The study determined the level of reading comprehension of Grade 8 students at Holy Spirit National High
School-Annex as basis for the development of strategic instructional materials using the correlational method of
The McCall-Crabb test was utilized as a reference document for analysis. Additionally, a survey questionnaire
was administered to the student-respondents to collect the data requirements of the study.
The data gathered were statistically analyzed using frequency, percentage and Pearson correlation coefficient.
The hypothetical question was analyzed and interpreted at 5% level of significance.
The results revealed that the respondents got a raw score of 18.26 out of 32 items and a G-Score of 6.98. Hence,
the results indicated that their reading comprehension is for Grade 7 level. Further, it was found that the student-
respondents did not meet the desired reading comprehension competencies for Grade 8 level based on the McCall-Crabb
test. When analyzed, the findings showed that there is no significant different between the grades of the student-
respondents in English 7 and their reading comprehension.
Strategic instructional materials were crafted and formulated based from the results of the study to help both
teachers and students to achieve the goal of reading curriculum for the benefit of the students.
English, being an international language, is a very important vehicle for communication for people with
different linguistic backgrounds. With this importance, English education is given emphasis in schools in different
parts of the world. As pointed out by McKay (2010) in her plenary address at the first annual meeting of Asia TEFL,
English has assumed the role of an international language. It is accorded that “English is the product of a world economic
cultural system, and is the preferred medium of the international communities of business, science, culture and
intellectual life.” She went on to suggest that should teach English as an International Language (EIL).
In the Philippines alone, efforts are being made by schools to teach English and make their students proficient
in English. This is the same plight of other countries especially in Asian- neighboring countries. Some of them even
go to the Philippines to seek English instruction because about majority of the people speak and understand English
very well. This is because English i s being used as medium of instruction in schools and the language used in
It is necessary to consider the different contexts in which it is developed. That is, where language is going to be
taught and the aspects that are taken into account when teaching it, the materials that are used in the class, and the
methods, resources and techniques used by the teacher.
For achieving success within the teaching learning process, teaching materials are an important part because
teachers need to rely on a diverse range of aids that can support their student’s learning and reach their objectives. One
of these aids is the use of supplementary materials that becomes an advantage for teachers since if they are properly
used, they will work effectively at the moment of imparting classes to the students.
Using instructional materials can make classes more interesting and motivating if this material is correctly
selected at the moment of planning the lessons. When teachers choose what material to use in each class, it is very
important to consider its pertinence and appropriateness in order to achieve the proposed goals. – Basic Learning
Materials Initiative Ally (2011)
At the moment of planning classes, teachers can decide from a great variety of instructional materials such as
visual, audio, audio-visual, realia, online and others; however, just some teachers are using them. Based on what is said
lately, propound to investigate about the development and validate instructional materials in language for intermediate
Since its operation began in 2017, Holy Spirit National High School-Annex experienced the scarcity of reading
materials and even motivational devices. The researcher had gone far thinking to propose learning material in upholding
the retention among students.
Currently, Holy Spirit National High School-Annex experienced reading comprehension problems among
students and teacher’s observation is a plus. The students gather low scores in language subject that is causing to the
development of the students.
In the Division Memorandum of Quezon City dated July 08, 2018, it declares to administer the McCall-Crabb
instructing Reading teachers must conduct McCall Crabb Standardized Test for Junior High School students. This is
intended to determine the Reading Profile of the schools and students. The results of the examination will help the
developmental reading facilitators to formulate class activities to help the students to improve scores in comprehension.
It is the utmost purpose of the study to identify the English language skills performance of the respondents
specifically in reading comprehension to recommend appropriate strategic instructional materials that can help
strengthen the learning process in language learning.
Research Paradigm
BLOCK 1 is the INPUT which contained the variables of the study. It includes the Grades in English 7 of the
students; reading comprehension level of students; significant relationship between the grades of students in English 7
and reading comprehension; the challenges in reading met by students and solutions done.
