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SN Computer Science (2024) 5:1073



Multispectral Satellite Data Classification Using Rank Correlation

Similarity Index and Automatic Labeling Technique
Arindom Ain1 · Minakshi Gogoi2 · Dibyajyoti Chutia3

Received: 9 June 2023 / Accepted: 1 October 2024

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024

Multispectral satellite image classification is crucial in remote sensing and image analysis, serving various applications
like water area extraction, urban region classification, and vegetation monitoring. Model-based classification, particularly
supervised learning approaches, heavily relies on manually annotated training samples, which are labor-intensive and subject
to human bias. However, solely depending on features derived from individual pixels may fail to capture spatial contextual
information effectively and manage mixed pixels and various types of noise, resulting in classification inaccuracies. To
address these challenges, this research proposes a novel unsupervised learning approach and automatic labeling technique
(ALT). This approach utilizes collective information from groups of pixels instead of relying solely on individual pixels for
identification and extraction of meaningful unique patterns which serves as the most significant factor for satellite image
classification. A new similarity index, the patch similarity index (PSI), is generated by incorporating the rank correlation
similarity index (RCSI). The PSI is used to determine the similarity factor both between the patches and within the patch.
Subsequently, a clustering algorithm is employed to group pixels into four distinct classes: vegetation, water, built-ups, and
open land. Additionally, ALT streamlines the post-classification process by reducing the need for manual intervention in
mapping clusters to the actual class label. The proposed method offers a more accurate and reliable unsupervised classifica-
tion for multispectral satellite imagery, promising enhanced efficiency and reduced manual labor.

Keywords Rank Correlation · Multispectral · Patch similarity index · Frequent masking · Automatic labeling technique

Introduction transforming multi-band raster imagery into a single-band

raster with distinct categorical classes representing different
With the continuous advancements in remote sensing tech- land cover types.
nology, the classification of multispectral satellite images
has become a crucial aspect in various applications [1], Motivation
including water area extraction [2], urban region classifica-
tion [3], and vegetation monitoring. This process involves Numerous techniques have been proposed for multispec-
tral satellite image classification [4–8]. The model-based
* Arindom Ain approach has emerged as a comprehensive methodology
[email protected] in multispectral satellite image classification [7–9]. This
Minakshi Gogoi approach requires the development and utilization of
[email protected] explicit models that encapsulate the relationships between
Dibyajyoti Chutia spectral characteristics and land cover types. These models
[email protected] are often crafted based on prior knowledge of the study area
and domain expertise, making them particularly effective
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, GIMT, Under in capturing complex patterns within the satellite imagery.
Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati,
Assam, India One of the prevailing paradigms within the model-based
2 approach is supervised learning. These learning methods,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Girijananda
Chowdhury University, Guwahati, Assam, India including Support Vector Machines [10–12], Random For-
3 ests [13], and Convolutional Neural Networks [9, 14] are
NESAC, Umium, Shillong, India

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designed to categorize pixels, based on a labeled training Objectives

dataset. These algorithms leverage annotated examples of
different land cover types to train the model, enabling it to The principal objective of this research is to separate the
generalize and make predictions on new, unseen data. The pixels of the multispectral satellite data into four groups
effectiveness of supervised learning methods in satellite representing vegetation area, water area, built-up areas,
image classification relies heavily on well-annotated train- and open land areas. To accomplish this, the objective is
ing datasets that include spectral bands, textures, and rele- divided into two parts. Firstly, to develop a new unsuper-
vant features [15]. Furthermore, successful learning neces- vised learning approach, which will ensure the capture
sitates access to extensive datasets. However, the human of meaningful unique patterns of the pixel necessary for
annotation of labeled datasets is a labor-intensive and the classification process without guidance. And secondly
time-consuming task [16]. It introduces subjectivity and to develop a technique that will automatically map the
potential challenges in obtaining large and diverse labeled cluster of pixels to the corresponding class label without
datasets for satellite imagery [17, 18]. The complexity is additional human effort.
heightened by spatial and spectral variability and makes
manual annotation challenging. This motivates the explo-
ration of alternative, less human-dependent methods, such Contribution
as unsupervised learning where the classification is done
without explicit guidance or labeled examples. One widely In response to challenges faced in capturing the proper
used unsupervised learning technique is clustering [19–21], spatial and spectral information of the pixels in satellite
which aims to partition the data into distinct groups based imagery in the classification process and manual labeling
on similarities. Though this algorithm explores the inher- of clusters under human supervision in the post-classifica-
ent structure within the data to group similar instances, it tion stage, we propose an unsupervised learning approach
widely depends on the extraction of hidden patterns or the and Automatic Labeling Technique (ALT) in this research.
relationship of the input data to the classification algorithm. The unsupervised approach includes a patch similarity
In the realm of unsupervised classification of multispectral index (PSI) to classify the target pixels into respective
satellite images, pixel-based methods [22, 23] have long four classes. Instead of using pixels directly for classifi-
been employed to assign individual pixels to specific land cation, this research groups the pixels into patches. The
cover classes without the need for labeled training data. In patch consists of center pixel and neighborhood pixels.
pixel-based approaches, spectral information of individual The center pixel is the target pixel to be classified and
pixels is utilized, and clustering algorithms are applied to it is surrounded by its neighborhood pixels. The idea is
group pixels with similar spectral signatures into distinct to determine the influence of the neighborhood pixels on
classes. However, pixel-based methods often face chal- the target pixels and use this influence in the classifica-
lenges, particularly in the presence of mixed pixels where tion process. The PSI is used to determine the similarity
the land cover characteristics vary within a single pixel. factor both between the patches and within the patch. It
This can lead to inaccuracies and misclassifications, espe- incorporates rank-based correlation of the patch by gener-
cially in heterogeneous landscapes. This method may also ating a rank correlation similarity index (RCSI) matrix. By
struggle to capture spatial contextual information, which introducing rank-based correlation, it intends to improve
is crucial for distinguishing between classes with similar the robustness of positional variability and handle hetero-
spectral properties. Moreover, positional variability where geneous land cover within patches. Calculating rank-based
pixels of the same type of land might look different due correlation coefficients for each target pixel within a patch
to noise factors like cloud shadow, organic and inorganic transforms raw pixel values into ranked values. This cor-
constituents in water, high rise building shadow, for which relation introduces a level of consistency and stability by
they struggle to maintain consistent spatial relationships considering the relative order of pixel values, thus mitigat-
among the pixels. Consequently, this inconsistency affects ing the impact of noise and positional variations. Notably,
the method’s capability to accurately depict land cover pat- the approach ensures that the method is less sensitive to
terns. This encourages us to explore a new unsupervised the heterogeneity of land cover classes within a patch and
learning approach that will extract complex information recognizes the significance of both inter-patch and intra-
considering the relationships of pixels and unique patterns patch relationships. This serves as a pre-processing step
of the dataset in classification. Furthermore, as discussed that refines the input data before applying it to clustering
earlier in this section, the post-classification stage requires algorithms, ultimately resulting in a more accurate and
manual annotation of clusters, prompting our motivation to reliable unsupervised classification for multispectral sat-
develop a method for automatically mapping labels without ellite imagery. Furthermore, the proposed ALT approach
dependence on human intervention.

