Fine art, sometimes also called high art, product of craft, not fine art. But many objects
aesthetically pleasing and that takes a certain quilts, are now thought to qualify as fine art.
world. What we refer to as architecture is the The various tools and methods that artists
process of designing, planning, and have used throughout history to create works
constructing beautiful buildings. of art. From the first pigments used by cave
The primary goal of photography is to tools used for painting and drawing, and even
communicate and record events, moments, new forms of expression such as computer-
and portraits over time. However, generated graphic designs, humans have
contemporary photographers used this expressed themselves in ways that reflect the
• Stone categorizations.
• Bronze Examples:
• Clay Collage
shape it, model it, they qualify it according A found object is a tangible item, either
• The manner and ability with which an acquires due to its inherent allure. The artist
artist, writer, dancer, athlete, or the like keeps these objects because they pique his or
employs the technical skills of a particular her interest or hold some significance. Found
Mixed art mediums are a fusion of various of art while also serving as sources of
materials and techniques that transcend inspiration for the artist. Found objects may
and dynamic works. Mixed media artists use a into curated works of art presented with
An artistic process based on the transfer of In conceptual art the idea or concept is the
images from a matrix to another surface, most important aspect of the work. When an
most commonly paper or fabric. Woodcut, artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means
etching, engraving, and lithography are that all of the planning and decisions are
modern artists have expanded them to perfunctory affair. It can be – and can look like
a template that can be constructed of wood, painter or sculptor who will think about how
metal, or glass. The design is created on the best they can express their idea using paint or
matrix's flat surface using tools or chemicals. sculptural materials and techniques, a
The matrix is then inked to transfer it to the conceptual artist uses whatever materials
intended surface. To print from a matrix, and whatever form is most appropriate to
controlled pressure must be applied, which is putting their idea across – this could be