From data to action

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Business Horizons (2020) 63, 227e243

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w w w. j o u r n a l s . e l s e v i e r. c o m / b u s i n e s s - h o r i z o n s

From data to action: How marketers can

leverage AI
Colin Campbell a,b,*, Sean Sands b, Carla Ferraro b,
Hsiu-Yuan (Jody) Tsao c, Alexis Mavrommatis b,d

School of Business, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92101,
Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia
National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
EADA Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Available online 31 December 2019

KEYWORDS Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of a revolution in business

Artificial intelligence; and society. AI affords companies a host of ways to better understand, predict,
Machine learning; and engage customers. Within marketing, AI’s adoption is increasing year-on-year
Marketing function; and in varied contexts, from providing service assistance during customer interac-
Marketing mix; tions to assisting in the identification of optimal promotions. But just as questions
Consumer engagement; about AI remain with regard to job automation, ethics, and corporate responsibil-
Customer experience; ity, the marketing domain faces its own concerns about AI. With this article, we
Customer journey seek to consolidate the growing body of knowledge about AI in marketing. We
explain how AI can enhance the marketing function across nine stages of the mar-
keting planning process. We also provide examples of current applications of AI in
ª 2019 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. Artificial intelligence: Seeing the organizational strategy (Evans, 2017). Artificial

forest for the trees intelligence (AI) is one such disruptive technology,
affecting a diverse range of industries from health
New technologies have the potential to disrupt care to retail. AI involves the development of
consumer behavior, management processes, and valuable, automated solutions to problems that
would require the intervention of intelligence if
completed by humans (Martı́nez-López & Casillas,
* Corresponding author 2013; Negnevitsky, 2004). AI is increasingly un-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Campbell),
[email protected] (S. Sands), [email protected] (C.
derpinning a vast array of customer-brand in-
Ferraro), [email protected] (H.-Y.(J.) Tsao), teractions. To optimize the customer experience,
[email protected] (A. Mavrommatis)
0007-6813/ª 2019 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
228 C. Campbell et al.

for instance, many firms employ AI and machine takes to succeed in an AI-first business environ-
learning (ML) to predict customer demands, assist ment and provide thoughts for the potential
frontline service employees in serving customers, growth of AI within the marketing discipline.
and allow simple service queries to be answered by
2. A primer: What marketers need to
AI is creating efficiencies on an unprecedented
scale, leading to automated and interconnected know about AI
business processes that have diverse implications
for a wide range of business functions, including 2.1. AI is more than an evolution in statistics
marketing. As a result, marketing managers
need to consider reshaping internal capabilities, The amount of data generated today by both
rethinking strategies, and how customer in- humans and machines far outpaces humans’ ability
teractions might be transformed. While some firms to absorb, interpret, and make complex decisions
are striving to lead all business decisions with on the basis of that data (Hurwitz, Kaufman, &
consideration of AI (Baker, 2017; Wolska, 2017), Bowles, 2015). AI can help address this problem.
others are struggling to see the forest for the trees The rapid development of AI, coupled with cloud-
and to navigate AI adoption. The purpose of this based resources, connectivity, and platform-
article is to consolidate the growing body of based business models (those focused on bringing
knowledge about AI in the field of marketing. Such parties together on a platform to exchange prod-
understanding is critical given the frequent digital ucts and services for money), is leading to auto-
interactions between brands and customers mated and interconnected business processes that
(Bughin, McCarthy, & Chui, 2017), and will assist have implications for customers and other stake-
marketing managers in considering the adoption of holders. For marketers, AI affords strong oppor-
AI. tunities for innovative humanemachine
AI offers a range of opportunities for the field integration (Rust & Huang, 2014), with applica-
of marketing (Martı́nez-López & Casillas, 2013). tions in advertising, strategy, logistics, and
Indeed, research in the U.S. suggests a large customer experience, to mention a few. For
proportion of business-to-consumer marketers are instance, AI can provide valuable insights about
already taking advantage of AI and ML (Narrative finding the right consumers, engaging with cus-
Science, 2018). For those organizations that tomers, and conducting return-on-investment
employ AI, it is primarily being used to target analysis.
audiences, make product recommendations, and Because of the vast availability of data and the
optimize advertising campaigns (Blueshift, 2018). advent of increasingly cheaper and faster
But significant potential remains for marketers to computing power, AI and ML also afford insights
leverage advanced AI capabilities, with only a beyond those of traditional statistical methods. AI
small proportiondjust 6%dreporting the use of and ML do not apply rigid assumptions about the
such capabilities, which include personalizing problem, nor about data distributions in general;
campaigns, collaborative filtering, and predictive they employ many approaches and techniques to
models (Blueshift, 2018). AI should be a consid- find a solution. While AI and ML techniques can be
eration for all marketing managers as it repre- based on deductive or inductive learning, the
sents the highest growth of any technology in benefit of inductive learning is that not much prior
marketing (Salesforce, 2017), is expected to in- knowledge is needed about the problem or the
crease in use (Columbus, 2018), and is predicted data. In contrast, traditional statistics is based on
to have a $40 billion effect on marketing by 2025 deductive learning (which relies on prior knowl-
(Reavie, 2018). edge about data) and thus makes tight assump-
Although the vast majority of marketing man- tions about the problem and nature of the data
agers believe AI has a revolutionizing potential, (Teboul, 2018). In other words, AI and ML methods
many are still unaware of the magnitude of the enable learning from data and discard assumptions
benefits or unsure how they can adopt AI to attached to statistical methodologies.
improve marketing (Demandbase, 2016; Reavie, Given the business benefits of AI, there are
2018). In addressing these questions, we first pro- myriad customer-focused applications increasingly
vide a brief history of AI before offering a more in- observable in a range of industries, including
depth analysis of AI and ML. Next, we outline the retail, finance, healthcare, education, trans-
opportunities for applying AI to marketing strat- portation, and communications. For example, vir-
egy, including examples of current applications. tual bots are turning customer service into self-
Finally, we conclude with guidelines for what it service (Fluss, 2017), big-data AI applications are
How marketers can leverage AI 229