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improves the post-classification stage by automatically where CDF is the cumulative distribution function of the
mapping the identified clusters to the corresponding standard normal distribution. |τ | is the absolute value of
labels. This approach streamlines the classification process Kendall’s tau coefficient.
without relying on additional human effort to identify and
map pixels to corresponding classes.
Image Data
Manuscript Structure Overview
The image sets used in this research were collected from
The manuscript is thoughtfully structured into five main sec- the Operational Sentinel-2 Imager on 14th February 2023,
tions, each dedicated to a specific aspect of the research. obtained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Section2 provides a detailed background study and material Earth Resources Observation https://e​ arthe​ xplor​ er.u​ sgs.g​ ov/.
used in this research. Section 3 explains the methodology The Sentinel-2B satellite provides both spatial and spec-
employed in our research, offering clarity on the approach tral information. To ensure accurate analysis, images were
taken. Section 4 presents the results of the research and pro- atmospheric corrected and converted to reflectance using
vides a comparative discussion of these findings. Finally, the the SCP plugin of QGIS software, which is commonly used
manuscript concludes with a conclusion section that sum- in atmospheric correction [28]. In this research, six spectral
marizes the main points and conclusions of the research. bands were selected from the Sentinel-2B imagery. These
bands include Band 2 (492.1 nm), Band 3 (559.0 nm), Band
4 (664.9 nm), Band 8 (832.9 nm), Band 11 (1610.4 nm),
Background Study and Band 12 (2186.7 nm). These bands were chosen from
the available 13 spectral bands as they are commonly found
Correlation Coefficient in optical sensors and provide valuable information for our
analysis. To ensure consistent cell resolution across the data,
To measure the association between two measured quanti- the spatial resolution of the shortwave bands (Band 11, and
ties, Kendall’s τ coefficient is commonly used. It suits small Band 12) at 20 m was resampled to 10 m using the Bilinear
sample sizes and data with tied ranks [24]. It considers Resampling technique [29], where weighted average values
pairs of observations and determines the strength of asso- of the four nearest pixels values are used to calculate the
ciation based on the patterns of concordance and (discord- ) new pixel of the output raster. All six selected bands have
ance between the pairs. For a set of observations a1 , b1 , the same spatial resolution but different spectral properties.
( )
…, an , bn of the joint random The maps generated are projected in the World Geodetic
[ variables A and B, the num-
ber of concordant pair Nc = (x, y)|ax < ay and bx < by ] and System 1984 (EPSG:7780).
number of discordant pair Nd = (x, y)|ax < ay and bx > by ]
The Kendall τ coefficient is given by Eq. 1
Test Area
N − Nd
𝝉= c (1)
n The test scene for this research was collected from Tumak-
Furthermore, tied pairs occur when ax = ay and bx = by, uru district (TD) and Bengaluru Urban district (BUD) in
and they are neither concordant nor discordant. To handle the state of Karnataka [Fig. 1(a)], India, having a coordinate
tied pairs, Stuart et al. [25, 26] proposed a method by modi- of 13.34°N, 77.1°E [30] and 12.9700°N, 77.6536°E [31]
fying the coefficient as shown in Eq. 2 respectively respectively. Two random regions within these
districts were selected as the test areas, each marked by a
2(Nc − Nd ) red rectangular box. The first test area (TA1) selected from
𝝉= (2)
n2 (m−1) TD, covered an area of 1601 hectares, while the second test
area (TA2) from BUD covered an area of 1502 hectares [see
here r and c are the number of rows and columns, respec- Fig. 1(b) and Fig. 1(c)]. These test areas were chosen based
tively, and m = min(r, c). on their complex surface features, encompassing various
To determine the probability p [27], associated with each land cover types such as water, open land, vegetation, and
possible value of 𝜏 is calculated based on an approximation built-up areas. It is worth mentioning that these regions also
using the Gaussian distribution given by Eq. 3. contained certain sources of noise, including high-rise build-
ing shadows, cloud shadows, and organic and inorganic con-
Pvalue = 2 ∗ (1 − CDF(|𝝉|)) (3) stituents in water. The selection of scenes with such noise
elements was intentional to evaluate the robustness of the
proposed methods in handling challenging scenarios.

