Materi wawancara
Materi wawancara
Materi wawancara
1. Pitch describes the up and down motion of a vessel because wave and wind push the ship
2. Roll describe the tilting motion of the ship from side to side.
3. yaw this motion turns the bow and stern of the ship
The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (|ALA) is anon-
profit organization founded in 1957 to collect and provide nautical.
Lateral Marks
Region A
Region A comprises nations in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Africa and most of Asia other
than the Philippines, Japan and Korea.
Region B
Region B comprises nations in North America, Central America and South America, the Taiwan,
Philippines, Japan and Korea.
Funtion to used in maritime pilotage to indicate the position of a hazard and the direction of safe
Funtion to implies that open , deep and safe water lies ahead also sometime to used the start and
end of a bouyed section of continuous narrow channel
Special marks
Function to indicate administrative areas, such as speed restrictions or water skiing areas
Isolated danger marks
Accountability Being held accountable:
1. The ship as an institution
2. Ship owner
3. Masters
4. Crew (officers and crew)
General Definition
"Ship" includes every type of watercraft, including non-submersible vessels and seaplane,
which is used or can be used as a means of transportation transport on water.
"Power vessel" means any vessel propelled by an engine
"Sailing Vessel" means any ship propelled by sails, provided that the propulsion engine, if
equipped is not in use.
"fishing vessel" means any vessel fishing with nets, ropes, trawls or other fishing gear, which
limit processing ability motion, but does not include vessels fishing with fishing lines or other
fishing gear that does not limit the ability to exercise.
"Seaplane"' includes any aircraft it is designed to operate processing water movement.
"Ship not maneuverable" means a ship which due to some circumstances special incapable of
exercising as stipulated by the rules this rule and therefore unable to divert other vessels
Application A good observation is an observation that using sight, hearing, and all the facilities
available in the atmosphere and existing situation. So that can make full assessment of the
situation and hazards collision.
Done ± 5 minutes.
Rule 4, only applies in section under each condition vision
Safe Rate
Safe speed is the controlled speed of the ship so that it can avoid collision hazards quickly,
precisely and efficiently. Factors to watch out for:
• Vision level
• Traffic density
• Mobility
• At night
• State of wind, currents and navigational hazards
• Loaded
Collision Hazard A collision hazard is considered to exist if:
1. Doubts arise
2. The guideline does not show any changes which mean
3. Approaching a delay
4. Approaching a large ship
5. Approach the ship at close range
Measures to Avoid Collision Hazard
• Take firm action in a timely manner appropriate.
• Significant turnaround
• Prevent another escalating situation
• Keep safe
• Reducing and stopping speed
Narrow Shipping Channel
Ships sailing in narrow fairways;
•Maintain as close a distance as possible to
outer limits of shipping lanes or shipping waters
is on the right side of the stomach.
• Must not impede another ship's crossing.
•May not cut shipping lanes.
• Avoiding anchoring
RULE. 10
Traffic Split Chart
Sailing ship in separator chart
• Sailing in the direction of the appropriate traffic lane.
• Stay away from dividing lines/zones
• Entering/leaving the lane at the end of the lane
• Avoid cutting traffic lanes
•Avoid anchoring
• Avoid catching fish
RULE. 13
Follow up
The ship is considered to be overtaking whenever
approaching another ship from a direction over
22.5 degrees behind the transverse direction,
ie in such a position, so that there is a ship
that is being overtaken,at night only saw the lights
stern, but none of the lights stomach.
RULE. 14
Face to face situation If two ships power meet
on opposite direction thus resulting collision hazard, then
each must change course to right, so it will touch the stomach
RULE. 15
Cross Situation
Terms of application of this rule
• Both are power ships
• There is a collision hazard
• In a cross position
Ships that get other ships on his right stomach should be
diverge and do not cut in front of another ship.
RULE. 16
Actions By Ships “Giving Way”
Each ship must take appropriate action early enough to avoid
collision hazard. Defensive ship Ship gives road
RULE. 17
Actions by "defending" ships
If you see another ship that is required
deviant does not take action the appropriate one,
then the last ship it is may take action with its
own motion so is the best help for avoid collision hazard.
RULE. 18
Liability between ships
A power-driven vessel underway must keep aside:
Ships that cannot be maneuvered
Vessels whose maneuverability is limited
Ships that are fishing
Sailing boat
RULE. 19
The attitude of the ship in limited visibility
Each ship must pay attention to the atmosphere and
existing limited vision.
Every ship must move at a safe speed and
must prepare the machine to be able to
move quickly.
RULE. 20
The lamps, lit from the moment of the sun
sunset to sunrise and on daylight in sigh limited.
Figures of objects, mounted from the moment of the sun
sunrise to sunset and not in bright daylight limited
RULE. 21
A white "mast lamp" lamp is placed above the midline fore-aft with fixed light, covering the
bow horizon 225 degrees.
