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Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of R134a, R1234ze(E),

R245fa and R1233zd(E) in a plate heat exchanger

Zhang, Ji; Kærn, Martin Ryhl; Ommen, Torben; Elmegaard, Brian; Haglind, Fredrik

Published in:
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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Citation (APA):
Zhang, J., Kærn, M. R., Ommen, T., Elmegaard, B., & Haglind, F. (2019). Condensation heat transfer and
pressure drop characteristics of R134a, R1234ze(E), R245fa and R1233zd(E) in a plate heat exchanger.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 128, 136-149.

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1 Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of
2 R134a, R1234ze(E), R245fa and R1233zd(E) in a plate heat exchanger

3 Ji Zhang, Martin Ryhl Kærn, Torben Ommen, Brian Elmegaard, Fredrik Haglind
4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Nils Koppels Allé,
5 Building 403, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

7 Abstract

8 The fundamental understanding of the thermal-hydraulic performance of working fluids during

9 condensation is important for the optimal design of the condenser in various thermodynamic cycles.

10 This paper is aimed at obtaining flow condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in

11 a plate heat exchanger during the working conditions of the condenser of either organic Rankine

12 cycle power systems or heat pump units. The selected working fluids are two hydrofluorocarbons,

13 R134a and R245fa, as well as their hydrofluoroolefin replacements, R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E).

14 Measurements of heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops were carried out with varying

15 saturation temperature, mass flux, and liquid Reynolds number, ranging from 30 °C to 70 °C, 16

16 kg/m2s to 90 kg/m2s and 65 to 877, respectively. Based on commonly used existing correlations,

17 new heat transfer and pressure drop correlations were developed, including the effect of the surface

18 tension. The experimental data indicate that different heat transfer mechanisms occur at low liquid

19 Reynolds number with the different working fluids. The results suggest higher heat transfer

20 coefficients and pressure drops for R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E) than for R134a and R245fa at the

21 same working conditions. The new correlations enable significantly better prediction accuracies for

22 the experimental results in this study than existing correlations, indicating that the surface tension is

23 a suitable parameter to consider in mini and micro-scale condensation heat transfer.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 45 25 13 87; fax: +45 45 25 19 61
E-mail address: [email protected] (Ji Zhang)

1 Keywords: flow condensation, plate heat exchanger, organic Rankine cycle power systems, heat

2 pumps, HFO


Symbols Subscripts
A heat transfer area, m2 con condensation
Ao cross-sectional area on working fluid side of the cri critical
PHE, m2 dec deceleration
b amplitude of corrugation, m ele elevation
Bo Bond number eq equivalent
cp specific heat capacity, J/kg K exp experimental
D diameter, m fri frictional
f friction factor h hydraulic
G mass flux, kg/m2s in inlet
h heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K l liquid
H enthalpy, J/kg lo liquid only
K coverage factor loc local
k thermal conductivity, W/m K m mean
L length, m oil oil
LMTD log mean temperature difference, K out outlet
𝑚̇ mass flow rate, kg/s p port
N number of channels pred predicted
Nu Nusselt number sat saturation
P pressure, Pa sub subcooled
Pr Prandtl number sup superheated
Pr reduced pressure tot total
𝑄̇ heat transfer rate, W v vapor
Re Reynolds number w water
t thickness, m wall wall
T temperature, °C wf working fluid
U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
𝑉̇ volume flow rate, L/min
W width, m
We Weber number
x vapor quality

Greek Symbols Abbreviations

γ dimensionless corrugation parameter HC hydrocarbon
β chevron angle, ° HFC hydrofluorocarbon
φ enlargement factor of corrugation surface HFO hydrofluoroolefin
μ dynamic viscosity, Pa•s MAPD mean absolute percentage deviation
ρ mass density, kg/m3 MBPD mean bias percentage deviation
λ corrugation pitch, m ORC organic Rankine cycle
Δ difference PHE plate heat exchanger
ε heat loss percentage GWP Global Warming Potential
δ thickness of plate, m
σ surface tension, N/m

1 1. Introduction

2 Plate heat exchangers (PHEs) are a type of compact heat exchanger widely used because of

3 their high performance and compactness. Although the PHEs were originally developed for the

4 single-phase heat transfer in the food industries, the use of PHEs as evaporators and condensers in

5 industrial applications (such as refrigeration, air conditioning and power generation) has been

6 introduced in the last 20 years [1,2]. Therefore, the fundamental understanding of the heat transfer

7 and pressure drop characteristics of condensation in PHEs, as well as the corresponding prediction

8 methods, are of high importance in order to design condensers for more efficient and economically

9 feasible systems. However, the current research works in this field are quite limited, which is a

10 major constraint in designing PHEs as condensers in industrial applications. In a recent review on

11 condensation heat transfer in PHEs by Vakili-Farahani et al. [2], the authors stated that the use of

12 PHEs in condensation has a relatively short history, the research on this topic is very limited so far,

13 and theoretical predictions appear to be very difficult.

14 In addition, with respect to environmental issues, a new type of working fluids,

15 hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), has been developed as fourth-generation refrigerants. Compared with

16 the conventional hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which have the largest share of the current refrigerant

17 market [3], HFOs have much lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) [4]. Subsequently, the use of

18 HFOs in various thermodynamic cycles has been increasingly studied, e.g., the use of R1234yf and

19 R1234ze(E) in organic Rankine cycle (ORC) power systems [5] and the use of R1234ze(E) and

20 R1234ze(Z) in heat pumps [6]. However, studies related to the condensation of HFOs in PHEs are

21 indeed scarce in the open literature. Two relevant experimental investigations were carried out

22 where R1234yf [7] and R1234ze(E) [8] were employed, respectively. Table 1 summarizes the

23 existing studies on condensation heat transfer in PHEs using organic working fluids (HFCs, HFOs,

24 Hydrocarbons (HCs)). As shown in the table, most of the experimental works consider HFCs as

1 working fluids with focus on condensation temperatures lower than 40 °C.

