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Vivado Design Suite User


Using Constraints
UG903 (v2024.1) June 15, 2024

AMD Adaptive Computing is creating an environment where

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that end, we’re removing non-inclusive language from our products
and related collateral. We’ve launched an internal initiative to remove
language that could exclude people or reinforce historical biases,
including terms embedded in our software and IPs. You may still find
examples of non-inclusive language in our older products as we work
to make these changes and align with evolving industry standards.
Follow this link for more information.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction.............................................................................................. 5
Migrating From UCF Constraints to XDC Constraints............................................................. 5
Navigating Content by Design Process.................................................................................... 5
About XDC Constraints............................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology.................................................................. 8

About Constraints Methodology............................................................................................... 8
Organizing Your Constraints......................................................................................................8
Ordering Your Constraints....................................................................................................... 13
Entering Constraints................................................................................................................. 19
Creating Synthesis Constraints................................................................................................59
Creating Implementation Constraints....................................................................................65
Constraints Scoping.................................................................................................................. 68
Constraints Efficiency................................................................................................................75

Chapter 3: Defining Clocks...................................................................................... 81

About Clocks.............................................................................................................................. 81
Primary Clocks........................................................................................................................... 83
Virtual Clocks............................................................................................................................. 85
Generated Clocks...................................................................................................................... 86
Clock Groups..............................................................................................................................95
Clock Latency, Jitter, and Uncertainty..................................................................................... 98

Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay....................................................................101

About Constraining I/O Delay............................................................................................... 101
Input Delay...............................................................................................................................101
Output Delay............................................................................................................................104

Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions.............................................................................. 108

About Timing Exceptions....................................................................................................... 108
Multicycle Paths.......................................................................................................................108
False Paths............................................................................................................................... 124

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Using Constraints 2
Min/Max Delays.......................................................................................................................128
Case Analysis........................................................................................................................... 136
Disabling Timing Arcs............................................................................................................. 138

Chapter 6: CDC Constraints................................................................................... 140

About CDC Constraints........................................................................................................... 140
Constraining Bus Skew........................................................................................................... 140

Chapter 7: XDC Precedence................................................................................... 146

About XDC Precedence...........................................................................................................146
XDC Constraints Order........................................................................................................... 146
Exceptions Priority.................................................................................................................. 146

Chapter 8: Physical Constraints..........................................................................150

About Physical Constraints.................................................................................................... 150
Netlist Constraints...................................................................................................................151
I/O Constraints........................................................................................................................ 153
Placement Constraints........................................................................................................... 154
Routing Constraints................................................................................................................ 156
Configuration Constraints......................................................................................................158

Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros........................................... 159

About Relatively Placed Macros.............................................................................................159
Defining Sets of Design Elements......................................................................................... 159
Creating an RPM......................................................................................................................160
Assigning Cells to RPM Sets................................................................................................... 160
Assigning Relative Locations................................................................................................. 163
Assigning a Fixed Location to an RPM..................................................................................167
XDC Macros.............................................................................................................................. 168
Converting RPMs to XDC Macros.......................................................................................... 182

Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands.................................... 185

Valid Commands in an XDC File.............................................................................................185
Supported SDC Commands................................................................................................... 186
Unsupported SDC Commands...............................................................................................194

Appendix B: Additional Resources and Legal Notices........................... 196

Finding Additional Documentation.......................................................................................196
Support Resources.................................................................................................................. 197

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Using Constraints 3
Training Resources..................................................................................................................197
Revision History....................................................................................................................... 198
Please Read: Important Legal Notices................................................................................. 198

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Using Constraints 4
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1


Migrating From UCF Constraints to XDC

The AMD Vivado™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE) uses Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC),
and does not support the legacy User Constraints File (UCF) format.

There are key differences between Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) and User Constraints File
(UCF) constraints. XDC constraints are based on the standard Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC)
format. SDC has been in use and evolving for more than 20 years, making it the most popular and
proven format for describing design constraints.

VIDEO: For training on migrating UCF constraints to XDC, see the Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video:
Migrating UCF Constraints to XDC.

If you are familiar with UCF but new to XDC, see the "Differences Between XDC and UCF
Constraints" section in Migrating UCF Constraints to XDC chapter of the ISE to Vivado Design
Suite Migration Guide (UG911). This chapter also describes how to convert existing UCF files to
XDC as a starting point for creating XDC constraints.

IMPORTANT! XDC has fundamental differences from UCF that must be understood to properly constrain
a design. The UCF to XDC conversion utility is not a replacement for properly understanding and creating
XDC constraints. Each XDC constraint is described in this user guide.

Navigating Content by Design Process

AMD Adaptive Computing documentation is organized around a set of standard design
processes to help you find relevant content for your current development task. You can access
the AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC design processes on the Design Hubs page. You can also use the
Design Flow Assistant to better understand the design flows and find content that is specific to
your intended design needs.

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Using Constraints 5
Chapter 1: Introduction

• Hardware, IP, and Platform Development: Creating the PL IP blocks for the hardware
platform, creating PL kernels, functional simulation, and evaluating the AMD Vivado™ timing,
resource use, and power closure. Also involves developing the hardware platform for system
integration. Topics in this document that apply to this design process include:

• Dedicated Hardware Resources

• IP and Sub-Module Constraining with XDC

About XDC Constraints

XDC constraints are a combination of industry standard Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC
version 1.9) and AMD proprietary physical constraints.

XDC constraints have the following properties:

• They are not simple strings, but are commands that follow the Tcl semantic.
• They can be interpreted like any other Tcl command by the Vivado Tcl interpreter.
• They are read in and parsed sequentially the same as other Tcl commands.

You can enter XDC constraints in several ways, at different points in the flow.

• Store the constraints in one or more XDC files.

To load the XDC file in memory, do one of the following:
○ Use the read_xdc command.

○ Add it to one of your project constraints sets. XDC files only accept the set, list, and
expr built-in Tcl commands. See Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands for a
complete list of supported commands.
• Generate the constraints with an unmanaged Tcl script.
To execute the Tcl script, do one of the following:
○ Run the source command.

○ Non-Project Mode:
- Use the read_xdc -unmanaged command.
○ Project Mode: Add the Tcl script to one of your project constraints sets:
- Add the file to the project
- Set the file property to be Tcl
- Add_files -fileset constrs_me timing.xdc
set_property file_type Tcl [get_files -of [get_filesets constrs_me] timing.xdc]

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Using Constraints 6
Chapter 1: Introduction

TIP: Unlike XDC files, unmanaged Tcl scripts can include any common Tcl command for selecting design
objects and defining design constraints, including conditional and looping control structures.

IMPORTANT! The Vivado Design Suite allows you to mix XDC files and Tcl scripts in the same constraints
set. Modified constraints are saved back to their original location only if they originally came from an XDC
file, and not from an unmanaged Tcl script. A constraint generated by a Tcl script is not managed by the
Vivado Design Suite and cannot be interactively modified. For more information, see Chapter 2:
Constraints Methodology.

Note: For XDC constraints, there is a difference in behavior between the commands source and
read_xdc. The constraints imported with the source command are not saved in the checkpoint in the
same order as they are imported. The constraints imported with read_xdc are saved first and then those
imported with source. To save all the constraints in the same order as they are applied to the design, use
read_xdc -unmanaged instead of source.

To validate the syntax or impact of a particular constraint after loading your design in memory,
use the Tcl Console and the Vivado Design Suite reporting features. This is particularly powerful
for analyzing and debugging timing constraints and physical constraints.

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Using Constraints 7
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Chapter 2

Constraints Methodology

About Constraints Methodology

Design constraints define the requirements that must be met by the compilation flow in order for
the design to be functional on the board. Not all constraints are used by all steps in the
compilation flow. For example, physical constraints are used only during the implementation
steps (that is, by the placer and the router).

Because the AMD Vivado™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE) synthesis and implementation
algorithms are timing-driven, you must create proper timing constraints. Over-constraining or
under-constraining your design makes timing closure difficult. You must use reasonable
constraints that correspond to your application requirements.

Organizing Your Constraints

The Vivado IDE allows you to use one or many constraint files. While using a single constraint file
for the entire compilation flow might seem more convenient, it can be a challenge to maintain all
the constraints as the design becomes more complex. This is usually the case for designs that use
several IP cores or large blocks developed by different teams.

After the timing and physical constraints have been imported, independent of the number of
source files or whether the design is in Project or Non-Project mode, all the constraints can be
exported as a single file with the write_xdc command. The constraints are written to the
specified output file in the same order that they were read into the project or design. The
command line option write_xdc -type can be used to select a subset of constraints (timing,
physical, or waiver) to export.

RECOMMENDED: AMD recommends that you separate timing constraints and physical constraints by
saving them into two distinct files. You can also keep the constraints specific to a certain module in a
separate file.

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Using Constraints 8
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Project Flows
You can add your Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) files to a constraints set during the creation of
a new project, or later, from the Vivado IDE menus.

The following figure shows two constraint sets in a project, which are single- or multi-XDC. The
first constraint set includes two XDC files. The second constraint set uses only one XDC file
containing all the constraints.

Figure 1: Single or Multi XDC

IMPORTANT! If your project contains an IP that uses its own constraints, the corresponding constraint
file does not appear in the constraints set. Instead, it is listed along with the IP source files.

You can also add Tcl scripts to your constraints set as unmanaged constraints or unmanaged Tcl
scripts. The Vivado Design Suite does not write modified constraints back into an unmanaged Tcl
script. Tcl scripts and XDC files are loaded in the same sequence as displayed in the Vivado IDE
(if they belong to the same PROCESSING_ORDER group) or as reported by the command
report_compile_order -constraints.

An XDC file or a Tcl script can be used in several constraints sets if needed. For more information
on how to create and add constraint files and constraints sets to your project, see Working with
Constraints section in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).

Non-Project Flows
In Non-Project Mode, read each file individually before executing the compilation commands.

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Using Constraints 9
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

The example script below shows how to use one or more XDC files for synthesis and

Example Script:

read_verilog [glob src/*.v]

read_xdc wave_gen_timing.xdc
read_xdc wave_gen_pins.xdc
synth_design -top wave_gen -part xc7k325tffg900-2

Out-of-Context Constraints
In designs using Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX), it is common to synthesize parts of the
design in an Out-of-Context (OOC) approach. When such a flow is used, some constraints can be
specified for the OOC synthesis only. For example, clocks that propagate at the input boundary
of the blocks must be defined when the blocks are synthesized OOC. These clocks are defined
inside an OOC XDC file.

In Project Mode:

add_file constraints_ooc.xdc
set_property USED_IN {synthesis out_of_context} [get_files

The Out-of-Context can also be set on the XDC file through the GUI (property on file

In Non-Project Mode:

read_xdc -mode out_of_context constraints_ooc.xdc

Synthesis and Implementation Constraint Files

By default, all XDC files and Tcl scripts added to a constraint set are used for both synthesis and
implementation. Set the USED_IN_SYNTHESIS and USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION properties on
the XDC file or the Tcl script to change this behavior. This property can take the value of either

IMPORTANT! The DONT_TOUCH attribute does not obey the properties of USED_IN_SYNTHESIS and
USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION. If you use DONT_TOUCH properties in the synthesis XDC, it is propagated
to implementation regardless of the value of USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION. For more information about
the DONT_TOUCH attribute, refer to RTL Attributes.

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Using Constraints 10
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

IMPORTANT! If any module (IP/BD/...) is synthesized in Out-Of-Context (OOC) mode, the top-level
synthesis run infers a black box for these modules. Hence, the top-level synthesis constraints are not able
to reference objects such as pins, nets, cells, etc., that are internal to the OOC module. If some top-level
constraints refer to objects inside any OOC module, you may need to split the constraints into two files:
is no such limitation during implementation because the netlists from the OOC module DCPs are linked
with the netlist produced when synthesizing the top-level design files, and the Vivado Design Suite resolves
the black boxes. The XDC output products that were generated for use during implementation are applied
along with any user constraints.

IMPORTANT! When writing XDC constraints that refer to design elements inside a protected IP, the non-
protected and non-obfuscated names should be used inside the XDC files specified in the project's
constraints sets. The same requirement applies when an XDC file is opened through read_xdc and
open_checkpoint. However, when constraints are applied through the Tcl Console or unmanaged XDC files,
the design elements specified inside the constraints should refer to the protected and obfuscated names.

For example, to use a constraint file for implementation only:

1. Select the constraint file in the Sources window.

2. In the Source File Properties window:
a. Uncheck Synthesis.
b. Check Implementation.

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Using Constraints 11
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

The equivalent Tcl commands are:

set_property USED_IN_SYNTHESIS false [get_files wave_gen_pins.xdc]

set_property USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION true [get_files wave_gen_pins.xdc]

When running Vivado in Non-Project Mode, you can read in the constraints directly between any
steps of the flow. The properties USED_IN_SYNTHESIS and USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION, do
not matter in this mode.

The following compilation Tcl script shows how to read two XDC files for different steps of the

read_verilog [glob src/*.v]

read_xdc wave_gen_timing.xdc
synth_design -top wave_gen -part xc7k325tffg900-2
read_xdc wave_gen_pins.xdc

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Using Constraints 12
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Table 1: Reading XDC Files Before and After Synthesis

File Name File Placement Used For

wave_gen_timing.xdc Before synthesis • Synthesis
• Implementation
wave_gen_pins.xdc After synthesis Implementation

TIP: The constraints read in after synthesis are applied in addition to the constraints read in before

Ordering Your Constraints

Because XDC constraints are applied sequentially, and are prioritized based on clear precedence
rules, review the order of your constraints carefully. For more information, see Chapter 7: XDC

Note: If multiple physical constraints are conflicting, the latest constraint wins. For example, if an I/O port
gets assigned a different location (LOC) through multiple XDC files, the latest location assigned to the port
takes precedence.

The Vivado IDE provides full visibility into your design. To validate your constraints step by step:

1. Run the appropriate report commands.

2. Review the messages in the Tcl Console or the Messages window.

Recommended Constraints Sequence

Whether you use one or several XDC files for your design, organize your constraints in the
following sequence.

## Timing Assertions Section # Primary clocks

# Virtual clocks
# Generated clocks # Clock Groups
# Bus Skew constraints
# Input and output delay constraints

## Timing Exceptions Section # False Paths

# Max Delay / Min Delay # Multicycle Paths
# Case Analysis # Disable Timing

## Physical Constraints Section

# located anywhere in the file, preferably before or after the timing
constraints # or stored in a separate constraint file

Note: The case analysis constraints that change the clock relationships or clock propagation should be
defined prior to defining the generated clocks. This includes the case analysis defined on clock buffers that
result in the output clock of the buffer to be impacted by the case analysis.

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Using Constraints 13
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Start with the clock definitions. The clocks must be created before they can be used by any
subsequent constraints. Any reference to a clock before it has been declared results in an error
and the corresponding constraint is ignored. This is true within an individual constraint file, as
well as across all the XDC files (or Tcl scripts) in your design.

The order of the constraint files matters. Be sure that the constraints in each file do not rely on
the constraints of another file. If this is the case, read the file that contains the constraint
dependencies last. If two constraint files have interdependencies, you must either merge them
manually into one file that contains the proper sequence, or divide the files into several separate
files and order them correctly.

Constraints Sequence Editing

The Vivado IDE constraints manager saves any edited constraint back to its original location in
the XDC files, but not in Tcl scripts. Any new constraint is saved at the end of the XDC file
marked as target. In many cases, when your constraints set contains several XDC files, the target
constraint file is not the last file in the list, and may not be loaded last when opening or reloading
your design. As a consequence, the constraints sequence saved to constraint source files can be
different from the one you had previously in memory.

IMPORTANT! You must verify that the final sequence stored in the constraint files still works as expected.
If you must modify the sequence, you must modify it by directly editing the constraint files. This is
especially important for timing constraints.

Constraint Files Order

In a project flow without any IP, all the constraints are located in a constraints set. By default, the
order of the XDC files (or Tcl scripts) displayed in the Vivado IDE defines the read sequence used
by the tool when loading an elaborated or synthesized design into memory. The file at the top of
the list is read in first, and the bottom one is read in last. You can change the order by simply
selecting the file in the IDE, and moving it to the desired place in the list.

For example, in the following figure, the file wave_gen_pin.xdc was moved to before the file
wave_gen_timing.xdc by using drag and drop.

Figure 2: Changing XDC File Order in the Vivado IDE Example

The equivalent Tcl command is:

reorder_files -fileset constrs_1 -before [get_files wave_gen_timing.xdc] \

[get_files wave_gen_pins.xdc]

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Using Constraints 14
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Table 2: File Order Before and After

File Order (Before) Order (After)

wave_gen_timing.xdc 1 2
wave_gen_pins.xdc 2 1

In the Non-Project mode, the sequence of the read_xdc calls determine the order in which the
constraint files are evaluated.

Constraint Files Order with IP Cores

Many IP cores are delivered with one or more XDC files. When such IP cores are generated
within your RTL project, their XDC files are also used during the various design compilation

For example, the following figure shows that one of the IP cores in the project comes with an
XDC file.

Figure 3: XDC Files in the IP Sources

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Using Constraints 15
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

By default, IP XDC files are read in before the user XDC files. Processing it in this way allows an
IP to create a clock object that can be referenced in the XDC. It also allows you to overwrite
physical constraints set by an IP core because the user constraints are evaluated after the IP.
There is an exception to this order for the IP cores that have a dependency on clock objects
being created by the user or by another IP (for example, get_clocks -of_objects
[get_ports clka]). In this case, the IP XDC is read after the user files.

This behavior is controlled by the PROCESSING_ORDER property, set for each XDC file:

• EARLY: Files that must be read first

• NORMAL: Default
• LATE: Files that must be read last

An IP XDC has its PROCESSING_ORDER property set to either EARLY or LATE. No IP delivers
XDC files that belong to the NORMAL constraints group. For user XDC (or Tcl) files that belong
to the same PROCESSING_ORDER group, their relative order displayed in the Vivado IDE
determines their read sequence. The order within the group can be modified by moving the files
in the Vivado IDE constraints set, or by using the reorder_files command.

For IP XDC files that belong to the same PROCESSING_ORDER group, the order is determined
by import or creation sequence of the IP cores. This order cannot be changed after the project
has been created.

Finally, the relative order between user groups and IP XDC PROCESSING_ORDER groups are as

1. User Constraints marked as EARLY

2. IP Constraints marked as EARLY (default)
3. User Constraints marked as NORMAL
4. IP Constraints marked as LATE (contain clock dependencies)
5. User Constraints marked as LATE

Note: IP XDC files that have their PROCESSING_ORDER set to LATE (in order to be processed after the
user constraints) are named <IP_NAME>_clocks.xdc.

The following figure shows an example of how to set the PROCESSING_ORDER property:

Figure 4: Setting the XDC File PROCESSING_ORDER Example

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Using Constraints 16
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

The equivalent Tcl command is:

set_property PROCESSING_ORDER EARLY [get_files wave_gen_pins.xdc]

RECOMMENDED: Use the report_compile_order -constraints command in the Tcl Console

to report the XDC files read sequence determined by the tool based the properties mentioned above,

Note: When an IP is synthesized Out of Context, the IP provides, when needed, an _ooc.xdc file that
contains the default clock definition. The _ooc.xdc has the USED_IN property set to "synthesis
out_of_context implementation" (order does not matter). During the Out Of Context synthesis, the _ooc
file is always processed before all other constraints.

Changing Read Order

To change the read order of an XDC file or unmanaged Tcl script in a constraints set:

1. In the Sources window, select the XDC file or Tcl script you want to move.
2. Drag and drop the file to the desired position in the constraints set.

For the example shown in Figure 2, the equivalent Tcl command is:

reorder_files -fileset constrs_1 -before [get_files wave_gen_timing.xdc] \

[get_files wave_gen_pins.xdc]

In Non-Project mode, the sequence of the read_xdc or source commands determines the order
the constraint files are read.

If you use an IP core that comes with constraints, two groups of constraints are handled
automatically as follows:

• Constraints that do not depend on clocks are grouped in an XDC file with
• Constraints that depend on clocks are grouped in an XDC file with PROCESSING_ORDER set
to LATE.

By default, user XDC files belong to the PROCESSING_ORDER NORMAL group. They are loaded
after EARLY XDC files and before LATE XDC files. For each PROCESSING_ORDER group, IP
XDC files are loaded in the same sequence as how the IP cores are listed in the IP Sources
window. For example, the following figure shows one of the project IP cores that comes with an
XDC file.

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Using Constraints 17
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Figure 5: XDC Files in the IP Sources

When you open your design, the log file shows that the IP XDC file was loaded last:

Parsing XDC File [C:/project_wave_gen_hdl.srcs/sources_1/ip/clk_core/

clk_core.xdc] for cell 'clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst'
Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/project_wave_gen_hdl.srcs/sources_1/ip/
clk_core/clk_core.xdc] for cell 'clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst'
Parsing XDC File [C:/project_wave_gen_hdl.srcs/sources_1/ip/char_fifo/
char_fifo/char_fifo.xdc] for cell 'char_fifo_i0/U0'

Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/project_wave_gen_hdl.srcs/sources_1/ip/

char_fifo/char_fifo/char_fifo.xdc] for cell 'char_fifo_i0/U0'
Parsing XDC File [C:/project_wave_gen_hdl.srcs/constrs_1/imports/verilog/
wave_gen_timing.xdc] Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/
Parsing XDC File [C:/project_wave_gen_hdl.srcs/sources_1/ip/char_fifo/
] for cell 'char_fifo_i0/U0'
Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/project_wave_gen_hdl.srcs/sources_1/ip/
] for cell 'char_fifo_i0/U0' Completed Processing XDC Constraints

Unlike with the User XDC files, you cannot directly change the read order of the IP XDC files that
belong to the same PROCESSING_ORDER group. If you must modify the order, do the following:

1. Disable the corresponding IP XDC files (IS_ENABLED set to false).

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Using Constraints 18
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

2. Copy their content.

3. Paste the content into one of the XDC files included in your constraints set.
4. Update the copied IP XDC commands with the full hierarchical netlist object path names
wherever needed. Doing so is required because the IP XDC constraints are written in such a
manner that they can be scoped to the IP instance.
5. Review the get_ports queries that are processed in a special way for scoped constraints. For
more information on XDC scoping, see Constraints Scoping.

Entering Constraints
The Vivado IDE provides several ways to enter constraints. Unless you directly edit the XDC file
in a text editor, you must open a design database (elaborated, synthesized or implemented) in
order to access the constraints windows in the Vivado IDE.

Saving Constraints in Memory

You must have a design in memory to validate your constraints during editing. When you edit a
constraint using the Vivado IDE, the equivalent XDC command is issued in the Tcl Console to
apply it in memory. An edited timing constraint must be applied in memory before it can be saved
to the XDC file.

Before you run synthesis or implementation, save the constraints in memory back to an XDC file
that belongs to the project. The Vivado IDE prompts you to save your constraints whenever

Do one of the following to save your constraints manually:

• Click Save Constraints.

• Select File → Constraints → Save.

Note: When you save the in-memory constraints, a dialog box opens to remind you that this could cause
the synthesis and implementation to go out of date. Select the Remember Preference check box on this
dialog box to disable future instances of this warning.

When you run these commands, Vivado does the following:

• Saves all new constraints to the XDC file marked target in the constraints set associated with
your design.
• Saves all edited constraints back to the XDC file from which they originated.

Note: The constraints management system preserves the original XDC files format as much as possible.

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Using Constraints 19
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Constraints Editing Flow Options

Figure 6 shows the recommended flow options. Do not use both options at the same time.
Mixing these options might cause you to lose constraints. The recommended flow options are:

• User Interface Option

• Hand Edit Option

User Interface Option

Because the Vivado IDE manages your constraints, you do not edit your XDC files at the same
time. When the Vivado IDE saves the memory content, the following occurs:

• The modified constraints replace the original constraints in their original file.
• The new constraints are appended to the file marked as target.
• All manual edits in the XDC files are overwritten.

Hand Edit Option

When you use the Hand Edit option, you are in charge of editing and maintaining the XDC files.
While you will probably use the Tcl Console to verify the syntax of some constraints, discard the
changes made in memory when closing or reloading your design.

In case of a conflict when saving the constraints, you are prompted to choose one of the

• Discarding the changes made in memory

• Saving the changes in a new file
• Overwriting the XDC files

Constraints creation is iterative. You can use IDE editors in some cases, and hand edit the
constraint files in others.

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Using Constraints 20
Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Figure 6: Constraints Editing Flow

Load your design in memory


Use Vivado IDE editors Analyze your design 1. Edit XDC files in Text Editor
(Device/Physical/Timing/ schematics/Device/ 2. Save your XDC files
Others...) or Tcl Console Reports) 3. Reload your design

Need more
YES (GUI Option) constraints YES (Hand Edit Option)


Close your design / Run compilation:

GUI Option: save changes to XDC file(s) (new or existing)
Hand Edit Option: do nothing (or discard any changes)

Within each iteration described in the previous figure, do not use both options at the same time.

If you switch between the two options, you must first save your constraints or reload your design
to ensure that the constraints in memory are properly synchronized with the XDC files.

Pin Assignment
To create and edit existing top-level ports placement when using the RTL Analysis, Synthesis, or
Implementation views:

1. Select the I/O Planning pre-configured layout.

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2. Open the windows shown in the following table:

Table 3: Creating and Editing Existing Top-Level Ports Placement

Window Function
Device View and edit the location of the ports on the device floorplan.
Package View and edit the location of the ports on the device package.
I/O Ports Select a port, drag and drop it to a location on the Device or Package
window, as well as review current assignment and properties of each
Package Pins View the resource utilization in each I/O bank.

For more information on Pin Assignment, see the section 'IO Pin Planning' in the Vivado Design
Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899).

To create and edit Pblocks when using the RTL Analysis, Synthesis, or Implementation views:

1. Select the Floorplanning pre-configured layout.

2. Open the windows shown in the following table.

Table 4: Creating and Editing Pblocks

Window Function
Netlist Select the cells to be assigned to a Pblock.

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Table 4: Creating and Editing Pblocks (cont'd)

Window Function
Physical Constraints Review the existing Pblocks and their properties.
Device Create or edit the shape and location of your Pblocks in the device.

To create cell placement constraints on a particular BEL or SITE:

1. Select the cell in the Netlist view.

2. Drag and drop the cell to the target location in the Device view.

For more information on Floorplanning, see the section 'Floorplanning' in the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).

Timing Constraints Wizard

The Timing Constraints Wizard identifies missing timing constraints on a synthesized or
implemented design. It analyzes the netlist, the clock nets connectivity, and the existing timing
constraints to provide recommendations as per the UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for FPGAs
and SoCs (UG949). Three categories of constraints are covered by the following 11 pages of the
wizard, followed by a summary. The following steps are included:

• Clocks
○ Primary clocks

○ Generated clocks

○ Forwarded clocks

○ External feedback delays

• Input and output ports

○ Input delays

○ Output delays

○ Combinatorial delays

• Clock domain crossing

○ Physically exclusive clock groups

○ Logically exclusive clock groups with no interaction

○ Logically exclusive clock groups with interaction

○ Asynchronous clock domain crossings

• Constraints summary

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During each step, you can accept the recommended constraints or modify the list by checking or
unchecking each of the proposed constraints. However, unchecking recommended constraints
early in the wizard can prevent the identification of other missing constraints in subsequent
steps. For example, if you decide to skip the creation of a clock, the wizard does not identify and
recommend any constraints that refer to this clock or its auto-derived clocks.

The final page of the wizard provides a summary of the constraints that are created. You can click
on each individual hyperlink to see the constraints details, or visualize the new constraints in the
Timing Constraints window after exiting the wizard.

You can also choose to generate the following recommended reports upon clicking Finish to
verify that the design is completely and properly constrained:

• Create Timing Summary report: Timing slack is reported with the new constraints, in addition
to a check_timing report. Timing violations likely display if the period or I/O delay constraints
that you entered are too difficult.

• Create Check Timing report: This report identifies missing or inappropriate constraints by
running the check_timing command.

• Create DRC Report using only Timing Checks: This report runs the Timing DRCs.

IMPORTANT! The newly added constraints are automatically saved to the Target XDC file unless you click
Cancel. You can edit or delete the new constraints in the Timing Constraints window after exiting the

The Timing Constraint Wizard does not recommend a constraint if it introduces unsafe timing
analysis. Also, the wizard does not fix inappropriate constraints that already existed when loading
the design in memory. Nevertheless, some invalid constraints might become valid after creating
all the missing clocks when using Vivado Design Suite in project mode. For more details, see
Constraints Processing Order and Invalid Constraints below. Also, after using the wizard, if
check_timing or report_drc still flag some constraints issues, it is usually due to a
constraint problem that already existed in the source XDC files. Address these problems directly
instead of using the wizard to resolve them.

VIDEO: For more information on the Vivado Timing Constraints Wizard, see Vivado Design Suite
QuickTake Video: Using the Vivado Timing Constraint Wizard.

Constraints Processing Order and Invalid Constraints

The Timing Constraints Wizard recommends missing constraints that define clocks or refer to
clocks, that are saved either at the end of the target XDC file in project mode, or at the end of all
constraints in other modes. For this reason, you must understand the following rules:

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

• Project mode: Specify a target XDC file with its processing order set to NORMAL before
launching the Timing Constraints wizard. The target XDC file must belong to the Constraints
Set of the design open in memory and currently selected. The position of the target XDC file
among the other XDC files matters because it specifies where the recommended constraints
are applied and saved later. Also, the wizard tries to re-apply any invalid constraint that
belongs to XDC files parsed after the target XDC file to provide the most complete and
accurate recommendations.

For example, consider the netlist from synth_1 run open in memory with the Constraints Set
constr_1. This Constraints Set contains three XDC files in the sequence a.xdc, b.xdc, and
c.xdc. If you choose b.xdc as the target XDC file and each file contains an invalid
constraint, the Timing Constraints wizard applies the recommended clocks, then re-applies the
invalid constraints from c.xdc before proceeding to the next step and discovering other
missing constraints.

