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(W.E.F. 2021-2022)

Department of Computer Science &
Information Technology

The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

was established in 1995. It is an integral constituent of the Faculty of
Engineering & Technology, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. The
Department offers regular B.Tech., M.C.A. and Ph.D. programmes.

The B.Tech. and MCA programs are duly approved by the AICTE,
About The Department

New Delhi. Whereas, the commencement of the Integrated M.Tech.-

Ph.D. program is under process to start from session 2022-23. The
well-equipped laboratories, furnished classrooms, and ICT enabled
seminar halls, conference room, individual faculty chambers, the
separate building of department with surrounding greenery gives an
excellent academic atmosphere among the students.
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
B.Tech. Course Structure

B.Tech First year, Semester-I

SI. Course
Subject Credits Schedule Hrs. Total
No. No.
1. PH-101T Engineering Physics-I 4 3 1 0 4
2. MA-101T Engineering Mathematics-I 4 3 1 0 4
3. ME-107 T Engineering Graphics 2 1 2 0 3
4. EI-101T Basic Electronics Engineering 4 3 1 0 4
5. CY-103T Environments Studies 2 3 0 0 3
6. HU-103T Fundamentals of Economics 2 3 0 0 3
7. ME-101T Manufacturing Technology 4 3 1 0 4
Total 22 19 6 0 25
Laboratory Courses
8. PH-101P Engineering Physics Lab 2 0 0 3 3
9. EI-101P Basic Electronics Engineering Lab 2 0 0 3 3
10. ME-101P Workshop Practice Lab 2 0 0 3 3
Total 6 0 0 9 9
Semester Total 28 19 6 9 34
B.Tech First year, Semester-II

SI. Course
Subject Credits Schedule Hrs. Total
No. No.
1. PH-102T Engineering Physics-II 4 3 1 0 4
2. CY-101T Engineering Chemistry 4 3 1 0 4
3. MA-102T Engineering Mathematics-II 4 3 1 0 4
4. HU-101T Communicative English 3 2 1 0 3
5. CS-101T Computer Fundamentals & 4 3 1 0 4
C++ Programming
6. EE-101T Basic Electrical Engineering 4 3 1 0 4
Total 23 17 6 0 23
Laboratory Courses
7. CY-101P Engineering Chemistry Lab 2 0 0 3 3
8. CS-101P Computer Programming Lab in C++ 2 0 0 3 3
9. EE-101P Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 2 0 0 3 3
Total 6 0 0 9 9

Semester Total 29 17 6 9 32
B.Tech Second year, Semester-III

S. No. Courses No. Subject Credits Teaching schedule Hrs
1 CS-201T Mathematical 4 3 1 0 4
CS-203T Data Structure
2 using C++ 4 3 1 0 4
3 Object Oriented 4 3 1 0 4
CS-205T Programming
using JAVA
4 MA-201T Mathematics-III 4 3 1 0 4

Digital Electronics
5 EC- 205T 4 3 1 0 4
6 HU-203T Universal Human 2 3 1 0 3
values and
Professional Ethics-I
Total 22 18 6 0 23

Laboratory Course

Data Structure Lab

7 CS-203P 2 0 0 3 3

Object Oriented
8 CS-205P Lab using 2 0 0 3 3
Devices & Digital
9 EC-201P Lab 2 0 0 3 3

Total 6 0 0 9 9

Semester Total 28 18 6 9 32

B.Tech Second year, Semester-IV

S. No. Courses No. Subject Credits Teaching schedule Hrs

1 CS-202T 4 3 1 0 4

2 CS-204T 4 3 1 0 4
3 CS-206T Network 4 3 1 0 4

Data Base
4 CS-208T Management 4 3 1 0 4
5 CS-210T 4 3 1 0 4
6 HU-204T Universal Human 2 3 1 0 3
values and
Professional Ethics-II
Total 22 18 6 0 23

Laboratory Course

7 Analysis &Design 2 0 0 3 3
CS-202P of Algorithm Lab
DBMS Project
8 CS-208P 2 0 0 3 3

9 CS-210P Programming Lab 2 0 0 3 3

Total 6 0 0 9 9

Semester Total 28 18 6 9 32
B.Tech Third year, Semester-V

S. No. Courses Subject Credits Teaching schedule Hrs
Data Mining
1 CS-301T Techniques 4 3 1 0 4

2 CS-303T Engineering 4 3 1 0 4

3 CS-*** Elective-I 4 3 1 0 4

Theory of
4 CS-305T Computation 4 3 1 0 4

5 CS-307T Operating Systems 4 3 1 0 4

6 HU-315T 2 3 1 0 3
Total 22 18 6 0 23

Laboratory Course

Network Simulation
7 CS-301 P 2 0 0 3 3
Minor Project
8 CS-305 P 4 0 0 3 3

9 CS-307P Operating System Lab 2 0 0 3 3

Total 8 0 0 9 9

Semester Total 30 18 6 9 32
B.Tech Third year, Semester-VI

S. No. Courses No. Subject Credits Teaching schedule Hrs
1 CS-302T Cloud Computing 4 3 1 0 4
CS-304 T Compiler Design 4 3 1 0 4
3 Computer
CS-306T 4 3 1 0 4
Wireless Networks
4 CS-308T 4 3 1 0 4

5 CS-*** Elective-II 3 3 1 0 4

Soft Skills
6 HU-316T 2 3 0 0 3

Total 21 18 5 0 23

Laboratory Course

Major Project
7 CS-302 P 6 0 0 6 6

8 CS-306 P Graphics Lab 2 0 0 3 3

Total 8 0 0 9 9

Semester Total 29 18 5 9 32
B.Tech Forth year, Semester-VII

S. No. Courses No. Subject Credits Teaching schedule Hrs

1 CS-401T Machine Learning 4 3 1 0 4

Digital Image
2 CS-403T Processing 4 3 1 0 4

3 CS-*** Elective-III 3 3 1 0 4

4 **-*** Pool Elective 3 3 1 0 4

5 **_*** Open Elective 4 3 1 0 4
6 CS-401 *Seminar based on 4 0 0 0 0
Online Course
Total 22 15 5 0 20

Laboratory Course

7 CS-401 P Machine Learning 2 0 0 3 3

8 CS-403 P Dissertation 8 0 0 9 9
Total 10 0 0 12 12

Semester Total 32 15 5 12 32

For CSIT students it is compulsory to participate in MOOC/SWAYAM course (8-12 weeks) and
show their marks/grade points obtained in MOOC/SWAYAM course taken.

B.Tech Fourth year, Semester-VIII

S. No. Courses Subject Credits Teaching schedule Hrs
1 TRN-401 Internship/Project 28 0 0 0 0
Semester Total 28 0 0 0 0

*Note: During Eight Semester Internship students have to develop a working Project in an
Industry and this project will be evaluated in the department of CSIT by Internal and
External Examiners/Experts.

CS331T Distributed System

CS332T Advanced Data Base Management System
CS333T Advanced Java Programming
CS334T Linux System Administration
CS335T Graph theory
CS336T Advance Data structure
CS337T Web Technology
CS338T Principles of Programming Languages
CS339T Software Project management
CS340T Programming in R
CS341T Pattern Recognition & Classification


CS441T Neural network for Machine Learning

CS442T Data Compression
CS443T Network Security and Cryptography
CS447T Parallel Computing and Algorithms
CS448T Fault Tolerance Computing
CS449T Real Time System
CS450T Computational Geometry
CS451T Natural Language Processing
CS452T Embedded System

Note: Due to rapid change in Industrial needs and Technological

advancements, there is a need to revise the syllabus and introduction of new
electives. So, the Departmental board is authorized to revise the syllabus as
well as introduction of new electives time to tim
B.Tech. First Year
Computer Fundamentals CS-101T
& C++ Programming Credits Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Introduction: Basic definition, Classification of Computers, Block diagram of
computer and brief idea of its part (I/O, Memory, control unit) with their working
and example. Number System: Introduction, Data representation-Decimal,
Binary, octal,Hexadecimal and their inter convertibility.
Planning the computer program: Purpose of program planning,
algorithms,flowcharts, Pseudo code.
B.Tech. First Year, Semester-II

Computer Software: Introduction to software, hardware, Firmware with
example, Type of software, Translators and their types (compiler, interpreter,
assembler etc.). Basic operating system concepts: OS, Types of OS (MS-
DOS, WINDOWS, Role of OS with its characteristics in brief (Multi-programming,
Multitasking, Multiprocessing, Multi-threading, Time-sharing, online-processing,
Real-time processing).

Introduction to C++:Structured verses Object Oriented Development, Elements
of Object Oriented Programming, Introduction to Objects, Classes, Encapsulation
and data abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overloading. C++ Data types,
variables, operators and expressions. Statements and Blocks, if- statement, if-
else statement, loops, switch statements.

Classes and Objects:Introduction, Classes, Class definition, Class member,
member function, Public and Private variables, Derived classes, Constructors
and Destructors.

Object Oriented Features: Scope of variables, Inline function, Friend function,
Friend class, Parameter passing. Inheritance, types of inheritance.
Polymorphism, Overloading, Operator Overloading of Unary and Binary
operators, Function Overloading. Templates.

1. ―Computer Fundamentalsǁ by V. Rajaraman
2. ―Computer Fundamentalsǁby . B. Ram
3. ―Programming in C++ǁ by E. Balagurusamy, TMH.
4. ‘C++ Primer’ by Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo
B.Tech. Second Year
Discrete Mathematical CS-201T
Structures Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

SET THEORY:Sets, Set Relations, Set operations, Infinite Collection of sets,
Power sets, Venn Diagram, Algebras of sets, Cartesian Products, Inductively,
defined sets, Proofs by Mathematical Induction.
FUNCTIONS:Functions, Injective and Surjective, Composition of functions,
Inverse, Function, Recursively defined functions, Functions and Set operations,
B.Tech. Second Year, Semester-III

Permutation Function.

RELATIONS:Relations, Types of relation, Representation of relation,
Compositions, of Relations, Equivalence Relations ,Equivalence Classes
COUNTING AND COUNTABILITY :Counting Principles, Functions and
Counting, Permutations and Combinations, Principle of inclusion and exclusion,
Pigeonhole principle, Extended Pigeonhole principle.

LOGIC:Propositions, Algebra of propositions, Conditional and Biconditional,
Tautology & Contradiction, Disjunctive normal Form and Simplification,
Predicates and Quantifiers, Valid Arguments and proofs using tautology concept
& without tautology concept. Proofs of Arguments using reduction method.

GRAPH THEORY :Basic Concepts, Paths and Connectivity, Planar Graphs,
Regular graph, Complete graph, Bipartite graph, Distance & Diameter, Trees &
its types, Rooted Trees, Shortest path algorithm.

INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA :Binary operations, Semigroups, Groups,
Rings, Subgroups, Cosets and Lagrange‘s Theorem and its significance.

