thesis -
thesis -
thesis -
ID NO: PGMKA/2008/20
TEL: 09-38-02-49-90
MARCH, 2022
Above all, thanks to almighty GOD and his mother St. Merry for the priceless help during the
entire period of our life. Next, we would like to express our deepest and warmest gratitude
and appreciation to our advisor Giday G. (Ph.D.) for her constructive comment, Suggestion
and advice that greatly enriched this paper. Without her support and guidance this paper
wouldn’t have materialized. Beside to this, thanks to employees of selected private
commercial banks for their cooperation and Willingness to provide us the necessary
information for the Study. Next, we would like to extend our special thanks for our families
to their assistance in many aspects. In addition, our heartfelt appreciation and reputation
passes to those people who helped us by giving supportive ideas and encouragements for
preparing research paper. Lastly, but not least , our deepest gratitude and thanks goes to
Admas University in general, and schools of post graduate studies in particular.
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................8
ii INFLATION............................................................................................................15
This study is entitled as” the determinants of deposit growth in private commercial banks of
Ethiopia.” The main objective of this study is to examine the determinants of deposit growth
in private commercial banks of Ethiopia. The research particularly aims to examine and
identify important factors that influence private commercial banks deposit growth and
examine to what extent the factors determine bank deposit growth. The study will be carried
out through explanatory research design and Quantitative research approach will used. The
target populations were all private commercial banks operating in Ethiopia. Accordingly,
nine private commercial banks were purposively selected for this study. The panel dataset for
the study used consisted annual data spanning from 2010 to 2020. The researcher will collect
quantitative types of data through secondary data source and the Data will collect from
secondary sources; secondary data will collect from annual reports. The researchers used
purposive sampling technique method to answer research questions, and analyzing the
collected data through descriptive and inferential statistics and also the study employs the
regression model of ordinary least square methods.
AB - Abay Bank
BOA-Bank of Abyssinia
E-BANKING-Electronic Banking
POS-Point of Sale
UB -United bank
WB-Wegagen bank
Commercial banks are financial institutions that provide financial services to those in need
Serve. Therefore, in order for commercial banks to make loans, they must have deposits in their
vaults. They move funds from those who are not using it effectively to those who are productive
efforts. Deposits are one of the resources that commercial banks actively use Mobilize the most
liquid funds in bank vaults Borrow from funds in need. Mobilizing deposits is the main activity
of commercial banks. Of course, the banking system is funded by people's deposits. Therefore,
the survival of any commercial bank is largely dependent on deposits. Weak growth in
commercial bank deposits means that loans to eligible members cannot be paid on demand and
cannot be cashed Operating expenses, inability to pay debts, board instability due to frequent
reshuffles such as disgruntled members voting out officials, members resigning to become
competitors, Therefore, deposit control is crucial for commercial banks for Competitive and
attractive overall (Tesfahunegn,2015).
Commercial Banks have an essential role in economic development through intermediation and
reallocation of the surplus fund to the deficit sectors. They function through the facilitation of
Deposit mobilization is the most crucial feature of commercial banks due to the fact their
successful functioning relies upon at the number of finances mobilized. The authorities have
directed banks sometimes to make all viable efforts to mobilize new deposits that can only
expedite the pace of lending activities through banks from the excess units to deficit units in the
development of the financial system. From historic perspectives, commercial banks are the
maximum crucial savings, mobilization, and economically useful resource allocation institutions.
In appearing those roles, banks are predicted to have the ability scope and prospects for
mobilizing economic sources and allocating them to productive investments, consequently
lending, that is underscored through bank deposit determinants on this study, represent the main
source of the introduction of deposits to fulfill the growing needs of the financial system In the
light of the above, therefore, this paper seeks to study the macroeconomic determinants of bank
deposits in the context of banks’ lending behaviors as influenced through the lending policy of
commercial banks in Nigeria(Eriemo, 2014).
According to simegnew(2020), inflation had a positive and statistically significant effect on the
deposit growth of private commercial banks, and also exchange rate was found to have a positive
and insignificant effect on the deposit growth of private commercial banks in Ethiopia.
