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GSM Association Confidential - Full, Rapporteur, Associate and Affiliate Members

Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

Emergency Communication
Version 1.0
01 July 2021

This is a Non-binding Permanent Reference Document of the GSMA

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Copyright © 2021 GSM Association

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Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4
1.2 Scope 4
1.3 Definitions Error! Bookmark not defined.5
1.4 Abbreviations 6
1.5 References 7
2 Emergency service 8
2.1 Requirements 9
2.2 Emergency call type 9
2.2.1 UE detectable emergency c 9
2.2.2 Non UE detectable emergency call 9
2.3 2G/3G network 10
2.4 4G network 11
2.4.1 Download of Emergency Numbers to the UE 11
2.4.2 UE detectable emergency call 12
2.4.3 Non UE detectable emergency call 13
2.5 5G network 14
3 Advanced Mobile Location 14
3.1 Rationale for better location 14
3.2 AML definition 14
3.3 Device and Operating System 15
3.4 2G/3G network 15
3.4.1 SMS requirements to support AML for roamers 16
3.4.2 Option for Visited SMSC to support AML for roamers 16
3.5 4G network 17
3.5.1 AML Procedures for 4G Core Networks 18
3.6 5G network 19
3.6.1 SMS in 5G Non Stand Alone (Option 3 deployment) 19
3.6.2 SMS in 5GS 19
4 Next release 19
Annex A AML in 2G/3G networks 20
A.1 SMS 20
A.1.1 Home network 20
A.1.2 Roaming impact 20
A.2 DATA Push 20
A.2.1 Home 20
A.2.2 Roaming impact 21
A.3 SMS and DATA push comparison 21
Annex B AML in 4G/5G network – alternatives to SMS 22
B.1 DATA Push 22
Annex C AML: Location information format 23
C.1 Location information 23

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C.2 Transport method 23

Annex D AML Implementation Examples 24
D.1 Devices 24
D.2 Networks / Countries 24
D.3 Implementation example: Orange Belgium 25
D.3.1 Initial AML design for Orange Belgium users 25
D.3.2 Roaming AML design for inbound Roamers 25
Annex E ETSI proposals for AML related to Roamers 26
Annex F List of Non UE detectable emergency numbers 28
Annex G Document Management 29
G.1 Document History 29
G.2 Other Information 29

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Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview
The present document describes the emergency communication for roamers in different

1.2 Scope
The scope of this document is to describe:

 Emergency calls for different technologies (2/3/4/5G networks)

 Improvement in term of location accuracy using Advanced Mobile Location (AML)

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2 Abbreviations
Term Description
5GC 5G Core
AML Advanced Mobile Location
CBOIExHC Call Baring Except Home Country
CC Country Code
CDR Call Detail Record
CS Circuit Switch
CSFB Circuit Switched Fall Back
ECS Emergency Call Server
E-CSCF Emergency Call Session Control Function
EENA European Emergency Number Association
ELS Emergency Location Service
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EPC Evolved Packet Core
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
FRS Fire & Rescue Service
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
ISIM IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) Subscriber Identity Module
LBO Local Breakout
LBS Location Base Service
LRF Location Retrieval Function
MAP Mobility Application Part
MCC Mobile Country Code
MME Mobility Management Entity
MNC Mobile Network Code
MSC Mobile Switch Centre
MSD Minimum Set of Data
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber
NAS Network Access Stratum
NR New Radio
OS Operating System

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Term Description
PDN Public Data Network
P-CSCF Proxy Call Session Control Function
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PS Packet Switch
PSAP Public Safety Answering Point
RDF Routing Determination Function
S8HR S8 Home Routing
SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part
SIM Subscriber identity module
SMS Short Message Service
SMS_MO SMS Mobile Originated
SMSC Short Message Service Centre
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
STP Service Transfer Point
TP Transaction Processing
UE User Equipment
URL Universal Resource Locator
US United States
USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module
VoIMS Voice over IMS
VoLTE Voice over LTE
VoNR Voice over New Radio

