REF N49 04 24 W123 00 30 8.5SSE 17°E (2011) UTC-8(7) Elev 6´ VTA A5004 LO2
OPR Alpha Aviation Inc. 604-946-5361 Cert PPR (see PRO)
PF A-1,2,3,6 C-4,5
CUST AOE/15 888-226-7277 18-02‡
FIC Kamloops 866-WXBRIEF (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4101 (Toll free within
Canada & USA)
ACC Vancouver IFR 604-586-4590/4591; IFR tng flts PPR ctc 604-586-4592
LAWO 15-07Z‡
FUEL 100LL (truck or H24 cardlock), JA-1
S 1,2,3,4,5,6
PVT ADV Boundary Bay Air Services 122.95 or 866-946-2922 15-02Z‡ O/T call out chg
CANADA FLIGHT SUPPLEMENT / GPH 205 Effective 0901Z 21 March 2024 to 0901Z 16 May 2024
No circuits Rwy 07/25 23-07 lcl. Avoid over-flying noise sensitive area unless unable
due to crosswind limitations or other safety considerations or as directed by ATC.
Arr/Dep: No turns BLW 400'. After dep Rwy 25 turn crosswind as rqrd to remain E of
railway tracks. Arr Rwy 07 turn base E of noise sensitive area. No departures fr taxi B.
Conform to published VTA routes and as directed by ATC.
PPR for Jet acft and acft over 12500 lbs GTOW. Ctc OPR for advsy info.
All VFR acft arriving, departing or transiting the Vancouver or Victoria Tower Class C
or D airspace require a transponder code.
- All acft departing Vancouver or Victoria Intl (including Water Aerodrome) call
Kamloops FIC at 866-541-4101 or PAC RDO 123.15 or 122.375 for code assignment
at least 30 min prior to flight or file a VFR Flight Plan/Flight Itinerary.
- All acft arriving Vancouver, Victoria Intl (including Water Aerodrome) or transiting
Vancouver or Victoria Control Zones obtain a code from one of the following ATS
units: Vancouver Harbour, Nanaimo, Victoria Harbour, Boundary Bay, Langley,
Abbotsford or Pitt Meadows, or call Kamloops FIC at 866-541-4101 or PAC RDO
123.15 or 122.375.
- All acft arriving Victoria Intl from a non NAV CANADA site call Kamloops FIC at
866-541-4101 or PAC RDO 123.15 or 122.375 for code assignment at least 30
minutes prior to flight or file a VFR Flight Plan/ Flight Itinerary.
CANADA FLIGHT SUPPLEMENT / GPH 205 Effective 0901Z 21 March 2024 to 0901Z 16 May 2024
All arriving and transiting A/C Contact TWR 127.6 on initial contact.
All Departures contact TWR 127.6 climbing through 800 ASL unless otherwise
Rwy 07 or 13:
Arrivals fr E - report COURTHOUSE not below 1500 expect COURTHOUSE
ARRIVAL left downwind Rwy 07 or left base Rwy 13.
Arrivals fr S or W - report WEST POINT expect WEST POINT ARRIVAL rgt base
Rwy 07 or rgt downwind Rwy 13.
Departures to E - expect AUTOMALL DEPARTURE.
Departures to W or S - expect POINT ROBERTS DEPARTURE.
Rwy 25 or 31:
Arrivals fr E - report AUTOMALL expect AUTOMALL ARRIVAL straight in Rwy 25 or
rgt base Rwy 31.
Arrivals fr S - report POINT ROBERTS expect POINT ROBERTS ARRIVAL left
downwind to Rwy 25 or Left base Rwy 31.
Departures to the W or S - expect WEST POINT DEPARTURE.
HELI All heli ctc gnd for departure instructions.
GAS STATION DEPARTURE Track eastbound over Hwy 99. Not above 500 ASL til
GAS STATION. Transmit intentions to Delta Air Park tfc on 123.3 prior to GAS
STATION if BLW 1000 ASL. Ctc ZBB TWR on 127.6 after passing AK3 if climbing to
1000 ASL or abv.
LANDFILL ARRIVAL Report approaching HWY 91 track 1 NM North of Hwy 99 to
LANDFILL. Transmit intentions to Delta Air Park tfc on 123.3 prior to crossing Hwy 91.
Overfly LANDFILL 500 ASL or below. Cross Hwy 99 abm LANDFILL to apron.
ARR/DEP N or NW will be routed via LANDFILL. Cross LANDFILL 500 ASL or BLW.
Heli in excess of 58' overall length PPR.
Heli ops prohibited within 30' vertical & 90' horizontal fr all refueling eqpt.
CAUTION Extensive bird activity. High density tfc area E of CZ. Extensive flt tng ops.