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Fig. 1  a Karnataka District b TA1 c TA2

Reference data to verify the classification accuracy points, we identified vegetation pixels (V) as label 1, built-
up pixels (BU) as label 2, water pixels (W) as label 3, and
Earlier research studies have revealed the effectiveness of open land pixels (OL) as label 4. Consequently, a refer-
high-resolution images in obtaining the labels of different enced map was generated for TA1 and TA2, corresponding
land covers of satellite imagery [32, 33]. In this research, to their respective spatial extents. The reference image
we employed Google Maps having a resolution of about of TA1 and TA2 is shown in Fig. 2 (a) and Fig. 2 (b)
0.15 m [34] with a similar time frame, to extract the cor- respectively. It is important to note that the labeled maps
responding labels for the test areas. Both TA1 and TA2 obtained are considered ground truth for this research and
were delineated on the Google map. As the target classes are only utilized for validating our classification results.
are visually distinguishable, we used manual digitization The reference map for TA1 consists of a total of 758 poly-
of the four land cover classes referring to high-resolution gons and 150,495 pixels, while for TA2, it comprises 395
Google Earth imagery for generating reference data, for polygons and 21,823 pixels. The distribution of pixels
each of the test sites, corresponding to their respective among the different land cover classes in the reference
spatial extents. To assign labels to the selected sampling data is presented in Table 1.

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Fig. 2  Reference Image of [a

TA1 b TA2]

Table 1  Number of pixels Class Number of Pixels Table 2  Confusion matrix for four class classification
associated with each class in
reference image of TA1 and TA1 TA2 Predicted Values
TA2 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Vegetation 63,139 11,853
Built-up 21,657 1992 Actual Class 1 A11 A12 A13 A14
Water 8301 1832 Values Class 2 A21 A22 A23 A24
Open Land 57,398 6146 Class 3 A31 A32 A33 A34
Class 4 A41 A42 A43 A44

Accuracy Assessment
calculations for each class. The TP, FP, FN, and TN values
To assess the accuracy of our proposed method for mapping for the four classes are computed using the confusion matrix,
four classes, we evaluated by counting the number of pixels as illustrated in Table 3. To evaluate the performance of the
that were correctly classified and incorrectly classified. To unsupervised learning-based classification results, several
measure the performance, we utilized two widely used met- other metrics are employed for each class, including overall
rics: overall accuracy (OA) and kappa coefficient (KC) [35]. accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, as defined Table 4.
These metrics were calculated based on the confusion matrix Additionally, the output is analyzed using the Kappa coef-
(CM) method, which has been extensively employed in vari- ficient to further assess the classification results.
ous studies [35–38]. The confusion matrix consists of four
classes, namely True Positive (TP), False Negative (FN),
False Positive (FP), and True Negative (TN). The interpreta- Methodology
tion of these classes is as follows:
The methodology proposed in this research paper consists of
• TP: The number of times the classifier correctly predicts three key stages for the classification of multispectral satel-
the positive class. lite images:
• FN: Counts the number of times where the classifier
incorrectly predicts the positive class as negative. Patch Similarity Index (PSI) Generation:
• FP: Counts the number of times the classifier incorrectly
predicts a negative class as positive. • Patch Generation: A set of’N’ group of pixels
• TN: Counts the number of times the classifier correctly referred to as patch is generated from the 3D raster
predicts the negative class. ( Rraster ) representing the multispectral image.
• Rank Correlation Similarity Index (RCSI) Calcula-
The confusion matrix (CM) for mapping the target tion: A RCSI matrix is computed for each patch to
class and reference map in the four-class classification is quantify the correlation between the target pixel and
presented in Table 2. In contrast to binary classification its neighboring pixels.
problems [35], multi-class classification requires separate

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Table 3  TP, FN, FP and TN values of four class classification


Class 1 A11 A12 + A13 + A14 A21 + A31 + A41 A22 + A23 + A24 + A32 + A33 + A34 + A42 + A43 + A44
Class 2 A22 A21 + A23 + A24 A12 + A32 + A42 A11 + A13 + A14 + A31 + A33 + A34 + A41 + A43 + A44
Class 3 A33 A31 + A32 + A34 A13 + A23 + A43 A11 + A12 + A14 + A21 + A22 + A24 + A41 + A42 + A44
Class 4 A44 A41 + A42 + A43 A14 + A24 + A34 A11 + A12 + A13 + A21 + A22 + A23 + A31 + A32 + A33

Table 4  Metrics
Evaluation Metrics Description Expression

Precision The ratio of predictions as the positive class was positive TP

Recall Measures what fraction of all positive samples were correctly predicted as positive by the classifier TP
F1-score F1-score Harmonic mean of precision and recall precision∗recall
2 ∗ precision+recall
Overall Accuracy Overall accuracy represents the fraction of the total samples that were the classifier correctly classified TP+TN

