Mkpat Effiong, Reniers Genserik, Cozzani Valerio.- Process safety education : a literature review
Journal of loss prevention in the process industries - ISSN 0950-4230 - Oxford, Elsevier sci ltd, 54(2018), p. 18-27
Full text (Publisher's DOI): https://doi.org/10.1016/J.JLP.2018.02.003
b. Safety and Security Science Section, Faculty of TPM, Delft University of Technology, The
c. CEDON, Faculty of Management and Economics, KULeuven, Belgium
d. LISES - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali, Alma Mater
Studiorum, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
In this article, an extensive literature review has been carried out about process safety
education. We drafted a process safety model able to systematize the literature review and
investigated scientific papers as well as professional articles and so-called grey literature. The
presence of a common background emerged, although possibilities for optimization of
university curricula are possible, as well as harmonization within universities in different
countries and between universities and industry. More collaboration in the field of process
safety education is recommended, thereby also involving government agencies and/or control
authorities and inspection bodies. In the light of the prevention of major accidents in the
chemical industry, the process safety education topic deserves to receive more attention from
all parties involved, that is, academia, industry and authorities.
1. Introduction
Chemical process installations are increasingly being built and exploited on a large
scale, following the rising demands of chemical- related products, which in turn have been
driven mostly by globalization, dominant market forces, competitive pressure and economic
variables (Hendershot et al., 1999; Mannan 2012; Swuste and Reniers, 2016 ). In order to meet
this demand, these installations often operate continuously, but this can impact both their
reliability and performance. However, this can be counteracted through high-level
competences of those people operating and managing the installations.
The contribution of process safety education to the daily activities within the chemical
process industry (CPI) is significant (Hurme and Rahman 2005; Mannan et al., 2012; Aziz et
al., 2014; Hopkins, 2015; Schenk and Antonsson 2015; Majid et al., 2016; Swuste and Reniers,
2016). Process safety education is actually shaped on, and developed due to, major accidents
in the CPI. Incidents in this particular industry may have severe consequences for the
surrounding environment and for people, as well as for company assets (Khan and Abbasi,
1999; Baybutt, 2016) . The ‘process safety related’ accidents are characterised with a low
frequency of occurrence in combination with high-impact consequences, for instance, multiple
Page 1
fatalities, substantial business interruption, and/or reputation damage (Ditchburn and David,
2006). Such incidents represent a significant license-to-operate risk which can be game-
changing for the industry, and detrimental to the society at large.
In the prevention of major accidents, a variety of methods, tools and procedures aimed
at the elimination of human and technical design errors, as well as safety management systems
are developed; Accident case studies are extensively reviewed and design-based safety and
security principles have been developed (Sonnemans & Körvers, 2006; Reniers and Amyotte
2012; Kidam et al., 2014; Leveson and Stephanopoulos 2014). Apart from major accident
prevention, process safety education also serves as the basis for process safety knowledge and
know-how and the improvement of robust engineering practices in the process industry
(Guntzburger et al., 2016).
‘Process safety education’ refers to the learning of operating disciplines and safety
principles through a systematic approach, with a view to preventing major accidents in the
process industry. Process safety education is possible through three routes: (i) a university
based route, consisting of a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and/ or PhD research; (ii) a
professional route, consisting of internships, so-called “On the Job Training” (OJT),
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and/ or industry-based research; and (iii) training
in Governmental regulatory agencies (competent for the review of safety reports and for
inspections, e.g. in the framework of the application of European Directives addressing the
control of major accident hazards). This can be summarized as the ‘process safety education
model’, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Page 2
A number of studies with respect to the different parts of the Process safety education model
have been carried out. References related to the building blocks of the model can be found in
Table 1.
