relay selection and beamforming in crn
relay selection and beamforming in crn
relay selection and beamforming in crn
6, JUNE 2013
Abstract—For the non-regenerative multiple-input multiple- We assume that each of the SUs and PUs is equipped with
output (MIMO) cognitive multi-relay network, we propose an single antenna and each relay has multiple antennas. The
optimal relay selection and beamforming scheme which maxi- scenario is typical for device-to-device communications [8]
mizes the capacity of the secondary user by selecting the best
cognitive MIMO relay subject to the transmit power constraints where two mobile phones in a multi-cell environment commu-
at the relays and the interference power constraints at the nicate directly with the help of multiple mobile devices, such
primary users. In our proposed scheme, the relay selection and as laptops. In conventional cooperative transmission without
beamforming optimization problem is solved separately by em- spectrum sharing, the MIMO relay network where each of
ploying convex semidefinite programming (SDP) through rank- the SUs is equipped with single antenna and each relay is
one relaxation and Charnes-Cooper transformation. It is shown
that our proposed scheme achieves higher average capacity than equipped with multiple antennas was also studied in [9]-[10].
the convectional relay beamforming schemes and relay selection The joint relay selection and beamforming scheme for the
schemes. relay network where the source is equipped with multiple
Index Terms—Cognitive radio, spectrum sharing, multiple- antennas and each relay has single antenna was also studied
input multiple-output (MIMO), relay selection, beamforming. in [11].
For non-regenerative MIMO cognitive multi-relay networks,
I. I NTRODUCTION we propose the optimal relay selection and beamforming
scheme which maximizes the capacity of the SU by selecting
signals to the relays and during the second time slot, the The problem (6) is a joint optimization of the relay selection
selected kth relay, k ∈ {1, 2, · · · , K}, multiplies the received and the beamforming matrices of all the relays. Similar to
signals by a beamforming matrix and forwards them to the [4]-[5], the joint optimization problem (6) can be solved in
SU-Rx. The received signals at the SU-Rx is expressed as1 two steps. The first step is to design the optimal beamforming
matrices of all the relays, and the second step is to find the
y = h†2k Fk h1k x + h†2k Fk nr + z (1) optimal relay. Accordingly, we first solve the beamforming
where x ∈ C1×1 denotes the transmit signal at the SU- optimization problem at each relay, which is equivalently
Tx with E[|x|2 ] = Ps ; h1k ∈ CN ×1 and h2k ∈ CN ×1 expressed as
denote the channel response from the SU-Tx to the kth f † Ps hh† f
relay and that from the kth relay to the SU-Rx, respectively; max
f † σr2 H2 H†2 f + σd2
nr ∼ CN (0, σr2 I) denotes the additive white Gaussian noise
vector received at the kth relay; z ∼ CN (0, σd2 ) denotes the s.t. f † Ps H1 H†1 + σr2 I f ≤ PR (7)
AWGN received at the SU-Rx; Fk ∈ CN ×N denotes the
linear beamforming matrix at the kth relay. For simplicity, f † Ps G1m G†1m + σr2 G2m G†2m f ≤ Im ,
the subscript k in the matrix Fk is omitted in the following
m ∈ {1, 2, · · · , M }
letter. The received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the SU-Rx
is expressed as where f = vec(F), h = h∗1k ⊗ h2k , H1 = h∗1k ⊗ I, H2 =
I ⊗ h2k , G1m = h∗1k ⊗ g2m , and G2m = I ⊗ g2m .
Ps |h†2k Fh1k |2 The problem (7) is a fractional quadratically constrained
SNR = . (2)
σr2 ||h†2k F||2 + σd2 quadratic problem (QCQP) with multiple quadratically con-
straints, which is difficult to solve. To solve the problem
The transmit power of the kth relay is expressed as
(7), we transform it to the following fractional semidefinite
PRk = Ps ||Fh1k ||2 + σr2 ||F||2 (3) programming (SDP),
tr(A1 W)
which is limited by the maximum allowable transmit power max
W0 tr(A2 W) + σd2
of the relay, denoted as PR . (8)
To protect the communication of the PU, we consider that s.t. tr(A3 W) ≤ PR
the interference power at the mth PU from the SU-Tx and the tr(Bm W) ≤ Im , m ∈ {1, 2, · · · , M }
kth relay should not exceed a given maximum tolerable level
where A1 = Ps hh† , A2 = σr2 H2 H†2 , A3 = Ps H1 H†1 + σr2 I,
Im . Thus, in the first time slot, the interference power at the
mth PU raised by the SU-Tx is limited by Bm = Ps G1m G†1m + σr2 G2m G†2m , W = ff † and the rank-
one constraint rank(W) = 1 has been relaxed.