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2.1 References
Ref Doc Number Title
GSM Association Roaming Database, Structure and Updating
ETSI TS 203 178 Functional architecture to support European requirements on
V1.1.1 emergency caller location determination and transport
EMTEL; Transporting Handset Location to PSAPs for
ETSI TS 103 625
Emergency Calls - Advanced Mobile Location
[4] ITU-T Q.713 Signalling connection control part formats and codes
[5] 3GPP TS 23.040 Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS)
[6] EENA_2019_03_01 AML_Report_Card
[7] 3GPP TS 22.101 Service Aspect; Service principle
Circuit Teleservices supported by a Public Land Mobile Network
[8] 3GPP TS 22.003
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);
[9] GSM 4.08
Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification
Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network
[10] 3GPP TS 24.008
protocols; Stage 3
IP multimedia call control protocol based on Session Initiation
[11] 3GPP TS 24.229
Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP); Stage 3
[12] 3GPP TS 23.167 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) emergency sessions
Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet System
[13] 3GPP TS 24.301
(EPS); Stage 3
[14] IR.65 IMS Roaming, Interconnection and Interworking Guidelines

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3 Emergency service

3.1 Requirements
Emergency communication requirements are listed hereafter:

 Emergency call shall be established by dialling specific emergency numbers

identified by the UE (User Equipment).
 Emergency call shall be established by dialling specific emergency numbers
identified by the network (and not by the UE).
 Emergency call shall be established by using UE “red button”, without the need to
dial a dedicated number in order to minimize miss-connection in roaming case.
 Emergency call must be supported by UE without a Subscriber identity module/
Universal Subscriber Identity Module (SIM/USIM/ISIM) being present.
 Emergency call must be free of charge for the user.
 Emergency calls shall be routed to the emergency services in accordance with
national regulations where the subscriber is located.

3.2 Emergency call type

3.2.1 UE detectable emergency c

When an end user dials a number related to an emergency, or a, the UE shall check if this
number is identified as a valid emergency number.

The following nominal cases are identified by the UE as valid emergency scenarios:

 Red button usage

 Emergency Numbers as defined in section 10 of [7]:

 Standard emergency numbers dialled by the user (112 and 911)
 Any emergency call number stored on a SIM/USIM (only possible if SIM/USIM
 000, 08, 110, 999, 118 and 119 when a SIM/USIM is not present (these
numbers are stored in the UE).
 Additional emergency numbers that may have been downloaded by the
serving network when the SIM/USIM is present.
If the UE has identified an emergency number (as defined above), the UE initiates a
emergency call setup procedure, enabling high priority in case of network congestion.

Figure 1 Emergency Call Setup

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3.2.2 Non UE detectable emergency call

If telecommunication operators need to support “Local Emergency number” to comply with
their legislation and these numbers are not made UE detectable as described in section
2.2.1, then the UE is not able to identify the emergency number dialed by the end user. The
UE does not setup an emergency call but a normal call.

Figure 2 Normal Call Setup for Local Emergency number.

The local emergency call will not be prioritized and could be dropped in case of network

The core network translates the dialed short number and routes the call to the right PSAP
(Public Safety Answering Point). As such, for an identified emergency number, the call will
be free of charge for the end user.

3.3 2G/3G network

As defined in 3GPP TS22.003 [8], an emergency call is initiated by the UE using:

 3GPP TS12 (Emergency Call) for Emergency calls identified by UE.

 3GPP TS11 (Telephony) for local emergency calls (not identified by the UE)

When an emergency setup is received, the MSC (Mobile Switch Centre) will generate a call
to the PSAP. The right PSAP will be chosen based on the Service Category and Location of
the calling party. Called Party will contain the long number to access the PSAP.

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Figure 3 2G/3G Emergency Call (UE detectable)


 Emergency call setup has no Service Category in 2G [9]

 3G Service Category [10] is used to indicate the Emergency category 1 which
makes possible call routing to the right PSAP by the Core Network [7].

Figure 4 2G/3G Emergency Call (non UE detectable)

1Emergency category: Auto Initiated eCall, Manu Initiated eCall, Mountain Rescue, Marine Guard,
Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Police

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3.4 4G network
In 4G, 2 major technologies could be used for emergency call management:

 CSFB - Circuit Switched Fall Back: mobile operators could decide to use CSFB
capability to manage the emergency call (see previous section related to 2G/3G).
 IMS- Voice over LTE (VoLTE): Emergency call is managed by the IP Multimedia
Subsystem IMS Core Network. If the visited network has implemented an IMS
subsystem supporting emergency calls, it is possible to set up emergency calls
initiated by an emergency call number as described in the simplified call flow

A CS (Circuit Switch) and IMS capable UE attempting an emergency call follows TS 23.167
[12] for initiating an emergency call.

