Character Traits
Character Traits
Character Traits
Roll 1d20 once Roll 1d20 to determine table, then roll 1. Jumps conversation topics 1. Taps fingers
1. Accented 1d20 again to determine characteristic 2. Laughs at own jokes 2. Taunts foes
2. Breathless 3. Lazy eyed 3. Thinks they are very lucky
3. Crisp Characteristics table 1-5 4. Leers 4. Thinks they can speak a language
4. Fast 1-2 Birthmark* 5. Likes to arm wrestle they can’t
5. Guttural 3-5 Body piercings* 6. Limps 5. Tone-deaf
6. Halting 6 Chews tobacco 7. Loves animals 6. Touches people while talking to
7. Husky 7-13 Scarred* 8. Loves children them
8. Lisps 14-17 Smokes 9. Loves the sea and ships 7. Turns every conversation into story
9. Low-pitched 18-20 Tattooed* 10. Makes up words about self
10. Loud 11. Mispronounces names 8. Unable to figure out which color
11. Nasal Characteristics table 6-7 12. Missing finger clothes match
12. Nervous 1. Allergic to food/dust/pollen/animals 13. Mutters 9. Unable to let a joke die
13. Raspy 2. Always arrives late 14. Needs story before sleeping 10. Unable to remember names
14. Slow 3. Always gives vaguest possible 15. Nervous cough 11. Unexplained dislike for certain
15. Slurs answer 16. Nervous eye twitch organization
16. Squeaky 4. Always has something in hands 17. Nervous muscle twitch 12. Urinates frequently
17. Stutters 5. Always wears as little as possible 18. Paces 13. Uses wrong word and refuses to
18. Wheezy 6. Always wears expensive clothes 19. Peg-legged acknowledge correct word
19. Whiny 7. Always wears same color 20. Perfumed 14. Warts
20. Whispery 8. Always wears tattered clothes 15. Wears flamboyant or outlandish
9. Answers questions with questions Characteristics table 14-15 clothes
Hair: 10. Aversion to certain kind of food 1. Picks fights 16. Wears hat or hood
Roll 1d20 once 11. Bad breath or strong body odor 2. Picks at fingernails 17. Wears only jewelry of one type of
1. Bald 12. Bad/loud/annoying/shrill laugh 3. Picks nose metal
2. Braided 13. Bad with money 4. Picks scabs 18. Wets bed
3. Curly 14. Believes all animals can talk to each 5. Picks at teeth 19. Whistles
4. Dreadlocks other 6. Plays practical jokes
5. Frazzled 15. Bites fingernails 7. Plays with hair Characteristics table 20
6. Greasy 16. Bites lips 8. Plays with own jewelry 1. Achluophobic (afraid of darkness)
7. Limp 17. Black eye 9. Pokes/taps others with finger 2. Agoraphobic (afraid of open spaces)
8. Long 18. Bleeding nose 10. Predilection for certain kind of food 3. Altophobic (afraid of heights)
9. Messy 19. Blinks constantly 11. Prefers to be called by last name 4. Claustrophobic (afraid of small
10. Strange hairstyle 20. Bruises easily 12. Puts garlic on all food spaces)
11. Pony-tail 13. Reads constantly, especially when 5. Drools
12. Short Characteristics table 8-9 inappropriate 6. Entomophobic (afraid of insects)
13. Straight 1. Burps 14. Refuses to let anyone walk behind 7. Excessively clean
14. Streaked 2. Burn scar* them 8. Facial tic
15. Thick 3. Chews with mouth open 15. Refuses to sit in chairs 9. Haphephobic (afraid of being
16. Thinning 4. Chortles 16. Repeats same phrase over and over touched)
17. Very Long 5. Clicks tongue 17. Rolls eyes when bored/annoyed 10. Hallucinates
18. Wavy 6. Collects teeth/hair/claws of slain 18. Scratches 11. Hemaphobic (afraid of blood)
19. Well groomed opponents 19. Sharpens weapon 12. Hydrophobic (afraid of water)
20. Wiry 7. Constantly asks for divine advice 20. Shivers 13. Insomniac
8. Covered in sores, boils, or a rash 14. Narcoleptic
Facial features: 9. Cracks knuckles Characteristics table 16-17 15. Pathological liar