Ps |g1m |2 ≤ Im , m ∈ {1, 2, · · · , M } (4) Using the Charnes-Cooper transformation [12], the frac-
tional SDP (8) can be further converted into a convex SDP.
where g1m ∈ C1×1 denotes the channel response from the Let W = S/ν and tr(A2 W) + σd2 = 1/ν. The problem (8)
SU-Tx to the mth PU. From (4), it is determined
that the is equivalently transformed into
transmit power of the SU-Tx is Ps = min Ps , min |gI1m m
m | 2
max tr(A1 S)
where Ps is the maximum allowable transmit power of the S0,ν≥0
SU-Tx. In the second time slot, the interference power at the s.t. tr(A2 S) + σd2 ν = 1 (9)
mth PU raised by the kth relay is limited by tr(A3 S) ≤ νPR
† † tr(Bm S) ≤ νIm , m ∈ {1, 2, · · · , M }
Ps |g2m Fh1k |2 + σr2 ||g2m F||2 ≤ Im (5)
The problem (9) is a convex SDP, which can be solved
where g2m ∈ CN ×1 denotes the channel response from the
effectively using the interior point method [13]. The last
kth relay to the mth PU.
and most important issue is whether the rank-one relaxation
problem (9) is tight to the original optimization problem (7),
III. O PTIMAL R ELAY S ELECTION AND B EAMFORMING i.e., whether the SDP (9) has an optimal rank-one solution.
The optimization problem of relay selection and beam- Unfortunately, the existence of the rank-one solution to the
forming for a non-regenerative MIMO cognitive multi-relay SDP (9) is still unknown. In the following, we will propose a
network is formulated as, method to find this rank-one solution. We consider the relay
transmit power minimization problem, from (8), which is
1 Ps |h†2k Fh1k |2
arg max max log2 1 + min tr(A3 W)
k F 2 σr2 ||h†2k F||2 + σd2 W0
tr(A1 W2 )
≤ γ. (12)
tr(A2 W2 ) + σd2 0.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
P /σ2 (dB)
Since W2 is the optimal solution to (10), we also have R
tr(A1 W2 )
≥ γ − Δγ (13) Fig. 1. Average capacity versus the ratio of maximum allowable transmit
tr(A2 W2 ) + σd2 power of the relay to the noise power, PR /σ2 ; average capacity comparison
of our proposed ORSB scheme, the MRR-OPMRT scheme in [2], the MRR-
Combining (12) and (13), we obtain MRT scheme in [2] where M = 2, I1 /σ2 = I2 /σ2 = 0 dB.
tr(A1 W2 )
γ − Δγ ≤ ≤γ (14)
tr(A2 W2 ) + σd2
which indicates that W2 can achieve at least (1− Δγ γ )-optimal scheme, the maximal ratio reception-orthogonally projected
tr(A1 W2 )
to the problem (8). When Δγ = 0, we have tr(A2 W2 )+σ2 = γ, maximum ratio transmission (MRR-OPMRT) scheme in [2],
that is, W2 is also the optimal solution to the problem (8). the maximal ratio reception-maximum ratio transmission
From Proposition 1, we know that if the SDP (10) has an (MRR-MRT) scheme in [2]. For the MRR-OPMRT scheme,
optimal rank-one solution, the SDP (9) combining with (10) the beamforming matrix is given by F = α(I − VV † )h2k h†1k
is tight to the original optimization problem (7). where α is employed to satisfy the constraints in (6)
Proposition 2: For any small positive value of Δγ, the and V is from the singular value decomposition (SVD),
† † †
optimal solution to the SDP (10) is rank-one. [g21 ; g22 ; · · · ; g2M ] = UΣV† . For the MRR-MRT scheme,
Proof: See Appendix A. the beamforming matrix is given by F = αh2k h†1k . For the
From Proposition 2, we know that the optimal rank-one MRR-OPMRT and MRR-MRT schemes, we select the relay
solution to the SDP (10) with any small positive Δγ can which achieves the largest average capacity when K > 1.