1. Discrete Mathematics, Schaum‘s Outline, TMH
2. Olympia Nicodemi, ―Discrete Mathematicsǁ, CBS Publications, Delhi.
3. J.P. Trembley & R. Manohar, ―Discrete mathematical Structureǁ, Mc Graw
Hill Book Co., NY.
4. Discrete Maths, 5th Edition, Ross-Wright,Pearson
5. Discrete mathematical Structure ,G.Shankar Rao, New Age
Data Structure USING C++ CS203T
Credits 4(3-1-0)

Basic Concepts & Notation: Data structure concepts and its types, Linear and Non-
Linear data structures. Basics of Complexity and their types.
Array as an ADT: one dimensional array, two dimensional array and multidimensional

B.tech Second Year, Semester-III

Stacks: Definition and examples, primitive operations, Array representation of stacks,

Example: Infix, Postfix, and Prefix: Basic definitions and Examples, Evaluating a postfix
expression, Converting an expression from infix to postfix, Recursion - tower of Hanoi.
Queues and Linked Lists: The Queue and its sequential Representation, Priority
Queue; Linked Lists: Inserting and removing nodes from the list, Linked list as a data
Structure, Other List structures: Circular Lists, Doubly Linked Lists.

Trees: Binary Trees,Operation on BinaryTrees, Traversal: Inorder, Preorder, Post order;
Application Binary Tree. Expression Tree; Binary Tree Representation: Array
representation, Link List representation; Example: Huffman Algorithm.
Binary search tree: inserting into Binary Search Tree (BST), Deleting from a BST,
Balanced (AVL) Tree, Search Tree and B-Tree.

Search Methods: Basic search Techniques: Sequential Searching, Indexed Sequential
Search, B++ tree.
Sorting: Selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort and Merge sort, Heap sort
and their time complexity.
Hashing: Hash function: Division Method, Mid-square Method, Folding Method, hash
table, collision resolution: linear probing, chaining.

Graphs and Their Applications: Introduction, Representation of graphs- Adjacency
matrix and adjacency list, Wars hall‘s algorithm, Dijkstra‘s algorithm, Graph traversal:
Depth first search, Breadth First search.


1.Data Structures using C/C++: Tennenbaum, PHI

2.Introduction to Data Structures : Schaum Series.by Lipetu, Mac GrawHill
3.Data Structures by Augenstein &Tenenbaum.

Introduction: Introduction – what is java, importance of java, java implementation
application of java, sample program & compilation, using block of code. Data type,
operators, control structures: variables, constants, declaration, literals, scope of
variable, type casting, arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators,
assignment operators, increment –decrement operators, conditional operators, bit wise
operators, interface of operators, dot operators, if-else, statement, loops (while, do-while,
B.tech Second Year, Semester-III

for break, goto, continue return ) switch statement, operator, array –declaration, creation,
initialization, length, two-dimensional arrays, string-string arrays, string methods,
stringbuffer class.

Introduction of classes, objects and methods: What is class, object & method, defining
class, adding variables, adding methods, creating objects, constructors THIS key word,
garbage collection, finalize() method, accessing class members, vactors and wrapper
classes, inheritance, final variables and methods,final classes, finalizer methods, abstract
methods and classes, visibility control – public access, friendly access, protected
access,private protected access, String class, Command-Line arguments.

Inheritance: Inheritance, Member access, super class, creating multilevel Hierarchy,
Method over loading & overriding, Abstract class, method,Using final to prevent overriding
& overloading , the object class, packages and interfaces.

Multithreaded programming: creating threads, run()method, new thread, thread class,
stopping & blocking threads, life cycle of threadnewborn, runnable, running, blocked,
dead, waiting sleeping, suspended, blocked, using thread methods, thread priority,
synchronization, implementing the Runnable interface. Exception handling: exception
types, uncaught exceptions, multiple catch clauses, nested try statements, throw, throws,

I/O files in java: Concept of streams, difference between character streams and byte
streams. Applet: what is an applet, applet lifecycle, applet class, use of java .awt graphics
class and its various methods in an applet, Event Handling, Graphical user interface.

Books & References:

1)Programming with Java A Primer, E. Balaguruswamy Tata McGraw Hill Companies.
2)Java Programming John P. Flynt Thomson 2nd.
3)Java Programming Language Ken Arnold Pearson.
4)The complete reference JAVA2, Hervert schildt. TMH.
5)Big Java, Cay Horstmann 2nd edition, Wiley India Edition.
ALGORITHMS Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

UNIT I: Overview: Introduction to basic techniques for designing and analyzing

algorithms, including asymptotic analysis and recurrences; divide-and-conquer
algorithms; lower bound for comparison based sorting methods, sorting in linear time,
greedy algorithms; dynamic programming; backtracking and some graph algorithms for
path problems.
Introduction: Algorithm, Psuedo code for expressing algorithms, Performance Analysis-
B.tech Second Year, Semester-IV

Space complexity, Time complexity, Growth of functions: Asymptotic Notation,

Recurrences: substitution method, master method.

UNIT II: Divide and Conquer: General method, applications-Binary search, Finding the
maximum and minimum, Quick sort, Heapsort.
Sorting in Linear Time: Lower bounds for sorting, Counting sort, Radix sort, Bucket sort,
Medians and Order Statistics, Minimum and maximum.

UNIT III: Greedy method: General method, applications- Knapsack problem, Job
sequencing with deadlines, optimal two way merge patterns, Huffman codes, Minimum
cost spanning trees: Prims and Kruskal‘s algorithm, Single Source shortest path:Bellman
Ford algorithm, Dijkstra‘s Algorithm.

UNIT IV: Dynamic Programming: General method, applications, capital budgeting

problem, Multistage graphs, Matrix chain multiplication, 0/1 knapsack problem, All Pair
shoertest path algorithm.Traveslling salesman Problem.
Backtracking: General method, applications, 8-queen problem, sum of subsets problem,
graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles.

UNIT V: Graph Algorithms: Introduction, representation of graphs, Breadth first search,

depth first search, topological sort, strongly connected component, flow networks, ford-
fulkerson method.
NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems: Basic concepts, non deterministic algorithms, NP
- Hard and NP Complete classes, satisfiability problem, reducibility.

1.Introduction to Algorithms, second edition, T. H. Cormen,C. E. Leiserson, R.L.
C. Stein, PHI Pvt. Ltd./ Pearson Education.
2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Ellis Horowitz,Satraj Sahni
and Rajasekharam,Galgotia publications pvt. Ltd.
3. Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet examples, M.T.Goodrich and
R.Tomassia, John wiley and sons.
4.Introduction to algorithm, Aho , Hopcraft, Ullman , Rajeev Motwani.
Computer Organization Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Introduction: Review of digital logic gates, Design of adder and subtractor using gates &
Arithmetic for Computer:- Introduction to number system, negative numbers, Arithmetic
Algorithms (addition, subtraction, Booth Multiplication), IEEE standard for Floating point
B.tech Second Year, Semester-IV

Processor Design: Von-Neumann Structure, Processor Organization: General register
organization, Stack organization, Addressing modes, instruction types, RISC and CISC.

Control Design: - Control memory address sequencing, micro instruction interpretation,
CPU control unit, Hardwired & Micro Programmed Control Unit, basic concepts of micro
programmed control, micro program sequencer for a control memory, micro instruction

Memory Organization:- Characteristics of memory systems, Memory Hierarchy, Virtual
Memory, Dynamic Address Translation Scheme addressing scheme for main memory,
TLB, characteristics and principles of cache memory, elements of cache design, Cache
memory organization, Block replacement policies and mapping techniques.

System Organization:- Synchronous & asynchronous communication, standard
communication interfaces, Bus arbitration (Serial and Parallel procedure), Modes of
transfer, Programmed I/O (IO addressing, IO instruction), DMA (Cycle Stealing Concept,
DMA Controller and DMA Transfer), interrupt driven I/O: Interrupt processing, interrupt
hardware, types of interrupts and exceptions.

1. Computer Architecture and Organization, By John P. Hayes, TMH.
2. Computer organization and design, by John L. Hennessy & David A. Petterson,
Morgan Kaufman.
3. Computer System Architecture, by M. Morris Mano, PHI
4. Computer Organization, Stallings(PHI)
5. Structured Computer Organization, Tannenbaum(PHI)
COMPUTER NETWORK Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1: Introduction: Data communication (Problem definition, types of signals,

Modulation, Networks Topologies, Categories of Network (LAN, MAN & WAN),
Transmission Media (design factors, classes and characteristics of different transmission
medias), Switching techniques, Protocols and layering for Internet, Reference models (OSI
and TCP/IP), Network devices (NIC, switch, hubs, Repeater, Bridge, Gateway, Router,
Access point)
B.tech Second Year, Semester-IV

Unit 2: Data Link Layer: Problem definition, Functions of data link layer, Framing and
Data Link Control, Error detection schemes (VRC, LRC, CRC and checksum), Error
correction schemes (Hamming), Flow control and sliding window protocols (Simplest, Stop
& Wait ARQ, Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ), Multiple Access protocols (ALOHA
family, CSMA family, Contention-free access, polling and token passing method for MAC
protocol, Channelization, Ethernet evaluation through generations (Standard, fast,
Gigabit),SDLC, HDLC, SLIP and PPP protocols, IEEE standard (802.3, 802.4, 802.5,
802.6, 802.11).

Unit 3: Network Layer and Internetworking: Problem definition, Datagram and virtual
circuit models (IP, MPLS), IP addressing (class-full, Classless, subnetting and super-
netting) and forwarding (prefixes, longest matching prefix), IP helpers: ARP, DHCP,
Internetworking (fragmentation, path MTU discovery, ICMP), IPv4 datagram, IPv6 header
and transition from IPV4 to IPv6, Network Address Translation (NAT), VPN concepts.

Unit 4:Routing: Problem definition, Routing concepts: Chars, Types, Store-and-Forward

Packet Switching, Services Provided to the Transport Layer, Connectionless Service and
Connection-Oriented Service, Design elements of routing strategies. Shortest cost routing
model, Dijkstra's algorithm, Distance Vector and Link-state routing, Hierarchical routing,
Flooding, Broadcast routing, Multicast routing, Routing for Mobile Host.

Unit 5: Transport Layer, and Application layer: Problem definition, Sockets, ports and
service, Reliable and unreliable delivery (TCP, UDP), Connection establishment and
teardown, General Principles of Congestion Control, Congestion Prevention Policies,
Congestion control in datagram subnet, TCP congestion control (slow start, fast
retransmission and recovery), Techniques for achieving good Quality of Service: Buffering,
Traffic shaping, The leaky bucket algorithm, The Token bucket algorithm; Application
Layer Protocols: Naming (DNS), Telnet, Electronic Mail, SMTP, ftp, mime, pop3, imap4.