• PSI Generation: The RCSI matrix obtained is used a total of 4500 randomly distributed sample values from each
to generate the PSI matrix for further classification class, based on the reference data. These samples were collected
process. separately from each band of the RSbands. We then calculated
the mean reflectance value for each spectral band from both the
Clustering: A clustering algorithm is employed to group
test scene, corresponding to the target class. To visualize and
the data points based on PSI values. This step aims to
analyze the spectral characteristics, we plotted a spectral curve,
identify distinct clusters representing the four land cover
as shown in Fig. 4. The Y-axis represents the reflectance values
of the target classes (pixel values), while the X-axis represents
Automatic Labeling: The clusters obtained in the previous
the corresponding spectral bands. The spectral curve highlights
step are assigned to one of the four target classes using an
several key observations-
ALT and Frequent Masking (FM) technique.
• Water pixels primarily absorb energy in the SWIR
The overall architecture of the proposed methodology is
region, but they also exhibit a moderate reflectance in
illustrated in Fig. 3. The input to this approach is a radio-
the GREEN and NIR bands.
metrically corrected multispectral image from the Sentinel
• Vegetation pixels show high reflectance in the NIR wave-
2B satellite. Therefore, no additional radiometric correction
length and moderate reflectance in the GREEN bands,
is applied as part of the methodology.
while they absorb energy in the SWIR wavelengths.
• Built-up features reflect more energy in the visible wave-
Patch Similarity Index (PSI) Generation
length range, whereas open land reflects more in the NIR
and SWIR1 bands. Both built-up and open land pixels
This sub section provides a comprehensive breakdown of
show energy absorption in the SWIR2 wavelength.
the various steps involved in generating the PSI, including
spectral curve generation, deriving indices, spectral analysis,
Deriving indices from RS bands
spectral-spatial feature extraction, and the formulation of the
RCSI and PSI matrices.
Spectral indices have been widely used in previous studies to
investigate various fields such as agriculture, water resources,
Spectral curve generation from the six spectral bands
and urban development [32, 33, 36, 37, 39]. These indices are
computed by combining reflectance values from multiple spec-
Classification of satellite images or separating pixels into clus-
tral bands (RSbands) into a single value. In this research, several
ters commonly relies on the spectral bands available in the satel-
indices were derived based on specific formulas, as presented in
lite imagery. We stack together the six spectral bands to create
Table 5. It is important to note that these indices were selected
a 3D spectral raster called RSbands. This allows us to analyze the
based on their capability to highlight specific land cover classes.
spectral characteristics of the target class pixels. To investigate
All the indices are then stacked together to form a 3D indices
the spectral properties of the target class pixels, we collected
raster called RI bands. Each index is considered as an individual

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Fig. 3  The architecture of the proposed methodology

band. Following the steps, for selecting target pixel values as dis- Spectral analysis of the RS bands and the derived indices
cussed in section A.a, we plotted another spectral curve shown bands:
in Fig. 5 based on the RI bands. The spectral indices are shown
in the X-axis and the corresponding pixel values for each of Analyzing the spectral curve is a useful approach to gain insights
the target classes are shown in the Y-axis. The spectral curve into the properties of land surface pixels [36, 39]. Different land
provides insights into the behavior of the target classes across cover types exhibit distinct spectral properties. It is observed
the derived indices. In Figs. 6 and 7, we display the output of the that vegetation has high reflectance in the near-infrared (NIR)
derived indices for TA1 and TA2, respectively. The analysis of region and water pixels absorb more energy with low reflectance
the spectral indices reveals interesting patterns. The BSI, NDWI- in NIR and shortwave infrared (SWIR) wavelengths. As each
B, AEWInsh, MNDWI, BU, and NBI indices exhibit positive class label interacts with light energy differently, noticeable vari-
values for water regions and negative values for other classes. ations are observed in the normalized difference trends shown
On the other hand, indices such as BU, NDBI, and NBI indices in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Figure 4 illustrates that the spectral curve of
effectively highlight urban or built-up areas. Additionally, the built-up areas and open land share a similar trend in the RSbands.
EVI, NDVI, NDWIns, and NDWI-B indices emphasize vegeta- However, a significant disparity can be observed in the reflec-
tion regions, while the BSI, NDVI, NDBI, and NBI indexes pre- tance curves of indices NDBI, BSI, and NBI, as shown in Fig. 5.
dominantly highlight open land areas, suppressing other indices. Furthermore, the spectral curve of water exhibits low variance
The derived spectral indices provide valuable information for compared to the indices curves, which display high negative and
characterizing different land cover classes and are utilized for positive values for water pixels across different indices. While
further analysis and classification tasks. the vegetation curve in RSbands relies solely on the NIR band for

