What is CSS ?
- CSS Selectors are used to select the HTML elements you want to style
on a web page.
- They allow you to target specific elements or groups of elements to
apply styles like colors, fonts, margins, and more.
1. Universal selector
- Targets all elements on the web page
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
h1 {
color: blue;
3. Class selector
- A class selector targets an element with a specific value for its class
attribute to style it.
- A class in CSS is denoted by "." (period) symbol.
background-color: green;
<button class=”btn”>submit</button>
4. ID selector
- An ID selector targets single element with a particular value for id
attribute to style it.
- An id in CSS is denoted by "#" (hash) symbol.
- Same class can be applied to multiple elements, but an id is unique for
an element.
font-size: 20px;
5. Attribute selector
- An attribute selector targets an element based on a specific attribute
or attribute values on an element
<a href=”#” title=”xyz”>click</a>
6. Group selector
- CSS group selector allow us to apply same style to multiple elements
at a time.
- Name of elements can be separated by commas.
h1, h2 {
background-color: grey;
<h1>java is programming</h1>
<h2>java is Secure</h2>
Div p{
Color: red;
This is paragraph
Ways to specify CSS
1. Inline CSS
- Styles are added directly to the HTML element using the style
- Use Case: Good for quick, small, or unique styling changes on
individual elements.
- Not ideal for larger projects or when styles need to be reused.
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
h1 {
color: blue;
<h1>Hello World</h1>
3. External CSS
- Styles are saved in a separate .css file, which is then linked to HTML
- Use Case: Preferred for larger websites because it allows styles to be
applied across multiple pages, making it easier to maintain and
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
h1 {
color: blue;
Html document
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<h1>Hello World</h1>
CSS units
1. Absolute units
- Absolute units are fixed and do not change relative to other elements
or screen sizes.
- They’re generally used when an exact size is needed.
1. Pixel –px
2. Millimeter –mm
3. Centimeter –cm
4. Inch –in
5. Point –pt
2. Relative units
- Relative length units are measured in relation to other elements or
viewport of the screen.
- Relative units are great for styling responsive websites because they
can be adjusted proportionally based on window size or parent
- These units define lengths relative to other length properties.
1. Em
em unit is relative to the font size of the current
immediate parent element .
2. Rem
Relative to the root font size (typically set on <html>).
3. % (Percentage)
Relative to the parent element’s size.
4. Vw (Viewport Width)
1vw is 1% of the viewport’s width.
5. Vh (Viewport Height)
1vh is 1% of the viewport’s height.
CSS color properties
Color: #ff5733;
<p>hello world</p>
Color: rgb(10, 25, 255);
<p>hello world</p>
Color: rgba(10, 25, 255, 0.5);
<p>hello world</p>
4. Named Colors
- CSS includes 140 predefined color names like red, blue, purple, etc.
Color: red;
<p>hello world</p>
CSS background properties
1. background-color
- This property sets a solid color as the background of an element.
Background-color: lightblue;
2. Background-image
- This property sets an image as the background of an element.
Background-image: url(‘xyz.jpg’);
3. Background-position
- The background-position property sets the starting position of a
background image.
- Values
a. Keywords (like top, right, bottom, left, and center)
b. Length values (e.g., 20px 30px)
c. Percentage values (e.g., 50% 50%)
Background-image: url(‘xyz.jpg’);
Background-position: right top;
4. Background-size
- The background-size property specifies the size of the background
- Values
a. Auto: Default value. Maintains the original size.
b. Cover: Resize the background image to cover the entire container,
even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the
c. Contain: Resize the background image to make sure the image is
fully visible
d. Specific sizes (e.g., 100px 200px or 100px or 50% 50% or 100%)
border: 1px solid red;
width: 800px;
height: 800px;
background-image: url('xyz.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
5. Background-repeat
- The background-repeat property sets how a background image will be
- Values:
a. Repeat: Repeats the image both horizontally and vertically.
1. Repeat -x: Repeats the image horizontally only.
2. Repeat -y: Repeats the image vertically only.
3. No -repeat: Doesn’t repeat the image.
div {
background-image: url("abc.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
6. Background-attachment
- This property determines if the background scrolls with the page or
remains fixed.
- Values:
a. scroll: The background scrolls with the content.
b. fixed: The background is fixed in place.
div {
background-image: url("abc.jpg");
background-attachment: fixed;
CSS float and clear
1. Float
- The float property allows an element to "float" to the left or right side
of its container. It’s typically used to make text wrap around an image
or other elements.
- Values
a. Left: The element floats to the left of its container, allowing other
inline elements to wrap around it on the right.
b. Right: The element floats to the right of its container, allowing
other inline elements to wrap around it on the left.
c. None: Default value; the element does not float and remains in the
normal document flow.
d. Inherit: Inherits the float property of its parent.
float: left;
<img src="image.jpg">
<p>This text wraps around the image.</p>
2. Clear
- CSS Clear property is used to stop next element to wrap around the
adjacent floating elements. Clear can have clear left, clear right or
clear both values.