Simegnew (2020), Bargicho (2015),Terefe (2019) andGebre (2019) found that Inflation had
positive and statistically significant effect on deposit growth of private commercial banks while
H01: Deposit interest rate has positive and significant impact on Ethiopian private commercial
Banks deposit growth.
H02: Exchange rate has negative and significant effect on Ethiopian private commercial Banks
deposit growth.
H03: inflation rate positive and significant effect on Ethiopian private commercial Banks deposit
H04: Bank’s liquidity has positive and significant impact on Ethiopian private commercial bank's
deposit growth.
H05: bank size has positive and significant effect on Ethiopian private commercial bank's deposit
This research will assist business and other banks to increase their deposit simply to realize what
impacts it and which variable is the maximum critical in order to set due emphasis. Because it's
uncommon problem to observe associated with the issue. The investigation facilitates the sector
of finance and banking additionally it is going to be very critical reference material on the sector.
The observation will provide worth influence to the researcher approximately this unique subject
matter and standard information approximately any studies. Finally, it’s also intended to
facilitate the attempt of coverage makers to pop out with.
Furthermore, the observation will assist in enhancing the manner to folks who are fascinated to
adopt element studies at the equal move with inside the future. INFLATION
Inflation is defined as an increase in prices accompanied by a decrease in the value of money.
Inflation can have an effect on saving for a variety of reasons. It could be the result of an
excessive amount of money being injected into the market, whether through the authority's
issuance of bonds or through commercial banks’ lending. Another reason may be the significant
growth in the market's combination demand cash; however, the market's aggregate delivery is
underperforming. Greater uncertainty theory postulates the risk of saving growth since customers
deposit their money to hedge against in all likelihood adverse changes in income and other
circumstances. As an end result, change-averse people can also additionally raise their
precautionary financial savings while inflation increases uncertainty approximately destiny
earnings boom. Second, in an inflationary situation, financial savings can also additionally grow
if clients misread a growth withinside the common fee stage for growth in particular relative
prices and chorus from purchasing. Inflation's effect on real wealth can also have an impact on
saving. If consumers try to keep their wealth or liquid assets at a certain level, they will fail. In
order to spice up deposits and boost self-sufficiency, banks must examine depositor behavior
The main focus of each financial system is financial intermediation, which aims to facilitate
trade and economic development in line with the country's monetary and fiscal policy of
mobilizing financial resources from profit-making and lending. The supply of money is the
productivity of capital that is expected by time choices and capital demand. Farmers (2017)
The attraction to forgetting the deposit from the surplus sector is interest payment, which must be
reasonable and acceptable to the owner of the money. The Interest Rate Demand Deposit
Definition 16 in Ethiopia's private commercial banks states that interest rates are measured by
traders and households, respectively. The supply of money is the productivity of capital that is
expected by time choices and capital demand. McKinon (1973) and Shaw (1973) argue that for a
typical developing country, the impact of real interest rates on savings could have a positive
effect on savings. Because in stocks and bonds, where there is no strong market, the balance of
money and financial assets in the developing world are relatively large compared to that in
developed countries.
Electronic banking system as the technological innovative service delivery system that offers
varieties of financial services like cash deposit payment of utility, cash transfer, cash withdrawal,
cash borrowing, cheque and pass book request, account statement request and other necessary
financial enquiries (Akujor& Mbah,2020).
Deposit Exchange
interst rate Rate
loan to
deposit bank size
This chapter examines the research design, research approach, sampling size and technique, type
of data, methods of data collection, method of data analysis, measurements of the variables, and
ethical considerations. Generally, it provides all procedures employed in determining the
determinant factors of deposit growth of private commercial banks in Ethiopia.
The higher the rate of interest, the more money will be saved, since at higher interest rates people
will be more willing to forgo present consumption. Low interest rates on savings forced
depositors to take their money out of banks and seek out Higher-yielding investments. In other
word when the rate is too high, it damages the margin of the bank. However, when the rate is too
low, customers will take their saving money somewhere else and volume will decline. The
previous researchers studied that simegnew(2020),getachew(2017),teshome(2017),gebre(2019)
studies diipost interest rate was significant effect on deposit growth of private commercial banks
in Ethiopia. In This study considered there is a significant effect and positive relationship
between deposit rate & Bank’s deposit growth and draws the following hypothesis.