1. Computer Networks — Andrew S Tanenbaum, 4th Edition. Pearson, Education/PHI
2. Data Communications and Networking – Behrouz A. Forouzan.Third, Edition TMH.
1. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks-S.Keshav, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
2. Understanding communications and Networks, 3rd Edition, W.A. Shay, Thomson
3. Data Networks, D. Bertsekas and R Gallager, PHI.
4. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Coomunication, Pearson education.
Data Base Management CS-208T
Systems Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Introduction: Data Base System Concepts, database system architecture, Data models
and their types, Data base scheme and Instances, Data Independence, Data Base
Languages and Interfaces, DBA role.
Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship Model: ER model concepts, Notations for
ER diagram, Extended E-R diagram, Extended E-R model, E-R model design issues,
constraints, keys: Weak entity set strong entity set, Relationships of higher degree.
B.tech Second Year, Semester-IV

Relational Data Model and Languages: Relational model concepts, E.F. Code rules for
RDBMS, constraints, Relational Algebra operations, Extended relational algebra
operations, Relational Calculus, Tuple and Domain relational calculus
SQL (DDL, DML, DTCL, DCL): Basic Structure and queries; set operators, Aggregate
function, Derived Relations, Modification of the Database, Joined relations and up-dates in
SQL, Advance SQL (SQL data types, Embedded-SQL, Dynamic SQL)

Database Design: Functional dependencies, Normal forms, First second, and third normal
forms, BCNF, Multi-valued dependencies and Fourth Normal form, Join Dependencies and
Fifth Normal form. Transaction Processing concepts: Transaction and system concepts,
transaction states, ACID properties of transactions, concurrent execution schedules and
Recoverability, serializability of schedules. Query Processing and Optimization:
Measures of Query cost, Cost, Evaluation of expression; Optimization: Transformation of
relational expression, Choice of evaluation plan.

Concurrency Control Techniques: Lock based protocols: Two phase and three phase
Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control; Time-Based Protocols: Time stamping and
concurrency control; Deadlock handling: Concepts and Necessary conditions, Deadlock
prevention, Deadlock avoidance. Storage and Query Processing: Overview of physical
storage, Magnetic disks, RAID, File organization, Data dictionary, Indexing, B+ Tree Index,
B Tree Index files, Static and Dynamic Hashing.

Protecting the Database against Misuse: Integrity constraints, Principle of security,
security, Views, Encryption and Decryption Techniques, RSA Algorithm, Diffie Hellman
1) Abraham Silberschatz. Henry F. Korth S.Sudarshan; database system concepts,
McGraw hill Book co. 1997.
2) Date, C.J; An introduction to database system volume I & II, Addison-Wesley, 1981,
3) Ullman, Jeffrey D: Principles of database systems 2nd Edn Galgotial Publication Pvt.
Ltd. 1982.
Python Programming Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit -1 Introduction to Python- Writing and Executing First Python Program Literal,
Constants, Numbers, Strings, Variables, and Identifiers, Data Types, Input/Output
Operation, Comments, Reserved Words Indentation , Operators and Expressions,
Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, Shortcut Operators, Unary Operators,
Bitwise Operators, Shift Operators, Logical Operators, Membership Operators, Identity
Operators, Operators Precedence and Associativity, Expressions in Python, Operations on
Strings, Concatenation, Multiplication (or String Repetition), Slice a String, Type
B.tech Second Year, Semester-IV

Conversion. Decision Control Statements: if statement, if-else Statement, Nested if

statements, if-elif-else statement, Basic Loop Structures: while loop, for Loop, Nested
Loops, The break Statement, The continue Statement, The pass Statement.

Unit -2 Building Blocks in Python - Functions : Definition ,Calling ,Parameters ,Variable

Scope and Lifetime ,Local and Global Variables , return statement ,Required Arguments ,
Keyword Arguments ,Default Arguments ,Variable-length Arguments , Lambda Functions ,
Documentation Strings , Recursive Functions. Modules :The from…import statement
,Name of Module ,Making your own Modules .

Unit-3 Python Strings : Concatenating, Appending, and Multiplying Strings ,String

Formatting Operator , Built-in String Methods ,Slice Operation , in and not in operators
,Comparing Strings ,Iterating String ,The String Module .Regular Expressions : match() ,
search() , sub() , findall() , finditer(). File Handling :File Path ,Types of Files ,ASCII Text
Files ,Binary Files ,Opening and Closing Files ,Reading and Writing Files ,Renaming and
Deleting Files . Data Structures :Lists ,Tuple ,Sets ,Dictionaries ,List vs Tuple vs
Dictionary vs Set .

Unit-4 Classes and Objects : Introduction ,Classes and Objects, Defining Classes
,Creating Objects, Data Abstraction and Hiding through Classes ,Class Method and self
Argument ,The __init__() Method , The __del__() Method ,Public and Private Data
Members, Private Methods , Calling a Class Method from Another Class Method , Built-in
Functions to Check, Get, Set, and Delete Class Attributes, Built-in Class Attributes .

Unit-5 Inheritance Introduction , Inheriting Classes in Python , Polymorphism and Method

Overriding , Types of Inheritance , Composition or Containership or Complex Objects ,
Abstract Classes and Interfaces , Metaclass ; Error and Exception Handling :
Introduction to Errors and Exceptions , Syntax Errors, Logic Error , Exceptions , Handling
Exceptions , Multiple Except Blocks , Multiple Exceptions in a Single Block , Except Block
Without Exception , The else Clause , Raising Exceptions , Instantiating Exceptions ,
Handling Exceptions in Invoked Functions , Built-in and User-defined Exceptions , The
finally Block , Pre-defined Clean–up ActionRe-raising Exception , Assertions in Python.
Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach : Reema Thareja
Core Python Programming by R. Nageswara Rao
B.Tech. Third Year
WIRELESS NETWORK Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Overview of wireless communication: History, Different Generations, General
characteristics of mobile devices, Electromagnetic spectrum, Radio propagation
mechanisms, characteristics of wireless medium, wireless topology, cellular system (cell
concepts, cell hierarchy, cell fundamentals)

B.tech Third Year, Semester-V

WLAN: Technical issue (uses, design goal, types, components and services offered by a
typical IEEE 802.11 network), IEEE 802.11 standard (physical layer, MAC layer
mechanism & functionalities, CSMA/CA mechanism). HIPERLAN: HIPERLAN standard,
HyperLAN/1 (physical layer, DLC & RLC layer, MAC sub-layer), HyperLAN/2 (Physical
layer, MAC sub-layer, power conservation issues) BLUETOOTH: Specifications, transport
protocol group, middleware protocol group, profile.

Medium access control (wireless): Motivation for a specialized MAC (hidden and exposed
terminals, near and far terminals), SDMA, FDMA, TDMA and CDMA.

Mobile Network layer: Mobile IP: Goals, assumptions, entities and terminology, IP packet
delivery, agent advertisement and discovery, registration, tunneling and encapsulation,
optimizations, and dynamic host configuration protocols (DHCP).

Mobile Transport layer: Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP,, Mobile TCP, Fast
retransmission/ fast recovery, transmission/time-out freezing, selective retransmission,
transaction oriented TCP. Wireless Application Protocol WAP: Introduction, protocol
architecture and treatment of protocols of all layers.

1. Murthy and Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Pearson Educationpublication.
2. Jochen Schiller,―Mobile Communicationsǁ,Addison-Wesley.
3. Stojmenovic and Cacute, ―Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computingǁ,
Wiley, 2002, ISBN 0471419028.

UNIT I: Introduction: Introduction to software engineering, software crisis, software

characteristics & application, software development life cycle model, waterfall model,
iterative waterfall model , prototyping model, evolutionary model, spiral model, Agile
B.tech Third Year, Semester-V

Project Management : project management concept, software process and project

metrics, project size estimation metrics, project estimation technique, empirical estimation
technique, COCOMO – A heuristic estimation technique ,Halstead‘s software science-an
analytical technique ,staffing level estimation, scheduling.

UNIT II: Software Requirement Specification : requirement analysis , requirement

elicitation techniques like FAST ,QFD & use case approach,DFD ,ER-diagram ,nature of
SRS, characteristic & organization of SRS ,Alternative analysis techniques , data
sturucture oriented methods ,the DSSD Approach , Jackson system development.

UNIT III: System Design: Design concept or principal, design fundamental abstraction,
refinement, modularity,software architecture, control hierarchy, design techniques and its
implementation:structure approach , functional approach ,object oriented approach.

UNIT IV: Testing And Maintenance: coding guidelines ,code review ,testing
process,design of test case ,functional testing ,structural testing ,software testing
techniques : unit testing ,integration testing (topdown and bottomup ), alphaand beta
testing,system testing and debugging
,maintenance process , maintenance model, reverse – engineering and re –
,documentation ,verification vs validation.

UNIT V: Software Reliability And Quality Assurance : quality concepts & characteristics
,software quality assurance ,software quality activity, cost impact of software , formal
technical review, the review meeting ,review reporting and record keeping ,review guide
line , SQA,CMM & ISO 9001 Standard.

1.Software engineering : A Practitioner‘s approach by Roger S. Pressman (MC-Graw Hill
International Edition).
2.An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering: Pankaj Jalote , NarosaPublication
3.Software Engineering Concepts By Fairley (TMH)
4. Fundamental Of Software Engineering: Rajib Mall.PHI
THEORY OF COMPUTATION Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

UNIT 1: Introduction
A general introduction to Strings, languages, graphs, trees and relations, Models of Computation:
RAM and RASP Models of Computation, Finite State Machines, Regular expressions; Deterministic
- Finite systems, Non deterministic Automata with and without e-moves, equivalence of DFA and
NDFA without e-moves, Construction of DFA from NDFA with e-moves, FA with output: Moore and
Mealy machine, Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machine, Applications and Limitation of FA.
B.tech Third Year, Semester-V

UNIT 2: Properties of regular sets

Regular expression (RE) , Definition, Operators of regular expression and there precedence,
Algebraic laws for Regular expressions, Kleen‘s Theorem, Construction of Regular expression from
FA, DFA to Regular expression, Arden Theorem, Non Regular Languages, Pumping Lemma for
regular Languages. Application of Pumping Lemma, Closure properties of Regular Languages,
Decision properties of Regular Languages.

UNIT 3: Context Free Grammars (CFG)

Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars: Type0, 1, 2 and 3 Grammars. Context free grammar(CFG) and
Context Free Languages (CFL): Definition, Examples, Derivation , Derivation trees, Ambiguity in
Grammar, Ambiguous to Unambiguous CFG, Simplification of CFGs, Normal forms for CFGs:
CNF(Chomsky normal form) and GNF (Griebach normal form), Conversion of a given grammar into
Chomsky normal form, Griebach normal form (examples only). Closure properties of CFLs, Decision
Properties of CFLs: Emptiness, Finiteness and Membership, Pumping lemma for CFLs.

UNIT 4. Push Down Automata

Definition of instantaneous descriptions, definition of Deterministic PDA, Construction of PDA for a
given language, Two Stack PDA and its construction, construction of CFL‘s given the transition
function of PDA, Equivalence of PDA and CFG, CFG to PDA and PDA to CFG.

UNIT 5: Turing machine (TM)

Definition, Types of TM, Different representations of TM, Construction of Turing machines for simple
languages, Definition of Computable languages and functions, Definition of total recursive, partial
recursive functions, Church Thesis, Post correspondence Problem, Halting problem.

