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Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 87

Ways of International Students’ Adaptation: Club of International Friendship
Olga Robertovna Fayzullina†*
The issue of international students' adaptation is being discussed all over the academic world.
According to our observations, one of the best ways is to create an experimental platform for the
implementation of effective ideas connected with the adaptation. We have called it the Club of
International Friendship (CIF) “UNITY!” For this, 207 international students of our institute took part
in the questionnaire. Our Club is aimed at overcoming any difficulties international students may
have. Currently, we are analysing the process of co-adaptation, considering it as the critical element
of effective inter-cultural integration.
Keywords: Internationalisation; International students; Adaptation; Club of International
Friendship; Students’ Community; Co-adaptation, Russia.

Kazan Federal University
Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected]
© 2019 Fayzullina. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Fayzullina. Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 88

Introduction international students, we need to improve

their knowledge of English and to create
It remains well established that agencies like The
conditions for raising their status for their
Study, EU Country Ranking 2017 for
participating in different projects and
International Students − one of the gateways to
scholarships (Hayes, 2017; Marginson, 2012;
the universities of Europe − pays attention to
Sherry et al., 2010; Emelyanova, 2016).
education and its vital factors − teaching quality,
Moreover, for excellent sociocultural
general availability of English-taught-
adaptation, the linguistic confidence in the
programmes into consideration for evaluation
second language is of great significance. For
of a country’s universities in established
academic adaptation, the role of integrative
international university rankings (THE, QS,
motivation is even more significant (Hernandez,
ARWU and US News). According to their
2010; Yu and Downing, 2012; Schartner and
evaluation, Germany and the Netherlands
Young, 2016).
demonstrates the best results in teaching
quality. The United Kingdom occupies second The common challenges that most
place in international rankings because of a international students have to face are social-
number of renowned universities. While Russia cultural, academic, linguistic and cognitive
occupies the fourth place in this ranking, (Biserova and Shagivaleeva, 2019, Ecochard
Sweden occupies the fifth position (The Study… and Fotheringham, 2017; Zakirova and
2017). Volodina, 2018). To adapt in new “life and
study abroad require tremendous effort and
Nonetheless, worldwide in 2017, there were five
talent…it’s about forming cosmopolitan and
most top international universities, and they are
multilingual citizens” (Ecochard and
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich,
Fotheringham, 2017: 100). Of course, the role of
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
a teacher, an educator is significant in the
University of Hong Kong, National University of
process of adaptation, since they are aware of
Singapore, Imperial College London (Marquis et
the potential difficulties, challenges that
al., 2018). The top 5 universities with the highest
international students may have, and they will
percentage of international students in 2017 are
support inter-cultural friendship as one of the
American University of Sharjah, United Arab
factors of their better integration. One of the
Emirates, Central European University, Hungary,
reasons is that as a result of this friendship and
London School of Economics and Political
cooperation international students have access
Science, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,
to those things that only local students know
University of Luxembourg (International student
(Hendrickson et al., 2011).
Table 2017). Their attractiveness proves the
favourable conditions these universities can It is vital to avoid the formation of separate
offer to international students (The Study… groups of international students (sub-cultures)
2017). because this problem of isolation exists and "if
educators can facilitate their cultural learning
As a teacher of the second language for
and awareness they may become less inclined to
international students and according to my
isolate themselves from other culture" (Rienties
observation during the teaching process and
and Eimear-Marie, 2014: 165). Considering the
extracurricular activities, we consider, the
university as the principal venue for
primary importance of the international
international adaptation of students, not only in
students’ successful adaptation is in their ability
terms of academic adaptation but also with
to master foreign languages, especially the
respect to social and cultural, we need to focus
language of the host country and the
on their challenges, difficulties in preventing
international language (Lee and Ciftci, 2014;
them from being isolated (Biserova and
Leutwyler and Meierhans, 2016). To improve the
Shagivaleeva, 2019; Wu et al., 2015).
situation concerning the effective adaptation of
Fayzullina. Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 89