replacing portfolio managers (Javelosa, 2017), and behavior and to improve the performance of
social robots are replacing human greeters to marketing operations (Cui, Wong, & Lui, 2006). ML
welcome customers in service sectors (Choudhury, is used in a wide variety of applications that power
2016). Indeed, growth in AI development and many aspects of modern society, including web
deployment is not expected to slow. McKinsey searches, content filtering on social networks, and
forecasts that by 2020, U.S. customers will manage e-commerce recommendation systems (LeCun,
85% of their brand relationships without human Bengio, & Hinton, 2015). ML has emerged as the
interaction (Baumgartner, Hatami, & Valdivieso, method of choice for developing practical soft-
2016). ware for computer vision, speech recognition,
natural language processing, robot control, and
2.2. AI has different building blocks other applications (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015).
Table 1 provides a brief overview of AI and its sub-
AI is typically defined as technology that enables domains of ML and deep learning, along with some
machines to learn from experience and perform key terms.
human-like functions (Marr, 2018). We focus on ML Machine learning can be subdivided into
because it underpins the functionalities AI affords different forms, with the three key paradigms
(McCorduck, 2009). In broad terms, ML refers to shown in Table 2. A discussion of each form follows
software that is able to learn how to accomplish a (Chiu et al., 2018; Das, Doppa, Kim, Pande, &
task without explicit instruction. ML algorithms Chakrabarty, 2015; Davenport & Kirby, 2016).
detect patterns and learn how to make predictions
and recommendations by processing data and ex- 2.2.1. Supervised ML
periences rather than by receiving explicit pro- The most widely used ML methods are supervised
gramming instruction. ML is a powerful tool for learning methods (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). An
mining large sets of data, providing marketers the example of supervised learning would involve a
opportunity to gain new insights into consumer system learning the difference between a koala

Table 1. AI subdomains and key terminology

Term Definition
AI and AI Subdomains
Artificial intelligence (AI) The broad class of technology developed with the objective of collecting data in
order to solve problems or make decisions.
Machine learning (ML) An application of AI that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and
improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
Deep learning A form of neural network that develops understanding by building successively
more abstract representations of a data set. This occurs by separating a data set
into different layers of abstraction or transformation and then searching for
patterns, first within each layer and then between them.
Key AI Terminology
Neural network A form of AI model designed to approximate how the human brain operates. It
works by breaking problems down into smaller components and then iteratively
solving them, building on the findings of earlier stages.
Target leakage When an AI model accidentally includes information that would not be known at
the time of prediction. Because such information is often highly predictive of the
outcome that is trying to be predicted, this produces overly optimistic estimates
during model training of out-of-sample performance.
Feature engineering Cleaning and manipulation of data that are input into an AI model. This includes
simple tasks such as ensuring data are coded correctly (e.g., attaching days of the
week to dates), as well more complex manipulations, such as creating
transformations of or interactions between variables.
Ensemble model A form of ML that combines several different models in order to improve
prediction. This can be accomplished by using blenders, when several different
models are run concurrently and their results are merged into a final prediction, or
by stacking, when models are employed sequentially with one model’s outputs
forming inputs into another model.
230 C. Campbell et al.

Table 2. Comparison of key ML paradigms

Supervised Unsupervised Reinforcement
learning learning learning
Task defined? Yes No Yes
Existing data needed? Yes Yes No
ML actively makes decisions and assesses No No Yes
Occurs over time? No No Yes

and a kangaroo. By examining dozens of labeled 2.2.3. Reinforcement ML

examples, the system can induce which features Reinforcement ML refers to situations where an
are useful for distinguishing between the two an- existing data set does not exist, and an algorithm
imals and thus improve its prediction. This same learns by taking different actions and evaluating
approach is used to train chatbots to identify their success or failure. In this instance, a learning
common customer queries, and to train spam fil- system doesn’t have a historical data set to draw
ters to identify unwanted emails. upon, so immediate and continuous feedback en-
More technically, supervised learning refers to ables the system to learn while building a data set.
situations when ML algorithms see data that in- An example of reinforcement ML is advertising on
cludes both a series of predictor variables as well Facebook with a conversion-tracking pixel
as an outcome. This data set can be split into installed. When an ad is first developed and fligh-
training and holdout parts. The ML algorithm can ted, Facebook’s algorithm tests the ad across the
then analyze the training set, looking for patterns full spectrum of targeting. As sales success occurs,
between predictor variables and the particular the algorithm can analyze the data to better refine
outcome. Models relying on many different algo- its targets, possibly by concentrating on a certain
rithmic approaches can then be compared by audience, during certain times of day, in certain
validating them using the holdout data. Supervised geographic locations, and using certain on-screen
ML is focused on trying to predict a particular placements. Reinforcement ML can also be used in
outcome and hinges on the existence of a data set developing recommendation systems and opti-
composed of examples of predictor variables and mizing logistic flows.
known outcomes.
2.2.4. Hybrid ML systems
2.2.2. Unsupervised ML Although the three ML paradigms help in under-
While supervised learning involves analyzing data standing how ML operates, most current research
and attempting to predict a particular outcome, involves a blend of these forms (Jordan & Mitchell,
unsupervised learning involves analyzing data 2015). This approach often blends or stacks what
without trying to predict anything. Unsupervised are called ensemble models (see Table 1) in order
learning is instead focused on understanding the to improve their prediction. For instance, a model
underlying structural properties of a data set in might employ unsupervised ML to classify and
order to discover useful representations of the organize data, then relate these classifications
input without the need for labeled training data against an outcome using supervised ML. Likewise,
(Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). Clustering, an unsu- supervised ML can be used to identify useful pre-
pervised learning approach, focuses on finding as- dictors, which can then be refined with rein-
sociations between observed data in the absence forcement learning to yield better predictions
of any explicit signs of association. Clustering en- going forward.
ables rules to be developed to classify future data.
Unsupervised ML can be used for segmenting cus-
tomers and markets, classification, and detecting 3. AI-enabled marketing: Opportunities
outliers. In sum, while unsupervised ML relies on a and applications
data set to operate, it is distinguished by its focus
on finding structure rather than predicting a Advances in the field of big data provide marketers
particular outcome. the ability to collect and aggregate vast amounts
How marketers can leverage AI 231

