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Oil and Gas

Market Solutions

Together, we will make your vision a reality.

Fibergrate in Oil & Gas
Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc. is a
global manufacturer of fiberglass reinforced
plastic (FRP) products for industrial and
commercial use. Fibergrate sets the standard
for high performance composite products
with such proven brands as Fibergrate®
molded grating, Safe-T-Span® pultruded
grating, Dynarail® handrail, guardrail and
ladder systems, and Dynaform® structural
shapes. Fibergrate also offers turnkey design,
manufacturing, fabrication and installation

Within the oil and gas industry, corrosion resistance, safety and
maintenance requirements are critical considerations. For nearly
five decades, Fibergrate has met the challenges of the harsh
environmental conditions found in the oil and gas industry with
its wide selection of FRP products. Key product features, such
as corrosion resistance, slip resistance, flame retardancy, non
conductivity, impact absorption and low maintenance, make
these products ideal for use in all types of oil and gas facilities.

Fibergrate’s FRP products offer superior resistance to corrosive

saltwater, drilling fluids, acids, alkalis and other chemical
compounds. The result is minimal maintenance requirements,
a long service life, significantly improved safety and a lower life
cycle cost than ferrous metals and aluminum. Today, Fibergrate
products can be found on offshore platforms, floating facilities,
processing skid packages, land-based and offshore drilling rigs,
marine terminals, storage facilities, gas processing plants, subsea
manifolds and refineries.

Applications Boat Landings, Splash Zones Access Platforms for Metering Stations,
Valve Operations and Other Areas
Stairways, Decking, Bridges, Catwalks
Chemical Injection Skids Drilling Derrick (Crown, Belly Boards,
Racking Boards)
Walkways over Mud Pits/Tanks
Communications/Radar Platforms Coverings, Support, Protection for
Subsea Components
Air Intake and Personnel Protection
Screens Ship’s Ladders

2 www.fibergrate.com | 800-527-4043
Why Choose Fibergrate?
Corrosion Resistant: Multiple premium grade UV Resistant: Fibergrate’s FRP products are
resin systems are available to combat the corrosive formulated for maximum UV resistance and
conditions found in the offshore oil and gas market. a special coating is available for increased UV
This unmatched protection provides continued resistance on Dynarail® handrail, guardrail and
structural integrity in tough environments. ladder systems.

Slip Resistant: The meniscus and integrally High Strength to Weight Ratio: Fibergrate
applied grit surfaces of Fibergrate grating and products are less than one-half the weight of
stair products have unmatched slip resistance for steel grating which allows easy removal for
improved worker safety. access below floor level and installation with no
heavy equipment and less manpower.

Low Maintenance: The corrosion resistant Easily Fabricated: Most materials can be cut using circular
properties of Fibergrate’s grating and other or reciprocating saws with abrasive blades.
products reduce or eliminate the need for
sandblasting, scraping and painting. Products are Engineering and Drafting: Oil & Gas projects require
also easily cleaned with a high pressure washer. sealed drawing and calculations. Utilizing Fibergrate’s 40+
years experience and engineering directed by a Professional
Impact Resistant: FRP can withstand major Engineer can save time and money from concept to
impacts with negligible damage. Gratings are completion.
available to satisfy even the most stringent impact

requirements. Metal

Electrically & Thermally Non Conductive:

Fiberglass is electrically non conductive for safety Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver
Heavy Metal Safe: The EPA, OSHA and other regulatory
and has low thermal conductivity which results agencies created to protect our lives and our natural resources
in a more comfortable product when physical have increased legislation to control heavy metals such as
contact occurs. lead, chrome, cadmium and other metals in all products where
exposure is a health threat. Fibergrate Composite Structures
Fire Retardant: Most of Fibergrate’s products Inc. supports this strengthened legislation and has, for more
are engineered to have a flame spread rating
than 20 years, voluntarily tested for heavy metals in our
of 25 or less per ASTM E-84 and meet the
products and minimized or eliminated heavy metals from our
self-extinguishing requirements of ASTM
D-635. Specially formulated resins have also
been designed to meet rigorous fire retardant

