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C h a p te r1 2

ch em ic al na111n
:. V ll am iu a, e
a di ve ne en a 11.11d
dv e o rp n ic co m po un ds o f
m a, ru . an im al s an d 90 0: IC ba c1 l foocSs.
. lo ·at1Jy ,a,c rrnaJ gr ow th o r th e li fe in hu od . Jn ge ne ra l fr es h an d Da tu .ra
an d ao ro ug h .fo m in ai n an
\'i lS ,r i# ar e ~
ce pp li ed to th e or ga ni sm s th in s. W h en th er ci sa la ck of vi ta•d ia ca sc k~
en an
,: s, ee -' to , ,n au ,t r e s u ta in aJ 1t he nC C C $$ 8J Y vi
ta m C vi ta m .i nC ca us e.
cd ef ic je nc yo ta m in in an
~ ~a
tc •• co n_ ta m in os es fo re x. am pl ci at ed w it h th e ab se nc e o f vi n d.isease.s
e ea se s as so su lt in ce rt ai
li k e ~ th id s s h ~ uses ri ck et s. D ism an or ga ni sm al so re ow n as
~ it if .kD OW II a
en cy ca A n ex ce ss o fvi ta in s
re su lt in a se ve re di se as e kn
~ c~ in K ru n& ).
5f:Ul'/Y• Vitamin D
nU n; es - pi e ex ce ss o f vi ta m w it h in fl am m at io n o fth e ve ss el Ii
ta in
• pn •s m ai ec aJ Je d~ OSeS- . ob rJ oo d- ,o t;or m at io n in a ve th er ap c~ti c u ~ . .
• 11 • Jale yp en 'itanUd ug s fo r co m po un ds
be p& D ~· (w he is
er eed an d ar e em pl oy
nththes JS ed as dr
un k w ho de s~ nb ed VJ ~ n as re . B ut la te r
:1;;r D K. F tu
a. .
e ~ li sh bi oc he m is t th ei r vi ta l £u nc tJ on an d ba si c na - rn 1. •
ne w as
v,ram !O I ca n b
!' ° •ia,ru ·ne du e to
er ef or e th e te rm ,'l ta
I were-.cli sC O VC rede d~ JS as vi n ni tr og en an d th
v;iam•D-~ •. -.__.. an d caJJ . Jt • do no t co nt ai
. • II ....,.
._ IW IW .., m e VJ ta nu ns
ii .. ., louacf dJat so
IIOdi.04:iel IO vilamilL
in •
slficatlon o f V itasam tw o gr ou ps na.meJy
an d K .
ne y a, e broadly cl
si fi ed in to
m in s in cl ud es vi ta m in s A . D . E am jn C et c.
ta it
L Fat 101u•1e ri ta ad
a. _ F at so lu bl e vi jn s o f B gr ou p. v e
m la ._ T hi s gr ou p in cl ud es vH am io ns ar e al so th er
ce pt
1 Water,oJul>le ri ta gr ou ps . th ou sJ l so m e ex b e st o re d in
m in .s be lo ng to ei th er o f th es e tw o
T h e fa t so lu bl e ,i ta n ti n s ca n ea si ly
Gmcrallydlevita Ju bJ e bo th in fa t an d in ,v at er
lu bl e \. -i ta nt in s ar c ex cr et ed
vitaminHwlaicJI Js in
is tr at io n ca n be to xi c ,v he re as ,v at cr
ch em ic al su b st an ce s '" ·h ic h ar c
lodyanctexcasiwad e so m e su ch
ac id n ha ve Jo ,v to xi ci ty . T he re ar d ea si ly in to '\ it an ti n s Jn ,i ,· o_ al
ca n be co nv er te c. A s th e ch em ic
~ • .. , edminis tr
ta m in an d th es e . ~ rg os te ro l et
'1 simiJar to • vi g. B . c~ ro t~ ne ei r ch em ic al
n s _or p re cu ~ n s e. cl as si fy ~' 1t ar ni ns ac co rd jn g to th
IIIIDOlmotrte= ~
J> l' O ri ~

ss ib le fo
= ...... ns w er ee st abJ,shed Jt w as po
~ rm
-' ll li iU •• lb U owf s-• d" • · m 1n
· in ·
s to £o ur m ai n
gr ou p.
ch en ,q, _·_ d at I ia ca •v id es al l th e vi
V it a n.aa ·a o n es· · et c.
,. , o l lp ia 1d c 9eri : e. g. V·J~m1n _ C o r A sc or bi c ac idet in oJ er e
- - • a t ~ ci ;c .
~ e. g. v, ta nu n o etc.
fgr ou p A o r R •
au c, .e n
i, ., ~ 11._ es e .. ,i ta n u n s K
,, _ _ .. . .,. .;•5•1$ • •t ic ae ri ri -• • pl ex CI C
U ..) dj c R ... .. ~- •- '\" Jw am JO B co m

"• a .
I v1 • •
b al an ce d di c- t ,· it am in
•• • , . • re a. pp J a "· eJ J
.. .. ..❖. ,,.,ef ,c .,. • • • O ta m .m s fr o m ,p tl o n
Y Jn ad eq u ar c ab so
~ ~ - la 11lr.lous et fU Y in la ke .
~r di
D e ti c k n c y o r
., A-11 x-, . '::" • ~ d cm a~ ~ ~
.. .. = :. ru g s ~o r thc111puc1J~
lfl: z• nr..« ni ns a ,e• •
an, '-c:
._,_ ......
Of, bA.

