represent > 50% of all additives used, followed by plasticizers, reinforcing
agents, flame retardants and colouring agents (67). For instance, fillers such as finely
ground rubber are added to brittle plastic to add strength; composites of glass, carbon
1. Introduction
Density Flame Ultraviolet
Polymer (g/cm3) Anti-oxidant retardant Plasticizer stabilizer
Typical amount (% wt/wt) 0.05–3 0.7–25 10–70 0.05–3
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene 0.98
Polyamide 66 (nylon 66) 1.24
Polyethylene (amorphous) 0.85
or boron fibres are made for high-modulus and high-strength applications; and carbon
black and silicas are added to synthetic rubber formulations to resist tearing and raise
the modulus. Various plasticizers are added to lower the glass transition or reduce
crystallinity to soften the final product, such as in PVC. Polymeric properties can be
improved by adding silanes and other agents to improve bonding between the polymer
and other solid phases, such as glass fibres; both glass and rubbery polymers can be
cross-linked to improve elastomer behaviour or to control swelling.
Chemical plasticizers, an important group of plastic additives, can be added externally
to a polymer or internally, whereby they are chemically bonded. It has been estimated
that 80–90% of all plasticizers are used in a single polymer – PVC (67, 68). In the
absence of any plasticizer, PVC is a rigid solid, with limited commercial application.
Addition of a plasticizer helps to soften the polymer, and levels > 50% (wt %) have
been reported in applications such as shower curtains and vinyl upholstery (67).
Table 1 summarizes the levels of additives used in common polymeric materials.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
The risks associated with use of chemical additives in commercial products are
usually assessed by the regulatory authorities responsible for authorizing their use in
commerce, including possible migration of additives into food from packaging (51,
69). Studies of the leaching of chemical additives into food from plastic packaging
were reviewed by Hahladakis et al. (68). Inhalation or ingestion of NMP after
degradation and fragmentation of plastic packaging, however, may represent a new
exposure pathway for chemicals of potential concern (68, 70–76).
1. Introduction
several groups have recommended that additional detail be added to the definitions of
particle size ranges, such as a lower size limit for MP of 1–20 μm (45, 50, 80) and an
upper size limit ranging from 500 μm to either 1 mm or 5 mm (45).
The size ranges of nanoplastic particles (NP) have also been debated. Gigault et al.
(50), for instance, suggested that NP are produced unintentionally by degradation and
fragmentation of plastic objects and show colloidal behaviour within the size range
of 1–1000 nm. Another common definition of NP is that of the European Commission
for nanomaterials (40), with an upper size of 100 nm. Alternatively, Hartmann et al.
(37) suggested an approach whereby nano- (1 – < 1000 nm), micro- (1 – < 1000 μm),
meso- (1 – < 10 mm) and macroplastic particles (> 1 cm) are differentiated, with
“particles” defined according to the definition of the European Commission in Box 1.
In view of the inconsistent terminology for specific particle size ranges, the term
“NMP” in this report refers to plastic particles measuring 1 nm to 5000 μm. Thus, MP
are particles measuring ≤ 5 mm, whereas NP measure ≤ 1 μm. In the environment,
the size of all plastic debris is distributed continuously, and characterization of the
distribution will simplify prioritization of the particle size categories that most strongly
influence human exposure (81). Particle size distribution and the limit of detection are
the basic parameters for interpreting information from environmental monitoring or
toxicity testing in assessing the implications of exposure to NMP on human health.
associated chemicals.
• In this report, a pragmatic definition of microplastics is used, in
which synthetic polymeric particles are < 5 mm in diameter, while
NP are particles < 1 μm in diameter.
• The properties and composition of NMP change during their life-
cycle in the environment.
Human exposure to NMP is widely recognized as occurring predominately through the
diet or by inhalation (1, 4, 10, 11, 19, 83, 84). The possibility of human exposure to MP
was raised by the observation of MP in seafood, such as mussels, intended for human
consumption (85, 86). Other studies have demonstrated the occurrence of MP in food
and drinking-water, food packaging and both indoor and outdoor air (1, 83, 87–94).
Thus, MP occur in drinking-water, a variety of foods and beverages and air, although
insufficient quantitative data are available for a full exposure assessment (95).
This section summarizes the data available for assessing human exposure to NMP.
A continuing challenge to characterizing and quantifying concentrations is, however,
the lack of standard analytical methods for identifying NMP of varying polymer
composition, size and shape in foods, beverages and air (2, 3, 11, 59, 60, 96–99).
Recommendations for improving sampling and analysis from the previous WHO
report (1) are shown in Box 2.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
ABS, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene; LOD, level of detection; LOQ, limit of quantification
TAS, total accumulated score. The maximum score is 18. The score is calculated by adding the scores for
nine quality criteria; for each criterion, a score of 0, 1 or 2 is assigned. TAS values are shown in bold when all
the underlying scores are non-zero.
Ball et al. (100) reported use of a robust protocol for quality assurance and quality
control when measuring MP in drinking-water (i.e., tap water) at several sites in the
United Kingdom, and the data were evaluated as being of relatively high quality, with a
TAS of 16. Consistent with concerns raised by Koelmans et al. (2) regarding potential
laboratory contamination of samples during handling and preparation, Ball et al. (100)
reported relatively high, variable contamination of blanks, particularly for MP ≥ 25 μm.
In line with the recommendations of the Association of Official Agricultural
Chemists, an internationally recognized body that makes recommendations for
quality assurance and quality control, both a limit of detection (LOD) and a limit
of quantification (LOQ) are calculated for each polymer verified as representing
MP ≥ 25 μm. The LOD ≥ 25 μm is defined as the mean of blank samples plus 3.3 × the
standard deviation of the blank, whereas the LOQ ≥ 25 μm is calculated as the mean of
the blank samples plus 10 × the standard deviation of the blank. In estimating both the
LOD ≥ 25 μm and LOQ ≥ 25 μm, 10 blanks were analysed with drinking-water samples.
The concentrations were reported to be typically below the LOQ ≥ 25 μm, with only
three observations at 0.0008–0.002 particles/L; 20 samples were above the
LOD ≥ 25 μm, at 0.0004–0.0041 particles/L. The polymer types identified most
commonly as MP ≥ 25 μm in drinking-water were polystyrene and acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene (ABS). In the assessment of raw surface water, sampled before
treatment for use as drinking-water, the density of MP ≥ 25 μm was reported as
about 15 particles/L, the highest concentration being 113 particles/L (100). The
concentrations in surface waters are consistent with the range of values reported by
WHO (1) and are significantly higher than those in drinking-water, indicating efficient
removal of MP ≥ 25 μm during treatment of raw surface water (> 99.99%). The types
of polymers in raw surface water and drinking-water differ, MP ≥ 25 μm in raw surface
waters consisting mainly of polyethylene, PET and polypropylene and that in drinking-
water being mainly polystyrene and ABS. This observation suggests a source of MP
after treatment, i.e., from within the drinking-water treatment, storage and distribution
system (100, 108, 118, 119, 123).
Although most studies of MP in drinking-water continue to be conducted in Europe,
observations have also been reported from China (110, 111, 116, 119, 123), Mexico
(114), Thailand (113, 118), Saudi Arabia (117), Australia (122) and various other
locations, such as Japan and the USA (121). The concentrations in tap water were
generally consistent at all locations, ranging from below the LOD to 1247 particles/L
(Table 2). Exposure from bottled water may be more variable, concentrations as high
as 5.4 × 107 having been reported (109). In view of the variation in concentrations, the
data reported in Table 2 could be used in a probabilistic quantitative assessment of
human exposure in relation to drinking-water (124). When appropriate, exposure could
be reduced by use of technologies to treat both wastewater, to limit the release of MP
into the environment, and drinking-water, to reduce the concentration of particles (1,
100, 111, 119, 125).
2. Human exposure
As noted above, the previous WHO report (1) concluded that the data of Mason et al.
(104), with other assumptions on particle characteristics, represent a conservative
exposure scenario, and they were used to estimate exposure to chemicals that
might be associated with MP in drinking-water (1). Studies published more
recently provide additional information on the concentrations of MP in drinking-
water according to particle size distribution, allowing re-evaluation of the previous,
conservative exposure scenario. Kankanige and Babel (113), for instance, reported
concentrations of MP measuring 6.5–50 μm in 10 brands of single-use PET-bottled
water in Thailand. The particles were reported to consist mainly of fibres measuring
6.5–20 μm at concentrations of 29–127 MP/L. Their observation that the number of
particles increases with decreasing particle size is consistent with those of others,
such as Ossmann et al. (105), Schymanski et al. (107) and Winkler et al. (112).
Consequently, studies that include particle concentrations in relation to particle size
distribution, with verification of the polymer composition of MP, are perceived as
informative for exposure assessment (Box 2). Fig. 3 summarizes the concentrations
of MP in drinking-water found in the studies listed in Table 2, with the approximate
concentrations of the particle sizes reported.
The lower box indicates the 25th percentile, the black line indicates the mean, and the
upper box indicates the 75th percentile. The whiskers above and below the box indicate
the maximum and minimum values, respectively. The numbers of data points for each
particle size range are: 3 (1–5 μm), 5 (5–10 μm), 5 (10–20 μm), 6 (20–100 μm) and 5 (100–
500 μm).
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Fig. 3 illustrates the general trend to increasing concentration with decreasing particle
size, with relatively high, variable concentrations of MP in drinking-water reported to
measure between 1 and 5 μm. The data do not include concentrations of particles
not confirmed as MP, including those < 10 μm reported by Mason et al. (104) and
Zuccarello et al. (109), as concern has been raised about whether all these particles
are MP (112, 126).
The analytical difficulty of verifying the polymer content of particles < 5 μm should
be emphasized, particularly in communicating results for use in assessing human
exposure (126). Assessment of human exposure to MP should therefore be based
only on studies that transparently and robustly adhere to the quality criteria defined
by Koelmans et al. (2). Research to ensure robust analysis of NMP < 5 μm in drinking-
water is thus critical, as these particles may be of greater concern for human health
than particles measuring > 5 μm.
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
75–100 μm, the smallest particle being 25 μm in diameter, the smallest particle that
could be identified with the method used. The deposition rates were estimated to be
575–1008 MP/m2 per day. The particles reported by Wright et al. (153) were
> 25 μm, which are likely to be deposited in the upper airways and be swallowed,
implying ingestion.