3.4.1 Download of Emergency Numbers to the UE

As described in section 2.2.1, the serving network can download additional emergency
numbers to the UE in order to enable UE detection of an emergency session.

These additional emergency numbers are downloaded in 4G during the Attach procedure
included in Attach Accept message sent by the network (3GPP TS 24.301 [13]).


Attach procedure

EMM – Attach
Detect and Init E- PSAP
Emergency call CSCF

UE detectable VoLTE Emergency procedure

Figure 5 MME downloads emergency number list to UE

In case of roaming, the visited MME downloads the local Emergency list to visited UE.
Emergency numbers are linked to countries defined by Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the
Emergency list is discarded by the UE when entering in a new country .See also IR.65 [14]

If the UE of a roaming subscriber is not made aware of the emergency number, the call will
be handled via normal session establishment.

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3.4.2 UE detectable emergency call

When the UE detects an emergency number based on the mechanism described in section
2.2.1, the UE shall initiate the IMS emergency session establishment using the IMS session
establishment procedures containing an emergency session indication and any registered
Public User Identifier [12].

In case of roaming, Local Breakout (LBO) shall be always used.

In either of the above scenarios, the UE may or may not be normally registered in IMS

Figure 6 VoLTE Emergency Call (UE detectable)

The UE shall comply to TS 23.167 [12] for initiating the emergency registration procedure

The emergency attach procedure described above is especially important in context of

roaming. Via the emergency registration, the emergency session shall be managed by the
visited network.

SIP INVITE (emergency) arrives at the Visited IMS (Emergency Call Session Control
Function (E-CSCF) is the visited IMS network).

E-CSCF utilises the UE provided location information (transported in the P-Access-Network-

Info header) and/or queries the LRF (Location Retrieval Function) to retrieve the proper
routing information for PSAP.

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E-CSCF routes the emergency session establishment request to an appropriate PSAP

taking also into account the UE emergency type (if provided, e.g. Marine Guard, Fire
Brigade, Ambulance, Police).

3.4.3 Non UE detectable emergency call

If telecommunication operators need to support “Local Emergency numbers” to comply with
their legislation and these numbers are not made UE detectable as described in section
2.2.1 and the UE cannot detect this Emergency number, then the session establishment
request is sent to the P-CSCF (Home P-CSCF in case of S8 Home Routing, S8HR roaming)
as per a normal session establishment procedure.

In case the P-CSCF can detect that this is a request to establish a session related to an
Emergency call, the P-CSCF rejects the session initiation request with an indication that this
is for an emergency session via Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 380 Alternative Response
(3GPP 24.229 [11]). When the UE receives the session rejection then the UE establishes the
Emergency session to E-CSCF (Visited E-CSCF in case of roaming). The VoLTE
emergency call procedure could take place as described before when the UE detects
Emergency number.

Figure 7 P-CSCF detects Emergency Call

This solution compared to the MME downloading additional emergency numbers to the UE
has the disadvantage to try to establish a normal session as a first step. This session is
rejected and before Emergency session is established

This mechanism should be used to complement the procedures for UE detected emergency
numbers, e.g. in cases where the UE has limited support of the management of UE
detectable emergency numbers as described in section 2.2.1, both for domestic as well as
roaming cases

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3.5 5G network
With 5G Core (5GC), the only way to manage the voice service is Voice over IMS (VoIMS).
CS Fall-back is not supported with 5GC. Nevertheless, the overall logic and principles to
manage Voice over New Radio VoNR remain unchanged.

It is recommended to use the same approach as 4G to manage the IMS emergency call
(section 2.4).

Only small updates related to 5G need to be implemented.

 Emergency calls over 5GC rely on dedicated emergency PDU session

(counterpart of Emergency PDN connection in EPC).
 Functions in charge of retrieving or using trustable user location (network
provided) like LRF (Location Retrieval Function) and RDF (Routing Determination
Function) need to be updated to support New Radio NR Cell-ID format.