.. - .
.. Jn ltaich is imolublc in •-atcr but at 1s solub le m alcohol and
)I is a J cllaw Cl) i!IIDfrl ♦llllltdl ~

els. ._.. L•usastruc:tmC similar to Vitamin A. and differs only in/J-Io

('J'1 1h• •~•r ..a• • • none
.wcta • L
usaa otber dowl cboll dknc l:ilis caDo dddl ydro rdlnO

• at, ~ ~
Ol= OI-C =Ol -~= CH- C=C H.C l~O H

OI, V'IDff lin"2

Vi11min ~ '\'itam in Ai and ~ are similar in their propenies and

'\'iramin ~ has impol'Wlt pnMIUIWl DOWD as c:aRJCcnCS 1\iud
actio n. .
l exist s as a, p, rout of whic
De most important one.
S..U U: \~ta min A isfoa nd iD fish In-a oil. cod-liver oil. milk. eggy olk,
swee t potatoes, t
NJlli iy iD carrots. An adult person DCCds 5000 aaits daily.
DcfidcacJ cliJtUH: Il causes Dipt bliacl,·-c:a, in lalcl' stagcs true kcrat
o mala cia (ulccra
• D +Pl .aCthe cornea) may occur leading 10 btiewrlN:11 It IRIY cause retar
~Ild a . . Mir de. dation of gro\\th,
• .
na 1; mtic ua. Vitamin A is producecl sydl ktall y tbr medi cal purpo
• W! ·• Ais a\-aalable in coacm traled soiUlioa ba or iP llblc:
.a. ..,.-,,ttk. la lhc trcatmcnl ol'night blind nas. l'ille ia A is admit Corm . Cod- liver oil ca
niste red in the dose of50,
1'1,000 ·a v ■Dy iJa the form oChalibur lhu ail
Aa CK II olwamin A causes nau.,ca. ■ clla-•1 litis e1C.
.J. Vila■ I• Bc1 ■1stla.1biscomplcxincludesaDa. WEILJ aoha blcvi
tamin sfoun d in)' ~
rice polis iqs-= . k comprises of the followin& I I ~ •
(t) Co) Vi:snl■ .. er ..1a.111e : niam iae II lt•m la 1 . .
. and Corms 53lts \\ilh
IIJ•cWmide 11111 • tM 1IIOlt commonly used Oll1& rs ... ..
Is atven on the folJo,,i~I
--~• . 1 • • ~ :S.. ,.la a crystals wl 11e l01t1
t. Il 1 • .,11 ,. •• • 1 RSM •• llt,· I 111. lls blolo&ical acthi ty 11
• • ~~ •
••• ••• •• ·•~ 111 -.,.. . . . . . ...
•sJl f11 •••\• Ccr 111- . _.11 ,1111, 1111mM:es. hypatcnsi
... .~ •:- W .., .... ..a.... .,• ., 1 and ocJc

Mf:iJI Cl
N ~ 0'3.:_ "•"-.---C H,
I Cla°' iOff

dn1g is Vffll ~
"Jkl'IIPC"flc ■,a: Thiamine hydrochloride tablets conta ining , u, ,oms oldie gollhe\'ilamPI
~ u e . Tbiaminebydrochlorideinjectionsaiealsoa,'3ibbleconwnin12.Sm rict:. llaM .
pa JDL VIL B. dcftciency can be prC\·cntcd by tiling proper diet like meal s paniaaLu1y
·~~ solub le sublta nc:e ~ts -=:uw:
1 \'kae ia B, or Ribon a,·la. It is a yellow CT)'SW Jine W2'Cr
a,cDZ)'IDCI are Flavin mononucleotidc and lla,in adcrune dinuclotidc
. Ju aqueous tolut1on PffS
)'dkn'ilb green fluorescence.
,, ~.{O Dl), .O~ al
CH1 N ~N"ro



Occurreace: It is found in yeast. Jh-er., wheat. egg yolk. milk. fuh etc.
in daily.
Dd"ackKJ clJJrun. The average healthy adult requires about 2-l mg af'R.i botla\ud com: n of
. c:n...-lciag of lips
'Th, ddtdelK-y of this ,itam in leads to inlla.mmation ofthe ton~
Gc nwcJa, DOll'D u cheilosis etc.
otl3\in t.ablcts
Tlltrpa.dc un. R.lboOa\in is administered c-.ither orally or pare.nit.rally. R.a1> R.ibo flnm
i _ • • 2 -,of the ,itam in are administered 5 to 10 ms daily in therapeutic doses
Olbcr memb ers of ,itani in B
IIIUQ.• corceias 10 mg or riboflavin per ml It is usually gi\'CR wifh
. -

\'it... _ B, or putodaenic acid. It is an organic add and has the tolloa

iJtg structure.