Summaries of the TAS for all studies are reported by Wright et al. (3). In the interest
of brevity, the information presented in this report (Table 3) is thus limited to that
from studies of MP in air with a TAS > 10, which are relevant to human exposure via
inhalation and in which concentrations in air of MP < 20 μm are reported. It should
be noted that discrimination of particles < 50 μm was poor in all the studies reviewed
by Wright et al. (3), most studies reporting a predominance of particles > 50 μm. For
instance, the average size of non-fibrous particles was 164 ± 167 μm, and particles
measuring 75–100 μm were the most abundant. Gaston et al. (154) reported that 30%
of fibres measured 100–300 μm, with an average particle fragment size of
104 μm in outdoor air and 58.6 μm in indoor air; Wang et al. (155) reported an average
particle size of 851 μm; Liu et al. (151, 156) reported averages of 582 μm and
246 μm; and Dris et al. (135) reported that most of the fibres detected were
200–400 μm in length. Some authors, such as Allen et al. (142) and Bergmann et
al. (143), found that particles < 50 μm predominated; however, the distribution of
particles < 50 μm remains uncertain, and additional data are necessary to estimate
the abundance of particles most relevant for inhalation, i.e., < 20 μm (Table 3).
Generally, the distributions reported are limited by the analytical method used, and
the microscopic magnification used strongly influences the results. Use of higher
magnification and an appropriate analytical method, such as Raman microscopy,
would allow detection of smaller particles. The variations in particle size reported
therefore do not necessarily reflect the actual particle size distribution in air but may
be artefacts of the analytical method used.
In some studies, fibres with diameters of 5–75 μm predominated, while in others
mainly fragments measuring < 10 μm to > 2 mm were found, and mainly particles
< 50 μm were found in others (Table 3). The shapes and sizes are influenced by
factors including inconsistencies in sampling, sample preparation and analysis.
Standard methods should be developed for accurate characterization and
quantification of MP in air (3).
To characterize human indoor exposure by inhalation, Vianello et al. (159) collected
air samples from three apartments in Aarhus, Denmark, with a “breathing thermal
manikin”, which simulates the presence of a human occupant and has an inlet at the
mouth connected to a low-volume air pump. Samples were collected on filters that
were then analysed by micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, with a lower
instrument size LOD of 11 μm. The results suggested that MP were ubiquitous in the
air, at concentrations of 1.7–16.2 particles/m3, consistent with Gaston et al. (154)
but significantly lower than those reported by Liao et al. (157). The most abundant
polymers were polyester (59–92%), polyethylene (5–28%), nylon (0–13%) and
polypropylene (90.4–10%); the concentrations of non-synthetic particles were one or
two times higher (159). In contrast to studies that reported a predominance of fibres,
the studies summarized in Table 3 suggest the relative importance of fragments
in human inhalation exposure. As most people spend much of their time indoors,
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
an average for all studies of 10.5. In the interests of transparency, details of all the
studies reviewed in this report are summarized in Table 4. No study received a non-
zero score on all criteria.
Seafood is the food product that has been studied the most often to date.
Normalization of the concentrations of MP in seafood per wet body weight (ww)
reported in Table 4 results in an average concentration of approximately 3 ± 4 MP/g.
In several studies, the concentrations in various food and beverages were combined
with estimates of per capita consumption to estimate dietary exposure (Table 5);
seafood represented the largest source of exposure. The importance of commercial
bivalves as a source of exposure to MP was first highlighted by Van Cauwenberghe
and Janssen (85), who estimated that the annual dietary exposure of European
consumers of molluscs was 1800 and 11 000 MP/year for the lowest and highest
consumers, respectively. Estimates based on meal portions of seafood by EFSA (10)
and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (83) and the
finding of 4 MP/g (ww) by Li et al. (273) indicate that an average portion of 225 g of
mussels would result in consumption of 900 MP per meal of mussels (Table 5). In a
study of cultural and regional differences in consumption of mussels, the exposure of
a consumer in the United Kingdom was estimated to be 123 particles/year, while that
of a consumer in Japan was estimated to be 56 210 particles/year (19, 160).
Table 5 summarizes estimates derived in studies of human exposure to MP based on
consumption of contaminated food. Table 4 shows significant variation in the quality
of the data reported and therefore in estimates of daily and annual human ingestion of
MP, so that it is difficult to compare the values with those in Table 5, and the difficulty
is compounded by differences in the particle sizes used to estimate consumption.
Caution should therefore be exercised in extrapolating the data for assessing the
implications of exposure to MP for human health.
While the values reported in Table 5 for seafood suggest that it may be an important
source of MP, only a limited range of types of food and beverages has been studied
so far, and they do not necessarily represent the major sources of daily caloric intake
by humans. For instance, the WHO Global Environment Monitoring System – Food
Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food) shows a
maximum per capita consumption of fish and seafood of 78 g/day in the cluster
G17 (consisting of Samoa and São Tome and Principe) and a minimum of 9 g/day in
cluster G1 (consisting of Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Gaza Strip and West Bank,
Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic,
Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Yemen). As illustrated in Fig. 4, cereals, grains,
fruits and vegetables (including roots) account for approximately 50% of the foods
ingested daily, although limited data are currently available on MP in these food
categories. The foods listed in Table 5 represent about 25% of the food categories
ingested daily. More data are required on food categories that better represent the
human diet for a more robust assessment of human exposure to MP.
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Lower Number of
size Particle particles Predominant
Refer- bound concentration in blanks particle Predominant Quality
ence Sample type (µm) (average) (average) Particle size (µm) shape polymer type score
219 Fish 20 No MP 0.095 MP/ Size of non-plastic Non-plastic Not specified 13
(seabass, sample fibres not reported fibres
220 Fish 20 0.47 ± 0.84 MPs/ 0.25 ± 0.43 300–1000 Not specified Polyethylene 11
(various, fish MPs/fish and
fillets) Polypropylene
221 Fish Not 2.47 ± 2.99 to 0.40 ± 0.54 54–765 Fragments Polyethylene, 13
(various, speci- 0.47 ± 0.86 MP/ fibres/ polypropylene
fillets) fied fish blank
222 Fish 20 < LOD 0.4 MP/ Not specified Fibres Not specified 10
(various, blank
223 Fish Not 0.12–0.51 MP/g Not 52.2% 100–250 μm Fragments Polyethylene, 11
(various, speci- specified polypropylene,
fillets) fied nylon
224 Fish Not Average, 5.7 ± Not > 100 μm Fibres Not specified 8
(various, speci- 1.7 and 18.5 ± specified
fillets) fied 4.6 particles/10
g fish muscle
225 Fish Not 0.74 ± 0.57 None 25–1000 μm Fragments Polyethylene, 15
(various, speci- MP/g observed polystyrene
fillets) fied in
226 Fish 8 Range, 4.23–9.3 0.57 ± 0.17 Average size 973 ± 97.9% fibres Cellophane 14
(various, MP/individual MP/blank 803 μm (skin) (33.5%),
skin) (skin) polypropylene
(13%), nylon
(8%), polyester
(PET, 4.5%)
227 Fish and 5 2 MP/g (ww) 0.8 ± 0.131 5–25 μm 90% fibres PET, 11
seafood (maximum) items/ polyethylene
228 Fish and 0.1 8.66E4 ± 2.43E4 Not 1.6–2.8 μm Not specified Not specified 7
seafood to 9.50E4 ± specified
6.64E4 MP/g
229 Fish and 30 0.26 ± 0.16 to Not 38.2–820 μm Fragments Polypropylene, 8
seafood 4.46 ± 3.72 specified polyethylene,
MP/g polystyrene,
230 Honey 40 Fibres: 87 Not 40 μm to 9 mm Fibres and Not specified 4
± 73/500 g specified (fibres); 10–20 μm fragments
Fragments: 4 ± (fragments)
4/500 g
231 Honey 30 Not specified Not Fragments Mainly soot 10
specified and fibres or char; fibres
mainly cellulose
and PET
232 Nori 5 1.8 ± 0.7 MP/g 0.1 ± 0.2 0.1–4.97 mm; Fibres Polyester 12
(seaweed) (dry weight) MP/g (dry media, 1.13 mm (18.9%),
weight) rayon (6.6%),
(4%) polyamide
(2%), cellophane
(2%); cotton and
natural cellulose
fibres (61%)
2. Human exposure
Lower Number of
size Particle particles Predominant
Refer- bound concentration in blanks particle Predominant Quality
ence Sample type (µm) (average) (average) Particle size (µm) shape polymer type score
92 Rice Not 45–317 μg/g LOD Not specified Not specified Polyethylene, 14
speci- (dry weight) reported polypropylene,
fied (polyethylene); for PET
105 μg/g individual
(dry weight) polymers
17 μg/g (dry
weight) (PET)
90 Salt 149 2 particles/kg Collected Average size, 515 ± Fragments Polypropylene 12
(estimated) but results 171 μm and (40%),
not filaments polyethylene
specified (33%), PET
91 Salt 100 212 particles/kg <2 Average fibre 99.3% as Not specified 8
particles/ length, 1.09 mm; fibres
sample range, 0.1–5 mm.
