Barbie, originally known as simply a doll with multiple careers and roles, has had her “Barbie
Cinematic Universe” or BCU, as fans call it, expanded this year through the hit film “Barbie”.
Directed by Greta Gerwig and starred by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, the film delves into
the experiences of what it is like to be a toy doll and how our main character, Stereotypical
Barbie, copes when her utopian world is challenged. She wakes up one day and develops traits
found in real women such as cellulite. In order to “fix herself”, she must then venture beyond
Barbie land.
She was and has since become a cultural icon. Barbie represents a confident and independent
woman who can do anything she sets her mind to. Barbie has also been inspiring young girls to
dream big and pursue their goals. Barbie also promotes inclusivity, with dolls representing
different races, body types, and abilities. Additionally, Barbie has a wide range of fashion and
accessories, allowing children to express their creativity through playing, it also helps young
girls to start teaching themselves how to carry their selves in a manner full way.
Over time however, the image of Barbie has went from empowering to oppressive, which was
addressed in the film. Yet despite that, Grete manages to show us how feminism is now inclusive
and etc.
And ever since the Barbie movie has been made many young girls finally have more confident in
themselves and isn’t scared to talk their minds anymore, the same goes for young female adults
who now can now relive the memories as when they were still young girls.
Because of the movie many young girls understands why their mothers buy them such dolls,
because their mothers or other older female family members never actually had dolls, so they
heal their inner childhood by buying their daughters Barbie dolls to see them play and have a
little friend that they call Barbie. As it shows in the movie Barbie fully commits to her decision
to enter the Real World, now equipped with an origin story and some semblance of an identity. It
also shows how Barbie works hard to help a mother and daughter’s relationship.
Barbie's impact on the community can be seen through its influence on various industries,
including fashion, entertainment, and education. Barbie has been a catalyst for creativity,
encouraging young girls to imagine and explore different career aspirations, whether it be a
doctor, astronaut, or CEO. The diverse line of Barbie dolls has also aimed to promote inclusivity
and representation, challenging traditional beauty standards and celebrating diversity.
One of Barbie's most significant contributions to the community is how it reconnects women to
their girlhood. Many women reminisce about the joyful moments spent playing with Barbie
dolls, creating imaginary worlds, and expressing their imagination. Experiencing these nostalgic.
Experiencing these nostalgic moments, the film is then dubbed as the movie for "feminism 101",
or an intro to feminism because of how well it encapsulates what exactly the movement stands