Sale Notice E Auction 14-2-2024 Seawood
Sale Notice E Auction 14-2-2024 Seawood
Sale Notice E Auction 14-2-2024 Seawood
I )M/s Seowood Multlple 2)Mr Sunil M Bovlskar 3)Mr Naresh R Patel 4)Mrs Shobho N Patel
Servlces LLP
(Bo"ower) (Guorontor/Mortgager) (Guarantor/Mortgager) (Cuarcintor/Mortgagei)
G-001, Seawoods A1101 President Park Office No 705, 7th Office No 705, 7th
Grand Central Mall, CHSLtd Plot No 77/77A, floor, J K chambers floor, J K chambers
Tower 2, Sector No.40 Behind Rajiv Gandhi Premises CHS Ltd, Premises CHS Ltd,
Nerul West Garden Sector No.29, Plot No 76, Sector Plot No 76, Sector
Navi Mumbai - 400 706 Vashi Navi Mumbai - No.17, Vashi, No.17, Vashi,
400 703 Navi Mumbai - 400 705 Navi Mumbai - 400
Dear Sir,
SUB :Notice under Section 13(4) of the Securitizolion and Reconstruction of Finonclal Assets
and Enforcement of Security lntei.est Act, 2002 read with Rule 8(6) of the Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
As you are aware, I, on behalf of Canara Bank, ARM-I Branch, Mumbai have taken possession
of the assets described in Schedule of Sale Notice annexed hereto in terms of Section 13(4) of
the subject Act in connection with outstanding dues payable by you to our ARM-I Branch,
Mumbai of Canara Bank.
The undersigned proposes to sell the assets more fully described in the Schedule of Sale
Notice. Hence, in terms of the provisions of the subject Act and Rules made there under, I am
herewith sending the Sale Notice containing terms and conditions of the Sale.
This is without prei.udice to any other rights ava`ilable to the Bank under the subject Act / or
any other law in force.
Encl: Sale Notice. Dated 29.01.2024
(.miT HIi5TTarGtia5H/A GovERr`iMEr`iT oF INDIA uNDERTAKiNG)
Grfu7Ei#rfer7i77igivi EE€ / ARM BRANCH -I MUMBAI
Email : [email protected] TEL -022-22065425/30 WEB ::
E-Auction Sole Notice for Sate Of lmmovcible Properties undei the Securitizatlon and Reconstruction Of
Fincincial Assets and Enlorcemenl Of Securlfy lntelest Act, 2002 read with provision to Rule 8 (6) Of the
Security Interest (Entorcement) Rules, 2002.
Notice is hereby given to the pub"c in general and in particular to the Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s)
that the below described immovable properties mortgaged/charged to the Seoured Creditor, the
Symbolic Possession of whieh has been taken by the Authorized Officer of Canara Bank, will be
sold on "As is where is", "As is what is" basis on 14.02.2024 for recovery of Rs27,59,19,362.14 (as on
30.11.2023 plus further Interest and cost from 01.12.2023) due to the ARM I Branch of Canara Bank from
M/s. SEAWOOD MULTIPLE SERVICES LLP represented by Partners/Guarantors-Mr.Sunll Ba`/lskar, Mr N R
Pdrel, and Mrs S N Patel.
Lot No 2
Shop No 6, Ground floor, Shopping Arcade, Sector-
54,56 & 58 (part), Seawood Estate, NRI Complex,
Karave, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400 706 standing in the
name of Mr Sunil M Baviskar (Admg.476 sq ft built up)
The Earnest Money Deposit shall be deposited on or before T3.02.2024 upto 5 There is no
encumbrance to the knowledge of the Bank.
EMD amount of 10% of the Reserve Price is to be deposited by way of Demand Draft in favour of
Authorized Officer, Canara Bank ARM 1 Branch Mumbai or Shall be deposited through
RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to credit of account of Canara bank ARM 1 Branch Mumbai A/c no.
209272434 lFSC Code CNR80002360 on or before 13.02.2024 upto 5.00 pin and other documents to be
submitted to service provider on or before 13.02.2024 upto 5.00 pin. Date up to which documents can
be deposited with Bank is 13.02.2024.
For detailed terms and conditions of the sale, please refer the link "E-Auction" provided in Canara
Bank's website ( or may contact Dr. Seema Somkuwar, Chief Manager,
Canara Bank, ARM I Branch, Mumbai (Ph.No.: 022 -22065425/30/Mob.No. 98813 65087) or S.A. Rudra,
Officer, 8355949712, E-mail id : [email protected] during office hours on any working day or the
service provider M/s Cl India Pvt. Ltd., Udyog Vihar, Phase -2, Gulf Petrochem Building, Building No.
301, Gurgaon, Haryana. Pin-122015 Contact Person Mr. Bhavik Pandya 82937 (Contact
No.+911244302020/2 t /22/23/24, [email protected].)
•..!i!: givrA
Date : 29.01.2024 AUTHO D OFFICER
Place: Mumbai CANARA BANK, ARM-I BRANcl1
ev7ar7giv7giviw-I at / ARM BRANCH -I MUMBAI
Eman : ch23eeccnorabenL£Qm TEL -022-22065J25/co WEB :: www.cChrmi;;;Lt.corT]
1. Name and Address of the Secured : Canara Bank, ARM-I Branch, Kshamalaya (Ground
Creditor Floor) Opp Patkar Hall, 37, New Marine Lines,
Thackersev Mara, Mumbai -400 020.M/sSEAWOODMULTIPLESERVICESLLP
2.13. Name and Address of the Borrower(s)
/ Guarantor(s)ITotalLiab»ities as on 30.1 1.2023Addresswherethetenderdocuments G001, Seawood Grand Central Mall, Tower 2,
Sector No.40 Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400 706
Guarantors : Mr.Sunll Boviskar,
Mr Naresh R Patel,
Mrs Shobho N Patel
Rs27,59,19,362.14 plus further Interest and cost from
4. Canara Bank, ARM -I Branch,
to be submitted Kshamalaya (Ground Floor) Opp Patkar Hall,
37, New Marine Lines, Thackersey Marg,
Mumbai -400 020.Online
5. a. ModeofAuction
b. Details of Auction Service Provider M/s Cl India Pvt. Ltd.