• Non-project or Design Check Point (DCP) modes: You cannot specify a target XDC file in
these modes, so the Timing Constraints wizard recommends and applies new constraints at
the last position of the constraints sequence. This is equivalent to entering new constraints in
the Tcl Console or via the Timing Constraints window. In these modes, the wizard does not
attempt to re-apply invalid constraints. If the new constraints need to be applied earlier in the
overall constraints sequence to resolve constraints dependencies or precedence issues, edit
the constraints sequence manually.

Here is an example of how to manually edit constraints.

1. Create new constraints using the Vivado Design Suite.

2. Run one of the following commands:
write_xdc -exclude_physical timing_constraints.xdc write_xdc -type
timing timing_constraints.xdc

3. Edit timing_constraints.xdc to move the new constraints higher in the XDC file.
4. Save the file.
5. Run the following command:

6. Read the edited timing constraints file by typing:

read_xdc timing_constraints.xdc

Review the updated timing constraints sequence using the Timing Constraints window. After
reviewing the new constraints, save the sequence into the DCP.

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Reporting Features Available When the Wizard is Open

When the Timing Constraints wizard is open, it prevents most actions in the Vivado IDE,
including using the Tcl Console or running timing analysis, to avoid database discrepancies. The
wizard window is always in front of the other Vivado IDE windows. If you need to access the
Vivado IDE menus or windows, you must move the wizard window to the side.

Only the following features are available while the Timing Constraints wizard is open:

• Reporting and visualizing the clock networks: Most pages of the wizard have buttons to
generate and access the clock network report to visualize the clock topologies, their source
point, and the shared segments for some of the clocks.

Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906) for
more details about the clock network report.

• Searching a name in source files or an object in the design in memory: The Find and Find In
Files dialog boxes are available from the Edit menu. You can use these dialog boxes to retrieve
some information about the design while entering the constraints in the wizard.

• Creating and Viewing schematics: You can select design objects in the main Vivado IDE
window and visualize them in schematics. All schematics features are available. Only the last
step of the Timing Constraints wizard, Asynchronous Clock Domain Crossings, supports
convenient schematics cross-probing when selecting one or several entries in the Timing
Paths tab.

Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893) for more information
on using schematics.

• Visualizing constraints in memory with the Timing Constraints window: Each page of the
wizard includes a tab that shows the existing constraints of the same type as recommended
by the step. This is convenient for quickly reviewing the details of constraints already created
in the XDC files. For a complete view of all timing constraints in memory, the Timing
Constraints window shows the full sequence of constraints, organized by XDC file, including
scoping information. It also displays the invalid constraints.

Constraints Editing within the Wizard

Each step of the wizard can recommend several constraints. Depending on the constraint, take
one of the following actions:

• Uncheck the constraints you do not want to create, using one of the following methods:
○ Remove each constraint from the list, one at a time, by unchecking each line.

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○ Remove all constraints by unchecking the upper left check box of the table.

TIP: Alternatively, you can right-click the constraint, and select Do Not Create Constraint, as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 7: Skipping Recommended Constraints Using the Context Menu

In the following figure, clk1 and ddr_clk_in are unchecked and will be skipped.

Figure 8: Creating and Skipping Recommended Constraints

• Enter the missing values by clicking on the cells that show undefined (for example, the
Frequency or Period value for clk2 and clk3 in the previous figure).
You can edit several constraints at the same time by selecting the corresponding rows and
clicking the Edit Selected Rows button, as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 9: Editing Several Recommended Constraints

Next, fill out any required fields, such as Frequency and Period as shown in the following

Figure 10: Entering Parameters for Several Recommended Constraints

Editing multiple constraints at a time is particularly helpful for input and output delay
• Simply review the constraints if no action is required.

When all the checked recommended constraints have been reviewed and completed, click Next
to proceed to the next page. Any entries that you missed prevent the wizard from moving to the
next step.

Use the Back button to revisit a page. If you edit any constraint on a previous page and click
Next, the wizard re-analyzes the design and recommends new constraints accordingly. In most
cases, the previously recommended constraints not affected by the change are reinstated. If you
only view a previous page without modifying any of its recommended constraints, the wizard
does not re-run any analysis, which usually saves runtime.

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IMPORTANT! You cannot use the Timing Constraints wizard to edit existing timing constraints. Instead,
you must use the Timing Constraints window.

Constraints Recommended by the Wizard

Primary Clocks
Two categories of clocks are identified by the wizard, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 11: Recommended Primary Clocks

• The primary clocks needed for computing the timing slack for setup, hold, recovery, and
removal checks appear in the Recommended Constraints table.

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• The clocks only needed for performing pulse width checks (min_period, max_period,
max_skew, min_low_pulse_width, and min_high_pulse_width) appear in the
Constraints for Pulse Width Check Only table. By default, these clocks are unchecked because
they are only used for reporting purposes and do not influence the implementation tools
quality of result.

The wizard automatically identifies the proper clock source point for the constraint. In most
cases, the clock source point is an input clock port, and in some special cases, it is the output of a
primitive that does not have a timing arc. For example, in 7 series devices, the wizard identifies
missing primary clocks on the output of GT_CHANNEL primitives. For AMD UltraScale™ devices,
the Vivado Design Suite is able to auto-derive the GT_CHANNEL output clocks based on the
incoming clock characteristics and the GT_CHANNEL configuration and connectivity.
Consequently, the wizard recommends primary clocks located upstream from the GT_CHANNEL
cells on the design boundary.

Generated Clocks
The Timing Constraints wizard recommends the creation of a generated clock on the output of a
sequential cell when it drives the clock pins of other sequential cells either directly or through
some interconnect logic. Unlike PLL or MMCM, user logic cannot multiply the frequency of the
master clock, so the wizard only offers the option to specify a division coefficient, as shown in
the following figure:

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Figure 12: Generated Clocks Page of the Timing Constraints Wizard

When several master clocks reach the generated clock source point, the wizard creates all the
corresponding generated clocks, using unique names and clear reference to individual master
clocks. The previous figure illustrates the scenario where two clocks (clk3 and clk4) reach the
sequential cell FDIV_reg. Consequently, two generated clock constraints (FDIV and FDIV_1) are

TIP: Some clocking topologies, such as cascaded registers on the clock path, might require that you run the
Timing Constraints wizard multiple times to discover all the missing generated clocks.

Forwarded Clocks
The Timing Constraints wizard recommends generated clock constraints on output ports that are
driven by double data-rate registers with constant inputs. Based on the input constant
connectivity, the generated clock phase is adjusted to either positive (0 degree phase shift) or
inverted (180 degree phase shift). The master clock used in the constraint is the clock that
reaches the clock pin of the double data-rate register. See the Source Clock column of the
Recommended Constraints table in the following figure:

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Figure 13: Recommended Forwarded Clocks

For the 7 series device family, the topology recognized by the wizard is shown in the following
figure. There is no restriction on the nature of the master clock or the output buffer.

Figure 14: 7 Series Forwarded Clock Typical Circuitry

For the UltraScale device family, the ODDR and ODDRE1 primitives are automatically retargeted
to OSERDESE3 with the property ODDR_MODE=TRUE. The wizard recognizes the topology
shown in the following figure, where OSERDESE3/D[0] is connected to 1 and OSERDESE3/D[4]
is connected to 0 (no phase-shift).

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Figure 15: UltraScale Forwarded Clock Typical Circuitry

External Feedback Delays

The Timing Constraints wizard analyzes the feedback loop connectivity of the MMCM and PLL
cells present in the design. External delay constraints (min and max) are recommended when the
CLKFBIN and CLKFBOUT pins are connected to the design ports through IO buffers and the
MMCM or PLL property COMPENSATION=EXTERNAL. The following figure illustrates the
recommended External Delay constraints.

Figure 16: Recommended External Delay Constraints

The following figure illustrates a typical MMCM with external feedback path circuit.

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Figure 17: Typical MMCM External Feedback Path Circuit

In the current Vivado Design Suite release, the Timing Constraints wizard might not recommend
external delay constraints when there is a sequential cell in the feedback path which is used for
generating a forwarded clock. In this case, you must create the external delay constraints
manually or using the Timing Constraints window after exiting the wizard. An exception is the
ODDR primitive that is supported for the forwarded clock.

Input Delays
The Timing Constraints wizard analyzes all paths from input ports to identify their destination
clock inside the design and their active edges. Based on this information, the wizard recommends
basic system synchronous input delay constraints that are based on the XDC templates available
in the Vivado IDE (see XDC Templates for templates). The waveform associated with the selected
template is displayed at the bottom of the window in the Waveform tab when you select a
constraint entry in the Recommended Constraints table.

The following figure shows an example of several input constraints proposed by the wizard and
partially edited by the user.

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Figure 18: Recommended Input Delay Constraint Templates

For each constraint, edit three characteristics to specify the appropriate waveform that
corresponds to the actual interface timing on the board:

• Synchronous: Describes the nature of the clock-data relationship.

• System (for System Synchronous interface): Use this setting when the data is launched and
captured by different clock edges that are 1 period or ½ period apart.

• Source (for Source Synchronous interface): Use this setting when the data is launched and
captured by the same clock edge.

• Alignment: Describes the data transition alignment with respect to the active clock edge.

• For System Synchronous interfaces only:

• Edge: Use this setting when the clock and data transition at the same time.

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• For Source Synchronous interfaces only:

• Center: Use this setting when the clock transitions in the middle of the data valid
• Edge Direct: Use this setting when the clock transitions at the beginning of the data
valid window.
• Edge MMCM: Use this setting when the clock transitions at the end of the data valid

• Data Rate and Edge: Describes the active clock edges constrained by the template. The
default value recommended by the wizard is based on the active clock edges of the capturing
sequential cell.

• Single Rise: Use this setting for cases where only the rising clock edges launch the data
outside the FPGA.

• Single Fall: Use this setting for cases where only the falling clock edges launch the data
outside the FPGA.

• Dual: Use this setting for cases where both rising and falling clock edges launch the data
outside the FPGA.

The recommended clock is usually the board clock related to the input path sequential cell.
When the input path internal clock is an MMCM or PLL generated clock, the board clock that
drives the MMCM or PLL is used as the input constraint reference clock. The only exceptions
exist when the internal clock waveform and the board clock waveform are not identical, such as
the following scenarios:

• Different period scenario: The input constraint references a virtual clock that has the same
waveform as the internal clock so that the setup analysis is performed with a 1 cycle path
requirement. The virtual clock is automatically created.

• Positive phase-shift clock scenario: The wizard uses a virtual clock as the reference clock. The
virtual clock is automatically created with the same waveform as the board clock. In addition,
the wizard also specifies a multicycle path constraint between the virtual clock and the
internal clock to adjust the default analysis to 1 period + the amount of phase-shift for setup.
The combination of the virtual clock and the multicycle path constraint provides simpler
constraints for the Vivado Design Suite timer to handle and can only affect input ports that
reference to the virtual clock.

For a negative phase-shift, the virtual clock and the multicycle path constraint are not needed
because the default setup path requirement is 1-cycle minus the amount of phase-shift.

The wizard does not allow you to change the reference clock selected for the constraint. To do
so, you must manually edit the XDC files or use the Timing Constraints window after exiting the

After you select the proper template, enter the delay parameter values in the Delay Parameters
panel located on the right hand side of the wizard and then click Apply to validate the entries.

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The input delay equations are displayed below the delay parameter fields and on some of the
template waveforms. The following figure shows the Delay Parameters panel for the DDR
System Synchronous interface template.

Figure 19: Input Delay Parameters Panel

To accelerate the delay parameter entry task, select and edit several constraints with same clock
and same template at once.

After the constraints have been completed and applied, review their corresponding Tcl syntax in
the Tcl Command Preview tab or click Next to proceed to the next step.

TIP: The Timing Constraints wizard skips input ports with a false path constraint. This is particularly useful
for skipping asynchronous resets that usually do not have a known phase relationship with any clock of the
design. The false path constraint can only be created outside the wizard.

Output Delays
Similar to the Input delays step, the Timing Constraints wizard analyzes the paths to all output
ports to identify their source clocks inside the design and their active edges. The template
selection rules are the same as described in Input Delays. The following figure shows several
output constraints proposed by the wizard and partially edited by the user.

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Figure 20: Recommended Output Delay Constraint Templates

For each constraint, three characteristics can be edited in order specify the appropriate
waveform that corresponds to the actual interface timing on the board:

• Synchronous: Describes the nature of the clock-data relationship (see Input Delays for more

• Alignment: Describes the data transition alignment with respect to the active clock edge.

• Setup/Hold: Use this setting when the template delay parameters are specified based on
the data valid window timing characteristics outside the FPGA.

• Skew (Source Synchronous only): Use this setting when the template delay parameters are
specified based on the skew requirements on the output pin of the FPGA.

• Data Rate and Edge: Describes the active clock edges constrained by the template (see Input
Delays for more details).

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As with recommended input delay constraints, the reference clock is typically the board clock,
except in the following cases:

• The board clock and the output path internal clock have different clock periods.
The output constraint references a virtual clock that has the same waveform as the internal
clock so that the setup analysis is performed with a 1-cycle path requirement. The virtual
clock is automatically created.
• The output path internal clock has a negative phase-shift compared to the board clock.
The wizard uses a virtual clock as the reference clock. The virtual clock is automatically
created with the same waveform as the board clock. In addition, the wizard also specifies a
multicycle path constraint between the virtual clock and the internal clock to adjust the
default analysis to 1 period + the amount of phase-shift for setup. The combination of the
virtual clock and the multicycle path constraint provides simpler constraints for the Vivado
Design Suite timer to handle and can only affect output ports that reference to the virtual
Note: For a positive phase-shift, the virtual clock and the multicycle path constraint are not needed
because the default setup path requirement is 1 cycle minus the amount of phase-shift.

• A forwarded clock has been identified for timing the output path based on the shared clocking
The forwarded clock must have been created during the third step of the wizard Forwarded
Clocks, or else the board clock or a virtual clock is used as the output delay constraint
reference clock.

The following figure shows a basic example of an output source synchronous path along with its
forwarded clock for the 7 series family. Both ODDR/OSERDES instances are connected to the
same clock net (highlighted in blue). The ck_vsf_clk_2 generated clock is already defined on
the vsf_clk_2 output port.

Figure 21: Example of a Source Synchronous Output Path with its Forwarded Clock

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The following figure shows the corresponding constraints in the wizard.

Figure 22: Recommended Source Synchronous Output Path Delay Constraint with a
Forwarded Clock

After you select the proper template, enter the delay parameters values. To accelerate the delay
parameter entry task, select and edit several constraints with same clock and same template at
once. After the constraints have been completed and applied, review their corresponding Tcl
syntax in the Tcl Command Preview tab or click Next to proceed to the next step.

TIP: The Timing Constraints wizard skips output ports with a false path constraint. The false path
constraint can only be created outside the wizard.

Combinational Delays
Some paths propagate directly from input ports to output ports without being captured inside
the device by a sequential cell. If an input port is connected to both an output port and a
sequential cell, the Timing Constraints wizard does not recommend combinational constraints
between the input/output port pair, because the input port should have been constrained during
the Input Delay step. For the combinational paths, the wizard recommends to define a virtual
clock along with input and output delays on the design ports as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 23: Combinational Path Schematics and Delay Constraints

The final combinational path delay constraints are:

• For setup analysis:

virtual clock period - max input delay - max output delay
• For hold analysis:
0 - min output delay - min input delay

The virtual clock period must be modified so that it is greater than the largest combinational
delay constraint across all constrained combinational paths. The following figure shows the delay
entries needed per input/output ports pair.

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Figure 24: Recommended Combination Paths Constraints

None of the input and output delay constraints override existing ones. If a given port has
multiple delay constraints with respect to the same clock, the smallest value of all constraints is
used by the Vivado Timing analysis feature during hold analysis, and the largest one during setup

After all delay entries have been filled, click Next to proceed to the next step.

Note: Alternatively, you can constrain combinational paths using the set_max_delay and
set_min_delay commands outside the Timing Constraints wizard.

Physically Exclusive Clock Groups

Physically exclusive clocks are clocks that are defined on the same source point and propagate on
the same clock tree. The following figure shows an example where two primary clocks are
defined on the same input port.

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Figure 25: Example of a Design with Physically Exclusive Clocks

While their overlap is convenient for timing several application modes with one design and
constraint database, these clocks and their children generated clocks should never be timed
together. The Timing Constraints wizard identifies such clocks and recommends a clock groups
constraint to prevent unnecessary timing analysis on the clock domain crossing paths, as shown
in the following figure.

Figure 26: Example of a Design with Clock Groups Constraint

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Logically Exclusive Clock Groups with No Interaction

Logically exclusive clocks are clocks that are defined on different source points but share part of
their clock tree due to a multiplexer or other combinational logic. The Timing Constraints wizard
identifies such clocks and recommends a clock groups constraint directly on them when they do
not have timing paths between each other except for the logic connected to their shared clock
tree. The following figure shows an example of two clocks, clkA and clkB, which are defined on
different input ports and start overlapping on the output of a BUFGMUX.

Figure 27: Example of Logically Exclusive Clocks with No Interaction

Logically Exclusive Clock Groups with Interaction

The Timing Constraints wizard identifies logically exclusive clocks that have timing paths
between each other elsewhere than just on the logic connected to the shared clock tree. The
following figure shows an example where clkA and clkB have a shared clock tree portion, and
also have a timing path from the shared clock tree to clkA only.

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Figure 28: Example of a Design with Logically Exclusive Clocks with Interaction

Because only the clock domain crossing paths of the shared clock tree must be ignored, the
wizard recommends to create generated clocks that are copies of clkA and clkB but that only
exist on the shared clock tree. The clock groups constraint is applied to the generated clocks
only, so that the paths outside the logic of the shared clock tree can still be normally timed. The
following figure illustrates the wizard recommended constraints for the example above.

Figure 29: Recommended Constraints for Logically Exclusive Clocks with Interaction

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Asynchronous Clock Domain Crossings

The Timing Constraints wizard analyzes the topology of clock domain crossing (CDC) paths
between asynchronous clocks and recommends clock groups or false path constraints whenever
it is safe to do so.

Asynchronous clocks are clocks with no known phase relationship, which typically happens when
they do not share the same primary clock or do not have a common period. For this reason, slack
computation on asynchronous CDC paths is not accurate and cannot be trusted. Due to
potentially large skew between asynchronous clocks, the timing quality-of-result can be heavily
impacted and prevent proper timing closure if any of the asynchronous CDC paths is timed. You
are responsible for adding timing exceptions on these paths, such as set_clock_groups,
set_false_path, or set_max_delay -datapath_only to either completely ignore timing
analysis or just ignore the clock skew and uncertainty. Also, the design must implement proper
CDC circuitry to prevent metastability.

In the Vivado Design Suite, the wizard only identifies flip-flop-based synchronizers for
synchronous data and asynchronous reset. For an example of such synchronizers, see the Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).

The following figure shows an example of the recommended and non-recommended constraints

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Figure 30: Example of Recommended and Non-Recommended Constraints Tables

The columns in both tables display the following information:

• Source Clock: This is the clock of the CDC paths start points identified by the wizard.

• Destination Clock: This is the clock of the CDC paths endpoints identified by the wizard.

• Constraint: This column shows either the dominant timing exception or the characteristics of
the clock relationship when there is no exception.

• In the Recommended Constraints table, the wizard anticipates that the constraints are
created and displays the new constraint:
○ asynch (clock groups) for the cases where it is safe to ignore timing in both directions, in
which case, a set_clock_groups constraint is created

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○ asynch (false path) when it is only safe to ignore the paths in one direction, in which
case, a set_false_path constraint is created
• In the Non-recommended Constraints table, the Timing Constraints wizard displays how
the CDC paths are timed before eventually applying a clock group or false path exception:
○ Timed - No Common Primary Clock

○ Timed - No Common Period

○ MaxDelay DataPath for the case where at least 1 path is covered by a set_max_delay
-datapath_only constraint and all other paths are covered by false path constraints

• Endpoints: The number of CDC path endpoints identified by the wizard.

• Synchronized (with ASYNC_REG): The number of endpoints properly synchronized, with the
ASYNC_REG property set to true on all synchronizer flip-flops.

• Synchronizer without ASYNC_REG: The number of synchronizers where at least one flip-flop
does not have the ASYNC_REG property set to true.

• Unknown: The number of CDC path endpoints where the wizard did not find a synchronizer.

• Max Delay Datapath Only: The number of CDC path endpoints that are constrained with a
set_max_delay -datapath_only constraint.

The table entries contain cross-probing links whenever applicable. When you click on a number,
the corresponding CDC paths are listed in the Paths tab at the bottom of the window. You can
select one or several CDC paths and click on the Schematic (F4) button to display the logic of the
path(s) in the main Vivado IDE window.

Recommended Asynchronous Clock Groups Constraints

The Timing Constraints wizard recommends a set_clock_groups -asynchronous

constraint between two clocks when the following conditions are present:

• All paths have synchronizers in both directions.

• No path is covered by a set_max_delay -datapath_only in either direction
(set_clock_groups has higher precedence and overrides any existing set_max_delay).

Non-Recommended Asynchronous Clock Groups Constraints

The Timing Constraints wizard provides a table with constraints that are not enabled by default
because they are not recommended for one of the following reasons:

• At least one path is missing a synchronizer in either direction.

• At least one path is covered by set_max_delay -datapath_only in either direction.

You can decide to activate any of these constraints when working on an early version of the
design, and then revisit the CDC paths and their constraints later when finalizing your design.

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CDC Synchronizers and ASYNC_REG Property

AMD recommends that all synchronizer flip-flops have their ASYNC_REG property set to true to
preserve the synchronizer cells through any logic optimization during synthesis and
implementation, and to optimize their placement for best Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
statistics. For any clock group constraints that are enabled in both tables (either by default or by
the user), the wizard sets to true any missing ASYNC_REG property.

Refer to the Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide (UG912) for detailed information
about the ASYNC_REG property.

Completing the CDC Analysis and Constraints

The Timing Constraints wizard does not recognize some valid CDC topologies that are not based
on simple synchronizers. The report_cdc command provides a powerful and more comprehensive
view of the CDC paths that need structural correction in order to become safe. Refer to the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906) for detailed
information about report_cdc.

For the cases where the wizard does not recommend a constraint due to the presence of some
set_max_delay -datapath_only, the other CDC paths that are normally timed must be
reviewed individually and possibly ignored by additional false path constraints. The creation of
point-to-point false path constraints must be done in the XDC file, in the Tcl Console, or in the
Timing Constraints window after exiting the wizard.

Constraints Summary
The final page of the Timing Constraints wizard summarizes the new constraints that are applied
and saved at the end of the Target XDC file when you click Finish. Click each hyperlink to see the
details of the constraints. The following figure shows an example of the Constraints Summary

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Figure 31: Example of Constraints Summary Page

Timing Constraints Window

The Timing Constraints window is available for Synthesized and Implemented designs only. For
elaborated design constraints, use and edit XDC files directly. For more information, see Creating
Synthesis Constraints.

Open the Timing Constraints window using one of the following three options, as shown in the
following figure:

• Select Window → Timing Constraints.

• In the Synthesis section of the Flow Navigator panel, select Synthesized Design → Edit Timing
• In the Implementation section of the Flow Navigator panel, select Implemented Design → Edit
Timing Constraints.

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Figure 32: Multiple Methods for Opening the Timing Constraints Window

The Timing Constraints window displays the timing constraints in memory, in either the same
sequence as in the XDC files and Tcl scripts, or the same sequence in which you entered them in
the Tcl Console.

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Figure 33: Timing Constraints Window

Some of the constraints cannot be edited from this window. They are marked with the XDC No
Edit icon .

Timing Constraints Spreadsheet

The timing constraints spreadsheet displays the details of all existing constraints of a specific
type. Use the timing constraints spreadsheet to review and edit constraint options.

Figure 34: Timing Constraints Spreadsheet

The two last columns of the panel show:

• Source File: The name of the XDC file or Tcl script the constraint comes from.

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• Scoped Cell: The name of the current instance when the constraint was applied. This name
usually corresponds to an IP instance which is delivered with dedicated constraints. For more
information, see Constraints Scoping.

A new constraint of the selected type can be created by double clicking the last line of the
spreadsheet. The corresponding constraint creation dialog opens and lets you fill in the details of
the new constraint. Click OK to apply the constraint in memory and close the window. A new
line in the spreadsheet shows the new constraint information.

You can edit any existing constraint by modifying the values directly in the spreadsheet. After
you have finished editing, click Apply to apply the modified constraints in memory.

IMPORTANT! Applying a new or modified constraint does not save it in the XDC file. You must click Save
Constraints to save it.

IMPORTANT! IP constraints cannot be edited or deleted. In order to modify a constraint delivered with an
IP, you must disable the corresponding IP XDC file, copy the constraint to your XDC file, and edit the
constraint as desired.

Constraints Creation, Grouped by Category

When you select a constraint type, the corresponding spreadsheet appears on the right sub-
window panel. This allows you to view all the constraints of the same type that have already
been created.

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Figure 35: Timing Constraints Categories

To create a new constraint, double click the name of the target constraint. A dialog box allows
you to specify the value for each option. When you click OK, the tool does the following:

1. Validates the syntax.

2. Applies the syntax to the memory.
3. Adds the new constraint at the end of the spreadsheet.
4. Adds the new constraint at the end of your complete list of constraints.

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All Constraints
The bottom of the window displays the complete list of constraints loaded in memory, in the
same sequence as they were applied. The constraints are grouped in accordance with the XDC
file or the Tcl script from which they originated. When an XDC file is scoped to a particular
hierarchical cell, the cell name is displayed next to the file name.

Figure 36: Timing Constraints All Constraints List (Example One)

You can expand and collapse the constraints for each associated source file, or completely by
clicking the two corresponding buttons on the left side of the panel.

Figure 37: Timing Constraints All Constraints List (Example Two)

TIP: The collapsed view provides a compact overview of which constraints file are loaded in memory, and
where the scoping mechanism is used. The same information is available through the
report_compile_order -constraints command.

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De-select the Group by Source icon to switch the view to a table in which the source
constraint file and the scoped cell information appears in the two right columns.

Figure 38: Timing Constraints All Constraints List (Example Three)

• To delete a constraint, select it and click X.

• To edit a constraint that is not read-only, use the spreadsheet view. After your changes have
been registered by the tool, you must click Apply to refresh the constraints in memory.
• To add new constraints, use the dialog boxes as previously described, or type the constraints
in the Tcl Console. The new constraint appears at the end of the list in a group named

Figure 39: Timing Constraints All Constraints List (Example Four)

When saving the constraints, the new constraints are saved at the end of the XDC file marked as
target. If there is no target XDC file in the constraint set associated with the design in memory, or
if there is only a Tcl script in the constraint set, you are prompted to specify where to save the

Regularly save your constraints. Click Save, or select File → Constraints → Save.

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IMPORTANT! New and modified constraints cannot be saved back to a Tcl script.

CAUTION! Do not enter new constraints in the Tcl Console if any constraints in the Timing Constraints
window have not yet been applied. The final constraints order in the editor can become different from the
constraints order in memory. In order to avoid any confusion, you must re-apply all constraints each time
you edit an existing constraint.

XDC Templates
You can access XDC templates by selecting Tools → Language Templates.

Figure 40: XDC Templates

XDC Template Contents

The XDC templates include:

• The most common timing constraints, such as clock definitions, jitter, input/output delay, and
• Physical constraints
• Configuration constraints

Using XDC Templates

To use an XDC template:

1. Select the template you want to use.

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2. Copy the text displayed in the Preview window.

3. Paste the text in your XDC file.
4. Replace the generic strings with actual names from your design or with appropriate values.

Advanced XDC Templates

Some advanced templates such as System Synchronous and Source Synchronous I/O delay
constraints require you to set some Tcl variables to capture the design requirements. The Tcl
variables are used in the actual set_input_delay and set_output_delay constraints.

You must verify that all necessary values have been filled instead of using the default values.

Figure 41: I/O Delay Constraint Templates

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Creating Synthesis Constraints

The Vivado Synthesis transforms the RTL description of your design into a technology mapped
netlist. This process happens in several steps, and includes a number of timing-driven

AMD FPGAs include many logic features that can be used in many different ways. Your
constraints are needed to guide the synthesis engine towards a solution that meets all the design
requirements at the end of implementation.

There are four categories of constraints for the Vivado IDE synthesis:

• RTL Attributes
• Timing Constraints
• Physical and Configuration Constraints
• Elaborated Design Constraints

RTL Attributes
RTL attributes must be written in the RTL files. They usually choose the mapping style of certain
part of the logic, preserving certain registers and nets, or controlling the design hierarchy in the
final netlist.

For more information, see 'Synthesis Attributes' section in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Synthesis (UG901).

Note: The DONT_TOUCH attribute does not obey the properties of USED_IN_SYNTHESIS and
USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION. If you use DONT_TOUCH properties in the synthesis XDC, it is propagated
to implementation regardless of the value of USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION.

For more information about USED_IN_SYNTHESIS and USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION, refer to Synthesis

and Implementation Constraint Files.

DONT_TOUCH attribute example:

set_property DONT_TOUCH true [get_cells fsm_reg]

Timing Constraints
Timing constraints must be passed to the synthesis engine by means of one or more XDC files.
Only the following constraints related to setup analysis have any real impact on synthesis results:

• create_clock
• create_generated_clock

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• set_input_delay
• set_output_delay
• set_clock_groups
• set_false_path
• set_max_delay
• set_multicycle_path

Physical and Configuration Constraints

Synthesis algorithms ignore the physical and configuration constraints.

Elaborated Design Constraints

RECOMMENDED: When you create the first version of your synthesis XDC, use simple timing constraints
to describe the high-level design requirements.