Process Safety
Bachelor degree Hendershot et al., 1999, Mannan et al., 1999, Osborn 1999, Pintar
1999, Willey 1999, Louvar and Hendershot 2003, Shacham et al.,
2006, Ferjencik 2007, Perrin and Laurent 2008, Louvar 2009,
Willey et al., 2010, McKay et al., 2011, Crowl 2012, Pasman et al.,
2014, Pitt 2012, Saleh and Pendley 2012, Amyotte 2013, Pfeil et al.,
2013, Schmidt 2013, Schonbucher et al., 2013, Shallcross 2013,
Spicer et al., 2013, Véchot et al., 2014, Dee et al., 2015, Dixon and
Kohlbrand 2015, Meyer 2015, Benintendi 2016, Cheah 2016,
Krause 2016
Master's degree Mannan et al., 1999, Lundin and Jönsson 2002, Ferjencik 2007,
Perrin and Laurent 2008, McKay et al., 2011, Degreve and
Berghmans 2012, Pitt 2012, Schmidt 2013, Schonbucher et al.,
2013, Shallcross 2013, Dee et al., 2015, Meyer 2015, Benintendi
2016, Krause 2016
PhD research Mannan et al., 1999, Perrin and Laurent 2008, Pitt 2012, Meyer
2015, Krause 2016
Internship/ industrial Ferjencik, 2007, Perrin and Laurent 2008, Pit 2012, Wu et al., 2012,
attachment Schmidt 2013, Krause 2016
Continuing education/ King 1990, Eckhoff 1994, Cusimano 1995, Lees 1996, Moon et al.
on the job training 1998, Hub 1999, Mannan et al., 1999, Willey 1999, Cann 2001,
Crowl and Louvar 2002, Shacham et al. 2006, CCPS 2007,
Hendershot and Smades 2007, Louvar and Hendershot 2007,
Louvar 2008, Myers et al., 2008, Sutton 2008, Wasileski, 2009,
Haesle et al., 2009, Pasman et al.2014, Pitt 2012, Amyotte 2013,
Schmidt 2013, Spicer et al. 2013, Nesheim and Gressgård 2014,
Dee et al. 2015, Meyer 2015, Nazir and Manca 2015, Krause 2016
Continuous Amyotte 2013, Spicer et al. 2013, Dee et al. 2015, Mannan et al.
Professional 2015, Rae 2016, Exida 2017, IChemE 2017
Development (CPD)
Industry research Schmidt 2013
Seveso inspection HSE 2011, HSE 2012, HSE 2015, Sol et al., 2015
In a university setting, process safety education usually begins with a bachelor’s degree
program or with a module which is embedded into undergraduate engineering programs such
as chemical engineering (Hendershot et al., 1999; Krause, 2016). Bachelor’s programs
Page 3
including process safety courses introduce students to basic process safety principles and
fundamental concepts and take between three and four years to complete. A few bachelors
specifically addressing safety engineering were also proposed by several universities (e.g. in
Italy the universities of Pisa and of Roma La Sapienza), aiming at forming a technical specialist
trained e.g. for the technical corps of emergency responders. In such initiatives process safety
is only one of the topics addressed, together with safety instructions about several other
engineering disciplines (e.g. nuclear, mechanical, etc.).
The process safety subject can be studied further at master’s level, developing student
skills and in-depth knowledge in the specialized area of process safety. Master programs in the
European context are usually completed within two years. In this case usually process safety is
offered as a specific course and/ or as a practical activity as part of a Master Program in
engineering disciplines (typically chemical engineering). Some universities offer masters
addressing safety or fire safety, with process safety as part of the program (e.g. the University
of Padua in Italy), or even master programs addressing specifically Process Safety (e.g. the
Polytechnic University of Milan in Italy). Finally, a PhD research program may be undertaken
as the final phase of a process safety educational program. This is focused on research in the
process safety domain, and is usually completed within three or four years.
The final route towards process safety engineering education is through inspection.
Aside from the implementation of Seveso directives in the European process industry, these
inspections also monitor the implementation of Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)
of chemical substances and mixtures in Europe (Swuste and Reniers, 2016). Seveso inspectors
are themselves subject to OJT, and hence they are classified as being part of the professional
training category (Table 1).
Page 4
Process safety education essentially constitutes life-long learning, as it promotes
continuous professional advancement. Its aims to include amongst others an increased
understanding of process safety principles, advancement of technical proficiency, and
promotion of knowledge sharing (Louvar & Hendershot, 2007; Pitt, 2012; Nesheim and
Gressgård 2014). Apart from improving organizational performance, process safety education
also promotes several domains of safety culture (see Vierendeels et al., 2018) in an indirect
way, and it increases productivity, sustains industry reliability, and enhances sustainable
development in the process industry (Cox & Tart, 1991; Elangovan et al., 2005; Sutton, 2008;
Myers et al., 2008; Amyotte, 2013; Kluge et al., 2014). Furthermore, Olewski et al. (2016)
provide examples and discuss building a process safety culture through and during research.
