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The massage aims at releasing chronic Performed using Swedish techniques using a
patterns of stress in the body by realigning pain relieving oil blend, the massage is best to
deeper layers of connective muscle tissues. give you relief from muscular pain. The oil
Slow strokes and deep pressure is applied to blend contains Wintergreen and Eucalyptus
help reduce chronic aches and pains. The oil which are known for their anti inflammatory
used is a pain-relieving oil blend of Rosemary and topical pain relief properties.
and Marjoram.
Swedish Massage
The massage involves slow, moderate pres- Aimed at stimulating the flow of blood,
sure strokes designed to make you feel oxygen and energy in the body, the massage
relaxed. While the massage relaxes physically, uses a combination of gentle stretches,
the aroma essential oils enter the body aromatherapy, acupressure and reflexology.
through absorption and inhalation, triggering a It promotes a sense of well being, calm and
very relaxed state of mind and providing much deep relaxation.
relief from anxiety and mental stress. The oil The oil used is a pain relieving blend of Rose-
used is a calming blend of Lavender, mary and Marjoram which are both known for
Ylang-Ylang and Mandarin essential oils which their anti-inflammatory and topical pain relief
are all known for their relaxing fragrance. properties.
The dry, no oil massage is a combination of This involves acupressure techniques on the
assisted yoga postures and acupressure tech- feet and massage on the calf muscles with oil.
niques. The muscles along the energy lines of The massage helps to heal the sore muscles
the body are kneaded and pressed with the and remove tiredness in the feet. The massage
hands and feet. The massage is known for is performed using Sesame oil know for it's
balancing the energy flow in the body, making pain relieving property.
you feel relaxed and energetic.
The massage involves slow, moderate pres- Aimed at draining build-up of lymphatic fluids
sure strokes designed to make you feel within the face, this gentle light massage
relaxed while improving the texture of the skin. enhances circulation in the face, promotes
While the massage relaxes physically, the oxygen supply to the face, thereby pushing
aroma essential oils enter the body through waste and toxins out. The massage is very
absorption, nourishing the skin, leaving it soft effective to help reduce tiredness around the
and radiant. The oil used is a nourishing blend eyes due to long working hours. Pure Apricot
of pure Italian Neroli and Bergamot which have Kernel and French Lavender constitute the oil
the ability to revive the skin. blend used which is suitable for all skin types.
Ayurvedic Massage
It's a combination of massage and scrub which It's a wonderful combination of massage and
preserves the skin by reducing damage scrub that gives dual benefit of exfoliation and
caused by the sun. Green Tea scrub acts as a relaxation. Cocoa Butter and Coconut Scrub
great exfoliant to scrub off dead skin cells and are best known for being rich in vitamins and
pollutants, leaving your skin soft and smooth. maintains the moisture levels leaving the skin
This Scrub also has great anti-inflammatory smooth and firm.
properties and helps reduce blemishes and
Charcoal scrub used here exfoliates the skin It begins with Charcoal body scrub followed by
and lightens the complexion. Charcoal when an application of wrap. Charcoal body wrap
used as a scrub binds dirt and helps to pull it detoxifies and heals your skin.
out of the pores.
Duration 30 min
Guest 1500
Sapphire Members 1200
Emerald/Ruby 750
A nutrient cream based scrub that gently exfo- It starts with a Seaweed scrub followed by the
liates, cleanses, detoxes and hydrates the skin, application of a wrap which nourishes the exfo-
leaving it nourished and soft. Seaweed cleans- liated skin. It's a nutrient cream and mud based
es and improves skin tone and is known for it's wrap that gently hydrates, tones and tightens
detoxifying properties. It also delivers antioxi- the skin, leaving it nourished and soft. Sea-
dants to the skin to fight free radicals. weed de-toxifies, cleanses, balances and
improves skin tone.
Duration 30 min Duration 60 min
Guest 2000 Guest 2800
Sapphire Members 1600 Sapphire Members 2240
Emerald/Ruby 1000 Emerald/Ruby 1400
Members Members
Duration 60 min
Guest 2400
Sapphire Members 1920
Emerald/Ruby 1200
Very effective for oily and combination skin The facial works well for dry skin and it con-
types, it contains the goodness of Geranium tains goodness of Neroli that belongs to the
that is natural astringent, reducing inflamma- citrus family. It is an effective re-hydrating and
tion and irritation. It also reduces skin's oiliness antiseptic oil that both heals and maintains the
and makes it radiant. right skin moisture.
Very effective for acne-prone skin, the facial The facial can be done for most skin types
contains the powerful extracts of Lavender that and contains the goodness of Saffron, a
has both antiseptic and oil secretion control traditionally popular ingredient that is highly
properties and is hence helpful in treating regarded as much for its skin lightening prop-
Acne. erties as its nourishing, healing and collagen
boosting properties.
Duration 60 min Duration 60 min
Guest 1900 Guest 1900
Sapphire Members 1520 Sapphire Members 1520
Emerald/Ruby 950 Emerald/Ruby 950
Members Members
Duration 70 min
Guest 2100
Sapphire Members 1680
Emerald/Ruby 1050
Duration 60 min
Guest 1900
Sapphire Members 1520
Emerald/Ruby 950
Duration 70 min
Guest 2100
Sapphire Members 1680
Emerald/Ruby 1050
A Swedish Massage with Wintergreen & Euca- Therapeutic Ayurvedic Massage with Herbal
lyptus Oil and a Head and Shoulder Massage Oil Blend, Shirodhara
A Swedish Massage with Sesame Oil for one A Swedish Massage with Sesame oil and a
person and a Calming/ Rejuvenating Aroma- Head & Shoulder Massage for one person
therapy Massage for the other combined with a Calming Aromatherapy Mas-
sage and a Foot Reflexology for the other
Calming/ Rejuvenating Aromatherapy Mas- Swedish with Wintergreen & Eucalyptus Oil;
sage; Coffee Cane Sugar Body Scrub and a Head & Shoulder Massage and a Facial(Mois-
Facial(Moisturizing/ Oil Balancing) turizing/ Oil Balancing)
Disclaimer : Location, Services, Price & Duration may vary and are subject to
change without prior intimation. T&C apply. Spa rules and regulations apply.
thezenauraspa TheZenAuraSpa