Text Books:
1.John E Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D Ullman, ―Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages
and Computationǁ, Pearson Education
2. Peter Linz, ―An Introduction to formal language and automataǁ, Third edition, Narosa Publication.
1. Kamala Krithivasan, Rama R, ―Introduction to Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Computationǁ,
Pearson Education.
2.Martin J. C., ―Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computationsǁ, TMH.
3.Papadimitrou, C. and Lewis, C.L., ―Elements of the Theoryof Computationǁ, PHI.
4.K.L.P. Mishra and N.Chandrasekaran, ―Theory of Computer Science : Automata, Languages and
Computationǁ, PHI
5.Cohen D. I. A., ―Introduction to Computer theoryǁ, JohnWiley & Sons.
6.John E Hopcroft, Jeffrey D Ullman,―Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computationǁ, Narosa
OPERATING SYSTEM Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit – I
Introduction : Operating system and functions, Classification of Operating systems- Batch,
Interactive, Time sharing, Real Time System, Multiprocessor Systems, Multiuser Systems,
Multiprocess Systems, Multithreaded Systems, Operating System Structure- Layered
structure, System Components, Operating System services, Reentrant Kernels, Monolithic
and Microkernel Systems.
B.tech Third Year, Semester-V

Unit – II
Concurrent Processes: Process Concept, Principle of Concurrency, Producer / Consumer
Problem, Mutual Exclusion, Critical Section Problem, Dekker‘s solution, Peterson‘s
solution, Semaphores, Test and Set operation; Classical Problem in Concurrency- Dining
Philosopher Problem, Sleeping Barber Problem; Inter Process Communication models and
Schemes, Process
Unit – III
CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Concepts, Performance Criteria, Process States, Process
Transition Diagram, Schedulers, Process Control Block (PCB), Process address space,
Process identification information, Threads and their management, Scheduling Algorithms,
Multiprocessor Scheduling. Deadlock: System model, Deadlock characterization,
Prevention, Avoidance and detection, Recovery from deadlock.
Unit – IV
Memory Management: Basic bare machine, Resident monitor, Multiprogramming with
fixed partitions, Multiprogramming with variable partitions, Protection schemes, Paging,
Paged segmentation, Virtual memory concepts, Demand paging, Performance of
demand paging, Page replacement algorithms, Thrashing, Cache memory organization,
Locality of reference.
Unit – V
I/O Management and Disk Scheduling: I/O devices, and I/O subsystems, I/O buffering,
Disk storage and disk scheduling, RAID. File System: File concept, File organization and
access mechanism, File directories, and File sharing, File system implementation issues,
File system protection and security.

1. Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, ―OperatingSystems Conceptsǁ, Wiley
2. Sibsankar Halder and Alex A Aravind, ―Operating Systemsǁ, Pearson Education
3. Harvey M Dietel, ― An Introduction to Operating Systemǁ, Pearson Education
4. D M Dhamdhere, ―OperatingSystems : A Concept based Approachǁ, 2nd Edition, TMH
5.William Stallings, ―Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles ǁ, 6th
Edition, Pearson Education
CLOUD COMPUTING Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Cloud Computing Overview Origins of Cloud computing – Cloud components - Essential
characteristics – On-demand selfservice, Broad network access, Location independent
resource pooling ,Rapid elasticity , Measured service, Comparing cloud providers with
traditional IT service providers, Roots of cloud computing.
B.tech Third Year, Semester-VI

Cloud Insights Architectural influences – High-performance computing, Utility and
Enterprise grid computing, Cloud scenarios – Benefits: scalability ,simplicity ,vendors
,security, Limitations – Sensitive information - Application development- security level of
third party - security benefits, Regularity issues: Government policies.

Cloud Architecture- Layers and Models Layers in cloud architecture, Software as a Service
(SaaS), features of SaaS and benefits, Platform as a Service ( PaaS ), features of PaaS
and benefits, Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS), features of IaaS and benefits, Service
providers, challenges and risks in cloud adoption. Cloud deployment model: Public clouds –
Private clouds – Community clouds - Hybrid clouds - Advantages of Cloud computing.

Cloud Simulators- CloudSim and GreenCloud Introduction to Simulator, understanding
CloudSim simulator, CloudSim Architecture(User code, CloudSim, GridSim, SimJava)
Understanding Working platform for CloudSim, Introduction to GreenCloud

Introduction to VMWare Simulator Basics of VMWare, advantages of VMware
virtualization, using Vmware workstation, creating virtual machines-understanding virtual
machines, create a new virtual machine on local host, cloning virtual machines, virtualize a
physical machine, starting and stopping a virtual machine.

1.Cloud computing a practical approach - Anthony T.Velte , Toby J. Velte Robert
TATA McGraw- Hill
2. Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and
3.Cloud computing for dummies- Judith Hurwitz , Robin Bloor , Marcia Kaufman ,Fern
Halper, Wiley Publishing, InC
4. Cloud Computing (Principles and Paradigms), Edited by Rajkumar Buyya, James
Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011
COMPILER DESIGN Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Introduction to Compiling: Compiler, Translator and itsNeed, The phases of a compiler,
phases of ‗C‘ compiler, Cousins of the Compiler, grouping of Phases, Bootstrapping.
Lexical Analysis: Role of lexical analyzer, Input buffering, specification & Recognition of
tokens, Finite automata, Regular sets and expression, Conversion of Regular expression to
FNA, Obtaining Regular expression from Finite Automata, Optimization of DFA states.
B.tech Third Year, Semester-VI

Basic Parsing Techniques: Context Free Grammar, Derivation and Parse Tree, Parsers:
Top-down Parsing (Predictive Parser , Back tracking Parser or Recursive-descent parsing ,
LL parsing) ,Bottom Up Parsing ( Shift –reduce parser, LR, Parser , SLR Parser , LALR
Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax directed definition, L- attribute and S- attribute
definition, 3-address code, Inter mediate Code, Postfix notation, Quadruples, Triples,
implementation of syntax directed translator, parse tree and syntax tree.

Symbol Tables : The contents of symbol table, Entering information in to symbol Table ,
Information about run time storage location, Data structure for symbol tables, representing
scope information in Symbol Table , Storage allocation , Activation Record , Static
Allocation, (call and return sequence, access to nonlocal names, setting up the access

Error detection and recovery: Errors, Error recovery, Errors and Recovery in Lexical
phase , Syntactic-phase , Semantic phase, LR Parsing , Predictive Parsing .

Code optimization: Principles sources of optimization, loop optimization, DAG
representation of basic blocks, values numbers and algebraic laws, Global data-flow
UNIT 8: Code Generation: Issues in the design of code generator, a simple code generator,
register allocation and assignment, code generation from DAG.

1.Aho, Sethi& Ullman, ―Compilers Principles & Techniques & Toolsǁ, Addision Wesley.
2.Aho&Ulman, ―Compiler Design, ―Narosa Publishers, New Delhi.
GRAPHICS Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Origin of computer graphics, display devices, General purpose Graphics software display of
solid objects.
Input Devices : Pointing and positioning devices, three dimensional input devices. Graph
input techniques.
B.tech Third Year, Semester-VI

Display Techniques and Devices:

Point plotting techniques, coordinate, system and intcremental methods, line drawing
algorithms, circle generators, display devices, CRT, inherited memory devices, the storage
tube display, refresh line-drawing display.

Graphics Package and Display Files:
A simple graphics, segment functions for segmenting the display files, posting and
unposting, segment naming schemes. Appending to segment refresh concurrent with
reconstruction free storage allocation, display file structure, geometric models, defining
symbols procedures, display procedure, structured display files.

Two Dimensional Transformations:
Principle concatenation matrix representation, a line dipping algorithm, midpoint division,
dipping other graphics entities, polygon dipping viewing transformation, tiny windowing

Event Handling & Input Fractions:
Introduction, polling, interrupts, the event queue, functions for handling eveifits, polling task
design, light pen interrupts, dragging and fix, htt detection, on-line character recognizers.

Raster Graphics:
Introduction, generating a raster image, interactive faster graphics raster display hardware.
3-D Graphics :
Realism of 3D Graphics, 3D Transformation, Projections and its types. Curves & surfaces,
hidden line and surface elimination (Z-Buffer Algorithm), Introduction To Virtual Reality.

1) Principles of interactive coinsurer graphics by W. M. Newman & R. F. Sproull, Me Graw
2)Computer Graphics by Donald Heam & Baker, PHI.
3) Mathematical Approach To Computer Graphics, Rodger,
Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

What is learning: Introduction, What is learning, Self learning computer systems, Machine
learning & Methodology of science, Ex:- A kangaroo in mist. Data Mining: Definitions,
Challenges, The knowledge discovery process in detail (Data selection, Cleaning,
Enrichment, Coding process) KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) v/s Data Mining,
DBMS v/s Data Mining, Golden rules to setup KDD environment.
B.tech Third Year, Semester-VI

DSS: Characteristics, Definitions for DSS, Why Decision DSS, Benefits, DSS Architecture.
Dss-Uses, definition, Operational Database.Introduction to DATA Warehousing.why do we
need it & Integration with Data Mining, Data-Mart, Concept of Data-Warehousing, Multi-
Dimensional Database Structures. Client/Server Computing Model.

DATA Warehousing: DATA Warehousing. Data Warehousing Components.Building a
Data Warehouse.Warehouse Database.Technical considerations & Implementation
considerations of data warehouses, 3-level architecture of data warehousing.

Data Mining Techniques: Preliminary Analysis of data set using traditional Query rules,
Visualization techniques, Likelihood & distance, OLAP Tools, K-nearest neighbor, Decision
Trees. Association rules, Neural Networks, Genetic algorithm.
Association Rules: What is an Association rule, Methods to discover Association Rules, A
Priori algorithm, Partition algorithms, Pincer search algorithms, Discussion on different
algorithms, Incremental algorithms, Border algorithm, Generalized association rule.

Classification and Clustering technique:Decision Trees : What is a decision tree, Tree
construction principle, Web-split, Splitting Indices, Splitting Criteria, Decision tree
construction algorithm.
Clustering technique: Introduction, clustering paradigms, partitioning algorithm, k-
medoidalgorithm,CLARA, CLARANS, Hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN, CURE,
BIRCH,CURE, Categorical clustering algorithm, STIRR, ROCK, CACTUS.
Web Mining: Web mining, Web content mining, Web structure mining, Web users mining,
Text mining, Unstructured text, Episode Rule Discovery for Text, Hierarchy of Categories,

1. Data Mining techniques by ArunPujari, Universities Press.
2. Data ware housing, Data mining, OLAP, by Alex Berson& Stephen J. Smith,
3.Mallach, ―Decision Support and Data WarehousingSystemǁ, TMH
B.Tech. Fourth Year
Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit I: Overview and Introduction to Bayes Decision Theory: Machine intelligence and
applications, pattern recognition concepts classification, regression, feature selection,
supervised learning class conditional probability distributions,Examples of classifiers bayes
optimal classifier and error, learning classification approaches.