The practical process of the adaptation includes not just problems and barriers but opportunities
culture shock, which is necessary for further for novel activity and personal growth”
social interaction and friendship development, (Marginson, 2014:6-8). Psychologically, it is of
even trying to find some cultural similarities great importance to construct a positive
(Gareis 2012; Williams and Johnson 2011). All of attitude to the adaptation issues and to
these components support the formation of perceive them as challenges rather than
their inter-cultural communication competence difficulties. The concept of "challenge"
as well as other professional competencies, should have a positive connotation.
which leads to inter-cultural friendship and Undergoing adaptation challenges,
relational identity (Belford, 2017; Biserova and international students form their hybrid
Shagivaleeva , 2019; Khenner, 2018; Trede et al., identity and agency freedom (Marginson,
2013). 2014; Volet and Jones, 2012). In the process of
self-formation, it is better not to underestimate
There are two types of transitional experience:
the role of agency in international students’
maturation and human development, and
sociocultural adaptation.
intercultural adaptation. The transition is a
complex phenomenon which synthesises linear Thus, the aims of this research were as follows:
inter-cultural adaptation and a set of shifting  to consider the issue of international
associations between language mastery, social students’ adaptation;
interaction, personal development and  to reveal the current challenges and
academic outcomes (Gural and Pavlenko, 2011; strategies of inter-cultural integration;
Gu et al., 2010).  to create and to assess the effectivity of
Generally, three styles of adaptation are educational space for students’
considered in the literature. They are positive interaction called the Club of
and connected, unconnected and stressed, and International Friendship (CIF) “UNITY!”.
distressed and risk-taking (Russell et al., 2010; Methods
Hoang and Tran, 2018; Tran, 2011).
The relevance of the adaptation study is obvious
worldwide. Sometimes acculturative stress and For this research, 207 international students,
difficulties with adjustment to the environment aged 17 – 32, had taken part in our
of the host country are inevitable. Acculturative questionnaire survey. The breakdown is as
stresses are language barriers, educational follows:
challenges, loneliness, discrimination and  107 (55, 2%) – male students,
practical problems associated with changing  100 (44, 8%) – female students.
environments (Smith and Khawaja, 2011). st
According to other research findings "the most Theirthyear of study ranges from the 1 year to
significant acculturative stressors are a linguistic the 4 year. The international students are from
adaptation, social network, political Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and Tajikistan.
identification and discrimination" (Yu et al., One hundred thirty-four students have come
2016: 300-315). from Turkmenistan, 31 from Uzbekistan, 25 from
Tajikistan, and 17 from Iran. Kazan Federal
Nevertheless, in the era of globalisation when University served as a platform for creating a
we speak about “never finished cultural club, as the number of international students
negotiation”, “international education offers continues to increase every year.
Fayzullina. Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 90

Figure 1: Country of Origin

Source: Based on Original Research Findings

Research Design local and international students. The idea of this

project differs from the well-known established
During this research, we applied the
projects in Europe − the “buddy” programme.
international students’ questionnaire (see
“Students for Students” project supports the
Appendix). Since 2016, the Club itself has been
concept of experiential, interactive learning
an experiential educational platform, it should
while implementing new educational
be noted it is not being an online platform, but
technologies in the university. For effective
a real educational space for students'
inter-cultural communication in poly-lingual
interaction. As a teacher and a coordinator of
space, co-adaptation is inevitable. Our
the club, we are considered active observers of
experimental platforms under the slogan “learn
the working process. Before conducting the
with us!” for studying English as a foreign
research, we accomplished recommendations
language (elementary and advanced levels),
from the specialists and academics from the
Russian for international students (for better
Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan
communication with local peers) are becoming
Federal University.
more popular among the students.
It was announced that there is a questionnaire
We try to find proper ways for their better
for international students and the idea was that
adaptation and support and to create a friendly
it is their free choice and they could fill in the
atmosphere. Club challenges are to expand the
form, though it was not obligatory. Those
contacts of the students and teachers with
international students who wanted to answer
international peers and to work in cooperation
the questions, they clearly saw the real goal of
with partner universities aimed at
this work. In summer 2017, the process of
implementing projects that reveal the national
conducting the survey was started. However,
peculiarities of the peoples, their culture,
later on, it became necessary to create a Google
customs and traditions. For example,
form to make the questionnaire more available
#followmeto (when we have imaginary "trips"
and to calculate all the results automatically
to different countries), or #madeinChina
with the help of this electronic system.
(activities related to the Chinese language and
Club Activities culture) to explore and develop creative and
Within the framework of our International Club intellectual abilities of the international
of Friendship, the project “Students for students (literary evenings, quizzes,
Students” is based on the cooperation between performances, competitions), to organise
Fayzullina. Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 91