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Fig. 4  Spectral graph for the 6

optical bands

Table 5  Spectral indices Spectral‑Spatial Feature Extraction

Indices Formulae
While spectral features can partially distinguish different classes
NDWI-B [40] (blue − nir)∕(blue + nir)
based on the quantity of reflection, they often result in mislead-
AEWInsh [41] 4 ∗ (green − swir1) − (0.25 ∗ nir + 2.75 ∗ swir1)
ing pixels due to similar spectral properties of shadow pixels,
MNDWI [42] (green − swir1)∕(green + swir1)
dark object pixels, and mixed pixels. This research adopts a strat-
NDWIns [33] (green − 2 ∗ nir)∕(green + nir)
egy of grouping pixels into patches. Each patch comprises a
NDSI [33] (swir2 − green)∕(swir2 + green)
center pixel along with its surrounding neighborhood pixels. The
BU [43] (swir1−nir) (nir−red)
− (nir+red) center pixel serves as the focal point for classification, while its
NDBI [44] (swir1 − nir)∕(swir1 + nir) neighboring pixels provide contextual information for the classi-
NBI [44] (swir1 ∗ red)∕nir fication task. To accomplish this, we leverage the neighborhood
EVI [45] 2∗(nir−red)
information of the target pixel. The stacked raster data Rraster is
NDVI [46] (nir − red)∕(nir + red) divided into 3D patches using a stride of 1, as shown in Equa-
BSI [47] (swir1+red)−(nir+red) tion 4. Each patch has dimensions (m ∗ n ∗ d), representing the
row, column, and number of bands of the patch, respectively. To
account for edge pixels in the patches, a padding technique is
normalized difference computation, the RI bands demonstrates applied. The most used padding techniques include zero padding
varying reflectance values. Therefore, it is valuable to include and reflect padding [48–50]. The zero-padding technique fills
the spectral information from indices in conjunction with the the outer padded area with zeros which may introduce unrelated
spectral bands to effectively discriminate between the target data into the input. So, in this research, we have used reflection
classes. To achieve this, we stack the RSbands with the RI bands, padding techniques [51] that reflect the input values instead of
resulting in a consolidated 3D raster dataset denoted as Rraster. replicating the same value across the border axis to introduce
It has an image size of ( Rrow ∗ Rcolumn∗Rbands), encompassing more texture information than object information. The pseu-
both the spectral bands and derived indices. This integration docode for patch generation is given Algorithm 1.
allows for comprehensive spectral information utilization in the
separation of target classes.

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Fig. 5  Spectral graph for the 11

derived bands

Fig. 6  Spectral indices of TA1: a NDBI-B b NDVI c NDSI d NDBI e NBI f MNDWI g EVI h BU i BSI j AWEInsh k NDWIns

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Fig. 7  Spectral indices of TA2: a NDBI-B b NDVI c NDSI d NDBI e NBI f MNDWI g EVI h BU i BSI j AWEInsh k NDWIns

hand, pixel pairs from different classes tend to have correlation

Rraster = P1 , P2 , P3 , ..., PN (4)
values close to zero. To quantify the influence of neighborhood
where ‘N’ is the number of pixels in the raster and pixels on the center pixel, an RCSI matrix, RCSI N is generated
P1 , P2 , P3 , … , PN are patches of Rraster. for each patch of size (h, h, d), where h is an odd number and h
( patch consists ) of a center pixel Cx where, does not equal to 1. The RCSI matrix incorporates modified val-
x= , 2 , d and set of neighborhood pixels Cy given
(m−1) (n−1) ues of the center pixel and its neighboring pixels. This process
involves two steps. Firstly, the value of the center pixel for each
by Eq. 5.
patch is computed using Equation 6. Then, the spectral values
}| of each neighborhood pixel are sorted in ascending order based
Cy=(p,q,r) = Cy1 , Cy2 , Cy3 , ..., Cy(m∗n−1) |y! = x (5)
| on the reflectance values of the center pixel. For each patch, the
where (1 ≤ p ≤ m), (1 ≤ q ≤ n), (1 ≤ r ≤ d) and Cy1 , Cy2 , … Kendall 𝝉 c rank correlation and pvalues between the center pixel
are the set of neighborhood pixels except the center pixel. Cx and its corresponding neighborhood pixels Cy, as described
in Eq. 2 and Eq. 3 respectively in this paper, are calculated and
represented in matrix form in Eq. 7.
Formulation of RCSI Matrix [ k−1 ]/

( )
Cx = C m−1 , n−1 ,d (k + 1) (6)
The strength of the correlation between two variables can be d=0 2 2

determined by the likelihood of their values changing together

in the same or opposite direction. In the context of this research, where k = number of bands
the variables refer to the reflectance of pixels. Within a patch,
there is likely to exist a strong relationship between the reflec- ⎡ 𝝉 11 , p11 𝝉 12 , p12 … … 𝝉 1h , p1h ⎤
⎢ 𝝉 ,p 𝝉 ,p … … 𝝉 2h , p2h ⎥
tance of a center pixel and the corresponding surrounding pixels. 𝐑𝐂𝐒𝐈N = ⎢ 21 21 22 22 ⎥ (7)
For a specific band and class, the reflectance of the center pixel ⎢ ⋮ ⋮ Cx , 0 ⋮ ⎥
⎣ 𝝉 h1 , ph1 𝝉 h2 , ph2 … … 𝝉 hh , phh ⎦
is directly or inversely proportional to the reflectance of each
neighboring pixel. The reflectance of pixel pairs belonging to where 'N' is the number of patches in Rraster. The pvalue for
the same class generally tends to exhibit a high correlation for the center pixel in each patch is zero, indicating the highest
corresponding bands, regardless of their location. On the other

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correlation within the patch. Secondly, the 𝜏c − statistic of (1 − pvalue ), resulting in the final normalized RCSI matrix for
each cell is divided by the corresponding significance quantity each patch.