Unit II: Linear machines: General and linear discriminants, decision regions, single layer
neural network, linear separability, general gradient descent, perceptron learning algorithm,
mean square criterion and widrow-Hoff learning algorithm; multi-Layer perceptrons: two-layers
B.Tech. Fourth Year, Semester-VII

universal approximators, backpropagation learning, on-line, off-line error surface, important


Unit III: Learning decision trees: Inference model, general domains, symbolic decision trees,
consistency, learning trees from training examples entropy, mutual information, ID3 algorithm
criterion, C4.5 algorithm continuous test nodes, confidence, pruning, learning with incomplete
data. Instance-based Learning: Nearest neighbor classification, k-nearest neighbor, nearest
neighbor error probability,

Unit IV: Machine learning concepts and limitations: Learning theory, formal model of the
learnable, sample complexity, learning in zero-bayes and realizable case, VC-dimension,
fundamental algorithm independent concepts, hypothesis class, target class, inductive bias,
occam's razor, empirical risk, limitations of inference machines, approximation and estimation
errors, Tradeoff.Machine learning assessment and Improvement: Statistical model selection,
structural risk minimization, bootstrapping, bagging, boosting.
Unit V: Support Vector Machines: Margin of a classifier, dual perceptron algorithm, learning
nonlinear hypotheses with perceptron kernel functions, implicit non-linear feature space,
zero-Bayes, realizable infinite hypothesis class, finite covering, margin-based bounds on risk,
maximal margin classifier.
1. E. Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
2. T. M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
3. C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
4. R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart, and D.G. Stork, Pattern Classification, John Wiley and Sons,
5. Vladimir N. Vapnik, Statistical Learning Theory, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
6. Shawe-Taylor J. and Cristianini N., Cambridge, Introduction to Support Vector
Machines, University Press, 2000.
Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit I
Introduction and Fundamentals Motivation and Perspective, Applications, Components of Image
Processing System, Element of Visual Perception, A Simple Image Model, Sampling and
Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain Introduction; Basic Gray Level Functions – Piecewise-
Linear Transformation Functions: Contrast Stretching; Histogram Specification; Histogram
Equalization; Local Enhancement; Enhancement using Arithmetic/Logic Operations – Image
Subtraction, Image Averaging; Basics of Spatial Filtering; Smoothing - Mean filter, Ordered Statistic
Filter; Sharpening – The Laplacian.
B.Tech. Fourth Year, Semester-VII

Unit II
Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain, Basis
of Filtering in Frequency Domain, Filters – Low-pass, High-pass; Correspondence Between Filtering
in Spatial and Frequency Domain; Smoothing Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Lowpass
Filters; Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Highpass Filters; Homomorphic Filtering.
Image Restoration A Model of Restoration Process, Noise Models, Restoration in the presence of
Noise only-Spatial Filtering – Mean Filters: Arithmetic Mean filter, Geometric Mean Filter, Order
Statistic Filters – Median Filter, Max and Min filters; Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain
Filtering – Bandpass Filters; Minimum Mean-square Error Restoration.

Unit III
Color Image Processing Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Converting Colors to different
models, Color Transformation, Smoothing and Sharpening, Color Segmentation.
Morphological Image Processing Introduction, Logic Operations involving Binary Images, Dilation
and Erosion, Opening and Closing, Morphological Algorithms – Boundary Extraction, Region Filling,
Extraction of Connected Components, Convex Hull, Thinning, Thickening

Unit IV
Registration Introduction, Geometric Transformation – Plane to Plane transformation, Mapping,
Stereo Imaging – Algorithms to Establish Correspondence, Algorithms to Recover Depth
Segmentation Introduction, Region Extraction, Pixel-Based Approach, Multi-level Thresholding,
Local Thresholding, Region-based Approach, Edge and Line Detection: Edge Detection, Edge
Operators, Pattern Fitting Approach, Edge Linking and Edge Following, Edge Elements Extraction
by Thresholding, Edge Detector Performance, Line Detection, CornerDetection.

Unit V
Feature Extraction Representation, Topological Attributes, Geometric Attributes Description
Boundary-based Description, Region-based Description, Relationship.
Object Recognition Deterministic Methods, Clustering, Statistical Classification, Syntactic
Recognition, Tree Search, Graph Matching

1.Digital Image Processing”, R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, 3 rd Edition, Prentice-Hall
2.Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S. L. Eddins, Pearson
Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit I
Introduction and Fundamentals Motivation and Perspective, Applications, Components of Image
Processing System, Element of Visual Perception, A Simple Image Model, Sampling and
Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain Introduction; Basic Gray Level Functions – Piecewise-
Linear Transformation Functions: Contrast Stretching; Histogram Specification; Histogram
Equalization; Local Enhancement; Enhancement using Arithmetic/Logic Operations – Image
Subtraction, Image Averaging; Basics of Spatial Filtering; Smoothing - Mean filter, Ordered Statistic
Filter; Sharpening – The Laplacian.
B.Tech. Fourth Year, Semester-VII

Unit II
Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain, Basis
of Filtering in Frequency Domain, Filters – Low-pass, High-pass; Correspondence Between Filtering
in Spatial and Frequency Domain; Smoothing Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Lowpass
Filters; Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Highpass Filters; Homomorphic Filtering.
Image Restoration A Model of Restoration Process, Noise Models, Restoration in the presence of
Noise only-Spatial Filtering – Mean Filters: Arithmetic Mean filter, Geometric Mean Filter, Order
Statistic Filters – Median Filter, Max and Min filters; Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain
Filtering – Bandpass Filters; Minimum Mean-square Error Restoration.

Unit III
Color Image Processing Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Converting Colors to different
models, Color Transformation, Smoothing and Sharpening, Color Segmentation.
Morphological Image Processing Introduction, Logic Operations involving Binary Images, Dilation
and Erosion, Opening and Closing, Morphological Algorithms – Boundary Extraction, Region Filling,
Extraction of Connected Components, Convex Hull, Thinning, Thickening

Unit IV
Registration Introduction, Geometric Transformation – Plane to Plane transformation, Mapping,
Stereo Imaging – Algorithms to Establish Correspondence, Algorithms to Recover Depth
Segmentation Introduction, Region Extraction, Pixel-Based Approach, Multi-level Thresholding,
Local Thresholding, Region-based Approach, Edge and Line Detection: Edge Detection, Edge
Operators, Pattern Fitting Approach, Edge Linking and Edge Following, Edge Elements Extraction
by Thresholding, Edge Detector Performance, Line Detection, CornerDetection.

Unit V
Feature Extraction Representation, Topological Attributes, Geometric Attributes Description
Boundary-based Description, Region-based Description, Relationship.
Object Recognition Deterministic Methods, Clustering, Statistical Classification, Syntactic
Recognition, Tree Search, Graph Matching

1.Digital Image Processing”, R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, 3 rd Edition, Prentice-Hall
2.Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S. L. Eddins, Pearson
Syllabus of
Electives for
B.Tech. Third Year
Distributed System Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Introduction to distributed system : What is distributed system, Advantages of
distributed systems over centralized systems and PCs, Disadvantages of distributed
system. Hardware concepts: Bus based multiprocessors, switched Multiprocessors, Bus
based multi computer, Switched multicomputers. Software Concepts: Network OS, true
distributed systems, Multiprocessor time sharing system.
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Architecture of Distributed System: Motivation of distributed operating system,
System Architecture types, Various issues in distributed operating system: Global
Knowlege, Naming,Scalability, Compatibility, Process Synchronization, Resource
Management, Security, Client-Server computing model. The Massage Passing Model,
Remote procedural calls.

Theoretical Foundations of Distributed Operating system: Inherent limitation of
distributed system, absence of global clock, Absence of shared memory, Lamport’s Logical
clock, Global State Chandy-Lamport’s global state recording algorithm,

Distributed deadlock, Distributed Mutual Exclusion and Agreement Protocol:
Mutual Exclusion: Centralized Algorithm, Distributed algorithm, Token ring
algorithm.Deadlock in distributed system. Distributed deadlock detection, Distributed
deadlock prevention., Introduction to Agreement protocols, System models: Asynchronous
Vs Synchronous Computation,

Distributed data storage and distributed Query Processing :
Data Replication, Data Fragmentation (horizontal, vertical and mixed), Data replication and
fragmentation, Query Transformation, Simple join Processing. Semijoin strategy. Commit
protocols-two phase commit and three phase commit, Concurrency control- locking
protocol and time stamping, Deadlock handling - centralized and distributed approaches.

1)Advanced Concepts in operating system by MukeshSinghal and Niranjan G. Shivaratri.
2) Distributed operating system by Andrew S.Tanenbaum.
Advanced DBMS Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit I
Introduction to distributed database systems, transaction processing
Concurrency control techniques, security, Distributed Data Base architecture.

Unit II
Introduction to object oriented database system, Definition of Objects, Review of
Key Object- oriented programming concepts, Object Orientation for Database Systems,
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Relational Extensions to Object-oriented Database Systems, Object Orientation in

Relational Databases, Uses for Object-oriented Database.

Unit III
Introduction to data mining, Self-learning, What is data warehouse and why do
we need, Designing decision support systems, Integration with data mining.

Unit IV
Introduction to knowledge discovery process, Data selection, cleaning.
Enrichment coding data mining, Preliminary analysis of the data set using traditional query
tools, Decompose trees, Association rules, Neural networks, Genetic algorithms
Introduction to setting up a KDD environment.

Unit V
Advanced Transaction processing: Remote Backup systems, Transaction
Processing Monitors, TP-Monitor Architectures, High-Performance Transaction systems.
Long Duration Transactions, Transactional Workflows, Query Optimization security and
production, Encryption, Statistical Database. Data base triggers, functions, procedures,
packages and forms with respect to existing database.

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Distributed Data base system,. Stegano Ceri and

qiuseppe Pelagati Mc-Graw Hill

2 Distributed Object Oriented Data- Prabhat K. Andleigh, Michacl PTR Prentic Hall Inc
Systems Design R. Gretzinger

3 Data Mining, Addison, Wesley Pieter Adriaans Dolf Longman Ltd

Advance JAVA Programming Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Collections: Basic,Collection Interfaces, Concrete Collections, The Collections Framework
Multithreading : Creating thread and running it, Multiple Thread acting on single object,
Synchronization, Thread communication, Thread group, Thread priorities, Daemon Thread, Life
Cycle of Thread

Networking: Internet Addressing, InetAddress, Factory Methods, Instance Methods, TCP/IP Client
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Sockets, URL, URL Connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets, Datagrams

Enterprise Java Bean: Preparing a Class to be a JavaBean, Creating a JavaBean,JavaBean
Properties, Types of beans, Stateful Session bean, Stateless Session bean, Entity bean

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Merging Data from Multiple Tables: Joining, Manipulating
Databases with JDBC, Prepared Statements, Transaction Processing, Stored Procedures C
Servlets: Servlet Overview and Architecture, Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle, Handling
HTTP get Requests, Handling HTTP post Requests, Redirecting Requests to Other Resources,
Session Tracking, Cookies, Session Tracking with HttpSession

Java Swing
Working with JFrame, JApplet, Jpanel, JTextfield, JPasswordField, Jbutton,Jcheckbox,
Jradiobutton, Jlist, Jscrollpane, Jcombobox,Jmenu, Jmenubar,JMenultem, JpopupMenu, JTree,
Java Server Pages (JSP): Introduction, Java Server Pages Overview, A First Java Server Page
Example, Implicit Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Custom Tag Libraries
Remote Method Invocation: Defining the Remote Interface, Implementing the Remote Interface,
Compiling and Executing the Server and the Client.