2 The objective of the present study is to investigate the condensation heat transfer of selected

3 HFCs and HFOs in a PHE at the working conditions prevailing in ORC units and heat pumps. The

4 two HFCs, R134a and R245fa, and their two HFO replacements, R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E),

5 were evaluated for different mass flow rates and condensation temperatures. In terms of

6 condensation temperatures, the focus of the current research is 30 °C to 60 °C for the working fluids

7 R134a and R1234ze(E), and 40 °C to 70 °C for the working fluids R245fa and R1233zd(E).

8 Condensation temperatures of 40 °C to 70 °C are typical for the condenser in heat pumps, while

9 condensation temperatures of 30 °C to 40 °C are commonly used in the condenser of ORC power

10 systems [9,10], and condensation temperatures of 50 °C to 70 °C are typical for the condenser in

11 combined heat and power plants based on the ORC technology providing the heat for residential

12 applications (e.g., [11]). We used the experimental results to identify the prevailing heat transfer

13 mechanisms, and by comparison with the experimental data, we were able to evaluate the suitability

14 of the existing heat transfer and pressure drop correlations. Subsequently, we developed a new

15 prediction method for the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of condensation in PHEs by introducing

16 dimensionless numbers, taking account for the effects of surface tension and refitting existing

17 correlations using regression analysis of the experimental data presented in this paper. The intention

18 is for these new correlations to be used as a future reference for the design of condensers in ORC

19 systems and heat pumps.

20 The main novel contributions of the paper are the following: i) condensation heat transfer

21 results in a PHE for two working fluids, namely, the HFC R245fa and the HFO R1233zd(E), for

22 which no studies have previously been reported in the open literature on this topic, ii) experimental

23 results for higher condensation temperatures (50 °C and 60 °C) for the working fluids R134a and

24 R1234ze(E) than presented previously for these working fluids [8,12–14], and iii) the effects of

1 surface tension are considered when deriving condensation heat transfer and pressure drop

2 correlations for a PHE.

3 The paper proceeds with a description of the method in Section 2, including the experimental

4 apparatus, Wilson plot test and data analysis. Test results and discussions are presented in Sections

5 3 and 4, respectively. Section 5 reports the conclusions of the study.

6 Table 1 Summary of research works of condensation heat transfer in PHEs.

Year Authors Working Working Process Film- Configuration of
fluids conditions convective PHE
1999 Yan et al. [12] R134a G = (60 to Partial ‒ β = 60°; λ = 10
120) kg/m2s; condensation; mm; a = 3.3 mm;
Pcon = (0.7 to xm = 0.08 to Lp = 450 mm; Wp
0.9) MPa ((26 0.86 = 70 mm; N = 3
to 35) °C)
2000 Palmer et al. R22; R290; Rel = 20 to Complete ‒ Brazed PHE; N =
[15] R290/600a; 250; condensation; 30
R32/152a Tcon,in = 25 °C ΔTsup = 3.9 °C
2002 Thonon and Propane; Relo = 100 to Complete Recri = 100 β = 45°; L = 300
Bontemps pentane; 2000; condensation to 1000 mm; W = 300
[16] butane Pcon,in = (1.5 to mm
18) bar (up to
80 °C)
2003 Han et al. [17] R410; R22 G = (60 to Partial ‒ β = 45°, 65° and
120) kg/m2s; condensation; x 70°; λ = 4.9 mm,
Tcon = 20 °C = 0.15 to 0.9 5.2 mm and 7.0
and 30 °C mm; a = 2.55
mm; Lp = 476
mm; Wp = 69
mm; N = 6
2004 Würfel and Heptane Rel,out = 350 to Complete Recri = 250 β = 30°/30°,
Ostrowski 1650; Rev,in = condensation 30°/60° and
[18] 9500 to 60°/60; L = 560
45000; Pcon = mm; W = 180
1 bar (≈ mm; N = 3
98 °C)
2005 Kuo et al. [19] R410A G = (50 to Partial ‒ β = 60°; λ = 10
150) kg/m2s; condensation; mm; a = 3.3 mm;
Tcon,in = (20 to xm = 0.10 to Lp = 450 mm; Wp
31.5) °C 0.80 = 70 mm; N = 3
2008 Djordjević R134a G = (30 to 65) Complete ‒ β = 60°; λ = 10
[13] kg/m2s; Tcon,in condensation; mm; a = 3.3 mm;
= (26 to xloc = 0.1 to 0.9 Lp = 450 mm; Wp
29) °C = 70 mm; N = 3
2012 Grabenstein R365mfc G = (20 to 80) Complete ‒ β = 63°

and Kabelac kg/m2s; condensation;
[20] Pcon = (430 to xloc = 0.05 to 1
640) kPa (87
to 103) °C
2012 Mancin et al. R407C; G = (15 to 40) Partial Gcri = 20 β = 65°; L = 325
to [21–23] R410A; R32 kg/m2s; condensation; kg/m2s to 526 mm; W =
2013 Tcon,in = ΔTsup = 5 to 25 94 to 247 mm;
41.8 °C and K; xout = 0.0 to N = 4 to 8
36.5 °C 0.65
2015 Sarraf et al. Pentane G = (9 to 30) Complete Gcri = 15 β = 55°; λ = 6
to [24,25] kg/m2s; condensation; kg/m2s mm; a = 2.2 mm;
2016 Tcon,in = ΔTsup = (5 to L = 521 mm; W =
41.8 °C and 25) K 111.4 mm; N = 3
36.5 °C
2008 Longo et al. R134a; G = (5.3 to Partial Gcri = (15 β = 65°; λ = 8
to [7,8,14,26– R410A; 11.4) kg/m2s; condensation: to 20) mm; a = 2 mm;
2015 29] R600a; Rel = 120 to xin =0.92 to 1, kg/m2s; Lp = 278 mm; W
R290; 800; Tsat = (20 xout = 0.0 to Recri = 200 = 72 mm; N = 8
R1270; to 40) °C 0.09; complete to 400 and 10
R1234yf; condensation:
R1234ze(E); ΔTsup = (9.2 to
R152a 11.2) K, ΔTsub
= (0 to 4.9) K

1 2. Methods

2 2.1. Test facilities

b δ




4 Figure 1 Schematic of a chevron corrugation plate in the condenser [30].

5 A commercial brazed PHE was used as the condenser (test section) in the test rig. It has 16

1 plates in total, 8 cooling water passes and 7 working fluid passes. Figure 1 shows the schematic of a

2 chevron corrugation plate, and Table 2 lists the main dimensions of the current stainless plate

3 (which were measured).

