BANA 2 Final Exam Theories
BANA 2 Final Exam Theories
BANA 2 Final Exam Theories
Quiz 1-A
The decisions concerning an organization's goals and future plans are called
which of the following? strategic decisions
Tactical decisions are concerned with which of the following? how the
organization should achieve the goals and objectives set by its strategy
Data dashboards are which of the following? a type of descriptive analytics
Which of the following are techniques that use models, constructed from past
data, to predict the future or to ascertain the impact of one variable on
another. predictive analytics
Which of the following use techniques that take input data and yield a best
course of action. prescriptive analytics
Quiz 1-B
Which of the following best exemplifies big data? Cellphone owners around
the world generate vast amounts of data by calling, texting, tweeting, and
browsing the Web on a daily basis.
In the financial sector, which of the following are used to construct financial
instruments such as derivatives? predictive models
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service uses which of the following to identify
patterns that distinguish questionable annual personal income tax filings?
data mining
Quiz 1-C
The General Data Protection Regulation went into effect in the European
Union in… 2018
Quiz 3-A
Preattentive attributes related to visual perception include all of the following
except … design
The effort needed to accurately and efficiently process information
communicated by a data visualization is … cognitive load.
Data-ink is the ink used in a table or chart that _____. is necessary to convey
the meaning of the data to the audience
Deleting the grid lines in a table and the horizontal lines in a chart ______.
increases the data-ink ratio
The ratio of the amount of ink used in a table or chart that is necessary to
convey information to the total amount of ink used in the table and chart is
known as data-ink ratio. Using additional ink that is not necessary to convey
information has what effect on the data-ink ratio? It reduces the data-ink
Quiz 3-B
Tables should be used instead of charts when _____. the values being
displayed have different units or very different magnitudes
Quiz 3-C
Which of the following is a graphical presentation of the relationship between
two quantitative variables? a scatter chart
A line chart that has no axes but is used to provide information on overall
trends for time series data is called which of the following? a sparkline
Bar charts use which of the following? horizontal bars to display the
magnitude of the quantitative variable
A useful chart for displaying multiple variables is which of the following? the
scatter chart matrix
Quiz 3-D
A two-dimensional graph representing the data using different shades of
color to indicate magnitude is called which of the following? a heat map
Which of the following is used for examining data with more than two
variables, and it includes a different vertical axis for each variable? a
parallel-coordinates plot
A data visualization tool that updates in real time and gives multiple outputs
is called which of the following? a data dashboard
In the simple linear regression model, which of the following accounts for the
variability in the dependent variable that cannot be explained by the linear
relationship between the variables? error term
The difference between the observed value of the dependent variable and
the value predicted using the estimated regression equation is known as
which of the following? the residual
Quiz 8-B
Which of the following is a measure of the error that results from using the
estimated regression equation to predict the values of the dependent
variable in the sample? the sum of squares due to error (SSE)
The least squares regression line minimizes the sum of which of the
following? the squared differences between actual and predicted y-values
What would be the value of the sum of squares due to regression (SSR) if the
total sum of squares (SST) is 27.32 and the sum of squares due to error (SSE)
is 5.89? 21.43
Which of the following is a measure of the goodness of fit of the estimated
regression equation? It can be interpreted as the proportion of the variability
in the dependent variable y that is explained by the estimated regression
equation. coefficient of determination
Regression analysis involving one dependent variable and more than one
independent variable is known as which of the following? multiple
Quiz 8-C
The process of making estimates and drawing conclusions about one or more
characteristics of a population through analysis of sample data drawn from
the population is known as which of the following? statistical inference
Which of the following refers to the use of sample data to calculate a range
of values that is believed to include the value of the population parameter?
interval estimation
The scatter chart above displays the residuals versus the dependent
variable, x. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the scatter
chart given below? The residuals have an increasing variance as the
dependent variable increases.
The scatter chart has a horizontal axis labeled "t" and a vertical axis labeled
"e". The scatter chart has 20 points with line segments connecting
consecutive points and a horizontal line at 0 on the vertical axis. The scatter
from the horizontal line doesn't appear to change as x increases. From left to
right, each group of four consecutive points has its first point below the line,
its second point above or nearly on the line, its third point above the second
point, and its fourth point below the first point.
The scatter chart above displays the residuals versus the dependent
variable, t. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based upon this
scatter chart?
The scatter chart above displays the residuals versus the dependent
variable, x. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based upon this
scatter chart?
