Bis Hcmc Igcse Options Booklet 2024-25
Bis Hcmc Igcse Options Booklet 2024-25
Bis Hcmc Igcse Options Booklet 2024-25
3 Introduction to IGCSE
11 Mathematics
15 Science
17 Separate Sciences
20 Business Studies
21 Computer Science
25 Drama
26 Economics
27 Geography
28 History
34 Music
36 Physical Education
A NOTE TO PARENTS and offer them some of your wisdom and experience.
We talk to students about the best possible curriculum
The style in which we have written this guide is to
choices for them, so that they start out on courses that
address everything directly to your child. This is an
they will greatly enjoy and be highly successful in. We
exciting time in their educational experience as, for
understand that you’ll want to be reassured about the
the first time, they are having the opportunity to make
choices made, and we’re very happy to talk about them
significant decisions about what they study. This is, for
at any point. If you have any questions, suggestions or
most, the first of many academic decisions that will
concerns in the options process, please don’t hesitate to
define their own distinctive path through life. Experience
contact us and we’ll do what we can to listen and help.
tells us that education works best and that students get
the most from it when they are fully engaged, and we
like to think that your son or daughter will make their WELCOME TO IGCSE: THE GATEWAY TO YOUR
own choices and truly embrace them. Nonetheless, the FUTURE!
best choices come after listening to good advice; we very
IGCSEs are an internationally recognised set of
much hope that you will read this guide with your child
qualifications based around the British education
system which focuses more on content than English
language. The benefit of this is that you can still obtain
maximum grades even though English is not your native
language. It does, however, require a certain proficiency
of English. .
IGCSE stands for International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It builds on the English National
Curriculum work covered in Years 7 – 9 (ages 11-14) and prepares students for examinations at the end of a two year
course at age 16 (Year 11), as well as for the post-16 International Baccalaureate (IB) courses in the 6th Form. It is worth
noting that the IGCSEs are globally transferable and enable study in American Colleges or schools offering GCE A
levels. It is a course which countless independent schools in England offer, as many consider it a better preparation
for the IB style of study.
The grades are awarded based on a variety of assessments and include, but are not limited to, conventional written
papers. Assessments in many subjects include the option of coursework, oral or practical work which may be
assessed by the students’ own teachers.
The following information is to help you make informed OPTIONS
decisions about the choices you make for your IGCSE
Students can then choose up to 4 subjects from the
subjects in Year 10, and in planning ahead for the IBDP in
selection available.
Year 12.
• Our language subjects are second language
Everyone at BIS has to study the following subjects:
subjects; first language speakers of these languages
• English Language (first or second language) cannot opt to do these subjects and should choose
(decided by the Head of EAL and Academic English). another language from those offered. For example,
For students who study the second language English a native French speaker cannot choose French and
Language course, additional time is allocated to should choose either Spanish or Chinese (Mandarin)
support their development and progress. Should the if they have studied this prior to Year 10.
decision be taken that a student follows the second
• It is highly recommended that you choose a
language IGCSE, their chosen options will be reduced
language at IGCSE, as this widens your options
from 4 to 3 to support their language development
pathways for the IB Diploma Programme in Years 12
through this additional time.
and 13.
• English Literature
• Mathematics
• Science
• Choose subjects you enjoy;
• Either Coordinated Science (where you study all
• Choose subjects you are already doing well in;
three sciences – Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
This is worth 2 IGCSE qualifications); • If making good progress in French, Chinese or
Spanish in Year 9, and wanting to study IBDP in
• Or Separate Sciences (where you study all three
Years 12 and 13, continue with your MFL option at
sciences – Biology, Chemistry, and Physics – at a
higher level. This is worth 3 IGCSE qualifications).
• Don’t choose subjects just because your friends are
• Wellbeing – a non-examined course.
doing them;
• Physical Education – this is non-examined course
• Don’t choose subjects because you like your current
and is NOT the same as the IGCSE PE subject
teacher - whilst this helps, you may not have the
(offered as an option)
same teacher next year;
• Vietnamese – if you are a Vietnamese national
• If you have an idea about the direction your future
(only holding a Vietnamese passport), you have to
career might take, speak to the College and
continue your Vietnamese studies until the end of
University Guidance Team before you make your
Year 11 and therefore take IGCSE Vietnamese. Native-
final choices – they are based in the Sixth Form
speakers of Vietnamese who hold a foreign passport
Office on the Mezzanine floor.
are eligible to elect Vietnamese IGCSE as an option
subject if they wish.