The main goal of process safety education is to equip employees with the competences
for safe and efficient operational conduct within the CPI. The term ‘competency’ refers to
professional capability, skills, and experience obtained through structured process safety
education and training, in which employees’ task performance is guided by an operational
discipline. This concept encourages workers to perform tasks in a safe and efficient manner.
The aim of this paper is to analyse and explicate the current state of research on process
safety education, through a systematic review of existing literature, and to identify possible
opportunities for further investigation. This review article is guided by the following research
The material for this research was extracted from both scientific and professional literature.
The scientific literature was obtained through a web search using Google Scholar, Science
Direct, and Web of Science (WOS) with key words such as *process safety education* and
*process safety training*. The below listed scientific journals were extensively utilised for this
literature review.
Table 2. List of Journals with corresponding review articles (January 2017 – April 2017)
Page 5
7 Journal of Safety Research 3
8 Chemical Engineering Progress 2
9 Chemical Engineering Technology 2
10 Chemical Health and Safety 2
11 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2
12 Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) 2
13 Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 1
14 International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education 1
15 Journal of European Industrial Training 1
16 Occupational Health and Safety 1
17 Journal of Professional Issues on Engineering Education and 1
18 Procedia Engineering 1
19 Science and Engineering Ethics 1
20 IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factor 1
21 AICHE Journal 1
22 Chemical Engineering Education 1
23 Computers Chemical Engineering 1
24 Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association 1
25 Cognition, Technology and Work 1
26 Journal of Integrated Security Science 1
27 Reliability Engineering and System Safety 1
28 Q Science Proceedings 1
29 Procedia Computer Science 1
30 Computers and Industrial Engineering 1
Furthermore, professional literature used for this review article includes textbooks,
conference papers and records from reputed professional organizations, such as the Chemical
Safety and Hazard Identification Board (CSB), the Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion
Symposium series, the Centre of Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), UK Health and Safety
Executive (HSE), Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE). Professional literature in process safety
training was limited in supporting extensive review. Hence, grey literature obtained through
the websites of professional organisations was utilised to compensate for the inadequacy of
professional literature. The relevancy of the chosen literature was established through a
filtering process using inclusion and exclusion criteria, which serves as an eligibility
background for this review. These criteria aimed to cover literature published from the year
1990 onwards, and those published in the English language. In addition, guide words used in
gathering content for this review include ‘process safety education’, ‘process safety education
model’, ‘process safety supporting learning aids’, ‘process safety education curriculum
content’, ‘process safety education methodology’, ‘process safety education accreditation
body’, ‘process safety scientific research’, ‘process safety education collaboration’, ‘process
safety training’, ‘process safety training curriculum’, and ‘process safety competence’.
Page 6
3. Research findings
Process safety education programs are often subject to an evaluation of their curricula
by an accredited body. Institutions offering process safety education are mandated to fulfil
accreditation conditions laid out by the same body. Thus, engineering undergraduate programs
and master’s degree programs are endorsed by reputed accreditation bodies, in line with set
standards and guidelines. These conditions include checks on the curriculum, the methodology,
the learning outcomes, and are frequently regarded in organisations as necessary for the
advancement of a professional career in the CPI (IChemE, 2015).
The accreditation bodies designated for this role include the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET) in the United States of America, the Canadian
Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) in Canada, the Institution of Chemical Engineers
(IChemE) in the United Kingdom, the Engineers Australia Accreditation Board in Australia as
well as governmental accreditation agencies active in single countries. Table 3 provides an
overview of the references related to the accreditation bodies. The roles of these bodies can
vary, but they often have the same goals; for example, ABET includes a discussion of the
restructuring of process safety concepts in the curriculum of undergraduate chemical
engineering programs (Dee et al., 2015). Similarly, in Europe, plant and process safety
education programs at both undergraduate and master’s degree level are developed in
accordance with the Bologna educational system (Cortés et al., 2011; Schonbucher et al.,
Accreditation Reference
Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET) Pintar 1999, Willey et al., 2010, McKay et al., 2011,
Crowl 2012, Wu et al., 2012, Amyotte 2013,
Shallcross 2013, Spicer et al., 2013, Pasman et al.,
2014, Véchot et al., 2014, AICHE 2015, Dee et
al.,2015, Dixon and Kohlbrand 2015, Mannan et al.,
2015, Amyotte et al., 2016
Canadian Engineering Accreditation Norval et al., 2010, Amyotte 2013, Amyotte et al.,
Board (CEAB) 2016
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
McKay et al., 2011
Professional Accreditation Body
Engineers Australia Accreditation Board Shallcross 2013
In summary, accreditation can be very important for universities to stress the importance of
certain contents in curriculums, and it can be used to stress and improve process safety
education programs.