At this point in the flow, the net delay modeling is still not very accurate. The main goal is to
obtain a synthesized netlist, which meets timing, or fail by a small amount before starting
implementation. In many cases, you have to go through several XDC and RTL modification
iterations before you reach this state.

The RTL-based XDC creation iteration is shown in the following figure. It is based on the
utilization of the Elaborated design to find the object names in your design that you want to
constrain for synthesis.

You must use the Tcl Console to validate the syntax of the XDC commands before saving them in
the XDC files. With the elaborated design, you can create constraints, query clocks, and query
design objects, but you cannot run any timing report command.

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Figure 42: Creating Constraints with the Elaborated Design

RTL source files

Open (or reload)

XDC files
Elaborated Design


Query names in your design Copy/paste good XDC commands

Validate XDC syntax in Tcl Console from Tcl Console to XDC files

Syntax Clean? YES


Design objects that are safe to use when writing constraints for synthesis are:

• Top level ports

• Manually instantiated primitives (cells and pins)

Some RTL names are modified or lost during the creation of the elaborated design. Following are
the most common cases:

• Single-Bit Register Names

• Multi-Bit Register Names
• Absorbed Registers and Nets
• Hierarchical Names

Single-Bit Register Names

By default, the register name is based on the signal name in the RTL, plus the _reg suffix.

For example, for a signal defined as follows in VHDL and Verilog, the instance name generated
during the elaboration is wbDataForInputReg_reg:

VHDL: signal wbDataForInputReg : std_logic; Verilog: reg wbDataForInputReg;

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The following figure shows the schematic of the register and its pins. It is possible to define a
constraint on the register instance or its pins.

Figure 43: Single-Bit Register in Elaborated Design

Multi-Bit Register Names

By default, the register name is based on the signal name in the RTL, plus the _reg suffix. You
can only query and constrain individual bits of the multi-bit register in your XDC commands.

For example, for a signal defined as follows in VHDL and Verilog, the instance names generated
during the elaboration are loadState_reg[0], loadState_reg[1], and

VHDL: signal loadState: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); Verilog: reg [2:0]


The following figure shows the schematic of the register. The multi-bit register appears as a
vector of single-bit registers. The vector is represented in a compact way whenever possible in
the schematics. Each individual bit can also be displayed separately.

Figure 44: Multi-Bit Register in Elaborated Design

You can only constrain each register individually or as a group by using the following patterns:

• Register bit-0 only


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• All register bits


IMPORTANT! You cannot query the multi-bit register, or more generally any multi-bit instance, by using
the pattern loadState_reg[2:0].

Because the names above also correspond to the names in the post-synthesis netlist, any
constraint based on them will most probably work for implementation as well.

Absorbed Registers and Nets

Some registers or nets in the RTL sources can disappear in the elaborated design (or synthesized
design) for various reasons. For example, memory block, DSP, or shift register inference requires
absorbing several design objects into one resource. Instead of using these objects to define
constraints, try to find other connected registers or nets that you can use.

Hierarchical Names
Unless you plan to force Vivado synthesis to keep the complete hierarchy of your design, some,
or all levels of the hierarchy can be flattened during synthesis. For more information, see the -
flatten_hierarchy information at 'Using Synthesis Settings' in the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Synthesis (UG901).

RECOMMENDED: Use fully resolved hierarchical names in your synthesis constraints where all the
hierarchical levels are explicitly written ("/" character) instead of using implicit matching ("*"character).
They are more likely to be matching the final netlist names regardless of the hierarchy transformations.

For example, consider the following register located in a sub-level of the design. Elaborated
Design Example:


During synthesis (assuming no special optimization is performed on this register), you can get
either flat or hierarchical name depending on the tool options or the design structure.

Instance name in a flat netlist:

inst_A/inst_B/control_reg (F)

Instance name in a hierarchical netlist:

inst_A/inst_B/control_reg (H)

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There is no obvious difference because the "/" character is also used to mark flattened hierarchy
levels. Notice the difference when querying the object in memory. The following commands
return the netlist object for F but not H:

% get_cells -hierarchical *inst_B/control_reg

% get_cells inst_A*control_reg

In order to avoid problems related to hierarchical names, AMD recommends that you do the

• Use get_* commands without the -hierarchical option.

• Mark explicitly with the forward-slash (/) character all the levels of hierarchy as they show in
the elaborated design view.

Examples without the -hierarchical option:

• This option works for both flat and hierarchical netlists:

% get_cells inst_A/inst_B/*_reg
% get_cells inst_*/inst_B/control_reg

• Another option is:

% get_cells -hier -filter {NAME =~ inst_A/inst_B/*_reg}
% get_cells -hier -filter {NAME =~ inst_*/inst_B/control_reg}

CAUTION! (1) Do not attach constraints to hierarchical pins during synthesis for the same reason as
explained above for hierarchical cells. (2) Do not attach constraints to nets connecting combinatorial logic
operators. They will likely be merged into a LUT and disappear from the netlist.

RECOMMENDED: Regularly save your XDC files after editing, and reload the Elaborated design to make
sure the constraints in memory and the constraints in the XDC files are the same. After running synthesis,
load the synthesized design with the same synthesis XDC in memory, and run timing analysis by using the
timing summary report.

Some pre-synthesis constraints might no longer apply properly because of the transformations
performed by synthesis on the design. To resolve these problems, do the following:

1. Find the new XDC syntax that applies to the synthesized netlist.
2. Save the constraints in a new XDC file to be used during implementation only.
3. Move the synthesis constraints that can no longer be applied to a separate XDC file that is
used for synthesis only.

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Creating Implementation Constraints

After you have a synthesized netlist, you can load it into memory together with the XDC files or
Tcl scripts enabled for implementation. You must review the messages issued by the tool when
loading the XDC to verify and correct any constraint that cannot be applied.

In some cases, the object names in the synthesized netlist are different from the names in the
elaborated design. If this is the case, you must recreate some constraints with the corrected
names, and save them in an implementation-only XDC file.

After the tool can properly load all the XDC files, you can run timing analysis to:

• Add missing constraints, such as input and output delay.

• Add timing exceptions, such as false paths, multicycle paths, and min/max delay constraints.
• Identify large violations due to long paths in the design and correct the RTL description.

You can use the same base constraints as used during synthesis, and create a second XDC file to
store all new constraints specific to implementation. You can choose to save physical and
configuration constraints in a separate XDC file.

Note: In project mode, opening a synthesized design results in linking the netlist(s) from the post-synthesis
DCP(s) to build the full top-level hierarchical netlist. All XDC constraints marked for implementation are
also automatically loaded. This enables you to verify the implementation constraints on the full
synthesized design. This means that if the implementation constraints are modified, the opened
synthesized design goes out of date, not the synthesized run. The GUI shows a small banner and provides
the option to reload the design.

The netlist-based XDC iteration is shown in Figure 45.

Constraints and Object Queries

Design constraints that contain object queries based on some physical information must not rely
on physical constraints entered by Vivado P&R commands, and only rely on physical constraints
that you enter, else such constraints will appear invalid when reloading a post-implementation
DCP. This requirement comes from the DCP load sequence where the netlist is read first, then
the constraints and physical database last. Instead of using physical information, you should
modify the query to depend on other design objects properties (NAME, REF_NAME, ...).

Example of non-recommended constraint relying on placement information (property LOC):

set_false_path -from [get_cells -quiet -hier -filter {REF_NAME=~FD* &&


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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Adjusting Constraints for Synthesis Logic Replication

During synthesis, some registers are replicated to improve the design performance. The user
XDC constraints are not modified by the synthesis engine to include the replicated cells. If a
timing constraint is attached to an object replicated by Vivado Synthesis, the replicated cells are
not always covered by the XDC constraints depending on how the constraint is written, which
can later impact the implementation quality of results.

When using Vivado Synthesis, the get_cells and get_pins commands provide a mechanism
to automatically include the replicated objects.

For example, set_false_path –from [get_cells –hierarchical *rx_reg] can be

rewritten as follows to also safely include the replicated objects during implementation:

set_false_path -from [get_cells -hierarchical *rx_reg -


The command line option -include_replicated_objects relies on the property

ORIG_CELL_NAME set on the replicated objects. The following query commands return the
original cells with the replicated cells:

get_cells -include_replicated_objects *rx_reg

get_cells -include_replicated_objects [get_cells -hier -filter {NAME =~
get_cells -hierarchical -filter {NAME =~ *rx_reg || ORIG_CELL_NAME =~

The -filter option always applies after the collection of objects is built. It is not recommended
to use -filter with -include_replicated_objects when the filtering expression refers
to the property NAME. In such scenarios, the replicated objects are not returned when they do
not match the pattern specified for NAME. For example, the syntax below does not return
replicated objects matching *reg_replica*:

get_cells -include_replicated_objects -filter {NAME =~ *rx_reg}

AMD recommends running the methodology checks (report_methodology) and reviewing

the XDCV-1 and XDCV-2 check messages to identify constraints that need to be updated with
the get_cells/get_pins -include_replicated_objects option.

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Figure 45: Creating Constraints with the Synthesized Design

Synthesized Netlist

Open (or reload) Implementation

Synthesized Design XDC files


Use Vivado IDE editors or the Tcl

Console to enter new constraints

NO (missing constraints) Fix RTL Design

Add Synthesis Attributes
Timing clean? NO (clean constraints)
Use different Synthesis


Save your constraints

Run implementation


Before proceeding to implementation, you must verify that your design does not include any
major timing violation. The place-and-route tools can fix most reasonable timing violations, but
they cannot fix fundamental design issues that make timing closure impossible.

RECOMMENDED: Revisit the RTL to reduce the number of logic levels on the violating paths and to clean
up the clock trees to use dedicated clock resources and minimize the skew between related clocks. You can
also add synthesis attributes and use different synthesis options.

For more information, see the section 'Running Timing Analysis' in the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Synthesis (UG901), or 'Guiding Implementation with Design Constraints' in the Vivado
Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904).

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Adjust Constraints for Synthesis with Black-Boxes

When using Out-Of-Context (OOC) synthesis mode, the OOC modules (IP/BD/DFx/…) are
inferred as a black-box inside the top level. This means that the netlist objects inside the OOC
modules are not accessible by the top-level constraints. This may require the top-level
constraints for synthesis to be different from the constraints for implementation. In Project
Mode, this can be done by creating a specific XDC file for synthesis and setting the properties
for implementation should have USED_IN_SYNTHESIS=FALSE.

The only objects accessible from the black-boxes are the input and output ports. This limits the
type of timing constraints that the top-level can specify when referring to a black-box.

Some of the limitations for the top-level constraints from OOC synthesis are:

• Auto-derived clocks generated inside the OOC module cannot be renamed.

• Clock names defined inside the OOC module cannot be referred to. The clock propagating to
the output of the OOC module is named based on the net connected to the port of the
module. It is not from the name it has inside the module, even if the clock is renamed inside
the module XDC.
• If the top-level constraints need to refer to the clock coming out of an OOC module, it should
use a query such as ‘get_clocks -of_objects [get_pins

Constraints Scoping
The constraints from a particular XDC file can be optionally scoped to a specific module, to
specific cells of your design, or both, if needed. This is convenient for creating and applying
constraints to a sub-level of your design without having any information about the top-level. The
block-level constraints must be developed independently from the top-level constraints, and
must be as generic as possible so that they can be used in various contexts. They must also not
affect any logic that is beyond the block boundaries. By default, all the IP cores from the Vivado
IP catalog generated within a Vivado Design Suite project use this mechanism to load their
constraints in memory.

XDC File Scoping Properties

The constraints scoping mechanism is activated by specifying the following properties on the
XDC files:

• SCOPED_TO_REF: This property takes the name of a module (or entity). The constraints are
applied to ALL instances of the specified module (or entity) only.

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• SCOPED_TO_CELLS: This property takes a list of hierarchical cell names. The constraints are
scoped and applied to each hierarchical cell individually.

• SCOPED_TO_REF + SCOPED_TO_CELLS: If both these properties are specified, the

constraints are applied to each cell of the SCOPED_TO_CELLS list, located inside the module
(or entity) specified by SCOPED_TO_REF.

These properties are automatically set by the Vivado Design Suite for IP cores added to your RTL
project by means of the IP catalog.

Setting XDC File Scoping Properties Example

The following figure shows the uart_tx_i0 cell, an instance of the uart_tx module, which includes
two hierarchical cells, uart_tx_ctl_i0 and uart_baud_gen_tx_i0.

The project includes an XDC file uart_tx_ctl.xdc to constrain the uart_tx_ctl module.

Figure 46: Setting XDC File Scoping Properties Example

Following are three equivalent Tcl examples to use the scoping properties on
uart_tx_ctl.xdc. The same values can be set in the Properties windows of the XDC file in
the Vivado IDE.

# Using the reference module name only:

set_property SCOPED_TO_REF uart_tx_ctl [get_files uart_tx_ctl.xdc]

# Using the cell name only:

set_property SCOPED_TO_CELLS uart_tx_i0/uart_tx_ctl_i0 [get_files

# Using both the uart_tx reference module and uart_tx_ctl_i0 instance:

set_property SCOPED_TO_REF uart_tx [get_files uart_tx_ctl.xdc] set_property
SCOPED_TO_CELLS uart_tx_ctl_i0 [get_files uart_tx_ctl.xdc]

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When using Vivado Design Suite in Non-Project Mode, you can use the read_xdc command
with the -ref and -cells options to achieve the same result:

# Using the reference module name only:

read_xdc -ref uart_tx_ctl uart_tx_ctl.xdc # Using the cell name only:
read_xdc -cells uart_tx_i0/uart_tx_ctl_i0 uart_tx_ctl.xdc
# Using both the uart_tx reference module and uart_tx_ctl_i0 instance
read_xdc -ref uart_tx -cells uart_tx_ctl_i0 uart_tx_ctl.xdc

When a module is instantiated multiple times in the design, the module is uniquified during
synthesis. After the synthesis, each instance of the RTL module points to a different module
name. To apply some XDC constraints to all the instances of the original RTL module, the
property ORIG_REF_NAME should be used instead of the property REF_NAME. For example:

set_property SCOPED_TO_REF [get_cells -hierarchical -filter {ORIG_REF_NAME

== uart_tx_ctl}] [get_files uart_tx_ctl.xdc]
read_xdc -ref [get_cells -hierarchical -filter {ORIG_REF_NAME ==
uart_tx_ctl}] uart_tx_ctl.xdc

Note: When a module is uniquified, the property ORIG_REF_NAME is set on the original cell and on all the
instances that come from the uniquification of the original cell.

XDC Scoping Mechanism

Except for ports, constraints scoping relies on the current_instance mechanism, which is
part of the Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) standard. When setting the scope to a lower level
of the design hierarchy with the current_instance command, only the objects included in
that level or below can be returned by the object query commands.

The only exceptions are with timing clock objects and netlist ports:

• Timing clocks are defined by create_clock or create_generated_clock. They are

visible throughout the design regardless of the current instance setting. The get_clocks
command can query clocks that are not present in the current instance, or that propagate
beyond the current instance. AMD does not recommend defining timing exceptions on clocks
when creating scoped constraints unless they are fully contained in the current instance. For a
clock to be available for reference in an XDC, the clock must have already been defined. This
might require changing the order of the XDC files in the project.
• Top-level ports are returned by the get_ports command when the scope is set to a lower
level instance with the current_instance command. But when reading an XDC file scoped
to a lower-level instance with the read_xdc -ref/-cells command or when loading a
design after setting the SCOPED_TO_REF/SCOPED_TO_CELLS file properties, the
get_ports command behavior is different:
○ The port names to be used with get_ports are the port names of the scoped instance
interface, not the top-level port names.

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○ If a scoped instance port is directly connected to a top-level port through the hierarchy of
the design, the top-level port is returned by the get_ports command and the constraint
is applied to the top-level port.
○ If there is any leaf cell, including IO and clock buffers, between the scoped instance port
and the top-level ports, the get_ports command becomes a get_pins command and
returns the hierarchical scoped instance pin.

The XDC scoping mechanism is used for reading all Vivado Design Suite IP constraint files. Figure
47, and Figure 48, show the two examples of how the get_ports commands are treated when
reading in the IP-level XDC using this methodology.

In Figure 47, the I/O buffer is instantiated inside the IP and the IP interface pin is directly
connected to a top-level port (regardless of the hierarchy). When the XDC for the IP is applied,
the argument of the get_ports replaced with the top-level port.

This enables setting physical properties such as a LOC or IOSTANDARD at the IP level and
having them be placed on the top-level port where they need to be. This is accomplished without
the IP knowing the name of the top-level ports of the design. command is automatically replaced
with the top-level port.

Figure 47: IP Port Migration to the Corresponding Top-Level Port




The following figure, the IP does not contain an I/O buffer, so the synthesis engine infers one
between the IP interface pin and the top-level port. Consequently, the get_ports is converted to
a get_pins of the IP interface pin (for example, a hierarchical pin) when the XDC is applied.

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Figure 48: IP Port Migration to a Hierarchical Pin




This capability is very useful for creating constraints on the interface of an IP or a sub-level
module without knowing the names of the top-level design.

If the scoped XDC file includes constraints that can only be applied to top-level ports but the IP
instance is not directly connected to top-level ports, the Vivado Design Suite XDC reader returns
errors. For example, the following constraints can only be applied to top-level ports, and not
hierarchical pins of your design:

• set_input_delay/set_output_delay
• set_property IOSTANDARD

IP and Sub-Module Constraining with XDC

When using Package IP to create IP and use it from the Vivado IP catalog, XDC constraints can
also be packaged for inclusion. Any IP in the Vivado Design Suite is plug-and-play, that is, the IP
does not require a sample project from which you must cut and paste constraints to complete
your top-level design constraints. Instead, the IP can be packaged with an XDC file that was
developed for the IP as if it were a stand alone, top-level design. The Vivado tools take care of
reading the constraints appropriately when the IP is instantiated in the project using the IP

Similarly, you can develop constraints for a sub-module of your design, and use the same scoping
mechanism as IP cores by setting the SCOPED_TO_REF/SCOPED_TO_CELLS XDC file properties
appropriately in a project flow, or use the read_xdc -ref/-cells command in Non-Project

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Scoped Queries Guidelines

For this flow to work smoothly, the XDC constraints must be written so that the effects of the
constraints stay local to the IP or sub-module instance. The Vivado tools can set the scope of
queries to a specific level of the hierarchy as seen previously in Constraints Scoping. When
developing constraints for an IP or a sub-level module, you must understand the behavior of the
query commands:

• Cell/net/pin objects queries are limited to the scoped instance and its sub-levels:
○ get_cells/get_nets/get_pins <name pattern>

○ The NAME property of the object shows the full hierarchical path of the object relative to
the top-level and not just the scoped instance. If you use the -filter option of the
get_* commands on the NAME property, you must use the glob string match operator
and provide a pattern that starts with a *. For example:
get_nets -hierarchical -filter {NAME =~ *clk}

• get_ports returns a top-level port if the port of the block/IP is directly connected to a top-
level port. Otherwise, get_ports returns a hierarchical pin.
• Netlist helper commands are also scoped:
○ all_ffs, all_latches, all_rams, all_registers, all_dsps, all_hsios return
only instances included in the current instance.
• IO helper commands cannot be used at all in a scoped XDC:
○ all_inputs, all_outputs

• Clock commands are not scoped and returns all timing clocks of your design.
○ get_clocks, all_clocks

• Top-level and local clock objects can be queried by probing the netlist with get_clocks -
○ Retrieve a clock entering the current instance by using get_clocks -of_objects
[get_ports <interfacePinName>].
○ Retrieve a clock automatically generated inside the current instance by using get_clocks
-of_objects [get_pins <instName/outPin>], where instName is a clock
generator instance.
• Querying any object in the design is possible using the -of_objects option:
○ Example: get_pins -leaf -of_objects [get_nets local_net]

• Queries are supported for top-level ports connected to the current instance interface nets:
get_ports -of_objects [get_nets <scoped_instance_net>]

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

• Queries of IP/sub-module interface pins are not allowed:

○ get_pins clk returns an error.

• Path tracing commands are also scoped:

○ all_fanin/all_fanout traverses the scoped design and stops at its boundary.

• Use get_cells/get_pins/get_nets with the most specific pattern instead of using the
all_registers command with the -clock option to query all the cells connected to a
particular clock. The returned list can be very large while only a few objects need to be
constrained. This can impact the runtime negatively.

Scoped Timing Constraints Guidelines

To avoid negatively impacting the top-level design, it is important to make sure that timing
constraints written for the IP or sub-module do not propagate beyond its boundary, except for
clock definition in some cases.

For example, consider the case in which a false path constraint is defined in the IP XDC between
two clocks that come into the IP. The IP includes proper circuitry for asynchronous clock
boundaries, but perhaps not for the rest of the design. This is a problem if the two clocks are
related and must be timed together in the rest of the design to have proper hardware

Also, as discussed in Chapter 7: XDC Precedence, a timing exception defined in the IP XDC file
can have higher precedence than top-level constraints and can override them, which is
undesired. To avoid this situation, AMD recommends that you apply the constraints to netlist
objects local to the IP. In case of a false path between two global clocks, the false path must be
applied from a group of startpoint cells inside the IP to another group of endpoint cells inside the
IP as well. This technique is referred to as point-to-point exceptions instead of global exceptions.

Recommended Constraints Rules of IP/Sub-Module

The block-level constraints must comply with the following rules:

1. Do not define clocks in the block-level constraints if they are expected to be created at the
top level of the design.
Instead they can be queried inside the block using the get_clocks -of_objects
command. This command returns all the clocks that traverse a particular object in the design.
set blockClock [get_clocks -of_objects [get_ports clkIn]]

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

If a clock needs to be defined inside the block, it must be on an input/inout port that is
driving an instantiated input/inout buffer, or on the output of a cell that creates/transforms a
clock (except for MMCM/PLL or special buffers that are automatically handled by the timing
• Input clock with input buffer
• Clock Divider
• GT recovered clock
2. Specify input and output delay only if the port is directly connected to the top-level port and
the I/O buffer is instantiated inside the IP.
• Input data ports with input buffers
• Output data ports with output buffers
3. Do not define timing exceptions between two clocks that are not bound to the IP.
4. Do not refer to clocks by name as the name may vary based on the top-level clock names or
if the block is instantiated multiple times.
5. Do not add placement constraints if the block can be instantiated multiple times in a same
top-level design.

Constraints Efficiency
Reviewing Constraints Coverage
When writing timing constraints, it is important to keep the constraints simple and specify them
on the relevant netlist objects only. Inefficient constraints result in larger runtime and larger
memory consumption. Inefficient constraints can also result in a design improperly constrained as
timing exceptions can unexpectedly cover more paths than expected and collide with other

A timing constraint is efficient when the number of objects provided to the constraint is as small
as possible to accurately and safely cover the desired timing paths. Most of the time, the full
efficiency cannot be obtained as the list of objects are typically built from some pins or cells
name patterns. However, the minimum number of objects should always be the target when
building the list of objects for a timing exception.

Vivado provides several ways to get feedback on the timing exceptions:

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

• The methodology check XDCB-1 (report_methodology) reports the timing constraints

that reference large collections of objects (over 1000).
• The report exception command (report_exceptions) provides coverage and collision
information on the timing exceptions that have been defined.

AMD recommends that you carefully analyze the following reports:

• report_exceptions -scope_override
This report provides the list of scoped timing constraints that a top-level timing constraint
partially or totally overrides. However, it does not report a scoped constraint overriden by
another scoped constraints (from the same scope or from a different scope). For example, this
option can be used to verify that the IP constraints are not overriden by some user's top-level
• report_exceptions –coverage
This report provides a logical path coverage for each timing exception. The number of objects
passed to the timing exception are compared to the number of startpoints and endpoints
effectively covered. You should review constraints that have significant differences between
the number of objects and the number of startpoints/endpoints.
• report_exceptions –ignored
This report provides the list of timing constraints overridden by other timing constraints (for
example, a set_false_path overridden by set_clock_group). You should review the
overridden constraints for correctness or remove the useless constraints.
• report_exceptions –ignored_objects
This report provides the list of startpoints and endpoints that are ignored due to, for example,
inexistent paths from those startpoints or to those endpoints.

Improving Constraints Runtime

Optimizing Pin Queries
Because there are several times mores pins than cells in the design, using get_pins instead of
get_cells can have a significant impact on the runtime. The runtime degradation can be
experienced when processing XDC constraints (for example, open_checkpoint runtime) or
when executing a Tcl script. AMD recommends leveraging the relationship between pin and cell
objects to improve the runtime for large number of pin queries.

Instead of finding a list of pins based on their names among all pins in the design, it is more
efficient to first find the cells of the desired pins, and then refine the query by filtering the
desired pins of the cells returned by the first query, as described below.

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Recommended Pin Queries

• Original pin query:

get_pins –hier * -filter {NAME=~xx*/yy*}

• Recommended efficient pin query:

get_pins –filter {REF_PIN_NAME=~yy*} –of [get_cells –hier xx*]

• Alternate recommended pin query:

get_pins –filter {REF_PIN_NAME=~yy*} –of [get_cells –hier * -filter


For example, consider the following constraint:

set_max_delay 15 -from [get_pins -hier -filter {NAME=~*/aclk_dpram_reg*/*/

CLK}] \
-to [get_cells -hier -filter {NAME=~*/bclk_dout_reg*}] \

The constraint above can be re-written as follows to significantly improve the query runtime,
especially for larger designs:

set_max_delay 15 -from [get_pins -of [get_cells -hier –filter

{NAME =~ *aclk_dpram_reg*/*}] -filter {REF_PIN_NAME == CLK}] \
-to [get_cells -hier bclk_dout_reg*] \

Replacing all_registers Queries

The following are some additional query recommendations:

• Avoid queries using all_registers whenever possible, as they tend to create large collections of
objects. Such queries should be replaced by cells/pins queries with appropriate name patterns.
• When all_registers must be used and the query is gathering all the sequential elements
from a clock domain, all_registers -clock can sometimes have equivalent coverage as
directly using a clock object.
For example, the two commands below are equivalent in terms of coverage. However, the
second form using get_clocks is far more efficient because the multicycle path constraint
references a single clock object instead of potentially hundreds of thousands of sequential
set_multicycle_path –from [all_inputs] –to [all_registers –clock clk1]

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

set_multicycle_path –from [all_inputs] –to [get_clocks clk1]

IMPORTANT! Starting with the Vivado Design Suite 2018.3, the all_registers command only returns
primitives that have at least one Setup/Hold/Recovery/Removal timing arc that is enabled and a CLK->Q
timing arc. This means that buffers such as BUFGCE and BUFGCE_DIV are not returned anymore by the
all_registers command.

Ordering Constraints for Better Runtime

When loading the timing constraints in memory, the timing engine validates each new constraint
and prints messages to flag potential problems. Some timing constraints partially invalidate the
timing database (also referred as timing graph) and some other timing constraints require an up-
to-date timing database to be properly applied. Once the timing database is out of date,
subsequent timing updates are needed, for instance, to update auto-derivation clocks or to
disable certain timing paths in the design. The XDC commands which query the clocks or which
traverse the design to query netlist objects require an up-to-date timing database.

Interleaving constraints and commands that impact the timing database state can be runtime
intensive as the timing information gets invalidated and updated multiple times.

For runtime optimization, AMD recommends that you order the timing constraints and queries
carefully. The following table lists the XDC constraints per section. To reduce the runtime when
the constraints are applied from an XDC file, or when the design is opened with
open_checkpoint, the sections should be kept ordered:

Table 5: XDC Constraints and their Impact on the Timing Graph

Section Command Comment

1 set_disable_timing Keep in this order within this section.
2 create_clock Clocks are referred to by other constraints and need to be
create_generated_clock defined before the constraints that refer to them.
set_clock_sense Generated clocks can be derived from other generated
clocks, so the recommendation is to follow a "define before
use" rule.
Keep in this order within this section.
3 set_clock_latency These constraints can trigger additional constraint loading
set_propagated_clock runtime, so they should be kept together to minimize any
additional runtime.
The order is not important within this section.
4 set_input_delay Section about I/O delays.
set_output_delay These constraints should be defined before the timing
exceptions, but the impact on the constraints loading
runtime is minimal.
The order is not important within this section.

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

Table 5: XDC Constraints and their Impact on the Timing Graph (cont'd)

Section Command Comment

5 set_clock_groups Section about timing exceptions.
set_false_path The order is not important within this section.
6 set_max_time_borrow These constraints do not have a significant impact on the
set_external_delay constraint loading runtime.
The order is not important within this section.

If the timing constraints follow the above order, a single timing update should be triggered, which
means a minimum runtime impact. Some commands like all_fanin/all_fanout can have a high
intrinsic runtime, which is expected, and those commands should be avoided:

• all_fanin
• all_fanout
• all_clocks
• all_registers

One of the most runtime intensive combinations is set_disable_timing with all_fanout

or all_fanin. Such combinations should be avoided. For example:

set_disable_timing –from <pin> -to [all_fanout …]

set_disable_timing –from [all_fanin …] -to <pin>

TIP: When the same query is done in multiple places, it is recommended that you save the result of the
query inside a Tcl variable and refer to that Tcl variable when it is needed.

For example, the following sequence of constraints is not optimal.

create_clock –name clk1

create_generated_clock –name genclk1 –master_clock [get_clocks -of
[get_pins ...]]
set_disable_timing ...
create_clock –name clk2
set_false_path -from [get_clocks -of [get_pins ff1/C]]
set_case_analysis ...
create_clock –name clk3
set_max_delay -to [get_clocks -of [get_pins ff2/C]]

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Chapter 2: Constraints Methodology

The following shows a more optimal and runtime efficient sequence.

set_disable_timing ...
set_case_analysis ...
create_clock –name clk1 create_clock –name clk2
create_clock –name clk3
create_generated_clock –name genclk1 –master_clock [get_clocks -of
[get_pins ...]]
set_false_path -from [get_clocks -of [get_pins ff1/C]]
set_max_delay -to [get_clocks -of [get_pins ff2/C]]

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Chapter 3

Defining Clocks

About Clocks
In digital designs, clocks represent the time reference for reliably transferring data from register
to register. The AMD Vivado™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE) timing engine uses the clock
characteristics to compute timing path requirements and report the design timing margin by
means of the slack computation.