FRP vs. Steel: When comparing the price of Fibergrate fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) to metallics,
consider: Value = Price / Service Life
Cost Factor Traditional Metallic Materials The Fibergrate® Advantage
Slips and falls are the second leading cause of industrial Fibergrate’s slip resistant surfaces dramatically reduce
Safety Cost accidents and one of the leading causes of death. Each accidental slips, making it the most cost-effective solution
lost work day can cost $50,000 to $100,000. for minimizing worker accidents and lost workdays.
Up front, metallic components appear to be the most Although initial material investment may appear higher,
economical, based on material cost alone. However, don’t be fooled! FRP products require no heavy lifting
metallic materials require heavy lifting equipment, added equipment and minimal labor, are easily fabricated with
Installation Cost labor for cutting, welding and painting. Metallic grating hand tools, and do not need painting. Fibergrate grating
must also be “edge-banded”. requires no edge-banding.

Maintenance & In highly corrosive oil and gas installations, metallic Fibergrate FRP products will last much longer and require
products often require intensive maintenance and often little maintenance. Fibergrate systems pay for themselves
Replacement deteriorate in a few years or less, requiring numerous after one maintenance cycle. Many Fibergrate oil and gas
Cost replacements within the facility life. installations have been in service for 30+ years.

www.fibergrate.com | 800-527-4043 3
Fibergrate Solutions
See how Fibergrate products can provide Dynarail® railing and
Fibergrate® grating can
solutions for any oil & gas application -
be used around loading
zones for added safety
and to create slip resistant
walkways. Fibergrate
products can also be used
in multiple areas on large
shipping vessels.

Corrosion and slip resistant

Fibergrate® products including
stair treads, handrail, grating, and
structural profiles provide access
platforms to processing tanks
located on the shoreline.

Safe-T-Span® pultruded
grating with phenolic resin
is used in numerous areas
on offshore oil & gas rigs,
due to its US Coast Guard

Fibergrate® molded products and Safe-T-Span®

pultruded products are used for walkways, Fibergrate molded grating
platforms, catwalks and stairways on semi- can be used to protect whole
submersible platforms due to their corrosion manifold areas or subsea trees,
resistant and lightweight properties. with its corrosion and impact
resistant properties.
4 www.fibergrate.com | 800-527-4043
Product Solutions
Product Resin Systems
Various applications present different requirements, so Fibergrate offers numerous standard resin systems to
address multiple needs. Some of these standard resins for molded and pultruded grating offer a lower flame spread
index or are extra fire retardant when compared to flame spread of 25 or less which all Fibergrate products meet.
PHENOLIC: A Coast Guard approved flame-resistant phenolic resin with an extremely low flame spread of 10 and
a smoke index of 400 (unpainted); flame spread of 15 and a smoke index of 450 (painted, UV coating) - designed
primarily for the offshore industry. (Coast Guard approved for Level 2 & 3 performance criteria - Approval Number:
164.040/2/2; DNV Type Approval Certificate No. F-16856; ABS Product Type Approval Level 2 & 3 Certificate No. 01-HS34733-X)

XFR: This eXtra Fire Retardant vinyl ester resin is recommended for use where the fire potential is high. Color:
dark gray. Flame Spread: ASTM E84 rating of 10 or less, a level exceeded by no other resin system. Certifications:
DNV Type Approval No. F-16856; meets the USCG requirements for general fire rating*.

ELS: This Extremely Low Smoke resin is a modified-acrylic polyester system that is ideal for tunnel, offshore, mass
transit and other confined space applications. ELS exhibits low ignitability, low smoke generation and extremely
low smoke toxicity. Color: light gray. Flame Spread: ASTM E84: flame spread index of 25 or less, a smoke
developed index of 100 or less and Fuel Contribution of 0. Certifications: DNV Type Approval No. F-16856; meets
the USCG requirements for general fire rating*.

SPECIALTY: Fibergrate also offers specialty resins custom designed to meet your specific needs. These special
formulations are developed to address unique and demanding services and applications, as well as niche market
needs (Super Vi-Corr family of resins).