of information, with the ultimate aim of turning volatility. Social media and online forums afford
data into insight or actionable strategy. AI can consumers the ability to research products most
greatly assist marketers in this process by drawing suitable to their specific needs. Oculus360 (2018),
conclusions from unstructured data about causes an AI-market and consumer-research agency, used
and effects within extremely large data sets. With ML to investigate consumer discussions in online
the ability to detect and extrapolate upon pat- forums. The research shows the importance of
terns, AI can help marketers identify opportunities analyzing online conversations concerning the
and act upon them in real time. As a means to entire category rather than strictly focusing on
provide an organizing framework and assist mar- one’s own specific brand. Such insights are perti-
keting professionals in understanding and deter- nent for broad situation analysis, providing a gauge
mining effective uses for AI, we structure our of how well consumer segments are being served
discussion around nine components inherent to by one’s own brand as well as competitors’.
strategic marketing (Wood, 2011). We outline how
AI might be leveraged at each stage, as well as the 3.2. Understanding markets and customers
data and techniques that might best serve each
stage. While we provide examples of current ap- Stage 2 involves understanding markets and cus-
plications, it is important to note that the exam- tomers, as well as gathering knowledge of micro-
ples may have effects beyond a single stage environmental factors that specifically affect the
because AI applications are often broad in nature. firm, including market-share trends, product/
For instance, the use of AI to extract sentiment category demand, and customer characteristics,
from customers in social channels could offer including needs, wants, behaviors, attitudes,
insight in a variety of stages. Table 3 provides a brand loyalties, and purchasing patterns. At this
summary of AI’s potential across each of the nine stage, marketers aim to develop an understanding
stages of the marketing plan. of the specific markets they operate in and the
consumers they target, monitoring their behavior
3.1. Analyzing the current situation to track the success of previous stages in terms of
key metrics. During this process, web analytics and
Stage 1 involves analyzing the current situation traditional market research (customer satisfac-
and understanding macroenvironmental factors tion) are often engaged, with AI providing a vast
that can affect the organization, its marketing, array of opportunities beyond these. For instance,
and its stakeholders. At this step, marketing voice-of-customer programs are allowing mar-
managers strive to develop an understanding of keters to move beyond interview-based data to
the current and future environment in which the also incorporate large amounts of unstructured
company operates (Chaffey, 2004; Chaffey & customer data. Medallia is one customer-
Smith, 2012); managers can evaluate markets, experience software provider that has integrated
the opportunities within them, and the threats AI capabilities to mine customer preferences and
arising from AI adoption decisions (Paschen, Pitt, & data from the web, social media, mobile activity,
Kietzmann, 2020). Several tools available to mar- and contact-center interactions (Dunwoodie,
keters, such as SWOT or PESTLE analysis, can assist 2018). In this context, data can be analyzed and
them in understanding the specific markets they feedback provided in real time, allowing decisions
operate in and the consumers they target. AI and actions to be taken immediately.
techniques, including social listening, can glean Furthermore, AI is expanding the available
information on markets and consumers, particu- sources of data that firms have access to and is
larly in terms of satisfaction, purchasing patterns, extending traditional satisfaction metrics. An
and product demand. From this perspective, AI example of this was demonstrated at the 2019
affords marketers the opportunity to identify Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where
changes in competitor behavior (including pricing), software developer Neurodata Labs and robotics
estimate product demand, and assess customer manufacturer Promobot unveiled multimodal
sentiment (including customer satisfaction). emotion detection for customer-experience man-
In analyzing the market, it is important for agement (Ponce de Leon, 2019). This is an AI sys-
marketing managers to focus on competing brands, tem that is able to analyze a combination of
product alternatives, and available channels human activities (e.g., facial expressions, body
within the entire category landscape. Categories gestures, voice, eye movement, and heart rate)
can develop rapidly with advancements in tech- and determine a consumer’s emotional state. The
nology and available choices, leading to market technology is being tested by a Russian bank,
Table 3. Marketing functions and AI potential

What AI Can Offer Data Requirements Examples of Current AI Implementations
Stage 1: Analyzing the current situation: Involves understanding macroenvironmental factors that can affect the organization, its marketing, and its stakeholders
 Analysis, simplification, provision,  External data, including census data,  Sociocultural trends through online chatter
and understanding of large unstruc- demographics, consumer confidence,
tured data sets macromarket trends, third-party  Stock-market prediction
data (e.g., news stories, stock prices,
 Identification of anomalies (events) home sales), social-media discussions  Improved macroeconomic forecasting drawing on a
in the market wider array of indicators than present models

 Recommender systems to identify

likely future events (e.g., areas of
potential growth)