4 Table 2 Geometrical data of the chevron plate.

Parameters Measured values
Length L 317 mm
Width W 76 mm
Port-to-port length Lp 278 mm
Port-to-port width Wp 40 mm
Diameter of inlet/outlet port Dp 18 mm
Chevron angle β 65 °
Corrugation pitch λ 7 mm
Amplitude of corrugation b 1 mm
Hydraulic diameter Dh (see the definition in Sec. 3.1) 3.4 mm

6 Figure 2 shows a schematic of the test facility. It consists of three fluid loops, one primary

7 working fluid cycle in black and two auxiliary loops (thermal oil system and cooling water system)

8 in red and blue, used to evaporate and condense the working fluids, respectively. In the main cycle,

9 a variable speed volumetric pump was used to circulate the working fluid, as well as control the

10 mass flow rate. Two PHEs, which were employed as pre-heater and evaporator by use of the

11 thermal oil system, ensured that the subcooled working fluid at the inlet of the pre-heater was

12 heated to superheated vapor at the outlet of the evaporator. Similarly, two PHEs function on the

13 condensation side as the condenser (test section in this work) and subcooler, respectively. A cooling

14 water system supplies the chilled water to the test section and subcooler. Four proportional valves

15 were installed at the outlet of the four respective PHEs, in order to control the mass flow rates of the

16 secondary fluids. A differential pressure transducer measures the pressure drop of the working fluid

17 through the condenser. Moreover, the temperatures, mass/volume flow rates and pressures of the

18 working fluids/thermal oil/chilled water in different locations were measured; see Figure 2. In

19 addition, an additional PHE (termed PHE G), which has the same plate configuration as the

1 condenser, was installed between the two auxiliary loops. This PHE was used to obtain the water

2 single-phase heat transfer coefficient in the current PHE based on the Wilson-plot method [31]; see

3 Section 2.3.

Samson valve Pump

Differential pressure transducer Safety valve controller
Ball valve T Temperature sensor
Filter (thermocouple)
Pressure sensor
Mass flow meter
G Volume flow meter
Expansion valve Electrical heater

Oil tank


Pre-heater Evaporator
P T T PHE G for
Wilson Plot test
Subcooler Condenser
P P T T water
T system
Receiver G

5 Figure 2 Schematic of the test facility.

6 In heat pumps and ORC systems, the vapor at the condenser inlet is generally superheated [25].

7 Therefore, we employed a slight superheating degree within 5 K for all the working fluids at the

8 inlet of the condenser. The superheat was controlled through regulating the expansion valve as well

9 as the heat input from the thermal oil. Moreover, at the outlet of the condenser, the working fluids

10 were condensed to the saturated or slightly subcooled liquid within the subcooled degree of 5.5 K.

11 Similarly, the subcooled degree of the working fluids was controlled by regulating the temperature

1 and flow rate of the chilled water. Table 3 summarizes the operating conditions for the experimental

2 tests.

3 Table 3 Condenser test operating conditions.

Tsat (°C) Psat Gwf q Rel ΔTsup ΔTsub 𝑉𝑤̇ (L/min) Tw,in (°C)
(bar) (kg/m2s) (kW/m2) (K) (K)
29.7 to 2.9 to 16.0 to 4.0 to 65 to 1.6 to 0 to 5.3 14.9 to 13.8 to
71.0 16.3 90.0 57.4 877 4.9 15.6 65.2

5 A previous research work [30] has performed a validation of the experimental facility, based

6 on the measurement of the single-phase heat transfer coefficient of R1234yf in the evaporator. In

7 addition, the heat loss in the condenser based on the R1233zd(E) complete condensation process

8 (from superheated vapor to subcooled liquid) was tested in this work. The heat loss percentage ε is

9 defined as

𝑄̇w,con −𝑄̇wf,con
10 ε= 100 %, (1)

11 where the heat transfer rates of the working fluid and water in condenser 𝑄̇wf,conand 𝑄̇w,con were

12 calculated by

13 𝑄̇wf,con = ṁwf (𝐻wf,in − 𝐻wf,out ), (2)

14 and

15 𝑄̇w,con = ṁ𝑤 𝑐p,w (𝑇w,out − 𝑇w,in ). (3)

16 Tw,in and Tw,out are the condenser inlet and outlet temperatures of the water side, respectively, and ṁw

17 and ṁwf are the mass flow rate of water and working fluid, respectively, cp,w is the specific heat of

18 water, and Hwf,in and Hwf,out are the specific enthalpy of the working fluids at the inlet and outlet of

19 the condenser. Figure 3 shows the test results of the heat loss rate, plotted as a function of mass flux

20 Gwf (mass flow rate per unit cross-sectional area of flow), where Gwf was calculated based on the

1 cross-sectional area on working fluid side of the PHE Ao, defined as [32]

2 𝐴𝑜 = 2𝑏𝑊𝑁wf , (4)

3 where Nwf is the number of channels (passages) on the working fluid side. As shown in the figure,

4 the heat loss rate is less than 4 % with the mass flux ranging from 30 kg/m2s to 80 kg/m2s,

5 suggesting that accurate measurements are obtained. Moreover, repeatability tests were conducted

6 with R134a and R245fa for parts of the working conditions, indicating that the average deviation

7 was 4.7 % and 3.8 %, respectively, for the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop among the

8 measurements.


30 40 50 60 70 80
Gwf (kg/m s)

10 Figure 3 Heat loss rate under the condensation heat transfer of R1233zd(E).

11 2.2. Data reduction

12 The whole heat transfer process consists of three regions: vapor desuperheating (region I),

13 saturation condensation (region II), and liquid subcooling (region III); see Figure 4. In the analysis,

14 we considered all three regions, though we did not treat the heat transfer in region I (desuperheating)

15 separately; that is, we obtained the condensation heat transfer coefficients presented in this study by

16 considering the heat transfer processes in regions I and II, and excluding that of region III. Not

1 treating the heat transfer in region I separately is justified by the fact that the heat transfer rate in

2 this region accounts only for a small fraction (1.4 % to 4.6 %) of the heat transfer rate of the whole

3 condensation process, having a small impact on the results. Besides, there are currently no

4 appropriate heat transfer correlations available for the desuperheating region. A previous

5 experimental study by Sarraf et al. [25] investigating the condensation heat transfer in a PHE,

6 including a detailed analysis of the vapor desuperheating region, suggests that a thermal non-

7 equilibrium process occurs in the desuperheating region including both liquid evaporation and

8 vapor desuperheating, spatially and temporally distributed. This finding indicates that it is a non-

9 trivial task to derive an accurate heat transfer correlation for this region. The details of the data

10 reduction methods follow next.