For more information, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure
Techniques (UG906).

Clocks must be properly defined to get the maximum timing path coverage with the best
accuracy. The following characteristics define a clock:

• It is defined on the driver pin or port of its tree root, which is called the source point.
• Its edges are described by the combination of the period and the waveform properties.
• The period is specified in nanoseconds. It corresponds to the time over which the waveform
• The waveform is the list of rising edge and falling edge absolute times, in nanoseconds, within
the clock period. The list must contain an even number of values. The first value always
corresponds to the first rising edge. Unless specified otherwise, the duty cycle defaults to 50%
and the phase shift to 0 ns.

As shown in the following figure, the clock Clk0 has a 10 ns period, a 50% duty cycle and 0 ns
phase. The clock Clk1 has 8 ns period, 75% duty cycle (high time is 6 ns out of 8 ns) and a 2 ns
rising edge phase shift.

Clk0: period = 10, waveform = {0 5}

Clk1: period = 8, waveform = {2 8}

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Figure 49: Clock Waveforms Example

50% 50%


0ns 5ns 10ns 15ns

25% 75%


0ns 2ns 8ns 10ns 16ns


Propagated Clocks
The period and waveform properties represent the ideal characteristics of a clock. When entering
the FPGA and propagating through the clock tree, the clock edges are delayed and become
subject to variations induced by noise and hardware behavior. These characteristics are called
clock network latency and clock uncertainty.

The clock uncertainty includes:

• Clock jitter (see Clock Jitter)

• Phase error
• Any additional uncertainty that you have specified (see Additional Clock Uncertainty)

By default, the Vivado IDE always treats clocks as non-ideal propagated clocks to provide an
accurate slack value that includes clock tree insertion delay and uncertainty.

Dedicated Hardware Resources

The dedicated hardware resources of AMD FPGAs efficiently support a large number of design
clocks. These clocks are usually generated by an external component on the board. They usually
enter the device through an input port.

They can also be generated by special primitives called Clock Modifying Blocks, such as:


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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

They can also be transformed by regular cells such as LUTs and registers.

The following sections describe how to best define clocks based on where they originate.

Primary Clocks
A primary clock is a board clock that enters the design through an input port or a gigabit
transceiver output pin (for example, a recovered clock).

A primary clock can be defined only by the create_clock command.

Note: Primary clocks must be defined on a gigabit transceiver output only for AMD 7 series FPGAs. For
AMD UltraScale™ and AMD UltraScale+™ devices, the timer automatically derives clocks on the GT output

A primary clock must be attached to a netlist object. This netlist object represents the point in
the design from which all the clock edges originate and propagate downstream on the clock tree.
In other words, the source point of a primary clock defines the time zero used by the Vivado IDE
when computing the clock latency and uncertainty used in the slack equation.

IMPORTANT! The Vivado IDE ignores all clock tree delays coming from cells located upstream from the
point at which the primary clock is defined. If you define a primary clock on a pin in the middle of the
design, only part of its latency is used for timing analysis. This can be a problem if this clock communicates
with other related clocks in the design, because the skew, and consequently the slack, value between the
clocks can be inaccurate.

Primary clocks must be defined first, because other timing constraints often refer to them.

Primary Clocks Examples

As shown in the following figure, the board clock enters the device through the port sysclk,
then propagates through an input buffer and a clock buffer before reaching the path registers.

• Its period is 10 ns.

• Its duty cycle is 50%.
• Its phase is not shifted.

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Figure 50: Primary Clock Example




Recommended 50% 50%

primary clock
source point

0ns 5ns 10ns 15ns


RECOMMENDED: Define the board clock on the input port, not on the output of the clock buffer.

Corresponding XDC:

create_clock -period 10 [get_ports sysclk]

Similar to sysclk, a board clock devclk enters the device through the port ClkIn.

• Its period is 10 ns.

• Its duty cycle is 25%.
• It is phase shifted by 90 degrees.

Corresponding XDC:

create_clock -name devclk -period 10 -waveform {2.5 5} [get_ports ClkIn]

The following figure shows a transceiver gt0, which recovers the clock rxclk from a high speed
link on the board. The clock rxclk has a 3.33 ns period, a 50% duty cycle and is routed to an
MMCM, which generates several compensated clocks for the design.

When defining rxclk on the output driver pin of GT0, all the generated clocks driven by the
MMCM have a common source point gt0/RXOUTCLK. The slack computation on paths between
them uses the proper clock latency and uncertainty values.

create_clock -name rxclk -period 3.33 [get_pins gt0/RXOUTCLK]

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Figure 51: GT Primary Clock Example






Recommended 50% 50%

primary clock
source point rxclk
0ns 1.66ns 3.33ns

In the following figure, a differential buffer drives the PLL. In such a scenario, the primary clock
must only be created on the positive input of the differential buffer. Creating a primary clock on
each of the positive/negative inputs of the buffer would result in unrealistic CDC paths. For

create_clock -name sysclk -period 3.33 [get_ports SYS_CLK_clk_p]

Figure 52: Primary Clock on Differential Buffer Example


Virtual Clocks
A virtual clock is a clock that is not physically attached to any netlist element in the design.

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

A virtual clock is defined by means of the create_clock command without specifying a source

A virtual clock is commonly used to specify input and output delay constraints in one of the
following situations:

• The external device I/O reference clock is not one of the design clocks.
• The FPGA I/O paths are related to an internally generated clock that cannot be properly timed
against the board clock from which it is derived.
Note: This happens when the ratio between the two periods is not an integer. which leads to a very
tight and unrealistic timing path requirement.

• You want to specify different jitter and latency only for the clock related to the I/O delay
constraints without modifying the internal clocks characteristics.

For example, the clock clk_virt has a period of 10 ns and is not attached to any netlist object.
The [<objects>] argument is not specified. The -name option is mandatory in such cases.

create_clock -name clk_virt -period 10

The virtual clocks must be defined before being used by the input and output delay constraints.

Generated Clocks
This section discusses generated clocks and includes:

• About Generated Clocks

• User Defined Generated Clocks
• Automatically Derived Clocks
• Automatically Derived Clocks

About Generated Clocks

Generated clocks are driven inside the design by special cells called Clock Modifying Blocks (for
example, an MMCM), or by some user logic.

Generated clocks are associated with a master clock. The create_generated_clock

command considers the start point of the master clock. The master clock can be a primary clock
or another generated clock.

Generated clock properties are directly derived from their master clock. Instead of specifying
their period or waveform, you must describe how the modifying circuitry transforms the master

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

The relationship between a master clock and a generated clock can be any of the following:

• A simple frequency division

• A simple frequency multiplication
• A combination of a frequency multiplication and division in order to obtain a non-integral ratio
(usually done by MMCM and PLL)
• A phase shift or a waveform inversion
• A duty cycle transformation
• A combination of all the above

RECOMMENDED: Define all primary clocks first. They are needed for defining the generated clocks.

Note: To compute the latency for the generated clock, the tool traces both sequential and combinational
paths between the source pin of the generated clock and the source pin of the master clock. In some cases,
it might be desirable to only trace through combinational paths to calculate the generated clock latency.
You can do this using the -combinational command line option.

User Defined Generated Clocks

A user defined generated clock is:

• Defined by the create_generated_clock command.

• Attached to a netlist object, preferably the clock tree root pin.

Specify the master clock using the -source option. This indicates a pin or port in the design
through which the master clock propagates. It is common to use the master clock source point or
the input clock pin of generated clock source cell.

IMPORTANT! The -source option accepts only a pin or port netlist object. It does not accept clock

Example One: Simple Division by 2

The primary clock clkin has a period of 10 ns. It is divided by 2 by the register REGA which
drives other registers clock pin. The corresponding generated clock is called clkdiv2.

Two equivalent constraints are provided below:

create_clock -name clkin -period 10 [get_ports clkin]

# Option 1: master clock source is the primary clock source point

create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_ports clkin] -divide_by 2

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

[get_pins REGA/Q]

# Option 2: master clock source is the REGA clock pin

create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_pins REGA/C] -divide_by 2
\ [get_pins REGA/Q]

Figure 53: Generated Clock Example One

Data Path




C Generated clock definition


(edge#) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Primary clock source point



0ns 10ns 20ns 30ns


Example Two: Division by 2 With the -edges Option

Instead of using the -divide_by option, you can use the -edges option to directly describe
the waveform of the generated clock based on the edges of the master clock. The argument is a
list of master clock edge indexes used for defining the position in time of the generated clock
edges, starting with the rising clock edge.

The following example is equivalent to the generated clock defined in Example One: Simple
Division by 2.

# waveform specified with -edges instead of -divide_by

create_generated_clock -name clkdiv2 -source [get_pins REGA/C] -edges {1 3
5} \ [get_pins REGA/Q]

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Example Three: Duty Cycle Change and Phase Shift with -edges and
-edge_shift Options
Each edge of the generated clock waveform can also be individually shifted by a positive or
negative value by using the -edge_shift option. Use this option only if a phase shift is needed.

The -edge_shift option cannot be used at the same time as any of the following:

• -divide_by
• -multiply_by
• -invert

Consider the master clock clkin with a 10 ns period and a 50% duty cycle. It reaches the cell
mmcm0 which generates a clock with a 25% duty cycle, shifted by 90 degrees. The generated
clock definition refers to the master clock edges 1, 2, and 3. These edges respectively occur at 0
ns, 5 ns, and 10 ns. To obtain the desired waveform, shift the first and the third edges by 2.5 ns.

create_clock -name clkin -period 10 [get_ports clkin]

create_generated_clock -name clkshift -source [get_pins mmcm0/CLKIN] -edges
{1 2 3} \
-edge_shift {2.5 0 2.5} [get_pins mmcm0/CLKOUT] # First rising edge: 0ns
+ 2.5ns = 2.5ns
# Falling edge: 5ns + 0ns = 5ns
# Second rising edge: 10ns + 2.5ns = 12.5ns

Note: The -edge_shift values can be positive or negative.

Figure 54: Generated Clock Example Three






Generated clock
definition point
Primary clock
source point (edge#) 1 2 3 4


0ns 2.5ns 5ns 10ns 12.5ns 15ns X14373-120415

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Example Four: Using Both -divide_by and -multiply_by at the Same

The Vivado IDE allows you to specify both -divide_by and -multiply_by at the same time.
This is an extension to standard Synopsys design constraints (SDC) support. This is particularly
convenient for manually defining clocks generated by MMCM or PLL instances, although AMD
recommends that you let the engine create these constraints automatically.

For more information, see Automatically Derived Clocks.

Consider the mmcm0 cell as in Example Three: Duty Cycle Change and Phase Shift with -edges
and -edge_shift Options above, and assume that it multiplies the frequency of the master clock
by 4/3. The corresponding generated clock definition is:

create_generated_clock -name clk43 -source [get_pins mmcm0/CLKIN] -

multiply_by 4 \
-divide_by 3 [get_pins mmcm0/CLKOUT]

If you create a generated clock constraint on the output of an MMCM or PLL, it is better to verify
that the waveform definition matches the configuration of the MMCM or PLL.

Example Five: Tracing the Master Clock through Combinational Arcs

In this example, assume that the master clock drives both a register-based clock divided-by-2 and
a clock multiplexer that can select the master clock or the divided-by-2 clock from the register
clock divider. In this scenario, there are two paths from the master clock to the generated clock,
which are through a sequential arc and through a combinational arc. You want to create a
generated clock on the multiplexer output that reflects the latency of the combinational path
from the master clock through the multiplexer. This is done by using the -combinational
command line option:

create_generated_clock -name clkout -source [get_pins mmcm0/CLKIN] -

combinational [get_pins MUX/O]

Example Six: Forwarded Clock Driven by ODDR

In this example, a forwarded clock is created on the output port driven by an ODDR cell. The
forwarded clock references the master clock driving the ODDR/CLKDIV pin and has the same
period as the master clock (-divide_by 1):

create_generated_clock -name ck_vsf_clk_2 \

-source [get_pins ODDRE1_vsfclk2_inst/CLKDIV] -divide_by 1 [get_ports

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Figure 55: Example of Forwarded Clock

Automatically Derived Clocks

Automatically derived clocks are also called auto-generated clocks. The Vivado IDE automatically
creates the constraint for these on the output pins of the Clock Modifying Blocks (CMBs),
provided the associated master clock has already been defined.

In the AMD 7 series device family, the CMBs are:


In the AMD UltraScale™ device family, the CMBs are:

• MMCM* / PLL*

An auto-generated clock is not created if a user-defined clock (primary or generated) is also

defined on the same netlist object, that is, on the same definition point (net or pin). The auto-
derived clock is named with the segment name in the top-most hierarchy of the net that is
connected to the definition point.

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Automatically Derived Clock Example

The following automatically derived clock example is a clock generated by an MMCM.

The master clock clkin drives the input CLKIN of the MMCME2 instance clkip/mmcm0. The
name of the auto-generated clock is cpuClk and its definition point is clkip/mmcm0/CLKOUT.

Figure 56: Auto Generated Clock Example

clkip REGA Data Path





Hierarchical net
name: clkip/cpuClk
Primary clock source
point Auto-generated clock
definition point X14370-120415

TIP: Use the get_clocks -of_objects <pin/port/net> command to query an auto-generated

clock without knowing its name. This makes your constraint or script independent of the clock name

Local Net Names

If the CMB instance is located inside the hierarchy of the design, the local net name (that is, the
name without its parent cell name) is used for the generated clock name.

For example, for a hierarchical net called clkip/cpuClk:

• The parent cell name is clkip.

• The generated clock name is cpuClk.

Name Conflicts
In case of name conflict between two auto-generated clocks, the Vivado IDE adds unique
suffixes to differentiate them, such as:

• usrclk
• usrclk_1
• usrclk_2

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

To force the name of the generated clocks:

• Choose unique and relevant net names in the RTL, or

• Use create_generated_clock to force the name of the generated clocks.

Renaming Auto-Derived Clocks

It is possible to rename the generated clocks that are automatically created by the tool. The
renaming process consists in calling the create_generated_clock command with a limited
number of parameters:

create_generated_clock -name new_name [-source master_pin] [-master_clock

master_clk] source_object

The arguments that must be specified are the new generated clock name and the source object
of the generated clock. The source object of the generated clock is the object where the auto-
derived clock is created (CMB output pin, GT output pin for UltraScale, and so on). The -source
and -master parameters must be used only when more than one clock propagates through the
source pin in order to remove any ambiguity.

IMPORTANT! If any of the -edges /-edge_shift /-divide_by /-multiply_by /-

combinational /-duty_cycle /-invert options is passed to the create_generated_clock
command, the generated clock is not renamed. Instead a new generated clock is created with the specified

IMPORTANT! When a module (IP/BD/DFx/...) is synthesized Out-Of-Context, the module is inferred as a

black-box when the top level is synthesized and the module internal pins and clock names are not anymore
accessible. In that scenario, the top level XDC constraints used for synthesis cannot refer to a clock name
or rename an auto-derived clock that is generated inside the module. With OOC synthesis, the top-level
timing constraints must point to the OOC clocks through the module ports that propagate those clocks.
This can be done using some queries such as ‘get_clocks -of_objects [get_pins
<OOC_MODULE_OUTPUT_CLOCK_PORT>]. The XDC constraints used for implementation do not have
this limitation since the entire design is rebuilt before the XDC constraints are applied.

• Auto-derived clocks can only be renamed at the pin where they originate, such as at the
output of the Clock Modifying blocks (PLL, MMCM,...). For example, an auto-derived clock
cannot be renamed at the output of a BUFG even though it propagates through it.
• Primary clocks or user-defined generated clocks cannot be renamed. Only auto-derived clocks
can be renamed with this mechanism.
• The source_object must match the object where the auto-derived clock is created.

An error is returned if the tool cannot rename the generated clock. The master clock must also
exist at the time the renaming is done. The auto-derived clocks can be renamed at any time
inside the XDC, even after they have been referenced by some timing constraints.

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

For example, below is an abstract of report_clocks for the generated clock at the output pins
of an MMCM:

Generated Clocks

Generated Clock : clkfbout_clk_core

Master Source : clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKIN1 Master
Clock : clk_pin_p
Multiply By : 1
Generated Sources : {clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKFBOUT}

Generated Clock : clk_rx_clk_core

Master Source : clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKIN1 Master
Clock : clk_pin_p
Multiply By : 1
Generated Sources : {clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKOUT0}

Generated Clock : clk_tx_clk_core

Master Source : clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKIN1 Master
Clock : clk_pin_p
Edges : {1 2 3}
Edge Shifts : {0.000 0.500 1.000}
Generated Sources : {clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKOUT1}

The three commands below illustrate the command line options that must be specified to rename
the three auto-derived clocks at the output of the MMCM:

create_generated_clock -name clk_rx [get_pins clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/

create_generated_clock -name clk_tx [get_pins clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/
create_generated_clock -name clkfbout [get_pins clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/

After the renaming, below is the abstract from the report_clocks:

Generated Clocks
Generated Clock : clkfbout
Master Source : clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKIN1 Master
Clock : clk_pin_p
Multiply By : 1
Generated Sources : {clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKFBOUT}
Generated Clock : clk_rx
Master Source : clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKIN1 Master
Clock : clk_pin_p
Multiply By : 1
Generated Sources : {clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKOUT0}

Generated Clock : clk_tx

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Master Source : clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKIN1 Master

Clock : clk_pin_p
Edges : {1 2 3}
Edge Shifts : {0.000 0.500 1.000}
Generated Sources : {clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst/CLKOUT1}

Clock Groups
This section discusses clock groups and includes:

• About Clock Groups

• Clock Categories
• Asynchronous Clock Groups
• Exclusive Clock Groups

About Clock Groups

The Vivado IDE times the paths between all the clocks in your design by default, unless you
specify otherwise by using clock groups or false path constraints. The set_clock_groups
command disables timing analysis between groups of clocks that you identify, and not between
the clocks within the same group. Unlike with the set_false_path constraint, timing is
ignored on both directions between the clocks.

Multiple groups of clocks can be specified using the -group option multiple times. If none of the
clocks in a group exist in the design, the group becomes empty. The set_clock_groups
constraint stays valid only when at least two groups are valid and not empty. If only one group
remains valid and all the other groups are empty, then the set_clock_groups constraint is not
applied and an error message is generated.

Use the schematic viewer or the clock networks report to visualize the topology of the clock
trees, and determine which clocks must not be timed together. You can also use the clock
interactions report to review the existing constraints between two clocks, and determine
whether they share the same primary clock, specifically if they have a known phase relationship
or identify the clocks with no common period (unexpandable).

CAUTION! Ignoring timing analysis between two clocks does not mean that the paths between them will
work properly in hardware. In order to prevent metastability, you must verify that these paths have proper
re-synchronization circuitry, or asynchronous data transfer protocols.

Clock Categories
This section discusses synchronous, asynchronous, and unexpandable clocks.

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Synchronous Clocks
Two clocks are synchronous when their relative phase is predictable. This is usually the case
when their tree originates from the same root in the netlist, and when they have a common

For example, a generated clock and its master clock that have a period ratio of 2 are synchronous
because they propagate through the same netlist resources up to the generated clock source
point and have a common period of 2 cycles. They can be safely timed together.

Asynchronous Clocks
Two clocks are asynchronous when it is impossible to determine their relative phase.

For example, two clocks generated by separate oscillators on the board and entering the FPGA
by means of different input ports have no known phase relationship. They must therefore be
treated as asynchronous. If they were generated by the same oscillator on the board, this would
not be true.

In most cases, primary clocks can be treated as asynchronous. When associated with their
respective generated clocks, they form asynchronous clock groups.

Unexpandable Clocks
Two clocks are not expandable when the timing engine cannot determine their common period
over 1000 cycles. In this case, the worst setup relationship over the 1000 cycles is used during
timing analysis, but the timing engine cannot ensure this is the most pessimistic case.

This is typically the case between two clocks with an odd fractional period ratio. For example,
consider two clocks, clk0 and clk1, generated by two MMCMs that share the same primary

• clk0 has a 5.125 ns period.

• clk1 has a 6.666 ns period.

Their rising clock edges do not realign within 1000 cycles. The timing engine uses a setup path
requirement of 0.01 ns on the timing paths between the two clocks. Even if the two clocks have
a known phase relationship at their clock tree root, their waveforms do not allow safe timing
analysis between them.

As with asynchronous clocks, the slack computation appears normally, but the value cannot be
trusted. For this reason, unexpandable clocks are often assimilated to asynchronous clocks. Both
clock categories must be treated the same way for constraining and clock-domain crossing

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Asynchronous Clock Groups

Asynchronous clocks and unexpandable clocks cannot be safely timed. The timing paths between
them can be ignored during analysis by using the set_clock_groups command.

IMPORTANT! The set_clock_groups command has higher priority over the regular timing
exceptions. If you need to constrain and report some paths between asynchronous clocks, you must use
the timing exceptions only, and not set_clock_groups.

Asynchronous Clock Groups Examples

• The primary clock clk0 is defined on an input port and reaches an MMCM which generates
the clocks usrclk and itfclk.
• A second primary clock clk1 is a recovered clock defined on the output of a GTP instance
and reaches a second MMCM which generates the clocks gtclkrx and gtclktx.

Creating Asynchronous Clock Groups

Use the -asynchronous option to create asynchronous groups.

set_clock_groups -name async_clk0_clk1 -asynchronous -group {clk0 usrclk

itfclk} \
-group {clk1 gtclkrx gtclktx}

If the name of the generated clocks cannot be predicted in advance, use get_clocks -
include_generated_clocks to dynamically retrieve them. The -
include_generated_clocks option is an SDC extension. The previous example can also be
written as:

set_clock_groups -name async_clk0_clk1 -asynchronous \

-group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks clk0] \
-group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks clk1]

Exclusive Clock Groups

Some designs have several operation modes that require the use of different clocks. The
selection between the clocks is usually done with a clock multiplexer such as BUFGMUX and

RECOMMENDED: Avoid using LUTs in clock trees as much as possible.

Because these cells are combinatorial cells, the Vivado IDE propagates all incoming clocks to the
output. With the Vivado IDE, several timing clocks can exist on a clock tree at the same time,
which is convenient for reporting on all the operation modes at once, but is not possible in

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Such clocks are called exclusive clocks. Constrain them as such by using the options of

• -logically_exclusive
• -physically_exclusive

Exclusive Clock Groups Example

An MMCM instance generates clk0 and clk1 which are connected to the BUFGMUX instance
clkmux. The output of clkmux drives the design clock tree.

By default, the Vivado IDE analyzes paths between clk0 and clk1 even though both clocks share
the same clock tree and cannot exist at the same time.

You must enter the following constraint to disable the analysis between the two clocks:

set_clock_groups -name exclusive_clk0_clk1 -physically_exclusive \

-group clk0 -group clk1

The following options are equivalent in the context of AMD FPGAs:

• -logically_exclusive
• -physically_exclusive

The physically and logically labels refer to various signal integrity analysis (crosstalk) modes in
ASIC technologies which is not needed for AMD FPGAs.

Clock Latency, Jitter, and Uncertainty

In addition to defining the clock waveforms, you must specify predictable and random variations
related to the operating conditions and environment.

Clock Latency
After propagating on the board and inside the FPGA, the clock edges arrive at their destination
with a certain delay. This delay is typically represented by:

• The source latency (delay before the clock source point, usually, outside the device)
• The network latency

The delay introduced by the network latency (also called insertion delay) is either automatically
estimated (pre-route design) or accurately computed (post-route design).

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Many non-AMD timing engines require the SDC command set_propagated_clock to trigger
the computation of propagation delay along the clock trees. The Vivado tool does not require
this command. Instead, it computes the clock propagation delay by default:

• All clocks are considered propagated clocks.

• A generated clock latency includes the insertion delay of its master clock plus its own network

For AMD FPGAs, use the set_clock_latency command primarily to specify the clock latency
outside the device.

set_clock_latency Example

# Minimum source latency value for clock sysClk (for both Slow and Fast
corners) set_clock_latency -source -early 0.2 [get_clocks sysClk]
# Maximum source latency value for clock sysClk (for both Slow and Fast
corners) set_clock_latency -source -late 0.5 [get_clocks sysClk]

Clock Uncertainty
Clock Jitter
For ASIC devices, clock jitter is usually represented with the clock uncertainty characteristic.
However, for AMD FPGAs, the jitter properties are predictable. They can be automatically
computed by the timing analysis engine, or be specified separately.

Input Jitter
Input jitter is the difference between successive clock edges with respect to variation from the
nominal or ideal clock arrival times. The input jitter is an absolute value and represents variations
on each side of the clock edge.

Use the set_input_jitter command to specify input jitter for each primary clock
individually. You cannot specify the input jitter on a generated clock directly. The Vivado IDE
timing engine automatically computes the jitter that a generated clock inherits from its master

• For the case in which the generated clock is driven by a MMCM or a PLL, the input jitter is
replaced with a computed discrete jitter.
• For the case the generated clock is created by a combinatorial or sequential cell, the
generated clock jitter is the same as its master clock jitter.

System Jitter
System jitter is the overall jitter due to power supply noise, board noise, or any extra jitter of the

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Chapter 3: Defining Clocks

Use the set_system_jitter command to set only one value for the whole design, that is, all
the clocks.

The following command sets a +/-100 ps jitter on the primary clock propagating through input
port clkin:

set_input_jitter [get_clocks -of_objects [get_ports clkin]] 0.1

Note: The impact of input jitter and system jitter in the overall calculation of the clock uncertainty is not
trivial and does not follow a single equation. The calculation of the clock uncertainty is path-dependent
and depends on the clocking topology, the clock-pair involved in the path, the presence or not of an
MMCM/PLL on the clock tree, and other considerations. However, the text and GUI of the Report Timing
command expose the breakdown of the clock uncertainty for each timing path.

Additional Clock Uncertainty

Use the set_clock_uncertainty command to define additional clock uncertainty for
different corner, delay, or particular clock relationships as needed. This is a convenient way to
add extra margin to a portion of the design from a timing perspective.

The inter-clock uncertainty always takes precedence over simple clock uncertainty, regardless of
the order of the constraints. In the following example, although a simple clock uncertainty of 1.0
ns is defined last on clock clk1, the timing paths from clock clk1 to clock clk2 are constrained
with a 2.0 ns clock uncertainty.

set_clock_uncertainty 2.0 -from [get_clocks clk1] -to [get_clocks clk2]

set_clock_uncertainty 1.0 [get_clocks clk1]

When an inter-clock uncertainty is defined between two clock domains, make sure to constrain
all the possible interactions of clock domains:

• clk1 to clk2
• clk2 to clk1

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Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay

Chapter 4

Constraining I/O Delay

About Constraining I/O Delay

To accurately model the external timing context in your design, you must give timing information
for the input and output ports. Because the AMD Vivado™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE)
recognizes timing only within the boundaries of the FPGA, you must use the following
commands to specify delay values that exist beyond these boundaries:

• set_input_delay
• set_output_delay

Input Delay
The set_input_delay command specifies the input path delay on an input port relative to a
clock edge at the interface of the design.

VIDEO: For training on input delay, see the Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Setting Input Delay.

When considering the application board, the input delay represents the phase difference

1. The data propagating from an external chip through the board to an input package pin of the
FPGA, and
2. The relative reference board clock.

Consequently, the input delay value can be positive or negative, depending on the clock and data
relative phase at the interface of the device.

Note: Input delays can also be set on internal data pins such as, STARTUPE3/DATA_IN[0:3]
(AMD UltraScale+™ devices).

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Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay

Using Input Delay Options

Although the -clock option is optional in the Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) standard, it is
required by the Vivado IDE. The relative clock can be either a design clock or a virtual clock.

RECOMMENDED: When using a virtual clock, use the same waveform as the design clock related to the
input ports inside the design. This way, the timing path requirement is realistic. Using a virtual clock is
convenient for modeling different jitter or source latency scenarios without modifying the design clock.

The Input Delay command options are:

• Min and Max Input Delay Command Options

• Clock Fall Input Delay Command Option
• Add Delay Input Delay Command Option

Min and Max Input Delay Command Options

The -min and -max options specify different values for:

• Min delay analysis (hold/removal)

• Max delay analysis (setup/recovery)

If neither is used, the input delay value applies to both min and max.

Clock Fall Input Delay Command Option

The -clock_fall option specifies that the input delay constraint applies to timing paths
launched by the falling clock edge of the relative clock. Without this option, the Vivado IDE
assumes only the rising edge of the relative clock.

Do not confuse the -clock_fall option with the -rise and -fall options. These options
refer to the data edge and not to the clock edge.

Add Delay Input Delay Command Option

The -add_delay option must be used if:

• A max (or min) input delay constraint exists, and

• You want to specify a second max (or min) input delay constraint on the same port.

This option is commonly used to constrain an input port relative to more than one clock edge, as,
for example, DDR interfaces.

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Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay

You can apply an input delay constraint only to input or bi-directional ports, excluding clock input
ports, which are automatically ignored. You cannot apply an input delay constraint to an internal

Use of set_input_delay Command Options

The following examples present typical uses of the set_input_delay command options. For
additional information about input delay constraint methodology, refer to section Constraining
Input and Output Ports in the UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for FPGAs and SoCs (UG949).

Input Delay Example One

This example defines an input delay relative to a previously defined sysClk for both min and
max analysis.