m_O H-y- afOf l-CO .NH -CH ,-CI ~ -COO H
Pllnbl bmucA cid
A em,ro e. llie


:..a.« l • fll CDalZJ'IDC A. AJJ acctylation rex.1ions are inDucnccd by

Gt. • n I I ml rllpa,atolhcnjc acid is about 5 mJ.
•Jii* ~'llarir k•.wr craof ' 'itam inarc : lhu, kidney, "beat
~• t :J ■ a.~ IJll"p lenl olpaa toebn uc acid ddici
. pe:1,m s, cm:al s, milt nc..
eacy is not ~ u in man. ln
•11111:11...._~•'-•III du Mids. &iCII ol11V"1h. beUl'rmwaaf•r de-,c ,xnlio n
wil~ anlvl M
•a. Oakiaa• pt tacla alle is ldCd in Sbq11omytin ta.'lcity4,p.R.hc
I,,, 1D1ala11Wilho«w,1Dt.Dk:11olB-compkspa Alo•~ •u:ii1 14':•
add IF Mil J•CN tltS fMipe. ~ NMe a de. I
'. '
144 1 Jk+ I ,(11
• I!" .._ •a&T L

:: LT', ,t ~-Jc:erJ :
_ _ _ _ _ _ ftc Ii mfiel
Plei¥plaoi4" ' - pamitac:id(Folic acid)

Its acri-.e a,c,al'fllC It Dil MJ 6 elmic acid. . - ,. ach, ban

. ..,.~ INld•· ~ ftaalsofoundmspv,
Occalffllff-111•• .a~ ... 1:--kidety
~... •J-

~t>crri4,dC... - • • c6canaania..
DtradnlcJ 611•,n. l1icck&icncy·o(ro1EacidametnlCl"OCY . ,,
lJ1a: fo zk•••
wa1ofraac,ocydic aDIC"\ia. Folicacid ~ vc adnun-mercd orally. fn
u!uc:akahei,am:dperMIDy. . ,. . .. .
S.'8c 1,: iradd, Yaaia 11 ucl Nicotiu■ide. fl isan orpruc acid Le. P)ridme-3--artxn:
~ . . ., Wowwc S1J'Vdlll'e..


Mcscimc kiri .
!falira aala,puilci),~ ii nser~ TheN""IC«inanideiscfsff'ermt from lhc acid in btir4
~ • wa1a-.. H"r.acimnlidc Im odourJas nile aymJJine powder. Nicotinam idc fw d;t
p;~o, e• c:•Mfr. a~ i n c ,wckltide as active coalZ)mes.
Oc,w1111Uer1Nm. TIie import.anlsourmofnicumitacidare "heat, yeast, IJVer, bark1,
Pf'kdM 1• ocmifllliD)y in combined fmn is COCIIZ)ffle I and II..The normal daj]y RqJ.
6is ,._ii is bdwww IS and 20 mg..
Dr&•IICJ ._ ■ 11 tf°1CUieiclCiddeflCimc:y causes adisease kn<Mn as pellagra~t)tb is
ad pipac..,...oNlcstil,e+ecially in regi<>nsexposed to the wnlight, other sympto:r.s
ilff " ~ qt sawc diait,, me1111I confusion, spinal cord degeneration etc.
Uses: Hicocaic add bmed •• paijjmal vasodilator, as it causes peripheral vasodibtiioCI t,J
rtlmatd oldar maa smuodl 111mtla. It an be adminbtmd both oraJJy a~ well as
Niabaicacidor• •is med iub& traruwnt ofpellagra is daily dose of50 to 5·00 mg, Ld
of)liculinic acid is USO llled IO ftllla arua dloJeslaol le~els.. .
6. , ..a ■I •• • P),Wnllt. b ilne1• ~ but is a minure of P)rldox·me, P>...._~
•damdvaoCpyridiw_ 1hae substanffl are close in their chcm~al

•• d tit••••••...•••.,_Y,,n c •ca._~--
ln ca a . . _ ~ -
;-- -~
at ab Je . P: ),a -J do xaP ~ p. .. .. __• . . • ~
•• ,
• • lll ea
-n • .~ d I• Pl"IO-duc d -• td
•·• ~,_ .ae lU ae o. .-: .._ .._ ._ , llc
.-..... as ... ..-. .. •- ~-... Al
.. -a . ■ * .., ._• .,,
re the _y an , J n e e ~~•Y -
• • ~ ~ l l y IJc c:; au
oC ~d ox aJ . ~ re 21
ho ey .la do n
• • by ph c,t ap w el l as hi pl an ts_ th e-•-" 0 I & , ~ ~ ~ - ... _, ,•. Gu t.,
1,o CJ a fa an im al s as - ~ Q 8 • -:, :-~
t as t etc ..
a n g e n a c n r or
•• JI .. 111<)11~ ye el' IZ y"l ne a _ _
iit •• -• V J«arni" s . d e l i c J e n c ;y causes der
T • .D ef ic je nc y ln Jn Ca nt. s _ •e • ~°!.
_.Uas ~ h y -
G_ T.
re su lt J.n ab no rm al
W fd Ch mJn causes 1
or I.h is ""'•
ad ul ts
.ll ,.$ 1 eilWto>D~ n..." ' : : : ' • h t ~c . In
..., . C• w •a es e-. ._. ~ •e pr od uc tJ, -re or ga
ns etc .
on in ac e s' "'
:,w th . re id ~ ie nc y jn jn fa nt s. It 1 1
If ¥ 51 8 hl lu 1> Jti on or gn t o. rc :o nv uJ sJ on s du e to py rid ox jn e de ficffl js us ed in 'W >m tu !;. :;.
tm en to I 00 g
•• -· ft d la th e tr ea ra . Py ri~ o; ,d ne in ll:_ie da il~ do se 0£ 20 G. T.T. an d D'I Cn taJ dc prc ss W> ns .
Cp elJ ag no rm al
. . . iit nt el lt o,
ss . I( ts a l~ 1• :se d ~n tre
at .In ~ ab
nia .n y ca .rb ox yla
tio n
la ,a df ad on si ck neor hi ch Eu nc :U on s as co cn .zy n> e £o r
ga ni c ac id ft'
• - - • • • ff . It Is
aa. th e f'o llo wf ng st. ru c1 ur e. co
I ·I