be obtained. Thus, according to Proposition 1, the optimal From Fig. 1, it is found that when K = 3 and N = 3,
rank-one solution to the original optimization problem (7) is our proposed ORSB scheme has substantial capacity improve-
achieved when Δγ → 0. ments over the MRR-OPMRT and MRR-MRT schemes. Since
It is noted that the complexity to solve the SDP (9) is the MRR-OPMRT and MRR-MRT schemes are proposed for
O(N 6.5 ) [14]. For the K relays, the complexity of our MIMO cognitive single-relay networks, when the number of
proposed optimal relay selection and beamforming scheme is available relaying antennas is the same, i.e., KN is the same,
O(KN 6.5 ). Therefore, our proposed scheme is suitable for we compare our proposed ORSB scheme where K = 3 and
the situation when the number of antennas in each relay, N , N = 3 with the MRR-OPMRT and MRR-MRT schemes that
is not large. The complexity of our proposed scheme increases all the available antenna are equipped at the single relay. It
linearly with the increase of the number of relays. is found that at high PR /σ 2 , our proposed ORSB scheme
outperforms the MRR-MRT scheme. When PR /σ 2 = 20 dB,
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS the performance gap between our proposed ORSB scheme and
the MRR-OPMRT scheme is only about 0.4 bps/Hz.
In this section, we present the computer simulation results
of our proposed optimal relay selection and beamforming In Fig. 2, we present the average capacity comparison of our
scheme. We assume that in the MIMO cognitive multi-relay proposed optimal relay selection and beamforming (ORSB)
network, all the channel responses are independent and iden- scheme, the joint relay selection and power allocation (JRS-
tically distributed (i.i.d) complex Gaussian random variables PA) scheme in [4] and the relay selection (RS) scheme in [6]
with zero-mean and unit variance. We also assume that the when the number of available relaying antennas is the same.
noise variances σr2 = σd2 = σ 2 . The ratio of the maximum For our proposed ORSB scheme, K = 5 and N = 3. For the
allowable transmit power at the SU-Tx to the noise power, JRS-PA and RS schemes, K = 15 and N = 1. From Fig. 2, it
Ps /σ 2 , is 10 dB. In all simulations, the average capacity is is observed that our proposed ORSB scheme has substantial
plotted with 1000 randomly generated channel realizations. capacity improvements over the JRS-PA and RS schemes. This
In Fig. 1, we present the average capacity comparison of our is because that by exploiting the multiple antennas at the relay,
proposed optimal relay selection and beamforming (ORSB) the average capacity can be improved significantly.
are expressed as
ORSB, K=5, N=3 ∂L/∂W = 0 (17a)
JRS−PA, K=15, N=1
2.5 RS, K=15, N=1 QW = 0 (17b)
W 0, Q 0, μ ≥ 0, λm ≥ 0, ∀m. (17c)
Average Capacity (bps/Hz)
From (16) and (17a), we have
1.5 Q = A3 + μγ̂A2 + λm Bm −μA1 .
m=1 (18)
It is noted that Θ is a positive-definite matrix which has full
rank, i.e., rank(Θ) = N 2 . Since A1 = Ps hh† , we have
N 2 = rank Q + μPs hh† ≤ rank(Q) + rank μPs hh†
0 5 10 15 20 ⇒ rank(Q) ≥ N 2 − 1. (19)
P /σ2 (dB)
2 2
From (19), the rank of Q is either N or N −1. If rank(Q) =
Fig. 2. Average capacity versus the ratio of maximum allowable transmit N 2 , W = 0 from (17b). However, if W = 0, γ̂σd2 ≤ 0
power of the relay to the noise power, PR /σ2 ; average capacity comparison from (15) which violates the assumption that the SDP (15) is
of our proposed ORSB scheme, the JRS-PA scheme in [4] and the RS scheme
in [6] where M = 2, I1 /σ2 = I2 /σ2 = 0 dB. feasible. Thus, rank(Q) = N 2 − 1. The (17b) is satisfied only
when W lies in the nullspace of Q whose dimension is one.
Thus, the optimal W to the problem (10) is rank-one.
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