> create_clock -name sysClk -period 10 [get_ports CLK0]

> set_input_delay -clock sysClk 2 [get_ports DIN]

Input Delay Example Two

This example defines an input delay relative to a previously defined virtual clock.

> create_clock -name clk_port_virt -period 10

> set_input_delay -clock clk_port_virt 2 [get_ports DIN]

Input Delay Example Three

This example defines a different input delay value for min analysis and max analysis relative to

> create_clock -name sysClk -period 10 [get_ports CLK0]

> set_input_delay -clock sysClk -max 4 [get_ports DIN]
> set_input_delay -clock sysClk -min 1 [get_ports DIN]

Input Delay Example Four

To constrain pure combinational paths between I/O ports, an input and output delay must be
defined on the I/O ports relative to a previously defined virtual clock.

The example below sets a 5 ns (10 ns - 4 ns - 1 ns) constraint on the combinational path between
ports DIN and DOUT:

> create_clock -name sysClk -period 10

> set_input_delay -clock sysClk 4 [get_ports DIN]
> set_output_delay -clock sysClk 1 [get_ports DOUT]

Refer to Combinational Delays for further information about constraining combinational paths
using the timing constraints Wizard.

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Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay

Input Delay Example Five

This example specifies input delay value relative to a DDR clock.

> create_clock -name clk_ddr -period 6 [get_ports DDR_CLK_IN]

> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -max 2.1 [get_ports DDR_IN]
> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -max 1.9 [get_ports DDR_IN] -clock_fall -
> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -min 0.9 [get_ports DDR_IN]
> set_input_delay -clock clk_ddr -min 1.1 [get_ports DDR_IN] -clock_fall -

This example creates constraints from data launched by both rising and falling edges of the
clk_ddr clock outside the device to the data input of the internal flip-flop that is sensitive to
both rising and falling clock edges.

Input Delay Example Six

This example specifies the clock and input delay on the STARTUPE3 internal pins
(AMD UltraScale+™ devices) to time the paths from STARTUPE3 to the fabric.

> create_generated_clock -name clk_sck -source [get_pins -

hierarchical*axi_quad_spi_0/ext_spi_clk] [get_pins STARTUP/CCLK] -edges {3
5 7}
> set_input_delay -clock clk_sck -max 7 [get_pins STARTUP/DATA_IN[*]] -
> set_input_delay -clock clk_sck -min 1 [get_pins STARTUP/DATA_IN[*]] -

For more information on timing constraints for STARTUPE3, refer to the AXI Quad SPI LogiCORE
IP Product Guide (PG153).

Output Delay
The set_output_delay command specifies the output path delay of an output port relative to
a clock edge at the interface of the design.

VIDEO: For training on output delay, see the Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Setting Output Delay.

When considering the application board, this delay represents the phase difference between:

1. The data propagating from the output package pin of the FPGA, through the board to
another device, and
2. The relative reference board clock.

The output delay value can be positive or negative, depending on the clock and data relative
phase outside the FPGA.

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Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay

Note: Output delays can also be set on internal data pins such as, STARTUPE3/DATA_OUT[0:3] (UltraScale
+ devices).

Using Output Delay Options

Although the -clock option is optional in the SDC standard, it is required by the Vivado Design
Suite tools.

The relative clock can either be a design clock or a virtual clock.

RECOMMENDED: When using a virtual clock, use the same waveform as the design clock related to the
output ports inside the design. This way, the timing path requirement is realistic. Using a virtual clock is
convenient for modeling jitter or source latency scenarios without modifying the design clock.

The Output Delay command options are:

• Min and Max Output Delay Command Options

• Clock Fall Output Delay Command Option
• Add Delay Output Delay Command Option

Min and Max Output Delay Command Options

The -min and -max options specify different values for min delay analysis (hold/removal) and
max delay analysis (setup/recovery). If neither is used, the output delay value applies to both min
and max.

Clock Fall Output Delay Command Option

The -clock_fall option specifies that the output delay constraint applies to timing paths
captured by a falling clock edge of the relative clock. Without this option, the Vivado IDE
assumes only the rising edge of the relative clock (outside the device) by default.

Do not confuse the -clock_fall option with the -rise and -fall options. These options
refer to the data edge not the clock edge.

Add Delay Output Delay Command Option

You must use the -add_delay option if:

• A max output delay constraint already exists, and

• You want to specify a second max output delay constraint on the same port.

The same is true for a min output delay constraint. This option is commonly used to constrain an
output port relative to more than one clock edge, as, for example, rising and falling edges in DDR
interfaces, or when the output port is connected to several devices that use different clocks.

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Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay

IMPORTANT! You can apply an output delay constraint only to output or bi-directional ports. You cannot
apply an output delay constraint to an internal pin.

Use of set_output_delay Command Options

The following examples present typical uses of the set_output_delay command options. For
additional information about output delay constraint methodology, refer to this link in the
UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for FPGAs and SoCs (UG949).

Output Delay Example One

This example defines an output delay relative to a previously defined sysClk for both min and
max analysis.

> create_clock -name sysClk -period 10 [get_ports CLK0]

> set_output_delay -clock sysClk 6 [get_ports DOUT]

Output Delay Example Two

This example defines an output delay relative to a previously defined virtual clock.

> create_clock -name clk_port_virt -period 10

> set_output_delay -clock clk_port_virt 6 [get_ports DOUT]

Output Delay Example Three

This example specifies output delay value relative to a DDR clock with different values for min
(hold) and max (setup) analysis.

> create_clock -name clk_ddr -period 6 [get_ports DDR_CLK_IN]

> set_output_delay -clock clk_ddr -max 2.1 [get_ports DDR_OUT]
> set_output_delay -clock clk_ddr -max 1.9 [get_ports DDR_OUT] -clock_fall -
> set_output_delay -clock clk_ddr -min 0.9 [get_ports DDR_OUT]
> set_output_delay -clock clk_ddr -min 1.1 [get_ports DDR_OUT] -clock_fall -

This example creates constraints from data launched by both rising and falling edges of the
clk_ddr clock outside the device, to the data output of the internal flip-flop sensitive to both
rising and falling clock edges.

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Chapter 4: Constraining I/O Delay

Figure 57: Output Delay Example 3

Period = 6 ns
Forward clock

2.1 ns 1.9 ns

Data Rising Edge Data Falling Edge

0.9 ns 1.1 ns

Output Delay Example Four

This example specifies the clock and output delay on the STARTUPE3 internal pins
(AMD UltraScale+™ devices) to time the paths from the fabric to STARTUPE3.

> create_generated_clock -name clk_sck -source [get_pins -hierarchical

*axi_quad_spi_0/ext_spi_clk] [get_pins STARTUP/CCLK] -edges {3 5 7}
> set_output_delay -clock clk_sck -max 6 [get_pins STARTUP/DATA_OUT[*]]
> set_output_delay -clock clk_sck -min 1 [get_pins STARTUP/DATA_OUT[*]]

For more information on timing constraints for STARTUPE3, refer to the AXI Quad SPI LogiCORE
IP Product Guide (PG153).

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Chapter 5

Timing Exceptions

About Timing Exceptions

A timing exception is needed when the logic behaves in a way that is not timed correctly by
default. You must use a timing exception command any time you want the timing handled
differently (for example, for logic that only has the result captured every other clock cycle by

The AMD Vivado™ IDE supports the timing exceptions commands shown in the following table:

Table 6: Timing Exceptions Commands

Command Function
set_multicycle_path Indicates the number of clock cycles required to propagate data from
the start to the end of a path.
set_false_path Indicates that a logic path in the design should not be analyzed.
set_max_delay set_min_delay Sets the minimum and maximum path delay value. This overrides the
default setup and hold constraints with user specified maximum and
minimum delay values.

Note: For runtime consideration, Vivado tools do not provide on-the-fly analysis for conflicting timing
exceptions. Run report_exceptions for full analysis and reporting of the timing exceptions. For more
information, refer to Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).

Multicycle Paths
The Multicycle Path constraint allows you to modify the setup and hold relationships determined
by the timer, based on the design clock waveforms. By default, the Vivado IDE timing engine
performs a single-cycle analysis. This analysis can be too restrictive, and can be inappropriate for
certain logic paths.

The most common example is the logical path that requires more than one clock cycle for the
data to stabilize at the endpoint. If the control circuitry of the path startpoint and endpoint allows
it, AMD recommends that you use the Multicycle Path constraint to relax the setup requirement.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

The hold requirement might still maintain the original relationship, depending on your intent. This
helps the timing-driven algorithms to focus on other paths that have tighter requirements and
that are challenging. It can also help in reducing runtime.

Setting the Path Multipliers and Clock Edges

The set_multicycle_path command is used to modify the path requirement multipliers (for
setup analysis, hold analysis, or both) with respect to the source clock or the destination clock.

set_multicycle_path Syntax
The syntax of the set_multicycle_path command with the basic options is:

set_multicycle_path <path_multiplier> [-setup|-hold] [-start|-end]

[-from <startpoints>] [-to <endpoints>] [-through <pins|cells|nets>]

You must specify the <path_multiplier>. The default values used by the timer are:

• 1 for setup analysis (or recovery)

• 0 for hold analysis (or removal)

The hold relationship is tied to the setup relationship. Use the following formula to retrieve the
number of hold cycles for most common cases:

Hold cycles = <setup path multiplier> - 1 - <hold path multiplier>

• By default, the setup path multiplier is defined with respect to the destination clock. To
modify the setup requirement with respect to the source clock, use the -start option.
• Similarly, the hold path multiplier is defined with respect to the source clock. To modify the
hold requirement with respect to the destination clock, use the -end option.

Note: For a definition of the relevant terms, see section 'Timing Analysis' in the Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).

IMPORTANT! There are two hold relationships for each setup relationship. (1) The first hold relationship
ensures that the setup launch edge is not captured by the edge arriving before the active capture edge. (2)
The second hold relationship ensures that the edge after the active launch edge is not captured by the
active capture edge. The timing analysis tool calculates both hold relationships but only the most
restrictive is kept during analysis and reporting. See the following figure.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 58: Example of Setup and Hold Relationships for a Path

launch edge

Source Clock

Hold Setup Hold

Relationship 1 Relationship Relationship 2

Destination Clock

capture edge
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns

IMPORTANT! The -start and -end options have no apparent effect when applying a Multicycle Path
constraint on paths clocked by the same clock or clocked by two identical clocks (that is, when the clocks
have the same waveform with or without a phase shift).

The following table summarizes how the active launch and capture edges are affected by the -
start and -end options.

Table 7: Active Launch and Capture Edges

Source Clock (-start) Moves the Destination Clock (-end) Moves

launch edge the capture edge
Setup <---- (backward) ----> (forward) (default)
Hold ----> (forward) (default) <---- (backward)

IMPORTANT! The -setup option of the set_multicycle_path command does not only modify
the setup relationship. It also affects the hold relationships which are always tied to the setup
relationships. If the hold relationship is to be restored back to its original position, another
set_multicycle_path specification would be needed with -hold.

Note: A Multicycle constraint can be set on a single path, on multiple paths, or even between two clocks.

The following sections cover the common Multicycle Path constraint scenarios and illustrate the
impact of the setup and hold multipliers and the -start and -end options on the timing path

Multicycles in Single Clock Domain

A Multicycle constraint defined within the same clock domain or between two clocks with the
same waveform (no phase-shift) works the same way. See the following figure.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 59: Multicycle Constraint in Single Clock Domain



CLK N Cycles CLK


The default Setup and Hold relationships that are resolved by the Static Timing Analysis (STA)
tool are shown in the following figure.

Figure 60: Default Setup and Hold Relationships

launch edge
Source clock

Hold Setup
clock (CLK2)
capture edge
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns


The Setup and Hold timing requirements are:

• Setup check
TDatapath(max) < TCLK(t=Period) - TSetup
• Hold check
TDatapath(min) > TCLK(t=0) + THold

Relaxing Setup While Maintaining Hold

The following figure shows a path between two flip-flops that are enabled every two cycles. It is
safe to define a Multicycle Path constraint on this path to indicate that the first edge of the
destination clock is not active, and only the second edge of the destination clock captures a new

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 61: Registers Enabled Every Two Cycles

The following constraint establishes a new setup relationship:

set_multicycle_path 2 -setup -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins


Section "Performing Timing Analysis' in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and
Closure Techniques (UG906) describes how the hold relationships are derived from the setup
relationships. When modifying the setup relationship, the hold relationships are also modified to
follow the changes in the setup launch and capture edges.

IMPORTANT! If the new hold requirements become too aggressive, it likely results in difficult timing
closure. It is your responsibility to relax the hold requirement assuming it is safe for the design.

In the same example as Figure 61, after moving the setup check to the second capture edge, the
hold check is automatically moved to the first capture edge (that is, one clock period before the
setup check).

The following figure shows how both the setup and hold relationships have changed when only
the setup path multiplier has been defined with the Multicycle Path constraint.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 62: Multicycle Path: Relaxing Setup Only

launch edge

Source clock

Hold Setup Hold

Destination clock

capture edge

Clock Enable 0ns

launch edge

Source clock

Hold Setup Hold

Destination clock

capture edge

Clock Enable

0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns


Holding the data in the data0_reg for one cycle is not needed for this path to be functional due
to the clock enable. In this case, AMD recommends changing the hold relationship back to the
original, which is between the same launch and capture edges. To do so, you must add a second
Multicycle Path constraint that modifies the hold check only:

set_multicycle_path 1 -hold -end -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] \

-to [get_pins data1_reg/D]

The -end option is used with set_multicycle -hold command because the edges of the
capture clock must be moved backward.

Note: Because the launch and capture clocks have the same waveforms, the -end option is optional.
Moving the capture edges backward result in the same hold relationship as moving the launch edges
forward. To simplify the expressions, the -end option has been removed from the next two examples.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

The following figure shows the updated setup and hold relationships after applying both
Multicycle Path constraints.

Figure 63: Multicycle Path: Relaxing Setup and Hold

launch edge

Source clock

Hold Setup

Destination clock

capture edge

Clock Enable

0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns


To summarize this example, the following constraints are necessary to properly define a
multicycle path of two (2) between data0_reg/C and data1_reg/D:

set_multicycle_path 2 -setup -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

set_multicycle_path 1 -hold -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

For a multicycle with a setup multiplier of four (4), the constraints are:

set_multicycle_path 4 -setup -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

set_multicycle_path 3 -hold -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 64: Multicycle Path with Setup Multiplier of Four (4)

launch edge

Source clock

Hold Setup

Destination clock

capture edge

Clock Enable

0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns


Moving the Setup

The following examples show the results of moving the setup:

• Example One: Setup=5 / Hold Moved Accordingly

• Example Two: Setup=5 / Hold=4

Example One: Setup=5 / Hold Moved Accordingly

Let’s assume that the setup path multiplier is set to five (5). Because the hold path multiplier is
not specified, the hold relationship is derived from the setup launch and capture edges:

set_multicycle_path 5 -setup -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins


By default, the setup multiplier is applied against the capture clock. This results in moving the
edge on the capture clock forward. The setup capture edge comes after five clock periods instead
of just one. Because no hold multiplier has been specified, the edge of the capture clock used for
the hold check stays the edge that arrives one cycle before the active edge used for the setup

The edges on the launch clock do not change for the setup and hold relationships.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 65: Setup=5, Hold Moved Accordingly

launch edge
Source clock

clock (CLK2) capture edge

Clock Enable
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

With a four-cycle hold requirement, the timing-driven implementation tools usually have to
insert a large amount of delay in the datapath in order to meet hold timing in both Slow and Fast
timing corners. This results in unnecessary area and power consumption. For this reason, it is
important to relax the hold requirement when possible.

In this example design, the clock enable signal provides the safety to not have to hold the data in
the data0_reg for four cycles without risking metastability. Example Two: Setup=5 / Hold=4
describes how the hold requirement can be relaxed.

Example Two: Setup=5 / Hold=4

This example assumes that the following are defined:

• A setup multiplier of five (5)

• A hold multiplier of four (4) (that is, 5-1)

This corresponds to a transfer between two sequential cells when a new data is launched and
captured every five (5) cycles.

set_multicycle_path 5 -setup -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

set_multicycle_path 4 -hold -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

By default, the setup multiplier is applied against the destination clock, which in this case results
in moving the capture edge forward to the fifth cycle instead of the first cycle.

Accordingly, by default, the hold check follows the setup check.

On specifying the second command, the hold multiplier is applied against the source clock, which
in this case results in moving the launch edge forward to the fourth cycle.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 66: Setup=5, Hold=4

Because both source and destination clocks have the same waveforms, and are phase-aligned,
Figure 66 is equivalent to Figure 67.

Figure 67: Setup=5, Hold=4

launch edge
Source clock
Hold Setup

clock (CLK2)
capture edge

Clock Enable
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

IMPORTANT! In general, within a clock domain or between two clocks with the same waveform, when a
setup multiplier of N is defined, define a hold multiplier of N-1 (most common case) as shown below.

set_multicycle_path N -setup -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

set_multicycle_path N-1 -hold -from [get_pins data0_reg/C] -to [get_pins

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Multicycle Paths and Clock Phase-Shift

Sometimes a timing constraint must be defined between two clock domains that have the same
clock period, but a phase-shift between the two clocks. In those cases, it is critical to understand
the default setup and hold relationships used by the timing engine. If not carefully adjusted, the
phase-shift between two clocks might result in over constraining the logic between the two clock

Figure 68: Multicycle Paths and Clock Phase-Shift





For example, assume the following:

• The two clocks CLK1 and CLK2 have the same waveform.
• CLK2 is shifted by +0.3 ns.

The setup relationship is calculated by the timing engine by looking at all the edges on both
waveforms and selecting the two edges on the launch and capture clocks that result in the
stricter constraint.

Because of the clocks phase-shift, the setup and hold relationships used by the timing engine
might not be those expected. See the following figure.

Figure 69: Default Scenario of Phase-Shift Without Multicycle Path

launch edge

Source clock
Hold Setup

clock (CLK2) capture edge
-8ns -6ns -4ns -2ns 0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns

In this example, the setup constraint due to the phase-shift is 0.3 ns. This makes it almost
impossible to achieve timing closure. On the other hand, the hold check is -3.7 ns, which is too

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

The setup and hold edges must be adjusted to match your intent. This is done by adding a
Multicycle constraint with a setup multiplier of two:

set_multicycle_path 2 -setup -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks CLK2]

This results in moving the capture edge for the setup requirement forward by one cycle. The
default edge for the hold is derived from the setup requirement. It does not need to be specified.

Figure 70: Default Scenario of Positive Phase-Shift: Setup 2 (-end), Hold Moved

launch edge

Source clock
Hold Setup

clock (CLK2) capture edge
-8ns -6ns -4ns -2ns 0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns

In the case of negative phase-shift, as shown in the following figure, between the two clock
domains, the launch and capture edges used for the setup and hold checks are similar to those
from the previous section (single clock domain and no phase-shift).

Figure 71: Default Scenario of Negative Phase-Shift

launch edge

Source clock
Hold Setup

clock (CLK2) capture edge
-8ns -6ns -4ns -2ns 0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns

For a negative phase-shift, a Multicycle constraint is typically not needed to counter-balance the
effect of the phase-shift. An exception occurs if the phase-shift is so large that the clock launch
or capture edges must be adjusted to keep realistic setup and hold requirements.

Multicycles Between SLOW-to-FAST Clocks

In this scenario, the launch clock CLK1 is the slow clock; the capture clock CLK2 is the fast clock.
See the following figure.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 72: Multicycles Between SLOW-to-FAST Clocks


N Cycles


For example, assume the following:

• CLK2 is three times the frequency of CLK1.

• A clock enable signal on the receiving registers allows a Multicycle constraint to be set
between both clocks. See the following figure.

Figure 73: Multicycles Between SLOW-to-FAST Clocks

Source clock

clock (CLK2)

0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

The setup and hold relationships that are resolved by the STA tool when no multicycle is applied
are shown in the following figure.

Figure 74: Default Setup and Hold Relationships

launch edge
Source clock
Hold Setup

clock (CLK2)
capture edge
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Example One: Setup=3 / Hold Moved Accordingly

For example, assume that only a setup multiplier of three (3) is defined.

set_multicycle_path 3 -setup -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks CLK2]

The consequence of the setup multiplier is to move the edge of the capture clock used for setup
check forward by two (2) cycles (that is, 3-1 cycles). Because no hold multiplier has been
specified, the hold relationship is derived by the tool from the setup launch and capture edges.
The launch clock active edge is not modified by the Multicycle constraint.

The setup and hold relationships after the multicycle are shown in the following figure:

Figure 75: Setup=3, Hold Moved Accordingly

launch edge
Source clock
Hold Setup
clock (CLK2)
capture edge
Source clock

0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

There is no need to hold the data in the launch registers for one cycle of CLK2 for this path to be
functional. Doing so adds unnecessary logic, which increases area and consumes power.

Because the receiving registers have a clock enable signal, it is safe to relax the hold requirement
without risks of metastability.

Example Two: Setup=3 / Hold=2 (-end)

To relax the hold requirement for the previous example, the capture clock edge for the hold
relationship must be moved backward by two (2) clock cycles. This is done by specifying the -
end option with the set_multicycle_path -hold command:

set_multicycle_path 3 -setup -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks CLK2]

set_multicycle_path 2 -hold -end -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks

TIP: If -end is not specified with set_multicycle_path -hold, then the launch clock edge is
instead moved forward. This does not result in the intended hold requirement.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

As in Example One: Setup=3 / Hold Moved Accordingly, the setup multiplier moves the edge of
the capture clock used for setup check forward by two (2) cycles (that is, 3-1 cycles).

The setup and hold relationships after the two Multicycle constraints are shown in the following

Figure 76: Setup=3, Hold=2 (-end)

launch edge
Source clock
Hold Setup
clock (CLK2)
capture edge
Source clock

0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

IMPORTANT! For a SLOW-to-FAST clock domain crossing, when a setup multiplier of N is defined, define
a hold multiplier of N-1 against the capture clock (-end) (most common case) as shown in the following
code example.

set_multicycle_path N -setup -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks CLK2]

set_multicycle_path N-1 -hold -end -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks

Multicycles Between FAST-to-SLOW Clocks

In the following scenario, the launch clock CLK1 is the fast clock and the capture clock CLK2 is
the slow clock. See the following figure.

Figure 77: Multicycles Between FAST-to-SLOW Clocks


N Cycles


In the next example, the launch clock CLK1 is the fast clock. The capture clock CLK2 is the slow
clock. Assume that CLK1 is three (3) times the frequency of CLK2. See the following figure.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 78: Multicycles Between FAST-to-SLOW Clocks

Source clock

clock (CLK2)
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

The setup and hold relationships that are resolved by the STA tool when no multicycle is applied
are shown in the following figure:

Figure 79: Default Setup and Hold Relationships

launch edge
Source clock
Setup Hold

clock (CLK2) capture edge
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

Example: Setup=3 (-start) / Hold=2

This example assumes the following:

• A setup multiplier of three is defined against the launch clock (-start).

• A hold multiplier of two is defined.


set_multicycle_path 3 -setup -start -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks

set_multicycle_path 2 -hold -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks CLK2]

The consequence of defining the setup multiplier against the launch clock (-start) is to move
the edge of the launch clock used for setup check backward by two cycles (that is, 3-1 cycles).
However, because a hold multiplier is defined against the launch clock (default -start option
with -hold), the edge of the launch clock that is used for the hold relationship is moved forward
by two cycles.

For both setup and hold checks, the capture clock edge does not change. See the following

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 80: Setup=3 (-start), Hold=2

launch edge
Source clock

Setup Hold
clock (CLK2)
capture edge
0ns 2ns 4ns 6ns 8ns 10ns 12ns 14ns 16ns 18ns 20ns 22ns 24ns

IMPORTANT! For a FAST-to-SLOW clock domain crossing, define a setup multiplier of N against the
launch clock (-start) with a hold multiplier of N-1 (most common case). See the following example:

set_multicycle_path N -setup -start -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks

set_multicycle_path N-1 -hold -from [get_clocks CLK1] -to [get_clocks CLK2]

The following table summarizes the previous results.

Table 8: To define a multicycle path with a Setup of N

Scenario Multicycle Constraints

Same clock domain or between
synchronous clock domains with same set_multicycle_path N -setup -from CLK1 -to CLK2
period and no phase-shift set_multicycle_path N-1 -hold -from CLK1 -to CLK2

Between SLOW-to FAST synchronous

clock domains set_multicycle_path N -setup -from CLK1 -to CLK2
set_multicycle_path N-1 -hold -end -from CLK1 -to CLK2

Between FAST-to SLOW synchronous

clock domains set_multicycle_path N -setup -start -from CLK1 -to CLK2
set_multicycle_path N-1 -hold -from CLK1 -to CLK2

Note: The get_clocks command has been omitted in the previous table to simplify the expressions.

False Paths
A false path is a path that topologically exists in the design but either: (1) is not functional; or (2)
does not need to be timed. Consequently, the false paths should be ignored during timing

VIDEO: For training on the advanced timing exceptions, including false paths, see the Vivado Design Suite
QuickTake Video: Advanced Timing Exceptions - False Path, Min-Max Delay and Set_Case_Analysis.

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Examples of false paths include:

• Clock domain crossings in which double synchronizer logic has been added
• Registers that might be written once at power up
• Reset or test logic
• Ignore paths between the write and asynchronous read clocks of an asynchronous distributed
RAM (when applicable)

The following figure shows an example of a non-functional path. Because both multiplexers are
driven by the same select signal, the path from Q to D does not exist, and should be defined as a
false path.

Figure 81: Non-Functional Path Example

Q 0 0 D


1 1


TIP: Use a Multicycle constraint in place of a False Path constraint when: (1) your intent is only to relax the
timing requirements on a synchronous path; but (2) the path still must be timed, verified and optimized.

Reasons to remove false paths from the timing analysis include:

• Decrease Runtime: When false paths have been removed from the timing analysis, the tool
does not need to time or optimize those non-functional paths. Having non-functional paths
visible to the timing and optimization engines can result in a large runtime penalty.

• Enhance Quality of Results (QOR): Removing false paths can greatly enhance the quality of
results (QOR). The quality of the synthesized, placed, and optimized design is greatly impacted
by the timing issues that the tool tries to solve.

If some non-functional paths have timing violations, the tool might try to fix those paths
instead of working on the real functional paths. Not only might the design unnecessarily
increase in size (such as logic cloning), but the tool might skip fixing real issues because non-
functional paths have larger violations that overshadow other real violations. The best results
are always achieved with a realistic set of constraints.

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False paths are defined inside the tool with the XDC command set_false_path:

set_false_path [-setup] [-hold] [-from <node_list>] [-to <node_list>] \ [-

through <node_list>]

You can use the following additional options to the command to fine tune the path specification.
For detailed information about all supported command line options, see the Vivado Design Suite
Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).

• The list of nodes for the -from option should be a list of valid start-points. A valid startpoint
is a clock object, a clock pin of a sequential element, or an input (or inout) primary port.
Multiple elements can be provided.
• The list of nodes for the -to option should be a list of valid endpoints. A valid endpoint is a
clock object, an output (or inout) primary port, or a sequential element input data pin. Multiple
elements can be provided.
• The list of nodes for the -through option should be a list of valid pins, ports, or nets.
Multiple elements can be provided.

CAUTION! Be careful when using -through option without -from and -to because it removes from
timing analysis any path going through this list of pins or ports. Be especially careful when the timing
constraints are designed for an IP or a sub-block, but then used in a different context or a larger project.
Many more paths than expected could be removed when -through is used alone.

The order of the -through option is important. See the following examples. For example, the
following two commands are different:

set_false_path -through cell1/pin1 -through cell2/pin2

set_false_path -through cell2/pin2 -through cell1/pin1

The following example removes the timing paths from the reset port to all the registers:

set_false_path -from [get_port reset] -to [all_registers]

The following example disables the timing paths between two asynchronous clock domains (for
example, from clock CLKA to clock CLKB):

set_false_path -from [get_clocks CLKA] -to [get_clocks CLKB]

The previous example disables the paths from clock CLKA to clock CLKB. Paths from clock CLKB
to clock CLKA are not disabled. Accordingly, disabling all the paths between the two clock
domains in either direction requires two set_false_path commands:

set_false_path -from [get_clocks CLKA] -to [get_clocks CLKB]

set_false_path -from [get_clocks CLKB] -to [get_clocks CLKA]

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

IMPORTANT! Although the previous two set_false_path examples perform what is intended, when two or
more clock domains are asynchronous and the paths between those clock domains should be disabled in
either direction, AMD recommends using the set_clock_groups command instead:

set_clock_groups -group CLKA -group CLKB

In the non-functional path example shown in Figure 81, the false path can be set using the -
through option instead of using the -from or -to option. See Figure 82.

Figure 82: Non-Functional Path Example

Q a0 a0 D


a1 a1


This ensures that all the paths going through the path shown above are selected without needing
to find specific patterns for the startpoints and endpoints.

set_false_path -through [get_pins MUX1/a0] -through [get_pins MUX2/a1]

Note: The order of the -through option is important. In the above example, the order ensures that the
false paths go through pin MUX1/a0 first and then pin MUX2/a1.

Another common example is with asynchronous dual-ports distributed RAM. The write
operations are synchronous to the clock RAM but the read operations can be asynchronous
when permitted by the design. In this case, it is safe to false paths the timing paths between the
write and the read clocks.

There are two ways to do this:

• Define a false path from the write registers before the RAM to the registers after the RAM
receiving the read clock:
set_false_path -from [get_cells <write_registers>] -to [get_cells

On the Vivado Design Suite example project WAVEGen (HDL):

set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {NAME =~
*gntv_or_sync_fifo.gl0.wr*reg[*]}] -to [get_cells -hier -filter {NAME=~

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

• Define a false path starting from the pin WE of the RAM

set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ RAM* &&

On the Vivado Design Suite example project WAVEGen (HDL):

set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ RAM* &&
IS_SEQUENTIAL && NAME =~ *char_fifo*}]

The following figure illustrates the way the distributed RAM is driven in the WAVE (HDL)
example project.