Twf,in Working fluid

inlet (top of plate)

Working fluid outlet
(bottom of plate)

III II I Cooling water
Tw,sup outlet

Cooling water

. .
. QI
Heat transfer rate

13 Figure 4 Diagram of the heat transfer process in the condenser.

1 The geometric calculations of the chevron corrugation plates follow the definitions by Martin

2 [33]. The hydraulic diameter of the working fluid channel between two chevron corrugation plates

3 Dh is defined as

4 𝐷ℎ = , (5)

5 where the dimensionless parameter φ is the area enlargement factor caused by sinusoidal surface

6 waviness and is calculated by

1 2 2
7 φ = 6 (1 + √1 + γ + 4√1 + γ /2), (6)

8 where γ is a dimensionless corrugation parameter, defined as

9 γ= . (7)

10 The heat transfer rate of the working fluid in the subcooled heat transfer region 𝑄̇wf,sub is

11 calculated as

12 𝑄̇wf,sub = ṁwf (𝐻𝑙 − 𝐻wf,out ), (8)

13 where Hl is the saturated liquid specific enthalpy of the working fluids. According to the energy

14 balance, the cooling water temperature at the inlet of region III, Tw,sub is calculated by

15 𝑇w,sub = 𝑐 + 𝑇w,in, (9)
p,sub ṁ𝑤

16 where the ṁw is the mass flow rate of cooling water, cp,sub is the average specific heat of the water in

17 region III, and Tw,in is the cooling water temperature at the inlet of region I. The overall heat transfer

18 coefficient in the subcooled region Usub is determined by

1 1 1 𝑡
19 =ℎ +ℎ + 𝑘wall , (10)
𝑈sub w,sub wf,sub wall

20 where the heat transfer coefficients of cooling water hw,sub and working fluids hwf,sub in region III are

1 calculated by the single-phase heat transfer correlation developed in the Wilson plot tests (see

2 Section 2.3), and twall and kwall are the thickness and thermal conductivity of the plate, respectively.

3 The heat transfer area of region III Asub is calculated as

4 𝐴sub = 𝑈 , (11)
sub LMTDsub

5 where the log mean temperature difference in region III, LMTDsub is defined as

(𝑇sat,out −𝑇w,sub )−(𝑇wf,out −𝑇w,in )

6 LMTDsub = 𝑇sat,out −𝑇w,sub , (12)
ln ( )
𝑇wf,out −𝑇w,in

7 where Tsat,out and Twf,out are the working fluid temperatures at the outlet of the regions II and III,

8 respectively. The plate length for region III is calculated as

9 𝐿sub = 𝐿p , (13)

10 where A is the total heat transfer area of the condenser. The ratio Asub/A ranges from 0.4 % to 2.0 %

11 in the experiments.

12 The heat transfer rate and heat transfer area for the sum of regions I and II, 𝑄̇sat+supand Asat+sup

13 are given by

14 𝑄̇sat+sup = 𝑄̇ − 𝑄̇sub , (14)

15 𝐴sat+sup = 𝐴 − 𝐴sub , (15)

16 where the total heat transfer rate 𝑄̇ is calculated as

17 𝑄̇ = ṁwf (𝐻wf,in − 𝐻wf,out ). (16)

18 The condensation heat transfer coefficient hwf for the sum of regions I and II is calculated as

1 1 1 𝑡
1 =𝑈 −ℎ − 𝑘wall , (17)
ℎwf sat+sup w,sat+sup wall

2 where the heat transfer coefficient of water for the sum of regions I and II, hw,sat+sup is calculated by

3 the single-phase heat transfer correlation developed in the Wilson plot tests (see Section 2.3) and

4 the overall heat transfer coefficient for the sum of regions I and II, Usat+sup is defined as

5 𝑈sat+sup = 𝐴 , (18)
sat+sup 𝐿𝑀𝑇𝐷sat+sup

6 where the log mean temperature difference for the sum of regions I and II, LMTDsat+sup is calculated

7 as [34]

(𝑇sat −𝑇w,out )−(𝑇sat −𝑇w,sub )

8 LMTDsat+sup = 𝑇sat −𝑇w,out , (19)
ln ( )
𝑇sat −𝑇w,sub

9 where Tsat is the saturation temperature in the condenser, which is an arithmetic average value of

10 Tsat,out and Tsat,in.

11 The frictional pressure drop for the sum of regions I and II is determined from

12 ∆𝑃fri = ∆𝑃tot − ∆𝑃𝑝 + ∆𝑃ele + ∆𝑃dec − ∆𝑃sub , (20)

13 where the ΔPtot is the total pressure drop measure by the differential pressure transducer. The ΔPp is

14 caused by the manifold and port, defined as

1 1
15 ∆𝑃𝑝 = 0.75𝐺𝑝2 (2𝜌 + 2𝜌 ), (21)
v,sup l,out

16 where the mass flux at port Gp is calculated based on the cross-sectional area of the plate port, ρv,sup

17 is the density of superheated vapor at inlet and ρl,out is the density of liquid at the outlet. The

18 deceleration and elevation pressure drops ΔPdec and ΔPele were estimated from the homogenous

19 model of the two-phase flow [35]:

2 1 1
1 ∆𝑃dec = 𝐺wf ∆𝑥(𝜌 − 𝜌 ), (22)
𝑣 𝑙

2 ∆𝑃ele = 𝑔𝜌𝑚 (𝐿𝑝 − 𝐿sub ), (23)

3 where ρl and ρv are the densities of liquid-phase and vapor-phase, respectively and Δx is the vapor

4 quality difference between the inlet and outlet of the condenser, which is equal to 1 for complete

5 condensation. The average two-phase density between the inlet and outlet of the condenser ρm is

6 calculated at the average vapor quality between the inlet and outlet xm, obtained by
1 𝑥𝑚 1−𝑥𝑚
7 = + , (24)
𝜌𝑚 𝜌𝑣 𝜌𝑙

8 where xm is 0.5 for complete condensation. The single-phase pressure drop at region III ΔPsub was

9 calculated by

𝐿sub 𝐺wf
10 ∆𝑃sub = 2𝑓sub , (25)
𝐷ℎ 𝜌𝑙

11 where the single-phase friction factor was calculated based on the correlation suggested by Martin

12 [33].

13 2.3. Wilson plot test

14 In order to calculate the single-phase heat transfer coefficients in Eqs. (10) and (17), the liquid-

15 liquid heat transfer between water and oil was examined using PHE G. The analysis follows the

16 Wilson plot technique [31] to determine a correlation for the water heat transfer coefficient.

17 Adriano et al. [36] present a detailed description on how to derive the thermal oil single-phase heat

18 transfer correlation using the modified Briggs and Young method [31]. In this work, we employed a

19 similar method. In order to minimize the uncertainties of the Wilson plot results, we conducted

20 three tests with different oil inlet temperatures, following the guideline suggested by Sherbini et al.

21 [37]. According to the modified Briggs and Young method, the heat transfer correlations of the

1 water and oil sides are defined as

2 ℎ𝑤 = 𝐶1 Re𝑎𝑤 Pr𝑤 𝑘𝑤 /𝐷ℎ (𝜇𝑤 /𝜇w,wall )0.14 , (26)

3 ℎoil = 𝐶2 Re0.8
oil Proil 𝑘oil /𝐷ℎ (𝜇oil /𝜇oil,wall )
, (27)

4 where the Reoil/Rew and Proil/Prw are the Reynolds numbers and Prandtl number of the oil/water,

5 respectively, and μoil/μw and μoil,wall/μw,wall are the dynamic viscosities based on mean oil/water

6 temperature and wall temperature, respectively.