 Sentiment analysis

Stage 2: Understanding markets and customers: Entails gathering knowledge of microenvironmental factors that specifically affect the firm, including market-share
trends, product/category demand, and customer characteristics: needs, wants, behaviors, attitudes, brand loyalties, and purchasing patterns
 Identification of changes in compet-  Internal data, including sales (cur-  Synthesis and understanding of customer comments,
itor behavior (e.g., pricing) rent and historical, sales of own feedback, and interests
products), customer data (satisfac-
 Estimation of product demand tion, attitudes, demographics, etc.),  Market research using analysis of facial expressions,
market research (e.g., ad/promotion eye movements, and audio comments
 Assessment of customer sentiment testing); External data, including
(e.g., customer satisfaction, social market share, scanner data, sales  Mapping the complexity of the customer journey and
media sentiment analysis) (sales of competitors’ brands, sea- associated understanding of the effect of individual
sonality, weather, holidays), social- components (ads, touchpoint, and influencers) along
media comments, competitors’ the way
pricing and product availability
(e.g., sales, stock-outs)  Detection of changes in competitor behavior
(e.g., pricing, distribution)

 Under Armour uses AI to perform consumer-sentiment

analysis and social listening to understand what
customers think of the brand and where the gaps in
the market are

C. Campbell et al.
Stage 3: Segmenting, targeting, and positioning: Involves developing an understanding of customer segments and assisting with targeting and positioning decisions
 Classification and clustering of cus-  Internal data, including loyalty and  Development of much smaller segments (moving to-
tomers into distinct segments sales information, customer ward true one-to-one marketing)

(continued on next page)

willingness to purchase, and brand
 Estimation of the probability of perceptions; External data, including  Clustering of consumers using vast data sets

How marketers can leverage AI

response to promotions demographics, census data, and
location  Predictive modeling to optimize targeting decisions
 Improved targeting of ads
 Target received notoriety in 2012 for their ability to
 Product and brand recommendations segment and target products to expectant mothers
(Duhigg, 2012)
Stage 4: Planning direction, objectives, and marketing support: Entails developing longer-term goals and associated short-term objectives to support larger
 Provision of digital customer service  Internal data, including historical  Estimation of sales and revenues (e.g., Aviso, Data-
(e.g., chatbots) data on areas of marketing (e.g., Robot) as well as expected expenses of new and
amounts, types, and locations of existing products
 Estimation of the responsiveness of ads/sales support) and associated
consumers to price changes and outcomes (e.g., site traffic, leads,  Estimation of the reactiveness of sales to ad spends,
promotions sales); External data, including price changes, etc.
census data, demographics, con-
 Combination of information from the sumer confidence, macro-market  Travel-booking website Expedia used Amazon Sage-
macro- and microenvironments to trends, and third-party data Maker AI to train its ML models to identify and high-
better inform marketing objectives (e.g., news stories, stock prices, light the most attractive hotel images in its data set;
home sales) Expedia was then able to predict images that
 Identification of those most likely to increased click-through and purchases

Stage 5: Developing product strategy: Involves creation of the suite of products sold by a firm
 Identification of gaps in the market  Historical data on customers, their  New product development (e.g., Choosy fast fashion)
for new product development purchases, and associated outcomes based on trends identified through analysis of social
(e.g., satisfaction, returns) in order tagging
 Creation of more customized and to create recommendations; Data-
boutique products bases of consumer profiles from  Hyper-individualized product customization
which to estimate new customers’ (e.g., Zozo’s clothes that are customized according to
 Awareness of what is in style or sizes/profiles depending on inputs; AI-enabled customer measurements)
trendy and thus worth producing and Information on trending products,
selling topics, and styles from social media,
press articles, etc.
 Assistance with designing and pro-
ducing products customized to indi-
vidual consumers

Stage 6: Developing pricing strategy: Revolves around determining pricing strategies to maximize sales
 Estimation of consumer price elas-  Both historical and real-time sales,  Retailers such as Amazon use algorithms that auto-
ticity at both individual and collec- search, and price data on firm and matically increase prices in response to spikes in

tive levels competitor products demand
(continued on next page)
Table 3

What AI Can Offer Data Requirements Examples of Current AI Implementations

 Provision of dynamic pricing  Wise Athena leverages ML to analyze both own and
(e.g., surge pricing) and price competitor prices to help firms make optimal price
discrimination. and promotional decisions

 Detection of anomalies (e.g., errors

in pricing, fraud, or nonprofitable
Stage 7: Developing channels and logistics strategy: Involves determining logistics, distribution, and product stocking decisions
 Prediction and optimization of dis-  Data at the store level (historical and  AI-driven stock and inventory management
tribution, inventory, store displays, real-time sales, real-time inventory, (e.g., Afesh)
and store layouts (both brick-and- in-store and web traffic data) and
mortar and online) location level (local competitors,  Merchandising based on AI prediction (e.g., Celect)
demographics of local catchment);
 Enabling voice and visual search Data on individual customers  Recommendation engines that show people what they
(historical sales, search history, any want to see (e.g., Reflektion)
other customer-level data useful for
making product recommendations);  Use of AI-driven camera analysis to speed payment
Historical customer service queries, and optimize store layout and design. For instance,
responses, and satisfaction scores IMAGR makes SmartCart, an ordinary grocery cart with
an AI computing video camera. The device tracks
what goes into the cart, tallies the total along the
way, and syncs that with payment information on the
shopper’s mobile phone

 AI-enabled visual search (e.g., GrokStyle)

 SapientRazorfish’s COSMOS platform gleans informa-

tion about a customer’s profile and purchasing history.
Sephora can then notify customers either by email,
direct mail, or SMS when their favorite products are in
stock or on sale, and even when customers are near
one of their retail stores

C. Campbell et al.
Stage 8: Developing marketing communication and influence strategy: Focuses on serving customers the right promotion at the right time
 Creation of different ads depending  Both historical and real-time data on  Granify uses ML to identify shoppers ready to abandon
on permutations of content, and on ads, including their content (both a cart and to make real-time offers to encourage
related words text and images), placement, and purchase
(continued on next page)
How marketers can leverage AI
performance; Information on
 Development of individualized pro- potential ad placements (e.g., costs,  Watson Ads Omni enables marketers to deploy AI-
motional offers and ads audience characteristics); Real-time powered interactive ad placements. Lego was the first
data on customer behavior at all brand to use Watson Ads Omni on Black Friday, 2018
 Running of AI-driven A/B testing points along the consumer journey (Sweeney, 2018)