233 Salt 5 550–681 MP/ 4.4 ± 2.1 45 μm to 4.3 mm; Fragments PET, polyester, 7
kg (sea salt); particles/ particles < 200 μm and fibres polyethylene,
43–364 MP/ filter or 18 represented 55% polypropylene,
kg (lake salt); particles/ of total cellophane,
7–204 particles/ kg poly(1-butene)
kg (rock and well
234 Salt 5 127 ± 51.6 MP/ 6 30 μm to 3.5 mm Fibres PET (83.3%), 7
kg particles/ polyethylene
filter (3.3%),
235 Salt 45 367 ± 154 to Not Not specified Fibres Nylon, 7
2133 ± 153 specified polyethylene
236 Salt 100 120–580 MP/kg None 100–500 μm Fibres Polyethylene 7
237 Salt 50 1.68 ± 1.83 MP/ Not 3.3–4660 μm Fragments Polyvinyl 10
kg specified acetate,
238 Salt 65 11–193 MP/kg None 65–2500 μm Fibres Polyethylene 16
239 Salt Not 2 ± 1 to 72 ± 40 Not 55–2000 μm Fibres Polyethylene, 7
speci- MP/kg specified polypropylene,
fied polyester
240 Salt 20 8–102 MP/kg 2.03 ± 1.01 20–5000 μm Fibres Polyethylene, 10
MP/salt polyurethane,
type polypropylene
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Lower Number of
size Particle particles Predominant
Refer- bound concentration in blanks particle Predominant Quality
ence Sample type (µm) (average) (average) Particle size (µm) shape polymer type score
241 Salt 10 1570–31 680 Not 10–4628 μm Fragments Polypropylene, 7
MP/kg specified and fibres polyamide, PET,
242 Salt 100 672 ± 2560 MP/ LOD, 100–5000 μm Fragments Polyethylene, 16
kg (median = 82) 0.72 MP/ polypropylene,
243 Salt 390 6.7–53.3 MP/kg Not 390–9360 μm Not specified Polyethylene, 1
specified polyvinyl
244 Salt 5 < 700 MP/kg Not 5–3800 μm Fragments Cellophane, 6
specified and fibres polystyrene,
245 Salt Not 275 ± 25 to 1832 Not 20–5000 μm Fragments Polyethylene, 5
speci- ± 40 MP/kg specified polypropylene,
fied PET, nylon and
246 Salt 500 56 ± 49 to 103 ± Not 500–2000 μm Fragments PET, polyamide, 9
39 MP/kg specified and fibres polyethylene,
247 Salt 1 140.2 MP/kg None 89.7–1474.9 μm Fragments Polypropylene, 9
observed polyethylene,
in PET
58 Salt 20 2395 MP/kg None 63–100 Fragments Polypropylene, 12
observed polyethylene
248 Seafood 1.2 0.0–5.47 5.8 ± 2.2 Not specified Fibres (90%) Not specified 16
(clams) particles/g (ww) particles/
249 Seafood 20 0.06-5.17 MP/g Not 62.3% < 500 μm Fibres Rayon, polyester 12
(clams) (ww) specified
250 Seafood 10 23 ± 20 MP/clam None 39% < 500 μm Fibres PVC, 12
(clams) observed polyethylene,
in polypropylene,
procedural polyester
251 Seafood 100 3 MP/individual Not Not specified Fibres Polyethylene 4
(clams, specified
252 Seafood 0.5 Not specified Not 0.5–5 mm Fibres and Not specified 3
(crab) mm specified fragments
253 Seafood Not 34–178 items/ Not Not specified Fibres Not specified 11
(mussels) speci- mussel specified
254 Seafood Not 6.2 ± 7.2 items/g None 750 μm to 6 mm Fibres Not specified 8
(mussels) speci- (ww) observed
fied in
160 Seafood Not Average, 0.09 6.5 ± 0.95 Fibre length, 0.2–2 Fibres Polyester, PET 13
(mussels) speci- ± 0.03 MP/g MP/blank mm; thickness,
fied (ww) to 3.0 ± 0.9 1–5 μm
MP/g (ww)
2. Human exposure
Lower Number of
size Particle particles Predominant
Refer- bound concentration in blanks particle Predominant Quality
ence Sample type (µm) (average) (average) Particle size (µm) shape polymer type score
255 Seafood 5 2.2 items/g 0.67 ± 0.82 33 μm to 4.7 mm 65% fibres PET, polyester, 16
(mussels) (ww); 4 items/ items/ fibres) cellophane
mussel filter
256 Seafood 5 0.13 ± 0.14 1 fibre/ 77% < 50 μm Fibres and 9
(mussels) MP/g (ww) blank fragments
257 Seafood 10–20 3.5 fibres/10 g LODs of 200–1500 μm Fibres 8
(mussels) μm (ww) 2.3, 4.7
and 1.5
for black,
blue and
red fibres,
258 Seafood 1.2 0.9 ± 0.2 MP/g < 10% of 100–500 μm 77.8% Polyethylene, 17
(mussels) (ww) total MP fragments; PET, polystyrene
detected in 22.2% fibres
259 Seafood 5 1–5.4 MP/g 0.4 ± 0.5 250 μm to 1 Fibres (80%) PET (74%), 12
(mussels) (ww) items/ mm (48–76% of polyethylene,
filter particles) PVC,
260 Seafood 25 1.05–4.4 MP/g 19 fibres/ Median length, 1.2 Fibres and Polyamide, PET 13
(mussels) (ww) tape strip mm fragments
261 Seafood 1.2 37 MP/g (dry Reported Median length, Fibres Not specified 9
(mussels) weight) as minimal 200 μm
262 Seafood 0.7 Not specified Not 20 μm to 5 mm Fragments Not specified 14
(mussels) specified
263 Seafood 5 0.7–2.9 MP/g 0.67 ± 0.75 5–250 μm Fibres Polyester, 11
(mussels) (ww) items/ polypropylene,
filter polyethylene,
rayon, cotton
264 Seafood 1.6 0.76 ± 0.40 MP/ Not 32.6% 100–500 μm Fibres and Polyethylene, 15
(mussels) individual; 0.15 ± specified fragments polypropylene,
0.06 MP/g (ww) polystyrene,
265 Seafood 8 0.86 ± 0.82 0.67 ± 0.58 890 μm (average) Fibres Cellophane, PET 9
(mussels) MPs/g (ww) items/
266 Seafood 500 0.04 MP/g (ww) Not 72% > 500 μm Fragments PET 7
(mussels) specified and
267 Seafood 500 0.87 ± 0.55 to Not 39% 500–1000 μm Fibres Polyethylene 15
(mussels) 10.02 ± 4.15 specified
268 Seafood Not 8.72 ± 5.30 MP/ Not > 100 μm Fibres Not specified 11
(mussels) speci- mussel specified
269 Seafood 53 1.53 ± 2.04 Not Not specified Fragments Ethylene/ 11
(mussels) MPs/g (ww) specified propylene
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Lower Number of
size Particle particles Predominant
Refer- bound concentration in blanks particle Predominant Quality
ence Sample type (µm) (average) (average) Particle size (µm) shape polymer type score
270 Seafood 30 0.08 to 8.6 MP/g 1.33 ± 0.58 41.7–4679 μm Fragments Polypropylene, 16
(mussels) (ww) Polyethylene,
271 Freshwater 2.85 ± 1.27 None 44.8% < 100 μm Fragments Not specified 13
Mussels MP/g observed
85 Seafood 5 Average, 0.24 ± None 5–25 μm Fragments Not specified 8
(mussels, 0.07 to 0.35 ± observed
oysters) 0.05 particles/g in
(ww) procedural
272 Seafood 20 0.61 ± 0.56 1.2 ± 0.8 50–100 μm (52%); Fragments Polypropylene 18
(mussels, (mussels) particles/ 20–50 μm (37%); > (80%) and
oysters) and 2.1 ± 1.7 filter, none 100 μm (11%) polyethylene
(oysters) MP/ verified as
individual or 0.2 plastic
± 0.2 MP/g (ww)
273 Seafood 5 Average, 2.1– 0.5 ± 0.55 5 μm to 5 mm; Fibres and Polyethylene, 10
(mussels, 10.5 items/g items/ 33–84% < 250 μm fragments PET and
scallops, (ww) filter polyamide
274 Seafood 20 Average, 0.15 ± LOD, 0.24/ Fibre lengths, 43 Fragments > 80% 17
(mussels, 0.2 MP/g (ww) sample μm to 4.7mm; (76%); fibres polyethylene,
scallops, or 0.97 ± 0.74 (polyeth- MP < 300 μm (24%) polypropylene,
clams, MP/individual ylene, represented 65% polystyrene,
oysters) polypropyl- of total polyester and
ene, poly- expanded
styrene) polystyrene
and 0.51/
ter and
ylene vinyl
275 Seafood 5 0.37– 0.57 MP/g Not Not specified Fibres and Polyamide, PET 12
(oysters) (ww) specified fragments
276 Seafood 25 Average, 0.2–20 None 37–58% were 58% fibres, Polyethylene, 10
(oysters, particles/g (ww) observed 10–25 μm 26% PET and nylon
clams, and 3.5–17.7 in fragments,
snails) particles/ procedural 14% films
individual blanks and 2%
277 Seafood 10 4.0 ± 2.1 MP/g Not 10–428 μm Fibres Ethylene vinyl 11
(oysters, (oysters); 3.2 specified alcohol
mussels, ± 1.8 MP/g
clams) (mussels); 0.7
± 0.3 MP/g
278 Seafood 5 0–5 MP/ Fibres Not specified Not specified Not specified 12
(Clams, individual excluded
mussels, (mussels); 0 MP from anal-
crabs) (crab soft tissue ysis due to
and clams) contami-
2. Human exposure
Lower Number of
size Particle particles Predominant
Refer- bound concentration in blanks particle Predominant Quality
ence Sample type (µm) (average) (average) Particle size (µm) shape polymer type score
279 Seafood 74 0.31 ± 0.10 Not 74–2000 μm Fibres Cellulose, 10
(Prawn, MP/g (oysters/ specified polyamide,
oysters, clams); 0.25 acrylonitrile,
clams) ± 0.08 MP/g polyethylene,
(prawns) polypropylene,
280 Seafood 5 3.24 ± 1.02 None 53% < 100 μm Fragments PET (69.4%) 11
(oysters) MPs/g (ww) observed
281 Seafood Not 64 MP/g (ww) Not 30–5000 μm Fibres Not specified 8
(oysters) speci- specified
282 Seafood Not 0.07 ± 0.04 Limited 75% > 500 μm Fibres PET, 14
(oysters) speci- MP/g (ww) to a few polyacrylonitrile,
fied polyamide rayon
198 Seafood 500 0.6 ± 0.9 MP/ Not 0.1–4.5 mm Fibres Not specified 8
(Pacific oyster specified
194 Seafood Not 1.5 MP/g (ww) Not > 100 μm Fibres Not specified 11
(prawns) speci- specified
283 Seafood 10–20 0.68 ± 0.55 Reported 200–1000 μm 96.5% fibres Not specified 11
(prawns) MP/g (ww) or as < LOD
1.23 ± 0.99 MP/ (not
prawn assessed)
284 Seafood 100 6.78 ± 2.8 MPs/ Not 100–1000 μm Fibres Polyethylene, 12
(prawns) prawn specified polypropylene,
nylon, polyester,
285 Seafood 100 1.02 MP/g (ww) Not 87% > 100 μm Fibres PET, 8
(prawns) specified polypropylene,
230 Sugar 40 Fibres: 217 Not 40 μm to 9 mm Fibres and Not specified 4
± 123/500 g specified (fibres); 10–20 μm fragments
Fragments: 32 ± (fragments)
7/500 g
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
2. Human exposure
Daily per
Por- capita
tion consump- Particle Per capita Per capita
Refer- size tion (g/ concentration ingestion ingestion Particle
ence Sample (g) Country or region day) (MP/g)a (MP/day) (MP/year) size (μm)
242 Salt Global 10.06 0–117 0–42 600 > 100
19 Sugar 66.81 0.44 30 10 730 > 10
19 Honey 2 0.1 0.2 73 > 10
92 Rice 100 Australia 3.7 mg ± 1.4
rice); 2.8 mg
± 0.3 (washed
rice); 13.3
mg ± 2.5
213 Milk Mexico 0.36 L/ 6.5 ± 2.3 MP/L 2.4 858 10–500
91 Beer 0.35L USA 4.05 MP/L 1.42 520 > 100
19 Alcohol 0.04 32.27 MP/L 1.3 470 > 100
19 Bottled water 0.44 L/ 94.37 MP/L 40 15 155 >5
19 Tap water 3.26 L/ 4.23 MP/L 13.8 5 030 > 100
1 Drinking-water 2L/day 10.4 MP/L 20.8 7 592 150
19 Inhalation 170 62 050 > 50
Maximum or average value
Concentration per meal, not per day
Based on per capita consumption derived by the United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (227)
Based on per capita consumption derived by FAO (227)
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Source: https://www.who.int/teams/nutrition-and-food-safety/databases/global-
environment-monitoring-system-food-contamination, accessed 16 May 2020.