4 Advanced Mobile Location

4.1 Rationale for better location

Better location accuracy for emergency calls could save thousands of lives in the world:

 United States (US): The Federal Communications Commission has estimated that
improving location services for 911 could save more than 10,000 lives annually
 European Union (EU): reducing the intervention time by 30 secs could save 800
lives / year in EU

Some regulators require better location accuracy in case of emergency calls:

 US: Federal Communications Commission requires carriers to locate callers

within 50 m. in at least 80% of the cases by 2021
 EU: Now, the European Commission turns the spotlight to smartphone
manufacturers: a legislative text published end 2018 will require all smartphones
sold in the EU to support technical solutions that provide accurate handset-
derived location information (Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Wi-Fi) to
emergency services (e.g. Advanced Mobile Location (AML)) for 2022.

4.2 AML definition

AML is a supplemental service that makes handset location available to emergency services
when an emergency call is placed.

The user’s location (example: Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates) is sent directly
to the Public Safety Answering Point or emergency call centre) using SMS (Short Message
Service) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

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Figure 8 AML Global Context

AML will increase significantly the location accuracy compare to the Cell information.

Figure 9 AML improve accuracy.

4.3 Device and Operating System

AML is supported by the Operating System (OS) of different smartphones (see Annex D.1).

AML is not an applet. However, the technology is activated by the OS provider on a country-

by-country basis once the national authorities are technically and operationally ready to
receive location information sent from the terminal.

4.4 2G/3G network

AML functionality is triggered by a TS12 emergency call (which is unaffected), and is
designed to supplement the basic network location feed wherever possible, i.e. with some
acknowledgement of limitations in GNSS or Wi-Fi availability for the handset and the time
required to acquire location using GNSS.

Location information established by the handset, using its built-in GNSS and Wi-Fi
connectivity, together with user plane assistance data from a handset-selected service
where available, is transported service PSAPs.

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Two options to transport location information: SMS or DATA (SMS is the recommended
option – see Annex A for more information).

ETSI (ETSI TS 103 625 [3]) defined two SMS options to support AML for inbound Roamers
(Annex E) but these options are not efficient.

This document recommends another alternative to be put in place to support AML for
inbound roamers based on visited SMSC (SMS Centre) usage and compatible with solution
put in place for national users.

4.4.1 SMS requirements to support AML for roamers

The following requirements shall be taken into account in order to define a “roaming
compliant “AML solution:

 [Req 1] AML shall be FREE of charge for customers

 [Req 2] AML shall work on 2G/3G/4G and 5G networks
 [Req 3] AML shall work also if Call Baring Outgoing International Except Home
Country (CBOIExHC) is activated
 [Req 4] AML shall work in case of Customer Suspension (*)

(*) depending on the subscriber suspension (i.e. in case of bad payement) solution retained
by the home network (all cases could not be covered and must be reviewed use case by use

4.4.2 Option for Visited SMSC to support AML for roamers

When a device generates the SMS associated with the emergency call, the SMS will use a
specific SMSC address, enabling routing to the visited SMSC.

In this option, SMSC = <visited>CC + 112 (or CC+911) is configured in order to be able to
submit SMS if Call Baring Outgoing International Except Home Country CBOIexHC is
activated, it will be mandatory to prefix 112 with CC (Country Code)

MSC will be responsible to route the SMS to the visited SMSC. The SMSC will deliver
Location information to visited PSAP as described in the figure hereunder.

Figure 10 AML proposal for roamers

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Based on principles described previously; the corresponding SMS flow is illustrated in

Figure 11

Figure 11 AML SMS flow for roamers

The devices (supporting AML for roamers), will replace the current SMSC address with the
visited SMSC address (CC+112/911). Destination number is still unchanged (Transaction
Processing TP-Destination-Address=112/911 or local emergency numbers).

The MSC will be responsible to route the SMS to the visited SMSC. Signaling Connection
Control Part (SCCP) called party will be derived from the SMSC address (CC+112), and will
be translated to the visited SMSC address. Depending to the network topology, MSC or
Service Transfer Point (STP) could be used. In any case the Mobility Application Part (MAP)
parameters will remain unchanged.

It is also important to control the SMS_MO (SMS Mobile Originated) billing record generation
to avoid any charging to the customer (see Req1).