Page 7
3.2 Curriculum found in scientific literature
Curriculum development for process safety education has been proposed over the years
by numerous authors. Such proposals include the integration of safety culture into the safety
curriculum, consistency with accreditation (ABET) directives, adoption of recommendations
provided by researchers and practitioners, etc. (Hendershot and Smades, 2007; Louvar and
Hendershot, 2007; Crowl, 2012). The development of a curriculum which is supported by
strategic lecture delivery has also been cited as an essential requirement for effective process
safety education (Ferjencik, 2007), as well as the prioritization of curriculum development and
a continuous education, as recommended by Eckhoff (1994). Other relevant contributions in
curriculum development include the adoption of the Plant and Process Safety (PPS) curriculum
by Dechema (German Chemical Engineering Network) recommendation (Schmidt, 2013) and
the development of safety and loss prevention curricula in chemical engineering programs of
French universities (Perrin and Laurent, 2008). Also, a special contribution has been made by
Trevor Kletz on the curriculum development of an inherently safer design (Mannan 2012).
Furthermore, these teaching approaches adopt different learning strategies which can
include storytelling, evidence-based teaching, and safety information sharing (Shallcross,
2013; Cheah, 2016; Rae, 2016). These teaching strategies promote safety competency,
technical design creativity, decision making and accident prevention (Saleh and Pendley,
Page 8
2012). Similarly, as shown in Figure 2, process safety education can be formulated as an
example of tier-based learning (Benintendi, 2016). This approach conforms to the process
safety model of Figure 1. The basic and applied principles correlate with undergraduate
programs combined with internships, and master’s degree program respectively, while the field
experience and process safety management correlates with OJT and CPD respectively. Recent
studies show that there are only a limited number of universities where process safety is taught
as a standalone course (Pasman et al., 2014; Krause, 2016).
Research in process safety education is a key approach for promoting the development
of scientific knowledge and innovative technology in the process industry. Therefore, adequate
attention is required for sustainable Research and Development (R&D). Furthermore, research
helps the advancement of the process industry by developing solutions to existing industry
challenges. The process safety field of research includes asset integrity and reliability,
chemistry-related courses, design, hazard identification and risk analysis, human factor as well
as others (see also Table 4). These research domains promote process safety competences
which are crucial to prevent major accidents in the process industry (Gibson, 1999; Schmidt,
2013; Meyer, 2015). Research centres are often established in universities to enhance scientific
knowledge and to promote industry best practices.
Page 9
Process safety education Mckay et al. 2011, Schonbucher et al., 2013
Asset integrity and reliability, Chemistry related Mannan 2012, Amyotte 2013, Pasman et al.
courses, Design, Hazard identification and risk 2014
analysis, Human factor, Incident management, Risk
management, Safety culture, Process safety
management knowledge
Chemistry related courses, Design, Fire and explosion Mannan et al. 2012
studies, Hazard identification and risk analysis, Risk
decision making, Security, Safety performance
Asset integrity and reliability, Chemistry related Pasman et al. 2014
courses, Design, Fire and explosion studies, Hazard
identification and risk analysis, Human factor,
Incident management, Risk management, Safety
culture, Safety management
Safety management Nesheim and Gressgård 2014, Krause, 2016
Hazard identification and risk analysis, Incident Véchot et al., 2014
Design, Hazard identification and risk analysis Dee et al. 2015, Meyer 2015
Page 10
Aside from strategic involvements between the different parties, other benefits of collaboration
are reflected by the promotion of competences and the assumable prevention of major accidents
(Reniers and Amyotte 2012; Pfeil et al., 2013). Also, it is obvious that the interface amongst
university, process industry and government agencies stimulates strategic collaboration
objectives of funding, safety performance, curricula development, research and many more.
