Business Economics (Sbaa1103) Unit 1 Notes
Business Economics (Sbaa1103) Unit 1 Notes
Business Economics (Sbaa1103) Unit 1 Notes
Political Economy is another name of Economics. “Polis “in Greek means a state. The term
Political economy means the management of the wealth of the state. The state is expected to
get maximum benefit for the society. The situation that prevails in real world. The means which
satisfy our wants are limited. Time and money are limited. Land ,labour and capital used for
production are limited. Science has increased our resources but our want also has increased.
• Two major factors are responsible for the emergence of economic problems. They are :
• The numerous human wants are to be satisfied through the scarce resources available in
• Economics deals with how the numerous human wants are to be satisfied with limited
• Economics not only covers the decision-making behavior of individuals but also the macro
variables of economics like national income, public finance, international trade and so on.
• Several definitions of Economics have been given. For the sake of convenience let us
classify the various definitions into four groups:
1. Science of wealth
1. Science of wealth
✓ Some earlier economists defined Economics as follows:
• “An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of the nations’’ by Adam
• “Science which deals with wealth" by J.B. Say.
✓ In the above definition wealth becomes the main focus of the study of Economics.
✓ This definition by Adam Smith ,is the first important and comprehensive definition.
✓ Science of wealth definition has two dimensions
✓ Meaning of wealth and
✓ Causes of wealth
• It takes wealth into account only material goods
• Exaggerated the emphasis on wealth
• It inquires the causes behind creation of wealth
• It considered economics as a dismal or selfish science
• It defined wealth in a very narrow and restricted sense
• It considered only material and tangible goods
• It gave emphasis only to wealth and reduced man to secondary place
✓ Second Definition: "The range of our inquiry becomes restricted to that part of social
welfare that can be brought directly or indirectly into relation with the measuring rod of
money “Pigou.
✓ In the first definition Economics has been indicated to be a study of mankind in the
ordinary business of life. By ordinary business we mean those activities which occupy
considerable part of human effort.
✓ The fulfillment of economic needs is a very important business which every man
ordinarily does.
✓ Professor Marshall has clearly pointed that Economics is the study of wealth but more
important is the study of man. Thus, man gets precedence over wealth.
✓ The second definition by Pigou emphasizes social welfare but only that part of it which
can be related with the measuring rod of money.
✓ Money is general measure of purchasing power by the use of which the science of
Economics can be rendered more precise.
Features of welfare definition
• It is primarily the study of mankind
• It is one side the study of wealth and other side the study of man
• It takes account ordinary business of life – it is not concerned with social, religious and
political aspects of man’s life
• It emphasizes on material welfare ie human welfare which is related to wealth
• It limits the scope of activities, to measurement in terms of money
• It considers economics as a social science rather than a human science
• It restricts the scope of economics to the study of persons living in organized communities
• Welfare in itself has a wide meaning which is not made clear in definition
✓ Robbins has made Economics a scientific study and his definition has become popular
among some economists.
✓ But his definition has also been criticized on several grounds. Important ones are:
(i) Robbins has made Economics quite impersonal and colorless. By making it a complete
positive science and excluding normative aspects he has narrowed down its scope.
(ii) Robbins' definition is totally silent about certain macro-economic aspects such as
determination of national income and employment.
4. Science of dynamic growth and development
• Professor Paul A Samuelson supported the views expressed by Robbins. There are many
common points in the definition of Robbins and Samuelson.
• He emphasized that the central issue to be dealt in economics is the problem of making
• Every individual has to allocate his scarce resources among alternative uses such that his
economic wellbeing gets maximized.
• A modern and modified definition is as follows:
• "Economics is the study of how men and society choose, with or without the use of money,
to employ scarce productive resources which could have alternative uses, to produce
various commodities over time and distribute them for consumption now and in the future
amongst various people and groups of society".
• Paul A. Samuelson - “The above definition is very comprehensive because it does not
restrict to material well-being or money measure as a limiting factor. But it considers
economic growth over time.
(a) Economics is a science: A subject is considered science if
✓ It is a systematized body of knowledge which studies the relationship between cause and
✓ It is capable of measurement.
✓ It has its own methodological apparatus. It should have the ability to forecast.
✓ If we analyze Economics, we find that it has all the features of science. Like science it
studies cause and effect relationship between economic phenomena.