 Avoid billing generation at MSC for this specific event. This solution is not
recommended. Local authorities need to retrieve a call detail record (CDR) in
case of a request.
 Or if it is not possible rate the Transferred Account Procedures (TAP) file
generated based on this event, to zero

The SMSC will deliver the Location information to visited PSAP. With the introduction of the
AML-SMS for visitors, the visited SMSC needs to accept SMS coming from ALL visitors.
SMSC control needs to be changed and could be based on the following checks:

 MAP - Service centre address DA =CC+ 112

 TP-Destination-Address (TP-DA) =112 or local emergency numbers

An implementation example is provided in Annex D.3

4.5 4G network
In 4G, two major technologies could be used for handling emergency calls:

 Circuit Switched Fall Back: mobile operators could decide to use CSFB capability
to manage an emergency call. AML procedures described in the previous section

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related to 2G/3G are applicable. AML procedures for 4G core networks is

described below.
 IMS (VoLTE): emergency call is handledby the IMS Core Network as described in
chapter 2.4.

In addition to SMS, other mechanisms to transport location information are defined for
4G/IMS with the possibility in case of Emergency session establishment, to include the
location information provided by the UE (based on GNSS or Wi-Fi connectivity) in the SIP

As explained in Annex B, DATA push and SIP INVITE options are not recommended.

4.5.1 AML Procedures for 4G Core Networks SMS over NAS

The figure below describes the two possible options to manage AML SMS over NAS in the
Core Network:

 SMS over SGs will reuse the MSC approach and the 2/3G proposition to support
AML in roaming (section 3.4.2 is still applicable).
 With SMS over Diameter, the proposition to support AML in roaming (section
3.4.2) is still applicable if the Mobility Management Entity (MME) is able to
translate SMSC address received from UE to the Visited SMSC.

Figure 12 AML with SMSoNAS

SMSoNAS is the recommended solution and is compatible with the 2/3G approach. SMS over IMS

SMS over IMS (SMSoIMS) in roaming situation requires that SMS SIP Session is
established from the UE to the Home IP-SM Gateway. A complex solution must be then put
in place to reroute SMS from the home Network to the visited network.

SMSoIMS is not recommended.

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4.6 5G network
With 5GC, the only way to manage voice service is VoIMS. CS Fall-back is not supported
with 5GC

4.6.1 SMS in 5G Non Stand Alone (Option 3 deployment)

5G NSA is similar to 4G, (see section 3.5).

4.6.2 SMS in 5GS

For deployment of a new 5G core network (5GC), the 5G system still supports the SMS
feature by providing means to communicate with the legacy SMSC environment, with the
same Mobility Application Part (MAP) or DIAMETER interfaces.

Figure 13 SMS over NAS and SMS over IP are possible

SMS over NAS (SMSoNAS) is the recommended solution and is compatible with the 2/3/4G

Alternatives like DATA Push and SIP INVITE are not recommended ‘(see Annex B).

5 Next release
 Anonymous emergency registration for S8HR
 VoWifi Emergengy call

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Annex A AML in 2G/3G networks

This annex describes AML in 2G/3G networks, comparing SMS and data cases.


A.1.1 Home network

In case of an emergency call, and after requesting voice call establishment to relevant
PSAP, the device collects GNSS or Wi-Fi information and generates automatically one SMS
to the PSAP including location information thus collected.

Figure 14 AML via SMS

It is important to notice that if GPS service is not active, the device will be able to activate
GPS without any user action and then collect the location information.

A.1.2 Roaming impact

A major constraint with the SMS solution is related to the SMS home routing mechanism
used in case of roaming. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
proposes two options which are not recommended from the operational point of view (see
Annex E). If SMS is used in case of roaming, it is recommended to use the visited network
SMSC (see section 3.4.1).

A.2 DATA Push

A.2.1 Home
Instead of usingSMS to transport location information, data push across the network could
be adopted if the data connectivity is considered to be sufficiently widespread and reliable. It
relies on the end users having a data subscription and for data to be enabled in the handset.

Figure 15 AML via DATA Push

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A.3 Roaming impact

There is also a limitation which is; users are likely to disable use of data to avoid roaming
charges (no more relevant in Europe – EU regulation “roaming like home”). This method has
also the disadvantage that data cannot be zero-rated.


The visited country in which the mobile handset is currently operating can be determined
using the Mobile Country Code (MCC) component of the current cell ID. Based on this
information, the device AML application embedded in operationg system could determine
the Universal Resource Locator (URL) for a national location processing server to which the
data may be pushed using the HTTPS message.

A.4 SMS and DATA push comparison

The table below outlines advantages and disadvantage for each solution.