"Sidelight" is a green light on the right side and a red light on the left stomach, each showing a
fixed light, covers the horizon arc of 112.5 degrees.
The white "sternlight" lights were positioned as close as possible at the stern, showing a
steady light, engulfing the bow horizon 135 degrees.
A yellow "tow light" with the same characteristics as L. Stern
An "all-round light" lamp showing a steady, encompassing light 360 degree arc of the horizon
"Brilliant Lights" lights that flicker at intervals regularly at a frequency of 120 beats/minute.
RULE. 22
Power looks lights
Long ships > 50 meters
• Mast lights, 6 miles
• Sidelight, 3 miles
• Sternlight, 3 miles
• Delay light, 3 mil
• All-around light, 3 mil
Long ship 12- 50 meters
• Mast lights, 5 miles
• Side light, 2 miles Long ships < 12 meters
• Sternlight, 2 miles • Mast lights, 2 miles
• Delay light, 2 mil • Hull light, 1 mil
• All-around light, 2 miles • Sternlight, 2 miles
• All-around light, 2 miles
RULE. 23
The Power Ship is Sailing
Power vessels must show:
Front lamp post
Rear mast light ( >50 m)
Stomach light
Stern Light
RULE. 24
Delay and push
The tugboat must show:
• 2 Mast lights, ship length > 50 m
• If the length of the tow (measured from the stern
ships that tug until the aft end delay exceeding
200 m, 3 mast lights)
• Stomach lights
• Stern light
• Towlight, upright above "Stern" light
• Rhombus figure
RULE. 25
Sailing ships at sea and ships propelled by oars
Sailboat under sail showing:
• Sidelights
• Stern lights
Kapal Nelayan
Kapal penangkap ikan selama tidak beroperasi maka
Statusnya sama sebagai kapal tenaga
Kapal trawl (dogol) memperlihatkan:
• 2 lampu keliling, atas warna hijau dan bawah putih
• Sosok benda "2 kerucut dengan ujung saling
bertemu" > 50m, Keranjang. panjang < 20 m.
• 2 Lampu tiang (> 50 m)
Lampu-lampu lambung
• Lampu buritan
RULE. 27
Vessels not manoeuvrable or limited in manoeuvrability
The ship cannot be maneuvered showing:
• 2 all-around red lights
• Figure object, 2 black balls
• The stern lights
• Stomach lights
Vessel limited maneuverability shows
• 3 all-around lights, 2 red highs and lows and 1 white on middle.
• Stomach lights
• Figure object, 2 black balls highest and lowest and 1 split Cucumber in the middle
• Stern lights
Diving activity + rigid imitation of the "A" flag
RULE. 28
A ship constrained by its draft
A vessel constrained by her draft shows:
• Same with power boats
• 3 all-around red lights
• Figures, cylinders
RULE. 29
Pilot ship
Ships performing pilotage duties:
• 2 all-round lights, top white and bottom red
• Sidelights
• Stern lights
RULE. 30
Ships anchored and ships aground
Anchored ship:
• On face 1 white light, or 1 ball Ship aground:
• 2 all-around red lights
• Figure objects. 3 black balls
RULE. 31
Sea Airplane
Seaplane must show lights and shapes
characteristics and position as similar as possible
with him.
RULE. 32
"suling", any sound signaling device able to produce blasts
That specified in this rule.
"short blast", a blast of 1 second duration
"long blast", a blast lasting 4-6 seconds
RULE. 33
Sound Signal Equipment.
• Ships > 12 m in length,
must be equipped with flute & clapper
Length > 100 m, plus GONG
RULE. 34
Maneuvering Signals and Warning Signals
One short blast(.) = "I am changing my course to starboard"
Two short blasts (.. ) = "I am changing my course to left"
Three short blasts (.. ) = "I am reversing the machine"
One bright (.) = "I am changing my course to starboard"
Two shining (.. ) = "I am changing my course to left"
Three bright (... ) = "I am reversing the machine"
Follow up:
2 long blasts and 1 short blast ( --. ) "overtake on your starboard side"
2 long blasts and 2 short blasts ( --.. ) = "follow on your left side"
1 long, 1 short, 1 long, 1 short ( --. ) =" agree followed"
RULE. 35
Sound cues in limited vision
• A power-driven vessel having speed on the water & approaching
sound 1 long blast at intervals of < 2 minutes
• Power boats cannot be maneuvered,
2 long blasts in succession, separated by an interval of 2
• The ship cannot be maneuvered, it has limited maneuverability
movement, constrained by draft, sailing vessels, fishing, delay&push,
1 long blast followed by 2 short blasts, < 2 minutes apart.
RULE. 37
Danger Signal
1. Shot signal/explosion signal
2. Ring any fog signal device
3. Rockets or bullets that scatter stars red star
4. SOS signal
5. May Day Cue
6. NC flag gesture
7. Tongue of fire on the ship
8. Rocket parasol
9. Gesture rocket
10. Raising and lowering the arms