Students at BIS will study the IB Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13. This requires them to follow a broad and
balanced curriculum. To qualify for the full diploma, they must study across five areas of knowledge: Studies in
Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Science and Mathematics. They may also
study a subject from the Arts or a second elective subject from the other areas of knowledge. When students are
selecting their IGCSE subject choices, they should be considering how their choices facilitate a smooth transition
into their IB Diploma.
If students wish to find out further information regarding the IB Diploma Programme and the subjects we offer,
they should speak with our IBDP Coordinator, MRS DANIELLE FOUNTAIN ([email protected]).
Students have an assembly to support them in understanding and completing the IGCSE
Option Process.
• Read a wide range of texts, fluently and with good understanding, enjoying and appreciating a variety of language;
• Read critically, and use the knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writing;
• Work with information and with ideas in language by developing skills of evaluation, analysis, use and inference;
• Acquire and apply a wide vocabulary, alongside a knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology and
linguistic conventions.
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English offers candidates the opportunity to respond with understanding to a rich
array of reading texts during the course as a whole. Candidates will use these texts to inform and inspire their own
writing, and write in a range of text types for different purposes and audiences. This will inform their preparation for
Paper 2.
Candidates will develop both their speaking and their listening skills, delivering presentations, and responding to
questions and engaging in conversations.
Candidates are encouraged to become appreciative and critical readers, writers, speakers and listeners.
Paper 1 Reading
The syllabus is suitable for learners whose first language is not English, but who study through the English-medium.
• Develop learners’ ability to use english effectively for the purpose of practical communication
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language offers learners the opportunity to develop practical communication
skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Learners will be presented with a variety of texts that will build up their skills in reading and writing. They will learn to
select relevant details, understand the difference between what is directly stated and implied, and practise writing for
different purposes and audiences.
Learners will listen to a range of spoken material, including talks and conversations, to develop listening skills. Learners
will engage in conversations on a variety of topics and develop their skills in responding to different situations and
audiences with a degree of accuracy and clarity.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language will enable learners to become independent users of English both to
support further study and to communicate effectively in a variety of practical contexts.
All candidates take three components. Candidates will be eligible for grades A* to G.
• Understand and respond to literary texts in different forms and from different periods and cultures;
This course enables learners to read, interpret and evaluate texts through the study of literature in English.
Learners develop an understanding of literal meaning, relevant contexts and of the deeper themes or attitudes that
may be expressed. Through their studies, they learn to recognise and appreciate the ways in which writers use English
to achieve a range of effects, and will be able to present an informed, personal response to the material they have
The syllabus also encourages the exploration of wider and universal issues, promoting learners’ better understanding of
themselves and of the world around them.
100% Examination:
“Number rules the universe” – Pythagoras
Number does indeed rule the universe. The study of Mathematics is as ancient as man himself. It has been
developed in all cultures at all times in history and is at the root of all technological developments.
Modern society, with its emphasis on technology, demands that students should leave school equipped with a
wide range of mathematical knowledge and skills. Many areas of further education, business, finance and social
sciences require sophisticated mathematical skills.
The aim of the Mathematics course at Key Stage 4 is to enable students to:
• Apply mathematics in everyday situations and also to apply mathematics in other subjects, particularly science
and technology.
• Recognise a situation which may be presented mathematically, construct a mathematical model and solve the
When students enter Key Stage 4 they follow one of three strands.
The Accelerated Curriculum is for the most mathematically gifted students. They complete the IGCSE Extended
Mathematics in year 10 followed by IGCSE Additional Mathematics in year 11.
In addition to the topics within the Core curriculum, students within the Extended programme will study the following
In addition to the topics within the Extended Curriculum students within the accelerated programme will study the
following topics within the IGCSE Additional course:
Functions Trigonometry
It is the policy of the faculty to ‘set’ students by ability. Setting decisions are based on each student’s levels of attainment
and effort whilst also considering their results in both assessments and homework. Students new to the school are
tested on arrival, then allocated a set accordingly. Every student is monitored carefully to ensure they are appropriately
challenged and supported in their current set. Students who are not already in set 1 by the start of January in Year 9
cannot be moved up into set 1 after this date, including when they are in Year 10 and 11.