Roll 1d20 once 10. Dandruff 1. Sings 16. Picks at lint or dirt on others’ clothes
1. Acne 11. Dirty 2. Sleeps late 17. Obsessive gambler
2. Beard 12. Distinctive jewelry 3. Sleeps nude 18. Ophidiophobic (afraid of snakes)
3. Buck-toothed 13. Distracted easily during 4. Smiles when angry/annoyed 19. Ornithophobic (afraid of birds)
4. Bushy eyebrows conversations 5. Sneers 20. Short attention span
5. Chiseled 14. Double-checks everything 6. Sneezes
6. Doe-eyed 15. Drones on and on while talking 7. Sniffles * = Location:
7. Distinctive nose 16. Easily confused 8. Spits Roll 1d10
8. Gap-toothed 17. Enjoys own body odor 9. Squeamish 1. Head/Face
9. Goatee 18. Exaggerates 10. Stands very close 2. Neck
10. Grizzled 19. Excessive body hair 11. Stares 3. Chest
11. Missing ear 20. Fidgets 12. Sucks teeth 4. Back
12. Missing eye 13. Sun-burned 5. Stomach
13. Missing teeth Characteristics table 10-11 14. Swears profusely 6. Waist
14. Moustache 1. Finishes others’ sentences 15. Sweaty 7. Right arm
15. Pierced 2. Flatulent 16. Talks about self in third-person 8. Left arm
16. Pock-marked 3. Flips a coin 17. Talks to inanimate objects 9. Right leg
17. Sideburns 4. Foams at mouth when excited/angry 18. Talks to self 10. Left leg
18. Squinty 5. Freckled 19. Talks with food in mouth
19. Stained teeth 6. Gesticulates wildly 20. Taps feet
20. Weather-beaten 7. Giggles
8. Grins evilly
9. Hands shake
10. Hacking cough
11. Has nightmares
12. Hates animals
13. Hates children
14. Hates quiet pauses in conversations
15. Hiccoughs
16. Hook for a hand
17. Hums
18. If unable to recall word, stops
conversation and will not give up
until can finally remember it Personality:
19. Imaginary friend Roll 1d20 to determine table, roll 1d20
20. Interrupts others again to determine personality trait.
Roll twice for major traits, and twice for
minor traits.
Personality table 1 Personality table 5 Personality table 9 Personality table 13 Personality table 17
1. Accusative 1. Deceptive 1. Imitative 1. Obdurate 1. Sensual
2. Active 2. Defensive 2. Impatient 2. Obedient 2. Sentimental
3. Adventurous 3. Defiant 3. Impetuous 3. Oblivious 3. Serene
4. Affable 4. Deliberate 4. Implacable 4. Obnoxious 4. Serious
5. Aggressive 5. Deluded 5. Impractical 5. Obsequious 5. Servile
6. Agreeable 6. Depraved 6. Impulsive 6. Obsessive 6. Sexist
7. Aimless 7. Discreet 7. Inattentive 7. Obstinate 7. Sexual
8. Aloof 8. Discreet 8. Incoherent 8. Obtuse 8. Shallow
9. Altruistic 9. Dishonest 9. Indifferent 9. Odd 9. Shameful
10. Analytical 10. Disingenuous 10. Indiscreet 10. Ornery 10. Shameless
11. Angry 11. Disloyal 11. Individualist 11. Optimistic 11. Shifty
12. Animated 12. Disrespectful 12. Indolent 12. Organized 12. Shrewd
13. Annoying 13. Distant 13. Indomitable 13. Ostentatious 13. Shy
14. Anxious 14. Distracted 14. Industrious 14. Outgoing 14. Sincere
15. Apathetic 15. Distraught 15. Inexorable 15. Overbearing 15. Slanderous
16. Apologetic 16. Docile 16. Inexpressive 16. Paranoid 16. Sly
17. Apprehensive 17. Doleful 17. Insecure 17. Passionate 17. Smug
18. Argumentative 18. Dominating 18. Insensitive 18. Pathological 18. Snobbish
19. Arrogant 19. Dramatic 19. Instructive 19. Patient 19. Sober
20. Articulate 20. Drunkard 20. Intolerant 20. Peaceful 20. Sociable
Personality table 2 Personality table 6 Personality table 10 Personality table 14 Personality table 18
1. Attentive 1. Dull 1. Intransigent 1. Pensive 1. Solemn
2. Bigoted 2. Earthy 2. Introverted 2. Pertinacious 2. Solicitous
3. Bitter 3. Eccentric 3. Irreligious 3. Pessimistic 3. Solitary
4. Blustering 4. Elitist 4. Irresponsible 4. Philanderer 4. Solitary
5. Boastful 5. Emotional 5. Irreverent 5. Philosophical 5. Sophisticated
