Teaching Evaluation Form

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Evaluation of educational work of teachers and observation and

evaluation of teaching

Teacher: Subject: School year:


PART I - Evaluation of teaching

Subject: Unit: Lesson No:

Grade: Evaluator: Date:

Overall teaching process description:

Teaching evaluation:

Assessment based on the presence of the quality indicators:

1 - not present 2 - somewhat present 3 - present to a 4 - fully present

certain extent

Standardi Indikatori kvaliteta

1 2 3 4
LEA The teacher clearly and precisely presents expected learning outcomes and teaching activities, providing
specific resources, tools and instructions for achieving them.

2.1.1. The teacher clearly presented the objectives of the lesson / learning outcomes and
why he should learn what was planned.

2.1.2. The teacher clearly presented explanations, instructions and key concepts.

LEA The teacher creates a safe and stimulating learning environment in line with student needs and subject
requirements, encouraging social responsibility and empathy.

2.1.3. The teacher successfully structures and connects the parts of the class using
different methods (forms of work, techniques, procedures).


LEA The teacher implements didactic methods, teaching activities, digital tools and assesses student
knowledge in line with the subject requirements and student competencies.

2.1.4. The teacher gradually asks questions / tasks / requirements of different levels of


LEA The teacher uses variations in the teaching process in line with the subject requirements and student
needs to improve student participation, activity and reflection.

2.1.5. The teacher directs the interaction between students so that it is in the function of
learning (uses questions, ideas, comments of students, encourages peer learning).


LEA The teacher uses digital tools and other resources to diversify subject content in line with student needs.

2.1.6. The teacher functionally uses the existing teaching aids and the sources of
knowledge available to the students.


LEA The teacher enables students to demonstrate their knowledge and fulfill subject requirements in line with
their needs, learning style and abilities.

2.2.1. The teacher adapts the requirements to the abilities of each student.


The teacher recognizes specific student needs and is able to differentiate the teaching process to suit the
LEA student’s learning style and needs, without neglecting subject requirements and outcomes. The teacher
recognizes and monitors the psychosocial, intellectual and academic development of their students,
adjusting the teaching process accordingly.

2.2.2. The teacher adapts the way of working and teaching material to the individual
characteristics of each student.
LEA The teacher acts in accordance with the principles of equality, justice, morality and responsibility,
approaching every student with respect and honoring their personality and needs.
2.2.3. The teacher devotes time and attention to each student in accordance with his
educational needs.

The teacher improves existing teaching methods and implements innovative practices to support students
LEA who show indications that call for the implementation of an individualized education plan (students with
developmental disabilities and gifted students).
2.2.4. The teacher applies specific tasks / activities / materials based on the IEP and the
individualization plan.

LEA The teacher promotes teamwork and cooperation among students while improving their socioemotional,
digital and academic skills.
2.2.5. Students who need additional support participate in joint activities that encourage
their progress and interaction with other students.

LEA The teacher uses variations in the teaching process in line with the subject requirements and student
needs to improve student participation, activity and reflection.
2.2.6. The teacher adjusts the pace of work to the different educational needs of students.


LEA The teacher demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the basics of pedagogy, didactics and teaching
methods, improving them in line with modern practice.
2.3.1. Students' activities / works show that they have understood the subject of learning
in class, are able to apply what they have learned and explain how they came to a
2.3.2. Students connect the subject of learning with previously learned in different areas
and everyday life.

LEA The teacher uses the outcomes of formative and summative knowledge assessment to improve student
knowledge and competencies.
2.3.5. The student uses feedback to solve the task / improve learning.


Average assessment of the representation of quality indicators in teaching: 4.00

PART II - Teaching self-evaluation


Please enter the teacher's grade for the specified standard from the self-evaluation form in the evaluation column
Quality Indicators
1 2 3 4
The teacher implements different methods of formative and summative knowledge assessment, taking
LEA into account subject requirements, students competencies and objective assessment criteria.
2.4.1. The teacher conducts formative and summative assessments in accordance with the
The teacher provides relevant, specific and instructive feedback on student performance in a timely
LEA manner, as well as overviews of new methods and resources for improving student knowledge and
2.4.3. The teacher gives complete and understandable feedback to students about their
work, including clear recommendations on next steps.

The teacher manages the learning environment guided by the code of conduct, open communication
LEA based on mutual respect, and establishes a clear and precise framework for action and decision making
and creates an affirmative environment for students that promotes tolerance, equality, fairness, spirit of
research and critical thinking.
The teacher and the students respect each other, the teacher encourages the students
2.5.1. to respect each other and in a constructive way establishes and maintains discipline
in accordance with the agreed rules.