Those students who have followed the Core IGCSE course are eligible for an award of grades C to G only. Students who
have followed the Extended IGCSE course are eligible for an award of grades A* to E only. Students taking the IGCSE
Additional Mathematics course are eligible for an award of grades A*-E.
Calculators are essential for Key Stage 4. Candidates should have an electronic calculator for all of the calculator papers.
Algebraic or graphical calculators are not permitted for IGCSE papers. The model we currently recommend is the Casio
Where the use of calculators is allowed in examinations, calculators used must not be able to manipulate algebra; they
must be purely numerical. Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited:
• Qwerty keyboards
All students are issued with a textbook, either a hard copy or an online version. The textbooks will be supplemented
by material from a variety of sources. Technology in the form of software and subscription websites will be frequently
integrated into learning. Students will be given their own profile login to “” and Kognity.
There are two different routes for students in Science:
Option 1: Separate Sciences in Biology, Chemistry and Physics which results in 3 IGCSE’s.
Option 2: Coordinated Science, a Dual Award Specification which combines all three Sciences into two IGCSE’s;
As an IGCSE option, students may also elect to take Separate Sciences. This consists of one IGCSE each in Biology,
Chemistry and Physics. The students in this programme will study the sciences to a greater depth; consequently,
this is a more challenging option. For those considering taking two sciences in the IB diploma programme
this may be beneficial to them as it reduces the knowledge and skills gap between IGCSE and the Diploma
Programme and to ensure that fundamental topics have been covered in sufficient depth to facilitate likely success
at IB. However, students will need to be able to thrive when working at a greater pace and depth.
Many students in Year 10 and 11 will undertake the IGCSE Coordinated Science, Dual Award Specification. At the
end of this two year programme students will attain two IGCSEs, which are graded on the average of the three
Sciences studied: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. By taking this course, students are able to complete any of the
three Science subjects as part of their IB Diploma Programme, at Standard Level or Higher Level, dependent on
achieving the required grades. For nearly all students this is an excellent route and in no way limits the option
of studying Sciences in IB, or further education. However, due to the reduced content involved for Coordinated
Science, there would be additional bridging work set by to help ensure there any areas not covered are done so in
sufficient detail to ensure a successful start and positive trajectory to IB Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
Students should engage with the Science department further for more information.
The Coordinated Science syllabus is split into Biology, Chemistry and Physics sections, with the students having
separate Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons with relevant specialist teachers.
• Provide insight into the Sciences through well-designed studies of experimental and practical Science. In
particular, students’ studies should enable them to acquire understanding and knowledge of the concepts,
principles and applications of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and, where appropriate, other related Sciences so
that they may:
• Become confident citizens in a technological world, able to take or develop an informed interest in matters
of scientific import;
• Recognise the usefulness, and limitations, of the scientific method and appreciate its applicability in other
disciplines and in everyday life;
• Be suitably prepared to embark upon certain post-16 Science-dependent vocational courses and studies in
any of the pure Sciences and applied Sciences.
• Develop abilities and skills that:
Human Influences on
For each of the Science areas, (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) all students will be continually assessed to help
track their progress against their personal targets and to enable students to reflect upon their learning. Progress
will be checked by assessing many aspects of the students work including: classwork, homework, end of unit
tests, summative assessments such as mid-year examinations and end of Year examinations. Effort grades will be
determined by the student’s effort both in lessons and homework. Final examinations will comprise a Multiple Choice
Question paper, a written exam paper and an alternative to coursework, investigation skills, exam paper. Each paper is
made up of Biology, Chemistry and Physics sections combined together.
The Separate Science syllabi are split into Biology, Chemistry and Physics IGCSEs, with the students having
additional lessons for each subject. The depth and breadth of study in each subject area is greater than for the
Coordinated Science programme.
The aims and objectives, in addition to those of Coordinated Science Dual Award, are to:
• Develop a broader understanding of Physics, Chemistry and Biology through providing a more challenging
course content and more opportunities for exploration of scientific ideas;
• Challenge and stimulate high achieving Science students who have a passion for Science.