SMS will be preferred to DATA push. SMS is a universal service offered by all mobile
operators and not linked to DATA service availability and possibly disabled by customer
when roaming abroad.


Advantages Doesn’t require a data connection More secure
More reliable, lower failure rate (may Unlimited size (can transmit more
vary by country) information than Data SMS, e.g. altitude,
device model, etc.)
Disadvantages May be more difficult to set up SMSC Requires a data plan
to correctly handle data SMS Unable to retrieve Mobile Subscriber
Not visible to other apps but still (MSISDN) if not stored on SIM card
unencrypted over the network In GPRS, CS and packet Switch (PS)
traffic cannot happen simultaneously!
Less reliable (varies by country) –
unreliable on bad connection, higher
failure %

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Annex B AML in 4G/5G network – alternatives to SMS

This annex describes alternative solutions to SMS to transport location information.

B.1 DATA Push

DATA Push could be used but presents the same drawbacks as 2/3G already described in
Annex A.3.


In the context of Emergency call management, four scenarios are defined in 3GPP TS 23.167
[12] to retrieve the caller location information:

 the UE knows its own location;

 the UE retrieves its location information from the network;
 the IMS core retrieves the location information. The related high level procedures
are described below;
 location information is not needed to route the emergency call by the IMS core.
Optionally the emergency routing determination and location information retrieval
may be performed by the Emergency Call Server (ECS)

The objective of these four scenarios is to provide routing information based on customer
location to make possible the Emergency session connection to the predefined PSAP
determined by authority for the current customer location.

In the AML context, it is possible to use the first scenario and insert GPS information as
geographical location information in the SIP INVITE (emergency). By using this proposition,
PSAP receives the call and the caller location information in a single message, as illustrated
on the next figure.

Figure 16 AML with SIP

This proposal has major drawbacks Device AML application needs to collect GPS
information prior to initiating an emergency session, which could induce delay in the
emergency session establishment AML application needs to interact with device dialler
application to update SIP message with location information

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Annex C AML: Location information format

This Annex describes the information conveyed in an AML.

C.1 Location information

The most important information transported in AML message is:

 Latitude
 Longitude
 Radius
 Time of Positioning (TOP)
 Level of Confidence (LOC)
 Positioning Method (G-GNSS or AGNSS, W-Wi-Fi signals, C-Cell, N- No possibility to
determine the location)
 International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)
 International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)
 Mobile Network Code (MNC)

C.2 Transport method

AML location information could be transported to the PSAP using any of the following three
options below:

 Regular SMS
 “Data SMS” (*)
 HTTPs protocol

(*) The reason for choosing this type of SMS is to ensure that the Operating System (OS)
will not automatically store a data SMS in the user’s “send messages”.

All details regarding AML transport method and information format are defined in ETSI (ETSI
TS 103 625 [3].

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Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

Annex D AML Implementation Examples

This annex provides the AML implementation status for smartphones and networks.

D.1 Devices
AML is supported in smartphones that use Android or IOS operating systems:

 Google announced in July 2016 that all Android phones from Gingerbread OS
version include AML. Google call their implementation ELS (Emergency Location
 Apple devices running iOS 11.3 or later also support AML as 30 March 2018.

AML is not an applet. However, the technology is activated by the OS provider (Google and
Apple) on a country per country basis once the national authorities are technically and
operationally ready to receive such information.

D.2 Networks / Countries

Country EMA FRS Police Other services Activated

Austria X X Mountain rescue, Water 122,128,144,1
rescue, HEMS 40,141
Belgium X X X 112,100,101
Estonia X X X 112
Finland X X X 112
Iceland X X X 112
Ireland X X X Coastguard 112,999
Lithuania X X X 112,101,011,1
Moldova X X X 112,901,902,9
New Zeeland X X X 111,001,112,9
Norway X X X 110,112,113
United Arab X 999,112,911
United Kingdom X X X 112,999
United States X X X Other organization 911
processing 911 calls

Table 1 Table is extract from EENA document [6]

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Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

D.3 Implementation example: Orange Belgium

This Annex presents Orange Belgium implementation to provide AML for Orange Belgium
customers and visitors.

D.3.1 Initial AML design for Orange Belgium users

The figure below describes the initial AML SMS flow limited to Orange Belgium customers.
The design was based on standard SMSC address (+32495002530).