ff: ,C -... .._
_. ,.- ,-C H .(C ff; ,),
..C ~
s 'T he ni ai n so ur re s
ar e eg g-
gh er an j in al s.
1o un ts in al l th e tis su es o fhi
M .t1 ttM Cu n In an alI an lly in hu .zn a.n s. H ~ r .
it ha s
ltl lb tr . ffl ilk et c. un te re d na tu ra
fic ie nc y is no t en co w eg g w hi te or av id jn ca us es bo <l i de fic
ie nc y
. . . ,, ,e : Bi ot in de
.... s o£ ra
"" tfl •t" di et co nt ai ni ng la rg e am ou ntet c.
rm af jti s
pa na ly sis ., dc
... .. llt hs • .-f... ..r. ¥R .. ap eu tic al ly .
Jll \ , ... ., • • oC th is vi ta m in is no t kn cn is v- it. az nin is no t in us e th er
t cl ea r th JJ cn vin g
•- -• N •k ar cl et ic ie nc y sy nd ro m e is no cl oh cx .a ne w hi ch ha s I.h e: £o
•~ ow n as he xa hy dr ox y cy
~ J y Jt Is kn


~ilial '
no se ve n c.. ,£ ~n ,ch
op t,c aJ ly ln. ac .1, ,, p_
ar c,
,,, rm ,•• lilt .e lc nt on
!l :J ~- ~~ .-a xy cy cl oh ex a.. n. an f so ur ce ,s clt n.
~.. T' he jm po
RI Fa ll_ ,.. ,,m ,a1 , ,
lnt ol' lu
c1 ah 1 an d lu tlr . ou f ot ',h o ,,, na 4fl C'
■. " nd oc au .,.flc,afcss
•1,11' ot "w
:n c, , e> t't hl • .-1 1a ml
n i• no t •,- .e, :.ln ,;r
• fw "1 alt n de W lfh Ib o n- .et ab
c> fla ,n ~r ,-,,,,.,
ff#.. ,... . ••I IO CU .u ,d
146 A Te~1hoolt of Phar111«,111lcal c,-

9•Vitamin B • Itisalsoknownascyanocobalaminand th.isvitanUn is1coblkcontaialn1

ID odourleN,
structure which is related to porphyrins and has a complex suucture. It ii
~ solution..
crystalline powder. It is sparingly soluble in water. It is stable in neu tral 1 ete.
Source: It is found in all animal tissues especially fn the liver o~ftsh . P f. ~beep
Deficiency diseases: The deficiency olthe ,itamin causes pern ia~ ~~ ncy.. .,
and de·~ -.
the spinal cord. The same symptoms are also seen in the case o!foh~ acid ddkae
~ci aJ
Usts : Vitamin B is effective against anaemia and B12 is lherapeuucally more
loscd,J3ll. ---
acid. It is available i~ ampoules. The crystalline drug should be stored in well-c
. . ..
should be stored in a dark place. group. It is •
10. Amino brnzoic acid. This is also included as a member of vitam m B
It has the following
odourless crystalline powder and gets darkened on the exposure to light