Loan to deposit ratio
A smaller bank has to generate fewer deposits in absolute terms to achieve the same deposit
growth than a large bank, thus possibly favoring smaller banks in achieving higher deposit
growth. But a larger bank with economies of scale as well as larger branch network might be
able to better attract deposits, so a priori, the sign of the coefficient is not certain.
Exchange rate
For the major net importing country like Ethiopia, variability of the exchange rate of the local
Ethiopia money (Birr) to foreign currency values is enormous. This is the number of units of
foreign currency that can be purchased for one unit of the domestic currency. Exchange rate is
also known as the rate between two currencies and specifies how much one currency is worth in
terms of the other. An exchange rate quotation is given by stating the number of units of "term
currency" or "price currency" that can be bought in terms of 1-unit currency, also called base
currency. Bilateral exchange rate involves a currency pair while effective exchange rate is the
weighted average of a basket of foreign currencies and can be viewed as an overall measure of
Variables Measurements
Dependent Variable
Deposit Growth Percentage of total deposit growth
Independent Variables
Deposit interest rate Minimum deposit rate
Exchange Rate Annual exchange rate
Inflation Rate Annual percentage changes in the CPI.
Loan to deposit ratio The fraction of Loan to deposit
Bank Size Percentage change in total asset
The descriptive statistics of the variables (both dependent and independent) have been calculated
over the sample period which offers a general overview of the characteristics of the data
presented on table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Descriptive statistics
The above table 4.1 shows that descriptive statistics mean, median, maximum, minimum and
standard deviation values of the five independent variable on and deposit growth dependent
variable in the collected data for 90 observations.
For valid hypothesis testing and to make data available for reliable results, the test of
assumption of regression model is required. Accordingly, the study has gone through the most
critical regression diagnostic tests consisting of normality, multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity,
autocorrelation and model specification select accordingly.
As Brooks (2008) referring on his book there are two broadly classes of panel estimator
approaches that can be employed in financial research: fixed effects models and random effects
models. The simplest types of fixed effects models allow the intercept in the regression model to
differ cross-sectionally but not over time, while all of the slope estimates are fixed both cross-
sectionally and over time. A fixed effect model is more plausible when the entities in the sample
effectively constitute the entire population.A balanced panel has the same number of time series
observations for each cross-sectional unit (or equivalently but viewed the other way around, the
same number of cross-sectional units at each point in time), whereas an unbalanced panel would
have some cross-sectional elements with fewer observations or observations at different times to
others.The random effects model is more appropriate when the entities in the sample can be
thought of as having been randomly selected from the population while fixed effect model is
more appropriate when the entities in the sample effectively constitutes the entire population
(Brooks, 2008).
according to Gujarati (2004) cited in Mekbib (2016), if the number of time series data is large
than the number of cross-sectional units, there is likely to be little difference in the values of the
parameters estimated by fixed effect model and random effect model.
In this study, the number of Cross-sections included: 9 and the number of is Periods included: 10
years which is more than the cross section unit and as the sample of private commercial banks
were not selected randomly, the fixed effect model is more appropriate than the random effect
model. So in this study fixed effect model is used.
The first assumption required is that the average value of the errors is zero. In fact, if a constant
term is included in the regression equation, this assumption will never be violated (brooks,
2008). This assumption is states that the mean of the disturbance is zero, which provided that the
constant term in the regression output. In this study the constant term was included in the
regression equation, this assumption is not violated.
