ac and emw srg

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1. A.coil of inductive reactance 31 2 has a the applied voltage is E= 500V2sin(wt). then

resistance of 8 Q. It is placed in series with a the peak voltage across the capacitor is
condenser of capacitive reactance 25 Q. The
combination is connnected to an ac source of
110 V. the power factor of the circuit is
E- 5002 sin cot

(1) 0.33
(2) 0.56 (1) 1200 V
(3) 0.64
(2) 1200/2v
(4) 0.80
(3) 400 V

2. An electromagnetic wave of frequency 1x10* (4) 400\2v

Hz is, propagating along z-axis. The amplitude
of the electric field is 4 V/m. If [,= 8.8 x 1012
5. In a series L-R circuit, under which condition
CIN-m', then the average energy density of
electric field will be: the power loss will be least for an a.c voltage

(1) 35.2 x 1012 J/ m

(1) high resistance and high inductance
(2) 35.2 x 101° J/ m
(2) high resistance and lowinductance
(3) 35.2 x 101" J/ m
(3) low resistance and high inductance
(4) 35.2 x 101 J/ m³
(4) low resistance and low inductance
3. A 100V, Ac source of frequency 500Hz is
connected to an LCR circuit with L=8.1mH, 6. A charged capacitor C= 30 uF is
C=12.5uF, R= 100 all connected in series to an inductor L= 27 mH, then connected
the angular
as shown in figure. What is quality factor of frequency of the system is
(1) 9.1 x 10° rad s1
O000 (2) 3x 10° rad s
(3) 1.1 x 10° rad s1
(4) 0.3 x 10° rad s1

(1) 2.02 7. In AC circuit, a

resistance R is
series with an inductance L. lfconnected in
(2) 50.54 the
angle between the voltage and the phase
(3) 2.54
4' then the value of
current is
the inductive reactance is
(4) 200.54

4. Inthe series L-C-R

(1) /4
the rms voltage across theshown inthe figure, (2) B/2
inductor are 400 \V and 700 resistor
(3) R
(4) R/g



12. The peak voltage in a 220 V ac source is

Þ. Electromagnetic waves propagate in the
direction to the vector (1) 220 V
(2) about 160 V
(1) E
(3) about 310V
(2) B
(4) 440 V
(3) Ë x B
(4) BxÈ 13. An electromagnetic wave is propagating
along +z-axis. Directíon of electric and the
magnetic field of this wave can be
9. The current in an LCR circuit is given by represented by
i= 20 sin (100nt +)A. The voltage across (1) Ë= Eoi, B = Bo
the inductance L of 0.1 H at t-0 will be
(2) E =Ek, B= Bi
(1) 31.4 V (3) = E, B= B,i
(2) 3.14 V (4) Ë= Eo, B = Bok
(3) 157 V
(4) 314 V 14. At the moment t= 0, when the charge on the
capacitor C, is zero, the switch is closed. If In
be the current through inductor att. =0, then
10. The time required fora 50 Hz alternating for t > 0 (initially C, is uncharged)
current to increase from 0 to 70.7 % of its
peak value is H

(1) 2.5 ms
(2) 10 ms
(3) 20 ms
(4) 14.14 ms (1) Maximum current through inductor equals

11. When induced emf in inductor coil is 50% of (2) Maximum current through inductor equals
its maximum value then stored energy in C,lo
inductor coil in the given circuit will be C+Cz

(3) Maximum charge on C, = C,lo

(4) Maximum charge onC, = C1oG+ca

(1)2.5 mJ 15. The network shown in the figure is part of a

(2) 5 mJ
complete circuit. If at a certain instant the
current (|) is 5 A and is decreasing at a rate of
(3) 15 mJ 10°A s,then the value of V - V, is
(4) 20 mJ
ALLEN NTA/Accuracy Test 13

frequency of a 10
20. In a series LCR circuit the in such a
VAC voltage source is adjusted
the inductor
fashion that the reactance of
15 V 5 mH capacitor 11 Q.
measures 15 Q and that of the
A 10
difference across the
If R= 3 Q,the potential and C will be
(1) 10 V series combination of L
(2) 20V (1) 8V
(3) 15 V
(2) 10 V
(4) 25 V (3) 22 V
16.The resonant frequency of a series AC circuit (4) 52 V
consisting of a200uH inductor, 0.0005 uF
capacitor and a 10Q resistance is 21. The phase difference between voltage resistor
current in an AC circuit containinga
(1) 480KHz and an inductor in series is 01
.When the
(2) 503 kHz inductor is replaced by a capacitor, the phase
difference is changed to 2. The phase
(3) 406 kHz difference when all the three elements are
(4) 607 kHz connected in series wvith the same AC source
will be
17. The capacitive reactance in an A.C. circuit is
(1) tan-1 (tan -tan 2)
(1) effective resistance due to capacitor
(2) tan (tan 2 - tan 1)
(2) effective wattage
(3) cos (cos 1 - cos z2)
(3) effective voltage (4) cos (cos , -cos 1)
(4) none of the above
22. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric
18. What is the average power dissipation in an field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of
ideal capacitor in AC circuit ? 2.5 x 1010 Hz and amplitude 480 Vm'. The
(1) 2CV2
of the oscillating magnetic field will
(2) (1) 1.52x 10-8 Wb m-2
(3) zero (2) 1.52 x 10-7 Wb m-2
(4) Cy2 (3) 1.6 x 10-6Wb m-2
19. Atelephone wire of length 200 km has a (4) 1.6 x 10-7 Wbm-2
capacitance of 0.014 uF per km. If it carries
an AC frequency 5 kHz, what should be the 23.The radiation having the least wavelength out
value of an inductor required to be connected of the following option is
in series so that the impedance of the circuit is
minimum? (1) y - rays
(1) 0.35 mH (2) Brays
(2) 3.5 mH (3) a rays
(3) 2.5 mH (4) Xrays
(4) zero