The model fails to capture the relationship between the variables accurately.
A scatter chart has a horizontal axis labeled "x" and a vertical axis labeled
"e". The scatter chart has a large number of points and a horizontal line at 0
on the vertical axis. The majority of the points lie below the horizontal line.
Points above the line are scattered further from the line compared to those
below the line.
The scatter chart above displays the residuals versus the dependent
variable, x. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based upon this
scatter chart?
Quiz 8-D
A variable used to model the effect of categorical independent variables in a
regression model which generally takes only the value zero or one is called
which of the following? a dummy variable
Quiz 8-E
The prespecified value of the independent variable at which its relationship
with the dependent variable changes in a piecewise linear regression model
is referred to as which of the following? knot
Which of the following refers to the scenario in which the relationship
between the dependent variable and one independent variable is different at
different values of a second independent variable? interaction
Fitting a model too closely to sample data, resulting in a model that does not
accurately reflect the population is termed as which of the following?
Assessing the regression model on data other than the sample data that was
used to generate the model is known as which of the following? cross-
Which of the following is the data set used to build the candidate models?
training set
Which of the following refers to the data set used to compare model
forecasts and ultimately pick a model for predicting values of the dependent
variable? validation set
Quiz 9-A
A set of observations on a variable measured at successive points in time or
over successive periods of time constitute which of the following? a time
Trend refers to which of the following? the long-run shift or movement in the
time series observable over several periods of time
A time series plot of a period of time (in weeks) versus sales (in 1,000's of
gallons) is shown below.
Which of the following data patterns best describes the scenario shown? time
series with a horizontal pattern
A time series plot of a period of time (in years) versus sales (in thousands of
dollars) is shown below.
Which of the following data patterns best describes the scenario shown?
linear trend pattern
A time series plot of a period of time (in years) versus revenue (in millions of
dollars) is shown below.
Which of the following data patterns best describes the scenario shown?
nonlinear trend pattern
A time series plot of a period of time (in months) versus sales (in number of
units) is shown below.
Which of the following data patterns best describes the scenario shown?
seasonal pattern
A time series plot of a period of time (quarterly) versus quarterly sales (in
$1,000s) is shown below.
Which of the following data patterns best describes the scenario shown?
Quiz 9-B
Which of the following is the amount by which the predicted value differs
from the observed value of the time series variable? forecast error
If the forecasted value of the time series variable for period 2 is 24.5 and the
actual value observed for period 2 is 28, what is the forecast error in period
2? 3.5
A positive forecast error indicates that the forecasting method did which of
the following? underestimated the dependent variable
period t with weight 𝛼 and the forecast for period t with weight
is a weighted average of which of the following? the actual value in
Quiz 9-D
Which of the following is true about autoregressive models? They occur
whenever all the independent variables are previous values of the time
A time series with a seasonal pattern can be modeled by treating the season
as which of the following? a dummy variable
Which of the following is true about causal models? They relate a time series
to other variables that are believed to explain or cause its behavior.
A causal model provides evidence of which of the following between an
independent variable and the variable to be forecast? an association
For causal modeling, which of the following are used to detect linear or
nonlinear relationships between the independent and dependent variables?
scatter charts
Quiz 12-A
Which of the following is true of spreadsheet packages used in business
analytics? They come preloaded on computers.
Why are spreadsheet models referred to as what-if models? They allow easy
instantaneous recalculation for a change in model inputs.
Quiz 12-B
Which of the following quantifies the impact of changing the value of a
specific input on an output of interest. Excel Data Table
Which of the following Excel tools allows the user to determine the value of
an input cell that will cause the value of a related output cell to equal some
specified value. Goal Seek
Quiz 12-C
What does the SUM function in Excel do? It adds up all the numbers in a
range of cells.
Which of the following functions pairs each element of the first array with its
counterpart in the second array, multiplies the elements of the pairs
together, and adds the results. SUMPRODUCT
Which of the following functions allows the user to pull a subset of data from
a larger table of data based on some criterion? XLOOKUP
Quiz 12-D
Which of the following buttons, located in the Formula Auditing group,
creates arrows pointing to the selected cell from cells that are part of the
formula in that cell? Trace Precedents button
Arrows pointing from the selected cell to cells that depend on the selected
cell are generated by using which of the following buttons of the Formula
Auditing group? Trace Dependents button
The following table is used to lookup information on a specific product. The
Product ID is entered into cell B2 and the information is returned in the
shaded box. There are several formulas in the table. How could I look at the
cells that use the value in cell B2? Select "Trace Dependents" in the Formula
Auditing Group on the Formulas tab.