6. Bookish 6. Energetic 6. Irritable 6. Phony 6. Spendthrift
7. Bossy 7. Enigmatic 7. Jealous 7. Pious 7. Spiteful
8. Braggart 8. Enthusiastic 8. Jocular 8. Playful 8. Stern
9. Brash 9. Epicurean 9. Joking 9. Pleasant 9. Stingy
10. Brave 10. Excited 10. Jolly 10. Poised 10. Stoic
11. Bullying 11. Expressive 11. Joyous 11. Polite 11. Stubborn
12. Callous 12. Extroverted 12. Judgmental 12. Pompous 12. Submissive
13. Calm 13. Faithful 13. Jumpy 13. Pondering 13. Sultry
14. Candid 14. Fanatical 14. Kind 14. Pontificating 14. Superstitious
15. Cantankerous 15. Fastidious 15. Know-it-all 15. Practical 15. Surly
16. Capricious 16. Fatalistic 16. Languid 16. Prejudiced 16. Suspicious
17. Careful 17. Fearful 17. Lazy 17. Pretentious 17. Sybarite
18. Careless 18. Fearless 18. Lethargic 18. Preoccupied 18. Sycophantic
19. Caring 19. Feral 19. Lewd 19. Promiscuous 19. Sympathetic
20. Casual 20. Fierce 20. Liar 20. Proper 20. Taciturn
Personality table 3 Personality table 7 Personality table 11 Personality table 15 Personality table 19
1. Catty 1. Feisty 1. Likable 1. Proselytizing 1. Tactful
2. Cautious 2. Flamboyant 2. Lippy 2. Proud 2. Tawdry
3. Cavalier 3. Flippant 3. Listless 3. Prudent 3. Teetotaler
4. Charming 4. Flirtatious 4. Loquacious 4. Prudish 4. Temperamental
5. Chaste 5. Foolhardy 5. Loving 5. Prying 5. Tempestuous
6. Chauvinistic 6. Foppish 6. Loyal 6. Puerile 6. Thorough
7. Cheeky 7. Forgiving 7. Lust 7. Pugnacious 7. Thrifty
8. Cheerful 8. Friendly 8. Madcap 8. Quiet 8. Timid
9. Childish 9. Frightened 9. Magnanimous 9. Quirky 9. Tolerant
10. Chivalrous 10. Frivolous 10. Malicious 10. Racist 10. Transparent
11. Clueless 11. Frustrated 11. Maudlin 11. Rascal 11. Treacherous
12. Clumsy 12. Funny 12. Mean 12. Rash 12. Troublemaker
13. Cocky 13. Furtive 13. Meddlesome 13. Realistic 13. Trusting
14. Comforting 14. Generous 14. Melancholy 14. Rebellious 14. Truthful
15. Communicative 15. Genial 15. Melodramatic 15. Reckless 15. Uncommitted
16. Complacent 16. Gentle 16. Merciless 16. Refined 16. Understanding
17. Condescending 17. Gloomy 17. Merry 17. Repellent 17. Unfriendly
18. Confident 18. Goofy 18. Meticulous 18. Reserved 18. Unhinged
19. Conformist 19. Gossip 19. Mischievous 19. Respectful 19. Uninhibited
20. Confused 20. Graceful 20. Miscreant 20. Responsible 20. Unpredictable
Personality table 4 Personality table 8 Personality table 12 Personality table 16 Personality table 20
1. Conscientious 1. Gracious 1. Miserly 1. Restless 1. Unruly
2. Conservative 2. Grave 2. Modest 2. Reticent 2. Unsupportive
3. Contentious 3. Gregarious 3. Moody 3. Reverent 3. Vague
4. Contrary 4. Grouchy 4. Moralistic 4. Rigid 4. Vain
5. Contumely 5. Groveling 5. Morbid 5. Risk-taking 5. Vapid
6. Conventional 6. Gruff 6. Morose 6. Rude 6. Vengeful
7. Cooperative 7. Gullible 7. Mournful 7. Sadistic 7. Vigilant
8. Courageous 8. Happy 8. Mousy 8. Sarcastic 8. Violent
9. Courteous 9. Harsh 9. Mouthy 9. Sardonic 9. Vivacious
10. Cowardly 10. Hateful 10. Mysterious 10. Sassy 10. Vulgar
11. Coy 11. Helpful 11. Naïve 11. Savage 11. Wanton
12. Crabby 12. Honest 12. Narrow-minded 12. Scared 12. Wasteful
13. Cranky 13. Hopeful 13. Needy 13. Scolding 13. Weary
14. Critical 14. Hostile 14. Nefarious 14. Secretive 14. Whimsical
15. Cruel 15. Humble 15. Nervous 15. Self-effacing 15. Whiny
16. Cultured 16. Humorless 16. Nettlesome 16. Selfish 16. Wicked
17. Curious 17. Humorous 17. Neurotic 17. Selfless 17. Wisecracking
18. Cynical 18. Idealistic 18. Noble 18. Senile 18. Wistful
19. Daring 19. Idiosyncratic 19. Nonchalant 19. Sensible 19. Witty
20. Deceitful 20. Imaginative 20. Nurturing 20. Sensitive 20. Zealous