Inset summarizes the average percentage of each food category in total per capita dietary
consumption of foods in all 17 GEMS/Food clusters
To address the lack of data on different food categories, standard methods should be
developed for consistent, robust assessment of exposure. Table 4 summarizes the
TAS of studies on MP in food and beverages. The only matrix for which substantial
resources have been invested in developing an analytical method is seafood, although
quality assurance and control are limited, with variation in sample sizes, reporting of
concentrations in individual organisms, whether and how many samples were pooled,
different methods for extracting MP from tissues, particularly with respect to tissue
digestion, variation in processing of procedural blanks, filter substrates and pore
sizes and different approaches to categorizing particles as MP, including both visual
inspection and analytical verification of polymer composition.
Food categories other than seafood have been analysed by methods for which the
performance has not been verified, with low TAS for studies of MP in sugar, honey,
salt, beer and other beverages. Most of the reports did not provide details of the
efficiency of recovery of MP of various shapes, sizes and polymer composition, which
could result in underestimation of the concentrations. Furthermore, the samples of
food items tended to be small (i.e., < 25 individual items) purchased on a single date
from a limited number of suppliers, usually without production lot numbers or dates,
raising concern about their use for extrapolating concentrations of MP in a specific
food category. To assess dietary exposure, both the sample sizes and the temporal
2. Human exposure
and spatial trends should be substantially increased for a robust statistical analysis of
variations in concentrations of MP.
The availability of standard analytical methods, consistent with the elements
summarized in Box 2, is fundamental for assessing human dietary exposure to
NMP and particularly quantification and characterization of particles < 10 μm. As
summarized by the EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (10) and by FAO
(83), MP > 150 μm are unlikely to be absorbed, and uptake of smaller MP is expected
to be < 0.3%. As discussed in section 3, particle size and shape influence systemic
uptake, distribution and elimination. Particles > 10 μm that are inhaled, for instance,
are generally understood to be trapped in the upper airways and subsequently
swallowed. NP < 0.1 μm in the gastrointestinal tract can potentially be taken up
systemically (7% estimated by FAO (83)), and the probability of egestion increases
with size. Quantification of human exposure to NMP < 10 μm is essential, as the
effects on human health increase with decreasing particle size. Table 5 indicates,
however, that most studies have addressed exposure to MP > 10 μm, which are
probably excreted directly (1, 10, 83).
Research should also be conducted on the sources and characteristics of NMP in
food and beverages in order to introduce effective, efficient measures to reduce
exposure. In the characterization and quantification of MP in seafood, for instance,
it appears to be assumed that the environment is the main source of contamination,
whereby filter feeders, such as mussels, ingest and accumulate MP from
contaminated seawater and sediment (85, 254). Other studies suggest contamination
during processing of food and beverages and from packaging. Li et al. (263), for
instance, reported significantly greater contamination of processed than of live
farmed mussels, suggesting that MP were introduced during de-shelling and cleaning
rather than by ingestion and accumulation from the environment. Karami et al. (216)
suggested that tinned fish are contaminated during preparation and packaging.
Kutralam-Muniasamy et al. (213), Kosuth et al. (91) and Iñiguez et al. (234) suggested
focusing on steps in the processing of milk, beer and salt at which contamination
with MP might occur. Liebezeit and Liebezeit (210) suggested that MP and other
anthropogenic debris are introduced into German beer during manufacture, whereas
Lachenmeir et al. (211) proposed that a microfiltration step to remove yeast cells
from processed beer would be sufficient to also remove MP. They further suggested
that observations of MP in beverages such as beer are an artefact due to poor quality
assurance and quality control, with contamination occurring by deposition of MP onto
samples in the laboratory.
Deposition of MP from the air has been suggested as a further source of dietary
exposure. In a comparison of direct exposure to MP from the consumption of
mussels and exposure in household dust, Catarino et al. (160) estimated that
exposure to MP due to deposition was more than two orders of magnitude greater
than that from ingestion of contaminated mussels. As foods can be contaminated
by deposition from air and/or in processing and packaging, additional research is
necessary to characterize and quantify relevant sources of contamination. A number
of studies have recently addressed the relative importance of food packaging (see
for instance 92–94, 286–295). The observations provide valuable preliminary insight
into the role of plastic packaging; for example, heating plastic containers appears to
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
increase the release of NMP (92, 93, 287, 289–291, 293), with pH also possibly playing
a role (94). Concern has also been expressed about the lack of standardized methods
required for robust assessments (292, 296, 297). More research on the role of plastic
packaging should be conducted for quantitative assessment.
Methods for determining the polymeric composition of particles should be included
in future studies. Of the 87 studies in Table 4 on MP in food, 27 did not provide
confirmation that the particles were plastic, and 29 provided limited verification. Thus,
only about one third of studies that reported the occurrence of “microplastic” provided
satisfactory analytical verification. Widespread reporting of MP in food in the absence
of verification is an obvious problem for estimating human exposure. For instance,
in their analysis of MP in honey, Liebezeit and Liebezeit (230) reported an average
concentration of 87 ± 73 items/500 g of honey and suggested that the honey was
contaminated by plastic fibres attached to pollen, during processing of the honey or
from packaging. They did not, however, provide analytical verification that the fibres
were plastic, a concern raised by Mühlschlegel et al. (231), who included analytical
verification and reported limited contamination of honey by MP.
Estimates of dietary exposure to MP will require significant advances in:
• development of standard analytical methods appropriate for characterizing and
quantifying various foods and beverages, with application for particles < 10 μm;
• targeted sampling to identify sources of contamination throughout manufacture,
processing and packaging of foods and beverages; and
• characterization of the contamination of food and beverages by deposition
during preparation and consumption.
Given the limited data on exposure to contamination in important food categories,
illustrated in Fig. 4, an intelligent sampling strategy is necessary to clarify the
differences among various sources of contamination and for robust quantification of
human exposure. Contamination of cereals, grains, fruits and vegetables with NMP
should be characterized, as some research suggests contamination from agricultural
soils (298, 299). Agricultural practices include use of a variety of plastic products (e.g.,
plastic film for mulching, vinyl tunnels, fertilizer bags) that may introduce NMP into
agricultural soils and into products (300–302). Application of biosolids to soil is also
an important source of MP in the terrestrial environment (300, 303).
Although concern has been expressed here about the quality of the reporting of MP
in food and beverages, recent research by Mohamed Nor et al. (124) suggests a
probabilistic approach to estimating human exposure. For instance, they estimated
that the total daily median MP mass intake from nine media (fish, mollusc, crustacean,
tap water, bottled water, salt, beer, milk and air) was 0.2 (0.0001–7500) μg/child per
day and 0.6 (0.0003–17000) μg/adult per day (124). Comparison with the estimate by
the World Wildlife Fund that potential exposure to MP is 700 mg/person per day (304)
suggests that the latter estimate represents the 99th percentile intake of an average
Current approaches to assessing human exposure to MP from food are all based on
combining data on dietary absorption rate with data on the amount of MP in food
components. In several studies, exposure was assessed by deterministic estimation
of the total intake from all dietary components, (19, 124, 304, 305). A major limitation
2. Human exposure
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Within the Global Burden of Disease programme (311), it was estimated that, in
2015, 4.2 million people had died prematurely due to exposure to airborne PM.
The components of PM that represent the greatest risk to human health, however,
are poorly understood, although a contribution of NMP cannot be excluded (111).
At present, exposure estimates and routine measurements for environmental
epidemiological studies are lacking. Such studies should include exposure to NMP
and to other types of particles (e.g., from combustion sources) and gases, with
consideration of confounding factors. Effects due to long-term exposure can be
measured only from exposure estimates over periods from years to decades, which
would exclude retrospective studies. Effects of short-term exposure may be foreseen
in the near future, with observation of spatial and temporal variation in the exposure
of a population for whom sufficient information on health is available. Until then,
the best information is from occupational epidemiology, in which subgroups of the
general population who often experience exposure well above ambient levels are
studied. As such studies usually do not include vulnerable people, the findings cannot
be extrapolated to the general population; however, the findings can provide insight
into pathology related to NMP exposure. Most regulatory jurisdictions define limits of
exposure to particulates in the workplace, such as those in the United Kingdom of
10 mg/m3 as an 8-h time-weighted average for inhalable dust and 4 mg/m3 for
respirable dust (76). Like the guidelines set for PM, these exposure limits are for dust
in general and are not specific for NMP. Studies of controlled exposure of humans to
synthetic fibres and particles to simulate occupational exposure are extremely rare
because of ethical considerations (312, 313). Studies have, however, been conducted
on people exposed occupationally to mixtures of various fibrous and non-fibrous
plastic particles at high concentrations over extended periods (314).
One of the earliest documented outbreaks of disease related to exposure to synthetic
fibres by inhalation was reported in 1975 among workers in the textile (nylon,
polyester, polyolefin, acrylic) industry (reviewed in 315), in which workers showed
symptoms of allergic alveolitis. Outbreaks of occupational interstitial lung disease
have since been reported in the manufacture of nylon “flock” (316, 317), which are
short fibres produced for making velvet-like textiles and upholstery. When they are
produced in a rotary mill, for instance, a substantial amount of respirable nylon dust
is generated, leading to an average exposure concentration of 2.2 mg/m3 (314).
