“a Thing of Beauty “Class 12 Th [ Part 1 ]

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"A Thing of Beauty" by John Keats

About the poet

young age of 25
ts was born in Lon don in the yea r 1795 and died in Rome in 1821 at the
John Kea
imagery in his most
to illne ss. He is a rom anti c poe t and his poetry is characterized by sensual
a particular subject).
s, (a lyrical poe m which is meant for
popular work which is a series of ode
ature. The above given
sought after creations in English liter
Today, his poems are one of the most
to be an
erpt from his poe m, -En dym ion : A poetic Romance-( 1818), considered
poetry is an exc
epic poem.

"A Thing of Beauty" Explanation:

A thing of beauty is a joy forever

Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
quiet breathing.
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and

Bower: A shady place und er the tree

h the passing
that bea uty stay s fore ver. It nev er fades away. Rather, it increases wit
The poet says
passing time,
epti on of the poe t rega rdin g bea uty is that it never goes off with the
time. The perc
under whose
utif ies mor e and mor e. For the poe t, bea uty is like a beautiful shady tree
rather it bea
lly and enjo y good health.
shade all the creatures can sleep peacefu wreathing
Therefore, on every morrow, are we
A flowery band to bin d us to the eart
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman
Of noble natures, of the glo omy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er -da rke ned
of all,
Made for ~ur searching: yes, in spite
Some shape of beauty moves awa y the
From our dark spirits.

Morrow: The following day

Wreathing: surround, encircle
Despondence: depressed
Gloon1y: sad

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