CSS font properties
- The CSS font properties provide control over the appearance of text in
a web document.
1. Font-family
- Specifies the typeface(s) to be applied to text.
2. Font-size
- Controls the size of the font.
font-size: 1.2rem;
3. Font-weight
- Sets the thickness or boldness of the text
- Values
a. Keyword values: normal, bold, bolder, lighter
b. Numeric values: Ranges from 100 (thin) to 900 (extra bold)
font-weight: value;
4. Font-style
- Specifies whether the text is normal, italicized, or oblique
font-style: italic;
5. Font-variant
- Allows for small-caps text and other stylistic changes.
- Values
a. normal: Regular text.
b. small-caps: Transforms lowercase letters to small capital letters.
font-variant: small-caps;
6. Line-height
- Controls the space between lines of text (leading).
line-height: 5px;
7. Letter spacing
- Defines the spacing between the characters of a block of text.
letter-spacing: 2px;
8. word-spacing
- defines the spacing between the words
word—spacing: 5px;
9. Text-align
- Defines how the text content of the element is horizontally aligned.
- Values
a. Left
b. Right
c. Center
d. Justify
text-align: left;
10. Text-decoration
- Defines how the text content of the element is decorated.
- Values
a. None
b. Line-through
c. Over-line
d. Under-line
text-decoration: none;
11. Text-indent
- Defines the indentation of the element's first line of text.
12. Text-transform
- Defines how the text content should be transformed.
- Values
a. None
b. Capitalize
c. Uppercase
d. Lowercase
text-transform: capitalize;
13. Text-shadow
- Defines the shadow of the text content.
- Values
- the first is the horizontal offset
- the second is the vertical offset
- The optional third value defines the blur of the shadow.
- You can define a color as the last value.
CSS border properties
1. Border-width
- Specifies the thickness of the border. You can set specific widths for
each side
- Values: thin, medium, thick (keywords), or exact values like px, em,
%, cm, etc.
2. Border-style
- Defines the line style of the border.
- Values: none, solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset,
outset, hidden
3. Border-color
- Sets the color of the border. You can use color names, hex codes,
RGB/RGBA values.
border-color: red; /* all sides */
border-color: red green; /* top and bottom, left
and right*/
border-color: red green blue; /* top ,left and right,
bottom */
border-color: red green blue yellow; /* top right bottom
left */
4. Border
- The border shorthand can set all three primary border properties in
one line, like so
6. border-radius
- Creates rounded corners. You can apply it uniformly or individually to
each corner.
- Values: length or percentage, e.g., 10px, 50%
border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px 20px 30px 40px;
7. Box-shadow
- The CSS box-shadow property is used to apply one or more shadows
to an element.
CSS Margin Properties
1. Margin Shorthand
- 2 Values: The first value applies to the top and bottom, the second to
the left and right.
- 3 Values: The first value is for the top, the second for left and right,
and the third for the bottom.
margin-top: 20px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-left: 5px;
3. Using Auto
- The auto value is commonly used for horizontal centering of block-
level elements (like divs).
- Auto Horizontal Centering: When you set margin-left and margin-
right to auto, the element centers within its container.
margin: 0 auto;
CSS padding properties
1. Padding shorthand
- The padding property is a shorthand that sets padding for all four sides
of an element (top, right, bottom, and left) in one line.
- Two values: The first value applies to the top and bottom, and the
second to the left and right.
padding: 10px 20px; /* top and bottom = 10px, left
and right = 20px */
- Three values: The first value applies to the top, the second to the left
and right, and the third to the bottom.
padding: 10px 20px 30px; /* top = 10px, left/right =
20px, bottom = 30px */
- Four values: Sets padding for each side individually, in the order: top,
right, bottom, left
padding: 10px 20px 30px 40px; /* top = 10px, right =
20px, bottom = 30px, left = 40px */
2. Individual Padding Properties
- CSS also provides individual properties to control each side of padding
a. padding-top
b. padding-right
c. padding-bottom
d. padding-left
padding-top: 15px;
padding-right: 20px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
padding-left: 5px;
overflow: scroll;
CSS Cursor Properties
1. Default Cursor
- Value: auto or default
- Description: The default cursor for the user's operating system.
- Example
2. Pointer cursor
- Value: pointer
- Description: Indicates a clickable element, such as a link or button.
- Example
3. Text cursor
- Value: text
- Description: Indicates that text can be selected.
- Example
4. Move cursor
- Value: move
- Description: Indicates that an element can be moved.
- Example
5. Crosshair cursor
- Value: crosshair
- Description: A simple crosshair cursor for precise selection.
- Example
cursor: crosshair; /* Crosshair cursor for a drawing area */
6. Not-Allowed Cursor
- Value: not-allowed
- Description: Indicates that an action is not permitted.
- Example
7. Progress cursor
- Value: progress
- Description: Indicates that an operation is ongoing.
- Example
8. Help cursor
- Value: help
- Description: Indicates that help is available.
- Example
9. Wait cursor
- Value: wait
- Description: Indicates that the user should wait.
