Rangkuman Geografi
Rangkuman Geografi
Rangkuman Geografi
Multiple Choice
1. Page 64-65 Earthquakes (2 soal) and Volcanoes (2 soal)
- Earthquakes are triggered from below the Earth’s surface
where rocks suddenly move under great stress. This place is
called the focus or origin.
- The point on the surface above the origin is the epicenter.
- The Richter scale measures the magnitude of earthquakes.
- Volcanoes are formed when a hole in the Earth’s crust allows
magma and gases to be released onto the Earth’s surface.
- Strato-volcanoes are the deadliest type of volcanoes and are
created through convergent plates.
- Shield volcanoes are much flatter and less violent. This is
because they are created with no big build-up pressure. They
are formed through divergent plates.
- The types of volcanoes based on how frequent they erupt:
i. Active, regular eruptions
ii. Dormant, activity can be detected inside and has not
erupted for many years.
iii. Extinct, will not erupt again.
- Volcanic heat can be used for hot springs.
- Volcano tourism
- Volcanic heat can provide energy which can be used to
produce electricity.
- Volcanic soils are fertile (subur).
- Volcanic craters can contain sulphur deposits which can be
used for medicine.
Page 64 Task 3
a. At what strength on the Richter scale can you feel slight
b. When was the Richter scale created?
In 1935 by Charles Richter.
c. When and where was the largest earthquake recorded? What was
its magnitude?
It is the earthquake in Valdivia, Chile in 1960. It had a
magnitude of 9.5
d. Suggests how seismologists may have estimated the magnitude of
earthquakes that took place before the scale existed.
Before the scale existed, seismologists could have looked at the
damage caused by the earthquake to estimate the magnitude.
Seismologists also used another scale before the Richter scale
which was the Mercalli Scale to measure the magnitude.
Page 66 Task 1:
a. Make your own labelled drawing if the earth’s structure.
Ada di buku
b. Why is the structure said to be ‘like an apple’?
Because the Earth has multiple layers just like an apple does.
The Earth has a thin crust, just like an apple has thin skin.
Eart has a mantle as apples has its pulp (the part we eat).
Earth also has a core just like an apple has seeds.
c. What is:
- A tectonic plate: It is a massive, stable section of
the Earth’s crust.
- Magma: It is molten lava that is inside the
volcano/under a tectonic plate. Magma is located
underneath the Earth’s surface.
- The mantle: It is a layer of molten magma in the Earth
that surrounds the Earth’s core.
d. Explain the part played by convention currents in moving
the plates around the mantle.
Convection currents move the plates ever so slowly every year.
The moving plates could create a shield volcano when the
plates diverge OR a strato-volcano when the plates converge.
Page 67 Task 3:
a. Make your own copy of the diagram including the labels.
Ada di buku
b. Write down the meaning and location of each of the
following by referring to plates and boundaries.
- A convergent boundary is the area where two plates collide
and meet each other.
- A divergent boundary is the area when two plates move away
from ea.ch other
- A subducting plate is the plate that goes beneath the other
plate and into the mantle during converging.
- A trench is the place where subduction took place. Trenches
are formed by subduction.
- A ridge is the edge of a divergent plate pushed up by
convection currents.
Page 70 Task 2:
a. When and where did Mount St Helens erupt?
Mount St Helens erupted in Washington, U.S.A. on the 18th of
May in 1980.
b. Describe the change in the appearance of Mount St Helens
after the eruption.
After the eruption, Mount St Helen now has a big crater in the
middle and looks much shorter.
Page 72 Task 1:
a. When did the earthquake strike Christchurch?
On Sunday, the 22nd of February, 2011.
b. Describe the different types of damage done in
- 185 people were killed by the earthquake.
- Cost of rebuilding was NZ$40 billion (US$33 billion).
- Many buildings collapsed.
c. Contrast the number of deaths and cost of rebuilding in
Christchurch with Haiti. Suggest reasons for these
- In Christchurch, 185 people died and cost was US$33 billion.
- In Haiti, 220.000 people died and cost was US$14 billion.
This could be because New Zealand (Country of Christchurch) is
an MEDC (More Economically Developed Country) and its
buildings are built with expensive materials that are stronger
and better at withstanding the earthquakes. This explains the
high cost but relatively low death toll. The same could not be
said about Haiti which is an LEDC (Less Economically Developed
River terms:
- Width, how wide the river is.
- Depth, how deep the river is.
- Velocity, the speed of the river flow.
- Wetted perimeter, length of the banks that Is in contact
with the water.
- Cross-section area, the area of water
- Discharge, the volume of water that flows per unit of time.
Calculated by multiplying cross section area by velocity.
Page 94 source B (5 soal)
ada di di buku, hapal diagramny
Page 79 source C (5 soal)
ada di di buku, hapal diagramny