Otherwise healthy, often young workers in this industry develop respiratory symptoms,
including chest pain, shortness of breath and cough (318). The bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid of such workers shows an abnormal cellular profile. Nonspecific
interstitial pneumonia is established, with accumulation of lymphocytes, lymphocytic
inflammation of the bronchioles and in some cases proliferation of lymphocytes
in alveolar tissues. Flock workers’ lung is, however, a rare disease; for example, it
has been diagnosed in 24 workers in North America (317, 319–322). Although the
condition is debilitating, it is usually reversible, and the respiratory symptoms stabilize
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
and ultimately improve after removal from exposure (317, 320), which also suggest
that the NMP are cleared from the lungs over time, unlike some other particles or
fibres. In some cases, however, the condition evolves to fibrosis and respiratory failure
(317, 320, 321).
Similar pathological presentation and symptoms have been reported in workers
exposed to other synthetic flock, such as polyethylene (323), polypropylene (324) and
rayon (325), raising concern that exposure to high levels of non-specific polymeric
organic fibres increases the risk of interstitial lung disease. Long-term occupational
exposure to respirable cotton (and flax and hemp) fibres is also associated with lung
disease, respiratory symptoms and loss of pulmonary function, and asthma and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have been documented (326). Although the
adverse effects of synthetic fibres appear to be due mainly to their physicochemical
properties and high concentrations, the adverse effects triggered by occupational
exposure to respirable cotton fibres are suggested to be due to an endotoxin secreted
by Gram-negative microbes on the surface of cotton fibres (326).
It has been suggested that exposure in the nylon flocking industry increases the
risk of lung cancer. In a retrospective study of 162 workers in a nylon flocking plant,
the risk was three times higher than that of controls (327). Moreover, workers in
a polyester and polyamide fibre factory in France were found to be at statistically
significantly greater risk of death from various cancers (n = 79; relative risk, 1.42;
95% confidence interval, 1.06 ; 1.89 for high exposure; and n = 105; 1.38, 1.05; 1.81 for
previous exposure to polymer dust), irrespective of the level or duration of exposure
(328). These findings should be corroborated in a larger cohort study, with adjustment
for confounding by individual smoking histories and other lifestyle factors to allow
extrapolation to other exposure scenarios. A study of female textile workers in China,
however, found no association between exposure to synthetic fibres and lung cancer
risk (329). It is therefore difficult to draw conclusions about the carcinogenic risk of
exposure to microplastics.
Histopathological analyses of lung biopsy samples from synthetic textile workers
exposed to various polymers showed not only interstitial fibrosis but also
granulomatous lesions containing foreign bodies considered to be acrylic, polyester
and nylon dust (315).
Exposure to PVC particles has also been linked to disease, predominately in
occupational settings. Inhalation of airborne PVC dust has been associated with
interstitial lung disease, as determined by chest radiographic abnormalities (330, 331).
In a cross-sectional study of 818 PVC workers, forced expiratory volume in 1 s and
forced vital capacity were inversely related to exposure to dust, after adjustment for
age, height and smoking. The response was observed mainly in cigarette smokers,
suggesting an interaction between smoking and PVC dust. The authors concluded
that, while an average dust index (age × mg/m3) of 12.9 caused a partial decrease
in lung function (a loss of 53 mL over 20 years, in addition to losses due to age and
smoking), workers exposed to higher levels might suffer an important loss of lung
function (331). Exposure for 60 days to total dust (of which PVC particles < 1 μm were
the predominant component) at a concentration of 0.3–42 mg/m3 (median, 2 mg/m3)
resulted in severe dyspnoea, a decrease in transfer factor (diffusing capacity), profuse
3. Observations from epidemiology
Assessment of the risks posed by xenobiotics in studies in experimental animals
usually requires extrapolation from high to low doses and extrapolation of data from
animal species to humans. Extrapolation may require clarification of the exposure
pathway. For example, if exposure to airborne particles results in deposition only in
the upper respiratory tract, most, if not all, of the particles will be swallowed, resulting
in oral exposure. The toxicity of those particles can thus be tested directly by oral
exposure of experimental animals.
This section summarizes studies on how exposure, dose and biokinetics influence
the uptake of NMP by the body, their distribution among organs and their clearance.
Considerable research has been conducted on the biokinetics of particulates,
including NMP of specific shape, size and polymeric composition. An important
consideration is extrapolation of observations on well-defined particles to the
concentrations and properties of NMP in the environment. This section provides
summaries of studies on various types of particles. While caution should be exercised
in extrapolating laboratory results to the heterogeneous mixture of NMP in the
environment, the data can inform future studies and provide a perspective of the
implications for human health.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
Table 6. Criteria for evaluating the reliability and quality of in-vivo and
in-vitro studies on the effects and biokinetics of nano- and
microplastic particles
Criterion Comment
Human exposure See section 2. Exposure must be characterized to identify
characterization environmentally relevant concentrations and properties of NMP.
Specifically, size, shape, polymer composition and surface properties
should be quantified and relevant exposure pathways (inhalation, oral,
dermal) characterized.
Characterization • particle size distribution
of NMP • agglomeration state
biokinetics • particle shape
• chemical composition
• particle surface area
• surface chemistry and charge
Characterization Important to increase the quality of data on the relation between dose
of NMP after and an adverse effect, as the physicochemical properties and dose may
administration change during administration in either in-vivo or in-vitro test systems.
Method of Details of how particles are introduced into an in-vivo or an in-vitro test
administration system, i.e., type of inhalation exposure, such as intratracheal or nose-
only, solvent or delivery vehicle used, method of aerosolization, sample
volume, cell surface
Duration of Times of observation and, ideally, particle properties at each time
Use of negative Necessary to evaluate the performance of the study by demonstrating
and positive that the adverse effects associated with particles, such as crystalline
controls silica (positive control), are consistent with other observations and that
negative controls, such as a solvent or vehicle, provide an appropriate
baseline for interpreting adverse effects.
4.2 Biokinetics
Once a foreign substance enters the body by inhalation
or ingestion, it may or may not cross the biological
barriers and be distributed in the body. Some substances
accumulate in lipid-rich tissues, for instance, while others
are readily eliminated via the urine or bile, transported to the
gastrointestinal tract and excreted in faeces. The process that
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4.2.1 Inhalation
After deposition of NMP in the respiratory system (Fig. 6), they are cleared by various
mechanisms that effectively eliminate inhaled particles. These include mechanical
mechanisms, such as sneezing, mucociliary clearance, phagocytosis by alveolar
macrophages and lymphatic transport (312).
The basic clearance processes are solubility, macrophage function, mucociliary
transport, cellular endocytosis, intercellular sieving and lymph and capillary blood
flow. The site of deposition in the respiratory tract and the physicochemical properties
of particles, such as size, shape and surface reactivity, influence the clearance
mechanism (129, 131, 347).
Numerous studies have been conducted to characterize the clearance of insoluble
particles deposited on surfaces in the lower respiratory tract (see, e.g., 342, 377).
Clearance is generally understood to occur in two phases: an initial phase with a half-
life of 3–12 h in the tracheobronchial region and a second, alveolar phase that may
last several months or longer (347). In experiments with whole-body exposure of rats
to PVC particles at 8.3 mg/m3 for 25 h/week for 7 months, the average mass of PVC
retained in the lungs 1 month after cessation of exposure was 2 mg/lung (378).
Marked differences in clearance kinetics at high dose levels have been observed
between rodents and humans, and caution should be taken in extrapolating
observations from experimental animals.
Mucocillary clearance of particles depends on the mobility of mucus, a viscoelastic
secretion that protects the mucosa from dehydration and provides a medium for
inhaled particles. As a result of constant ciliary action, the mucus flows and is
eventually cleared from the airway and transferred to the digestive system, from which
particles are egested (341, 347, 379). Inhaled particles that reach the alveolar region
of the lung can be transferred into the interstitium. Their presence at the epithelial
surface can also stimulate chemotactic signals that attract alveolar macrophages
to the site of particle deposition, where phagocytosis by the macrophages initiates
particle clearance from the alveolar region. Alveolar macrophages, however, have
a finite lifespan and decay, releasing any undissolved particles for phagocytosis by
another alveolar macrophage. Particles that cross the alveolar epithelium into the
interstitium may encounter interstitial macrophages, initiating a process similar to
that for alveolar macrophages. A fraction of particles can also be transferred from the
interstitium to lymph nodes. Modelling of this process is informative for assessing
risks for human health of inhaled particulates (341, 379). Another fraction of particles
may be retained in the interstitium.
Kevlar para-aramid fibrils have been shown to be biodegradable in the lung, as the
recovered fibres appeared to be “shorter” than the original fibres (380). The Kevlar
fibres were reported to have a half-life in the lung of 30 days. The mean length of
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
Kevlar fibres recovered from digested lung tissue decreased from 12.5 μm to 7.5 μm
over 6 months after exposure, and the mean fibre diameter decreased from 0.33 μm
to 0.23 μm. Warheit et al. (362) assessed mucociliary clearance of nylon fibres in
a 4-week nose-only study in rats and measured the recovery and dimensions of
fibres several times after exposure. They reported a rapid decrease in the number
of recovered nylon fibres at 3, 6 and 12 months after exposure (from an exposure
concentration of 57 fibres/cm3). In this study, the fibre lengths did not change up
to 180 days after exposure, indicating that biodegradability does not affect lung
clearance of nylon fibres. Rapid lung clearance of inhaled nylon fibres was, however,
reported, with an estimated half-time clearance of inhaled fibres of about 2 months at
the high exposure and 1 month at the medium exposure.
Recently, MP were detected in lung tissue collected during routine coroner autopsies
of 20 non-smoking adults aged 48–94 years (381). A total of 31 synthetic polymer
particles and fibres were observed in 65% of individuals, dominated by fragments with
a mean particle size of 3.92 ± 1.96 μm. Polyethylene and polypropylene were the main
plastic polymers detected, and 16% of particles were identified as cotton. Although
inhalation is understood to be the most likely exposure route for particles observed
in the lung, Amato-Lourenço et al. (381) did not rule out the possibility that some
particles may reach the lungs by systemic translocation.