Within each of the Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), all students will be continually assessed to help
track their progress against their personal targets and to enable students to reflect upon their learning. Progress
will be checked by assessing many aspects of the students work, including: classwork, homework, end of unit tests,
summative assessments such as mid-year examinations, and end of Year examinations. Final examinations will
comprise a Multiple Choice Question paper, a written exam paper and an alternative to coursework, investigation
skills, exam paper for each Science subject.
Studying Art and Design at IGCSE level is an excellent ASSESSMENT
foundation for any direction within the creative
The assessment objectives for IGCSE inform our ARE’s
industries. The transferable skills you’ll gain, such as
for KS3 and therefore there should be some familiarity
critical thinking, organisation, analysis and problem
with the students.
solving, complement a range of other subjects and
within ANY of the creative industries, including AO1: Record Record ideas, observations and insights
Architecture,should study Art and Design. relevant to intentions as work progresses
Art and Design complements literary, mathematical, AO2: Explore Explore and select appropriate resources,
scientific and factual subjects. It is especially media, materials, techniques and processes
concerned with the development of visual perception
AO3: Develop Develop ideas through investigation,
and aesthetics. The subject encourages visual
demonstrating critical understanding
communication, independence and a high level of
critical thinking. AO4: Present Present a personal and coherent
response that realises intentions and demonstrates an
understanding of visual language
• Confidence, enthusiasm and a sense of range of different drawing, painting and printmaking
COURSEWORK • The examination is 8 hours and runs over 2 school
days with normal morning breaks and lunch.
Students will learn to work thematically and
conceptually using a wide variety of materials and • Students may produce 2D or 3D work for their final
technical skills. piece.
• One coursework project can be submitted with • The external assignment including the examined 8
supporting preparatory work which consists hours is worth 50% of the final grade.
of up to eight A2 panels of investigation and
• All examination work and preparation is externally
observational studies, plus multiple final outcomes
assessed by Cambridge International Examinations.
which are linked thematically.
Students will work independently with teacher support
• Coursework is worth 50% of the final grade.
as needed.
• All Coursework is externally assessed.
Are you curious about how businesses operate and This comprehensive two-year course culminates in two
succeed? Do you want to learn the skills that can open exams, each accounting for 50% of your final grade.
doors to numerous career opportunities? If so, IGCSE Both exams are 1 hour and 30 minutes long.
Business Studies is the perfect course for you!
like in the real world. Here’s what you can expect to • Are considering a future career in business or
explore: entrepreneurship.
Paper 1: Computer Systems
The assessment is by written papers, but the learning
Topic 1: Data representation
should be done in a mainly practical way: problem solving
• Number systems and programming. Questions will require the candidate
• Test, sound and images to think, use knowledge with understanding and
demonstrate understanding gained through practising
• Data storage and compression
practical skills. Questions will not revolve around pure
Topic 2: Data Transmission recall.
• Types and methods of data transmission Paper 1: Computer Systems - 1 hour 45 minutes (50%)
• Methods of error detection This written paper contains short-answer and structured
questions from topics 1 to 6. There is no choice of
• Encryption
questions. No calculators are permitted in this paper
Topic 3: Hardware (75 marks).
WHY STUDY DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY? Students learn how different manufacturing techniques
are used in industrial situations including printing
Design and Technology allows students to develop their
techniques, plastic forming and automation. They
ability to solve real life design problems creatively with
consider the social, moral and environmental issues
the innovation of products, systems and environments,
associated with design and technological activity and
leading to solutions that will enhance and improve the
consider how to minimize its negative impact.
lives of others. Design and Technology covers a wide
range of skills and disciplines including Engineering, They learn to use a range of different drawing techniques
Product Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design, that include geometry, orthographic and isometric
Illustration, Architecture, Marketing, etc. The study of projection, perspective, annotated freehand sketching
Design and Technology encourages students to use skills and colour rendering. They use industry standard
and knowledge learnt in complementary subjects which software including Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
include Science, Mathematics, Art, Business Studies/
Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate
Economics and Geography. Design and Technology
their skills in a self-directed coursework project. With
supports their understanding of the world around them,
teacher guidance they choose their own area of study
and how they can make a positive impact through
and develop a design brief that encourages creativity,
innovative design.
innovation and the solution of a real life design problem.
They learn to overcome technical problems in the pursuit
of design excellence.