p-Ammo Benzoic Acid
is used in
Any disease due to its deficiency in man is not known. Aminobenzoic acid
have some adverse side
Screen lotions and creams for topical application. It is known to
hepatitis, hypoglyccnia etc.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid •
water and ia
11 is a white crystalline powder with an acidic taste. It dissoh'CS readily in
mono basic
though it is insoluble in either bcnunc or chloroform. It behaves like a
decomposed on boiling and by treating with alkali.
It has the following .structure: 0
110"-.. ___......---c
C \
· II
1l0/ c.... ..__ _/
HO- C-1 1
Soarce: The Ian15 . L-Asca-bic Acid
oru,e,. lemon,~ 8:tiportant so~ of~iS\ilamin. It is obtained from the ml. ol
Qlllllhislbaulo.,.;:.thi5·• ~? vc~ctab~es like cabbage, tomatoes etc. One ot·Cilll•
Jt shcJuJd be stored In Vl~ n. V,t~ •n C can be synthesised from the juices
.... .,.___iao:.-m~bc cont_mncrs and should be protected from light.
dlai■ • ~ lllminCdcfic1ency leads toa disease known as Scun
y the..,...
Jllaa;.,.. etc. la mCants~subculancous lissue, muscles or joints swollen, 1nfiamcd.el
• VI ,.., - . fn bibles hoe S)'m~toms arc loss of apctitc, hemo
rrhages gum chan,
A.... . lllllt • are given powder milk.
And:Jc -=Id ~.• IOO d amount ~vitamin C which is not presenmatrix t in powd~r
· eamt ial for the fonnauon ot collagen. intcrccUul:1t and thus
n ofbaemo&1obia. aythro
in the formatio
fl _. ~c :a rd lq e. bo aa and feedL It also helps rabydralolaae.. AICOlbic acid also hel ~
l:- dc nversion of Colic acid to
tet ps ,n
fJlllla,111• _ . in the coIt is radiJy absorbed from gastrointestinal traa.
~~- JDdll,olJsm. of 100 to soo me
scurvy , wh en it is in the dose in
media dae treatm en t of
in per day. Vitamin c helps
11_, : a,-, ,cany cu be prevented by giving S mg of'this vitamferric into ferrous ions. Vitamin
"1· IatrtiJe tine as it facilitates the CO
DYCJ'Sion of still
~'l fll lll ·•o fn ah m die intes
itr ro le in the treatm ent of common cold is
on cold, thoug h orrhages etc.
.11 ctlaM qaic,st comm of co nditio ns lik e an ae mia, dental infcctions, haem kg of
• It isallo used in va
c ac id is 30 m g fo r an adult and about 5 mg per
t olasa,J bj
1k m!aiu■ua daily ~
-- lo t iafancc.
e stcrols arc
nO(c,JcllerolsJ and are form ed by irrad iaion of speciric stcrols. Thes llows :
n s n clamlna.. Unofsterols
vitam ins of this grou p are isolated which are as fo
11 pn,-,ica
mim til now five
D2 ( eriocaJciferol) 7-dchydrocholcslcrol
D, (cholecalciferol)
22, 23 Dihydrocrgostcrol
IUID, & • " ergosterol with a mixturcoflumist



Cf ~

Cbolcakifcrol (VL D1)

HO V1t1mu1 o,
Yklmil D,

Vifllmin I>
fq -' ft ewer ,,,, ,,.., ,,,_ .~., ,'<' 1/ r
■ in lhe &t~ro1
1 he '" D
&n d arc S,rod II •• o, and otb
at dill'cr from Vllem':a D, ..a ;a • 1ullr '6a Ill<,
; pc dl7
Ch o ~ Jn I llm ilar WIJ by in'Wtiltton Gld
rol D, oa: ura u 1"bHe "'. ... ... ...
in ruC (j': :l~ i~c
. I A r• UI ... ..., but••*1et1 d1
io lip , re si- - ~G IR L 1
' Ua 110red
lt8I _ . . a1 u1 rr• ._ . •k
l!rsoc.aJcUeroJ CD,) lie col our lca CIJ orption orc.
imp orta nce or, itam ia D ii dal l M,.. ,._ MJ I Da 1 d 1111e la die abs
andn,1e nw n min cra fj~. •
tdn alt ra: f_, .,.. .,a I "1'l lllid le1 111 Um the
r •os ph oru atr om psa iof
1 th and bon e Ussue ol a lf'OWUII Of P7 i-.
• .
J --di hydro~cho
,,. _ • • - " ; ... al!91'mnnl •
C'C" ,25
. Th e mcc abo Uc: aa" 1uo l'vi lam i.a D
die k;d aq. .
c1fc-ro1 \\ hk h b biOl)'Dlhe&t.,C,.,, MJ wrcal JI •.. ., obU .lned from the Jivcr or the
e ma Jo IOU lt'e olva carn A• D ii c:ac ~
So u rec : Th ts~ • .., ,.. .,. ,.. _ butter, mil k etc. Vi 1
an J olh rr 1e.1 ani ma l,. It t•. ... , ia ... Ur
. .
i I an act h·e •er-nc in lnac:lialcd )'GIit. Dcr al'Yi&an UII Dr I Ms• n •di _._ . kno wn as rick ct. tlle 'Yrn
Od le lc-nC "y dlw a,e : The clc: ficw lt in deri
are lhaa the ,e is sof tcn iDl aad Ju4 clcrlff""dl olf hl bo~s, wh ich resu
of d&scuc .
duJ dre a ltvm 6 ,.. ,.. ., 2 ,ar s ol •re. .
TI1 is disc-ate is
md t.od l as a rirl mi • ud •1 Jmnnoac. A:'• vu.anun it ~s used to P~
Vlt'J: \"i&
Jalf tl pla rm fao rpa k plb lpl ■t1 •n d abcM • c:c rwn thresl10ld, u also mai
ric lns by maia&a
. fl allo p, na ll -.. cJc wa kne n,
c.aJcium abo\'C I cat aia mli caf Ind nsa reo nin tcs tin e,k ,
au• •,.. ...• *m ajo rac do
Tll ext J,- ean etB oli &e ofn wn iaD
boots. INd Clc s de. . daily rcqui
y nq wm nea , ot,1 11m in D YI cM ldl al_ , adu lll is abouf 10 mg. Th e
The dul
IPCJO" ofcod -ltf ft oil..
CM flC ,up pue d bJ ,m a, a CCI bl. '!"l as ue mo aJy adrnjnistered parenu
D it d m die IR:ltmC R« of ric
Va ,m n u,c D. •
Ullramaa-uLlr l,vectioa. Ca laa m sho
DJd a110 be p.c.tClilNJd aJon1 wil h \1la min 1
l-ita min D dctic
f with °'9 llic Stundioe IO prevent
Vit uli a D i1 alto Ji,-en ro die pad all Som
aJo ni "il h cnJ c:a lda lll llll lle llil lrd as_ __ _, ol hypoparathyrodism.
II ii a&o Ule d
,, ,. .. , ... , . . . , 111111 an d- a... ..
V. .,. ,,. E for llie fcrtjJity of the "~ •
Vltanwa E JS la l bc nra a aeaae,fJif
) .& cD .., . II impo,1anr
; c ••h ul ln cd os cly related structure.
V. mB n,, -., ol' Jll lln ll,O Q. W ria fo cd as a, P. y."
lll: "f I: ◄ala. . _ . R dw xtc ris
" f& dr n c:o&t1ndJ DO lt'8 • ; t f tla D die a«opheroJs e.g.
and rocop
D81 1d ••t o N I,. t fl
dllrs: • •- " MO
_ ,s7 .: I cliacdtyl roc:ol etc.
' • 1: 1 rrialldlJ'I 11111t11.I • S; I• ll.hJI ..,
m_r t;H,
..., ..~ JJ. lxC Jf, .C I ~.Cl ~.Cl l(CI ~ )l