The teacher motivates students to approach learning and research guided by legal and ethical regulations,
LEA promotes academic honesty, safety and protection of students, and the protection of personal and
intellectual property.
2.5.2. The teacher uses various procedures to motivate students, respecting their
differences and previous achievements.

LEA The teacher encourages student independence, autonomy, reflection and responsibility, providing them
with resources and constructive guidelines for independent research.
2.5.3. The teacher encourages intellectual curiosity and free expression of opinion.


LEA The teacher provides adequate resources for student work, maximizing learning and research
2.5.5. The teacher shows confidence in the student's abilities and has positive expectations
in terms of success.

Average assessment of the presence of the above quality indicators by teachers in 4.00
the process of self-evaluation:
PART III - Evaluation of additional LEA quality indicators

For additional quality indicators, please enter the teacher's assessment from the self-evaluation process and the
assessment of the presence of quality indicators (1-4) based on a review of pedagogical documentation and
other available information, as well as the average grade for calculating the presence of quality indicators.

Additional indicators of the quality of teachers' work in accordance with LINK SE E

educational Alliance standards AVG

The teacher has adequate qualifications, knowledge and competencies to perform the teaching

The teacher improves the existing and researches and implements new knowledge, skills,
practices and teaching methods in order to improve the knowledge and competencies of
The teacher uses the knowledge of the subject content and curriculum to create curricula, as
well as to improve vertical and horizontal learning in students.

The teacher recognizes which teaching methods correspond to the specific subject contents and
implements them in the form of innovative didactic means by which he improves the
knowledge and competencies of students.
The teacher researches the current subject contents, supplements the curriculum in accordance
with the changes in the subject content and improves his teaching practice in accordance with
the same.
The teacher independently researches and uses the possibilities of professional development
through participation in local, national and international trainings and platforms.

The teacher shows adequate knowledge about the role of information technology in the
teaching process and also uses it to improve students' knowledge and competencies.

The teacher identifies, researches, implements and corrects his / her own teaching practice in
accordance with the needs of the students and the subject requirements.

The teacher applies various methods for responsible, ethical and safe use of information
technologies in the teaching process.

The teacher uses the outcomes of formative and summative assessments of knowledge to
analyze, moderate and improve their own teaching practice.

Average assessment of the presence of additional indicators of the quality of teachers' work:
PART IV - Students’ Evaluation of Teaching
Standards Quality Indicators
LEA The teacher clearly and precisely presents expected learning outcomes and teaching activities, providing
specific resources, tools and instructions for achieving them.
2.1.1. The teacher clearly presented the objectives of the lesson / learning outcomes and why
he should learn what was planned.
2.1.2. The teacher clearly presented explanations, instructions and key concepts.

LEA The teacher motivates students to contemplate the teaching content, encourages learning autonomy and
creates a safe and stimulating research environment.
2.3.3. The student collects, critically evaluates and analyzes ideas, answers and solutions.

LEA The teacher encourages students to improve their socioemotional, digital and academic skills in their
approach to studying subject content.
2.3.4. The student presents his ideas and presents original and creative solutions.

LEA The teacher promotes an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge and competency acquisition through
project-based or problem-based teaching, thus improving the development of student transversal skills.
2.3.6. The student plans, implements and evaluates the project in class independently or with
the help of the teacher.
The teacher mplements different methods of formative and summative knowledge assessment, taking into
LEA account subject requirements, students competencies and objective assessment criteria.
2.4.2. The evaluation criteria are clear to the student.

The teacher provides relevant, specific and instructive feedback on student performance in a timely
LEA manner, as well as overviews of new methods and resources for improving student knowledge and
2.4.3. The teacher gives complete and understandable feedback to students about their work,
including clear recommendations on next steps.
LEA The teacher encourages the development of student transversal skills by creating a multifrontal learning
environment in line with student needs and competencies.
2.4.4. The student sets his own learning objectives.

2.4.5. The student knows how to critically assess their own development and progress as well
as their peers’.
LEA The teacher encourages students to take the initiative and explore different methods of knowledge
acquisition in line with their needs and subject requirements.
2.5.4. The student has the opportunity to choose regarding the way of processing the topic, the
form of work or material.

Please enter in the evaluation column the average student grade for the specified standard, based on the outcome of the
Students' Evaluation of Teaching.
Students’ average assessment: 4.00

Evaluation of the educational work of teachers:

Average assessment of the presence of quality indicators in all parts of the form / 4

Scale based on the average assessment of the representation of quality indicators of teaching:

<2 Quality indicators are not represented to a satisfactory extent.

2.00 - 2.49 Quality indicators are represented to a lesser extent.

2.50 - 2.99 Quality indicators are represented to a satisfactory extent.

3.00 - 3.49 Quality indicators are represented to a more satisfactory extent.

3.50 - 4.00 Quality indicators are fully represented.

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