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Chapter · January 2018

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.20349-X

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1 author:

Daniel Berrar
The Open University (UK)


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Daniel Berrar
Data Science Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1-S3-70 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Email: [email protected]


Cross-validation is one of the most widely used data resampling methods to estimate the true prediction
error of models and to tune model parameters. This article provides an introduction to the most common
types of cross-validation and their related data resampling methods.
Keywords: data resampling; jackknife; k-fold cross-validation; k-fold random subsampling; learning set;
leave-one-out cross-validation; overfitting; prediction error; resubstitution error; single hold-out
subsampling; test error; training set; underfitting; validation set

1. Introduction

Cross-validation is a data resampling method to assess the generalization ability of predictive models and
to prevent overfitting [1, 2]. Like the bootstrap [3], cross-validation belongs to the family of Monte Carlo
methods. This article provides an introduction to cross-validation and its related resampling methods.
5 Consider a data set D, which consists of n labeled instances (or cases), xi , i = 1...n. Each case is
described by a set of attributes (or features). We assume that each case xi belongs to exactly one class yi .
A typical example from bioinformatics is a gene expression data set based on DNA microarray data, where
each case represents one labeled tumor sample described by a gene expression profile. One of the common
challenges concerns the development of a classifier that can reliably predict the class of new, unseen tumor
10 samples based on their expression profiles [4]. Conceptually, a predictive model, f (), is a rule for assigning
a class label to a case based on a data set D, i.e., f (x, D) = ŷi , where ŷi is the predicted class label for case
xi . In machine learning, the construction of such a model is denoted as supervised learning.
A central question in supervised learning concerns the accuracy of the resulting model. Here, a key
problem is overfitting [5]. It is very easy to build a model that is perfectly adapted to the data set at
15 hand but then unable to generalize well to new, unseen data. For example, consider a univariate regression
problem where we wish to predict the dependent variable y from the independent variable x based on a
n observations (xi , yi ), with i = 1..n. We could use a polynomial of degree n − 1 to fit a curve perfectly
through these points and then use the curve to extrapolate the value yi+1 for a new case, xi+1 . However,

This manuscript is the preprint of: Berrar D. (2018) Cross-validation. Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology, Volume 1, Elsevier, pp. 542–545.

this curve is very likely to be overfitted to the data at hand—not only does it reflect the relation between
20 the dependent and independent variable, but it has also modeled the inherent noise in the data set. On the
other hand, a simpler model, such as a least squares line, is less affected by the inherent noise, but it may
not capture well the relation between the variables, either. Such a model is said to be underfitted. Neither
the overfitted nor the underfitted model are expected to generalize well, and a major challenge is to find the
right balance between over- and underfitting.
25 How can we assess the generalization ability of a model? Ideally, we would evaluate the model using
new data that originate from the same population as the data that we used to build the model [6]. In
practice, new independent validation studies are often not feasible, though. Also, before we invest time and
other resources for an external validation, it is advisable to estimate the predictive performance first. This is
usually done by data resampling methods, such as cross-validation. This article describes the major subtypes
30 of cross-validation and their related resampling methods.

2. Basic concepts and notation

The data set that is available to build and evaluate a predictive model is referred to as the learning set,
Dlearn . This data set is assumed to be a sample from a population of interest. Random subsampling methods
are used to generate training set(s), Dtrain , and test set(s), Dtest , from the learning set. The model is then
35 built (or trained) using the training set(s) and tested on the test set(s). The various random subsampling
methods differ with respect to how the training and test sets are generated.
Note that the term “training” implies that we apply the learning algorithm to a subset of the data. The
resulting model, fˆ(x, Dtrain ), is only an estimate of the final model that results from applying the same learn-
ing function to the entire learning set, f (x, Dlearn ). Model evaluation based on repeated subsampling means
40 that a learning function is applied to several data subsets, and the resulting models, fˆj , are subsequently
evaluated on other subsets (i.e., the test sets or validation sets), which were not used during training. The
average of the performance that the models achieve on these subsets is an estimate of the performance of
the final model, f (x, Dlearn ).
Let us assume that with each case, exactly one target label yi is associated. In the case of classification,
45 yi is a discrete class label. A classifier is a special case of a predictive model that assigns a discrete class label
to a case. In regression tasks, the target is usually a real value, yi ∈ R. A predictive model f () estimates
the target yi of the case xi as f (xi ) = ŷi . A loss function, L(yi , ŷi ), quantifies the estimation error. For
example, using the 0-1 loss function in a classification task, the loss is 1 if yi 6= ŷi and 0 otherwise. With
the loss function, we can now calculate two different errors, (1) the training error and (2) the test error.
50 The training error (or resubstitution error ) tells us something about the adaptation to the training set(s),
whereas the test error is an estimate of the true prediction error. This estimate quantifies the generalization
ability of the model. Note that the training error tends to underestimate the true prediction error, since the
same data that were used to train the model are reused to evaluate the model.