Algorithm 1  PatchGeneration ( )

Formulation of PSI matrix − 1 to 1, as described in Equation 10 . Standardization was

preferred since it is not influenced by outliers, as there is
The PSI matrix is calculated by taking the dot product of the no predefined range for the transformed features.
RCSI matrix of each patch with the corresponding patch of
Rraster , as shown in Eq. 8.
Rraster = (x − 𝜇)∕s. (10)
where ‘x’ is the sampling pixel, µ is the mean of those sam-
ples, and ‘s’ is the standard deviation of the samples. Moreo-
Where N is the number of patches in Rraster ver, many algorithms were proposed by several researchers
The pseudocode for generating the PSI matrix is given to group the unknown dataset into different clusters [52, 53].
in Algorithm 2. K-Means algorithm [54] is one of the most used unsuper-
Now, the Rraster is represented by Eq. 9. vised learning algorithms. So, in this research, we have used
the K-Means algorithm to assign pixels to 4 groups based on
Rraster = PSI1 , PSI2 , PSI3 , … , PSIN (9) the similarity of the pixel’s properties. Since the K-means
algorithm is not well-suited for handling high-dimensional
Grouping data points using unsupervised approach data due to its simplicity and limited computational capa-
bilities [55], it is necessary to reduce the dimensionality of
In satellite datasets, outliers are often present, which are the data before applying the clustering algorithm. Previous
anomalous values compared to the surrounding pixels. studies, such as [56], have employed principal component
These outliers are primarily caused by undetected cloud analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction in satellite
cover and rain. Additionally, the input data exhibit a wide image analysis. In this research, we utilized PCA to reduce
range of scales, varying from high positive values to high the dimensionality of the scaled Rraster data to a specific
negative values. To address this, data scaling is performed number of principal components. We have used the first
using standardization techniques. We have utilized stand- thirty percent of the principal components as input data to
ard scaling to transform the values of Rraster to a range of the algorithm. The centroid in our approach is not by the

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mean of neighboring pixels alone. Instead, the correlated clusters by minimizing the in-cluster sum of squares. Pixels
influencing factors of the neighboring contribute to the act as with similar properties are clustered together, resulting in a
the centroid. Each center pixel is assigned to one of the four classification map Rm∗n
containing four distinct clusters.

Algorithm 2  PatchSimilarityIndexGeneration( )

Assigning Labels to Clusters generating Bmask. Threshold values, as suggested in the relevant
literature, are employed to separate target pixels and suppress
Assigning labels to clusters often involves subjective human unwanted pixels for each class label. These threshold values are
observation, leading to potential errors and misleading classifi- presented in Table 6. The mask maps for water, vegetation, open
cations. Traditional methods [6, 57] for creating and validating land, and built-up areas are depicted in Fig. 8 (a–d) for TA1 and
labeled maps are prone to human subjectivity and errors. Gen- 8 (e–h) for TA2, respectively. It is important to emphasize that
erating labeled data for satellite images is particularly challeng- the primary focus is on the major mask, disregarding small clas-
ing due to their complex spectral properties. In this research, we sification errors or misclassified pixels. The concept involves
proposed a method that utilizes spectral indices derived from overlaying individual mask maps of the corresponding target
target image data to generate binary classification maps for spe- pixels onto the clustered image to assign specific target labels to
cific target classes. The MNDWI index [42] is employed to dis- each corresponding clustered pixel. For instance, for water iden-
tinguish water and non-water pixels in the test image using a tification and automatic labeling, a Rm∗n
matrix is generated
threshold, resulting in a binary water mask (Wmask), where water through pixel-wise multiplication of the Rclustered and Wmask. The

pixels are assigned a value of 1 and non-water pixels 0. Simi- Rm∗n matrix contains positive pixels likely to be represented
larly, EVI index are used to generate a vegetation mask (Vmask) as water and 0 values for others. But it may have misleading
to separate vegetation and non-vegetation pixels, with values of
Table 6  Threshold value for indices
1 and 0 assigned accordingly. To extract the open land pixels and
suppress non open land pixels in the test image to generate Class Threshold Label 1 Label 0
Omask , the BSI index is utilized, assigning values of 1 and 0,
Water [40] NDWI > 0 Water pixel Other pixels
respectively. Although the NBI index is used to extract built-up
Vegetation [45, NDVI > 0.3 Vegetation pixel Other pixels
regions, it is also associated with open land pixels in the classi- 46]
fication. To address this, we identify positive pixels resulting Open land [47] BSI > 0.2 Open land pixel Other pixels
from the difference between the NBI and BSI, assigning them a Built- ups [44] [(NBI > 0.1) Built-up pixel Other pixels
value of 1 for built-up pixels while assigning 0 to other pixels -(BSI > 0.2)] > 0

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Fig. 8   TA1 [a Water mask, b Vegetation mask, c Open Land mask, d Built-up mask] TA2 [e Water mask, f Vegetation mask, g Open Land
mask, h Built-up mask]

pixels. So, to handle this a new masking technique known as label, and Bmask , for the built-up labels. The pseudocode for
Frequent Masking (FM) method is proposed. In this method the assigning labels to clusters can be found in Algorithm 3. It is
frequency of all unique non-zero pixels in Rm∗n merged
is calculated. worth noting that there can be multiple cluster labels with the
The cluster label (number) associated with the highest frequency same frequency can be found in Rm∗n merged
, indicating ambiguity in
is identified. Then all the pixel associated with the correspond- the assigned labels, in that case, the clustering algorithm is re-
ing cluster number in Rm∗nclustered
is identified and marked as water evaluated to find corresponding clusters, till all the labels are
labels. The same procedure is applied using Vmask, to identify the identified and properly labeled.
vegetation cluster label, Omask, to detect the open land cluster