We can engineer resin systems to address temperature, flame, smoke and toxicity requirements. Our HSUV resin
system was developed to address the intense UV effects found in offshore applications. Fibergrate’s custom
formulations with low smoke/toxicity properties were engineered with the United States Navy for below-deck
marine service.

*For specific requirements and questions, please contact technical services.

Regulatory Information
Fibergrate’s products and manufacturing facilities are designed to comply with the
regulations of many internally recognized safety organizations. These products have
undergone extensive independent testing and received numerous certifications,
approvals and authorizations including the following:

ABS Type Approval:

Pultruded Grating: Phenolic Resin Level 2 & 3
United States Coast Guard (USCG):
Certificate No. 01-HS34733-X
Approval No. 164.040/2/2
Molded Grating: ASTM E84 less than or equal
to 25
Certificate No. 01-HS34733-X

DNV Type Approval:
Certificate No. F-19596

ISO ISO 9001:2008 Certified Facilities:


Fibergrate molded grating (Vi-Corr®,

9001-2008 Certificate No. CERT-05835-2003-AQ-HOU-ANAB ELS, Corvex®, XFR) and Safe-T-Span®
pultruded grating (ISOFR, Phenolic)

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Product Solutions
Fibergrate® Molded Grating Safe-T-Span® Pultruded Grating
Maximum corrosion and High unidirectional
impact resistance strength and stiffness for
longer spans
Does not require edge/end-
banding when cut Used for non-slip walkways
and flooring
Exceptional slip resistance
with 2 non-slip surface Superior corrosion
options resistance compared to
metal grating
Variety of depths and panel

Fiberplate® Floor Plate Dynaform® Structural Shapes

Installs on traditional High strength and
surfaces for slip resistance durability; can withstand
corrosive applications
Solid composite panel; can
also be adhered to molded Thermal & electric non
grating for a covered conductivity
grating option
Includes channel, angle,
Nonporous surface allows wide flange beam, i-beam,
for easy cleaning round/square tube, & more
Custom shapes available

High Load Capacity Molded (HLC) and Dynarail® Guardrail, Handrail and
Pultruded (HI) Grating Ladder Systems
Engineered to withstand Superior corrosion
forklift & tractor trailer loads resistance compared to
metal ladders and railings
HLC Molded: 1-1/2” and 2”
depths available Thermally non conductive

HI Pultruded: available in 1”, Lightweight, making

1-1/2”, 2”, 2-1/2” & 3” depths installation easy & cost
Used for flooring, trench Can be coated for
covers, ramps & loading zones maximum UV resistance

Stair Treads, Stair Tread Covers and Custom Platform Systems and
Stairway Systems Pre-Engineered Crossovers
Treads available in molded All FRP structure; shipped
or pultruded configuration ready-to-assemble

Superior slip resistance Can be designed and

compared to metal stairs, engineered in-house to
especially in wet conditions meet specific needs

Tread covers install easily Utilizes Fibergrate grating

over existing treads and stair treads, Dynarail
providing slip resistance guardrail/handrail, and
Dynaform structural shapes

6 www.fibergrate.com | 800-527-4043
Case Studies
i Project Info This exploration and production rig is located 130 miles south of
New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico. It is a tension leg platform that
Tension Leg Platform

extends below 3,000 feet of water to the Gulf floor and is over
- Phenolic I6015 300 feet high above the water. A competitor’s phenolic grating
Pultruded Grating was initially installed on the platform, but the applied grit on the
- Clips and grating started to come off of the product leading to potentially
Accessories unsafe conditions. Over a two year period, Fibergrate’s I6015
phenolic pultruded grating had replaced all initially installed
competitor’s phenolic grating, amounting to around 20,000
square feet! Due to the high quality of Fibergrate products and
service, including on time deliveries, Fibergrate has become
this customer’s vendor of choice for all future retrofit and new
construction projects.