Figure 17 AML call flow for home customers

D.3.2 Roaming AML design for inbound Roamers

The roaming AML design is based on SMS routing within the Visited Network.

 Google devices use new SMSC address (+32112) for the AML SMS
 MSC adapts Called SCCP Address and SMSC address (+32112 to
+32495008112) and routes the SMS to the local SMSC (+32495008112)
 SMSC access is limited to AML SMS: Orange Belgium visitors are just allowed to
send SMS to 8112 destination.

Figure 18 AML call flow for home and inbound Roaming customers

It is important to notice that the two solutions could coexist during a transition period of time.

For testing purpose, a specific SMS content is defined with the PSAP: Testreg. PSAP should
automatically send back a TEST SMS OK to confirm that SMS is correctly reaching PSAP.

Finally, Call Detail Record (CDR) generated by the MSC will be rated to zero like all
emergency calls (based on SMSC address = +32112).

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Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

Annex E ETSI proposals for AML related to Roamers

ETSI proposes in ETSI TS 203 178 two SMS options in case of roaming:

Option 1 - handset loop within internal AML DB containing PSAP long number for the current
location. Location emergency SMS is routed to the home SMSC. As soon as long as it is a full
MSISDN length Home network should be able to route back the SMS to the visited PSAP.

Note: to guarantee SMS free of charge, specific agreements should be put in place between
the Visited and Home network.

Option 2 – if it not possible to use a full length MSISDN for each country, then it is
mandatory to interconnect AML servers of the two countries. In this case, Visited Mobile
Country Code and Visited Mobile Network Code will be used to forward the AML information
form the PSAP in the Home country to the PSAP the visited country.

The two options are illustrated in the Figure 19.

Figure 19 AML SMS Roaming options

The above solutions are not recommended from an operational point of view for the
following reasons:

Option 1 - Required full length MSISDNs PSAP in each country. In addition, the
maintainance of a data base will be difficult. Moreover, for the SMS, Home Routing and SMS
termination on the Visited PSAP will still depend on the SMS interworking availability
between the two countries.

Option 2 – To define a solution requiruing that all PSAP are interconnected together is not

For both options, a specific agreement between the parties should be put in place to make
this SMS, free of charge for end users.

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Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

If SMS is not used in case of roaming other alternatives must be defined.

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GSM Association Confidential - Full, Rapporteur, Associate and Affiliate Members
Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

Annex F List of Non UE detectable emergency numbers

A list of non UE detectable emergency numbers is available hereafter.

(report) - only ambulace-fire-police.xlsx

This information could be useful to provision in the Home IMS in order to reject (using 380
release cause) the non UE detectable emergency call (section 2.4.2).

The following parameters are used with the following format:

 Country: country name

 Iso-country: Iso code of the country
 MCC: Mobile Country Code
 Emergency number: contains the non UE detectable emergency number
 Type: Police, Ambulance, Fire


The list contains only the non-UE detectable emergency number related to Police,

Ambulance or Fire which could be redirected to visited PSAP


Countries having only the UE detectable emergency numbers (112, 911) are not
mentioned in this list.


 Collected with IR.21 (still not a lot …)

 EENA information
 Wikipedia

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GSM Association Confidential - Full, Rapporteur, Associate and Affiliate Members
Official Document NG.119 - Emergency Communication

Annex G Document Management

G.1 Document History

Table 2Version Table 3Date Table 4Brief Table 5Approval Table 6Editor
Description of Authority /
Change Company

0.1 18 June 2019 Internal version input

for REGI #1 Eddy Goffin,
Emergency Call and Orange
AML in 2/3G
0.2 7 Oct 2019 4G introduction Eddy Goffin,
0.3 7 January 5G introduction
2020 Section 3 AML - SMS Eddy Goffin,
focus (Alternative Orange
solutions put in annex)
0.4 8 November CR1001 GERI#7 Geroge Foti,
2020 Ericsson; Eddy
Goffin Orange
0.41 18 January Validation during NGR NGR#1
Eddy Goffin
2021 meeting
1.0 2/07/2021 CR.1002 TG Eddy

G.2 Other Information

Type Description
Document Owner NG-NRG
Editor / Company Eddy Goffin/Orange

It is our intention to provide a quality product for your use. If you find any errors or omissions,
please contact us with your comments. You may notify us at [email protected]

Your comments or suggestions & questions are always welcome.

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