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA): Technical/Architectural Overview,
CORBA Basics, CORBA services

Introduction Smart Phone Application Development: Introduction to android platform, Creating

application template, adding activity, intent, services to application, using Google map API

Reference Book:
1. ―Advanced Java 2 Platform HOW TO PROGRAMǁ by H. M.Deitel, P. J. Deitel, S. E. Santry
– Prentice Hall
3. ―BeginningJava™ EE 6 Platform with GlassFish 3 From Novice to Professionalǁ by Antonio
Goncalves -Apress publication
1. Programming with Java A Primer, E. Balaguruswamy Tata McGraw Hill Companies.
2. Java Programming John P. Flynt Thomson 2nd.
Linux System Administration Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction: Duties of the Administrator, Administration tools, Overview of

permissions. Processes: Process status, Killing processes, process priority. Starting up
and Shut down: Peripherals, Kernel loading, Console, The scheduler, init and the inittab
file, Run-levels, Run level scripts.
Managing User Accounts: Principles, password file, Password security, Shadowfile,
Groups and the group file, Shells, restricted shells, user management commands, homes
and permissions, default files, profiles, locking accounts, setting passwords, Switching
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

user, Switching group, Removing users.

Unit 2 Managing Unix File Systems: Partitions, Swap space, Device files, Raw and
Block files, Formatting disks, Making file systems, Superblock, I-nodes, File system
checker, Mounting file systems, Logical Volumes, Network File systems, Boot disks.
Configuring the TCP/IP Networking : Kernel Configuration; Mounting the /proc File
system, Installing the Binaries, Setting the Hostname, Assigning IP Addresses, Creating
Subnets, Writing hosts and networks Files, Interface Configuration for IP, ifconfig, netstat
command, Checking the ARP Tables; Name service and resolver configuration.

Unit 3 TCP/IP Firewall: Methods of Attack, What Is a Firewall? What Is IP Filtering?

Setting Up Linux for Firewalling Testing a Firewall Configuration; A Sample Firewall
Configuration: IPAccounting, Configuring the Kernel for IP Accounting, Configuring IP
Accounting, Using IPAccounting Results
IP Masquerade and Network Address Translation : Side Effects and Fringe Benefits,
Configuring the Kernel for IP Masquerade, Configuring IP Masquerade.

Unit 4 The Network Information System: Getting Acquainted with NIS, NIS Versus NIS+
, The Client Side of NIS, Running an NIS Server, NIS Server Security.
Network file system: Preparing NFS, Mounting an NFS Volume, The NFS Daemons, The
exports File.
System Backup & Recovery: Log files for system and applications; Backup schedules
and methods (manual and automated).

Unit 5 Active Directory, LDAP

S. No Title Authors Publishers

1 System Software L.L. Beck Pearson Education
2 PC System Prog Michel Ticher Abacus
3 Linux network Adminis Kirch O‘Rielly
4 Unix system administ Maxwell TMH
5 The Practice of System Limoncelli Pearson
& Network Administration
Graph theory Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Graphs Introduction Isomorphism Sub graphs Walks, Paths, Circuits

Connectedness Components - Euler Graphs Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits Trees
Properties of trees Distance and Centers in Tree Rooted and Binary Trees.

Unit 2 Spanning trees - Fundamental Circuits -Spanning Trees in a Weighted Graph Cut
Sets Properties of Cut Set - All Cut Sets - Fundamental Circuits and Cut Sets Connectivity
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

and Separability Network flows 1-Isomorphism 2-Isomorphism Combinational and

Geometric Graphs Planer Graphs Different Representation of a Planer Graph.

Unit 3 Incidence matrix - Submatrices Circuit Matrix - Path Matrix - Adjacency Matrix -
Chromatic Number - Chromatic partitioning - Chromatic polynomial - Matching - Covering -
Four Color Problem - Directed Graphs - Types of Directed Graphs - Digraphs and Binary
Relations - Directed Paths and Connectedness - Euler Graphs - Adjacency Matrix of a

Unit 4 Algorithms: Connectedness and Components - Spanning tree - Finding all

Spanning Trees of a Graph -Set of Fundamental Circuits - Cut Vertices and Separability -
Directed Circuits.

Unit 5 Algorithms: Shortest Path Algorithm - DFS - Planarity Testing - Isomorphism

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Graph Theory: With Narsingh Deo PHI

Application to Engineering and
Computer Science

2 Introduction to Graph Theory R.J. Wilson Pearson Education

3 A text book of Graph Theory R. Balakrishan, K. Springer

Advanced Data Structures Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1: Introduction- Basic concepts, Computational Models, Fixed Universe successor

problem and other data structure problems.

Unit 2: Binary Search trees- Introduction, Height of Binary search tree, Basic Operations
in Binary Search Tree: Search, Successor, predecessor, insert, deletion, minimum,
maximum, Balancing trees, random binary search tree- treaps, optimal binary search tree,
Cartesian tree and its applications.
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Unit 3: Balanced Search Trees- Introduction, rotations, AVL Trees- insertion, deletion,
Red Black Trees- height of Rb tree, insertion, deletion, Splay Trees- properties, splaying
modes, splay tree operations, insertion, deletion, searching.

Unit 4: Multiway Search Trees- m-way search tree, B-tree-insertion, deletion, B+ tree-
Searching, insertion, deletion, analysis, Finger Search Tree and level Linking, finger
searching, finger search tree, search in finger tree, Randomized Finger Search Trees-
Finger searching in Treaps, Finger searching in Skip Lists, Applications, (2,3) trees- height,
insertion, deletion, application in range query, x-fast tree, y-fast tree.

Unit 5: String Data Structures- Introduction, Digital Search trees- searching, insertion,
deletion, Binary tries, patricia trie, Suffix Trees, Suffix Array, Correspondence between
suffix array and suffix tree.

Unit 6: Data Structure for Disjoint Sets- Introduction, Disjoint set operations,
Determining connected components of an undirected graph, Disjoint set representation-
Linked representation, Disjoint set forests, Shallow threaded trees, Applications- Maze
generation, Kruskal‘s Minimum spanning tree.

Unit 7: Hashing Techniques- Introduction, Static Hashing, Hash functions, Cuckoo

hashing, Bloom filters- design and applications.
Web Technology Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

History of Web, Protocols governing Web, Creating Websites for individual andCorporate
World, Cyber Laws, Web Applications, Writing Web Projects, Identification of Objects,
Target Users, Web Team, Planning and Process Development Introduction toInternet
Concept of Hypertext, Versions of HTML, Elements of HTML,Formatting Tags, Links,
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Hyperlinks, Image & Image map, List, Tables, Frames,Forms, Style Sheets, Background
and Color Controls. DHTML: Introduction toDHTML. Advanced Netscape DHTML,
Advanced Microsoft DHTML & Crossbrowser DHTML JavaScript: Introduction, Statements,
Functions, objects inJavaScript, Events and Event Handling, Arrays, FORMS, Buttons,
Checkboxes,Text fields and Text areas.
Introduction, List, Tables, Images, Forms, Frames; Introduction to scripting languages:
Problems with HTML & SGML, Types of XML Markup, Displaying an XML Document,
Document Type Definitions (DTD), Linking,Using Style Sheets with XML. Data Interchange
with an XML document,Client-side usage, Server Side usage;
CSS Document type definition, XML schemes, Object Models,Presenting XML, Using XML
Processors: DOM and SAX, Introduction to Java Script, Object in Java Script, Dynamic
HTML with Java Script Web project, Web Team, Communication Issues, the Client,
Multidepartmental& Large scale Websites, Quality Assurance and Testing, Technological
advances and Impact on Web Teams, Overview of Static or Dynamic Web page, Portal,
Search Engine.
PHP Introduction, Creating PHP Script, Running PHP Script, Variables & Constants, data
types, Operators.PHP Conditional Statements, Control Statements, Arrays, Functions,
Working with forms and database using MySQL.
Introduction to JSP, JSP processing, JSP Application Design, Tomcat Server, Implicit JSP
objects,Conditional Processing, Declaring variables and methods, Error Handling and
Debugging, Sharingdata between JSP pages, Sharing Session and Application Data.
AJAX Introduction, AJAX with XML, AJAX with PHP, Common Gateway Interface and Perl

Text books:
1) Burdman, ―collaborative web developmentǁ addision Wesley
2) ASP.NET 21 days, TMH
3) ―magic with HTML, DHTML, Javascriptǁ, laxmi publication.
4) ―web technologyǁ, laxmi publication
Principles of Programming CS-338T
Languages Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

UNIT 1: Introduction:
Why study programming language?, Charactristics of programming Languages, Factors
influencing evolution of programming language, attributes of a good language, Role of
programming language, Evolution of software architecture, Language Paradigms
Language Standardization,.

UNIT 2: Virtural computer and actual computer:

Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Structure and operations of a compiler, Translator and software related components,

syntax and semantics, Software simulation, Virtural computer and actual computer, Binding
and Binding time.

UNIT 3: Data objects, variables and constant:

Data types, specification of elementary data types, types checking ( Static and dynamics).

UNIT 4: Vectors and arrays:

Implementation of one and multi dimension arrays, records and structures, their
implementation, Record and arrays with structured component, pointer.

UNIT 5: Parallel programming:

Principle of Parallel programming language co routines, synchronization of tasks using
interrupts, semaphores and messages, mutual exclusion, critical section.

UNIT 6: Abstract data types:

Data Abstraction, information, hiding, encapsulation by subprograms-subprograms as
Abstract operation, subprogram definition & invocation, generic subprogram.

UNIT 7: Subprogram control:

Simple subprogram call-return with its implementation Recursive program with its
implementation Referencing environment .

1) Programming Languages (2nd ed.) by Ravi Sethi
2) Programming Languages (2nd ed.) by Ravi Sethi & Terrence W. Pratt.
Software Project CS-339T
Management Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction and Software ProjectPlanning Fundamentals ofSoftware Project

Management (SPM), Need Identification, Vision and Scope document, Project
Management Cycle, SPM Objectives, Management Spectrum, SPM Framework, Software
Project Planning, Planning Objectives, Project Plan, Types of project plan, Structure of a
Software Project Management Plan, Software project estimation, Estimation methods,
Estimation models, Decision process.
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Unit 2 Project Organization and Scheduling Project Elements, Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS), Types of WBS, Functions, Activities and Tasks, Project Life Cycle and Product Life
Cycle, Ways to Organize Personnel, Project schedule, Scheduling Objectives, Building the
project schedule, Scheduling terminology and techniques, Network Diagrams: PERT,
CPM, Bar Charts: Milestone Charts, Gantt Charts.

Unit 3 Project Monitoring and ControlDimensions of Project Monitoring & Control, Earned
Value Analysis, Earned Value Indicators: Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS),
Cost Variance (CV), Schedule Variance (SV), Cost Performance Index (CPI), Schedule
Performance Index (SPI), Interpretation of Earned Value Indicators, Error Tracking,
Software Reviews, Types of Review: Inspections, Deskchecks, Walkthroughs, Code
Reviews, Pair Programming.

Unit 4 Software Quality Assurance and Testing Testing Objectives, Testing Principles,
Test Plans, Test Cases, Types of Testing, Levels of Testing, Test Strategies, Program
Correctness, Program Verification & validation, Testing Automation & Testing Tools,
Concept of Software Quality, Software Quality Attributes, Software Quality Metrics and
Indicators, The SEI Capability Maturity Model CMM), SQA Activities, Formal SQA
Approaches: Proof of correctness, Statistical quality assurance, Cleanroom process.