Figure 83: Distributed RAM Driven in the WAVE Example Project

Min/Max Delays
You can override a maximum delay or a minimum delay for a path:

• Use the Maximum Delay constraint to override the default setup (or recovery) requirement on
a path.
• Use the Minimum Delay constraint to override the default hold (or removal) requirement.

VIDEO: For training on the advanced timing exceptions, including min-man delays, see the Vivado Design
Suite QuickTake Video: Advanced Timing Exceptions - False Path, Min-Max Delay and Set_Case_Analysis.

Setting Maximum Delay and Minimum Delay

The Maximum Delay constraint and the Minimum Delay constraint are set by two different XDC
commands. These commands accept similar options.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Maximum Delay Constraint Syntax

set_max_delay <delay> [-datapath_only] [-from <node_list>]

[-to <node_list>] [-through <node_list>]

Minimum Delay Constraint Syntax

set_min_delay <delay> [-from <node_list>]

[-to <node_list>] [-through <node_list>]

Additional command options are available to fine tune the path specification. For more
information about the supported command line options, see the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command
Reference Guide (UG835).

List of Nodes for the -from Option

• The list of nodes for the -from option should preferably be a list of valid startpoints. A valid
startpoint is a clock, an input (or inout) port, or the clock pin of a sequential element, such as a
register or a RAM. Using a node that is not a valid startpoint results in path segmentation. The
path segmentation is covered in the next section.
• Multiple elements can be provided.

List of Nodes for the -to Option

• The list of nodes for the -to option should preferably be a list of valid endpoints. A valid
endpoint is a clock, an output (or inout) port or the data pin of a sequential cell.
• Using a node that is not a valid endpoint results in path segmentation. For more information,
see Path Segmentation.
• Multiple elements can be provided.

List of Nodes for the -through Option

• The list of nodes for the -through option should be a list of valid pins, ports, or nets.
• Multiple elements can be provided.

By default, the timing engine includes the clock skew inside the slack computation.

The -datapath_only option can be used to remove the clock skew from the slack
computation. The -datapath_only option is supported only by the set_max_delay
command, and requires the -from option.

The following table summarizes the impact of -datapath_only in the behavior of

set_max_delay constraint.

The common behavior for the path delay calculation of set_max_delay with or without -
datapath_only is:

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• Input delay is included in the path delay calculation when the path starts on an input port and
that a set_input_delay has been specified on the port.
• Output delay is included in the path delay calculation when the path ends on an output port
and that a set_output_delay has been specified on the port.
• The data pin setup time is included in the path delay calculation when the path ends on the
data pin of a sequential element.

Table 9: Differences Between Max Delay Constraint With and Without -datapath_only

set_max_delay set_max_delay -datapath_only

Path delay calculation Skew included when the constraint Skew never included.
starts on the clock pin of a sequential
element or ends on the data pin of a
sequential element.
Hold Requirement Untouched False-ed path
-from Option Optional Mandatory

Consequences of Setting Maximum Delay or Minimum Delay

Constraints on a Path
When -datapath_only option is not used, setting a Maximum Delay constraint on a path,
does not modify the minimum requirement on that path. The hold (or removal) check on that
path remains the default one.

Note: Using the -datapath_only option with set_max_delay results in the hold requirement being
ignored on that/those path(s) (some internal set_false_path -hold constraints are generated).

Similarly, setting a Minimum Delay constraint on a path does not modify the default setup (or
recovery) check.

If a path has only, for example, a max delay requirement, the path can be constrained with a
combination of set_max_delay and set_false_path commands. See the following

set_max_delay 5 -from [get_pins FD1/C] -to [get_pins FD2/D] set_false_path -

hold -from [get_pins FD1/C] -to [get_pins FD2/D]

The above example sets a 5 ns setup requirement for the path starting on FD1/C and ending on
FD2/D. There is no minimum requirement due to the set_false_path command.

Constraining Input or Output Logic

The set_max_delay command and the set_min_delay command are not typically used to
constrain the input or output logic. The input logic between the input ports and the first level of
registers is typically constrained with the set_input_delay command. This command
provides the option to associate a clock with the input ports.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

For the same reason, the output logic between the last level of registers and the output ports is
typically constrained with the set_output_delay command. However, the set_max_delay
command and the set_min_delay command are typically used to constrain pure
combinational path between primary input ports and primary output port (in-to-out I/O paths).

Constraining Asynchronous Signals

The set_max_delay command can also be used to constrain asynchronous signals that do not
have a clock relationship, but which requires maximum delay.

For example, timing paths between two asynchronous clock domains can be disabled with the
set_clock_groups command (recommended) or the set_false_path command (not
recommended). This assumes that you have properly designed the inter-clock domains with, for
instance, a double registers synchronizer or a FIFO. However, you must still ensure that the path
delay between the two clock domains is not unnecessarily high.

In some multi-bit CDC scenarios the skew between the bits must be within certain requirements.
Even though the skew can be constrained through the Bus Skew constraint (set_bus_skew), it
must be ensured that the path delay between the two clock domains is not unnecessarily high.
This can be done by replacing the set_false_path or set_clock_groups constraints inside
the source XDC file on the relevant path(s) with set_max_delay –datapath_only. Refer to
Chapter 6: CDC Constraints for further information on constraining CDC paths.

Note: There is runtime impact between a False Path constraint and a Max Delay constraint because the
paths are timed with Max Delay.

If a maximum delay must be specified for some or for all the paths between two clock domains,
then you must use the command set_max_delay -datapath_only to constrain those
paths. In this case, set_clock_groups cannot be used to define the two clock domains as
asynchronous, as it supersedes the set_max_delay constraint in terms of constraint priority.
Other cross clock domains paths must then be constrained with a combination of
set_false_path or set_max_delay constraints.

See the following example:

set_max_delay <delay> -datapath_only -from

<startpoints_source_clock_domain> \
-to <endpoints_destination_clock_domain>

Path Segmentation
Unlike other XDC constraints, the set_max_delay command and the set_min_delay
command can accept, in the case of -from and -to options, a list of invalid startpoints or
endpoints respectively.

When an invalid startpoint is specified, the timing engine stops the propagation of the timing
going through the node so that the node becomes a valid startpoint.

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In the following example, the only valid startpoint is FD1/C:

set_max_delay 5 -from [get_pins FD1/C]

Figure 84: Original Timing Arc




If the constraint is applied to FD1/Q, the timing engine stops the propagation through the arc C-
>Q to make the pin Q a valid startpoint:

set_max_delay 5 -from [get_pins FD1/Q]

Figure 85: Timing Not Propagating after Path Segmentation




The process of stopping the propagation of the timing to create a valid startpoint is called path
segmentation. Path segmentation affects both max and min delay analysis. Path segmentation
also affects any timing constraint going through those nodes (FD1/C and FD1/Q).

Note: Because of Path Segmentation, no clock insertion delay is used for the launch clock for paths starting
from FD1/Q. This can potentially result in large skew because the clock skew of the endpoints is still taken
into account. See the following figure.

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Figure 86: Path Segmentation Result in Large Skew



I1 O I1 O D Q

I2 I2


clock insertion delay


CAUTION! Path segmentation can have unexpected consequences. Avoid path segmentation altogether,
or use it very carefully.

After path segmentation, there is no default hold requirement on the path. Assuming the -
datapath_only option has not been specified, use the set_min_delay command to set a
hold requirement on the path if necessary.

Because of the risks, a critical warning is issued when a path segmentation occurs.

If you targeted the output FD1/Q as the startpoint in order to avoid taking the clock skew into
account, AMD recommends using the -datapath_only option. Instead, see the following

set_max_delay 5 -from [get_pins FD1/C] -datapath_only

In the same way, when an invalid endpoint is specified, the timing engine stops the propagation
after the node so that the node becomes a valid endpoint.

In the following example, the max delay is specified on LUTA/O, which is not a valid endpoint:

set_max_delay 5 -from [get_pins LUTA/O]

This is shown in the following figure.

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Figure 87: Path Segmentation When an Invalid Endpoint is Specified



I1 O I1 O D Q

I2 I2



To make LUTA/O a valid endpoint, the timing stops propagating after LUTA/O. As a result, all
timing paths going through LUTA/O are impacted for both setup and hold. For the path starting
on REGA/C and ending on LUTA/O, only the insertion delay of the launch clock is taken into
account. This can result in very large skew.

Because path segmentation stops the propagation through the timing arcs, it can have
unexpected consequences. All the timing paths going through those nodes are impacted.

In the following example, a max delay has been set between LUTA/O and REGB/D:

set_max_delay 6 -from [get_pins LUTA/O] -to [get_pins REGB/D]

This is shown in the following figure.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

Figure 88: Path Segmentation Breaking Multiple Paths


Broken Paths
Constrained Paths I1 O D Q




I1 O I1 O D Q

I2 I2



Because the pin LUTA/O is not a valid startpoint, a path segmentation occurs and the timing arcs
from LUTA/I* and LUTA/O are broken. Even though the set_max_delay constraint was set
between LUTA/O and REGB/D only, other paths such as the path between REGA/C and
REGC/D are also broken.

Path Segmentation and Timing Exception

Path segmentation can result in the perception that the priority between the timing exceptions is
altered, which is actually not the case.

There can be a difference on whether a set_max_delay constraint is superseded by a

set_clock_groups constraint. Consider the following two scenarios.

Scenario 1

set_max_delay <ns> -datapath_only -from <instance> -to <instance>

In this scenario, instance names are provided for -from/-to. The set_max_delay constraint is
always overridden by set_clock_groups -asynchronous, because Vivado always selects
valid startpoints when an instance is provided.

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Scenario 2

set_max_delay <ns> -datapath_only -from <pin> -to <pin | instance>

In this scenario, if the pin name provided with -from results in path segmentation, then that
particular set_max_delay constraint is not overriden by set_clock_groups -
asynchronous. The reason behind is that the path segmentation forces the path starting on the
pin name to no longer being considered launched by the first clock domain. As a result, this path
is no longer covered by the set_clock_groups constraints and the set_max_delay
constraint get applied.

Case Analysis
In some designs, certain signals have a constant value in specific modes. For instance, in
functional modes, the test signals do not toggle and are therefore tied either to VDD or VSS
depending on their active level. This also applies to signals that do not toggle after the design has
been powered up. In the same way, today's designs have multiple functional modes and some
signals that are active in some of the functional modes might be inactive in other modes.

To help reduce the analysis space, runtime and memory consumption, it is important to let the
Static Timing Engine know about the signals that have a constant value. This is also critical to
ensure that non-functional paths and irrelevant paths are not reported.

A signal is declared as inactive to the timing engine with the set_case_analysis command.
The command applies to pins and/or ports.

Note: After a case analysis is set on a pin, the timing arcs related to that pin are disabled. The timing engine
does not report any path going through disabled timing arcs.

VIDEO: For training on the advanced timing exceptions, including set_case_analysis, see the
Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Advanced Timing Exceptions - False Path, Min-Max Delay and

The syntax of the set_case_analysis command is:

set_case_analysis <value> <pins or ports objects>

The parameter <value> can be any of the following:

0, 1, zero, one, rise, rising, fall, or falling

When the values rise, rising, fall, or falling are specified, this means that the given pins or ports
should only be considered for timing analysis with the specified transition. The other transition is

A case value can be set on a port, a pin of a leaf cell, or a pin of a hierarchical module.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

In the example below, two clocks are created on the input pins of the multiplexer clock_sel
but only clk_2 is propagated through the output pin after setting the constant value on the
selection pin S.

Figure 89: Clock Example

create_clock -name clk_1 -period 10.0 [get_pins clock_sel/I0]

create_clock -name clk_2 -period 15.0 [get_pins clock_sel/I1]
set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins clock_sel/S]

In the example below, the BUFG_GT has a dynamic clock division as its DIV[2:0] pins driven by
some logic instead of being tied to VCC/GND.

Figure 90: BUFG_GT/DIV Example

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

In such case, the tool assumes the worst possible scenario for the output clock (divide by 1) and
propagates the incoming clock to the buffer output. This worst-case scenario might be
pessimistic and over-constrain the design if a clock division of 1 is never exercised. It is possible
to control the auto-generated clock on the BUFG_GT output pin by setting the DIV[2:0] bus
with a set_case_analysis constraint.

For example, if the worst-case clock divider is by 3, then the following case analysis should be
applied to the BUFG_GT:

set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins bufg_gt_pclk/DIV[0] ]

set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins bufg_gt_pclk/DIV[1] ]
set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins bufg_gt_pclk/DIV[2] ]

Note: For AMD UltraScale™ and AMD UltraScale+™ devices, the GT_CHANNEL has multiple input clocks
that propagate to the output of the GT_CHANNEL (such as TXOUTCLK) through multiple levels of internal
muxes. The case analysis can be used in a similar way on the GT_CHANNEL clock muxing control signals
(such as TXSYSCLKSEL, TXOUTCLKSEL) to select which of the input or internal clocks should be
propagated to the output of the GT_CHANNEL.

Disabling Timing Arcs

You can disable timing arcs inside the cell with the set_disable_timing command. Only
timing arcs going from input to output ports of a cell can be disabled.

Note: The set_disable_timing command can also be used to disable a timing arc from a port or a wire.
In such cases, the command line options -from and -to are not used and only the port object(s) or timing
arc object(s) are specified.

Some timing arcs are automatically disabled by the timer to handle specific cases. For instance,
combinational feedback loops are not recommended and cannot be properly timed. The timer
breaks such loops by disabling one of the timing arcs inside the loop.

Another example is a case analysis set on a MUX. By default, all the data inputs of a MUX are
propagated to the output port but when a case analysis is set on the select signals, only one data
input port gets propagated to the output port. This is done by the timer by breaking timing arcs
from the other data input ports to the output port.

The set_disable_timing command gives you the ability to manually break cell timing arcs in
the design. You can, for example, decide which timing arc(s) of a combinational feedback loop
should be disabled to break the loop instead of letting the tool make this determination.

Also, suppose that multiple clocks arrive on a LUT input pins but only one clock should be
propagated to the LUT output port. This scenario can be handled by breaking the timing arcs
associated to the clocks that should not propagate.

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Chapter 5: Timing Exceptions

There is also a scenario involving LUTRAM that can be quite frequent. Inside the LUTRAM, there
is physical path from WCLK pin to the output O pin between the write and read clocks. However,
LUTRAM-base asynchronous FIFO are designed in such way that this CDC path WCLK->O
cannot happen by construction. Nevertheless, this timing arc is enabled and can result is the
timer reporting paths through this WCLK->O timing arc. This arc can also trigger some
TIMING-10 DRC violations. In such case, the user should disable the WCLK->O arc so that those
paths are not timed and reported and that they do not trigger invalid DRC violations. This timing
arc is automatically disabled in the current implementation of the AMD LUTRAM-based FIFO.

Note: After a timing arc is disabled, no timing path is reported by the timer through this arc. You should be
very careful to not disable any valid timing arc. This might result is masking some timing violations and/or
timing problems that could result in the design failing in hardware.

The syntax for the set_disable_arc command is:

set_disable_timing [-from <arg>] [-to <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <objects>

Only pin names and not Vivado tools objects can be provided to the -from and -to command
line options. The pin names should also match pin names from the library cell, not design pin
names. For example:

set_disable_timing -from WCLK -to O [get_cells inst_fifo_gen/


The above command disables the WCLK->O timing arcs for all the LUTRAM-based asynchronous
FIFOs inst_fifo_gen/[*].

The command line options -from and -to are optional. If -from is not specified, then all the
timing arcs ending on the pin specified with -to are being disabled. In the same way if -to is not
specified, then all the timing arcs starting on the pin specified with -from are being disabled. If
neither -from nor -to are specified, then all the timing arcs of the cells specified in the
command are disabled.

You can use the command report_disable_timing to list all the timing arcs that have been
automatically disabled by the timer as well as manually disabled by the user. Be careful as the list
can be very large. Use the -file command line option to save the result in a file.

Note: report_disable_timing can be scoped to one or more hierarchical module(s) with -cells.

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Chapter 6: CDC Constraints

Chapter 6

CDC Constraints

About CDC Constraints

Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) constraints apply to timing paths that have a different launch and
capture clock. There are synchronous CDC and asynchronous CDC depending on the launch and
capture clocks relationship and on the timing exceptions set on the CDC paths. For example,
CDC paths between synchronous clocks but covered by false path constraints are not timed, and
consequently are treated as asynchronous CDCs.

Asynchronous CDC paths can be safe or unsafe. The terminology of safe and unsafe for
asynchronous CDC paths is different from the terminology used for inter-clock timing analysis
(see report_clock_interaction). An asynchronous CDC path is considered safe when it
uses a synchronization circuitry to prevent metastability of the capture sequential cell.

For more information, refer to section 'Report Clock Domain Crossings' in the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).

The timing analysis of CDC paths can be fully ignored by using set_false_path or
set_clock_groups constraints, or partially analyzed by using set_max_delay -
datapath_only. In addition, the multibit CDC paths capture time spread can be constrained
using the set_bus_skew constraint.

Constraining Bus Skew

About Bus Skew Constraints
The bus skew constraint is used to set a maximum skew requirement between several
asynchronous CDC paths. The bus skew is not the traditional clock skew associated with a timing
path. Instead, it corresponds to the largest capture time difference across all the paths that are
covered by a same set_bus_skew constraint. The bus skew requirement applies to both Fast
and Slow corners, but it is not analyzed across the corners.

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Chapter 6: CDC Constraints

The intent of the bus skew constraint is to limit the number of source clock edges that can launch
a data and be captured by a single destination clock edge. The tolerance depends on the CDC
synchronization scheme used for the constrained paths. The bus skew constraint is typically used
for the following CDC topologies:

• Gray-coded bus transfer, such as in asynchronous FIFOs

• Multi-bit CDC implemented with CE, MUX, or MUX Hold circuitry
• Configuration registers

Although the set_bus_skew command does not prevent a bus skew constraint to be set on a
safely timed synchronous CDC, such a constraint is not needed. The setup and hold checks
already ensure a safe transfer between two safely timed synchronous CDC paths.

The CDC scenarios for bus skew constraints are:

• Asynchronous CDC covered with set_clock_groups

• Asynchronous CDC entirely covered with set_false_path and/or set_max_delay -
• Synchronous CDC paths covered with set_false_path and/or set_max_delay -

The bus skew constraint is not a timing exception; rather, it is a timing assertion. Therefore, it
does not interfere with the timing exceptions (set_clock_group, set_false_path,
set_max_delay, set_max_delay -datapath_only, and set_multicycle_path) and
their precedence.

The bus skew constraint is only optimized by the route_design command. To report the
set_bus_skew constraints, use the report_bus_skew command from the command line or
Reports → Timing → Report Bus Skew from the GUI. The bus skew constraints are not reported
inside the Timing Summary report (report_timing_summary).

Syntax of the set_bus_skew Command

The syntax of the set_bus_skew command with the basic options is:

set_bus_skew [-from <args>] [-to <args>] [-through <args>] <value>

The list of objects for the -from option should be a list of valid startpoints. A valid startpoint for
set_bus_skew is a clock pin of a sequential element, such as a register or a RAM, or the cell
itself. An input (or inout) port is not supported by set_bus_skew.

The list of nodes for the -to option should be a list of valid endpoints. A valid endpoint for
set_bus_skew is a data pin of a sequential cell or the cell itself. An output (or inout) port is not
supported by set_bus_skew.

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Chapter 6: CDC Constraints

The list of nodes for the -through option should be a list of valid pins, or nets.

Note: Both the -from and -to options must be specified when specifying a bus skew constraint.

Note: AMD recommends setting a bus skew constraint on paths with a fanout of 1 (single load). Also, each
bus skew constraint must cover at least two startpoints and two endpoints.

The bus skew value must be realistic and reasonable. AMD recommends to use a value larger
than half the minimum period of the source and destination clocks. The recommended value for
the bus skew also depends on the CDC topology as illustrated by the following examples.

set_bus_skew Example One

In this example, the CDC is part of a handshake mechanism. The source clock domain generates a
send signal when data is available to be sampled. The destination clock domain uses a 4-stage
synchronizer for the send signal. After the 4-stage synchronizer, the signal drives the Clock
Enable pin of the CDC destination registers. In such Clock-Enabled Control CDC structure, the
bus skew must be adjusted to the number of stages on the CE path since it represents the
number of destination clock cycles for which the data is valid.

If the source clock period is 5 ns and the destination clock period is 2.5 ns, the bus skew on the
CDC path should be set to 10 ns (4×2.5 ns).

set_bus_skew -from [get_cells src_hsdata_ff_reg*] -to [get_cells

dest_hsdata_ff_reg*] 10.000

Figure 91: set_bus_skew Example One


Note: For completeness, the CDC needs an additional set_max_delay constraint to ensure that the
source and destination registers are not placed too far apart:

set_max_delay -datapath_only -from [get_cells src_hsdata_ff_reg*] -to

[get_cells dest_hsdata_ff_reg*] 10.000

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Chapter 6: CDC Constraints

set_bus_skew Example Two

In this example, the CDC is on a gray-coded bus. The system must ensure that only one
transition of the gray-coded bus is captured by the destination clock domain at the same time.

If the source clock period is 5 ns and the destination clock period is 2.5 ns, the bus skew on the
CDC path should be set to 2.5 ns (destination clock period).

set_bus_skew -from [get_cells src_gray_ff_reg*] -to [get_cells

{dest_graysync_ff_reg[0]*}] 2.500

Figure 92: set_bus_skew Example Two


Note: For completeness, the CDC needs an additional set_max_delay constraint to ensure that the
source and destination registers are not placed too far apart. In this case, the max delay is set to the source
clock period as the CDC is between a slower clock to a faster clock and only one transition of the bus
should be captured by the destination clock domain:

set_max_delay -datapath_only -from [get_cells src_gray_ff_reg*] -to

{dest_graysync_ff_reg[0]*}] 5.000

Set Bus Skew Dialog Box

In the AMD Vivado™ IDE, you can set bus skew constraints in multiple ways:

• Through the Timing Constraints Editor. Select Window → Timing Constraint → Assertion →
Set Bus Skew.
From the Timing Constraints Editor, you can add, remove, or modify bus skew constraints.
Note: Locked IP bus skew constraints cannot be edited.

• Through the Report CDC GUI. Select Reports → Timing → Report CDC.

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Using Constraints 143
Chapter 6: CDC Constraints

Inside the CDC Details tables, you must select one or more rows to include at least two or more
startpoints and two or more endpoints. When you right-click and select Set Bus Skew, there is
one option:

• Startpoint to Endpoint: Set a bus skew constraint between the startpoints and endpoints
included in the selected row(s).

Figure 93: Setting Bus Skew within Report CDC

Note: Vivado does not verify the validity of setting a bus skew constraint on the selected objects. You must
ensure that a bus skew constraint makes sense with the selected objects.

In the Set Bus Skew dialog box, you can set the bus skew value, the startpoints, and endpoints, as
shown in the following figure.

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Chapter 6: CDC Constraints

Figure 94: Set Bus Skew Dialog Box

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Using Constraints 145
Chapter 7: XDC Precedence

Chapter 7

XDC Precedence

About XDC Precedence

The precedence rules for Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) are inherited from Synopsys Design
Constraints (SDC). This chapter discusses how constraint conflicts or overlaps are resolved.

XDC Constraints Order

XDC constraints are commands interpreted sequentially. For equivalent constraints, the last
constraint takes precedence.

Constraints Order Example:

> create_clock -name clk1 -period 10 [get_ports clk_in1]

> create_clock -name clk2 -period 11 [get_ports clk_in1]

In this example, the second clock definition overrides the first clock definition because:

• They are both attached to the same input port.

• The create_clock -add option was not used.

Exceptions Priority
If constraints overlap (for example, if several timing exceptions are applied to the same path), the
priority from highest to lowest is:

1. Clock Groups (set_clock_groups)

2. False Path (set_false_path)
3. Maximum Delay Path (set_max_delay) and Minimum Delay Path (set_min_delay)
4. Multicycle Paths (set_multicycle_path)

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Chapter 7: XDC Precedence

Note: The set_bus_skew constraint does not affect the above constraints precedence. The
set_bus_skew constraint does not override and is not overridden by clock groups, max delays, false
paths, and multicycle paths. The reason is that the bus skew is not a constraint on a particular path, but a
constraint between paths.

Note: The priority between the False Path, Maximun/Minimum Delay and Multicycle Path can be altered
using the option -reset_path. The Clock Group constraint cannot be overriden. A Maximum/Minimum
Delay or Multicycle Path constraint can only override a previously defined False Path or Maximum/
Minimum Delay constraint when both constraints are defined with the exact same arguments for -from/-
to/-through and the latest constraint uses -reset_path.

In addition, for the same type of exception, the more specific the constraint, the higher the
precedence. Depending on the filtering options and the type of objects used in the constraint,
you can modify the specificity of a constraint.

The priority rule for the objects is:

1. Ports, pins, and cells

Pins of a cell are used instead of the cell itself.
2. Clocks
Clocks always have lower priority than ports, pins, and cells. A timing exception that uses
clock object(s) always has a lower priority than another timing exception defined with ports,
pins, and cells.

The precedence rule for the filters, from highest to lowest, is:

1. -from -through -to

2. -from -to
3. -from -through
4. -from
5. -through -to
6. -to
7. -through

IMPORTANT! Note that cells used in either the -from or -to, always have a higher precedence than a
clock even if the clock is used in a more specific case of -from -through -to.

Exceptions Priority Example

> set_max_delay 12 -from [get_clocks clk1] -to [get_clocks clk2]
> set_max_delay 15 -from [get_clocks clk1]

In this example, the first constraint overrides the second constraint for the paths from clk1 to

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Chapter 7: XDC Precedence

The number of -through options used in an exception does not affect the precedence. The
timing engine uses the tightest constraint.

> set_max_delay 12 -from [get_cells inst0] -to [get_cells inst1]

> set_max_delay 15 -from [get_clocks clk1] -through [get_pins hier0/p0] -
to [get_cells inst1]

In this example, the first constraint only uses cell objects and the second constraint uses a clock
object. Although inst0 is clocked by clk1, the first constraint overrides the second constraint
for the paths from cell inst0 to cell inst1.

Exceptions Priority with Multiple -through Options

> set_max_delay 4 -through [get_pins inst0/I0]
> set_max_delay 5 -through [get_pins inst0/I0] -through [get_pins inst1/I3]

Both exceptions are kept by the timing engine. The more challenging constraint is used for timing
analysis. In this example, the 4 ns max delay constraint is used even for paths going through the
pin inst1/I3.

Exceptions Priority with -reset_path Example

> set_false_path -from [get_clocks clkA] -to [get_clocks clkB]
> set_max_delay 1 -from [get_clocks clkA] -to [get_clocks clkB] -

The paths between clocks clkA and clkB are covered by the Max Delay with a path
requirement of 1ns. The Max Delay is defined with the same arguments for -from/-to and
specifies -reset_path, which overrides the False Path.

> set_false_path -from [get_clocks clkA] -to [get_clocks clkB]

> set_max_delay 1 -from [get_pins reg0/CLK] -to [get_pins reg1/D] -

The paths between reg0/CLK and reg1/D are covered by the False Path since that constraint
has a higher precedence over the Max Delay. The Max Delay does not override the False Path
despite the -reset_path as it is not defined with the same arguments for -from/-to.

RECOMMENDED: You must avoid using several timing exceptions on the same paths, so that the timing
analysis results are not dependent on priority rules, and it is easier to validate the effect of your

It is recommended that you validate the timing exceptions with the report_exceptions
command. This command provides insight on which timing exceptions are overriden or ignored. For
more information, refer to Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques

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Using Constraints 148
Chapter 7: XDC Precedence

If a string instead of an object is passed to the constraint, the Tcl interpreter uses the following
sequence to determine which object matches the string:

1. port
2. pin
3. cell
4. net

The search is not exhaustive. As soon as objects of a certain type match the string pattern, they
are returned, even though objects of another type down the list might also match the same

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Using Constraints 149
Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

Chapter 8

Physical Constraints

About Physical Constraints

The AMD Vivado™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE) enables design objects to be physically
constrained by setting values of object properties. Examples include:

• I/O constraints such as location and I/O standard

• Placement constraints such as cell locations
• Routing constraints such as fixed routing
• Configuration constraints such as the configuration mode

Similar to timing constraints, physical constraints must be saved in an XDC file or a Tcl script so
that they can be loaded with the netlist when you open a design. After the design is loaded in
memory, you can interactively enter new constraints using the Tcl Console, or by using one the
Vivado Design Suite IDE editing tools.

Most physical constraints are defined by means of properties on an object:

set_property <property> <value> <object list>

The exception is for area constraints which use Pblock commands.

Critical Warning
Critical Warnings are issued for invalid constraints in XDC files, including those applied to objects
that cannot be found in the design.

For property definition and usage, see the Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide (UG912).

RECOMMENDED: AMD highly recommends that you review all Critical Warnings to ensure that the
design is properly constrained. Invalid constraints result in errors when applied interactively.

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Using Constraints 150
Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

Netlist Constraints
Netlist constraints are set on netlist objects such as ports, pins, nets or cells, to require synthesis
and implementation to handle them in special way.

IMPORTANT! Be sure that you understand the impact of using these constraints. They might result in
increased design area, reduced design performance, or both.

Netlist constraints include:


Set CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE on a net to indicate how the clock signal is expected to be

The CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE property is used on a clock net to override the default routing.
This is an advanced control requiring extreme caution as it might affect timing predictability and

For example, CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE can be set to FALSE when dedicated clock routing is
not available. A value of FALSE allows the Vivado tools to route the clock from an input port to a
global clocking resource such as a BUFG or MMCM using general routing resources. This should
only be used as a last resort when device package pin assignments have been locked down, and
the clock input cannot be assigned to an appropriate clock capable input pin (CCIO). The routing
is suboptimal and unpredictable unless used with FIXED_ROUTE.