4.2.2 Ingestion
Particles that are ingested are considered to be available
systemically only when they are absorbed by the intestinal
epithelium, pass through the liver and are distributed via the
bloodstream throughout the body. A number of physiological
barriers significantly limit the absorption and systemic
bioavailability of particles from the gastrointestinal tract,
although local absorption may occur. As discussed in the
previous WHO report (1), microplastics > 150 μm ingested
from drinking-water are expected to pass through the
gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed.
A fundamentally important physiological barrier in the
gastrointestinal tract is mucus, a selectively permeable
hydrogel that acts as a physical barrier to particle diffusion
across the epithelial tissues. The main structural component
of the mucus layer is mucin, a highly glycosylated protein with
oligosaccharide side-chains that include terminal sialic acid
and sulfate residues, resulting in a net negative charge (382).
The average pore size of the mesh-like structure formed
by the interactions of mucins is 10–500 nm. The mucus
layer significantly impedes the diffusion of small particles
by interaction filtering (i.e., electronic and hydrophobic
interactions) and can fully block the penetration of larger
particles by both steric (i.e., size) and interaction filtering. The
rate of passage of particles along the gastrointestinal tract
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
4. Dosimetry and biokinetics
of NMP that are most relevant for use in studies of biokinetics and effects. This will
require different measurement techniques according to the media in which the NMP
are dispersed.
The sections above show that MP are ubiquitous in the environment but that the data
on exposure in the diet and by inhalation are insufficient for quantitative assessment
of exposure. Furthermore, there is concern about the use of non-standard methods
for generating the data and the fact that monitoring has been mainly of particles
measuring > 10 μm (section 2). There is thus great uncertainty about human exposure
to biologically relevant NMP measuring < 10 μm. We recommend that research be
conducted on the adverse effects of NMP in studies which account for their dosimetry
and characterization, with quantification of the properties of particles, such as size,
shape, surface properties and polymer composition, and biokinetics (section 4).
Although uncertainty about human exposure to NMP is a significant barrier to
assessing risks to human health, several studies have reported adverse effects both
in vivo and in vitro, and occupational epidemiological data are available (11, 12, 26,
195). Better understanding of the toxicological effects of NMP will require studies
of the relations between particle properties and their toxicity. The physicochemical
properties of particles, such as their size, shape and surface chemistry, are
understood to contribute to some toxicological end-points. Thus, the toxicity of a
fragment or fibre can be attributed to interaction of the particle with tissues, the
effect of a chemical or biological contaminant on the particle, including desorption
of chemicals or pathogens on the surface, and the complex interaction of several
factors (415). This section summarizes studies on the toxicological effects of plastic
particles and fibres, particularly those due to physical interaction with particles.
The studies were identified in a literature review in PubMed with the keywords
“microplastic”, “microplastics” AND “toxicity” and were supplemented by studies
referenced in published reviews on the toxicity of NMP. Additional references on
synthetic fibres were obtained from the reference list in a report by the Health and
Safety Executive in the United Kingdom (416) on the hazards and risks of fibres,
supplemented by a search with the keywords “synthetic fibre” AND “toxicity” OR
“health” in PubMed up to December 2021. As noted in the introduction, although
every effort has been made to ensure that the literature reviewed and evaluated for
this report is as comprehensive as possible, it is not possible to guarantee that every
study has been captured in this rapidly emerging field.
All studies identified were evaluated with a recently published NMP toxicity study
assessment tool, the purpose of which is to screen and prioritize studies for risk
assessment according to their reliability, which is scored on a number of criteria
of quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) (16), summarized in Fig. 7, which
include consideration of:
• identification of the test substance,
• characterization of the test system,
• description of the study design,
• documentation of the results and
• the plausibility of the design and the results for risk assessment purposes.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
The approach is based on previous methods for evaluating study designs and
reporting details, such as the principles of the Klimisch score (417), guidance and
criteria used in a modified version of the ToxRTool (374) and those proposed by de
Ruijter et al. (418) for assessing the quality of ecotoxicological studies. The objective
of the NMP toxicity study assessment tool is to provide a standard procedure for
evaluating and scoring the quality of toxicity studies of relevance to human health in
a transparent approach (16). The results can thus be used to screen and prioritize a
study for the purposes of risk assessment and can also be used to provide guidance
for strengthening the quality of future studies, which is perceived to be a principal
factor for assessing human health risks.
5. Toxicological effects
Note that this is the geometric diameter. In an aerosol, the MMAD of these particles might be different,
which would influence the dose and location of deposition in the respiratory tract.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Average scores per criterion for three elements: particle characterization, experimental study design and
applicability for risk assessment. Individual criteria are summarized in Fig. 7 and in reference 16.
Average scores per criterion for three elements: particle characterization, experimental study design and
applicability for risk assessment. See references 15 and 16 for further information.
5. Toxicological effects
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
environmentally relevant NMP (section 2) should be made available for use in toxicity
studies to ensure robust analyses of implications for human health and assessment
of risk. In the interim, study reports should include thorough characterization of
the test particles, which is important for understanding the relations between the
properties of particles and toxicological end-points, and measures to ensure that the
observations are not influenced by an artefact, such as a chemical contaminant or
The number of studies on the toxicity of NMP after oral exposure has increased
recently, allowing comparison with the adverse health effects of nanoparticles such as
titanium dioxide, which is widely used as a food colourant. Effects such as changes in
inflammatory response have been summarized (526), and Pinget et al. (527) reported
a significant effect of titanium dioxide on immune cells, with increased macrophages,
and effects on gut microbiota that could trigger diseases such as inflammatory
bowel disease and colorectal cancer. Results for other particle types, including NMP,
have been both similar and contrasting. Grouping and read-across approaches for
comparing the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles of different composition,
shape, size and surface chemistry have been used (447, 508, 528–532). In view of
the uncertainties of both exposure to and the toxic effects of NMP, however, findings
on the toxicity of other nanoparticles cannot be extrapolated to NMP. Nevertheless,
understanding how the properties of microparticles influence adverse health
effects could be important and should be considered in studying toxicity and in risk
assessment (533).
In its report on MP in drinking-water (1), WHO noted that there were no
epidemiological studies on ingested MP and that the data, at that time, from studies in
animal models in vivo were limited and inadequate for a risk assessment of ingested
MP. Currently, data on the absorption and toxicity of plastic particles are available
for only a few polymeric particles, i.e., polystyrene, polyethylene and PET, and the
reliability of some of the studies is doubtful (1), as discussed below. The relevance
and reliability of current data for evaluating the implications of exposure to NMP for
human health should therefore be evaluated.
Since the WHO report (1), several relevant publications on toxicity in vivo after short-
term exposure of the gastrointestinal tract to NMP have been published and reviewed,
(see, for instance, 15, 16, 27, 523, 524, 534–536). For this report, the studies were
evaluated with regard to characterization of particles, study design and applicability
for risk assessment (Figs 9 and 10). The NMP used in toxicity tests should be
characterized better to improve understanding of their toxicological mechanisms of
action (537), such as by use of standardized reference materials (15, 16, 538).
Fig. 9 summarizes the studies evaluated. In most, polystyrene particles of different
sizes, mainly in the micrometre range, were tested, and the species used were limited
to mice and rats. The toxic effects observed were mainly pathological changes in
the gut and liver and disorders of energy metabolism (27); reduced mucus secretion
and intestinal inflammation were also observed (448, 454). Dysfunction of the gut
barrier was reported by Jin et al. (455), and changes in the composition of the caecal
microflora were also found (448, 454, 455). Liver inflammation, lipid accumulation
and changes in the lipid profile were reported (455, 527) as well as changes in
5. Toxicological effects
Average scores per criterion for the three categories of particle characterization, experimental study design
and applicability for risk assessment. Individual criteria are summarized in Fig. 7.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
that the small variations in biochemical measurements (Fig. 4 of Deng et al. (422))
might be due to the biological variance expected from five animals per group. Concern
has also been raised about the particle mass balance, with the tissue burden of kidney,
liver and gut combining to exceed the administered dose (541).
Several studies reported adverse effects on mammalian reproductive health. Luo et al.
(458) studied the reproductive effects of pristine 5-μm polystyrene MP administered in
drinking-water to groups of pregnant ICR mice at a concentration of 100 or 1000 μg/L
throughout gestation and lactation, with some of the female offspring at the high
concentration mated with untreated males to produce an F2 generation. The actual
concentrations, however, were not verified by analytical quantification. Exposure to MP
was reported to have no effect on body weight. The relative liver weight increased in
F1 offspring at both concentrations but not in dams, and hepatic triglyceride and total
cholesterol levels increased in dams and decreased in F1 mice at both concentrations.
Exposure to the high concentration resulted in changes in the caecal microflora in
both dams and F1 offspring. Changes in colon mucus secretion and ion transporter
transcription profile were also observed in exposed dams. Transcriptomic and
metabonomic analyses of liver and plasma indicated that exposure to MP can cause
metabolic disorder in offspring and that some consequences are still evident in F1
(280 days) and F2 offspring.
Luo et al. (452) studied the developmental effects of pristine 0.5-μm and 5-μm
polystyrene NMP administered in drinking-water to groups of pregnant ICR mice at
a concentration of 100 or 1000 μg/L throughout gestation. The F1 offspring were
maintained until postnatal day 42, when they were terminated for examination.
Exposure to MP had no effect on the sex ratio or survival of offspring, and no
statistically significant adverse effects were reported on body weight or liver to
body weight ratio. Liver and serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels were altered in
male offspring of exposed groups, and metabonomic analyses of serum, verified by
transcriptomic analysis of liver, indicated that exposure to MP in utero could cause
disordered fatty acid metabolism after birth, particularly with larger diameter particles.
Lack of information on dose, however, makes it difficult to interpret the significance of
some of the findings.
Several limitations should be considered when using these results for risk
assessment. Inadequate characterization of chemical impurities that may be
associated with the monodisperse type of particles used in the studies reduces
the usefulness of the results for assessing the implications for human health of
exposure to the complex, heterogeneous mixture of NMP expected to occur in the
environment. Thus, standard reference materials representative of environmentally
relevant ingested NMP should be made available, which will be possible only with
better characterization of NMP in food and beverages representative of human diets,
and methods are required to verify the dose actually delivered. As discussed in section
4, uncertainty in dosimetry poses challenges to interpretation and extrapolation of in-
vivo data in experimental animals to humans.