Drama at IGCSE builds on the skills and experiences of Students will prepare three practical performances during
KS3 Drama and is accessible to all. Studying Drama will the course, two of these will be created in groups of
develop your communication as well as acting skills; it will between 2 and 6 and the third will be a monologue from
make you more aware of body language and vocal tones. a published play. Students are marked not only on their
Studying Drama is not just about becoming a star actor; performance skills but also in their understanding of the
it is about developing the way that you present yourself characters and scenes that they are portraying as well as
and understanding how theatre and presentation can their use of technique in both performance and rehearsal.
or negotiation. Drama skills are truly transferable and our extensive extra-curricular activities in order to allow
widely demanded in the world today. scope for further development outside of the classroom
environment if you decide to take this course.
The Economics course is designed to develop an understanding of economic principles in relation to the world in which
we live. Economics provides students with an analytical challenge since it seeks answers to difficult questions such as:
• Is the free market the best way to produce goods and services?
The subject will help students to participate more fully in decision-making processes, as consumers and producers
and as citizens of the local, national and international community. Students will also develop an understanding of the
economies of developed and developing nations and of the relationships between them.
Students, who have an interest in why and how economies exist and how they can be managed and developed.
Those students,who have an interest in economic numeracy and literacy and have the ability to handle simple data
including graphs and diagrams.
The first section of the syllabus introduces the fundamental ideas and concepts that
underpin the study of economics including the basic economic problem, factors of
production, opportunity cost and production possibility curves.
The fundamental principles of resource allocation are considered through the price
mechanism in a market economy. The market forces of demand and supply, market
equilibrium and disequilibrium, and elasticity form the core of this section.
The microeconomy is an important area of study, and the approach to learning taken
here is through the role of the major decision makers: banks, households, workers, trade
unions and firms.
GOVERNMENT AND Governments have different macroeconomic aims, and conflicts often arise between the
THE MACRO choice of measures used to achieve them. Variables must be measured to consider the
ECONOMY causes and consequences of change, and appropriate policies applied.
INTERNATIONAL The importance of trade between countries and the growth of globalisation is explored.
TRADE AND Principles such as specialisation, the role of free trade, the role of multinational
GLOBALISATION companies, foreign exchange rates and balance of payments stability are considered.
Assessment at the end of the course students will be required to take two external examination papers:
Paper 2: 2 hour 15 minute paper with structured written questions worth 70%.
“Simply put, Geography is our future. When we look at any issue with the balance and scrutiny that
geographical study offers, we move beyond the media hype or political spin. Geography allows us to see the
world more clearly.” – Tom Biebrach
IGCSE Geography involves the study of both natural and human environments and the interactions between them.
Students will study the key geographical patterns, processes and ideas which are fundamental to the future of the
planet and its inhabitants. As globalization brings us all closer together, it is more important than ever to understand
the dynamic world we are all a part of.
Although IGCSE Geography can be split into human and physical topics; it is the interactions between these which are
crucial to the contemporary study of Geography.
These are integrated throughout the course and allow students opportunities to develop application,
interpretation and analysis through graphical and mathematical skills.
All students will attend a series of expeditions (around HCMC and a weekend in Mui Ne) over the course to
explore the geographical enquiry process through hypothesis development, testing, methodologies and
data collection, data presentation and analysis of data in the field.
Geography is assessed 100% through externally assessed examinations. All students will take three papers:
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
Everyone has their own perspective on why events happen and if they are dealt with effectively by their government
or the global community. To understand political, social and economic issues in the present day it is essential to
understand and learn about History. If you have an inquisitive mind and want to understand the world around you
more, then History is an excellent option to choose. Not only will the course help you to make sense of significant social
and political events, but it will also give you the opportunity to discuss what happened and why it happened, whilst
encouraging you to argue a point of view.
IGCSE History will also help you to develop many new and valuable skills that will benefit you in whatever you do in
life. It will help you to write and argue more coherently, organise your work so that your ideas are clearly explained and
evaluate source material more critically. The transferable nature of these skills means it is highly regarded in universities
in Europe and the USA and is a great choice for a wide range of careers such as; journalism, law, politics, business, the
public sector, broadcasting, NGO’s, archaeology and anthropology.