(Figure 3).
Internship Perrin and Laurent 2008, Schmidt 2013 Véchot et al., 2014
Teaching Mannan et al. 1999, Perrin and Laurent 2008, Norval et al.,
2010, Crowl 2012, Degreve and Berghmans, 2012, Pitt 2012,
Saleh and Pendley 2012, Schmidt 2013, Véchot et al., 2014,
AICHE 2015, Dixon et al., 2015
Modern process installations are becoming more complex and their operation requires
high-level competences. Against this background, having a safety education curriculum that
demonstrates efficient learning objectives can be regarded as a necessary approach for adequate
process safety knowledge application (Elangovan et al. 2005; Knegtering and Pasman, 2009;
EFCE, 2010; Pitt, 2012; Wu et al., 2012; IChemE, 2015; Benintendi, 2016). To meet the
increasing need for process safety competence, contributing factors such as research, funding,
education, standards and guidelines for best operating practices are becoming crucial (Pfeil et
al., 2013). These factors were recommended by the German Society for Chemical Engineering
and Biotechnology/ German Society for Process and Chemical Engineering
(DECHEMA/GVC) report (2004), the Dutch Hazardous Substances Council of the
Netherlands (AGS) report (2009) and the European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE)
8th session (2011). Furthermore, the promotion of process industry competences have attracted
the development of master’s programs as witnessed for instance at KU Leuven in Belgium and
Lund University in Sweden (Lundin & Jönsson, 2002; Degreve and Berghmans, 2012).
The use of appropriate learning methods is a requirement for improving process safety
competences (Mannan et al., 2012). Aside from information sharing, other learning methods
include the integration of process hazard analysis, case studies, employee training and research.
It can be assumed that the development of process safety competence stems from knowledge
application, gained through process safety education and training. This assumption needs to be
further investigated, but it should be mentioned that it conforms with a postulation on high
performance ranking resulting from education, experience and training (Nesheim and
Gressgård, 2014).
The training methods adopted by process safety training programs are intended to
enhance their effectiveness. Apart from skill-based training, other methods include
performance-based training, mentoring programs, team study, web-based training and others
(Cusimano, 1995; Young & Hodges, 2012; Taylor et al., 2016).These methods are regularly
evaluated to assess training effectiveness (Cooper and Cotton, 2000; Haesle et al. , 2009). To
meet the needs of the process industry, the restructuring of safety training is crucial (Louvar,
2008). This is evident in the formulation of process safety training programs (Zaloom and
Ramachandran, 1996; Myers et al., 2008; Hendershot et al., 2011; Mannan et al., 2015).
Furthermore, process safety trainings aids the performance of operators in the process industry
(Hub, 1999; Gatfield, 1999; Cann, 2001; Shacham et al., 2006; Wasileski, 2009; Nazir and
Page 12
Manca, 2015; Yamamoto, 2015 ). Such training includes dynamic simulation, cognitive safety
training, hazard identification and others.
3.8 Process safety training curriculum found in scientific and professional literature
Page 13
Process Control European Commission, Institute of Hazard Prevention, PetroSkills, ABB, ,
Exida 2017, ioMosaic, PrimaTech, Process Improvement Institute,
Risknowlogy, TUV Rheinland
Process Safety Cann 2001, Elangovan et al., 2005, Hendershot et al., 2011, Young and
Management Hodges 2012, Technology ED, European Commission, Institute of Hazard
Prevention, Georgia Tech Professional Education, ABB, ABS Group,
CCPS, Cogent Skills, Competency Training, Dekra Insight, Emerson,
Energy Institute, Health and Safety Laboratory, IChemE 2017, ioMosaic,
PrimaTech, Process Improvement Institute, Red Vector
Security PrimaTech
Software Programs Zaloom and Ramachandran 1996, Moon et al., 1998, Nazir and Manca
2015, Yamamoto 2015, PrimaTech
4. Discussion
As it stands, the education of process safety can only be achieved in universities and in
industry, and requires an unbiased analysis of its contributing elements. The process safety
education model has played an important role in the advancement of process safety in the
chemical process industry. In the UK university system for example, the IChemE accreditation
body performs accreditation for process safety education programs in higher education
institutions (IChemE, 2015). Although the accreditation bodies vary from one country to
another, accreditation ensures the standardisation of process safety curricula used within
universities. However, it has been observed that the accreditation of process safety education
only applies to university-based programs, and does not exist in the process industry. Thus, it
is cogent to question whether all programs related to process safety education are adequately
assessed and approved by accreditation bodies.