Which of the following buttons in the Formula Auditing group allows the user
to inspect each formula in detail in its cell location? Show Formulas button
The user can monitor how listed cells change with a change in the model
without searching through the worksheet or changing from one worksheet to
another by using which of the following? the Watch Window functionality
Quiz 13-A
Which of the following uses repeated random sampling to represent
uncertainty in a model representing a real system and computes the values
of model outputs? Monte Carlo simulation
The values for random variables in a Monte Carlo simulation are which of the
following? generated randomly from probability distributions
The choice of the probability distribution for a random variable can be guided
by which of the following? historical data
A set of simulated values for the random variables of interest is called which
of the following? a trial
For a given mean and standard deviation, which of the following functions in
Excel is used to generate a value for the random variable characterized by a
normal distribution? NORM.INV
Which of the following numbers cannot result from the Excel function
=NORM.INV(RAND( ), 100, 10)? 96 116 122 All of these numbers can result
from this Excel function.
Which of the following functions computes a value such that 1.5% of the area
under the standard normal distribution lies in the upper tail defined by this
value? =NORM.S.INV(0.985)
Quiz 13-C
Which of the following Excel functions generates integer values between
lower and upper bounds? RANDBETWEEN
Which of the following functions allows the user to pull a subset of data from
a larger table of data based on some criterion? XLOOKUP
Quiz 13-D
In which of the following can a random variable take any value in a specified
range? a continuous probability distribution
Quiz 14-A
Which of the following terms refers to the expression that defines the
quantity to be maximized or minimized in a linear programming model.
objective function
Quiz 14-B
Which type of solution satisfies all the constraint expressions
simultaneously? a feasible solution
The points where constraints intersect on the boundary of the feasible region
are termed as which of the following? the extreme points
The slack value for binding constraints is which of the following? zero
Quiz 14-C
Which of the following refers to a set of points that yield a fixed value of the
objective function? an objective function contour
A scenario in which the optimal objective function contour line coincides with
one of the binding constraint lines on the boundary of the feasible region
leads to which of the following? alternative optimal solutions
Problems with infeasible solutions arise in practice for which of the following
reasons? Too many restrictions have been placed on the problem.
The situation in which the value of the solution may be made infinitely large
in a maximization linear programming problem or infinitely small in a
minimization problem without violating any of the constraints is known as
which of the following? Unbounded
The change in the optimal objective function value per unit increase in the
right-hand side of a constraint is given by which of the following? the
shadow price
The reduced cost for a decision variable that appears in a Sensitivity Report
refers to which of the following? the shadow price of the nonnegativity
constraint for that variable
Quiz 14-D
Mena is a financial manager with Sharez, an investment advisory company.
Mena must select specific investments—for example, stocks and bonds—
from a variety of investment alternatives. Which of the following statements
is most likely to be the objective function in this scenario? maximization of
expected return
Rob is a financial manager with Sharez, an investment advisory company. He
must select specific investments—for example, stocks and bonds—from a
variety of investment alternatives. Restrictions on the type of permissible
investments would be which of the following in this case? a constraint
Quiz 15-A
The imposition of an integer restriction is necessary for models where the
decision variables cannot take fractional values
The objective function for a linear optimization problem is: Max 3x + 5y, with
x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 and x and y are both integers and they are also the only
decisions variables. This is an example of which of the following? all-integer
linear program
The objective function for an optimization problem is: Min 3x − 2y, with
constraints x ≥ 0,
The objective function for an optimization problem is: Max 5x − 3y, with
constraints x ≥ 0,
y ≥ 0 and y must be an integer. x and y are the only decisions variables. This
is an example of which of the following? a mixed-integer linear
In a binary integer linear program, the integer variables take only which of
the following values? 0 or 1
Which of the following is true of the relationship between the value of the
optimal integer solution and the value of the optimal solution to the LP
Relaxation? For integer linear programs involving minimization, the
value of the optimal solution to the LP Relaxation provides a lower
bound on the value of the optimal integer solution.
The worksheet formulation for integer linear programs and linear
programming problems is exactly the same except that, for integer linear
programs, the following is true. The constraints must be added in the
Solver Parameters dialog box to identify the integer variables and
the value for Tolerance in the Integer Options dialog box may need
to be adjusted.
