حل المسائل مکانیک کوانتومی مدرن جی جی ساکورایی – ویرایش سوم
حل المسائل مکانیک کوانتومی مدرن جی جی ساکورایی – ویرایش سوم
حل المسائل مکانیک کوانتومی مدرن جی جی ساکورایی – ویرایش سوم
Chapter One
1. See the accompanying Mathematica notebook.
2. AC{D, B} = ACDB + ACBD, A{C, B}D = ACBD + ABCD, C{D, A}B = CDAB +
CADB, and {C, A}DB = CADB+ACDB. Therefore −AC{D, B}+A{C, B}D−C{D, A}B+
3. Recall that (∆A)2 = hA2 i − hAi2 and |Sx ; +i = √12 |+i + √12 |−i (1.4.17a). Since both
parts of the problem
h deal withi Sy , recall also that Sy h= h̄2 [−i|+ih−| +i i|−ih+|]. Therefore
2 1 2
Sy |Sx ; +i = h̄2 √i2 |−i − √i2 |+i and Sy2 |Sx ; +i = h̄2 √ |+i + √1 |−i . Thus hS 2 i = h̄
2 2 y 2
and hSy i = 0, so (∆Sy )2 = h̄2 . This would seem to be a problem because (∆Sx )2 = 0
h the left side ofithe inequality statement is zero. However [Sx , Sy ] = ih̄Sz and Sz |Sx ; +i =
h̄ √1 |+i √1 |−i
2 2
− 2
so hSz i = 0 and both sides of the uncertainty inequality are zero.
h i
h̄ 2 h̄ 2 h̄ 2
√1 |+i √1 |−i so hS 2 i = and (∆Sz )2 =
For second part, Sz2 |Sx ; +i = 2 2
2 z 2 2
h̄ 4
and the left side of the uncertainty side needs [Sz , Sy ] = −ih̄Sx
inequality is 2 . The right
1 2 h̄ 2
so is 4 h̄ 2 and the uncertainty relation is satisfied by the equality.
4. (a) Tr(X) = a0 Tr(1)P + ` Tr(σ` )a` = 2aP
0 since Tr(σ` ) = 0. AlsoP
Tr(σk X) = a0 Tr(σk ) + ` Tr(σk σ` )a` = 2 ` Tr(σk σ` + σ` σk )a` = ` δk` Tr(1)a` = 2ak . So,
a0 = 21 Tr(X) and ak = 12 Tr(σk X). (b) Just do the algebra to find a0 = (X11 + X22 )/2,
a1 = (X12 + X21 )/2, a2 = i(−X21 + X12 )/2, and a3 = (X11 − X22 )/2.
5. Since det(σ · a) = −a2z − (a2x + a2y ) = −|a|2 , the cognoscenti realize that this problem
really has to do with rotation operators. From this result, and (3.2.44), we write
iσ · n̂φ φ φ
det exp ± = cos ± i sin
2 2 2
and multiplying out determinants makes it clear that det(σ · a0 ) = det(σ · a). Similarly, use
(3.2.44) to explicitly write out the matrix σ · a0 and equate the elements to those of σ · a.
With n̂ in the z-direction, it is clear that we have just performed a rotation (of the spin
vector) through the angle φ.
6. (a) Tr(XY ) ≡ a ha|XY |ai = a b ha|X|bihb|Y P P |ai by insertingP the identity operator.
Then commute and reverse, so Tr(XY ) = b a hb|Y |aiha|X|bi = b hb|Y X|bi = Tr(Y X).
(b) XY |αi = X[Y |αi] is dual to hα|(XY )† , but Y |αi ≡ |βi is dual to hα|Y † ≡ hβ| and X|βi
is dual to hβ|X † so
P that X[Y |αi] is dualP to hα|Y † X † . Therefore (XY )† = Y † X † .
(c) exp[if (A)] = a exp[ifP (A)]|aiha| = aP exp[if (a)]|aiha|
(d) a ψa∗ (x0 )ψa (x00 ) = a hx0 |ai∗ hx00 |ai = a hx00 |aiha|x0 i = hx00 |x0 i = δ(x00 − x0 )