For more information about this property, see Clock Constraints in the UltraFast Design
Methodology Guide for FPGAs and SoCs (UG949).

Set MARK_DEBUG on a net in the RTL to preserve it and make it visible in the netlist. This allows
it to be connected to the logic debug tools at any point in the compilation flow.

For more information, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and
Debugging (UG908).

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Using Constraints 151
Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

Set DONT_TOUCH on a leaf cell, hierarchical cell, or net object to preserve it during netlist
optimizations. DONT_TOUCH is most commonly used to:

• Prevent a net from being optimized away.

A net with DONT_TOUCH cannot be absorbed by synthesis or implementation. This can be
helpful for logic probing or debugging unexpected optimization in designs. To preserve a net
with multiple hierarchical segments, place DONT_TOUCH on the net PARENT (get_property
PARENT $net) which is the net segment closest to its driver.
• Prevent merging of manually replicated logic.
Sometimes it is best to manually replicate logic, such as a high-fanout driver that spans a wide
area. Adding DONT_TOUCH to the manually replicated drivers (as well as the original) prevents
synthesis and implementation from optimizing these cells.

Note: Use reset_property to reset the DONT_TOUCH property. Setting the DONT_TOUCH property to 0
does not reset the property.

TIP: Avoid using DONT_TOUCH on hierarchical cells for implementation as Vivado IDE implementation
does not flatten logical hierarchy. Use KEEP_HIERARCHY in synthesis to maintain logical hierarchy for
applying XDC constraints.

LOCK_PINS is a cell property used to specify the mapping between logical LUT inputs (I0, I1, I2,
…) and LUT physical input pins (A6, A5, A4, …).

A common use is to force timing-critical LUT inputs to be mapped to the fastest A6 and A5
physical LUT inputs.

LOCK_PINS Constraint Example One

Map I1 to A6 and I0 to A5 (swap the default mapping).

% set myLUT2 [get_cells u0/u1/i_365]

% set_property LOCK_PINS {I0:A5 I1:A6} $myLUT2
# Which you can verify by typing the following line in the Tcl Console:
% get_property LOCK_PINS $myLUT2

LOCK_PINS Constraint Example Two

Map I0 to A6 for a LUT6, mapping of I1 through I5 are dont-cares.

% set_property LOCK_PINS I0:A6 [get_cell u0/u1/i_768]

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Using Constraints 152
Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

I/O Constraints
I/O constraints configure:

• Ports
• Cells connected to ports Typical constraints include:
• I/O standard
• I/O location

The Vivado Design Suite supports many of the same I/O constraints as the Integrated Software
Environment () Design Suite. The following list of I/O properties is not exhaustive.

• For a complete list of I/O properties, more information on I/O port and I/O cell properties,
and coding examples with proper syntax, see the Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide
Note: All properties are applied to port objects unless otherwise stated.

• For more information on the application and methodology behind these properties, see the
device SelectIO™documents, for example 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide

• DRIVE: Sets the output buffer drive strength (in mA), available with certain I/O standards only.

• IOSTANDARD: Sets an I/O Standard.

• SLEW: Sets the slew rate (the rate of transition) behavior of a device output.

• IN_TERM: Sets the configuration of the input termination resistance for an input port.

• DIFF_TERM: Turns on or off the 100 ohm differential termination for primitives such as

• KEEPER: Applies a weak driver on an tri-stateable output or bidirectional port to preserve its
value when not being driven.

• PULLTYPE: Applies a weak logic low or high level on a tri-stateable output or bidirectional
port to prevent it from floating.

• DCI_CASCADE: Defines a set of master and slave banks. The DCI reference voltage is chained
from the master bank to the slaves. DCI_CASACDE is set on IOBANK objects.

• INTERNAL_VREF: Frees the Vref pins of an I/O Bank and uses an internally generated Vref
instead. INTERNAL_VREF is set on IOBANK objects

• IODELAY_GROUP: Groups a set of IDELAY and IODELAY cells with an IDELAYCTRL to

enable automatic replication and placement of IDELAYCTRL in a design.

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Using Constraints 153
Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

• IOB: Tells the placer to try to place FFs in I/O Logic instead of the fabric slice. This property
must be assigned to the register and not to the port.

IMPORTANT! There are notable differences between the Design Suite and the Vivado Design Suite in
the handling of IOB. The Vivado tools allow IOB to be set on both ports and on register cells connected
to ports. If conflicting values are set on a port and its register, the value on the register prevails. The
Vivado tools use only the values TRUE and FALSE. The value FORCE is interpreted as TRUE, and the
value AUTO is ignored. Unlike , if a setting of IOB true cannot be honored, the Vivado tools generate a
critical warning, not an error.

• IOB_TRI_REG: For HDIO in AMD UltraScale+™ devices. Tells the placer to try to place FFs
driving Tristate signals on HDIO bank IOBs in the I/O Logic instead of the fabric slice. This
property must be assigned to the register and not to the port.

Placement Constraints
Placement constraints are applied to cells to control their locations within the device. The Vivado
Integrated Design Environment (IDE) supports many of the same placement constraints as the
Integrated Software Environment () Design Suite and the tool.

• LUTNM: A unique string name applied to two LUTs to control their placement on a single LUT
site. Unlike HLUTNM, LUTNM can be used to combine LUTs that belong to different
hierarchical cells.

• HLUTNM: A unique string name applied to two LUTs in the same hierarchy to control their
placement on a single LUT site. Use HLUTNM within a cell that is instantiated multiple times.

• PROHIBIT: Disallows placement to a site.

• PBLOCK: Attached to logical blocks to constrain them to a physical region in the device.
Pblock is a read-only cell property that is the name of the Pblock to which the cell is assigned.
Cell Pblock membership can be changed only by using the XDC Tcl commands
add_cells_to_pblock and remove_cells_from_pblock.

• PACKAGE_PIN: Specifies the location of a design port on a pin of the target device package.

• LOC: Places a logical element from the netlist to a site on the device.

• BEL: Places a logical element from the netlist to a specific BEL within a slice on the device.

For more information, see:

• Chapter 7: XDC Precedence

• Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

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Using Constraints 154
Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

Placement Types
There are two types of placement in the tools:

• Fixed Placement
• Unfixed Placement

Fixed Placement

Fixed placement is placement specified by the user through one of the following:

• Hand placement
• An XDC constraint
• Using either IS_LOC_FIXED or IS_BEL_FIXED on a cell object of the design loaded in memory.

Unfixed Placement

Unfixed placement is a placement performed by the implementation tools. By setting the

placement as fixed, the implementation cannot move the constrained cells during the next
iteration or during an incremental run. A fixed placement is saved in the XDC file, where it
appears as a simple LOC or BEL constraint.

• IS_LOC_FIXED: Promotes a LOC constraint from unfixed to fixed.

• IS_BEL_FIXED: Promotes a BEL constraint from unfixed to fixed.

Placement Constraint Examples

Placement Constraint Example One

Locate a block RAM at RAMB18_X0Y10 and fix its location.

% set_property LOC RAMB18_X0Y10 [get_cells u_ctrl0/ram0]

Placement Constraint Example Two

Place a LUT in the C5LUT BEL position within a slice and fix its BEL assignment.

% set_property BEL C5LUT [get_cells u_ctrl0/lut0]

Placement Constraint Example Three

Locate input bus registers in ILOGIC cells for shorter input delay.

% set_property IOB TRUE [get_cells mData_reg*]

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Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

Placement Constraint Example Four

Combine two small LUTs into a single LUT6_2 that uses both O5 and O6 outputs.

% set_property LUTNM L0 [get_cells {u_ctrl0/dmux0 u_ctrl0/dmux1}]

Placement Constraint Example Five

Prevent the placer from using the first column of block RAMs.

% set_property PROHIBIT TRUE [get_sites {RAMB18_X0Y* RAMB36_X0Y*}]

Placement Constraint Example Six

Prevent the placer from using the clock region X0Y0.

% set_property PROHIBIT TRUE [get_sites -of [get_clock_regions X0Y0]]

Placement Constraint Example Seven

Prevent the placer from using SLR0.

% set_property PROHIBIT TRUE [get_sites -of [get_slrs SLR0]]

IMPORTANT! When assigning both BEL and LOC properties to a cell, BEL must be assigned before LOC.

Routing Constraints
Routing constraints are applied to net objects to control their routing resources.

Fixed Routing
Fixed Routing is the mechanism for locking down routing, similar to Directed Routing in ISE.
Locking down a net routing resources involves three net properties. See the following table.

Table 10: Net Properties

Property Function
ROUTE Read-only net property
IS_ROUTE_FIXED Flag to mark the whole route as fixed
FIXED_ROUTE The fixed-route portion of a net

To guarantee that a net routing can be fixed, all of its cells must also be fixed in advance.

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Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

Following is an example of a fully-fixed route. The example takes the design in the following
figure and creates the constraints to fix the routing of the net netA (selected in blue).

Figure 95: Simple Design to Illustrate Routing Constraints

You can query the routing information of any net after loading the implemented design in

% set net [get_nets netA]

% get_property ROUTE $net

The routing is defined as a series of relative routing node names with fanout denoted using
embedded curly braces. The routing is fixed by setting the following property on the net:

% set_property IS_ROUTE_FIXED TRUE $net

To back-annotate the constraints in your XDC file for future runs, the placement of all the cells
connected to the fixed net must also be preserved. You can query this information by selecting
the cells in the schematics or device view, and look at their LOC/BEL property values in the
Properties window. Or, you can query those values directly from the Tcl Console:

% get_property LOC [get_cells {a0 L0 L1}] SLICE_X0Y47 SLICE_X0Y47

% get_property BEL [get_cells {a0 L0 L1}] SLICEL.CFF SLICEL.A6LUT

Because fixed routes are often timing-critical, LUT pins mapping must also be captured in the
LOCK_PINS property of the LUT to prevent the router from swapping pins.

Again, you can query the site pin of each logical pin from the Tcl Console:

% get_site_pins -of [get_pins {L0/I1 L0/I0}] SLICE_X0Y47/A4 SLICE_X0Y47/A2

% get_site_pins -of [get_pins {L1/I1 L1/I0}] SLICE_X0Y47/B3 SLICE_X0Y47/B2

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Chapter 8: Physical Constraints

The complete XDC constraints required to fix the routing of net netA are:

set_property BEL CFF [get_cells a0] set_property BEL A6LUT [get_cells L0]
set_property BEL B6LUT [get_cells L1]
set_property LOC SLICE_X0Y47 [get_cells {a0 L0 L1}] set_property LOCK_PINS
{I1:A4 I0:A2} [get_cells L0] set_property LOCK_PINS {I1:A3 I0:A2}
[get_cells L1]
IMUX_L17 CLBLL_LL_B3 } IMUX_L11 CLBLL_LL_A4 } [get_nets netA]

If you are using interactive Tcl commands instead of XDC, several placement constraints can be
specified at once with the place_cell command, as shown below:

place_cell a0 SLICE_X0Y47/CFF L0 SLICE_X0Y47/A6LUT L1 SLICE_X0Y47/B6LUT

For more information on place_cell, see the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide

Configuration Constraints
Configuration constraints are global constraints for bitstream generation that are applied to the
current design. This includes constraints such as the configuration mode.

Configuration Constraint Example One


% set_property CONFIG_MODE M_SELECTMAP [current_design]

Configuration Constraint Example Two

Turn on the debug bitstream.

% set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.DEBUGBITSTREAM Yes [current_design]

Configuration Constraint Example Three

Disable CRC checking.

% set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.CRC Disable [current_design]

For a list of bitstream generation properties and definitions, see this link in the Vivado Design
Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908).

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Using Constraints 158
Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

Chapter 9

Defining Relatively Placed Macros

About Relatively Placed Macros

A Relatively Placed Macro (RPM) is a list of basic logic elements (BELs) grouped into a set.
Examples of logic elements include:

• FF

RPMs are primarily used to place small groups of logic close together in order to improve
resource efficiency and enable faster interconnections.

Defining Sets of Design Elements

Define sets of design elements with U Set (U_SET) or HU Set (HU_SET) constraints.

• Each element of the set is placed in relation to the other elements of the set by Relative
Location (RLOC) constraints.
• Logic elements with RLOC constraints and common set names are associated in an RPM.

U_SET, HU_SET, and RLOC constraints:

• Must be defined as properties in the HDL design files.

• Are not supported in Xilinx Design Constraints format (XDC).

TIP: You can use the create_macro and update_macro commands to define macro objects in the
AMD Vivado™ Design Suite, that act like RPMs within the design. Refer to XDC Macros.

For more information on U_SET, HU_SET, and RLOC constraints, see the Vivado Design Suite
Properties Reference Guide (UG912).

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Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

Creating an RPM
To create an RPM:

1. Group cells into a set.

2. Define relative locations for cells in the RPM set.
3. Specify an RLOC_ORIGIN constraint or a LOC constraint on an RPM cell to fix placement of
the RPM on the target device.
Note: This step is optional.

Assigning Cells to RPM Sets

Design elements in a hierarchical module that are assigned RLOC constraints are automatically
grouped into an RPM set.

The grouping occurs by using an H_SET constraint that is implicitly defined by the combination of
the design hierarchy and the RLOC constraint.

All design elements with RLOC constraints in a single block of the design hierarchy are
considered to be in the same H_SET unless they are tagged with another set constraint, such as

Explicitly Grouping Design Elements

While H_SET is implied based on the design hierarchy and the presence of the RLOC constraint,
you can also explicitly group design elements into RPM sets using the U_SET and HU_SET

Explicitly Grouping Design Elements With U_SET

U_SET lets you group cells regardless of hierarchy or where they appear in the design. All cells
with the same set_name are members of the same RPM set.

Design elements tagged with a U_SET constraint can be primitive or non-primitive symbols.

When attached to non-primitive symbols, the U_SET constraint propagates downward through
the hierarchy to all the primitive symbols below it that are assigned RLOC constraints.

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Explicitly Grouping Design Elements With HU_SET

HU_SET has an explicit user-defined and hierarchically qualified name for the set. This lets you
create hierarchical RPMs in which RLOC constraints can be placed on cells at different levels of
the hierarchy.

All cells with the same hierarchically qualified set_name are members of the same set.

Syntax for Defining RPM Sets in VHDL

The syntax for defining RPM sets as attributes in VHDL is:

attribute U_SET : string;

attribute HU_SET : string;
attribute U_SET of my_reg : label is "uset0";
attribute HU_SET of other_reg : label is "huset0";

Syntax for Defining RPM Sets in Verilog

The syntax for defining RPM sets as attributes in Verilog is as follows.

U_SET Example

(* U_SET = "uset0", RLOC = "X0Y0" *) FD my_reg (.C(clk), .D(d0), .Q(q0));

HU_SET Example

(* HU_SET = "huset0", RLOC = "X0Y0" *) FD other_reg

(.C(clk), .D(d1), .Q(q1));

RECOMMENDED: When using H_SET and HU_SET RPMs with Vivado Synthesis, preserve the
hierarchical boundary of the module or instance containing the RPMs. This avoids naming collisions
between RPMs at the same hierarchical level as a result of hierarchy being dissolved. For further
information on hierarchy preservation see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901).

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RPM Definition in the Physical Constraints Window

Figure 96: RPM Definition in the Physical Constraints Window

RPM sets must be embedded as properties in HDL source files. After synthesis, RPM related
properties appear on netlist objects as read only properties for use by the AMD Vivado
Integrated Design Environment (IDE) placer.

Viewing RPM Definitions

View RPM definitions in the Physical Constraints window. See Figure 96. To view RPM

1. Expand the RPM folder to display a list of RPMs.

2. Select an RPM to view its properties or to select related cells.

TIP: RPMs can be placed and locked down by dragging from the Physical Constraints to the Device
window. The RPMs are moved as a single shape instead of cell-by-cell.

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Preserving RPM through opt_design

opt_design is free to optimize and remove some LUTs that belong to an RPM despite the
RLOC constraint. To prevent opt_design from optimizing the logic inside an RPM, it is
necessary to set the property DONT_TOUCH to TRUE on all the cells that belong to the RPM.
The DONT_TOUCH property can be set either through RTL or XDC.

Assigning Relative Locations

Use the RLOC property to assign relative locations to design objects. The RLOC property
specifies relative X-Y coordinates for each cell in the RPM set.

To specify the RLOC property, use either of two different grid coordinate systems:

• Relative Slice-Based Coordinates

• Absolute RPM Grid-Based Coordinates

Use the following syntax:


• m is an integer representing the relative or absolute X coordinate of the object.

• n is an integer representing the relative or absolute Y coordinate of the object.

Relative Slice-Based Coordinates

The relative grid system:

• Is also known as the standard grid.

• Is sufficient for most RPMs.
• Is used for homogeneous RPMs in which all cells in an RPM belong to the same site type (such
as slice, block RAM, and DSP).
Note: Objects are positioned in relation to other objects in the same RPM set.

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The relative grid is a standard rectangular grid in which each grid element is the same size. For
example, the following Verilog code example results in an eight-slice-high column with an FD cell
in each slice:

(* RLOC = "X0Y0" *) FD sr0 (.C(clk), .D(d[0]), .Q(y[0]));

(* RLOC = "X0Y1" *) FD sr1 (.C(clk), .D(d[1]), .Q(y[1]));
(* RLOC = "X0Y2" *) FD sr2 (.C(clk), .D(d[2]), .Q(y[2]));
(* RLOC = "X0Y3" *) FD sr3 (.C(clk), .D(d[3]), .Q(y[3]));
(* RLOC = "X0Y4" *) FD sr4 (.C(clk), .D(d[4]), .Q(y[4]));
(* RLOC = "X0Y5" *) FD sr5 (.C(clk), .D(d[5]), .Q(y[5]));
(* RLOC = "X0Y6" *) FD sr6 (.C(clk), .D(d[6]), .Q(y[6]));
(* RLOC = "X0Y7" *) FD sr7 (.C(clk), .D(d[7]), .Q(y[7]));

BEL/LOC Constraints
For complex structures, the BEL or LOC constraints may need to be specified in addition to the
RLOC. The BEL constraint must be used to align the cells inside the RPM set, for example, to
align the LUTs with the registers. The LOC constraint is uncommon and typically not used
because the RPM set is forced on a specific site in the device and cannot be moved by the placer.
Whenever some BEL or LOC constraints need to be specified, it is important to not mix the
source of those constraints. The BEL/LOC constraints should be entirely specified either through
RTL or through XDC, but not a combination of both. Following is an example of BEL constraints
specified at the RTL.

Verilog file:

(*BEL="H6LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTH (...);

(*BEL="G6LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTG (...);
(*BEL="F6LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTF (...);
(*BEL="E5LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTE (...);
(*BEL="D6LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTD (...);
(*BEL="C6LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTC (...);
(*BEL="B6LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTB (...);
(*BEL="A5LUT",RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTA (...);

(*BEL="HFF2",RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out5 (...);

(*BEL="GFF2",RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out4 (...);
(*BEL="FFF2",RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out3 (...);
(*BEL="DFF2",RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out2 (...);
(*BEL="CFF2",RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out1 (...);
(*BEL="BFF2",RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out0 (...);

Note: The INIT string has been omitted for simplification.

In the following example, the RPM is defined at the RTL but the BEL constraints are specified
through XDC.

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Verilog file:

(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTH (...);

(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTG (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTF (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTE (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTD (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT6 S0_LUTC (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTB (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) LUT4 S0_LUTA (...);

(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) CARRY8#(.CARRY_TYPE("DUAL_CY4")) S0_CARRY8(...);

(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out5 (...);

(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out4 (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out3 (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out2 (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out1 (...);
(*RLOC="X0Y0"*) FD FD_out0 (...);

Note: The INIT string has been omitted for simplification.

XDC file:

set_property BEL CARRY8 [get_cells S0_CARRY8]

set_property BEL HFF2 [get_cells FD_out5]
set_property BEL GFF2 [get_cells FD_out4]
set_property BEL FFF2 [get_cells FD_out3]
set_property BEL DFF2 [get_cells FD_out2]
set_property BEL CFF2 [get_cells FD_out1]
set_property BEL BFF2 [get_cells FD_out0]
set_property BEL A5LUT [get_cells S0_LUTA]
set_property BEL B6LUT [get_cells S0_LUTB]
set_property BEL C6LUT [get_cells S0_LUTC]
set_property BEL D6LUT [get_cells S0_LUTD]
set_property BEL E5LUT [get_cells S0_LUTE]
set_property BEL F6LUT [get_cells S0_LUTF]
set_property BEL G6LUT [get_cells S0_LUTG]
set_property BEL H6LUT [get_cells S0_LUTH]

Absolute RPM Grid-Based Coordinates

The RPM_GRID system is used for heterogeneous RPMs in which cells in an RPM belong to
different site types (such as a combination of slice, block RAM, and DSP). This is an absolute
coordinate system that is mapped to a specific AMD device.

Because the cells can occupy sites of various sizes, the RPM_GRID system uses absolute
RPM_GRID coordinates. The RPM_GRID values are visible in the Site Properties window of the
Vivado IDE when a specific site is selected. The coordinates can also be queried with Tcl
commands using the RPM_X and RPM_Y site properties.

RPM_GRID Coordinates VHDL Example

The following VHDL example defines RLOC constraints using RPM_GRID coordinates.

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• Two shift registers are placed relative to a block RAM.

• Four stages connect the input.
• Four stages connect the output.

attribute RLOC : string;

attribute RPM_GRID : string;
attribute RLOC of di_reg3 : label is "X25Y0";
attribute RLOC of di_reg2 : label is "X27Y0";
attribute RLOC of di_reg1: label is "X29Y0";
attribute RLOC of di_reg0 : label is "X31Y0";
attribute RLOC of ram0 : label is "X34Y0";
attribute RLOC of out_reg3 : label is "X37Y0";
attribute RLOC of out_reg2 : label is "X39Y0";
attribute RLOC of out_reg1 : label is "X41Y0";
attribute RLOC of out_reg0 : label is "X43Y0";

Setting a Property to Invoke the RPM_GRID System

To use the RPM_GRID system, set a property on any cell in the RPM set:

attribute RPM_GRID of ram0 : label is "GRID";

As long as at least one cell has the RPM_GRID property equal to GRID, the RPM_GRID
coordinate system is used.

Although the RPM_GRID coordinates are absolute based on the target device, they define the
relative placement of the elements of an RPM set.

During implementation, the RPM set can be placed at any suitable location on the device.

RPM_GRID Coordinate Values

The RPM_GRID coordinate values differ significantly from the coordinate values of the SLICEs on
the FPGA. These coordinates:

• Are stored as RPM_X and RPM_Y properties on device sites in the Vivado tools.
• Can be queried using get_property.

The following example does the following:

• Gets the RPM coordinates from a selected SLICE.

• Uses join to output both the X and Y coordinates in the required format.
join "X[get_property RPM_X [get_selected_objects]]Y[get_property RPM_Y

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Defining RLOC Properties Directly in the RTL Source File

Because the standard grid is simple and relative, you can define the RLOC properties for an RPM
directly in the RTL source file.

Because the RPM_GRID coordinates must be extracted from the target device, you will probably
need to:

• Iterate on the design to find the right RPM_GRID values after synthesis.
• Add the coordinates as properties in the RTL source files.
• Resynthesize the netlist before placement.

Assigning a Fixed Location to an RPM

Optionally use an RLOC_ORIGIN or LOC constraint to place and fix the location of an RPM on
the device. In the Vivado IDE, these properties fix the RPM origin, or the lower-left corner of the
RPM. Each remaining cell in the RPM set is placed by using the relative location (RLOC) to offset
from the origin.

Figure 97: RPM Placement by RLOC_ORIGIN

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The following example shows a hierarchical RPM that is fixed using RLOC_ORIGIN. RLOC
constraints are assigned to the RPM register cells to create a two-up-by-three-across placement

In Verilog:

(* RLOC = "X0Y0" *) FDC sr0...

(* RLOC = "X1Y0" *) FDC sr1...
(* RLOC = "X2Y0" *) FDC sr2...
(* RLOC = "X0Y1" *) FDC sr3...
(* RLOC = "X1Y1" *) FDC sr4...
(* RLOC = "X2Y1" *) FDC sr5...

The RPM is instantiated into the design three times with an RLOC on each cell:

(* RLOC = "X0Y0" *) ffs u0...

(* RLOC = "X3Y2" *) ffs u1...
(* RLOC = "X6Y4" *) ffs u2...

Finally, an RLOC_ORIGIN of X74Y15 is assigned to cell u0 resulting in the placement shown in

Figure 97. The highlights in the above figure are explained in the below table.

Table 11: Cell Highlighting

Cell Highlight Color

u0 yellow
u1 green
u2 red

TIP: Although RPMs control the relative placement of logic elements, they do not insure that specific
routing resources are used to connect the logic from one implementation to the next.

For more information on controlling the routing used, see Routing Constraints.

XDC Macros
XDC macros enable assignment of relative placement to cells after synthesis. Macros have many
characteristics similar to RPMs, but are design objects that can be modified interactively using
XDC and Tcl. Macros are created from leaf cells that are grouped together with relative
placement constraints.

While RPMs are managed in HDL code, macros are managed using XDC constraints. RPMs
cannot be automatically converted to macros. Similarly, macros cannot be automatically
annotated to HDL code. Unlike macros, RPMs are not objects, and the XDC macro commands
cannot be used on RPMs.

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Table 12: Differences between RPMs and Macros

RPMs Macros
Definition HDL Attributes XDC constraints
Post-Synthesis Access Read-only Read-write
Hierarchical Yes (H_SET/HU_SET) No
RLOC Targets Non-leaf and leaf cells Leaf cells only
Site Type Mixing Allowed Yes, using RPM_GRID attribute Yes, using

update_macro -absolute_grid

Accessible as objects No Yes

Where stored In netlist In XDC or Tcl scripts

Specifying Macros
Use the following XDC Tcl commands to specify macros:

• create_macro
• update_macro
• delete_macros
• get_macros

Each command is supported by undo and redo. Following are descriptions of each command.

The create_macro command creates a new macro object.

Macro names must be unique. Attempting to create a macro with the same name as an existing
macro generates an error.

create_macro Syntax

create_macro <name>

create_macro Example

create_macro m0

Creates a macro object called m0.

TIP: To ensure optimal LUT-FF alignment, specify the BEL location when creating your macro. The BEL
location must be set separately as a property on the cell objects. For example: set_property BEL
AFF [get_cell u2/sr0].

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The update_macro command adds leaf cells and relative placements (RLOCs) to the macro.

The RLOC has identical syntax and functionality as the RPM RLOC attribute. All cells must be
specified at once. No partial or incremental definition is allowed.

update_macro Syntax

update_macro [-absolute_grid] <macro name> <cell-RLOC list>


• -absolute_grid: A switch to choose the Absolute Grid for mixing slice and non-slice sites.
○ The X-Y values are the site properties RPM_X and RPM_Y.

○ The Absolute Grid values are identical to those of RPM_GRID.

• macro name: The name of the macro to be updated.

• cell-RLOC list: A Tcl list of cells and RLOC pairs:
{cell0 RLOC(cell0) cell1 RLOC(cell1) - cellN RLOC(cellN)}.

○ All macro cells and RLOCs must be specified at once. It is not possible to build a macro in
○ If you need to update an existing macro, recreate it first.

update_macro Example One

update_macro m1 {u2/sr0 X0Y0 u2/sr1 X0Y1}

• Adds u2/sr0 and u2/sr1 to macro m1

• Assigns u2/sr0 an RLOC of X0Y0
• Assigns u2/sr1 an RLOC of X0Y1

The following (update_macro Example Two) does the same, with slightly different syntax.

update_macro Example Two

set rlocs [list u2/sr0 X0Y0 u2/sr1 X0Y1]

update_macro m1 $rlocs

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update_macro Example Three

This example uses the absolute grid:

set rlocs {ireg X2Y38 q1reg X17Y40 q2reg X17Y40}

update_macro -absolute_grid m2 $rlocs

The delete_macros command deletes the specified macros.

delete_macros Syntax

delete_macros <pattern>

delete_macros Example

delete_macros m1

The get_macros command returns macro objects in a design.

get_macros Syntax

get_macros [pattern]

With no arguments, the get_macros command returns all macros in the design. When macro
names are specified, the command returns the corresponding macro objects.

get_macros Examples

The get_macros command can be used with other object commands. Examples:

% create_macro m1
% update_macro m1 {u2/sr0 X0Y0 u2/sr1 X0Y1}
% get_cells -of [get_macros m1]
u2/sr0 u2/sr1
% get_macros -of [get_cells u2]

The following command returns all macros that are fully contained within the cells.

get_macros -of [get_cells $cells]

Using get_cells, other indirect combinations are possible such as:

get_macros -of [get_cells -of [get_pblocks pb0]]

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This command returns the macros contained within Pblock pb0.

Managing Macros
Macros are stored as XDC constraints. By definition, they are Tcl commands. This allows the
macros to be used in both XDC constraint files and Tcl scripts, and used interactively.

Macros are written using the write_xdc command. Macros are read using the read_xdc
command. The -cell option can be used to limit scope to particular cells.

The -cell option is particularly useful for applying a relative placement from one macro to
similar instances in different hierarchies.

Managing Macros Example One

Write all XDC constraints in memory, including macros:

% write_xdc constrs.xdc

Managing Macros Example Two

A design contains three instances of a cell:

inst_0, inst_1, and inst_2.