✓ But it is to be noted that Economics is not a perfect science.
✓ This is because Economists do not have uniform opinion about a particular event.
✓ The subject matter of Economics is the economic behavior of man which is highly
(b) Economics is an art:
✓ Art is nothing but practice of knowledge.
✓ Whereas science teaches us to know art teaches us to do.
✓ Unlike science which is theoretical, art is practical. If we analyze Economics, we find that
it has the features of an art also. Its various branches, consumption, production, public
finance, etc. provide practicality solutions to various economic problems.
✓ It helps in solving various economic problems which we face in our day-to-day life.
✓ Thus, Economics is both a science and an art.
✓ It is science in its methodology and art in its application.
✓ Study of unemployment problem is science but framing suitable policies for reducing the
extent of unemployment is an art.
✓ The subject matter of economics consists of two parts, namely Micro economics and Macro
✓ Ragnar Frisch. Who is among the first Nobel laureates in Economics coined these term.
Which are now universally used
✓ "Micro" is derived from the Greek word “Mikros" meaning small and
✓ "Macro" from "Makros" meaning large.
✓ In Micro–Economics we study the economic behavior of an individual, firm or industry in
the national economy.
✓ It is thus a study of a particular unit rather than all the units combined.
✓ We mainly study the following in Micro-Economics:
(i) Product pricing;
(ii) Consumer behavior
iii) Factor pricing;
iv) Economic conditions of a section of the people;
(v) Study of firms; and
(vi) Location of a industry
Limitations of Economics
✓ Economics cannot predict the future events since its laws lack definiteness.
✓ It is difficult to check the schemes of social betterment or sovereign remedy to economic
✓ It cannot give an idea of functioning of economy as a whole
✓ An individual industry may be flourishing but economy as a whole may be
✓ Individual is ignored
✓ It is individual welfare which is the main aim of Economics.
✓ Business Economics is limited in its scope, Economics has much wider scope.
✓ Business Economics integrates the economic theory, economics gives the particular theory..
✓ Business economics is micro in nature and Economics is macro in nature..
✓ Business Economics deals with theories like profit but Economics deals with theories like
✓ Profit, Wages, interest etc.,
Meaning of Utility:
✓ The simple meaning of ‘utility’ is ‘usefulness’. In economics utility is the capacity of a
commodity to satisfy human wants.
✓ Utility is the quality in goods to satisfy human wants. Thus, it is said that “Wants
satisfying capacity of goods or services is called Utility.”
Kinds of Utility
It is clear from the above table that by the increasing use of any article Marginal and Average
Utility reduces gradually and Total Utility increases only up to that point where the Marginal
Utility comes to zero.
What Is Marginal Utility?
Marginal utility is the added satisfaction that a consumer gets from having one more unit of a good
or service. The concept of marginal utility is used by economists to determine how much of an
item consumer are willing to purchase. Positive marginal utility occurs when the consumption of
an additional item increases the total utility. On the other hand, negative marginal utility occurs
when the consumption of one more unit decreases the overall utility.
• Marginal utility is the added satisfaction a consumer gets from having one more unit of a
good or service.
• The concept of marginal utility is used by economists to determine how much of an item
consumers are willing to purchase.
• The law of diminishing marginal utility is often used to justify progressive taxes.
• Marginal utility can be positive, zero, or negative.
✓ If a consumer takes more and more units of a commodity ,the additional utility he derives
from an extra unit of the commodity goes on falling.
✓ The law of diminishing utility is based on actual experience.
✓ It tells that the more and more of a thing you have, the less and less you want it.
✓ It explains the relationship between the price of a good and the satisfaction you get from
✓ During summer, generally, there will be fall in the price of mangoes because they are
available in plenty. So there is diminishing utility.
✓ The law of diminishing marginal returns has universal application in agriculture, it means
that we cannot double the output by doubling labor and capital.
✓ The law applies to manufacturing industry also.
✓ In the words of Prof. Marshall, “If a person has a thing which can be put to several uses,
he will distribute it among these uses in such a way that it has the same marginal utility in
1. The consumer is rational so he wants to get maximum satisfaction.
2. The utility of each commodity is measurable.
3. The marginal utility of money remains constant.
4. The income of the consumer is given.
5. The prices of the commodities are given.
6. The law is based on the law of diminishing marginal utility.