educational course on international process of the observations and the analysis of

examinations, and summer and winter schools the international students' survey, we conclude
in the framework of “RuStart” programme that a better adaptation of these students
(Fayzullina, 2017). depends on their social and individual
backgrounds. The process of international
students' adaptation includes three steps:
In our institute, we focus mostly on teacher autonomy, assimilation, and integration, going
education and international students come to us to the level of interaction (Grebennikova, 2011).
to become teachers, and it is vital to know their It is also needed to try to reduce the time for
individual backgrounds and preconditions. international students’ autonomy and
These preconditions are an openness to new assimilation, though these two steps in the
experiences, interest in the unfamiliar and process of adaptation cannot be fully avoidable.
tolerance of ambiguity (Munthe, 2017). In the

Figure 2: The Structure of the Club

Source: Based on Original Research Findings

They want to be teachers and to study two because it is small, still the majority consider that
foreign languages: English and Russian that is the town is beautiful, and they like the institute
why they have come to our town to get a higher with its rich history. They find it difficult to get
education. The special atmosphere of a small accustomed to the incomprehensibility of the
town helps them concentrate on their study, and language (they mean the Russian language) and
psychologically it is i more comfortable to start to the climate, of course. The common problems
an independent life far from home and parents that they face are the language barrier (43.3 %),
in such surroundings. Though some of the social and living conditions (17.9%), and
international students do not like the town, document issues (13.4%).
Fayzullina. Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 92

Figure 3: Problems Faced by International Students

Source: Based on Original Research Findings

Though they feel homesick (17.9 %), the good one (70. 1 %) and excellent (13. 4 %) (Figure
international students have a positive attitude to 6). Students consider Russia as an international
their life and study and express their happiness country and Russian as an international
(62.7 %) (Figure 4). The majority of the students language. The reason is that mostly they come
(84 %) have local friends (Figure 5). They from former Soviet Republics.
characterise their education environment as a

Figure 4: Feeling of the International Students

Source: Based on Original Research Findings

Figure 5: International Students having Local Friends

Source: Based on Original Research Findings
Fayzullina. Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 93