There is continuing debate about how the size of particles influences their intestinal
absorption and systemic biodistribution (section 4), with subsequent adverse effects
at the cellular level. Information on the biokinetics of particles could be combined with
5. Toxicological effects
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
5. Toxicological effects
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
5. Toxicological effects
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
5. Toxicological effects
Score per study for particle characterization, experimental study design and applicability for risk assessment.
See references 15 and 16 for additional details.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
on-chip appear to be promising for assessing the toxicity of NMP and would also
reduce the use of animals in testing. A variety of tools will be required for QIVIVE to
determine the implications of human exposure to NMP (572).
Figs 10 and 11 summarize the results of in-vitro studies on the toxicity of NMP and the
models used, which include the airways (516, 519), intestine (493, 501, 512), placental
epithelium (493) and skin (573). The models of airways included both bronchial (516)
and alveolar epithelium. Nanosized polystyrene beads were used in most studies,
except in one, in which bronchial epithelial cells were exposed to polycarbonate
and ABS particles generated from 3D printer emissions (574). The particles used in
studies of the airways measured 0.025–2.0 μm, which are substantially smaller than
the MP detected and quantified in environmental samples (section 2) but relevant to
those implicated in adverse effects on human health (< 0.1 μm). Ultrafine particles
trigger inflammatory mechanisms in vitro that may play a role in chronic pulmonary
inflammation (517, 574). Particle surface area and the oxidative potential of ultrafine
particles appear to be critical parameters in the inflammatory response (533, 571).
Particle interactions with lipid mediators, such as COX2 protein, play a central role in
interference with regulatory pathways after exposure to ultrafine particles.
Confounding factors such as the presence of impurities (e.g., endotoxins) or chemicals
added to plastic should be considered when assessing the effects of NMP in vitro. Xu
et al. (513, 575) concluded that much of the toxicity of PVC in their tests was due to
leaching of chemical additives by assessing the toxicity of the original particles and
those from which chemical additives had been removed and comparing them with silica
particles at a similar dose and particle size distribution (513). The PVC particles were
less toxic than silica, which was considered to be due partly to faster clearance from
the lung. These observations are consistent with those of Pigott and Ishmael (483),
who assessed PVC powders (1–250 μm) obtained from an industrial source, α-quartz
(median diameter, 33 μm) as a positive control and polymethylmethacrylate powder as a
non-cytotoxic material. Aliquots of PVC dust suspensions were added to culture vessels
to a final concentration of 0.5 mg dust/106 cells and exposed for 2 h. Comparison of
alcohol-washed and unwashed powders indicated a cytotoxic effect of a surfactant
associated with the PVC dust, as the toxic response was mitigated when it was removed
(483). Separation of the effects of the particles and of the chemical thus supported
results obtained in vivo, in which minimal tissue damage was observed.
In-vitro studies relevant to oral toxicity are based on human intestinal cell models
(mainly Caco-2 cells), as reviewed by Yong et al. (27). In most studies, cellular uptake
of NMP was observed, but they generally had insignificant toxicity, except at high
concentrations. No significant effects on cell viability were observed after exposure to
5-μm polystyrene beads (501, 512). Stock et al. (405) reported significant loss of cell
viability only at very high concentrations of the smallest particles tested (1 μm); no
cytotoxicity was observed at any concentration of the larger particles. Similar findings
were reported by Hesler et al. (493), who found a significant increase in metabolic
activity after exposure to 46-nm polystyrene beads at 100 μg/mL and significantly
decreased metabolic activity after exposure to 0.01 μg/mL of 446-nm polystyrene
beads. Wu and colleagues (501) reported low toxicity after exposure to 0.1- and 5-µm
polystyrene particles but observed depolarization of mitochondria and inhibition of the
toxicant efflux pump, ATP-binding cassette transporter, which increased the toxicity
5. Toxicological effects
of arsenic. Exposure to 0.1- and 5-μm polystyrene beads at 200 μg/mL induced
significant generation of reactive oxygen species. In another study by Wu et al. (512),
5-µm polystyrene beads had no significant effect on superoxide dismutase, catalase
or glutathione activity or on malondialdehyde levels after exposure to 12.5–50 μg/mL
for 48 h.
Polystyrene beads (0.046–5 μm) did not adversely affect membrane integrity, even
at the highest concentrations (493, 501). Genes attributed to tight junction pathways
were found to be differentially expressed after exposure to 50 μg/mL polystyrene
beads (5 μm) (512), which suggested an effect on membrane integrity. Hesler et
al. (493) did not observe translocation, although polystyrene beads were observed
in intestinal cells and more 0.446-μm polystyrene beads were internalized than the
smaller 0.046-µm beads; no explanation was provided. Wu et al. (512) reported that
inflammatory and immune pathways were affected by exposure to 5-μm polystyrene
beads, although their conclusions are not supported by the data presented. Stock
et al. (405) found that uptake of microplastics did not affect the polarization of
macrophages or the release of chemokines.
Although all the in-vitro studies give insights into the potential toxicity of NMP, the
results are inadequate for risk assessment because of the use of unrealistically
high concentrations and testing predominantly of polystyrene beads, which are not
considered to be representative of environmental exposure. Moreover, as in the
reports of in-vivo studies, the properties of the particles tested were not adequately
described. Nevertheless, the factors that appear to determine dose-dependent
relations are particle size, surface chemistry (NH2-polystyrene was generally more
potent than neutral and COOH particles) and exposure duration (518). As most of
the studies were of nano-sized polystyrene particles, the results for environmentally
relevant MP of irregular or fibrous shape and different polymer composition could be
used to identify potentially hazardous particles. The in-vitro study with the highest
quality score was that of Choi et al. (489), who observed that differences in the shape
of polyethylene particles result in significant differences in toxicity. They found that
irregularly shaped particles with a rough surface structure have effects on cells
that include pro-inflammatory cytokine release and haemolysis, whereas spherical
particles were not severely cytotoxic at the concentrations tested.
5.1.4 Summary
Concern about human exposure to airborne NMP is
increasing, and characterization of their contribution to the
concentrations of atmospheric particles is important for
assessing the implications for human health (section 2).
In the Global Burden of Disease programme (311), it was
estimated that 4.2 million people had died prematurely in
2015 due to exposure to airborne PM. The components of PM
that represent the greatest risk to human health, however, are
poorly understood, although a contribution of NMP cannot be
excluded (111).
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
5. Toxicological effects
were virgin polystyrene spheres. These could leach monomer residues or various
chemical additives, which, at high concentrations, could trigger adverse effects such
as inflammation and oxidative stress. To assess the implications to human health of
NMP as vectors of chemicals associated with MP, as occurs during environmentally
relevant exposure, each pathway of exposure to the associated chemicals should
be assessed, including in the diet, by inhalation and due to leaching from NMP. The
toxicity of chemicals associated with plastics does not necessarily present a risk in
drinking-water or food if the exposure is sufficiently lower than a defined margin of
exposure (MOE) or if the exposure resulting from leaching is negligible or minor as
compared with that from other sources. Quantification of exposure to both NMP and
associated chemicals is thus critical for risk assessment.
Plastic commodities contain a variety of chemical additives and unbound monomers
that can leach into water, air or, in the case of plastic packaging, into food before
consumption (576–578). As shown in Table 1, the application and use of chemical
additives varies widely according to the polymer composition and the intended use of
the plastic product. Consequently, evaluation of the role of NMP as a vector for human
exposure to chemical additives will require characterization and quantification of
their concentrations in NMP and in the diet (124). In the absence of this information,
risk has been estimated mainly by applying conservative assumptions and exposure
scenarios for qualitative assessment of the relative implications for human health
(1, 10, 11, 83, 124, 579). For instance, EFSA (10) and FAO (83) adopted a conservative
approach in estimating that a meal of mussels could result in exposure to 4 MP/g
(Table 5). For MP with a diameter of 25 μm and a density of 0.92 g/cm3, EFSA (10)
estimated an intake of 7 μg on the basis of typical consumption of a 225-g portion
of mussels. In a conservative scenario in which chemical additives and other
sorbed chemical contaminants are assumed to be present in MP at the maximum
concentrations reported and that the total mass of chemical is bioavailable after
ingestion, EFSA estimated that exposure to sorbed chemicals represents a negligible
fraction of total intake, with increases of < 0.006% in polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), < 0.004% in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and about 2% in bisphenol A
over those seen in other exposure pathways.
Using the approaches of EFSA and FAO in relation to mussels and estimates of human
exposure to MP in drinking-water, WHO (1) also evaluated exposure to chemicals
from ingestion of water contaminated with MP. Assumptions were made that would
result in very high exposure to total MP on a mass basis: spherical MP with a diameter
of 150 μm, a density of 2.3 g/cm3 and an exposure of 10.4 µg/L. At a default water
consumption of 2 L/day, daily intake of MP was estimated to be 85 μg. In this highly
conservative scenario, exposure to MP would be to 1.4 μg/kg bw per day for an adult
with a default body weight of 60 kg. The report noted that a more realistic estimate
would be about 0.03 µg/kg bw per day. The plastic-associated chemicals evaluated
for their implications for human health were bisphenol A, cadmium, chlordane, di(2-
ethylhexylphthalate), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, hexachlorobenzene, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, polybrominated diethyl ethers and PCBs. If these plastic-
associated chemicals are present at the maximum reported concentrations in MP
and the chemicals are 100% bioavailable after ingestion, the MOEs for each chemical
suggest that their levels are of little concern for human health.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
5. Toxicological effects
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
the greatest source of metal additives. Li et al. (582), however, using non-targeted
analysis, found that most organic chemical leachates that migrated into simulated
gastric fluids were from PVC. An additional concern was organic chemicals leaching
from NMP originating from recycled plastic. This is an important observation, as in
most conservative approaches it is assumed that all NMP contain the maximum
amounts of various plastic-associated chemicals. Li et al. (582), however, suggest that
conservative approaches should be revised to account for differences in relative mass
and the types of chemicals in polymers. If PVC, for instance, represents a relatively
small fraction of total exposure, estimates of chemical-specific MOE that approach
values of concern should be refined to obtain more accurate estimates of implications
for human health.
5. Toxicological effects
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Key messages
polystyrene beads. Information is required on the effects of particle
size, shape, polymer composition and other factors representative
of environmentally relevant NMP.
• The limited hazard characterization of NMP suggests that they may
have adverse effects similar to those of other well-studied solid and
insoluble particles through similar modes of action.
• The available data are insufficient to determine whether exposure
to NMP is associated with any direct or indirect characteristic
pathology, as concern about QA/QC has been poorly accounted for
in published studies.