24. The reading of the ammeter and voltmeters (1) 17 A

are (Both the instruments are AC meters and (2) 1.7 A
measures RMS value)
(3) 1.7 mA
(4) 1.7 pA
X- 20
28. An AC voltage source of variable angular
frequency w and fixed amplitude V, is
X 20 R352 connected in series with a capacitance C and
an electric bulb of resistance R (inductance
(1) 2 A, 110 V zero). When w is increased
(2) 2A, 0V (1) The bulb glows dimmer
(3) 2A, 55V (2) The bulb glows brighter
(4) 1A, 0V (3) Total impedance of the circuít is
25. In a series LCR circuit, the voltage across unchanged
resistance, capacitance and inductance is 10 (4) Total impedance of the ircuit increases
V each. If the capacitor is removed, the
voltage across the inductance will be 29. A beam of light of intensity I is normally
incident on a plate of area A. If plate absorbs
(1) 10V fraction nof incident light and reflects rest of
(2) 10V2V it back, then the force exerted by the incident
light on the plate is given by [c=speed of light)
(3) V
(4) 20V (1) 1-)
(2) +1)
26. The power dissipated in the circuit
(3) (27 -1)
R X =3R.
(4) (2-n)
30. Average power in the. LCR circuit depends
V=V,sin ot
(1) Current
(1) 2R
(2) Phase difference only
(3) EMF
(2) 5R
(4) Current EMF and phase difference
31. In an oscillating LC circuit the maximum
(4) charge on the capacitor is Q. The charge on
the capacitor when the energy is stored
equally between the electric and magnetic
27. A30 pF capacitor is connected to a 150 V, field is
60 Hz ACsupply. The RMS value of current in
the circuit is
NTA/Accuracy Test 13

(3) wavelength is halved and frequency

(1) remains unchanged
(2) (4) wavelength and frequency both
(3) instantaneous
35. In the adjacent circuít, the
(4) Q current equation is
L=1H R= 100 2
32. A 20V AC is applied to acircuit consisting of 0000
a resistance and a coil with negligible
resistance. If the voltage across the
resistance is 12V, the voltage across the coil
is V=200sin 100t

(1) 16 V
(2) 10 \V (1) 2sin(100t-)
(3) 8 V (2) V2 sin(100t-)
(4) 6 V (3) V2sin (200t-)
33. If resistance R= 100Q, inductance LH (4) VZsin (200: +)
and capacitance C= uF are connected in voltage drop
36. In a series LCR circuit, the V, across the
series with an AC source of 200 volt and across the resistance is 8
is 12
frequency f as shown in the circuit. If the inductor is 6 V and across the capacitor
readings of the hot wire voltmeters V, and V½ V. Then,
are same then which among the following leading
statements is wrong? (1) The voltage of the source will be
the current in the circuit

R (2) The voltage drop across each element
be less than the applied voltage

(3) The power factor of the circuit will be 4

(4) None of these
(1)f=125 Hz
(2) f= 250TT Hz 37. Power dissipated in an LCR series circuit
connected to an a.c. source of emf [ is:
(3) current through R is 2A
(4) V, = V,= 1000 volt
(1) 2R
34. An eletromagnetic wave of frequency
V=3.0MHZ pa_ses from vacuum into a e' [R² +(Lo-))
dielectric medium with relative permittivity R

E, = 4.0. Then (3)
(1) wavelength is doubled and the frequency JRP+ (Lo-cw
remains unchanged eR
(2) wavelength is doubled and frequency
becomes half

38. Fora series L-C-Rcircuit at resonance, the 42. The reason a moving coil galvanometer
cannot be used with an alternating current is
statement which is not true is

(1) Peak energy stored by a capaitor = Peak (1) The coil bends easily
energy stored by an inductor
(2) The coil heats up too much
(2) Average power = Apparent power (3) Sparks can be produced
(3) Watles current is zero (4) The net magnetic field produced is zero
(4) Power factor is zero 43. In an LCR circuit, the capacitance is made
one-fourth,when in resonance.What should
39. In a series resonant LCR circuit, the voltage be the change in inductance, so that the
circuit remains in resonance?
across R is 100 Vand R= 1kQ with C=2uF.
The resonant frequency w is 200 rads.At (1) 4 times
resonance the voltage across L is
(2) times
(1) 4 x 10-3 V
(3) 8 times
(2) 2.5 >x 10-2 v
(4) 2times
(3) 40 V
(4) 250 V 44. An ac source of angular frequency w is fed
acrossaresistor r and a capacitor Cin series.
The current registered is I. If now the
40. Anelectric motor which is loaded has an
effective resistance of 300and an inductive frequency ofthe source is changed to 3 (but
reactance of 400. If the motor is powered by maintaining the same voltage), then current in
a source with a maximum voltage of 420V, the circuit is found to be halved. Calculate the
the maximum current is ratio of reactance to resistance at the original
frequency w.
(1) 6A
(2) 8.4 A (1)
(3) 10A
(4) 12 A (2)

41. A large parallel plate capacitor, whose plates (9

has an area of 1 mand is separated from
each other by 1 mm, is beingcharged at a
rate of 25 V s". If the dielectric between the (4)
plates has the dielectric constant 10, then the
displacement current at this instant is 45. AnA.C. source is connected to a resistive
circuit. Which of the following is true?
(1) 25 A
(1) Current leads ahead of voltage in phase
(2) 11 pA
(2) Current lags behind voltage in phase
(3) 2.2 pA
(3) Current and voltage are in same phase
(4) 1.1 pA
(4) Any of the above may be true depending
upon the value of resistance

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