Figure 6: Education Environment According to International Students

Source: Based on Original Research Findings

Discussion and educational events that are organised at

club. One of the first results is that in the
There are different so-called clubs of
framework of the community, a pilot
international friendship all over the world −
educational platform "Students for Students"
some of them that requires mentioning are −
was being realied and werebuilt on a project-
Singapore Polytechnic International Students’
based approach (Kazun and Pastukhova, 2018),
Club (SPISC), International Students' Club in the
which has a twofold purpose, it helps
University of Cyprus, International Friendship
international students improve their
Club (IFC) at Western Illinois University the
knowledge, in addition to the curriculum, get
official international club of Charles University in
support from their local fellow students. And for
Prague, and many others. The main goal of these
the students who organise this work, it is
Clubs are to create favourable conditions for
beneficial because they can get the experience
international students' better adaptation in a
that they need for their future career. We
host university in a more entertaining way.
support different students’ initiatives that help
The researchers in their robust critique of international students integrate into their new
reciprocity and adaptivity in international education space— such as Watch with Us!, Walk
education further develop this idea of mutual with Us!, Learn with Us!. They support the
understanding, the crucial importance of cooperation between local and international
creating poly-lingual education environment students. Active participants of the club serve as
(Liyanage et al., 2018). It is vital to bear in mind a representative of professional values of a new
that the idea of adaptation is a two-sided culture, "agents" of socialisation for
process (Akanwa, 2015). It is also essential to get international students. Analysing the
the idea of the process of adaptation, not to fix experience, we have been working with the
the result of some statistics at a certain period. students, usually international students who are
There are three factors of successful adaptation: active and more flexible in their new
sociocultural, socio-communicative, and general surroundings, help other international students
social factors (Modnov and Ukhova, 2013; because they know how it is to be an
Pogykaeva et al., 2016). The authors underline international student, and local students
the role of the teachers’ role in creating a “kind sometimes just fail to understand the
house” for international students, which is difficulties that international students may face
considered to be essential for their effective day in day out, and it is also an urgent issue.
adaptation. This concept of a “kind house” really Adaptation of international students is a
works, and one can easily prove it during social
Fayzullina. Space and Culture, India 2019, 6:5 Page | 94

multifold phenomenon, and it has mobility, in particular, academic mobility

interdisciplinary nature, it may be studied on the (Mosienko and Khazhgalieva, 2016).
level of pedagogy, linguistics, psychology, Conclusion
cultural studies, history, sociology and others
(Brisset et al., 2010; Volet and Jones, 2012; Yu The Club of International Friendship is a way of
and Downing, 2012; Schartner and Young, 2016; international students' successful adaptation. It
Munthe, 2017; Belford, 2017). A complex is supposed to be an experimental platform for
approach considering the issue of adaptation is students’ initiatives. The most important issues
mainly used (Montgomery, 2010; Rienties et al., of international students' adaptation are
2012; Marginson, 2014; Schartner and Young, language and culture barriers. Within the work
2016; Tran and Gomes, 2017; Lomer, 2018). of our club, we are searching for proper ways of
overcoming these barriers. Our initiative
It is also important to consider in detail the "Students for Students" helps international
internal and external factors of adaptation. students work with local ones to study, for
Internal factors or in other words psychological example, spoken Russian. In the process of this
(subjective) ones include axiological basis, mutual activity, we understand that it is so
language basis, and communicative skills, the important for their social adaptation as well. We
motivation for communication and study, should take into consideration the international
psychological peculiarities, satisfaction, self- students’ individual background. They help us
organisation, self-esteem, self-realisation and so integrate other international students into new
on. External or socio-pedagogical (objective) surroundings. All of these factors are
factors are sociocultural values of a new society, interconnected and interdependent. Besides the
the degree of similarities between cultures, the implementation of some social events, a better
system of values, university education way of students' integration and interaction is
environment, new language environment, academic educational activities. Thus, the club
interaction between teachers, Russian and can not only lead to a better adaptation but also
international students, Russian friends, sustain in establishing a new qualitative level of
organisation of leisure time, favourite activities students' education. These social, educational,
and hobbies, accommodation, food and and academic events and activities built up the
document issues, etc. (Grebennikova, 2011; concept of the kind house, which is a
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5. Number of years you have been in Elabuga 11. Characterise your education environment
(multiple choice)
6. Your reason to study at Elabuga Institute of
Kazan Federal University o Excellent
o Good
7. What have you got used to quickly and easily
o Satisfactory
in the town and in the institute?
o Bad
8. What things do you find difficult to get
accustomed to in the town and in the institute? 12. Do you have local friends?
9. Your first impressions of the country, the 13. How do you spend your free time in Elabuga?
town, and the institute. What did you feel? 14. What do you feel now? (multiple choice)
10. What problems are you facing now, if any? o Loneliness
(multiple choice) o Homesick
o Satisfaction
o culture barrier
o Tiredness
o language barrier
o Happiness
o social and living conditions
o Your variant
o document issues
o your variant 15. Do you like living and studying in Russia?

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