Algorithm 3  AutomaticLabelingTechnique( )

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Results and discussion



Comparative analysis of different classification
methods with the proposed method

Overall Accuracy
To conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis, we evaluated
several state-of-the-art classification approaches, focusing on
their effectiveness in classifying land cover types. A commonly

employed method is pixel-based classification, widely used in

numerous studies [4, 5, 58–61]. In this method, raw pixel values
are directly fed into the clustering algorithm to classify the four

land cover classes. This is referred to as Pixel-Based Classifica-


tion (PiBC) in this research. Another approach involves group-
ing pixels into chunks, rather than treating them individually,
to classify different land cover types [62, 63]. It is important


to note that this approach relies solely on multispectral bands

from satellite imagery and does not incorporate derived spectral
indices. Additionally, these chunks use the reflectance values of

the pixels within the group for classification, without consider-

ing the influence of neighboring pixels on the target pixels. This



method is distinctly different from the proposed approach and
is referred to as Simple Chunk-Based Classification (CuBC ).

Some researchers have integrated dimensionality reduction
techniques into the CuBC approach to improve classification


accuracy [64–66]. This variant is termed Chunk-Based Clas-
sification with PCA (CuBCpca) in this research. The above
approaches were evaluated on two feature sets: RSbands (multi-

spectral bands) and Rraster (a combination of RSbands and RI bands,



the latter representing derived spectral indices) across two test
scenes, TA1 and TA2. The quantitative classification results
for RSbands are presented in Table 7, while those for Rraster are
Table 7  Classification accuracies of different approaches using RSbands feature set


in Table 8. In this section, we thoroughly analyze and compare


the performance of these classification approaches against the


proposed method using various evaluation metrics such as pre-

cision, recall, F1-score, overall accuracy (OA), and the Kappa

Coefficient (KC). The classification accuracy of the proposed


methods is summarized in Table 9, and the comparative perfor-

mance of the different approaches against the proposed method

is depicted in Figs. 9 and 10 for TA1 and TA2, respectively.

For both RSbands and Rraster , the PiBC showed moderate per-


formance. It achieved high precision and recall for the "Water"

class, indicating accurate identification. However, the "Built-
Class Label

up" class exhibited low precision, with values of 0.29 (RSbands,

TA1), 0.34 (Rraster, TA1), 0.16 (RSbands, TA2), and 0.18 (Rraster,
TA2), indicating a high number of false positives and poor class




separation. The recall and F1-scores for the "Built-up" class

were moderate, pointing to incomplete classification. Addition-

ally, there was relatively low recall for "Open Land," indicat-

ing some misclassification of pixels in both feature sets across

test scenes. The overall accuracy for this method was 69.83%

(RSbands, TA1), 70.72% (Rraster, TA1), 60% (RSbands, TA2), and


63.20% (Rraster, TA2). The Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient values,

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Table 8  Classification accuracies of different approaches using Rraster feature set

Classification Class Label TA1 TA2
Precision Recall F1-Score Overall Accuracy Kappa Precision Recall F1-Score Overall Kappa
Coef- Coef-
ficient Accuracy ficient

Rraster PiBC V 0.94 0.83 0.88 0.707 0.572 0.9 0.65 0.75 0.632 0.504
W 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.97 0.96
BU 0.34 0.69 0.46 0.18 0.74 0.29
OL 0.71 0.57 0.63 0.93 0.53 0.67
CuBC V 0.93 0.86 0.9 0.722 0.591 0.89 0.66 0.76 0.637 0.51
W 0.96 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.97 0.96
BU 0.34 0.62 0.44 0.19 0.77 0.31
OL 0.73 0.59 0.66 0.94 0.52 0.67
CuBCpca V 0.77 0.82 0.8 0.801 0.695 0.8 0.97 0.87 0.88 0.816
W 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.95 0.98 0.97
BU 0.79 0.87 0.83 0.93 0.84 0.89
OL 0.81 0.74 0.77 0.96 0.8 0.87