This assumption is if the variance of the error is not constant and constant, that is
homoscedasticity and hetrocedastiy respectively. To test this assumption the white’s test was
used and following hypothesis was developed to test the absence of hetroscedasticity. According
to Brooks (2008), this assumption requires that the variance of the errors to be constant. If the
errors do not have a constant variance, it is said that the assumption of homoscedasticity has
been violated. This violation is termed as heteroscedasticity. If heteroscedasticity occur, the
estimators of the ordinary least square method are inefficient and hypothesis testing is no longer
reliable or valid as it will underestimate the variances and standard errors. There are several tests
to detect the Heteroscedasticity problem, which are Park Test, Glesjer Test, Breusch-Pagan-
Goldfrey Test, White‟s Test and Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) test. In
this study, White’s test was employed to test for the presence of heteroscedasticity. The
hypothesis for the Heteroscedasticity test was formulated as follow;
α = 0.05
From the above table the value of x 2Test statistic is greater than the corresponding value from
the statistical. The p value of the Chi-Square is greater than the significance level; Based on this
the researcher concludes that failed to reject the null hypothesis. This indicates That is there is no
evidence to the existence of disturbance is hetroscedasticity.
Autocorrelation or serial correlation can be used to indicate how strongly the present residual
value and the previous residual values are correlated (Brook, 2008). The study assessed
autocorrelation using the Durbin-Watson test (DW test). There is no autocorrelation; hence the
null hypothesis for this test is that the error at the present time and the error at the previous time
are independent of one another. The alternative hypothesis is that the error at the current moment
depends on the error at the previous time (there is evidence for the presence of autocorrelation).
The occurrence of autocorrelation is therefore said to be evidenced if the null hypothesis is
rejected. According to Brooks (2008), the DW test does not follow a standard statistical
distribution such as a t, F, or χ2. DW has 2 critical values: an upper critical value (dU) and a
lower critical value (dL), and there is also an intermediate region where the null hypothesis of no
autocorrelation can neither be rejected nor not rejected. The rejection, non-rejection, and
inconclusive regions are shown on the number line below
0 DL Du 2 4-Du 4-D 4
If DW is less than the lower critical value (dL), The null hypothesis is rejected;
If DW is greater than 4 minus the lower critical value (4-dL), the null hypothesis is
If DW is between the upper critical value (dU) and 4 minus the upper critical limits (4-
dU) the null hypothesis is not rejected and no significant residual autocorrelation is
presumed (Brooks 2008).
The study has six explanatory variables with ten years period of time .So it has total of ninety
observations and as per the DW table for 90 observations with five explanatory variables at 1%
level of significance, the dL and dU values are 1.41 and 1.64, respectively Accordingly, the
value of UP and 4-DU are 1.64 and 2.36, respectively. The DW value of this study is 1.795469,
which lies in the no evidence of autocorrelation region where the null hypothesis of no
autocorrelation do not be rejected. Therefore, given these result it can be concluded that there is
no evidence for the existence of autocorrelation.
H0: There is no autocorrelation
H1: There is autocorrelation
This indicates that there is no significant evidence for the presence of autocorrelation.
Dependent Variable: DG
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 06/18/22 Time: 12:50
Sample: 1 90
Periods included: 10
Cross-sections included: 9
Total panel (balanced) observations: 90
Effects Specification
Interpretation of R-squared
As shown in the Table 4.8 the coefficient of R-squared 0.610081obtained from the estimated
model outcome; revealing that 61.0081 percent of the variation in deposit growth is being
explained by the variables in the model. I.e. IR, DIR, EXR, BS and LDR and there is a strong
relationship between deposit growth and the independent variables. The R-square result makes
sense because there are other factors that were not included in the model but could help in
explaining deposit growth in private Ethiopian commercial banks. These and other remaining
factors can account for the remaining 38.9 percent.
Interpretation of Adjusted R-squared
An adjusted R-squared value, which takes into account the loss of degrees of freedom associated
with adding extra variables were inferred to see the explanatory powers of the models. In other
words, the adjusted R-squared shows satisfactory levels, which mean that nearly 0.543385of the
volatilities in the deposit growth, are explained by the volatilities of independent variables
included in the equation. Therefore, an adjusted R-square having value of 0.543385shows that
54.34 % of dependent variable is explained by the independent variables included in the model.
The F-value is significant at significant level, this implying that all the explanatory variables
jointly influence the dependent variable. Overall, the model is well fitted.