7 Table 4 summarizes the operating conditions, coefficients C1 and exponents of the water

8 Reynolds number for the three tests. The maximum deviation among three coefficients is 3.5 % and

9 among exponents is 1.4 %, which indicate consistency among the tests and demonstrate that the

10 method is reliable. By averaging the results for C1 and a, the following single-phase heat transfer

11 correlation for water was obtained:

12 Nu = 0.4225Re0.733 Pr1/3 (𝜇/𝜇wall )0.14 , 400 < Re < 1100, 2.8 < Pr < 4.5. (28)

13 Figure 5 shows the heat transfer coefficients calculated by Eq. (28) for the working conditions of

14 Test 1, together with the prediction results by several existing heat transfer correlations (Focke et al.

15 [38], Hayes et al. [39], Chisholm and Wanniarachchi [40], Gasche [15], Martin [33] and Dović et al.

16 [41]). The results of these correlations are comparable with those obtained in this study,

17 demonstrating that Eq. (28) provides reasonable results. For example, the differences in heat

18 transfer coefficient calculated by Eq. (28) and the correlations by Focke et al. [38] and Hayes et al.

19 [39] are within 5 % and 10 %, respectively.

20 Table 4 Condenser operating test conditions.

C1 a Rew Prw Reoil Proil R2
Test 1 0.4139 0.7391 700 to 1100 2.8 to 4.4 450 54 0.994
Test 2 0.4282 0.7287 580 to 940 2.9 to 4.5 360 65 0.981
Test 3 0.4254 0.7312 400 to 700 3.0 to 4.4 275 82 0.997

Developed correlation Eq. (28) in this study
Fcoke et al. correlation [38]
50000 Hayes et al. correlation[39]
Chisholm and Wanniarachchi correlation [40]
Gasche correlation [15]
40000 Martin correlation [33]
hw (W/m2K)
Dovic et al. correlation [41]
30000 10 % error bar
5 % error bar


700 800 900 1000 1100

3 Figure 5 Comparison of Eq. (28) with different water single-phase heat transfer correlations in the

4 open literature for the working conditions of test 1.

5 The difference between the true mean temperature difference and LMTD in the Wilson plot

6 test, caused integratedly by many factors including the number of plates, effects of end plates, flow

7 arrangement and so on [42], was also evaluated by calculating the correction factor Ft for each test

8 point (in total 22 points) following the method presented by Mancin et al. [22]. The results suggest

9 that the figure for the correction factor Ft ranges from 0.935 to 0.986 with an average value of 0.973.

10 Moreover, the differences in the condensation heat transfer coefficient of the working fluids when

11 using the calculated value of the correction factor Ft and assuming Ft equal to unity range from 0.3 %

12 to 2.0 %, indicating that for the conditions presented in this paper the correction to LMTD has a

13 negligible effect of the PHE performance.

14 2.4. Uncertainties analysis

15 In this study, the uncertainty of temperature measurement was ±0.19 K. The errors associated

16 with the mass flow rate and volume flow rate measurements were ±0.015 % and ±0.5 %,

17 respectively. The uncertainty of pressure and pressure difference uncertainties were ±0.45 % FS

18 (Full Span of 5 MPa) and ±0.046 %, respectively. We performed the uncertainty analyses of the

1 main parameters in this study in accordance with the Kline and McClintock method [43], and Table

2 5 presents the corresponding results with the coverage factor K = 2.

3 Table 5 Uncertainty of main parameters.

Parameters Uncertainty (K = 2)
Hydraulic diameter, Dh 2.8 %
Heat transfer rate, 𝑄̇ 1.7 % to 4.1 %
Water heat transfer coefficient, hw 2.4 % to 5.0 %
Working fluid heat transfer coefficient, hwf 3.8 % to 12.1 %
Frictional pressure drop, ΔPfri 3.2 % to 15.2 %

5 3. Results

6 In this section, we present the experimental heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops of the

7 four working fluids and indicate their thermal and hydraulic characteristics in the PHE. Through

8 comparison of the experimental results with those of existing heat transfer and pressure drop

9 correlations, we evaluated the suitability of the existing correlations and subsequently were able to

10 develop a new prediction method for the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of condensation in PHEs.

11 3.1. Heat transfer

12 Figure 6 depicts the heat transfer coefficient variation of the four working fluids as a function

13 of the liquid Reynolds number with different saturation temperatures/reduced pressures. The liquid

14 Reynolds number Rel is defined as

𝐺wf (1−𝑥𝑚 )𝐷ℎ

15 Re𝑙 = , (28)

16 where the xm is the mean vapor quality of the inlet and outlet. As shown in Figure 6, the heat

17 transfer coefficients of each working fluid at the same saturation temperature are strongly

18 dependent on the liquid Reynolds number. For the majority of the test conditions, the heat transfer

19 coefficients increase with increasing liquid Reynolds number, which suggests a shear-controlled

20 heat transfer process. In contrast, for several test conditions of R134a and R1234ze(E) at low liquid

1 Reynolds number, the results were independent of the liquid Reynolds number, indicating that the

2 processes are characterized by film condensation. The transition between the film and convective

3 condensation regions occurs at Rel ≈ 200. However, for R245fa and R1233zd(E), the shear-

4 controlled region dominates throughout the whole range of the liquid Reynolds number, and no film

5 condensation was found. The results suggest that the heat transfer coefficients increase when the

6 saturation temperatures decrease.

8000 8000

Tsat Pr R134a Tsat Pr R1234ze(E)

7000 7000 30C 0.19
30C 0.19
40C 0.25 40C 0.25
6000 50C 0.32 hwf (W/m2K) 6000 50C 0.32
hwf (W/m2K)

60C 0.41 60C 0.41

5000 5000
4000 Convective 4000
3000 Film 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Rel Rel
8 (a) (b)
8000 8000
Tsat Pr R245fa Tsat Pr R1233zd(E)
7000 40C 0.07 7000 40C 0.06
50C 0.09 50C 0.08
60C 0.13 6000 60C 0.11
70C 0.17 70C 0.14
hwf (W/m2K)

hwf (W/m2K)

5000 5000

4000 4000

3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Rel Rel
10 (c) (d)
11 Figure 6 Heat transfer coefficients of the four working fluids as a function of liquid Reynolds

12 number with different saturation temperatures.

