Delayed+Coke[1] management
Delayed+Coke[1] management
Delayed+Coke[1] management
ABB’s proprietary delayed coking technology is The delayed coking unit design features on-
Overview one of the most cost effective routes for converting/ line computer control, automatic unheading, single
upgrading heavy residual stocks to more valuable, or double fired heaters, state-of-the-art coke
lighter distillate products and coke. drum mechanical design, and an innovative water
The technology is based on continuous refine- management/coke recovery system. The process
ment over several decades in the design of de- can handle a variety of feedstocks, such as petro-
layed cokers and accumulated data from over 60 leum derived resids, cracked materials (pyrolysis
commercial installations. The ABB technology tar and cycle oils), as well as liquid feedstocks
emphasizes high reliability and flexibility while derived from coal.
meeting today’s more rigorous environmental The ABB design maximizes distillate yield,
and safety requirements. while achieving the specification requirements of
the downstream hydroprocessing units.
Proprietary coke pit/pad and coke drum structure Reduced investment and maintenance costs
Automated flange unheading system Enhanced operational safety ■ shorter cycle time
Coke drum mechanical design Maximizes drum life for all drum sizes
From extensive pilot plant and operating experi- of feedstocks and product requirements. For
Predictive ence, ABB has developed a correlation package unusual feedstocks, ABB’s pilot plant can be used
Tools and computer software to predict delayed coking to obtain design yields.
yields and operating conditions for a wide variety
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Delayed Coking
Delayed coking is a semi-batch process using fractionator where it is separated into wet gas,
Process alternating drums that are switched off-line after unstabilized naphtha, light gasoil, heavy gasoil,
Description filling. Support facilities include closed blowdown, and recycle.
coke cutting and handling, and a water recovery During the coke drum steam out and cooling
system. period, all steam and hydrocarbon vapors are
Hot residual oil is fed to the bottom of the directed to the blowdown system where they are
fractionator where it mixes with condensed recovered. After the coke drum cooling cycle is
recycle. The combined stream is heated in the complete, the coke is hydraulically cut from the
furnace to initiate coke formation in the coke drum and dropped into a pit or pad, where water
drums. Coke drum overhead vapor flows to the is separated from coke and recycled.
Process Flow
Diagram Wet Gas
Coke Coke
Drum Drum
Gasoil Naphtha
Light Gasoil