History is not just about memorising facts. At IGCSE, candidates will have to apply their knowledge to a variety of
different questions and describe, explain and evaluate certain topics. Source analysis also makes up an important
part of the course. Students will have to answer questions analysing a number of sources of historical evidence, from
newspapers, photographs, speeches and political cartoons, and draw conclusions as to their usefulness and reliability.
The ability to make balanced judgments, on the evidence available, is a skill required in every walk of life, not just History.
Paper 1: This paper is 2 hours long and is worth 40%. In the paper, you will be given choices from the core content topics
below. You must answer 2 of these choices. You will study them all in lessons.
You will also answer 1 question on the Germany Depth Study (see below for content description).
Paper 2: This is a source analysis paper, which is worth 33% and lasts for 2 hours. You will answer six source questions
on one of the nominated topics above. Each year students are made aware of which topic has been selected by the
examiner. For examinations in June 2022, the source paper will be on KQ6: How secure was the USSR’s control over
Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989? For examinations in June 2023, the source paper will be on KQ3: Why had international
peace collapsed by 1939? For examinations in the summer of 2024, the source paper will be on KQ5: How effectively
did the USA contain the spread of Communism?
Students will also examine the History of Germany in greater depth for Paper 1 and the coursework. The Depth Study is
divided into the four main themes below:
• The Nazi regime – how effectively did the Nazis control Germany 1933-45?
Candidates produce one piece of extended writing, of 2,000 words in length, based on content taken from the Germany
Depth Study. It is worth 27% of the final mark. The coursework is a single question, focused on the issue of significance.
The coursework component is internally assessed and externally moderated. We will complete the coursework in class,
with teacher guidance.
Candidates will be assessed using a mixture of coursework and exams. The coursework will normally be completed in
Year 11, with some focus on building the necessary research skills in Year 10. At the end of the two years, students will be
entered for two exam papers. As the papers are not tiered according to ability, all students will be assessed using the
same criteria.
WHY STUDY ICT? • Skills to consider the impact of current and new
technologies on methods of working in the outside
ICT is everywhere! The increasing use of technology
world and on social, economic, ethical and moral
in all aspects of society makes confident, creative
and productive use of ICT an essential skill for life. ICT
capability encompasses not only the mastery of technical • ICT-based solutions to solve problems;
skills and techniques, but also the understanding to
• The ability to recognise potential risks when using
apply these skills purposefully, safely and responsibly in
ICT, and use safe, secure and responsible practice.
learning, everyday life and employment. ICT capability
is fundamental to participation and engagement in Lessons will involve a combination of theory and practical
modern society. ICT can be used to find, develop, analyse work. Students need to be able to follow instructions
and present information, as well as to model situations precisely for the practical exams; class activities will
and solve problems. encourage students to broaden their skills and be able to
justify and explain their use of hardware and software. As
During this course students will learn how organisations
ICT is a subject that is constantly developing, marks will
use information communications technology to
be awarded for relevant answers which relate to new or
help them achieve their objectives and, in doing so,
emerging technology that has not been specified in the
students develop skills in using a range of software
as tools for solving problems. Students will explore
the transformational effect of technology on people
and communities and find out about components of COURSE CONTENT
technology systems – what they do and how they work.
• Types and components of computer systems
• File management Paper 2 – Document Production, Data Manipulation
and Presentations (30%). This practical test assesses the
• Images
practical skills needed to use the applications covered in
• Layout sections 17, 18 and 19 of the syllabus content. All tasks are
• Styles compulsory.
• Proofing
• Graphs and charts Paper 3 – Data Analysis and Website Authoring (30%).
This practical test assesses the practical skills needed to
• Document production
use the applications covered in sections 20 and 21 of the
• Data manipulation syllabus content. All tasks are compulsory.
• Presentations
• Data analysis Papers 2 and 3 may also assess some core knowledge
and understanding from the theory section of the
• Website authoring
Paper 1 – Theory (40%). This written paper tests sections
To ensure students undertake a broad and balanced
1–21 of the syllabus content. All questions are compulsory,
range of subjects at IGCSE level, students should not
mostly multiple choice or short answer questions, but also
select both ICT and Computer Science.
some require longer answers.
develop an international mindset. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language
effectively for practical communication. The course is
based on the linked language skills of listening, reading,
WHY STUDY MFL AT IGCSE? speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners
Studying a language will open the doors to a world of progress through their studies.
possibilities. Through languages, you will build desirable The syllabus also aims to offer insights into the culture
skills both in professional and personal life such as self of countries where the target language is spoken, thus
esteem, strong sense of identity, deeper understanding of encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning
cultural diversity and appreciation of the world. and towards speakers of other languages.