Artificial islands off of the coast were initially built to transfer

i Project Info oil/ petroleum from offshore production platforms and rigs into
vessels located onshore, next to the water. These vessels then
pump the oil into nearby processing tanks. The primary goal of
Oil/Petroleum Tanks

- Safe-T-Span®
I6015 Pultruded the project was to allow operators to access the tops of the tanks.
Grating, ISOFR This project was unique because it required platforms to run
across the tops of horizontal tanks. Safe-T-Span pultruded grating,
- Dynarail® VEFR
along with Dynarail railings and Dynaform structural shapes were
Railings and
Ladders used to construct these platforms. Crossovers were also created
between the tank platforms to provide access to all tanks from the
- Dynaform® VEFR
central platforms, thus making it more convenient for workers.
Structural Shapes
Additionally, the light weight properties of FRP and the ability to
easily fabricate the products allowed for easy removal of grating
over tank holes that are often accessed by workers.

Fibergrate has done extensive work in the Gulf of Mexico on

i Project Info
various offshore rig modules. Fibergrate square mesh molded
grating was used for walkways on numerous levels of this large rig.
- Fibergrate® The concave surface of Fibergrate’s meniscus top grating provides
Molded Grating superior slip resistance, especially in wet and oily conditions which
Offshore Oil Rig

will protect workers from slips and falls when working on the
- Fibertred® platform. Fibertred molded stair treads and grating were also used
Stair Treads
to create small access platforms to storage areas. Molded tread
- Stair Tread covers were ordered to adhere over existing steel treads. These
Covers tread covers are able to provide solid, slip resistant footing for
existing treads that are still structurally sound. The aluminum oxide
gritted surface and highly visible yellow nosing also created a safer
environment, as did Fibergrate’s other products.

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Fibergrate Products & Services

Fibergrate® Molded Grating

Fibergrate® molded gratings are designed to provide the ultimate in reliable performance, even in
the most demanding conditions. Fibergrate offers the widest selection in the market with multiple
resins and more than twenty grating configurations available in many panel sizes and surfaces.

Safe-T-Span® Pultruded Industrial & Pedestrian Gratings

Combining corrosion resistance, long-life and low maintenance, Safe-T-Span® provides
unidirectional strength for industrial and pedestrian pultruded grating applications.

Dynaform® Structural Shapes

Fibergrate offers a wide range of standard Dynaform® pultruded structural profiles for industrial
and commercial use, including I-beams, wide flange beams, round and square tubes, bars, rods,
channels, leg angles and plate.

Dynarail® & DynaRound™ Guardrail, Handrail & Ladder

Easily assembled from durable components or engineered and prefabricated to your specifications,
Dynarail® square tube and DynaRound™ round tube railing systems and Dynarail® safety ladder
systems meet or exceed OSHA and strict building code requirements for safety and design.

Custom Composite Solutions

Combining Fibergrate’s design, manufacturing and fabrication services allows Fibergrate to offer
custom composite solutions to meet our client’s specific requirements. Either through unique
pultruded profiles or custom open molding, Fibergrate can help bring your vision to reality.

Design & Fabrication Services

Combining engineering expertise with an understanding of fiberglass applications, Fibergrate
provides turnkey design and fabrication of fiberglass structures, including platforms, catwalks,
stairways, railings and equipment support structures.

Worldwide Sales & Distribution Network

Whether a customer requires a platform in a mine in South Africa to grating on an oil rig in the
North Sea, or walkways in a Wisconsin cheese plant to railings at a water treatment facility in Brazil;
Fibergrate has sales and service locations throughout the world to meet the needs and exceed the
expectations of any customer.

Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc. believes the information contained here to be
true and accurate. Fibergrate makes no warranty, expressed or implied, based on this
literature and assumes no responsibility for the consequential or incidental damages

in the use of these products and systems described, including any warranty of IT I


merchantability or fitness. Information contained here can be for evaluation only. The

marks and trade names appearing herein, whether registered or unregistered, are the
property of Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc. Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver FA S

©Fibergrate Inc. 2019 Part No. 881118 - 03/19-1.0

Printed in the USA

www.fibergrate.com | 800-527-4043 Fax: 972-250-1530 | Email: [email protected]

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