0.5575 ( RSbands, TA1), 0.5723 ( Rraster , TA1), 0.468 ( RSbands, Kappa Coefficient also improved, reinforcing the effectiveness
TA2), and 0.504 (Rraster, TA2), indicated moderate agreement of this approach. In contrast, the proposed method, depicted in
between the predicted and true labels. The classification map Figs. 9 (g) and 10(g) for TA1 and TA2 respectively, outper-
for PiBC method is shown in Figs. 9 (a) and (d) and Fig. 10(a) formed all other approaches. It achieved high precision, recall,
and (d) and for CuBC method is depicted in Figs. 9 (b) and and F1-scores across all four classes. The “Water” and “Vegeta-
(e) and Fig. 10(b) and (e) for TA1 and TA2 respectively. The tion” classes were classified with high accuracy, and the method
CuBC method demonstrated improved performance over the significantly improved the classification of the “Built-up” and
pixel-based approach for both RSbands and Rraster feature sets. It “Open Land” classes, which had underperformed in previ-
achieved higher precision, recall, and F1-scores for the “Vegeta- ous approaches. The overall accuracy of the proposed method
tion” and “Water” classes, indicating better classification accu- was the highest, 90.30% (TA1) and 91.79% (TA2), indicating
racy. However, the performance for the “Built-up” and “Open a significant enhancement in classification performance. The
Land” classes remained relatively low. The overall accuracy Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient values were the highest for proposed
increased to 73.44% ( RSbands, TA1), 72.29% ( Rraster , TA1), method, suggesting substantial agreement between the predicted
65.57% (RSbands, TA2), and 63.70% (Rraster , TA2), indicating and actual classifications. The results demonstrate that the pro-
enhanced classification performance. The Cohen’s Kappa Coef- posed method effectively captures the characteristics of the tar-
ficient also improved, with values of 0.6098 ( RSbands, TA1), get classes and significantly improves classification accuracy
0.5917 ( Rraster , TA1), 0.5315 ( RSbands , TA2), and 0.5108 compared to the other approaches.
( Rraster , TA2), suggesting a stronger agreement between pre-
dicted and true labels. However, the lower accuracy of the Analyzing the Effectiveness of Proposed Approach
CuBC method when using Rraster compared to RSbands suggests
that the increase in dimensionality due to the addition of indi- To illustrate the importance and effectiveness of the
ces negatively impacts the clustering algorithm, as k-means proposed approach, we conducted ablation research by
does not perform well in high-dimensional spaces. Therefore, progressively modifying the proposed architecture and
dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA are essential for excluding key components to evaluate their impact on
further improving performance. The CuBCpca method, shown classification performance. The results of this research
in Figs. 9 (c) and (f) and Fig. 10(c) and (f) for TA1 and TA2 are summarized in Table 10, where the performance is
respectively, achieved consistent precision, recall, and F1-scores measured by OA and KC for two test areas, TA1 and TA2.
for the “Vegetation” and “Water” classes. Although the “Built- This analysis provides insights into the role of each com-
up” and “Open Land” classes showed slight improvements, ponent– RSbands (multispectral bands), RI bands (the spec-
they approached near-complete classification. The overall tral indices), and PCA in the proposed approach. In the
accuracy increased to 76% ( RSbands, TA1), 80.17% ( Rraster , first approach, we excluded the RI bands and only retained
TA1), 85.69% (RSbands, TA2), and 88.05% (Rraster, TA2), dem- the RSbands . This configuration achieved an OA of 0.834
onstrating enhanced classification performance. The Cohen’s

SN Computer Science
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and KC of 0.738 compared to the proposed approach that

Kappa Coefficient
includes both RI bands and RSbands . These results indicate
that although using RSbands with dimensionality reduc-
tion improves accuracy, the absence of spectral indices

restricts the approach from achieving optimal perfor-
mance. Therefore, the combination of multispectral bands
Overall Accuracy and spectral indices is essential for optimal classifica-
tion performance. In the second approach, both PCA and
RI bands were excluded, leaving only the RSbands . This led to
a significant drop in performance, with an OA of 66.16%

and a KC of 0.5070 for TA1, and an OA of 61.83% with

a KC of 0.4855 for TA2. This sharp decline highlights
PCA's critical role in reducing noise and enhancing rel-

evant features. In the third configuration, we retained both


RSbands and RI bands but excluded PCA. This resulted in an

OA of 64.64% and a KC of 0.4876 for TA1, and 63.12%

with a KC of 0.5016 for TA2. Although this approach per-


formed slightly better than using RSbands alone, the results

remained suboptimal. This underlines the importance of

PCA in enhancing classification accuracy when using



both multispectral bands and spectral indices together.

The fourth approach evaluated the use of only RI bands
excluding RSbands . The results showed an OA of 84.21%
Kappa Coefficient

and a KC of 0.7225 for TA1, and an OA of 83.92% with

a KC of 0.7396 for TA2. These results suggest that spec-
tral indices alone provide substantial classification power.

However, the performance still fell short compared to the

proposed method, underscoring the value of combining
both RSbands and RI bands for improved results. Lastly, in
Overall Accuracy

the fifth approach, both PCA and RSbands were excluded,

leaving only RI bands . This configuration resulted in an OA
of 0.7968 and KC of 0.6955 for TA1, and 0.7993 with

KC of 0.6977 for TA2. While the spectral indices alone

performed reasonably well, the absence of PCA under-

scored its importance for achieving superior classifica-

tion accuracy. The ablation research clearly demonstrates

that each component of the proposed approach plays a

critical role in achieving optimal classification accuracy.
Table 9  Classification accuracy of the proposed method

The configuration incorporating all three elements con-


sistently outperformed other configurations. This proves

that each element contributes significantly to the final

classification results, highlighting the effectiveness of the



proposed architecture.
Class Label

Proposed Method

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Fig. 9  TA1 classification for 〖RS〗_bands [a PiBC b CuBC c CuBCpca], TA1 classification for R_raster [d PiBC e CuBC f CuBCpca] g Pro-
posed method

Fig. 10   TA2 classification for 〖RS〗_bands [a PiBC b CuBC c CuBCpca] TA2 classification for R_raster [d PiBC e CuBC f CuBCpca] g Pro-
posed method

Table 10  Analysis of the Approach 1 Approach 2 Approach 3 Approach 4 Approach 5

effectiveness of the proposed

TA1 0.834 0.738 0.6616 0.5070 0.6464 0.4876 0.8421 0.7225 0.7968 0.6955
TA2 0.855 0.762 0.6183 0.4855 0.6312 0.5016 0.8392 0.7396 0.7993 0.6977

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