c. Date&TimeofAuctiond.PortalofE-auction 14,02.2024 ( to 12.00 am)
(with unlimited extension of 5 min. duration each till
the conclusion of the sale)
httDs://www.bankeauctions.comASDersaleNotice I
6.70t Reserve Priceh
er ermsan con ons:
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b. The property can be inspected, with Prior Appointment with Authorized Officer on the dates
mentioned in Sale Notice.
c. The property will be sold for the price which is more than the Reserve Price and the participating
bidders may improve their offer further during auction process.
d. EMD amount of 10% of the Reserve Price is to be deposited by way of Demand draft in favour of
Authorized Officer, Canara Bank, ARM I Branch OR shall be deposited through RTGS / NEFT / Fund
Transfer to credit of account of Canara Bank, ARM-I Branch, A/c. No. 209272434, lFSC Code:
CNR80002360 on or before 17.0].2024 upto 5 Details of EMD and other documents to be
submitted to service provider on or before 17.01.2024 upto 5.00 pin.
e. After payment of the EMD amount, the intending bidders should submit a copy of the following
documents/details on or before 17.01.2024 upto 5 to Canara Bank, ARM-I Branch by hand or
by email.
i. Demand Draft/Pay order towards EMD amount. If paid through RTGS/NEFT, acknowledgement
receipt thereof with UTR No.
ii. Photocopies of PAN Card, lD Proof and Address proof. However, successful bidder would have
to produce these documents in original to the Bank at the time of making payment of balance
amount of 25%\of bid amount.
iii. Bidders Name, Contact No., Address, E-Mail ld.
iv. Bidder's A/c. details for online refund of EMD.
ey7a7.7Ei7}wir7fl775r-I giv / ARM BRANCH -I MUMBAi
Eman : cb2360®ccnarchanLeQm TEL -022-22065425/cO WEB :: www.c-onk.can
I. The intending bidders should register their names at portal httos:// and
get their User lD and password free of cost. Prospective bidder may avail online training on E-
auction from the service provider M/s Cl India Pvt Ltd, Gurgaon Haryana (Contact No. +91-
1244302000, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Mr. Bhavik Pandya Mob. 88666 82937 (Email:,
[email protected]).
9. EMD deposited by the unsuccessful bidder shall be refunded to them. The EMD shall not carry any
h. Auction would commence at Reserve Price, as mentioned above. Bidders shall improve their offers
in multiplies of Rs 10,000/-. The bidder who submits the highest bid (above the Reserve price) on
closure of 'Online' auction shall be declared as successful bidder. Sale shall be confirmed in favour
of the successful bidder, subject to confirmation of the same by the secured creditor.
The successful bidder shall deposit 25% of the sale price (inclusive of EMD already paid),
immediately on declaring him/her as the successful bidder and the balance within 15 days from
the date of confirmation of sale by the secured creditor. If the successful bidder fails to pay the
sale price, the deposit made by him shall be forfeited by the Authorized Officer without any notice
and property shall forthwith be put up for sale again.
For sale proceeds of Rs. 50.00 Lakhs (Rupees Fifty Lakhs) and above, the successful bidder will have
to deduct TDS at the rate 1% on the Sale proceeds and submit the original receipt of TDS
certificate to the Bank.
k. AH charges for conveyance, stamp duty / GST registration charges etc., as app„cable shaH be
borne by the successful bidder only.
I. There is ro encumbrance in the property to the knowledge of the bank. Suecessful Bidder is "able
to pay aH society dues, municipal taxes / panchayat texes / electricity/ water charges / other
charges, duties and texes whatsoever, including outstanding, if any, in respect of and/or affecting
the subject property.
in. Authorized Officer reserves the right to postpone / cancel or vary the terms and conditions of the
e-auction without assigning any reason thereof .
n. In case there are bidders who do not have access to the internet but interested in participating the
e-auction, they can approach Canara Bank, Mumbai Circle Office or ARM I Braneh who, as a
facilitating centre, shall make necessary arrangements.
o. For further details contact Dr.Seema Somkuwar, Authorised Officer, Canara Bank ,ARM I Branch,
Mumbai (Ph. No.022 22065425/5430/5438 /Mob.No. 98813 65087) or S.A.Rudra, Officer 83559 49712,
e-mail id: [email protected] or the service provicler M/s Cl India Pvt Ltd,
ap.:/wh/.bonkcauctlqmLfpm lidhyog Vfror, Phase -2, Gulf PetTochom Birmng, Bldg no. 3ol,
Gurgaon, Haryara pin -122015 (Contact No. +91-1244302000, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Mr. Bhavik Pandya
Mobile-88666 829375 (Ema": [email protected]).
Bidding in the last minutes / seconds should be avoided by the bidders in their own interest. Neither Canara
Bank nor the Service Provider will be responsible for any lapses / failure (Internet failure, Power failure, etc.) on
the part of the bidder or vendor in such cases. In order to ward off such conti.ngent situation, bidders are
requested to make all the necessary arrangements/alternatives such as back-up, power supply and
whatever else required so that they are able to circumvent such situation and are able to participate in the
auction successfully.
Place: Mumbai Authorized Officer
Dale : 29.01.2024 Canara Bcink, ARM-I Branch, Mumbai