2.1. Single hold-out random subsampling

55 Among the various data resampling strategies, one of the simplest ones is the single hold-out method,
which randomly samples some cases from the learning set for the test set, while the remaining cases constitute
the training set. Often, the test set contains about 10% to 30% of the available cases, and the training set
contains about 90% to 70% of the cases. If the learning set is sufficiently large, and consequently, if both
the training and test sets are large, then the observed test error can be a reliable estimate of the true error
60 of the model for new, unseen cases.

2.2. k-fold random subsampling

In k-fold random subsampling, the single hold-out method is repeated k times, so that k pairs of Dtrain,j
and Dtest,j , j = 1..k, are generated. The learning function is applied to each training set, and the resulting
model is then applied to the corresponding test set. The performance is estimated as the average over all
65 k test sets. Note that any pair of training and test set is disjoint, i.e., the sets do not have any cases in
common, Dtrain,j ∩ Dtest,j = ∅. However, any given two training sets or two test sets may of course overlap.

2.3. k-fold cross-validation

Cross-validation is similar to the repeated random subsampling method, but the sampling is done in such
a way that no two test sets overlap. In k-fold cross-validation, the available learning set is partitioned into
70 k disjoint subsets of approximately equal size. Here, “fold” refers to the number of resulting subsets. This
partitioning is performed by randomly sampling cases from the learning set without replacement. The model
is trained using k − 1 subsets, which, together, represent the training set. Then, the model is applied to the
remaining subset, which is denoted as the validation set, and the performance is measured. This procedure
is repeated until each of the k subsets has served as validation set. The average of the k performance
75 measurements on the k validation sets is the cross-validated performance. Figure 1 illustrates this process
for k = 10, i.e., 10-fold cross-validation. In the first fold, the first subset serves as validation set Dval,1
and the remaining nine subsets serve as training set Dtrain,1 . In the second fold, the second subset is the
validation set and the remaining subsets are the training set, and so on.
The cross-validated accuracy, for example, is the average of all ten accuracies achieved on the validation
80 sets. More generally, let fˆ−k denote the model that was trained on all but the k th subset of the learning set.
The value ŷi = fˆ−k (xi ) is the predicted or estimated value for the real class label, yi , of case xi , which is an
element of the k th subset. The cross-validated estimate of the prediction error, ˆcv , is then given as

ˆcv = L(yi , fˆ−k (xi )) (1)
n i=1

Cross-validation often involves stratified random sampling, which means that the sampling is performed
in such a way that the class proportions in the individual subsets reflect the proportions in the learning set.

Figure 1: 10-fold cross-validation. The data set is randomly split into ten disjoint subsets, each containing (approximately)
10% of the data. The model is trained on the training set and then applied to the validation set.

85 For example, suppose that the learning set contains n = 100 cases of two classes, the positive and the negative
class, with n+ = 80 and n− = 20. If random sampling is done without stratification, then it is quite possible
that some validation sets contain only positive cases (or only negative cases). With stratification, however,
each validation set in 10-fold cross-validation is guaranteed to contain about eight positive cases and two
negative cases, thereby reflecting the class ratio in the learning set. The underlying rationale for stratified
90 sampling is the following. The sample proportion is an unbiased estimate of the population proportion.
The learning set represents a sample from the population of interest, so the class ratio in the learning set is
the best estimate for the class ratio in the population. To avoid a biased evaluation, data subsets that are
used for evaluating the model should therefore also reflect this class ratio. For real-world data sets, Kohavi
recommends stratified 10-fold cross-validation [7].
95 To reduce the variance of the estimated performance measure, cross-validation is sometimes repeated
with different k-fold subsets (r times repeated k-fold cross-validation). However, Molinaro et al. showed
that such repetitions reduce the variance only slightly [8].
For the comparison of two different classifiers in cross-validation, the variance-corrected t-test was pro-
posed [9, 10]. Note that the training sets in the different cross-validation folds overlap, which violates
100 the independence assumption of the standard t-test and leads to an underestimation of the variance. The
variance-corrected t-statistic is

Pk Pr
kr i=1 j=1 (aij − bij )
T = q ∼ tkr−1 (2)
( kr + nn21 )s2

This statistic follows approximately Student’s t distribution with k · r − 1 degrees of freedom. Here, aij
and bij denote the performances achieved by two competing classifiers, A and B, respectively, in the j th
repetition of the ith cross-validation fold; s2 is the variance; n2 is the number of cases in one validation set,

Figure 2: Leave-one-out cross-validation, illustrated on a data set containing n = 25 cases. In turn, each case serves as single
hold-out test case. The model is built using the remaining n − 1 cases.