The importance of _____ for integer linear programming problems is often
intensified by the fact that a small change in one of the coefficients in the
constraints can cause a relatively large change in the value of the optimal
solution. sensitivity analysis
Which of the following is true about the sensitivity analysis for integer
optimization problems? To determine the sensitivity of the solution to
changes in model inputs for integer optimization problems, the data
must be changed and the problem must be re-solved.
Quiz 15-B
The objective function for a linear optimization problem is: Max 3x + 2y, with
one of the constraints being x and y both only take the values 0, 1.
Also x and y are the only decision variables. This is an example of which of
the following? binary integer linear program
Binary variables are identified with the _____ designation in the Solver
Parameters dialog box. bin
Quiz 15-C
1. For a location problem, if the variables are defined as
xi = 1
i = 1, 2, ,n
2. A constraint specifying that the sum of two or more binary variables must
be less than or equal to one is known as which of the following. mutually
exclusive constraint
Quiz 16-A
Which of the following is true in a nonlinear optimization problem? At least
one term in the objective function or a constraint is nonlinear.
Which of the following is the shadow price of a binding simple lower or upper
bound on the decision variable? a reduced gradient
The Lagrangian multiplier is which of the following? the shadow price for a
constraint in a nonlinear problem
Which of the following is used in Excel Solver for solving nonlinear problems
with local optimal solutions and is based on more classical optimization
techniques? GRG Nonlinear
Quiz 16-B
A portfolio optimization model used to construct a portfolio that minimizes
risk subject to a constraint requiring a minimum level of return is known as
which of the following? the Markowitz mean-variance portfolio model
The measure of risk most often associated with the Markowitz portfolio
model is which of the following? the variance of the portfolio's return
The portfolio variance is which of the following? the average of the sum of
the squares of the deviations from the mean value under each investment
If the portfolio variance were equal to zero, the amount of risk would be
which of the following? Zero
One of the ways to formulate the Markowitz model is which of the following?
minimize the variance of the portfolio subject to a constraint on the expected
return of the portfolio
Which of the following is a set of points defining the minimum possible risk
for a set of return values? an efficient frontier
Quiz 16-C
Which forecasting model uses nonlinear optimization to forecast the adoption
of innovative and new technologies in the marketplace? Bass
In the Bass forecasting model, which of the following is true about the
parameter m? It refers to the number of people estimated to eventually
adopt the new product.
In the Bass forecasting model, which of the following measures the likelihood
of adoption, assuming no influence from someone who has already
purchased (adopted) the product? the coefficient of innovation
Quiz 17-A
An uncertain future event affecting the consequence associated with a
decision is known as which of the following? a chance event
Which of the following are possible outcomes for chance events that affect
the consequences associated with a decision alternative? states of nature
No more than one state of nature can occur at a given time for a chance
event. This indicates that the states of nature are defined such that they are
which of the following? mutually exclusive
How are the states of nature defined where at least one state of nature must
occur at a given time for a chance event? collectively exhaustive
A measure of the outcome of a decision such as profit, cost, or time is known
as which of the following? a payoff
Which of the following evaluate each decision alternative in terms of the best
payoff that can occur? the optimistic approach
Choosing a decision alternative that maximizes the minimum profit is a
feature of which of the following? the conservative approach
The amount of loss (lower profit or higher cost) from not making the best
decision for each state of nature is known as which of the following?
opportunity loss
The study of how changes in the probability assessments for the states of
nature or changes in the payoffs affect the recommended decision
alternative is known as which of the following? sensitivity analysis
Quiz 17-B
New information obtained through research or experimentation that enables
an updating or revision of the state-of-nature probabilities is known as which
of the following? sample information
Which of the following refer to the probabilities of the states of nature after
revising the prior probabilities based on sample information? posterior
The probability of one event given the known outcome of a (possibly) related
event is known as which of the following probabilities? Conditional
Which of the following is true about Bayes' theorem? It enables the use of
sample information to revise prior probabilities.
Quiz 17-C
Which of the following is a measure of the total worth of a consequence
reflecting a decision maker's attitude toward considerations such as profit,
loss, and risk? utility
The utility function for money is a curve that depicts the relationship
between which of the following? monetary value and utility
Exponential utility functions assume that the decision maker is which of the
following? risk averse
U(x) = 1 − e−x⁄R