A macro is created inside inst_0:

% create_macro m0
% update_macro m0 {reg0 X0Y0 reg1 X0Y1}
% write_xdc -cell inst_0 inst_0.xdc

Managing Macros Example Three

Write all XDC constraints including macro m0, for the cell inst_0:

% write_xdc -cell inst_0.xdc inst_0.xdc

Managing Macros Example Four

Read the XDC constraints including the macro m0 from cell inst_0, and apply it to inst_1 and

% read_xdc inst_0.xdc -cell {inst_1 inst_2}

% get_macros
m0 inst_1_m0 inst_2_m0

TIP: When a macro is read and applied to another cell using the -cell option, the new macro name
must be unique. The cell name is applied as a prefix to the macro name to create a unique macro name. In
Example Four, two new unique macros were created. They are inst_1_m0 and inst_2_m0.

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Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

Macro Properties
Macro objects have the following properties:


Macro Properties Example

% report_property [get_macros m1]
Property Type Read-only Visible Value
ABSOLUTE_GRID bool true true 0
CLASS string true true macro
NAME string true true m1
RLOCS string* true true u2/sr0 X0Y0 u2/sr1 X0Y1

Following are descriptions of the properties.


Boolean property that reflects whether or not the RLOCs are using the default grid system or the
Absolute Grid system.

The default is false. If update_macro is used with -absolute_grid, then the property is true.

The Absolute Grid uses coordinates that align with site RPM_X and RPM_Y properties to allow
creating macros from cells placed at different site types.


Identifies the object as a macro.


Name of the macro object, either the name used by create_macro, or the macro name
prefixed by the cell hierarchy when using read_xdc -cell.


String containing the list of macro cells and their RLOC properties in the same format used by the
update_macro command.

Macro cells have these additional properties:

• RLOC: The relative location property (RLOC) value of the cell.

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• MACRO_NAME: The name of the macro to which the cell belongs.

Using the previous example for macro properties:

% get_property RLOC [get_cells {u2/sr0 u2/sr1}] X0Y0 X0Y1

% get_property MACRO_NAME [get_cells {u2/sr0 u2 "X0Y0 X0Y1" is the output
of the get_property command
m1 m1

Preserving XDC Macros through opt_design

opt_design is free to optimize and remove LUTs that belong to an XDC macro despite the
RLOC constraint. To prevent opt_design from optimizing the logic inside an XDC macro, it is
necessary to set the property DONT_TOUCH to TRUE on all the cells that belong to the XDC
macro. The DONT_TOUCH property can be set either through RTL or XDC.

Advanced XDC Macro Examples

This section gives the following advanced XDC macro examples:

• Relative Grid Macro Examples

• Absolute Grid Macro Examples

Relative Grid Macro Examples

By default, the relative grid is used for macro RLOC coordinates because the most common
macros are made of cells that belong to the same site type.

The following simple example illustrates the relative placement derived from macro RLOCs. The
macro consists of a pair of SRL >FF >FF circuits that are to be arranged in a 2x2 pattern. See the
following figure.

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Figure 98: Schematic of Example Circuit

To create the desired relative placement, the cells are assigned RLOCs as follows:

srl[0] X0Y0
regs0[0] X0Y0
regs1[0] X1Y0
srl[1] X0Y1
regs0[1] X0Y1
regs1[1] X1Y1

The following commands create this macro with a name m0:

create_macro m0
update_macro m0 {srl[0] X0Y0 regs0[0] X0Y0 regs1[0] X1Y0 srl[1] X0Y1
regs0[1] X0Y1 regs1[1] X1Y1}

The macro can be automatically placed by the placer or manually placed as a set. The macro
placement appears as shown in the following figure:

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Figure 99: Placement of the Macro Example

The macro contains SRLs which are based on LUTRAMs, and which can be placed only in SLICEM
type slices. This places slight restrictions on the possible locations of the macro. The macro can
be located only where a SLICEL column is to the right of a SLICEM column.

CAUTION! Too many densely packed slices in proximity can cause congestion, which reduces routability
and can negatively impact performance.

Absolute Grid Macro Examples

When combining cells of different site types into a macro, you must use the absolute grid.

The absolute grid (also known as the RPM grid) is an absolute coordinate system that defines the
coordinates of a site based on its location within the device. The absolute grid also considers the
sizes of sites. RAM and DSP blocks have wider spacing than slices. The absolute grid is illustrated
in the following figure:

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In this example, there are cells from three different types to group into a macro using the
absolute grid. The example consists of an input data path from input ports, through two stages of
registers, then block RAMs. This is illustrated in the schematic in the following figure.

Figure 100: Example Circuit for Absolute Grid

The macro creation requires a list of cells and their relative locations (RLOCs) using the absolute
grid. When creating the macro, it might be difficult to visualize the relative placement of absolute
grid macros.

RECOMMENDED: Place the cells temporarily into absolute locations in the device, then derive the
absolute grid RLOC values of each cell.

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Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

The cells are first manually placed and arranged in their desired locations as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 101: Manually Placed Cells for an Absolute Grid Macro

Although the absolute grid specifies absolute locations, the resulting macro can be placed at any
location within the device that can accommodate the relative placement of the macro. In this
example, the relative locations are specified using the lower-left hand corner as the point of

However, the absolute grid locations specify only relative placement, not absolute placement.
That allows the macro to be located anywhere in the device that maintains the relative

Because the example is somewhat complex, consisting of ILOGIC, slices, and block RAM, the
macro locations are somewhat restricted but can be placed at any of the three locations
highlighted in orange in the following figure:

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Figure 102: Three Possible Locations for the XDC Macro

To determine absolute grid RLOCs, use the site RPM_X and RPM_Y properties. For example, the
lower block RAM is placed at site RAMB36_X0Y0.

Selecting the site (not the cell) displays the following values of 33 for RPM_X and 0 for RPM_Y
(Figure 103). These are the absolute grid coordinates. The corresponding RLOC value is X33Y0.

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Figure 103: Absolute Grid Coordinates of a Block RAM

The same method is applied to determine the absolute RLOC of a slice (Figure 104). The cells
within this slice have an RLOC of X31Y0.

Figure 104: Absolute Grid Coordinates of a Slice

There are two commands used to create the macro, with a name m0:

create_macro m0
update_macro m0 -absolute_grid <cell0 rloc0 cell1 rloc1 cell2 rloc2 … cellN

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If the macro contains many cells as it does in this example, Tcl can be used to simply building and
specifying the cell-rloc list required by update_macro. Given a placed cell, the absolute grid
RLOC can be determined using the following Tcl proc getAbsRLOC:

proc getAbsRLOC {cell} {

set site [get_sites -of [get_cells $cell]]
set X [get_property RPM_X $site]
set Y [get_property RPM_Y $site]
return "X${X}Y${Y}"

Example: Assign the Variable rloc to the String Value of a Block RAM Cell RLOC

% set rloc [getAbsRLOC $ram0]


The Tcl dict command can be used to build a dictionary (associative array) of cells and absolute
grid RLOCs for the update_macro command. A Tcl associative array is a series of key-value
pairs. The cells and RLOCs can be arranged as such as series using the dict command. The array
keys are the macro cell objects. The array values are the cell RLOCs. This helps to automate the
process of creating macros with many cells. The following example uses the absolute grid, but
the method can be applied to the normal grid as well.

Assuming $cells is the list of macro cells, and each cell of $cells has been placed to form the
desired macro pattern, the following Tcl proc creates a list of cell-RLOC pairs for the
update_macro command.

proc buildRLOCList {cells} {

set rlocs [dict create] # initialize dictionary called rlocs
foreach cell $cells {
# dictionary key is cell, value is absolute RLOC
dict set rlocs $cell [getAbsRLOC $cell]
return $rlocs

Example: Build an RLOC List for the Example Circuit

# create macro cell list: input register stage and BRAM cells
set cells [get_cells -hier [list ireg0* ireg1* *SIMPLE_PRIM36.ram]]
create_macro m0
update_macro m0 -absolute_grid [buildRLOCList $cells]

To see the dictionary list created by buildRLOCList:

$ puts [buildRLOCList $cells]

{ireg0[6]} X2Y10 {ireg0[5]} X2Y11 {ireg0[4]} X2Y6 {ireg0[3]} X2Y7 . . .

If there are many macro cells and macro cells buried in hierarchy, specifying the explicit list of
cell-RLOC pairs can become complicated and error prone. The creation and management of XDC
macros can be made simpler using Tcl.

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Using Constraints 181
Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

Converting RPMs to XDC Macros

It is recommended to convert RPMs to XDC macros wherever feasible because XDC macros are
the preferred method of implementing relative placement constraints. This process can be done
manually by removing the RPM attributes from the HDL sources and creating equivalent XDC
macros. Conversion can also be done somewhat automatically by using Tcl to replace RPM
attributes with XDC macro constraints.

The automated process consists of the following steps:

1. In all HDL sources, replace each RPM attribute with a similarly named string, for example:
• Replace hu_set with m_hu_set
• Replace u_set with m_u_set
• Replace rloc with m_rloc
This ensures that the RPMs are not processed however the inactive attributes are passed
through to the synthesized netlist as cell properties.
2. Open the synthesized design or run link_design and create XDC macros based on the
inactive properties. For example, each HU_SET has a cell property called m_hu_set that can
be used to create the equivalent XDC macro. Each cell within the original HU_SET has a
property m_rloc that can be converted to an RLOC.
3. Save the constraints which now include the XDC macros definitions.

The conversion is best accomplished using Tcl by building XDC macros cell lists based on their
unique m_hu_set or m_uset values. Following is a simple VHDL conversion example.

The original VHDL source includes a HU_SET RPM called set0 with two cells, one with RLOC
X0Y0 and the other with RLOC X0Y1.

signal r0 : std_logic;
signal r1 : std_logic;

attribute hu_set : string;

attribute rloc : string;

attribute hu_set of r0 : signal is "set0";

attribute hu_set of r1 : signal is "set0";

attribute rloc of r0 : signal is "X0Y0";

attribute rloc of r1 : signal is "X0Y1";

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Using Constraints 182
Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

Next the VHDL source is modified to replace hu_set and RLOC with similarly named but
inactive attributes:

signal r0 : std_logic;
signal r1 : std_logic;

attribute m_hu_set : string;

attribute m_rloc : string;

attribute m_hu_set of r0 : signal is "set0";

attribute m_hu_set of r1 : signal is "set0";

attribute m_rloc of r0 : signal is "X0Y0";

attribute m_rloc of r1 : signal is "X0Y1";

After synthesis, the cells can be filtered based on these similarly named properties:

Vivado% get_cells -filter {m_hu_set == "set0"}

r0_reg r1_reg

Vivado% get_property m_rloc [get_cells {r0_reg r1_reg}]

X0Y0 X0Y1

This provides the necessary information to create an XDC macro to replace the RPM:

Vivado% create_macro set0

Vivado% update_macro set0 {r0_reg X0Y0 r1_reg X0Y1}

These two XDC constraints can be saved as part of the design constraints. Large amounts of
RPM conversions are better handled using a Tcl script. Following is an example script to convert
HU_SET RPMs to XDC macros.

# create a sorted list of all unique RPMs according to m_hu_set values

set RPMs [lsort -uniq [get_property m_hu_set [get_cells -hier -filter
{primitive_level != INTERNAL}]]]

# remove the first element which is empty (no m_hu_set property)

set RPMs [lrange $RPMs 1 end]
# iterate over list of RPMs, convert each to an XDC macro
# get each RPM cell of the RPM with its RLOC
# build a list for the update_macro command
foreach rpm $RPMs {
create_macro $rpm
set cells [get_cells -hier -filter "m_hu_set == $rpm"]
set rlocs [list]
foreach cell $cells { lappend rlocs $cell
lappend rlocs [get_property m_rloc $cell]
update_macro $rpm $rlocs
puts "created XDC macro $rpm, cell list: rlocs"
foreach rpm $RPMs {
create_macro $rpm
set cells [get_cells -hier -filter "m_hu_set == $rpm"] set rlocs [list]
foreach cell $cells { lappend rlocs $cell

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Chapter 9: Defining Relatively Placed Macros

lappend rlocs [get_property m_rloc $cell]

update_macro $rpm $rlocs
puts "created XDC macro $rpm, cell list: $rlocs"

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Using Constraints 184
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Appendix A

Supported XDC and SDC Commands

This appendix discusses supported Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) and Synopsys Design
Constraints (SDC) commands in the AMD Vivado™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE).

Valid Commands in an XDC File

Table 13: Valid Commands in an XDC File

Timing Constraint Physical Constraint General Purpose

create_clock add_cells_to_pblock set
create_generated_clock create_pblock expr
group_path delete_pblock list
set_clock_groups remove_cells_from_pblock filter
set_clock_latency resize_pblock current_instance
set_data_check create_macro get_hierarchy_separator
set_disable_timing delete_macros set_hierarchy_separator
set_false_path update_macro get_property
set_input_delay set_package_pin_val set_property
set_output_delay set_units
Debug Constraint
set_max_delay endgroup
set_min_delay startgroup
set_multicycle_path create_property
set_case_analysis current_design
Power Constraint Netlist Constraint
set_power_opt set_load
set_switching_activity set_logic_dc
reset_switching_activity set_logic_one
set_operating_conditions set_logic_zero
reset_operating_conditions set_logic_unconnected
add_to_power_rail make_diff_pair_ports

Waiver Constraint

Device Object Query Timing Object Query Netlist Object Query

get_iobanks all_clocks all_cpus

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Using Constraints 185
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 13: Valid Commands in an XDC File (cont'd)

Timing Constraint Physical Constraint General Purpose

get_package_pins get_path_groups all_dsps
get_sites get_clocks all_fanin
get_bel_pins get_generated_clocks all_fanout
get_bels get_timing_arcs all_hsios
get_nodes get_speed_models all_inputs
get_pips Floorplan Object Query all_outputs
get_site_pins get_pblocks all_rams
get_site_pips get_macros all_registers
get_slrs all_ffs
get_tiles all_latches
get_wires get_cells
get_pkgpin_bytegroups get_nets
get_pkgpin_nibbles get_pins

Supported SDC Commands

Note: Because all AMD Tcl commands support the -quiet and -verbose options, the following table
does not list them.

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

current_instance current_instance The Vivado IDE handles get_ports
[<instance_name>] [<instance_name>] differently when using read_xdc -
cells/-ref or the SCOPED_TO_xxx
constraint file property.
expr expr
list list In the Vivado IDE, a Tcl list is also used
as an objects container.
set set
set_hierarchy_separator set_hierarchy_separator
[<separator>] [<separator>]

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Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

set_units set_units The set_units -time cannot change the
[-capacitance <cap_units>] [-capacitance <arg>] timing unit in the Vivado IDE.
[-resistance <res_unit>] [-resistance <arg>]
[-time <time_unit>] [-time <arg>]
[-voltage <voltage_units>] [-voltage <arg>]
[-current <current_unit>] [-current <arg>]
[-power <power_unit>] [-power <arg>]
[-suffix <arg>]
[-digits <arg>]
all_clocks all_clocks
all_inputs all_inputs
[-clock <clock_name>]
all_outputs all_outputs
[-clock <clock_name>]
all_registers all_registers
[-no_hierarchy] [-no_hierarchy]
[-clock <clock_name>] [-clock <args>]
[-rise_clock <clock_name>] [-rise_clock <args>]
[-fall_clock <clock_name>] [-fall_clock <args>]
[-cells] [-cells]
[-data_pins] [-data_pins]
[-clock_pins] [-clock_pins]
[-async_pins] [-async_pins]
[-output_pins] [-output_pins]
[-level_sensitive] [-level_sensitive]
[-edge_triggered] [-edge_triggered]
current_design current_design In the Vivado IDE, the current design
refers to the design loaded in memory,
and cannot be changed to another
module or entity than the top-level
get_cells get_cells
[-hierarchical] [-hierarchical]
[-hsc <separator>] [-hsc <arg>]
[-regexp] [-regexp]
[-nocase] [-nocase]
-of_objects <objects> [-of_objects <args>]
<patterns> [<patterns>]
[-filter <arg>]
[-match_style <arg>]

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Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

get_clocks get_clocks The Vivado IDE supports the -
[-regexp] [-regexp] of_objects option to query the clock
[-nocase] [-nocase] object on the clock tree.
<patterns> [<patterns>]
[-filter <arg>]
[-of_objects <args>]
[-match_style <arg>]
get_lib_cells get_lib_cells In the Vivado IDE, because only one
device library can be loaded for a
[-hsc <separator>]
design, it is not necessary to specify the
[-regexp] [-regexp] library name when querying the library
[-nocase] [-nocase] cells.
<patterns> <patterns>
[-filter <arg>]
[-of_objects <args>]
get_lib_pins get_lib_pins
[-hsc <separator>]
[-regexp] [-regexp]
[-nocase] [-nocase]
<patterns> <patterns>
[-filter <arg>]
[-of_objects <args>]
get_libs get_libs
[-regexp] [-regexp]
[-nocase] [-nocase]
<patterns> [<patterns>]
[-filter <arg>]
get_nets get_nets
[-hierarchical] [-hierarchical]
[-hsc <separator>] [-hsc <arg>]
[-regexp] [-regexp]
[-nocase] [-nocase]
-of_objects <objects patterns> [-of_objects <args>]
[-filter <arg>]
[-match_style <arg>]
[-boundary_type <arg>]

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Using Constraints 188
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

get_pins get_pins
[-hierarchical] [-hierarchical]
[-hsc <separator>] [-hsc <arg>]
[-regexp] [-regexp]
[-nocase] [-nocase]
-of_objects <objects> [-of_objects <args>]
<patterns> [<patterns>]
[-filter <arg>]
[-match_style <ar>g]
get_ports get_ports
[-regexp] [-regexp]
[-nocase] [-nocase]
<patterns> [<patterns>]
[-filter <arg>]
[-of_objects <args>]
[-match_style <arg>]
create_clock create_clock
-period <period_value> -period <arg>
[-name <clock_name>] [-name <arg>]
[-waveform <edge_list>] [-waveform <args>]
[-add] [-add]
[<source_objects>] [<objects>]
create_generated_clock create_generated_clock
[-name <clock_name>] [-name arg>]
-source <master_pin> [-source <args>]
[-edges <edge_list>] [-edges <args>]
[-divide_by <factor>] [-divide_by <arg>]
[-multiply_by <factor>] [-multiply_by <arg>]
[-duty_cycle <percent>] [-duty_cycle <arg>]
[-edge_shift <shift_list>] [-edge_shift <args>]
[-add] [-add]
[-master_clock <clock>] [-master_clock <arg>]
[-combinational] [-combinational]
<source_objects> <objects>
group_path group_path
[-name <group_name>] [-name <arg>]
[-weight <weight_value>] [-weight 1|2]
[-from <from_list>] [-from <args>]
[-rise_from <from_list>]
[-fall_from <from_list>]
[-to <to_list>] [-to <args>]
[-rise_to <to_list>]
[-fall_to <to_list>]

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Using Constraints 189
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

[-through <through_list>] [-through <args>]
[-rise_through <through_list>]
[-fall_through <through_list>]
set_clock_groups set_clock_groups
[-name <name>] [-name <arg>]
[-logically_exclusive] [-logically_exclusive]
[-physically_exclusive] [-physically_exclusive]
[-asynchronous] [-asynchronous]
-group [-group <args>]
set_clock_latency set_clock_latency
[-rise] [-rise]
[-fall] [-fall]
[-min] [-min]
[-max] [-max]
[-source] [-source]
[-late] [-late]
[-early] [-early]
[-clock <clock_list>] [-clock <args>]
<delay> <latency objects>
set_clock_sense set_clock_sense
[-positive] [-positive]
[-negative] [-negative]
[-pulse <pulse>] [-pulse <arg>]
[-stop_propagation] [-stop_propagation]
[-clock <clock_list>] [-clocks <args>]
<pin_list> <pins>
set_clock_uncertainty set_clock_uncertainty
[-from <from_clock>] [-from <args>]
[-rise_from <rise_from_clock>] [-rise_from <args>]
[-fall_from <fall_from_clock>] [-fall_from <args>]
[-to <to_clock>] [-to <args>]
[-rise_to <rise_to_clock>] [-rise_to <args>]
[-fall_to <fall_to_clock>] [-fall_to <args>]
[-setup] [-setup]
[-hold] [-hold]
<uncertainty> <uncertainty >
[<object_list>] [<objects>]

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Using Constraints 190
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

set_data_check set_data_check
[-from <from_object>] [-from <args>]
[-to <to_object>] [-to <args>]
[-rise_from <from_object>] [-rise_from <args>]
[-fall_from <from_object>] [-fall_from <args>]
[-rise_to <to_object>] [-rise_to <args>]
[-fall_to <to_object>] [-fall_to <args>]
[-setup] [-setup]
[-hold] [-hold]
[-clock <clock_object>] [-clock <args>]
<value> <value>
set_disable_timing set_disable_timing
[-from <from_pin_name>] [-from <arg>]
[-to <to_pin_name>] [-to <arg>]
<cell_pin_list> <objects>
set_false_path set_false_path
[-setup] [-setup]
[-hold] [-hold]
[-rise] [-rise]
[-fall] [-fall]
[-from <from_list>] [-from <args>]
[-to <to_list>] [-to <args>]
[-through <through_list>] [-through <args>]
[-rise_from <rise_from_list>] [-rise_from <args>]
[-rise_to <rise_to_list>] [-rise_to <args>]
[-rise_through [-rise_through <args>]
[-fall_from <fall_from_list>] [-fall_from <args>]
[-fall_to <fall_to_list>] [-fall_to <args.]
[-fall_through [-fall_through <args>]
set_input_delay set_input_delay In the Vivado IDE, input delays are not
[-clock <clock_name>] [-clock <args>] supported on internal pins.
[-clock_fall] [-clock_fall]
[-rise] [-rise]
[-fall] [-fall]
[-max] [-max]
[-min] [-min]
[-add_delay] [-add_delay]
[-network_latency_included] [-network_latency_included]
[-source_latency_included] [-source_latency_included]
<delay_value> <delay>
<port_pin_list> <objects>
[-reference_pin <args>]

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Using Constraints 191
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

set_max_delay set_max_delay
[-rise] [-rise]
[-fall] [-fall]
[-from <from_list>] [-from <args>]
[-to <to_list>] [-to <args>]
[-through <through_list>] [-through <args>]
[-rise_from <rise_from_list>] [-rise_from <args>]
[-rise_to <rise_to_list>] [-rise_to <args>]
[- [-rise_through <args>]
[-fall_from <fall_from_list>] [-fall_from <args>]
[-fall_to <fall_to_list>] [-fall_to <args>]
[-fall_through [-fall_through <args>]
<delay_value> <delay>
set_max_time_borrow set_max_time_borrow
<delay_value object_list> <delay objects>
set_min_delay set_min_delay
[-rise] [-rise]
[-fall] [-fall]
[-from <from_list>] [-from <args>]
[-to <to_list>] [-to <args>]
[-through <through_list>] [-through <args>]
[-rise_from <rise_from_list>] [-rise_from <args>]
[-rise_to <rise_to_list>] [-rise_to <args>]
[-rise_through [-rise_through <args>]
[-fall_from <fall_from_list>] [-fall_to <args>]
[-fall_to <fall_to_list>] [-fall_from <args>]
[-fall_through [-fall_through <args>]
<delay_value> <delay>
set_multicycle_path set_multicycle_path
[-setup] [-setup]
[-hold] [-hold]
[-rise] [-rise]
[-fall] [-fall]
[-start] [-start]
[-end] [-end]
[-from <from_list>] [-from <args>]
[-to <to_list>] [-to <args>]
[-through <through_list>] [-through <args>]
[-rise_from <rise_from_list>] [-rise_from <args>]
[-rise_to <rise_to_list>] [-rise_to <args>]

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Using Constraints 192
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

[-rise_through [-rise_through <args>]
[-fall_from <fall_from_list>] [-fall_from <args>]
[-fall_to <fall_to_list>] [-fall_to <args>]
[-fall_through [-fall_through <args>]
<path_multiplier> <path_multiplier>
set_output_delay set_output_delay In the Vivado IDE, output delays are not
[-clock <clock_name>] [-clock <args>] supported on internal pins.
[-clock_fall] [-clock_fall]
[-rise] [-rise]
[-fall] [-fall]
[-max] [-max]
[-min] [-min]
[-add_delay] [-add_delay]
[-network_latency_included] [-network_latency_included]
[-source_latency_included] [-source_latency_included]
<delay_value> <delay>
<port_pin_list> <objects>
[-reference_pin <args>]
set_propagated_clock set_propagated_clock In the Vivado IDE, all clocks are
<object_list> <object> propagated clocks by default.

set_case_analysis set_case_analysis
<value port_or_pin_list> <value objects>
set_load set_load In the Vivado IDE, the set_load
[-min] [-max] command is relevant for power
analysis only.
[-max] [-min]
<value> <capacitance>
<objects> <objects>
set_logic_dc set_logic_dc
<port_list> <objects>
set_logic_one set_logic_one
<port_list> <objects>
set_logic_zero set_logic_zero
<port_list> <objects>

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Using Constraints 193
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

Table 14: Supported SDC Commands (cont'd)

SDC 1.9 AMD SDC Notes

set_operating_conditions set_operating_conditions In the Vivado IDE, the
[-library <lib_name>] set_operating_conditions command: (1)
sets the operating conditions for power
analysis only; and (2) does not
influence the timing reports. The
[-max <max_condition>] Vivado IDE timing engine is controlled
[-min <min_condition>] by the config_timing_analysis
[-max_library <max_lib>] command. For more information on
config_timing_analysis see the Vivado
[-min_library <min_lib>] Design Suite Tcl Command Reference
[-object_list <objects>] Guide (UG835).
[-voltage <args>]
[-grade <arg>]
[-process <arg>]
[-junction_temp <arg>]
[-ambient_temp <arg>]
[-thetaja <arg>]
[-thetasa <arg>]
[-airflow <arg>]
[-heatsink <arg>]
[-thetajb <arg>]
[-board <arg>]
[-board_temp <arg>]
[-board_layers <arg>]

Unsupported SDC Commands

The following SDC commands are not supported.

• set_clock_gating_check
• set_clock_transition
• set_ideal_latency
• set_ideal_network
• set_ideal_transition
• set_max_fanout
Note: Maximum fanout is controlled by the MAX_FANOUT attribute during synthesis.

• set_drive
• set_driving_cell
• set_fanout_load

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Using Constraints 194
Appendix A: Supported XDC and SDC Commands

• set_input_transition
• set_max_area
• set_max_capacitance
• set_max_transition
• set_min_capacitance
• set_port_fanout_number
• set_resistance
• set_timing_derate
• set_voltage
• set_wire_load_min_block_size
• set_wire_load_mode
• set_wire_load_model
• set_wire_load_selection_group
• create_voltage_area
• set_level_shifter_strategy
• set_level_shifter_threshold
• set_max_dynamic_power
• set_max_leakage_power

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Using Constraints 195
Appendix B: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Appendix B

Additional Resources and Legal


Finding Additional Documentation

Technical Information Portal

The AMD Technical Information Portal is an online tool that provides robust search and
navigation for documentation using your web browser. To access the Technical Information
Portal, go to

Documentation Navigator

Documentation Navigator (DocNav) is an installed tool that provides access to AMD Adaptive
Computing documents, videos, and support resources, which you can filter and search to find
information. To open DocNav:

• From the AMD Vivado™ IDE, select Help → Documentation and Tutorials.
• On Windows, click the Start button and select Xilinx Design Tools → DocNav.
• At the Linux command prompt, enter docnav.

Note: For more information on DocNav, refer to the Documentation Navigator User Guide (UG968).

Design Hubs

AMD Design Hubs provide links to documentation organized by design tasks and other topics,
which you can use to learn key concepts and address frequently asked questions. To access the
Design Hubs:

• In DocNav, click the Design Hubs View tab.

• Go to the Design Hubs web page.

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Using Constraints 196
Appendix B: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Support Resources
For support resources such as Answers, Documentation, Downloads, and Forums, see Support.

Vivado Design Suite User and Reference Guides

The following AMD Vivado™ Design Suite guides are referenced in this document.:

1. ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration Guide (UG911)

2. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895)
3. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899)
4. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906)
5. UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for FPGAs and SoCs (UG949)
6. AXI Quad SPI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG153)
7. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)
8. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901)
9. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)
10. Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)
11. Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide (UG912)
12. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)
13. 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG471)

Additional AMD Resources

The following additional resources are referenced in this document:

1. Answer Record 59893

Training Resources
AMD provides a variety of training courses and QuickTake videos to help you learn more about
the concepts presented in this document. Use these links to explore related training resources:

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Using Constraints 197
Appendix B: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

1. Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 1 (FPGA-VDES1)

2. Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 2 (FPGA-VDES2)
3. Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 3 (FPGA-VDES3)
4. Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 4 (FPGA-VDES4)
5. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video Tutorials
6. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Using the Vivado Timing Constraint Wizard
7. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Advanced Clock Constraints and Analysis
8. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Setting Input Delay
9. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Setting Output Delay
10. Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video: Migrating UCF Constraints to XDC

Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.

Section Revision Summary

06/15/2024 Version 2024.1
Ordering Constraints for Better Runtime Updated section.

Please Read: Important Legal Notices

The information presented in this document is for informational purposes only and may contain
technical inaccuracies, omissions, and typographical errors. The information contained herein is
subject to change and may be rendered inaccurate for many reasons, including but not limited to
product and roadmap changes, component and motherboard version changes, new model and/or
product releases, product differences between differing manufacturers, software changes, BIOS
flashes, firmware upgrades, or the like. Any computer system has risks of security vulnerabilities
that cannot be completely prevented or mitigated. AMD assumes no obligation to update or
otherwise correct or revise this information. However, AMD reserves the right to revise this
information and to make changes from time to time to the content hereof without obligation of
AMD to notify any person of such revisions or changes. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS

UG903 (v2024.1) June 15, 2024

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Appendix B: Additional Resources and Legal Notices







© Copyright 2012-2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, UltraScale,
UltraScale+, Versal, Vivado, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro
Devices, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only
and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

UG903 (v2024.1) June 15, 2024

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