 Optimization of ad placement  Chinese video start-up Viscovery is developing AI

technology that enables brands to display ads in
 Reduction in cart abandonment videos specific to the content being watched (Caygill,
 Contextual ad targeting

 Optimization of ad retargeting

 Keyword bidding and cost reduction

 Automation and personalization of

content creation
Stage 9: Planning metrics and implementation control: Involves identifying performance metrics, monitoring them, and then taking any needed corrective actions
 Better prediction of expected reve-  Both historical and real-time sales  US financial software company Intuit uses ML enabled
nues and profits, as well as their and marketing performance data; by Amazon Web Services for real-time fraud analysis
variability Real-time data facilitates diagnosing
problems, while historical data  Identification of promotional and pricing mistakes
 Identification of metrics linked to key enables prediction of corrective
outcomes actions

 Prediction of the effect of correct

actions and, in some cases, auto-
matically taking steps to diagnose,
correct, and improve on poor results

236 C. Campbell et al.

Rosbank, at their call center (Vilar, 2019). Data is 3.4. Planning direction, objectives, and
collected from customers, including the number of marketing support
pauses in speech, changes in voice volume, and
the total conversation time, and converted in real Stage 4 involves planning direction, objectives,
time to a customer-satisfaction metric. and marketing support. This stage entails the
development of longer-term goals and associated
3.3. Segmenting, targeting, and positioning short-term objectives to support larger strategies.
Wood (2011) noted that growth strategies,
Stage 3 involves segmenting, targeting, and posi- nongrowth strategies, objectives (marketing,
tioning, which involves developing an under- financial, and societal), and customer service are
standing of customer segments and assisting important considerations within this stage. To
marketing managers in their targeting and posi- assist growth strategies, AI and chatbots can be
tioning decisions. In this process, marketers seek integrated into apps or social media to encourage
to group consumers according to certain criteria, consumer purchasing. One example is the Star-
enabling precise targeting of messages and the bucks Barista bot for Facebook Messenger. The bot
creation of brands and products that can best ap- lets users place coffee orders via either voice
peal to each segment. AI not only helps to predict command or a messaging interface.
customers’ intent but can help marketers segment One of the most common applications of AI in
customers into more refined groups. Given the this stage is in customer service. In the United
large heterogeneity of consumer tastes and pref- States, just 24% of customer service teams are
erences, the potential of segmentation is using AI, but 56% report actively looking for ways
immense, from tailoring promotions and ads to to use AI (Salesforce, 2019). Including such appli-
making better product and brand recommenda- cations as chatbots and text and voice analysis, AI
tions. For example, in an attempt to improve its use in customer service is forecasted to increase
customer targeting, Harley-Davidson teamed up by 143% between 2019 and 2021 (Salesforce,
with U.S. marketing firm Adgorithms to use its 2019). Today, chatbots are being employed in
platform, Albert. Albert uses AI and ML to auto- customer service to address most simple queries.
mate and simplify marketing planning. Harley- Chatbots reduce customer service costs, but their
Davidson provided Albert information on past effect on customer satisfaction can be varied.
customers, enabling the machine to create lists of Many consumers still prefer to speak with human
similar audiences and match people who resemble agents for more complicated requests. In the U.K.,
their current buyers. The platform was responsible nearly 50% prefer a human over a chatbot, and in
for 40% of Harley-Davidson’s motorcycle sales and the U.S., 40% prefer a human over a chatbot
led to a ninefold increase in inbound calls (Power, (Elliott, 2018). Despite consumer preferences for
2017). AI is also being used to create personalized human interactions, AI can still provide back-end
content targeted to individual consumers. In 2018, support in customer service. For instance, AI can
Wimbledon partnered with IBM to create a suite of act to assign agents to customers. This process can
tools and services, including two chatbots, on-site ensure that customers are connected with an
augmented-reality experiences, and a scoring and agent who has the expertise to address the cus-
insights app (SlamTracker) that is tailored to the tomer’s needs. One such use would be classifica-
fan engaging with it (Moore, 2018). tion systems that use natural-language processing
Despite the benefits of using AI for segmenting, to identify the problems customers report. By
targeting, and positioning, marketers should be better matching agents with customers, AI can
aware of the dangers of discrimination through AI. streamline the interaction and preserve value for
While businesses inherently discriminate in terms firms.
of to whom they offer products and services, AI
can lead to unintended and illegal price discrimi-
nation through its emphasis on targeting different 3.5. Developing product strategy
audiences. In the EU, it is now considered
discriminatory behavior when algorithms are used Stage 5 involves the development of product
to set prices on the basis of observable group strategy (i.e., the creation of the suite of products
characteristics. While a group may exhibit a gen- sold by a firm). At this stage, marketers use their
eral behavior, any individual within that group may understanding of target consumers and of the
not, and that person would therefore be discrimi- intended position for the brand to help develop
nated against if observable group trends were used successful products. This typically involves de-
to determine pricing (Newell & Marabelli, 2015). cisions about a product’s design, features, quality,
How marketers can leverage AI 237