Unit 5 Project Management and ProjectManagement Tools SoftwareConfiguration

Management: Software Configuration Items and tasks, Baselines, Plan for Change,
Change Control, Change Requests Management, Version
Control, Risk Management: Risks and risk types, Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), Risk
Management Process: Risk identification, Risk analysis, Risk planning, Risk monitoring,
Cost Benefit Analysis, Software Project Management Tools: CASE Tools, Planning and
Scheduling Tools, MS-Project.

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Software Project ManagementM. Cotterell , Bob Hughes McGrew Hill
2 Software Project Managemnet S. A. KelkarPHI PHI
Programming in R Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction: Basic fundamentals; installation and use of software; RStudio, R for
mathematics: Arithmetic, Logarithms and Exponentials, E-Notation; Assigning Objects,
Vectors: Creating a Vector, Sequences, Repetition, Sorting, and Lengths, Matrix
Operations and Algebra, Multidimensional Array, Non-numeric values, String and its
operations, Factors, List and Data Frames, special values, reading/writing data, Reading
files: R-Ready Data Sets and Reading in External Data Files, import/export data,
correlation and agregation.
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Unit 2 Control structures, Loops, and Function: If Statements, else Statements, if-else
statement, Nesting and Stacking Statements, The switch statement, Loops: For and while,
Functions: Function creation and return statements, recursive functions, scoping rules.

Unit 3 Data Analysis: Data: Numeric, Categorical, univariate and multivariate, Analysis of
Data: Centrality: Mean, Median, Mode, Counts, Percentages, and Proportions Quantiles,
Percentiles, Spread: Variance, Standard Deviation, and the Interquartile Range.
Covariance and Correlation Outliers.

Unit 4 Machine Learning: Regression in R: simple, multi-linear, and stepwise, Decission

in R, R Random Forest, Kmeans clustering, examples

Unit 5 Data Visualization: Using plot with Coordinate Vectors, Graphical Parameters:
Automatic Plot Types, Title and Axis Labels, Color, The ggplot2 Package, Bar plots and
Pie Charts, Histograms, Box plot, Scatter plot.

1. Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language by Mark Gardener, Wiley, 2013.
2. The R Software-Fundamentals of Programming and Statistical Analysis by Pierre Lafaye
de Micheaux, Rémy Drouilhet, Benoit Liquet, Springer 2013.
3. A Beginner's Guide to R (Use R) by Alain F. Zuur, Elena N. Ieno, Erik H.W.G. Meesters,
Springer 2009.
4. Data Analysis and Graphics Using R. by John Maindonald and John Braun Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2nd edition, 2007. ISBN 978-0-521-86116-8.
5. The R book by Crawley, Michael J John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
6. The book of R: a first course in programming and statistics by Davies, Tilman M., No
Starch Press, 2016.
Pattern Recognition and CS-341T
Classification Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction: Basics of pattern recognition, Design principles of pattern

recognition system, Learning and adaptation, Pattern recognition approaches,
Mathematical foundations Linear algebra, Probability Theory, Expectation, mean and
covariance, Normal distribution, multivariate normal densities, Chi squared test.

Unit 2 Statistical Patten Recognition: Bayesian Decision Theory, Classifiers, Normal

density and discriminate functions,
Elective (B.Tech. Third Year)

Unit 3 Parameter estimation methods: Maximum-Likelihood estimation, Bayesian

Parameter estimation, Dimension reduction methods - Principal Component Analysis
(PCA), Fisher Linear discriminate analysis, Expectation-maximization (EM), Hidden Markov
Models (HMM), Gaussian mixture models.

Unit 4 Nonparametric Techniques: Density Estimation, Parzen Windows, K-Nearest

Neighbor Estimation, Nearest Neighbor Rule, Fuzzy classification.

Unit 5 Unsupervised Learning & Clustering: Criterion functions for clustering, Clustering
Techniques: Iterative square - error partitional clustering – K-means, agglomerative
hierarchical clustering, Cluster validation.

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Pattern Recognition Rchard O. Duda, Peter John Wiley

E. Hart and David G. Stork

2 Pattern Recognition C. M. Bishop Springer

and Machine Learning
Syllabus of
B.Tech. Fourth Year
Neural Network for CS-441T
Machine learning Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

UNIT 1: Introduction, well posed learning problems, Machine learning approach,

perspective and issues in machine learning, elements of Machine learning, types of
machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning,
recommender system, linear regression with one variable (cost function, example),
regression with multi variable and applications, gradient descent, overview of soft
computing and applications.
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

UNIT 2: Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Neural Computation: Some Examples

and Applications, biological Neurons, dendrite, synapses and their weights, pre- and post-
synaptic signals, activation potential and activation function. Excitatory and inhibitory
synapses. The biasing input. Types of activating functions, Models of Artificial Neural
Networks, Neural Processing,

Unit 3: Learning and adaptation, Learning as Approximation or Equilibria Encoding,

Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Neural Network Learning Rules: Hebbian
Learning Rule, Perceptron Learning Rule, Delta Learning Rule, Least-Mean-Square
(Widrow-Hoff) Learning Rule, Correlation Learning Rule, Winner-Take-All Learning Rule,
Outstar Learning Rule

Unit 4: Perceptron, Single-Layer Perceptron Classifiers, Classification Model, Features,

and Decision Regions, Discriminate Function, perceptron for classification.

Unit 5: Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network, Supervised Learning, Linearly

Nonseparable Pattern Classification, Error Back-Propagation algorithm, Fast training
Self-Organising Maps, Kohonen networks Recurrent Networks, Hopfield networks.

Text Books:
1.Tom M. Mitchell. "Machine Learning" McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2.P. Langley. "Elements of Machine Learning" Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. 1996.
3.Artificial neural Networks, Zurada, Jacek M.
4.Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition,. Bishop, C. M. (1995), Oxford University Press.
5.Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Simon Haykin.
6.Artificial neural Networks, B. Yegnanarayana, PHI
7. Neural networks, Fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithms, S. Raj sekaran , Vijayalakshmi
Pari, PHI.
Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit - I: Introduction
Compression Techniques: Loss less compression, Lossy Compression, Measures of
prefonnance, Modeling and coding, Mathematical Preliminaries for Lossless compression:
A brief introduction to information theory, Models: Physical models, Probability models,
Markov models, composite source model, Coding: uniquely decodable codes, Prefix
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Unit – II: Huffman coding

The Huffman coding algorithm: Minimum variance Huffman codes, Adaptive Huffman
coding: Update procedure, Encoding procedure, Decoding procedure. Golomb codes, Rice
codes, Tunstall codes, Applications of Huffman coding: Loss less image compression, Text

Unit-III: Arithmetic Coding

Coding a sequence, Generating a binary code, Comparison of Binary and Huffman coding,
Applications: Bi-level image compression. Dictionary Techniques: Introduction, Static
Dictionary: Diagram Coding, Adaptive Dictionary. The LZ77 Approach, The LZ78
Approach, Applications: File Compression-UNIX compress, Image Compression: The
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Compression over Modems: V.42 bits, Predictive
Coding: Prediction with Partial match (ppm): The basic algorithm, The ESCAPE SYMBOL,
length of context, The Exclusion Principle, The Burrows- Wheeler Transform: Move-to-front
coding, Multi-resolution Approaches, Facsimile Encoding, Dynamic Markoy Compression.

Unit – IV: Mathematical Preliminaries for Lossy Coding

Distortion criteria, Models, Scalar Ouantization: The Quantization problem, Uniform
Quantizer, Adaptive Quantization, Non uniform Quantization.

Unit-V: Vector Quantization

Advantages of Vector Quantization over Scalar Quantization, The Linde-Buzo- Gray
Algorithm, Tree structured Vector Quantizers. Structured Vector Quantizers.

1. Khalid Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Network security and CS-443T
Cryptography Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction: Terminology, Substitution ciphers and Transposition ciphers,

Simple XOR, One-Time Pads, Computer Algorithms. Cryptographic Protocols

Unit 2 Protocol Building Blocks: Introduction, Communication using Symmetric

Cryptography, One-Way Hash Functions, One-Way Hash Functions, Communication using
Public-Key Cryptography, Digital Signatures, Digital Signatures with Encryption.
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Unit 3 Protocols: Authentication and Key exchange, Key Exchange, Authentication,

Multiple key public key cryptography, Secret splitting, Secret Sharing, Cryptographic
protection. Zero- Knowledge Proofs, Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Indentity, Blind Signatures,
Obilivious Transfer, oblivious signature, Simultaneous contract singing Cryptographic

Unit 4 Key Management : Generating Keys, Nonlinear Keyspaces, Transferring Keys,

Verifying Keys, Using Keys.

Unit 5 Using Algorithms: Choosing an Algorithm, Public-Key cryptography versus

Symmetric cryptography, Encrypting Communication Channels, Encrypting data for
Cryptographic Algorithms: RSA, DES

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Applied Cryptography Bruce Schneier, John Viley
& Sons.
2 Network Security and
Cryptography WillamStalling

3 Concept of Network Security Frozen

and Cryptography
Artificial Intelligence CS-444T
Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Introduction: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Foundations and History of Artificial
Intelligence,can machine think?, AI techniques, components of AI, Applications of Artificial
Intelligence,Intelligent Agents, Structure of Intelligent Agents. Computer vision, Natural
Language Possessing.

Introduction to Search : Searching for solutions, Uniformed search strategies(BFS,DFS),
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Informed search strategies(hill climbing search,best-first search,A* search,IDA*,AO*),

Local search algorithms and optimistic problems, Adversarial Search, Search for games,
Alpha - Beta pruning.

Knowledge Representation & Reasoning: Propositional logic, Theory of first order
logic,Inference in First order logic, Forward & Backward chaining, Resolution, Probabilistic
reasoning, Utility theory, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Bayesian Networks.

Machine Learning : Supervised and unsupervised learning, Decision trees, Statistical
learning models, Learning with complete data - Naive Bayes models, Learning with hidden
data – EM algorithm, Reinforcement learning,

Pattern Recognition : Introduction, Design principles of pattern recognition system,
Statistical Pattern recognition, Parameter estimation methods - Principle Component
Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Classification Techniques –
Nearest Neighbor (NN) Rule, Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K – means

1.Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, ―Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approachǁ, Pearson
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ, McGraw-Hill
3.E Charniak and D McDermott, ―Introduction to Artificial Intelligenceǁ, Pearson Education
4. Dan W. Patterson, ―Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systemsǁ, Prentice Hall of India,
Network Management CS-445T
System Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Data communications and Network Management Overview: Analogy

ofTelephone Network Management, Communications protocols and Standards, Case
Histories of Networking and Management, Challenges of Information Technology
Managers, Network Management: Goals, Organization, and Functions, Network and
System Management, Network Management System Platform, Current Status and future of
Network Management.