7. For basis kets |ai i, matrix elements of X ≡ |αihβ| are Xij = hai |αihβ|aj i = hai |αihaj |βi∗ .
For spin-1/2 in the√| ± zi basis, h+|Sz = h̄/2i = 1, h−|Sz = h̄/2i = 0, and, using (1.4.17a),
h±|Sx = h̄/2i = 1/ 2. Therefore
. 1 1 1
|Sz = h̄/2ihSx = h̄/2| = √
2 0 0
9. Since the product is over a complete set, the operator a0 (A − a0 ) will always encounter
a state |ai i such that a0 = ai in which case the result is zero. Hence for any state |αi
(A − a0 )|αi = (A − a0 ) |ai ihai |αi = (ai − a0 )|ai ihai |αi = 0=0
a0 a0 i i a0 i
and dividing by the factors (aj − a0 ) just gives the projection of |αi on the direction |a0 i. For
the operator A ≡ Sz and {|a0 i} ≡ {|+i, |−i}, we have
0 h̄ h̄
(A − a ) = Sz − Sz +
2 2
Y A − a0 Sz + h̄/2 h̄
and 00 0
= for a00 = +
a0 6=a00
a −a h̄ 2
Sz − h̄/2 h̄
or = for a00 = −
−h̄ 2
It is trivial to see that the first operator is the null operator. For the second and third, you
can work these out explicitly using (1.3.35) and (1.3.36), for example
Sz + h̄/2 1 h̄ 1
= Sz + 1 = [(|+ih+|) − (|−ih−|) + (|+ih+|) + (|−ih−|)] = |+ih+|
h̄ h̄ 2 2
10. I don’t see any way to do this problem other than by brute force, and neither did the
previous solutions manual. So, make use of h+|+i = 1 = h−|−i andh+|−i = 0 = h−|+i and
carry through six independent calculations of [Si , Sj ] (along with [Si , Sj ] = −[Sj , Si ]) and
the six for {Si , Sj } (along with {Si , Sj } = +{Sj , Si }).
11. From the figure n̂ = î cos α sin β + ĵ sin α sin β + k̂ cos β so we need to find the matrix
representation of the operator S · n̂ = Sx cos α sin β + Sy sin α sin β + Sz cos β. This means we
need the matrix representations of Sx , Sy , and Sz . Get these from the prescription (1.3.19)
and the operators represented as outer products in (1.4.18) and (1.3.36), along with the
association (1.3.39a) to define which element is which. Thus
. h̄ 0 1 . h̄ 0 −i . h̄ 1 0
Sx = Sy = Sz =
2 1 0 2 i 0 2 0 −1
e−iα sin β
cos β cos α sin β − i sin α sin β cos β
cos α sin β + i sin α sin β − cos β eiα sin β − cos β
with eigenvalue +1. If the upper and lower elements of the eigenvector are a and b, respec-
tively, then we have the equations |a|2 + |b|2 = 1 and
Choose the phase so that a is real and positive. Work with the first equation. (The two
equations should be equivalent, since we picked a valid eigenvalue. You should check.) Then
12. Use simple matrix techniques for this problem. The matrix representation for H is
. a a
a −a
Eigenvalues E satisfy (a − E)(−a − E) − a2 = −2a2 + E 2 = 0 or E = ±a 2. Let x1 and x2
√ √ (1) (1)
be the two elements of the eigenvector. For E = +a 2 ≡ E (1) , (1 − 2)x1 + x2 = 0, and
√ √ (2) (2)
for E = −a 2 ≡ E (2) , (1 + 2)x1 + x2 = 0. So the eigenstates are represented by
(1) . (1) √ 1 (2) . (2) √ −1
|E i = N and |E i = N
2−1 2+1
2 √ 2 √
where N (1) = 1/(4 − 2 2) and N (2) = 1/(4 + 2 2).
13. It is of course possible to solve this using simple matrix techniques. For example, the
characteristic equation and eigenvalues are
0 = (H11 − λ)(H22 − λ) − H12
" 2 #1/2
H11 + H22 H11 − H22 2
λ = ± + H12 ≡ λ±
2 2
You can go ahead and solve for the eigenvectors, but it is tedious and messy. However, there
is a strong hint given that you can make use of spin algebra to solve this problem, another
two-state system. The Hamiltonian can be rewritten as
H = A1 + Bσz + Cσx
where A ≡ (H11 + H22 )/2, B ≡ (H11 − H22 )/2, and C ≡ H12 . The eigenvalues of the first
term are both A, and the eigenvalues for the√sum of the second and third terms are those
of ±(2/h̄) times a spin vector multiplied
√ by B 2 + C 2 . In other words, the eigenvalues of
the full Hamiltonian are just A ± B + C 2 in full agreement with what we got with usual
matrix techniques, above. From the hint (or Problem 9) the eigenvectors must be
β β β β
|λ+ i = cos |1i + sin |2i and |λ− i = − sin |1i + cos |2i
2 2 2 2
where α = 0, tan β = C/B = 2H12 /(H11 − H22 ), and we do β → π − β to “flip the spin.”
The results for γ = 0 (i.e. |+i), γ = π/2 (i.e. |Sx +i), and γ = π (i.e. |−i) are 1/2, 1, and
1/2, as expected. Now h(Sx − hSx i)2 i = hSx2 i − hSx i2 , but Sx2 = h̄2 /4 from Problem 8 and
h γ γ i h̄ h γ γ i
hSx i = cos h+| + sin h−| [|+ih−| + |−ih+|] cos |+i + sin |−i
2 2 2 2 2
h̄ h γ γ ih γ γ i γ γ h̄
= cos h−| + sin h+| cos |+i + sin |−i = h̄ cos sin = sin γ
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
so h(Sx − hSx i)2 i = h̄2 (1 − sin2 γ)/4 = h̄2 cos2 γ/4 = h̄2 /4, 0, h̄2 4 for γ = 0, π/2, π.