and customization. Opportunities for AI assistance anomalies (including pricing errors, cases of fraud,
in product strategy include identifying gaps for and nonprofitable customers). AI enables mar-
new product development, facilitating the pro- keters to track buying trends and determine more
duction of products customized to consumers’ competitive product price points in an attempt to
specifications, and assisting with product delivery nudge customers at the point of decision
and logistics. AI can also identify which products to (Arevalillo, 2019). Amazon collects and analyzes
manufacture. Fast-fashion brand Choosy draws data at multiple points along the customer’s
fashion inspiration almost exclusively from the top journey, from prepurchase (including products
trending posts on Instagram, releasing 10 styles a viewed or searched for, reviews, and page visits)
week that customers can order before they go into to purchase (including all purchase histories and
production (Pallant & Sands, 2018). By creating wish lists) and postpurchase (including returns and
only products that customers have committed to service interactions). AI and ML assist Amazon in
buying, Choosy avoids accumulating surplus stock collecting all of this customer data and under-
and leverages the upside of mass customization standing what shoppers are looking for and the
while minimizing the downside. prices they are willing to pay (Ke, 2018).
Lily AI is another platform that assists in product Some firms are using dynamic pricing, supported
configuration in online settings. In particular, Lily by big data and AI, to help gain a competitive
AI allows fashion retailers to encourage consumers pricing advantage. In the hotel context, dynamic
to ‘complete the look’ at checkout. Lily AI’s deep pricing can allow the issue of underoccupancy to
understanding of shoppers’ choices about all be addressed by adjusting pricing to balance sup-
apparel categories enables it to create real-time ply and demand and to maximize profit (O’Hear,
head-to-toe outfit suggestions that help retailers 2017). To assist in pricing decisions, Airbnb em-
to increase basket size at checkout. AI is also being ploys AI and ML to help hosts make pricing de-
applied to product strategies within the store cisions about their property. Pricing is a complex
environment. U.S. shopping service Instacart uses process for hosts given traditional demand factors,
ML to optimize in-store product selection, such as seasonal changes, local events, and loca-
equating to thousands of hours of labor savings tion, as well as the fact that each listing exhibits
(Brandon, 2017). Fashion brand Levi’s is employing unique property characteristics (Hill, 2015). Airbnb
algorithms to optimize how products are arranged provides pricing assistance with an ML algorithm
in store and to improve size availability. Likewise, that makes pricing suggestions for each date that a
Nike is using geographical and behavioral data host makes a property available. For brands that
from its app to inform store offerings, and it is want to ensure their pricing is competitive, AI can
using clustering algorithms to provide advice on develop a pricing index against competitors’ cat-
which items should be displayed together alogs and pricing, allowing relative price to be
(McDowell, 2019). Product marketing is also being benchmarked.
fine-tuned with AI, with Samsung engaging Crimson
Hexagon’s AI-powered audience-insights platform 3.7. Developing channels and logistics
to understand what its existing and potential cus- strategy
tomers are saying on social media (Sentence,
2018). In this way, the analysis of user-generated Stage 7 involves the development of a channel and
conversations and associated images in social logistics strategy, including determining optimal
channels assists in learning “how consumers logistics, distribution, and product stocking. At
interact with their products, and thus how to this stage, marketers strive to decide between
create marketing campaigns that they can relate direct sales channels, whole channels, or retail
to” (Sentence, 2018). channels. In some instances, AI can provide access
to new channels to market. One social commerce
3.6. Developing pricing strategy app, Browzzin, combines AI and visual-recognition
technology with the power of influencers to drive
Stage 6 involves developing a pricing strategy to sales as the app transforms posted images into
maximize sales. In developing a pricing strategy, shoppable content (Dorfer, 2019). Shoppable-
marketers decide how much to charge for products content platforms like Browzzin and Pinterest’s
and services, strive to understand consumer price visual search feature are examples of deep
sensitivity, and map competitor pricing. AI can learning augmenting the shopping experience via
assist in a number of ways, including estimating image classification. Such technologies allow con-
consumer price elasticity, enabling dynamic pric- sumers to take pictures of things they see in
ing (e.g., surge pricing), and detecting pricing stores, on a commute, or at a friend’s, and then
238 C. Campbell et al.

