• Using a single prime for the upper state and a double for the lower state
is conventional in all branches of spectroscopy
• Consider, v = 0 to v = 1 transition:
• The rotational constant B is taken as the same for both upper and lower
vibrational states due to the Born Oppenheimer approximation: rotation
is unaffected by vibrational changes
Vibration-rotation spectra
• Using a single prime for the upper state and a double for the lower state is
conventional in all branches of spectroscopy
• Born-Oppenheimer approximation
• Spectrum gives the values of the vibrational frequency and anharmonicity constant in
the ground state and the excited state
• This latter information is particularly valuable as it gauges the bond strength of such
Morse curve: potential energy change
• Morse curve represents the energy when one atom is considered fixed on
the r = 0 axis, and the other is allowed to oscillate between the limits
• For v = 0, the atom is most likely to be found at the centre of its motion, i.e.
at the equilibrium internuclear distance re, For v = 1, 2, 3, . . . the most
probable positions steadily approach the extremities
Franck-Condon Principle
• However, the intensities of the lines arising from these transitions are not the same
rapidly that a vibrating molecule does not change its internuclear distance
potential energy diagrams of the ground state and the excited state
Franck-Condon Principle
Sigma, pi and non-bonding orbitals
Sigma, pi and non-bonding orbitals
Electronic transitions
Electronic transitions
Electronic transitions
• γ is a constant called magnetogyric ratio and I is the nuclear spin
NMR spectroscopy
𝑬=− 𝒎𝑩
𝟐𝝅 𝑰
NMR spectroscopy
𝑬 =
• Fundamental resonance condition
𝜸𝒉𝑩 𝜸𝑩
𝑬 = 𝒉𝝂 = ; 𝝂= (frequency in RF region)
𝟐𝝅 𝟐𝝅
NMR spectroscopy
Relaxation time: Relaxation time in NMR is the time it takes for a system
to relax, repopulating the ground state (milliseconds to minutes)
NMR spectroscopy
• The data acquired at the NMR spectrometer is called free induction decay
(FID), which is the combined decay of nuclear spins from various molecules
present in the analyzed sample after excitation with a short radio-frequency
• FID data is a sine/cosine wave in the time domain and the signal decays
exponentially toward zero
• The time domain signal is processed by Fourier transformation (FT) to be
expressed as a frequency domain spectrum
Chemical shift: NMR spectroscopy
• The different local chemical environments surrounding nuclei cause
them to resonate at slightly different frequencies
• Caused by a change in electron density around a nucleus, such as a
bond to an electronegative group
• Frequency shifts are minuscule compared to the fundamental NMR
frequency (Hz vs MHz)
• For this reason, chemical shifts (δ) are described by the unit ppm
Shielding and deshielding
Peak multiplcity
• Peak multiplicity in NMR spectroscopy measures the number of neighboring
hydrogens for a specific proton atom or group of atoms.
NMR spectra
NMR spectra
NMR spectra
NMR spectroscopy
ESR (EPR) spectroscopy
𝑬 = 𝒈𝒆 𝝁𝑩 𝑩𝟎
• Resonance condition: 𝒉𝝂 = 𝒈𝒆 𝝁𝑩 𝑩𝟎
• In the microwave region (9–10 GHz) region, for a magnetic field of
strength 0.35 T
• Hyperfine splitting in ESR: caused by the interaction of electron
spins with the magnetic nuclei in the sample
• A magnetic nucleus with quantum number I will split a single ESR
line into 2I+1 lines (peaks)
Resonance condition and hyperfine splitting
ESR spectroscopy: applications
• When both quadrupolar and magnetic field interactions are present, the
spectroscopy that results depends on the relative size of the Zeeman and
quadrupole terms
• If the Zeeman dominates, NMR results
• In the case of zero, or very small, magnetic field, NQR results
• In both cases, we observe transitions between quantized levels of the
nuclear spin angular momentum the difference is the interaction that
splits these levels
Mössbauer spectroscopy