Jin , a ulill111111f•••••. -. .111111111

in the seed oils, \\he ·
63 ft ii. ,, nc and cattJe, Il is

aa pincapigs. It gt\
taJ muscle. !
die concentration o
s u- 1 ...._...,. • ,;=• ◄ • - • ,.,,,
- ~ 1•_.
rz ► a al• r sc • -- t - - • ._ •. , . ~ - - --=-·.
•S!llll•s• :.T- ■ s s -
11, e11c; .. g
rt -c.-~-~••◄•61a:11weae , _ •■'-lljs...- - -
- - -w- MW - -as n -. . . m Ml ey_
■ iiJll a
..,. -□ -•••• r■ d ay ._ ; .,;-;
a ; DI r -r ■ in I r: :i 11y ,..t

·.~-«r:•1 -a■•IIC...'I---...•••
••••: :::::: .:

-:.:,: :~.·._.. . . . . . aA• --~ --- .,,

is... - cd1,t;iil!IM-.::-•rre- ,... NC . . I
C fi.6,.w :c
·---- ·••1 1e•t s a l CJl'C:Y,Klecat'
◄-ha as.-1111z-.e11••==~===•=•••
--••--c=1+P-.=--••• •·- .. r,
a ■ ilD "°"
and I dac •-- as wt,,i :c:b: w:
. .._..... .... ..
a ,. c:ly K. e-:=
...., . a-a- - d Kr- V--e :sm c:a K-:a .-■ raa l'~ ecc •*• .-.
-.y •lnK ••a - .. ~ Yit rna ans i.D •lli s ...,. ~..,. _,. ~ - a -
I t 11:S m
-p - aa
,-albC O-AA ',.- • ■ • • ..._ - is
4 FC..- - r ►:e qied e:-w ee ~,. ,_
~ -
:c.- Ca' WD
ti s
-.+ ich us i. 4 pl . . on. C'.ASJ ' e 90 1'ict ,.a' ..
oiiJ_ •• is qu. ke -•b &e in . . .
• 5 9 . .,,,. - , hie . . . - IC - ~ ta fi.x ed

==- II c Fa d

_ _ _
-r-i n ~ a l s o ~ 1-.4 -mp cba cpr ioc _~ nuc leu s.. ~oe dK >W c ,-.b ac:: h .s :2-n acc .hyl --J. ..4 -
"'ir ~ ana in,g -aK s
:i:2 K has S1CN »:i.c imp ort: an•
-4 aap ihtt !a,q ain oac :_ Th ese b.a: Ye
pht .bio coJ wh ich .3 h:,, "'dr o~- 2 ~ y l ~
• aN haq iFW w c ..
-►■ CM Xha &ic pup cn. ies • l i f l o ~• ._.. .,.._ .,. e&c: ..
aJI C.ft Jca fy-~ gc• ab- lc::
s. ~ l o p s _ . . ; ~~-