they make the items in the pictures shoppable. In ads, as well as real-time data about customer
this way, consumers can shop anywhere or behavior at the point of purchase. Current appli-
anytime, which creates new opportunities for cations at this stage include AI-powered interac-
companies to engage consumers outside of tradi- tive ad placements (Sweeney, 2018) and the ability
tional channel locations. Similar developments will to display ads in videos specific to the content
also likely occur in the B2B sales process, which is being watched (Caygill, 2017). For Black Friday
undergoing substantial transformations fueled by 2018, LEGO engaged Watson Ads Omni to create AI-
advances in AI and ML (Paschen, Wilson, & powered interactive ads (Sweeney, 2018). The AI
Ferreira, in press). system was trained with the knowledge of a wide
With regard to logistics strategy, marketing range of different LEGO products, with ads crafted
managers are concerned with ensuring the delivery to consumers depending on their specific interests
of products so they are available to customers at and needs. The benefit of such an application is
the right place and at the right time. From this that the brand can have meaningful, one-on-one
perspective, decisions need to be made to esti- conversations with consumers along their paths
mate demand at particular locations, including at to purchase.
the store level (considering historical and real- In terms of AI-generated content creation and
time sales, real-time inventory, and in-store and the development of personalized content, 20th
web-traffic data) and location level (considering Century Fox and the NBA provide interesting use
local competitors and demographics of local cases. In 2016, 20th Century Fox collaborated with
catchment). AI allows marketers to predict and IBM Watson to create the first AI-created trailer for
optimize distribution, inventory, store displays, the movie Morgan. Watson analyzed hundreds of
and store layouts (both brick-and-mortar and on- thriller and horror trailers to learn what aspects
line). Today, retailers are able to employ AI- make them suspenseful, and it suggested appro-
informed planograms, or dynamic plans that priately thrilling moments for inclusion in the
recommend the ideal number and placement of trailer (IBM, n.d.). Taking content creation one
inventory within a store (McDowell, 2019). Further step further, the NBA has worked with AI to
benefits to logistic management include cognitive develop personalized content. In 2015, the NBA
procurement and predictive merchandising, which partnered with U.S. sports-tech firm WSC Sports to
assist with stock and inventory management. At offer fans near-instant highlight clips from games
Walmart, some stores have started testing auton- via NBA websites. Using AI, highlight packages
omous robots that scan shelves for spaces that were developed for every player in a game,
need replenishing (McDowell, 2019). In the future, enabling the NBA to deliver personalized highlights
it is feasible that robots and drones will transform to a global audiencedfor instance, sending clips of
last-mile delivery. Australian-born NBA stars to Australian viewers
who were previously underserved by traditional
3.8. Developing marketing communications broadcast footage (NBA, 2015).
and influence strategy
3.9. Planning metrics and implementation
Stage 8 involves the development of marketing control
communications and influence strategy, with a
specific focus on serving customers the right pro- Finally, Stage 9 involves developing planning met-
motion at the right time. At this stage, marketers rics and implementation control, and specifically
work to create and enhance brand meaning in the striving to identify and monitor performance
eyes of customers, as well as to inform them of metrics and then taking any necessary corrective
product offerings. This involves careful develop- actions. To this end, marketers use metrics to
ment, targeting, and placement of communica- assess how their efforts are working, to identify
tions in order to convey an effective message to problems, and to increase efficiency. Key aspects
the correct set of customers while minimizing of this task include identifying and measuring
costs. A diverse range of opportunities exists for AI relevant metrics and deciding how to respond to
within the broad domain of marketing communi- abnormalities. In terms of data requirements, both
cations, including conducting AI-driven A/B ad historical and real-time environmental sales and
testing, contextual ad targeting, AI-optimized ad marketing performance data can be used to di-
retargeting, keyword bidding, and automation and agnose and help predict corrective actions and
personalization of content creation. In terms of variability. Two key benefits of AI in planning and
data requirements, marketers should seek histor- implementation are that human operators are not
ical data to optimize placement and creation of required to command or analyze outputs and that
How marketers can leverage AI 239

AI works on a trial-and-error basis. Algorithms are historical analysis because the data requirements
able to pick up detailed information by mimicking for AI are quite high (Chui et al., 2018). While
the behavior of the human brain, and marketers collecting data may seem easy, it is important to
are able to understand, anticipate, analyze, and note that many IT systems are not designed for
act to solve problems. data pulls. For instance, many advertising
A key way in which AI is being used at this stage agencies’ systems are designed to track an indi-
of the marketing function is in A/B testingdfor vidual client’s performance, not to extract data
instance, in the context of assessing advertising or from campaigns. Similarly, many businesses suffer
online features. A key benefit of A/B testing from data silos. Many systems do not use a com-
underpinned by AL and ML is that websites, ads, mon tracking ID number, or worse, they arrange
and other online assets can self-optimize in real data in fundamentally different ways, necessi-
time as a result of AI assessment of behavior and tating custom software for data sets to be merged.
reactions to a multitude of different variations. ML While some forms of ML (e.g., reinforcement) can
algorithms can continuously collect data and operate without training data sets, accessing his-
deliver the optimized variations to individual users torical data sets is valuable.
in real time, allowing for the best performing In developing an AI foundation, firms will also
aspect to carry through. HSBC used this method to need to be aware of the increasingly important
drive 100% more click-throughs on their mobile challenges of privacy and regulation. Consumers
homepage (Adobe, 2019). The company tested AI- are understandably growing more concerned about
driven dynamic content against static content on what data is being collected from them and how it
its mobile app home page. The personalized re- is being used by marketers. In response, firms such
sults drastically outperformed their static peers in as Apple are proactively choosing to restrict what
terms of click-through rates to product pages. The consumer data is collected and how it is used.
efficacy of a range of campaigns can be tested While some workarounds are possible, such re-
with AI assistance. Many consumers use their strictions necessarily impose constraints on what
phones or other devices while they watch TV. If a data scientists can potentially achieve with ML. A
TV advertising campaign airs and customers use similar concern lies in privacy-related regulation.
devices in parallel to ad exposure, the immediate In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation
response to the campaign can be assessed. For (GDPR) came into effect in May of 2018. The
example, with the data for when each individual regulation requires the highest privacy settings by
ad airs, marketing managers can assess metrics default, unless a user explicitly consents to their
relating to the specific call to action, such as site data being used. Such defaults restrict both the
traffic, and compare the airing times to user amount and quality of data available for use in AI
response immediately. applications. In the U.S., concern is also growing,
in part because of Facebook’s continued data
breaches and harvesting of data without consumer
4. Getting it right: From AI foundations consent (Doffman, 2019). U.S. regulation has yet
to an AI orientation to follow the EU’s example, although it may if
consumer concern continues to grow. Further-
While AI holds many possibilities for marketers, more, ML must also be monitored to ensure
achieving its potential is not easy. A firm’s journey compliance with antidiscrimination laws (Chui
from an AI foundation to an AI orientation is akin to et al., 2018; Newell & Marabelli, 2015). For
the DIKW Pyramid (Zins, 2007), which describes instance, in the U.S., lenders cannot use race-
the hierarchical relationship between Data, Infor- based predictions of loan defaults as a reason for
mation, Knowledge, and Wisdom. At the base of loan denial, and in the EU, insurers are no longer
the pyramid, firms must first have or develop able to use statistical evidence about gender dif-
certain foundational abilities to collect data. From ferences to set premiums (Newell & Marabelli,
here, AI and ML functionality transforms useful and 2015).
relevant data into information. This information, In addition to data, firms looking to leverage AI
when blended with context, expertise, and intui- also need to consider their human capital. While AI
tion, becomes knowledge. Finally, wisdom adds requires skilled data scientists, other comple-
value, which requires the mental function of mentary functions are also necessary. While data
judgment (Wallace, 2007). scientists are often highly skilled statisticians,
A data foundation requires firms to have robust their expertise should be supplemented by deep
systems capable of tracking relevant data in real awareness of the firm, its markets, and its cus-
time. They must also be able to store data for tomers in order to build optimal models. While ML
240 C. Campbell et al.