Microorganisms can populate numerous surface types by forming biofilms, which
contain diverse bacteria, algae, protozoans and fungi. In the environment, plastic
can provide a new surface substrate for biofilm-forming microbial communities,
often referred to as “plastispheres” (598–600). The propensity of microorganisms to
populate plastic particles depends on physical, chemical and biological factors, which
have been studied mainly in marine environments. A conditioning film consisting of
organic and inorganic substances forms within seconds around submerged surfaces
by adsorption, and this material-specific alteration of surface properties strongly
influences the composition of the colonizing microbial community (601–603).
Environmental conditions, including high nutrient concentrations (nitrogen and
phosphorus), salinity, temperature, high ultraviolet radiation and oxygen content,
influence the formation of plastics and microplastics biofilms (604–608). Material
properties such as hydrophobicity and surface roughness also affect microorganism
attachment and propagation (609–611). The increasing number of plastic surfaces
available for biofilm colonization on aquatic ecosystems is a topic of increasing
concern and research. A limited number of studies suggest that plastispheres can
disperse over longer distances than other particles, potentially introducing invasive
species into vulnerable ecosystems (612–614).
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
6. Nano- and microplastics as vectors of pathogens
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
7.1 Summary
Environmental monitoring of air, water and biota provides convincing evidence that
NMP are distributed across the planet. The concentrations are, however, highly
variable and are influenced by human activity. In most of the studies conducted to
date, MP have been characterized and quantified in marine and freshwater systems,
and wastewater treatment effluent has been identified as an important source of NMP
in the aquatic environment (1). Characterization and quantification of NMP in air raise
awareness about the importance of the atmospheric fate and transport of NMP as
a source for both marine and freshwater systems, for human exposure by inhalation
and for contamination of food and beverages (section 2). The available studies of
concentrations of NMP in air, food and beverages were conducted in only a few
locations for only a few food categories, resulting in only crude estimates of human
exposure. The data on foods and beverages are limited to a few product types, which
are not necessarily the main foods in human diets, and limited quantitative data are
available on exposure to the inhalable fraction of particles. Although one objective of
this report was to assess risks to human health, the available data are insufficient for
a quantitative assessment of total human exposure, as estimated intake is based on
limited data with well-known analytical limitations. As observed previously (634), the
evidence is insufficient to determine risks to human health
The findings cited in this report do not, however, imply that exposure to NMP is “safe”,
as concluded by some stakeholders (635). The limits to the reliability and relevance
of the available data for quantifying exposure to and the effects of NMP on human
health and the environment and how those uncertainties should best be addressed
in attempting to determine the presence or absence of risk have been discussed
elsewhere (634, 636–638). The constructive momentum built by widespread public
awareness and an overwhelming consensus among stakeholders that plastics do
not belong in the environment should be leveraged for transformation to a more
sustainable plastics economy. In addition to measures for better management of
plastic, such as better waste treatment, and initiatives to reduce the use of plastic,
innovations should also be encouraged in materials science, particularly with regard
to the substantial releases of NMP from plastic products used throughout commerce.
As it is clear that human exposure to NMP is ubiquitous, a reduction in exposure can
only have widespread benefits for humans and the environment.
In order to assess the risk and the implications of exposure to NMP on human health,
we collected and evaluated all the available data for an assessment of the overall
weight of evidence for a risk to human health. The shortcomings that obviated a
risk assessment included inconsistencies in the data, such as in sampling and the
experimental design of studies, and the absence of clear approaches to extrapolate
the adverse effects observed in experimental test systems with monodisperse
particles to those of the complex mixture of heterogeneous NMP present in the
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
7. Summary and research topics
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
• NMP are a heterogeneous mixture of particles and fibres of
various shapes, sizes, polymer composition, surface chemistry
and associated chemicals.
• In this report, a pragmatic definition of microplastics is used, in
which synthetic polymeric particles are < 5 mm in diameter, while
NP are particles < 1 μm in diameter.
• The properties and composition of NMP change during their life-
cycle in the environment.
Human exposure:
• Human exposure to NMP is ubiquitous and occurs by all routes.
• Information on exposure from air, drinking-water, food and
beverages is limited. Data on the characteristics of NMP and their
quantification in each of these media are necessary, with better
understanding of their sources.
7. Summary and research topics
Toxicological effects:
• Data on toxicity after inhalation or dietary exposure for
characterizing the hazard of NMP are limited to studies with
polystyrene beads. Information is required on the effects of
particle size, shape, polymer composition and other factors
representative of environmentally relevant exposure to NMP.
• The limited hazard characterization of NMP suggests that they
may have adverse effects similar to those of other well-studied
solid and insoluble particles through similar modes of action.
• The available data are insufficient to determine whether exposure
to NMP is associated with any direct or indirect characteristic
pathology, as concern about QA/QC has been poorly accounted
for in published studies.
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Several themes can be identified in the key messages and are used
to define the necessary research. Generally, the characterization
and quantification of exposure to NMP and the associated human
health effects are incomplete and insufficient for an assessment of
risk, although the potential effects of NMP on human health should
continue to be monitored. As more data become available for better
understanding of mechanisms of action and subsequent effects, it may
be possible to characterize and quantify human health risk in the future.
The basic research requirements necessary to advance scientific
understanding are listed below.
• Standard methods: Sampling and analysis of NMP in air, water,
food and beverages require robust, quality-assured methods and
suitable reference standards representative of environmentally
relevant NMP.
• Particle characterization: Quality-assured environmental
monitoring studies should be conducted to characterize the
distributions of size, shape and composition of NMP in the
environment for studies of the effects of exposure on human
health and to prepare reference standards for environmentally
relevant testing of toxicity.
• Sources of NMP: Although NMP are ubiquitous in the
environment, their sources cannot currently be accurately defined.
They include tyre and road wear particles, textiles, degradation
and fragmentation of plastic, but it is not known which source
predominates. The contributions of different factors would guide
strategies for mitigating exposure.
• Uptake and fate of both inhaled and ingested NMP: Information
on the absorption and systemic uptake of NMP is available from
only a few studies with a limited number of plastic polymers.
More information is required on the absorption, distribution and
elimination of NMP. More research should be conducted on the
influence of the food matrix on the bioavailability of ingested
particles and the efficiency of their absorption and elimination.
• Toxicology: Quality-assured experiments suitable for risk
assessment should be conducted, with adequate characterization
of exposure to the types of NMP to which humans are most
commonly exposed.
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Quality assurance and quality control criteria to be met to achieve
each score
The criteria are considered to have been met if they are referred to in a publication.
The table below summarizes the scores for quality, with the categories and criteria
described in the literature.
Activity 2 1 0
Sampling Sampling Dust: Only a subset of the Insufficient reporting
methods • Location required criteria are of sampling methods
• Date reported (e.g., date,
• Apparatus location, materials
• Mass/area collected used); however, the
data are reproducible.
Atmospheric deposition:
• Sampler description (including
collection surface area) and whether
bulk or wet deposition collected
• Location
• Date
• Height (of sampler and site, if
• Sampling duration (per sample and
per campaign)
• Materials used (e.g., filtered water) in
sample collection
Dietary and inhalation exposure to nano- and microplastic particles and potential implications for human health
Activity 2 1 0
Sample Atmospheric deposition: Insufficient storage Insufficient reporting
processing and Sample collection in filtered water. at room temperature
storage Store sample shortly after collection in and/or or storage
the dark at 4 °C, or filter, dry and store in
a cool, dark place Unnecessary
exposure or
Suspended particles (air): contamination risk
Transfer filter to a petri dish. Store in during transportation
cool, dark place.
Mitigation of Laboratory • Cotton laboratory coat or non- Criteria met only No precautions or
contamination preparation synthetic clothes partially, e.g., only insufficient reporting
• Equipment and laboratory surfaces wiping laboratory
wiped and rinsed surfaces and
• Plastic avoided in the protocol when equipment, not
appropriate wearing a cotton
• All apparatus used is rigorously laboratory coat
cleaned with ultrapure water and/or
filtered solvents.
• All reagents and solvents used are
Clean air • Clean room or laminar flow cabinet Mitigation of airborne No regard for airborne
conditions • A clean room should be classified contamination by contamination, use
in accordance with ISO 14644 keeping samples only of a normal fume
and/or with an indication of the closed as much as hood or insufficient
maximum permitted airborne particle possible if negative reporting
concentration. samples were run in
parallel and examined
for contamination
Negative • Field controls collected either in Insufficient type of No negative controls
control (blanks) parallel to samples (paired) or a control, e.g., fewer or insufficient
throughout the sampling period (at than three replicates, reporting
least in triplicate), but without with no reporting of negative
exposure to air or /deposition control results with no
• Laboratory (procedural) controls indication of whether
(at least in triplicate) treated and sample data were
analysed in parallel to with actual blank corrected
Annex Quality assurance and quality control criteria to be met to achieve each score
Activity 2 1 0
Microplastic Filter/substrate Appropriate for subsequent analysis, i.e., Quartz fibre filters Insufficient reporting
characterization composition inert, flat membrane (for direct analysis by
and application micro-spectroscopy)
for assessing or composition
human that interferes with
exposure analysis
Polymer Automated, semi-automated or rigorous Hit quality indices No polymer
identification operator-approach: < 70 % when identification
library matches; performed or
Detailed, repeatable method, including low percentage insufficient reporting
whether microparticles are analysed of suspected
directly in the sample or transferred microparticles/
to new substrate, spread of particles sample area analysed;
analysed for all samples or per filter ≥ no indication of
25% of the surface area analysed. High whether microplastics
percentage of suspected microparticles are evenly distributed
analysed, i.e., all particles for which the among samples; no
numbers of pre-sorted particles are < indication of whether
100 or ≥ 50% when particle numbers > microplastics were
100; high hit quality Indices accepted analysed directly in a
(> 70%); sample or transferred
Details of library or/database included or
details of software or/programme Identification with
scanning electron
microscopy and
X-ray to distinguish
polymer from non-
polymer materials
Particle Detailed reporting, including maximum No mention of Insufficient reporting
characterization and/minimum particle size and particle minimum size or/
for human size limit of detection limits of detection
Length and diameter of fibres reported Sizes based
on suspected
Classified as fibres if aspect ratio > 3:1 (not confirmed)
1. Liu K, Wang X, Fang T, Xu P, Zhu L, Li D. Source and potential risk assessment of suspended atmospheric
microplastics in Shanghai. Sci Total Environ. 2019;675:462–71.