- Example
- Value: zoom-in/out
- Description: Indicates that an element can be zoomed in on.
- Example
visibility: hidden;
CSS Display Property
1. Display : Inline
- Behavior:
- Elements with display: inline only take up as much width as necessary
and do not start on a new line.
- Characteristics:
a. Width and height properties do not apply.
b. Padding and margins can be applied, but vertical margins (top and
bottom) often do not have an effect on surrounding elements.
c. Text flows around inline elements as they do not interrupt the flow
of surrounding content.
display: inline;
2. Display : block
- Behavior:
- Elements with display: block take up the full width of their container,
starting on a new line.
- Characteristics:
a. They occupy the entire width available, pushing other elements to
new lines.
b. Both width and height properties apply.
c. Padding, margins, and borders are fully respected in all directions.
display: block;
3. Display : inline-block
- Behavior:
- Elements with display: inline-block are similar to inline elements in
that they do not force new lines. However, they retain block-level
characteristics, such as respect for width and height.
- Characteristics:
a. Allows setting width and height properties.
b. Allows padding and margin in all directions.
c. Stays inline, so multiple inline-block elements can sit next to each
other on the same line.
display: inline-block;
4. Display : none
- Behavior:
- Completely hides the element, removing it from the document layout
as if it does not exist.
- Characteristics:
a. The element is not rendered, so it occupies no space in the layout.
b. Other elements shift into its place as if it’s not in the DOM.
c. Often used in JavaScript-based toggling to hide/show elements
Display : none;
CSS Position properties
1. Position : static
- Description:
- The default positioning for all elements. It means the element is
positioned according to the normal flow of the document.
- Characteristics:
a. top, right, bottom, and left properties have no effect.
b. The element appears in the natural document order, and it doesn’t
break out of the standard page flow.
- Use Case:
- Used when elements should simply follow the document flow without
any special positioning.
.static-box {
position: static;
2. Position : relative
- Description:
- The element is positioned relative to its original location in the
document flow.
- Characteristics:
a. The element remains in the flow of the document, but it can be
offset by top, right, bottom, and left properties.
b. The space it originally occupied is preserved, so other elements
won’t shift.
c. Useful for slight adjustments while maintaining the document flow.
- Use Case:
- To slightly adjust an element’s position without affecting surrounding
elements, or to set a positioning context for child elements.
.relative-box {
position: relative;
top: 10px; /* Moves the element down by 10px */
left: 20px; /* Moves the element right by 20px */
3. Position : absolute
- Description:
- The element is positioned absolutely with respect to its nearest
positioned ancestor (one that has position: relative, absolute, or
fixed). If no such ancestor exists, it positions relative to the <html>
(root) element.
- Characteristics:
a. Removed from the document flow, so it doesn’t affect surrounding
b. top, right, bottom, and left properties control its position within the
nearest positioned ancestor.
c. Creates a flexible layout for elements that should overlap or appear
in precise locations.
- Use Case:
- Used for elements that need exact positioning within a specific
container, such as icons on images, floating buttons, or tooltips.
<div class="container">
<div class="absolute-box">Absolute Positioning</div>
.container {
position: relative;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background-color: lightgray;
.absolute-box {
position: absolute;
top: 20px; /* 20px from the top of .container */
right: 10px; /* 10px from the right of .container */
background-color: coral;
4. Position : fixed
- Description:
- The element is positioned relative to the viewport, so it stays in a
fixed position even when scrolling.
- Characteristics:
a. Removed from the document flow.
b. top, right, bottom, and left properties determine its fixed position
relative to the viewport.
c. The element remains in place as the page scrolls.
- Use Case:
- Often used for fixed headers, footers, floating action buttons, and
modal overlays.
<div class="fixed-box">Fixed Positioning</div>
.fixed-box {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
background-color: darkblue;
color: white;
text-align: center;
5. Position : sticky
- Description:
- The element is positioned relative until it reaches a defined scroll
position, after which it "sticks" and behaves as fixed.
- Characteristics:
a. Combines characteristics of relative and fixed.
b. top, right, bottom, and left define the "sticking" position.
c. Stays in the document flow until a specified scroll position is
reached, then sticks in place.
d. Useful for sticky headers and sidebars that should remain visible
while scrolling.
- Use Case:
- Ideal for making elements that stick to the viewport after a specific
point (e.g., a menu that stays at the top when scrolling).
<div class="sticky-box">Sticky Positioning</div>
.sticky-box {
position: sticky;
top: 10px; /* Will stick 10px from the top when reached
background-color: yellow;
CSS Z-Index property
2. z-index Values:
a. Positive Integer: Higher values bring the element closer to the
b. Negative Integer: Lower values push the element further to the
.box1 {
background-color: blue;
top: 50px;
left: 50px;
z-index: 1; /* Behind the other boxes */
.box2 {
background-color: green;
top: 80px;
left: 80px;
z-index: 2; /* In front of .box1, but behind .box3 */
.box3 {
background-color: red;
top: 110px;
left: 110px;
z-index: 3; /* In front of .box1 and .box2 */