algorithms are highly adaptable on their own, cross-functional collaboration, this is very difficult
correctly coding or transforming data can still lead to achieve. While considerable research explores
to significant improvements in performance. For how to develop such competenciesdgenerally in
instance, while many data sets include a calendar the context of developing a new product (Morgan
date, adding in a categorical variable denoting & Liker, 2006; Sethi, Smith, & Park, 2001)dthe
which day of the week each day corresponds to role of incentives is also an important consider-
can be highly predictive of sales at some busi- ation. How AI resource costs and benefits are
nesses, such as restaurants. As such, best practice apportioned can encourage different behaviors
often marries data scientists with managers who among employees. For instance, if the budget for
have deep business and strategic knowledge. AI expenditures is charged back to departments, it
Software and software engineers are also impor- might cause subtle resistances to usage, especially
tant considerations. While many open-source sta- in early stages when benefits are less clear. This
tistical computing programs have ML plug-ins can be potentially mitigated if benefits from AI
available, their use requires considerable exper- cost savings accrue back to the individual de-
tise to run, assess, and implement models partments that implement them. Should such
(Demandbase, 2016). Even more user-friendly op- savings be taken away, this might instead dissuade
tions, such as the automated ML platform Data- use. Similarly, managers are encouraged to
Robot, still require software engineers to integrate consider how AI factors into the metrics by which
resulting learnings into firm systems for on-the-fly teams and departments are assessed. Rather than
implementation. This reflects the broader choice simply using dollar amounts as targets, firms might
between buying or building IT architecture. It is also set targets for efficiency gains. Likewise,
also important to be aware that ML models can rather than evaluating immediate benefits, teams
drift over time and require periodic recalibration and departments might be better evaluated in
and retraining (Chui et al., 2018). terms of the opportunity or potential value their
Once the foundational aspects of AI changes can bring.
implementationddata, human capital, and Because understanding and implementation of
softwaredare present, firms must still work to AI is continuing to evolve, maintaining an AI
develop an AI orientation within their broader cul- orientation requires constant monitoring of in-
ture. For some, such cultural shifts will require a dustry best practices. Managers may want to in-
completely different approach to decision making, crease funding for AI-related conferences and
from top down to bottom up and from long-range educational opportunities, as well as encourage
planning to short-term reactions (Merendino et al., sharing of insights across functional units. Careful
2018). This entails both philosophical shifts and design of incentives and performance metrics can
more pragmatic considerations. At a macro level, help encourage participation in such efforts.
business orientations need to shift toward a culture Finally, managers should lead by example, them-
of continual improvement through testing and selves staying abreast of best practices and
learning. While initial benefits from AI are often championing their own AI initiatives.
modest, with continual improvement they can
compound over time into much larger gains. This
includes adopting a data-driven approach to mining 5. What’s next? Thoughts for the future
historical data for clues on paths forward, as well as of AI
developing sets of testable possibilities that AI can
experiment upon. To evolve a business’s processes in There is no doubt that AI is becoming increasingly
order to emphasize this constant mining of existing integrated into marketing practice, enabling
data and ceaseless running of AI tests can sometimes companies to reduce process times and engage
represent a large departure from existing organiza- with individual consumers at scale. But in many
tional cultures. This requires training employees in ways, AI is still in its infancy, and not all brands are
the basic capabilities and opportunities of AI so that equally predisposed to implementing AI. Many
they can better identify possible business opportu- marketers likely fear relinquishing control to AI,
nities, understand output, and act upon findings and across many industries, there are widespread
(Chui et al., 2018; Demandbase, 2016). Internal concerns that AI will take jobs away from workers.
marketing programs to garner buy-in and share ideas But the rapid development of AI technologies will
and successes can also be helpful. see jobs change and adapt, though not necessarily
While the success of developing an AI orienta- decline, to the evolving needs of companies. For
tion often depends on a firm’s ability to foster instance, as AI is responsible for more analytical
How marketers can leverage AI 241

tasks, analytical skills will likely become less Spotify, with these platforms offering a vast array
important. In contrast, jobs requiring other skill of titles and convenience, all curated to individual
sets, such as intuition or empathy, are likely to users by intelligent recommendation systems. One
increase in importance (Huang & Rust, 2018). In day, we may not own products in the traditional
essence, to progress to the point where AI can add sense but instead subscribe to them, and AI-
wisdom, human judgment will be required. enabled platforms will deliver us food, clothing,
With the multitude of opportunities for AI inte- and other necessities as and when we need them
gration within marketing, some may fear that AI will (Press, 2019). Such business models will continue
replace human work roles within the profession. But to advance the relevance of access over owner-
at a broad level, the automation afforded by AI ship. These shifts will be important for businesses
technologies will allow marketers the ability to to consider as they pursue the growing market of
invest their time in creativity rather than process. consumers engaging in alternative forms of
For service agents, AI will result in an elevation in consumption.
tasks, allowing AI to improve the prioritization of
service agents’ work (Salesforce, 2019). At a more
granular level, AI affords marketers with new tools Acknowledgment
to engage, satisfy, and retain customers.
The development of AI will also lead to a gap We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Taylor Larkin for
between early adopters and laggards. Research his machine-learning expertise.
suggests that early adopters will likely be those
organizations with a strong digital base and, as
such, a higher propensity to invest in AI (Bughin
et al., 2017). For early adopters, there will be References
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