1 Moreover, the results shown in Figure 6 indicate that the HFOs, R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E),

2 have higher heat transfer coefficients than their HFC alternatives, R134a and R245fa. Based on a

3 common range of liquid Reynolds numbers for each saturation temperature, Table 6 provides

4 quantifications of the average changes of hwf and ΔPfri. The largest average increase in hwf between

5 R1234ze(E) and R134a is 35% at Rel = 80 to 480 and Tsat = 30 °C, while the corresponding increase

6 between R1233zd(E) and R245fa is 31 % at Rel = 140 to 450 and Tsat = 70 °C.

7 Table 6 Average changes in hwf and ΔPfri of R1234ze(E)/R1233zd(E) compared with R134a/R245fa.
30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C 70 °C
R1234ze(E)/R134a hwf 35 % 25 % 14 % 12 % ‒
ΔPfri 31 % 17 % 23 % 24 % ‒
R1233zd(E)/R245fa hwf ‒ 11 % 17 % 24 % 31 %
ΔPfri ‒ 8% 7% 21 % 26 %

9 3.2. Pressure drop

30C 40C R134a 30C 40C R1234ze(E)

80 50C 60C 80 50C 60C

60 60
Pfri (kPa/m)

Pfri (kPa/m)

40 40

20 20

0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800

Rel Rel
11 (a) (b)

40C 50C R245fa 40C 50C R1233zd(E)
120 60C 70C 60C 70C

Pfri (kPa/m)

Pfri (kPa/m)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Rel Rel
2 (c) (d)
3 Figure 7 Frictional pressure drops of the four working fluids as a function of liquid Reynolds

4 number with different saturation temperatures.

5 Figure 7 shows the frictional pressure drop variation of the four working fluids as a function of

6 the liquid Reynolds number at various saturation temperatures. The results suggest that the

7 frictional pressure drop increases when the liquid Reynolds number (mass flux) increases and the

8 saturation temperatures decreases. The temperature differences between Tsat,out and Tsat,in caused by

9 the pressure drop across the PHE were 0.05 K to 0.49 K for R134a, 0.12 K to 1.14 K for R1234ze,

10 0.22 K to 3.19 K for R245fa and 0.31 K to 3.32 K for R1233zd(E).

11 Generally, the increase of pressure drop caused by the decrease of the saturation temperature is

12 more significant at the high liquid Reynolds number. Moreover, similar to the heat transfer results,

13 R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E) show higher frictional pressure drops than R134a and R245fa. Table 6

14 presents a comparison of the pressure drop results. The largest average increase in frictional

15 pressure drop of R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E) compared with R134a and R245fa is 31 % at Tsat =

16 30 °C and 26 % at Tsat = 70 °C, respectively.

17 3.3. Existing correlations

18 In order to quantify deviations between the experimental results and correlations, we employed

1 two parameters, the mean absolute percentage deviation (MAPD) and the mean bias percentage

2 deviation (MBPD):

1 datai,pred −datai,exp
3 MAPD = 𝑛 ∑𝑛𝑖=1 | | × 100 %, (30)

4 and

1 datai,pred −datai,exp
5 MBPD = 𝑛 ∑𝑛𝑖=1 ( ) × 100 %, (31)

6 where the datai,pred and datai,exp are the predicted values calculated by the correlations and

7 experimental values, respectively. The MAPD indicates the average deviation between the

8 predicted and experimental values, while the MBPD by using actual deviations rather than absolute

9 deviations, indicates whether the predicted values on average represent an overestimation (positive

10 value) or underestimation (negative value) of the experimental values.

11 We selected four correlations for the heat transfer coefficient comparison. One of them is an

12 early and widely used correlation developed by Akers et al. [44] for annular flow in a horizontal

13 tube, including a definition of an equivalent Reynolds number Reeq, accounting for the vapor core

14 and the interfacial shear stress:

𝐺eq 𝐷ℎ
15 Reeq = , (32)

16 where the equivalent mass flux Geq is defined as

𝜌 0.5
17 𝐺eq = 𝐺wf [1 − 𝑥𝑚 + 𝑥𝑚 (𝜌 𝑙 ) ]. (33)

18 Yan et al. [12] and Würfel and Ostrowski [18] developed another two correlations considered in this

19 work. Based on an evaluation of a databank collected from different condensation heat transfer

20 studies, Vakili-Farahani et al. [2] found that these correlations provide the best accuracy. Longo et

1 al. [45] developed the fourth correlation considered in this work. Their correlation depends on two

2 heat transfer regions divided by the equivalent Reynolds number and includes the effect of the

3 presence of superheated vapor in the condensation process based on the Webb model [46]. Among

4 the four correlations, Yan et al. [12] and Würfel and Ostrowski [18] correlations were developed

5 based on the mean values of test data along the channel, while Akers et al. [44] and Longo et al. [45]

6 correlations were developed aiming to predict the local heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, we

7 applied the average values of experimental data for the heat transfer process to calculate the

8 predicted values by the former two correlations and applied numerical integration along the channel

9 to compute the average heat transfer coefficient by the latter two correlations. The general equation

10 for numerical integration is defined as:

1 𝐴
11 ℎwf,m = (𝐴) ∫0 ℎ 𝑑𝐴. (34)

12 Figure 8 depicts a comparison of the experimental and predicted values using the four

13 correlations for heat transfer coefficients. The MAPD and MBPD of each correlation with respect to

14 all four working fluids are also presented in the figure to indicate their prediction accuracy.

15 Compared with the other three correlations, which generally underestimate the experimental results,

16 the correlation by Yan et al. [12] provides a better prediction accuracy, resulting in a MAPD and

17 MBPD of 11.8 % and -3.0 %, respectively. However, Yan et al. [12] developed their correlation

18 only based on the experimental results of R134a, resulting in more accurate predictions for R134a

19 and its replacement R1234ze(E), compared with those of R245fa and R1233zd(E). Especially for

20 R1233zd(E), the MAPD of 21.2 % and MBPD of -21.2 % are much higher than the corresponding

21 average values based on all the working fluids.