Interpretation of independent variables
The correlation coefficient for deposit rates is 4.880915 indicating that a 1 unit change in deposit
interest rates leads to change deposit growth by 4.880915 in opposite direction of private
commercial banks deposit growth and also probability value of 0.0172 is less than 0.05 critical
value showed that this variable was significant in assessing the research problem and reject the
null hypothesis.Therefore, the researcher reject the null hypothesis that deposits interest rate has
Inflation rate
Coefficient of inflation rate show that as the level of annual inflation rate increases by one unit,
the deposit growth decreased average of 0.483447 keeping other things or variables constant and
a p-value of 0.0056. The negative coefficient of inflation indicates that there is no direct
relationship between IR and DG. The indirect relationship implies that, at the time of high
inflation, the private commercial banks deposit growth is decreased. The p –value of inflation
show that inflation of banks was significant even at 5%of level of significance. This implies that
persistent inflation has a negative significant effect on growth of bank deposit. So higher
inflation induces savers to save less, perhaps households get stable price prediction from deposit.
This result is consistent with the precautionary motive, suggesting that increased macroeconomic
uncertainty induces people to save a proportion of their incomes. This negative effect of inflation
is consistent with the findings of getachew (2017), abera, (2019) and Hibret (2015). This
indicates that the effect of inflation on the private commercial banks deposit growth is higher.
Bank size
Coefficient of bank size 0.241854 implies that, holding other things constant as the level of total
asset increases by one unit, the deposit growth increased by 24.2% percent. From the above
table, the effect of Bank size (BS), defined as the percentage change of total assets on deposit
growth of private commercial banks was examined. This shows that bank size has a positive and
statistically significant effect at 5% on the deposit growth of commercial banks in Ethiopia. This
indicates that larger banks with economies of scale and a larger branch network are more
efficient in collecting deposit deposits than smaller banks..The finding that bank size plays a
positive role and significant) in determining deposit is consistent with the a priori expectation of
this study. The finding do not confirm the findings of previous empirical work such as Baehaqie,
Fahmi&Beik (2017) who found negative and significant effect of bank size on deposit. Also, the
finding is consistent with studies of Unvan&Yakubu (2020), Al-Harbi (2019),legass (2021 and
Ferrouhi (2017) who found positive and significant effect of bank size and deposit.
Loan to deposit ratio
The coefficient of loan to deposit ratio (LDR) measured by total loan divided by total deposit is
0.333584 and its P-value is 0.0022. Holding other things remain constant at their average value,
when loan to deposit ratio increased by one birr, deposit growth of private commercialbanks
would be increased by 33.340%and statistically significant at 5% level of significant. Therefore,
the researcher failed to reject the null hypothesis that there is positive relationship between loan
to deposit ratio and private commercial bank deposit growth. This means, there is no sufficient
evidence to support the negative relationship between loan to deposit ratio and commercial bank
deposit. The regression output is supported by prior Ethiopian researchers (Bahredin, 2016),
Table 4.7 Summary of Hypothesis Testing
The study's goal was to figure out what factors influence commercial bank deposits. Previous
studies have been evaluated in order to achieve the goals. Five explanatory variables are chosen
based on existing literature in accordance with the research objectives, data availability, and
explanatory power of variables. Those variables are deposit interest rate(DIR),exchange
rate(EXR),inflation rate(IR),loan to deposit ratio(LDR) and bank size(BS).
Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has a positive and significant effect on deposit growth in
Ethiopian private commercial banks. This suggests that when the loan amount is large, a
large amount of money is circulated around the country. As a result of the large amount
of money in the country, private commercial banks' deposit growth could increase.
Exchange rate had also negative and significant effect on private banks deposit
growth .this implies that the exchange rate is a measure of the competitiveness of an
This study focused only by quantitative data but other researchers can include qualitative for
examine the more variables that understanding of the Society. If other scholars do research in
this area in the future, the results of this study may be more reliable, given the available
resources. Conduct further research, expand sample size, and assist policy makers and policy
makers, including all private commercial banks in Ethiopia. Other factors that may be explored
in future research include additional variables not included in this study, such as savings
practices, deposit numbers, and digital banking.
Effects Specification
Observations 90 90 90 90 90 90
Test Equation:
Dependent Variable: RESID^2
Method: Least Squares
Date: 06/18/22 Time: 13:00
Sample: 1 90
Included observations: 90