Page 14
Curriculum contents evidently remains a pivotal element of process safety education,
as it is necessary for the prevention of major accidents, and for the attainment of relevant
knowledge by process safety experts (researchers and professionals). Furthermore, the
development of a curriculum should meet with an accreditation body’s conditions as well as
industry needs (Amyotte, 2013). The learning outcomes from process safety curricula aim to
boost efficient performance of safety operations in the CPI.
Literature suggests that when process safety curricula are utilised within university and
industry, they tend to lean towards a similar or comparable content. It is also noted, that
curricula for both university and industry assign priority to hazard identification, risk analysis,
incident management, and process safety management courses. These courses are thus
considered very important to gain process safety knowledge. University curricula assign less
priority to security and software programs, while professional curriculums, on the other hand,
assign less priority to chemistry-related courses, economics, and also less attention (similar to
university curricula) to security, even when security threats are becoming prevalent in our
societies since 9/11 (Reniers and Amyotte, 2012). It is against this backdrop that concepts such
as the design-based safety principles and safety & security clusters were developed (Reniers
and Amyotte 2012; Reniers & Khakzad, 2017).
The teaching approaches of process safety help to strengthen knowledge applications, improve
safety culture, and foster prevention strategies. However, in most universities there exists a
strong preference for the integration of process safety courses into an existing program, as
opposed to teaching process safety as a dedicated course. This situation is attributed to a lack
of trained professional lecturers in this field of study (Pitt, 2012). To address this gap,
professionals from the industry could support universities by teaching process safety as a
dedicated course (Dixon and Kohlbrand, 2015).
The development of process safety education learning aids within the universities and
industries has been strongly supported by international organisations; for example, in the USA
there exist the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), SAfety and Chemical Engineering
education (SAChE), the U.S Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB), the Mary
Kay O Connor Process Safety Center and the American Institution of Chemical Engineers
(AIChE). Similarly, in Europe, the following organisations can be found: the European Process
Safety Centre (EPSC), the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE), the
Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and the Safety to Safety (S2S) initiative. In
Canada, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE) and Minerva Canada Safety
Management Education exist. In this review, universities seem to mostly utilise SACHE
products, CSB products and process safety related software programs.
Page 15
In the process industry, the performance of tasks is expected to be as efficient as possible, and
this is dependent on process safety competence. The ‘competence’ originates from process
safety education and training, conducted both in the university and industry respectively.
Process safety competence can be understood as the main objective of process safety education.
Competence is identified as key element which is common and central, and is defined as such
at all levels from bachelor degree in university education to that of a process safety inspectors
in government regulatory agencies. Process safety training programs promote professional
capabilities in terms of operation, and although the timeline of this training varies, the learning
objectives are expected to demonstrate process safety competence.
In the daily operations of the process industry, competence is required for safe and
efficient operations. This is achieved through a teaching approach which utilises an appropriate
methodology and learning aids, consistent with applicable accreditation programs and a rich
curriculum developed from the needs of the chemical process industry. This review analysed
areas impacting process safety education and professional training.
Process safety education in the USA was found to be integrated into undergraduate
engineering programs, and especially in chemical engineering (Pintar, 1999; Willey, 1999;
Louvar and Hendershot, 2003; Louvar, 2009; Willey et al., 2010; Crowl, 2012; Spicer et al.,
2013). Integration of this course limits the viability of process safety education at an
undergraduate level, especially in Germany (Krause, 2016), resulting in fewer universities
offering this program at both undergraduate and master’s degree level. Consequently, process
safety courses which exist as a separate course have attracted little attention (Pasman et al.,
2014), as is also the case for programs specifically addressing process safety or even safety
engineering as an independent discipline.