15. All atoms are in the state |+i after emerging from the first apparatus. The second
apparatus projects out the state |Sn +i. That is, it acts as the projection operator
β β β β
|Sn +ihSn + | = cos |+i + sin |−i cos h+| + sin h−|
2 2 2 2
and the third apparatus projects out |−i. Therefore, the probability of measuring −h̄/2
after the third apparatus is
β β 1
P (β) = |h+|Sn +ihSn + |−i|2 = cos2 sin2 = sin2 β
2 2 4
The maximum transmission is for β = 90◦ , when 25% of the atoms make it through.
16. The characteristic equation is −λ3 − 2(−λ)(1/ 2)2 = λ(1 − λ2 ) = 0 so the eigenvalues
are λ = 0, ±1 and there is no degeneracy. The eigenvectors corresponding to these are
−1 1 1
1 1 √ 1 √
√ 0 2 − 2
2 2 2
1 1 1
The matrix algebra is not hard, but I did this with matlab using
These are the eigenvectors corresponding to the a spin-one system, for a measurement in
the x-direction in terms of a basis defined in the z-direction. I’m not sure if there is enough
information in Chapter One, though, in order to deduce this.
17. The answer is yes. The identity operator is 1 = a0 ,b0 |a0 , b0 iha0 , b0 | so
AB = AB1 = AB |a0 , b0 iha0 , b0 | = A b0 |a0 , b0 iha0 , b0 | = b0 a0 |a0 , b0 iha0 , b0 | = BA
a0 ,b0 a0 ,b0 a0 ,b0
Completeness is powerful. It is important to note that the sum must be over both a0 and b0
in order to span the complete set of sets.
18. Since AB = −BA and AB|a, bi = ab|a, bi = BA|a, bi, we must have ab = −ba where
both a and b are real numbers. This can only be satisfied if a = 0 or b = 0 or both.
19. Assume there is no degeneracy and look for an inconsistency with our assumptions. If
|ni is a nondegenerate energy eigenstate with eigenvalue En , then it is the only state with this
energy. Since [H.A1 ] = 0, we must have HA1 |ni = A1 H|ni = En A1 |ni. That is, A1 |ni is an
eigenstate of energy with eigenvalue En . Since H and A1 commute, though, they may have
simultaneous eigenstates. Therefore, A1 |ni = a1 |ni since there is only one energy eigenstate.
Similarly, A2 |ni is also an eigenstate of energy with eigenvalue En , and A2 |ni = a2 |ni. But
A1 A2 |ni = a2 A1 |ni = a2 a1 |ni and A2 A1 |ni = a1 a2 |ni, where a1 and a2 are real numbers.
This cannot be true, in general, if A1 A2 6= A2 A1 so our assumption of “no degeneracy” must
be wrong. There is an out, though, if a1 = 0 or a2 = 0, since one operator acts on zero.
The example given is from a “central forces” Hamiltonian. (See Chapter Three.) The Hamil-
tonian commutes with the orbital angular momentum operators Lx and Ly , but [Lx , Ly ] 6= 0.
Therefore, in general, there is a degeneracy in these problems. The degeneracy is avoided,
though for S-states, where the quantum numbers of Lx and Ly are both necessarily zero.
20. The positivity postulate says that hγ|γi ≥ 0, and we apply this to |γi ≡ |αi + λ|βi. The
text shows how to apply this to prove the Schwarz Innequality hα|αihβ|βi ≥ |hα|βi|2 , from
which one derives the generalized uncertainty relation (1.4.53), namely
h(∆A)2 (∆B)2 i ≥ |h[A, B]i|2
Note that [∆A, ∆B] = [A − hAi, B − hBi] = [A, B]. Taking ∆A|αi = λ∆B|αi with λ∗ = −λ,
as suggested, so hα|∆A = −λhα|∆B, for a particular state |αi. Then
and the equality is clearly satisfied in (1.4.53). We are now asked to verify this relationship
for a state |αi that is a gaussian wave packet when expressed as a wave function hx0 |αi. Use
It is very simple to show that this condition is satisfied for the ground state of the harmonic
oscillator. Refer to (2.3.24) and (2.3.25). Clearly hxi = 0 = hpi for any eigenstate |ni, and
x|0i is proportional to p|0i, with a proportionality constant that is purely imaginary.
21. Have Sx2 = h̄2 /4 = Sy2 = Sz2 , also [Sx , Sy ] = ih̄Sz , all from Problem 8. Now hSx i = hSy i =
0 for the |+i state. Then h(∆Sx )2 i = h̄2 /4 = h(∆Sy )2 i, and h(∆Sx )2 h(∆Sy )2 = h̄4 /16. Also
|h[Sx , Sy ]i|2 /4 = h̄2 |hSz i|2 /4 = h̄4 /16 and the generalized uncertainty principle is satisfied by
the equality. On the other hand, for the |Sx +i state, h(∆Sx )2 i = 0 and hSz i = 0, and again
the generalized uncertainty principle is satisfied with an equality.