Footwear Advice PIU1444(1)
Footwear Advice PIU1444(1)
Footwear Advice PIU1444(1)
Footwear Advice
Patient Information
Choosing the correct shoe is one of the most important features to get right when you
have foot & Ankle pain - They are like the foundations of a building - everything else
that follows will rely on the correct shoe being used.
Recommended footwear features
A well-fitting shoe with a robust sole
(bottom of shoe) that resists twisting
and bending at the mid-section, which
also has laces or fastening straps to
keep it secure will give your feet the
best support and protection.
• The sole unit (bottom of shoe) should be 1 piece or a continuous unit which is
best for walking & running.
• Ensure sufficient space (width and depth) in the toe-box to prevent squashing &
rubbing of the toes.
New shoes
You should never have to ‘break your shoes in’ if
they are not comfortable when you try them on
they are not right for you.
It is reasonable to wear your new shoes in for a
while, this helps you adjust to a new style that
you may not have worn before.
Don’t be tempted to use your old shoes for D.I.Y or gardening – there is a reason why
they are your old shoes!!
We do not endorse any particular brands but below are some useful links to help you
choose suitable footwear. Trainers are a useful shoe for day to day use that are
lightweight, supportive comfortable and readily available.
• – Good generous width walking and leisure shoes and boots
If you have any queries or concerns regarding footwear - please feel free to call the
Podiatry department for further advice on 01633 615225 option 1 or
[email protected]