Unit 2 SNMPV1 Network Management: Organization and Information and Information

Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Models. Managed network: Case Histories and Examples, The History of SNMP
Management, The SNMP Model, The Organization Model, System Overview, The
Information Model. SNMPv1 Network Management: Communication and Functional
Models. The SNMP Communication Model, Functional model. SNMP Management:
SNMPv2: Major Changes in SNMPv2, SNMPv2 System Architecture, SNMPv2 Structure of
Management Information, the SNMPv2 Management Information Base, SNMPv2 Protocol,
Compatibility with SNMPv1.

Unit 3 SNMP Management: RMON: What is Remote Monitoring? , RMON SMI and
MIB,RMON1, RMON2, ATM Remote Monitoring, A Case Study of Internet Traffic Using
RMON Telecommunications Management Network: Why TMN? , Operations Systems,
TMN Conceptual Model, TMN Standards, TMN Architecture, TMN Management Service
Architecture, An Integrated View of TMN, Implementation Issues.

Unit 4 Network Management Tools and Systems: Network Management Tools, Network
Statistics Measurement Systems, History of Enterprise Management, Network
Management systems, Commercial Network management Systems, System Management,
Enterprise Management Solutions

Unit 5 Web-Based Management: NMS with Web Interface and Web-Based

Management,Web Interface to SNMP Management, Embedded Web-Based Management,
Desktop management Interface, Web-Based Enterprise Management, WBEM: Windows
Management Instrumentation, Java management Extensions, Management of a Storage
Area Network, Future

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Network Management, Principles Mani Subrahmanian Pearson Education
and Practice
2 Network management Morris Pearson Education

3 Principles of Network Mark Burges, Wiley Dreamtech

System Administration
4 Distributed NetworkManagement Paul, John Wiley
Object Oriented Analysis CS-446T
and Design Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit-I Introduction to OOAD Whatis OOAD? Whatis UML? Whatare the Unitedprocess(UP)
phases Case study the NextGen POS system, Inception Use case Modeling Relating Use
cases include, extend and generalization.

Unit-II Elaboration Domain Models Finding conceptual classes and description classes
Associations Attributes Domain model refinement Finding conceptual class hierarchies
Aggregation and Composition UML activity diagrams and modeling
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Unit-III System sequence diagrams - Relationship between sequence diagrams and use
cases Logical architecture and UML package diagram Logical architecture refinement UML
class diagrams - UML interaction diagrams

Unit-IV GRASP: Designing objects with responsibilities Creator – Information expert Low
Coupling Controller High Cohesion Designing for visibility Applying GoF design patterns –
adapter, singleton, factory and observer patterns.

Unit-V UML state diagrams and modeling Operation contracts Mapping design to code
UML deployment and component diagrams

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Applying UML and Patterns: Craig Larman Third Edition, Pearson Education
An Introduction to object-oriented
Analysis and Design and
iterative development

2 Object-Oriented Analysis Mike O‘Docherty John Wiley & Sons

& Design: Understanding System
Development with UML 2.0

3 Java Design Patterns – A Tutorial James W- Cooper Wesley

Parallel Computing and CS-447T
Algorithms Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

UNIT 1: Introduction: Sequential model, need of alternative model, Parallel processing

terminology, c ontrasting pipelining and data parallelism, control parallelism, scalability,
sieve of Eratosthenes.

UNIT 2: PRAM algorithms: model of serial computation, PRAM model of parallel

computation, PRAM algorithms: Parallel reduction, prefix sums, List ranking, preorder tree
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

traversal, merging two sorted lists.

UNIT 3: Processor Arrays and Multiprocessors: Processor organizations: Mesh

networks, Binary tree network, Hypertree network, Pyramid network, Buttefily network,
hypercube network, Cube Connected Cycle, Shuffle Exchange network, de Bruijn network,
Mapping data to processors on processor arrays and multicomputers. Multiprocessors:

UNIT 4: Matrix Multiplication: sequential multiplication, Matrix Multiplication on 2D mesh,

Hypercube and shuffle exchange SIMD model, Algorithm for Multiprocessors.

UNIT 5: Parallel Sorting Algorithm: Enumeration sort, lower bound on parallel sorting,
odd-even transposition sort, Bitonic merge.

UNIT 6: Graph Algorithms – searching a graph, Connected components.

1) M.J. Quinn, ―Designing Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Computerǁ by Mc Graw Hill.
2) S.G. Akl, ―Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithmsǁ

3) S.G. Akl, ǁParallel Sorting Algorithmǁ by Academic Press.

Fault Tolerance computing Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 INTRODUCTION: Fundamental terminology, Objective of Fault Tolerance,

Applications of Fault-Tolerant computing, Reliability, Safety, Availability and Maintainability
Modeling using Markov chain, Dependability Evaluation technologies, Failure rate,
reliability function. Mean time to Failure(MTTF), Mean Time between, failures(MTBF) Mean
time to Repair (MTTR)

Unit 2 Architecture of Fault Tolerant Computer: Taxonomy, Fault Avoid ance

Techniques, Fault Detection at IBM, Dynamic redundancy in multiple computer system &
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Recovery on Time and Space, Fault, Detection Techniques, Detection of errors in Data
Management, Component Fault Detection, Detection Tests at
System level.

Unit 3 Reliable Design and Fault Diagnosis: Hazard, Fault Detection in Combinational
circuits, fault location Experiments, BooleanDifferences, Fault Detectionby Path

Unit 4 Coding Theory For Fault-Tolerant System: Error models, Basic structural
properties ofparity check codes, Matrix description of parity check codes, vectorspace
properties of parity check codes Error checking the syndrome, Group properties of Parity
check codes, Distance properties of parity check codes Polynomial algebra and cyclic
codes, Hamming single error correcting codes, Unidirectional error correcting and
Detecting codes, Asymnetric Errorcorrecting codes, single-Asymmetric error
correcting code.

Unit 5 Software Design Faults: Approaches foruniprocess software: ExceptionHandling

Framework, Recovery Block Approach, N-version Programming. Backward Recovery in
Concurrent systems: Domino Effect, Conversations, and FT-Actions, Conversation using
monitors, Using Distributed-Action. Forward recovery in concurrent Systems: Exception
Resolution Exception Handling with FT-Action.

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Fault Tolerance Computing: V. Nelson IEEE Computer

Fundamental Concepts
2 Design and analysis of Mustafa Abd-El-Barr Imperial College
reliable and fault tolerance
Computed Systems
3 Fault tolerance Computing Dhiraj K. Pradhan, Jacob Prentic Hall
A. Abraham
Real Time System Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction to real-time computing-Structure of a real-time system -

Characterization of real-time systems and tasks - Performance measures.

Unit 2 Task Assignment and Scheduling- Uniprocessor scheduling algorithms - Task

assignment - Mode changes - Fault tolerant scheduling.
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Unit 3 Real-time Communication- Network topologies and architecture issues -

Protocols - Contention-based, token-based, polled bus - Fault tolerant routing.

Unit 4 Real-time Databases- Transaction priorities and aborts - Concurrency control

issues - Scheduling algorithms - Two-phase approach to improve predictability.

Unit 5 Programming Languages and Tools- Hierarchical decomposition - Run-time

error handling - Overloading - Timing specification - Recent trends and developments.

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Real-Time Systems C. M. Krishna and Kang McGraw Hill

G. Shin

2 Real-Time Systems Jane W.S. Liu Prentice Hall.

3 Real-Time Systemsǁ Ragib Mall Preason

Theory and Practice ǁ
Computational Geometry Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 INTRODUCTION: Application Domains–Line Segment Intersection–Intersection of

Convex Polygons Polygon Triangulation

Unit 2 GEOMETRIC SEARCHING: Geometric Searching –Range Searching –Kd-Trees –

Range trees –Point-Location Problems

Unit 3 CONVEX HULL PROBLEM: Convex hull Problem–Preliminaries –Convex

Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

hullAlgorithms in the Plane –Graham‘s scan -Jarvis‘s March –Quick Hull –Divide-and-
conquer – Dynamic Convex Hull Maintenance –Delaunay Triangulation

Unit 4 PROXIMITY PROBLEMS: Proximity Problems –Fundamental Algorithms (Closest

Pair – All Nearest Neighbors – Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree –Nearest Neighbor
Search) – Lower bounds – Closest Pair Problem : A Divide – and -Conquer Approach

Unit 5 VORONOI DIAGRAM: Voronoi Diagram – Proximity Problems Solved by the

VoronoiDiagram –Planar Applications

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Computational Geometry: Franco P. Preparata, Springer, 1985

An Introduction Michael I. Shamos,

2 Computational Geometry: Franco P. Preparata, Springer,

Algorithms and Applications Michael I. Shamos, 3rd edition, 2008
Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong,
Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars

3 Computational Geometry, Satyan L. Devadoss and Princeton University

Joseph O'Rourke, Press, 2011.
Discrete and

4 Algorithms in Combinatorial Herbert Edelsbrunner Springer Verlag,

Geometry, EATCS 1987
Monographs in Computer
Natural Language CS-451T
Processing Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction to NaturalLanguage Understanding: The study of Language,

Applicationsof NLP, Evaluating Language Understanding Systems, Different levels of
Language Analysis, Representations and Understanding, Organization of Natural language
Understanding Systems, Linguistic Background: An outline of Englishsyntax.

Unit 2 Introduction to semantics and knowledge representation, Some applications like

machine translation, database interface.
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Unit 3 Grammars and Parsing: Grammars and sentence Structure, Top-Down and Bottom-
Up Parsers, Transition Network Grammars, Top-Down Chart Parsing. Feature Systems
and Augmented Grammars: Basic Feature system for English, Morphological Analysis and
the Lexicon, Parsing with Features, Augmented Transition Networks.

Unit 4 Grammars for Natural Language: Auxiliary Verbs and Verb Phrases, Movement
Phenomenon in Language, Handling questions in Context-Free Grammars. Human
preferences in Parsing, Encoding uncertainty, Deterministic Parser.

Unit 5 Ambiguity Resolution: Statistical Methods, Probabilistic Language Processing,

Estimating Probabilities, Part-of-Speech tagging, Obtaining Lexical Probabilities,
Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars, Best First Parsing. Semantics and Logical Form,
Word senses and Ambiguity, Encoding Ambiguity in Logical Form.

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 NLP: A Paninian Perspective Akshar Bharti, Vineet Prentice Hall,
Chaitanya and Rajeev Sangal New Delhi
2 Natural Language Understanding James Allen Pearson Education
3 Speech and Language Processing D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin Pearson Education
4 Language as a Cognitive Process T. Winograd Wesley
Embedded System CS-452T
Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

Unit 1 Introduction to embedded systems: Classification, Characteristics and


Unit 2 Timing and clocks in Embedded systems, Task Modeling and management,
Real time operating system issues.

Unit 3 Signals, frequency spectrum and sampling, digitization (ADC, DAC), Signal
Elective (B.Tech. Fourth Year)

Conditioning and Processing. Modeling and Characterization of Embedded Computation


Unit 4 Embedded Control and Control Hierarchy, Communication strategies for

embedded systems: Encoding and Flow control.

Unit 5 Fault-Tolerance Formal Verification.

S. No Title Author Publisher

1 Embedded System Raj Kamal TMH
2 Embedded System A.P Godse, A.O Mulani Technical Publication
3 Intro To Embedded System Shibu TMH

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