BLOCK 2 is the PROCESS which indicated the methods and procedures use to draw meaningful and reliable
results using questionnaire.
BLOCK 3 is the OUTPUT showed the outcome of the study. Based from the results, Strategic Instructional
Materials in Reading were developed to serve as a tool in improving students’ reading comprehension.
Research Locale
This study was conducted at Holy Spirit National High School-Annex in the Schools Division Office Quezon
City, District II, Quezon City, Philippines.
Sampling Technique
In this study, the purposive sampling technique to determine the respondents and subjects of the study. This is a
non-scientific sampling technique which is based on choosing individuals as samples according to the purpose of the
research as his controls. The respondents involved were all of the three hundred forty-three (343) Grade 8 students of
Holy Spirit National High School-Annex who were present during the actual administration of the McCall-Crabb test.
Research Design
The study utilized the correlational method of research where quantifiable information was used for statistical
inference on the target audience. This is to determine if there is a relationship between the grades of student-respondents
in English 7 and the reading comprehension using the McCall-Crabb test.
Research Instrument
The McCall-Crabb test was utilized as a reference document for analysis. A survey questionnaire was
administered to the respondents to collect the data requirements of the study.
Data Analysis
Frequency, percentage and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to compute and analyze the data gathered.
The hypothetical question was analyzed and interpreted at 5% level of significance.
Significant Relationship between the Grades of Student-Respondents in English 7 and their Reading Comprehension
Table 3 shows the extent of relationship between the English 7 grades and reading comprehension level of the
student-respondents through the use of Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. Since the computed correlation coefficient
which is 0.40 or moderately low, the hypothesis is accepted that there is no significant relationship between the English
7 grades of the students and reading comprehension. Further, the coefficient of determination which is equal to 0.16
signifies that there exists a 16% variation between the relationships of the English 7 grades and reading comprehension
level of the student-respondents.
Table 3. Relationship between the English 7 Grades and Reading Comprehension Level of the Student-Respondents
1. The overall average grade of the students is 80.80 which can be described as “approaching proficiency” based
from DepEd Order No. 31 series of 2012. The students developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and
core understandings and with little guidance from the teacher and/or with some assistance from peers, can transfer
these understandings through authentic performance tasks.
2. It shows that both groups fail to get 50% correct items. The girls’ score is slightly higher than the boys. In general,
both male and female students have a reading comprehension for Grade 7 level.
3. There is no significant relationship between the English 7 grades and the reading comprehension which was
drawn from 0.40- which is moderately low.
4. The challenges met by the students in reading were provided solutions to facilitate their reading improvements.
The challenges met by the respondents identified as: (1) the students have difficulties in reading due to absence
of reading materials with an intervention of 85 percent. (2) the students do not enjoy reading materials available
in the library with 80 percent. (3) the students have difficulties in reading due to lack of guidance at home with
75 percent. The solutions offered in addressing these challenges were: (1) the teacher should provide strategic
instructional materials for the students with 85 percent. (2) the library should provide more interactive reading
materials with 81 percent. (3) the parents should be aware of their children’s performance and guide them by
monitoring the reading habits and buy reading materials with 78 percent.
5. Strategic Instructional Materials were crafter and formulated based from the findings of the study to help both
teachers and students to achieve the goal of reading curriculum for the benefit of the students.
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are given:
1. For the teachers to be aware of the reading comprehension of their students and should use their creativity to
develop more strategic instructional materials and draw up intervention programs of English proficiency for the
2. For the students to improve reading comprehension through creative strategic instructional materials alongside
their teachers’ help in giving directions and practice opportunities so as to enhance greatly their reading
comprehension skills.
3. For the parents to make a way to provide instructional materials at home and to guide them by monitoring the
reading habits of their children.
4. For the school administrators to support any proposed intervention programs to help enhance the reading
comprehension of the students and give teachers more opportunities to attend relevant trainings to better upgrade
their competence in teaching reading.
5. For the future teacher-researchers to do more research on this area which may serve as future reference for more
valuable and functional studies.
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