is Cou nd in -=•"C
Sr •ee : V'°d ama n K. c;;;r--
a~ egg . ~ csc .
or f>.lo ..n.rt . its • ...,.; a c-91 1:S t:be l.i..a ae or
- .. ~
• ◄ ia ~ is fon ad in fish . .»w
'lllr rs::: ze ; 'T'b e vic: am, in JC is css enr ia 1 .Co , c:::o ag,& la:ti on
l>er ac:i« m cy as ~ b a g i c Y9P arn:
i:ns. :.
hi °"" c:tcw • • g end the sc ..-e als o ~ y ~ I.he p n : , d a ~ Co , dae-f'ow- ►auoa OC
-bk, r,od
on b
,.. ,.._ aha K kel ps m bJo ocl rmg u.J .ati
- atcwn-ez :r az, e
is u9C "d as a blo ud C:2' :#ag 'tala .__ Lt. u
ais o u K ct Ea,
c:aJ agc a~ ..-h ich
...__t!ae s Vi« = _ __.
in K is a bac :11 ..ot ~gi
- - y'• -r,..,
.., -.-,-;;_ -
.r::w -
ns•n -
.as a I
sou -=:acl
c - ..__,
m ...,~-: X:. UC E&
_.11, .._
bar c.& e&i a (<lc :fi-c xinc .w I
~II "
~ •- &-.a 1Pl- :ico e,au h1n t IO. .~t
end as am po- 1 ~ • cwa &au .ata
_.... .,
:,;; •• a : • • aa I.he blo od) _ s .Jo cn::.: .:SO • •
-. . ,--c- _
as tab let oC 5 :mg poc cnc y
:111 11.;: ,.; · • ~ a~ s ecle nenr is&c -• ed
CDIC itdc
r-w--...... .. d c and .l~a pca i h • 4 FI nzr =-• do -" slu e a r r
111111._ja..,.-•ca Q T I r- coe cae nin & ~ - ' ~ a : : r n n o s i
Ck CJ a 9lic I cl as- lly act: .wc * - ms,,. ,.:we ,.,,.,_ CCa nd aa iaca calN i , _ .
aSI C dll ?VCM WK ■-c:::ape 1 1aey-•• IFB

di•a n:• oC t..lliiie- • • i w

Liw l I I • 3 ■.,c c c


0 OH

Jt.·am~ o/lltw J11.::miun &we, lxjid,ney DlM:r,u
L Vi:amtnAI fish ln·er oil Night blindness
2. '\"itamin A,
n '.1tamin B Complex
l \"ltaminB• IUcc. "heat, yeast. li,-cr Bcn"bcri
2. 'Vitamin B1 ~filk, egg-yolk Chtilosis
3. VitaminB Green plants. li\~r udney Chick dcnnalitis
... Folic acid • Rice polishings, }-east ~faaoc)-clic anaemia

,. Niootimc acid Eu. milk. animal organs

deficiency of R.BC
6. Pyridoxin B, Ycut. fim muscle etc. Dermatitis in rats
7. ~Biotins Egg•yolk, lh-er, milk
I. ~ksoinsositol Citrus fruits Loss of 1'~i&ht ud . .
in rats
9. Vi ·nan Liver of fi~ pig Pernicious aoae mi.a
Jll. VitaminC Citrus !ruits.. green Scun-y
IV. ViwninD Fish li,u oil Rickets
V. VitaminB \\"heat gctul oil Sterility
Cottonseed oil
VJ. Vi.tamin K CCIQfs_'y ,·qel3Ncs
VJ1 Vitamin P Onpe1. onnges er~
E...,...uon of Thiamine (Vitamin B,)
1 JtdOCIIIOfM method . . . .. .
~ pdild,I& Whal daiamn,e 11 treakd "'Ill a au.Id o.,udim1 acena Jib Potl■i•
a11car« asWIIII 11 l1coewdN IO ~ - ~ h &i"' aW. lhaicceeallOl 11
61.W. ve,W 111octard ~ ~ 0-.cca.ce is pn)po,.,_J IO die
--;- to.WP f¥'8ort&iullDl• ttoa
1lf •_,..,an ti 11,,..... ta.Itel.. •,-.reu1ut._
Wap _....,, 2J
,t) '2J., tlsddt II tstlf•••--•1000 111111ac•i.1 01a>c•W. 1111111
•, a!1teJOlll.-,aoani••~~kdri,•Mlftl ■t1d11 AMI
• I ·.,,...............,,_111111,,•. 11,•• . . . , . ,. .
;1t;.iw :ta,........... - ..u
ID, ,n --a ............. . .

..,1,e..aimated) in the same manntt (with and without the oxid~in&
lldd 2 ml ofdehydrated •l~ohol. Swirl and m~asure the nuoresc~ncc
, 11ae1M11berofm1ofthiamine hydrochloride in 5 ml ofthe assay isgivm
.. where A is the avrrage of the flurophotom~r rc:ading with asuy
•,•••™"'1111P.l11111"1~~--~-~lrtao1idisinga~m~ "b"isthcreadin~with_assay_prepa
; L P:ill 1 : •r ii the reading wath standard pr~parataon with oxidant
and "d .s the
ia@L 81 qltrd wflhout the oxidant.
- ~ by adoptina the following procedure.
weip die powder and transfer to a J00 ml conical flask. Add~ ml of dil.
10-,orwaterand heattheabove to boiling and cool add JN NaOI I to neutralise
t(ll•••,.•■knthc volume to 100 ml. Transfer S ml oflhe s_olution to SO ml flask and add
,. Smlofdiazotate reagent(l0mlof0 .06¾p-ammoac etophenone+0.2 NHCL
J!W-1() plual ml 2N NaOII). Place the above solution in a water bath at 20"C. dilute
.t• -.nor,1 lkoho1. Determine, the extinction of the above solution at 520 mm in a
Pw(onn a blank. Subcract the blank reading. Draw a caJ ibration cun e E vs cone
-~-•1•■•o•owat1Dt of vitamin by intc-rpolation.
. . . . . . . .NCli.Od available for the estimation ofvitamin C. Titration with a dye called 2.6
most widely used one.
al._lllM~"1- as bued upon the reduction of the dye by an acid solution of a~orbic acid.
iiCC .,f the sample to reduce a standard solution of the dye. 3S detC'rmin~d by
to the ascorbic acid.

