Hadoop Commands

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Hadoop is bigdata tool that manages the storage and processing of large amounts of data for
applica ons. Hadoop uses distributed storage and parallel processing to handle big data and analy cs
jobs, breaking workloads down into smaller workloads that can be run at the same me.

Hadoop has two main components;


2. Hadoop MapReduce

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)

HDFS splits files into blocks and sends them across various nodes. Also, in case of a node failure, the
system operates and data transfer takes place between the nodes which are facilitated by HDFS.
HDFS comprising of 3 nodes:

1.Name Node (NN)

 Master node in HDFS

 NN stores metadata (Informa on about data)
 Only one NN under a HDFS

2.Data Node (DN)

 Data stored in DN
 Data stored in blocks of size 64 Mb in Hadoop and 128 Mb in case of yarn.
 Mul ple number of DN will be there.

3. Secondary Name Node (SNN)

 Backup data is stored at SNN.

Hadoop MapReducing

MapReduce is an algorithm used for processing/analysing data in Hadoop. Mapreducing also is a

master slave model. It has two components;

1.Job Tracker (JT)

 Assigns job to Task Tracker.

 Only single JT is present.
 Here, master is JT.

2.Task Tracker (TT)

 TT completes the task assigned by JT.

 There are mul ple number of TT are present.

NN, DN, SNN, JT and TT are known as five daemons of Hadoop. Hadoop itself is primarily implemented
in Java, but can use other tools and languages in the Hadoop ecosystem like Pig and Hive to process
big data without needing extensive knowledge of Java.

Created by - Shubham Wadekar

HDFS Commands

HDFS is the primary or major component of the Hadoop ecosystem which is responsible for storing
large data sets of structured or unstructured data across various nodes. Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS) commands are used to interact with and manage files and directories stored in
Hadoop's distributed file system.

1. To start HDFS Daemons


2. To stop HDFS Daemons


3. To start processing Daemons only


4. To stop Processing Daemons


5. To start HDFS Daemons only


6. To stop HDF Daemons only


7. To verify whether the daemons are started or not


jps: Java Processing Status tool

8. Individually Start Daemons


hadoop-daemons.sh start <node>

For yarn:

yarn-daemon.sh start <rm/nm>

RM: Resource Manager

NM: Node Manager

9. To check Proper es of Hadoop

hadoop fsck - /

fsck: File System Check

10. To list contents

hadoop fs -ls /

Created by - Shubham Wadekar

10. To create directory

hadoop fs -mkdir /directoryname

11. To create subdirectories inside a directory

hadoop fs -mkdir -p /dir.1/dir.2

12. To create file

hadoop fs -touchz /filename

13. To count directories, files and size

hadoop fs -count /

14. To delete a file

hadoop fs -rm /filename

15. To delete directory

hadoop -rm -r /directory

16. To copy file/directory

(i) Copy from HDFS to HDFS

hadoop fs -cp <source path> <Des na on path>

(ii) Copy from local machine to HDFS

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <source path> <Des na on Path>


hadoop fs -put <sourcepath> <Des na on path>

(iii) Copy from HDFS to local

hadoop fs -copyToLocal <source path> <Des na on Path>

17. To view data from HDFS file in terminal

hadoop fs -cat /file path


Hadoop fs -get <Source path> <Des na on Path>

18. Tail in HDFS files

Hadoop fs -tail /file path

Created by - Shubham Wadekar

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