8000 8000
Predicted values calculated Predicted values calculated
from Akers et al. [44] from Yan et al. [12]
7000 7000
R134a R1234ze(E) R134a R1234ze(E)
R245fa R1233zd(E) R245fa R1233zd(E)
Predicted hwf (W/m2K)

Predicted hwf (W/m2K)

6000 MAD = 21.4 % 6000 MAPD = 11.8%
MRD = -21.3 % MBPD = -3.0 %
5000 5000 +30% -30%
+30% -30%
4000 4000

3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Experimental hwf (W/m K) Experimental hwf (W/m2K)
2 (a) (b) Nu=4.118Reeq0.4PrL(1/3)
8000 8000
Predicted values calculated Predicted values calculated
from Würfel and Ostrowski [18] from Longo et al. [45]
R134a R1234ze(E) R134a R1234ze(E)
Predicted hwf (W/m2K)

R245fa R1233zd(E) R245fa R1233zd(E)

Predicted hwf (W/m2K)

6000 MAPD = 25.4 % 6000 MAD = 17.4%

MBPD = -25.4 % MED = -14.3 %
5000 +30%
4000 -30% 4000


2000 2000

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 2000 4000 6000 8000
Experimental hwf (W/m2K) Experimental hwf (W/m2K)
4 (c) (d)
5 Figure 8 Predicted heat transfer coefficients using different correlations versus the experimental

6 results.

7 For the frictional pressure drop (see Figure 9), we compared experimental results with

8 predictions by two existing pressure drop correlations by Hsieh and Lin [47] and Khan et al. [48].

9 Vakili-Farahani et al. [2] recommended these two correlations due to their good predictions. The

10 results indicate that the correlation by Hsieh and Lin [47] predicts the frictional pressure drop for

11 R134a with a MAPD of 12.7 % and a MBPD of -0.7 %, and for R1234ze(E) the MAPD and MPBD

12 are 15.7 % and -0.4 %, respectively. The MAPD and the MBPD for the prediction of the pressure

13 drop of R1234ze(E) using the correlation by Khan et al. [48] are 14.4 % and 11.3 %, respectively.

1 However, both correlations overestimate most of the experimental data. Based on the comparison

2 results shown in Figures 8 and 9, one may conclude that more accurate correlations need to be

3 developed for predicting the heat transfer and pressure drop data in this study.

400 400
Predicted values calculated Predicted values calculated
from Hsieh and Lin [47] from Khan et al. [48]
R134a R1234ze(E) R134a R1234ze(E)
R245fa R1233zd(E) R245fa R1233zd(E)
Predicted Pfri (kPa/m)

Predicted Pfri (kPa/m)

300 MAPD = 55.8% 300 MAPD = 28.1%
MBPD = 47.2% MBPD = 26.7%

200 200

-50% -50%

100 100

100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400

Experimental Pfri (kPa/m) Experimental Pfri (kPa/m)

5 (a) (b)
6 Figure 9 Predicted pressure drops using different correlations versus experimental results.

7 3.4. New correlations

8 As the channel size decreases, the surface tension becomes dominant over the gravitational

9 force in micro and mini-scale condensation heat transfer, while its effects are generally negligible in

10 macro-channels [47,48]. By influencing the behaviour of the liquid phase in the flow, the surface

11 tension has significant effects on flow patterns and hence affects the heat transfer and pressure drop

12 characteristics. According to Ref. [49], Dh < 1 mm refers to micro-channels, and mini-channels

13 refers to 1 ≤ Dh ≤ 5 mm. According to this definition, the hydraulic diameter of the PHE in this

14 study, Dh = 3.4 mm, belongs to mini-channels. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge,

15 none of the existing correlations with respect to condensation in PHEs incorporate the effects of

16 surface tension. In this work, we developed a new heat transfer correlation through a modification

17 to the correlation by Yan et al. [12] (see Table 6), which has provided reasonable predictions for all

18 the working fluids except for R1233zd(E); see Figure 8(b). A dimensionless number, the Bond

1 number (Bo), involving the working fluid’s physical parameter surface tension σ, was introduced in

2 the new heat transfer correlation. We used two equations including the Bond number to regress the

3 experimental data:

4 Nu = 𝐶Re0.4 𝑏
eq Pr𝑙 Bo , (35)

5 Nu = 𝐶Reaeq Pr𝑙 Bo𝑏 , (36)

6 where the Bond number is defined as

𝑔(𝜌𝑙 −𝜌𝑣 )𝐷ℎ2

7 Bo = . (37)

8 Equation (35) was proposed to a large degree by following the correlation by Yan et al. [12],

9 i.e., keeping the same exponents of Reeq and Prl and only fitting the exponent of Bo and the first

10 constant, while Eq. (36) was used to fit further the exponent of Reeq based on Eq. (35), aiming to

11 improve the regression. Figure 10 shows a comparison between the measured and predicted values

12 for the heat transfer coefficient. In addition, Table 7 presents all the heat transfer correlations as

13 well as their prediction results. The results suggest that through the introduction of the Bond

14 number and further fitting of exponent a, the MAPD and MBPD of Eqs. (35) and (36) are reduced

15 compared with those of the correlation by Yan et al. [12], especially for the working fluid

16 R1233zd(E), indicating a significantly improved prediction accuracy.

17 Similar to the approach for developing the heat transfer correlation, we developed a new

18 pressure drop correlation by using regression analysis in the form

19 𝑓 = 𝐶Re𝑎eq We𝑏 , (38)

20 where the friction factor is considered to be a function of the equivalent Reynolds number,

21 following the same format as the correlations by Hsieh and Lin [47] and Khan et al. [48]. In

1 addition, it includes the dimension number, Weber number (We), defined as

𝐺wf 𝐷ℎ
2 We = . (39)
𝜌𝑚 𝜎

3 The Weber number, expressing the ratio of inertia forces to surface tension forces, indicates the

4 relative importance of the fluid’s kinetic energy compared with its surface tension. The final

5 pressure drop correlation reads as follows:

6 𝑓 = 0.0146Re0.9814
eq We−1.0064 . (40)

7 Figure 11 shows a comparison of experimental results with the predicted values of the friction

8 factor calculated by Eq. (40), with 94 % of the experimental data predicted within ±25 % with a

9 MAPD of 9.2 % and a MBPD of 0.7 %.

8000 8000
Predicted values calculated Predicted values calculated
from Eq. (35) +20% from Eq. (36)
R134a R1234ze(E) R134a R1234ze(E)
R245fa R1233zd(E) R245fa R1233zd(E)
Predicted hwf (W/m2K)

Predicted hwf (W/m2K)

6000 MAPD = 8.6 % 6000 MAPD = 6.4 %

MBPD = 1.2 % MBPD = 0.3 % +20%

4000 4000 -20%

2000 2000

2000 4000 6000 8000 2000 4000 6000 8000

Experimental hwf (W/m2K) Experimental hwf (W/m2K)
Nu=5.937Reeq0.4PrL(1/3)Bd-0.1288 Nu=1.6517Reeq0.5652PrL(1/3)Bd-0.1389
11 Figure 10 Comparison of predictions of the proposed correlations (Eqs. (35) and (36)) with

12 experimental data for heat transfer coefficients.