For many universities a foreign language qualification (A–E below). These provide contexts for the acquisition
is either required for entry or highly recommended. of vocabulary and the study of grammar and structures.
This applies to universities in Europe, America and Asia, The study of these topic areas enables students to gain an
especially for international programmes. The IB Diploma insight into countries and communities where the target
Being able to communicate in a variety of languages will B. Personal and social life
enhance your career and mobility prospects, whether
C. The world around us
you want a career in business, engineering, teaching, law,
tourism, fashion or sport. Moreover, the social value of D. The world of work
being able to communicate in more than one language is
E. The international world
enormous, as it opens up many opportunities throughout
the world.
Students follow a syllabus which gives them the opportunity to study both practical sports and theoretical aspects of
the human body and sports participation.
Component 1 is a written paper comprising two sections. Section A consists of short answer questions and Section B
has longer structured questions, covering the four topic areas of; Anatomy and physiology; Health, fitness and training;
Skill acquisition and psychology; Social, cultural and ethical influences in sport.
Component 2 gives students the opportunity to take part in a variety of physical activities, including individual or
team games, outdoor and adventurous activities, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming. Students choose four
sports in which they are assessed. They learn to analyse their own performance in their chosen activities and plan for
improvement throughout the course.
At the end of the two year course students will be assessed in their four practical activities, as well as one written theory
exam paper.
Cambridge IGCSE First language Vietnamese Paper 1 – Reading and Directed Writing
encourages Vietnamese native-speakers to read a Written paper, 2 hours, 50 marks
variety of texts and improve their use and style of Candidates answer all the questions in two compulsory
language in a range of contexts. Learners develop sections.
the ability to understand and respond to what they
Dictionaries may not be used.
read and to communicate effectively in writing. These
skills equip them for progression to further IB study • Section A: Comprehension and Use of Language
in Vietnamese. Please note that Vietnamese is a (25 marks)
compulsory subject that is required by the Department
• Question 1: Comprehension task ( 16 marks)
of Education & Training of HCMC for all Vietnamese
passport holders. • Question 2: use of language task ( 9 marks)
The course will develop students’ ability to: • Section B: Direct writing ( 25 marks)
• Explore and evaluate ideas and arguments in a • Question 3: Directed writing task
structured, critical and analytical way.
Paper 2: Writing
• Understand how to use the Vietnamese language Written paper, 2 hours, 50 marks
in different contexts for different purposes to Candidates answer two questions, one from each
influence and affect the world around them. section. Dictionaries may not be used.
• Review and reflect on their own work and identify • Section A Discursive/Argumentative Writing (25
ways to improve. marks)
• Innovate and apply their knowledge and Candidates answer one question from a choice of
understanding to engage with a range of texts two titles: one discursive and one argumentative.
and styles of writing. Students are able to adapt Candidates use the title to develop and write a
their skills in order to respond to tasks in different response.
• Section B Descriptive/Narrative Writing (25
• Take inspiration from and be interested in, the marks)
variety of languages around them. Candidates answer one question from a choice
• Read critically, learn from others and understand of two titles: one descriptive and one narrative.
how their learning fits within the wider contexts. Candidates use the title to develop and write a
All candidates take two components.
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Vietnamese offers
All candidates take:
candidates the opportunity to respond knowledgeably
Paper 1: 2 hours to a range of reading texts during the course as a whole.
Reading and Directed Writing 50% Candidates will use some of these texts to inform and
inspire their own writing and write in a range of text
Structured and extended writing questions Questions
types for different purposes and audiences.
are based on three reading texts Externally assessed.
The reading texts cover a range of genres and types,
Paper 2:2 hours
including fiction and non-fiction, and may also include
Writing 50% other forms of writing, such as plays, essays, reviews
Composition tasks and articles.
Externally assessed
101 Thao Dien Street, Thao Dien Ward,
Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 (0) 28 3636 0055
225 Nguyen Van Huong Street,
Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 (0) 28 3744 4551
246 Nguyen Van Huong Street,
Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 (0) 28 3744 2335
Updated version 6th September 2024