.... .., ,· Cl

O -·C
L -
I N -H

ll) C 0 C
t, 0 ► l
HO·-- C -..

·-y· I
[' 'l
...... .,.~
ffO ·ff '""'· ,~-,,.
~ H
0 ,,,.

• , .. "........... ........... ...........o.

••• tld dllueed to SO.O ml.
,.,•:: ■,ltll~~IODWIII~••-···

..... ..
..,,.o., ...,v, .....o..
Nrftll(III .......J
1, !. A T a t~ ofP'-1».oc
TI.est b -
e• x . ~
- 1 of A....ce. - 0..5
... . of ascorbic acid. ID ca w or ... .'Cal
ml o f_ ., .. le -- . c
,.., ~ . z' m l or dy e is te n. ..- ...
-., .._ ,.
~ prov ided 11
•. S ml of klD OI I cxtlacl •
o..s ~ ·r
• I mg ISC (.f fic acid l S ml
- 1/5 me ascorbic acid.'m
N et n: (a ) Tbe st,abtlisin& l of th e ex tra ct
~' -' in c , rr..g o f
me d.N m m dl1 phosphoric ~ ~ i c
1 - acid in a mixture co nt acid mixture is
m.l c..f •- ,. 1l\ e ffl l'.l t\n is am mg 40 ml of glacial ICetic lea
filtered and stored in refrigera ......d~
da,-.. tor . It 5h ould no t be stcncs fo r.. _ lie
(~) SUndafd 2. 6 dich\orop
~ and Sl mg lol inoophenol solution is pr ep ar ed by dissoJving
of $Odium 2. 6 dkh1orophc
mn.w&c ii dJ ut ed to
200 ml. fihc:ftd and kept in nol indophenol in 50 ml 42
of .., :
('".\ S :~ d as.:orl-ic acid. refrigerator. It ca n be us ed
It is prepared by dissolving for th re e~
mJ or IN'ta;>bosphom-ac.ct l 00 m g of cr ym lli ne ascorb -
ic ad d. l 0 ml of this solut ic ac. 1
IONtioo r s ~ up to the ion is tak en in a l 00 ml sta
mark ,..,ith metaphosphoric
ac eti c ac id (0.1 mg/ml).
ndard n.
Fo ~" "'~ by nt un .u io o of
~itamins as given below.

E st im at io n of V ita m in
..•an1• co ku rn ct io as ha
•e becin proposed for nt in
is. mas of Carr and Price ~·h w io n of vi tam in A. T h
e~ im po c•
ich is as fo llo ~:
Priaclple. Vitamin A forms
of aat lff lO D) ' tnc.Jtloride in ch c,0lourcd compounds witb ce rta in agents for ex am
lo."Ofom, i\ added to che so pl e. -•
sh o• , lh c m uu nu m inten lution of vitamin A it gh -n
a bloc __,._.._
me coluar n me as um l in asitcoyloraftimerete 10 seconds, bu t th en imme
diately starts fadin" ~
the ca nc mt ra no n of ••itam r. Th e absorbanc.c of th is bl
in A. ue colour at 620 n= 11 • ,. .~
Pr oa da n. [\w po ra te .5..0
ml of vitamin A so lu 1i ~
ur un sc d \ONbaft of antim di uo 1v e th e residue in c
ony tricl-Joride in chloride h~
~•SJlld>DO of me blue kn ow n as Ca tf..Price rc:a&
sol\lbOft using a phoro electr d- _. ." "
MN Mi dy •" ':' in a. fnw ic colorimeter t Ca re shou
sec.cads, as the colour fad ld be ta kd •
a .- .11:is ~ •'Uh aliqoots of es immediately)..
_. ... . -
c: •l ii •a ia n ~ De tam in ~-i tam in A in c.hlorofonn of knOWf
e the po lal cy of the ~ l l puiUICY
• • ...
V.. _,__ e fro m th e pa ph •
,, • " '" ~ nt:maaed. by anod:aer me - - r bJ ·
lic oW ( ¥11 A) i~ U lf t'\ ~t o anlT)'dnrl thod ln ow n as B ~..-- "" ' · - ·
a,G JIW ' k-
- - • ~ T1lc 1I Kf itamin A in bc na nc solul
tW in ab w pr im lll 99 rm ion Q lil llP ;:- -
µ pw r 11. Gd le .., ... •o fv ie ill A p, m LA hs or . wh ich ~ It s fra m die dr r -
bl nc .c is lh D ne d• •t -tV,tl-

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