13 Table 7 Summary of heat transfer correlations as well as their prediction accuracies of experimental
14 results.
Equation All fluids R1233zd(E)
Yan et al. [12] 0.4 1/3 11.8 % -3.0 % 21.2 % -21.2 %
Nu = 4.118Reeq Pr𝑙

Eq. (35) Nu = 12.36Re0.4
eq Pr𝑙 Bo−0.3715 8.6 % 1.2 % 6.9 % -4.1 %

Eq. (36) Nu = 4.3375Re0.5383
𝑒𝑞 Pr𝑙 Bo−0.3872 6.4 % 0.3 % 5.7 % -5.1 %

Predicted values calculated
from Eq. (40)
R134a R1234ze
8 R245fa R1233zd
MAPD = 9.2 %
MBPD = 0.7 %
Predicted f


0 2 4 6 8 10

2 Experimental f

3 Figure 11 Comparison of predictions of the proposed correlation (Eq. (40)) and experimental data

4 for friction factors.

5 Table 8 Range of dimensionless numbers in Eqs. (35), (36) and (40).

Reeq Prl Bo We
1207 – 4827 3.1 – 6.5 11.7 – 28.3 1.8 – 68.2

7 4. Discussion

8 As may be noted in Figs. 6 and 7, both the heat transfer coefficient and friction factor increase

9 with increasing mass flow rate and decreasing saturation temperature. This finding agrees with that

10 concluded in Ref. [2] by reviewing the relevant studies in this area. As for the convective

11 condensation (shear-controlled heat transfer region), the increase of the mass flow rate and the

12 decrease of saturation temperature induce higher vapor velocity and more turbulence, thereby

13 enhancing the heat transfer. In addition, at the lower saturation temperatures, working fluids have

14 the larger vapor-liquid density differences causing larger shear stresses, in turn resulting in more

1 intensified convection at the vapor-liquid interface.

2 A clear transition between film and convective condensation occurs at Rel ≈ 200 for R134a

3 and R1234ze(E). This value agrees in line with Rel = 250 for heptane obtained by Würfel and

4 Ostrowski [18] and Rel ≈ 200 to 300 for R134a obtained by Longo [14]. The corresponding

5 transition for mass flux is 20 kg/m2s to 25 kg/m2s in this study, which agrees reasonably well with

6 results obtained by Mancin et al. [23] and Longo et al. [8], namely, G = 20 kg/m2s for R410A and

7 R407C and G = 20 kg/m2s for R1234ze(E), respectively. Therefore, although the research works

8 with respect to film-convective condensation transition are very limited, most of the results suggest

9 that the transition generally occurs at Rel ≈ 200 to 300 or G = 20 kg/m2s to 25 kg/m2s. We

10 recommend for future work more studies aimed at finding the accurate definition of the transition

11 for different working conditions. Moreover, it should be noted from the results obtained in this

12 paper that the whole heat transfer process of R245fa and R1233zd(E), even at Rel < 200, is

13 characterized by convective condensation without the appearance of film condensation. This may

14 be attributed to the difference in properties of the working fluids. Within the working conditions in

15 this study, R245fa and R1233zd(E) have on average 2.6 times smaller vapor density and 2.9 times

16 larger liquid-vapor density ratios than those of R134a and R1234ze(E). The former leads to a higher

17 vapor velocity and thereby causes a stronger disturbance at the vapor-liquid interface, while the

18 latter results in a larger shear stress between the vapor and liquid phases. Both these factors promote

19 a heat transfer process dominated by convective condensation.

20 Although involving surface tension to develop the correlation enables the better prediction for

21 the experimental data obtained in this study, the physics on how surface tension affects the

22 condensation flow in a plate heat exchanger are not clear due to the limited number of studies

23 available in the field; especially visualization studies are lacking. Nevertheless, an effort is made

1 here briefly to explain some of the physical phenomena. In noncircular micro and mini-channels,

2 the surface tension generates a transverse pressure gradient in the condensate film, which leads to a

3 condensate flow towards the corners and thins the film along the flat sides of the channel, lowering

4 the thermal resistances. This is in accordance with the essence of surface tension, i.e., minimizing

5 the surface area of the fluid. The effects of surface tension on flow condensation in noncircular

6 micro and mini-channels have been experimentally proved and theoretically analysed by numerous

7 research works (e.g., Refs. [50,51]). In terms of brazed PHEs, the contact points where two plates

8 are brazed together play a similar role as those of the corners in noncircular micro and mini-

9 channels, i.e., the condensate film is pulled towards the contact points leading to a thinner liquid

10 film on the remaining parts of the channel. The inference for the distribution of the condensate film

11 in the flow passage of PHEs needs to be verified, preferably by experimental work.

12 It needs to be added that it would be desirable to use more experimental data for the

13 development and validation of the correlations presented in this paper. However, at present no other

14 measurements of complete condensation representing the conditions prevailing in the condenser of

15 ORC units and heat pump systems are available in the open literature.

16 5. Conclusions

17 We conducted an experimental investigation to study the condensation heat transfer and

18 pressure drop performances of R134a, R245fa, R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E) in a plate heat

19 exchanger, covering a wide temperature range from 30 °C to 70 °C. Based on correlations by Yan et

20 al. [12] and Hsieh and Lin [47], we developed new heat transfer and pressure drop correlations,

21 both taking into account the effect of surface tension on mini-channel condensation. The new

22 correlations were developed for a larger number of working fluids and for a wider range of working

23 conditions than those of Yan et al. [12] and Hsieh and Lin [47]. We have demonstrated significant

24 improvements in terms of the prediction accuracy of heat transfer and pressure drop.

1 The experimental results indicate that the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop increase

2 with increasing liquid Reynolds number and decreasing saturation temperature. Due to the

3 difference in physical properties, R134a and R1234ze(E) have a filmwise-convective condensation

4 transition at Rel = 200, while R245fa and R1233zd(E) present convective condensation in the whole

5 heat transfer process. Generally, the HFOs R1234ze(E) and R1233zd(E) have higher heat transfer

6 coefficients and pressure drops than their HFC counterparts R134a and R245fa. The new heat

7 transfer and pressure drop correlations have mean absolute percentage deviations of 6.4 % and 9.3 %

8 and mean bias percentage deviations of 0.3 % and 0.7 %, respectively.

9 Acknowledgement

10 The research presented in this paper has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie

11 Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the

12 REA grant agreement n° 609405 (COFUNDPostdocDTU), and Innovation Fund Denmark with the

13 THERMCYC project (, project ID: 1305-00036B). The financial support

14 is gratefully acknowledged.









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