105 and n1 is the number of cases in the corresponding training set. This test should be used carefully, though:
by increasing r, even a tiny difference in performance can be made significant, which is misleading because
essentially the same data are analyzed over and over again [11].

2.4. Leave-one-out cross-validation

For k = n, we obtain a special case of k-fold cross-validation, called leave-one-out cross-validation

110 (LOOCV). Here, each individual case serves, in turn, as hold-out case for the validation set. Thus, the
first validation set contains only the first case, x1 , the second validation set contains only the second case,
x2 , and so on. This procedure is illustrated in Figure 2 for a data set consisting of n = 25 cases.
The test error in LOOCV is approximately an unbiased estimate of the true prediction error, but it has a
high variance, since the n training sets are practically the same, as two different training sets differ only with
115 respect to one case [1]. The computational cost of LOOCV can also be very high for large n, particularly if
feature selection has to be performed.

2.5. Jackknife

Leave-one-out cross-validation is very similar to a related method, called the jackknife. Essentially,
these two methods differ with respect to their goal. Leave-one-out cross-validation is used to estimate the
120 generalization ability of a predictive model. By contrast, the jackknife is used to estimate the bias or variance
of a statistic, θ̂ [12]. Note that the available data set is only a sample from the population of interest, so θ̂
is only an estimate of the true parameter, θ. The jackknife involves the following steps [2].

1. Calculate the sample statistic θ̂ as a function of the available cases x1 , x2 ,..., xn , i.e., θ̂ = t(x1 , x2 , ...xn ),
where t() is a statistical function.
125 2. For all i = 1..n, omit the ith case and apply the same statistical function t() to the remaining n − 1
cases and obtain θ̂i = t(x1 , x2 , xi−1 , xi+1 , ...xn ). (NB: the index i means that the ith case is not used.)

¯ 1
3. The jackknife estimate of the statistic θ̂ is the average of all θ̂i , i.e., θ̂ = n i=1 θ̂i .

The jackknife estimates of bias and variance of θ̂ are

bias(θ̂) = (n − 1) θ̂ − θ̂ (3)
n − 1 X ¯ 2

Var(θ̂) = θ̂i − θ̂ (4)
n i=1

3. Discussion

130 Cross-validation is one of the most widely used data resampling methods to assess the generalization
ability of a predictive model and to prevent overfitting. To build the final model for the prediction of real
future cases, the learning function (or learning algorithm) f is usually applied to the entire learning set.
This final model cannot be cross-validated. The purpose of cross-validation in the model building phase is
to provide an estimate for the performance of this final model on new data.
135 Feature selection is generally an integral part of the model building process. Here, it is crucial that
predictive features are selected using only the training set, not the entire learning set; otherwise, the estimate
of the prediction error can be highly biased [13, 14]. Suppose that predictive features are selected based on
the entire learning set first, and then the learning set is partitioned into validation sets and training sets.
This means that information from the validation sets was used for the selection of predictive features. But
140 the data in the validation sets serve only to evaluate the model—we are not allowed to use these data in any
other way; otherwise, the information leak would cause a downward bias of the estimate, which means that
it underestimates the true prediction error.
Cross-validation is frequently used to tune model parameters, for example, the optimal number of nearest
neighbors in a k-nearest neighbor classifier. Here, cross-validation is applied multiple times for different values
145 of the tuning parameter, and the parameter that minimizes the cross-validated error is then used to build
the final model. Thereby, cross-validation addresses the problem of overfitting.
Which data resampling method should be used in practice? Molinaro et al. compared various data
resampling methods for high-dimensional data sets, which are common in bioinformatics [8]. Their findings
suggest that LOOCV, 10-fold cross-validation, and the .632+ bootstrap have the smallest bias. It is not
150 clear, however, which value of k should be chosen for k-fold cross-validation. A sensible choice is probably
k = 10, as the estimate of prediction error is almost unbiased in 10-fold cross-validation [14]. Isaksson et al.,
however, caution that cross-validated performance measures are unreliable for small-sample data sets and
recommend that the true classification error be estimated using Bayesian intervals and a single hold-out test
set [15].

155 4. Closing remarks

Cross-validation is one of the most widely used data resampling methods to estimate the true prediction
error of models and to tune model parameters. Ten-fold stratified cross-validation is often applied in prac-
tice. Practitioners should keep in mind, however, that data resampling is no panacea for fully independent
validation studies involving new data.

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