The main gap identified in this review is the inconsistency in the curriculum content of
process safety education used in universities and industries. Universities tend to adopt a process
safety curriculum separately from one another, despite offering similar programs (Krause,
2016; Rae, 2016). This situation also applies to process safety professional training in the
industry (Spicer et al., 2013). This observation indicates the support for a kind of tailor-made
curriculum, be it a very broad one, rather than a generic structured curriculum.
The main challenge in compiling this review was the inadequate extent of professional
publications supporting process safety training as opposed to process safety education. This
Page 16
gap can be attributed to the proprietary information status placed by the industry on related
publications or the non-disclosure status of process safety professional training which is carried
out within the industry. As such, grey literature was extensively utilized to address this gap.
Curriculum/ Reference
Module content
Asset integrity Eckhoff 1994, Mannan et al., 1999, Norval et al., 2010, Degreve and
and reliability Berghmans 2012, Benintendi 2016
Chemistry Eckhoff 1994, Hendershot et al., 1999, Mannan et al., 1999, Osborn
related courses 1999, Pintar 1999, Willey 1999, Shacham et al., 2006, Ferjencik
2007, Perrin and Laurent 2008, EFCE 2010, Willey et al., 2010,
Degreve and Berghmans 2012, Pitt 2012, Amyotte 2013, Shallcross
2013, Spicer et al., 2013, Véchot et al., 2014, Dee et al.,2015, Dixon
and Kohlbrand 2015, Benintendi 2016, Krause 2016
Design Hendershot et al., 1999, Mannan et al., 1999, Pintar 1999, Louvar
and Hendershot 2003, Shacham et al., 2006, Ferjencik 2007,
Dadkhah 2008, Perrin and Laurent 2008, EFCE 2010, Norval et al.,
2010, Cortés et al., 2011, Mannan 2012, Pitt 2012, Amyotte 2013,
Schmidt 2013, Schonbucher et al., 2013, Shallcross 2013, Spicer et
al., 2013, Véchot et al., 2014, Dee et al.,2015, Dixon and Kohlbrand
2015, IChemE 2015, Cheah 2016
Economics Lundin and Jönsson 2002, Norval et al., 2010, Degreve and
Berghmans 2012, Pitt 2012, Saleh and Pendley 2012, Shallcross
2013, Dixon and Kohlbrand 2015, Meyer 2015
Fire and Eckhoff 1994, Hendershot et al., 1999, Mannan et al., 1999, Osborn
Explosion 1999, Pintar 1999, Willey 1999, Ferjencik 2007, Perrin and Laurent
studies 2008, Norval et al., 2010, Degreve and Berghmans 2012, Pitt 2012,
Amyotte 2013, Schmidt 2013, Schonbucher et al., 2013, Shallcross
2013, Véchot et al., 2014, Dee et al.,2015, Dixon and Kohlbrand
2015, IChemE 2015, Benintendi 2016, Krause 2016
Page 17
Hazard Eckhoff 1994, Hendershot et al., 1999, Mannan et al., 1999, Pintar
Identification 1999, Lundin and Jönsson 2002, Louvar and Hendershot 2003,
and Risk Shacham et al., 2006, Ferjencik 2007, Perrin and Laurent 2008,
Analysis EFCE 2010, Norval et al., 2010, Cortés et al., 2011, McKay et al.,
2011, Degreve and Berghmans 2012, Mannan et al., 2012, Pasman
et al., 2012, Pitt 2012, Saleh and Pendley 2012, Amyotte 2013,
Schmidt 2013, Schonbucher et al., 2013, Shallcross 2013, Spicer et
al., 2013, Pasman et al., 2014, Véchot et al., 2014, Dee et al.,2015,
Dixon and Kohlbrand 2015, IChemE 2015, Meyer 2015, Benintendi
2016, Cheah 2016, Krause 2016
Human Factor Eckhoff 1994, Mannan et al., 1999, Ferjencik 2007, Norval et al.,
2010, Pitt 2012, Saleh and Pendley 2012, Shallcross 2013, Pasman
et al., 2014, Shallcross 2014, Dixon and Kohlbrand 2015,
Incident Eckhoff 1994, Osborn 1999, Pintar 1999, Willey 1999, Ferjencik
Management 2007, Perrin and Laurent 2008, Norval et al., 2010, Willey et al.,
2010, McKay et al., 2011, Mannan 2012, Mannan et al., 2012, Pitt
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