Xii Semiconductors

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CLASS XII (2024 – 25)

SUBJECT: Physics

Assignment type: worksheet

Unit/ Topic: Semiconductor electronics Prepared by: Ms. Sujeet Chaggar


1. A Ge specimen is doped with Al. The concentration of acceptor atoms is ~1021

m-3 . Given that the intrinsic concentration of electron-hole pairs is ~1019 m-3. The
concentration of electrons in the specimen is
a. 1017 m-3 b. 1015 m-3 c. 104 m-3 d. 102 m-3
2. A piece of copper and the other of germanium are cooled from the room
temperature to 80 K, then which of the following would be a correct statement?
a. Resistance of each increases
b. Resistance of each decreases
c. Resistance of copper increases while that of germanium decreases.
d. Resistance of copper decreases while that of germanium increases.
3. Hole is
a. An antiparticle of electron
b. A vacancy created when an electron leaves a covalent bond
c. Absence of free electrons
d. An artificially created particle
4. In the circuit shown in figure, if the diode forward voltage drop is 0.3 V, the
voltage difference between A and B is

a. 1.3 V
b. 2.3 V
c. 0
d. 0.5 V

5. A n- type semiconductor is
a. Negatively charged
b. Positively charged
c. Electrically neutral
d. Either negatively or positively charged

6. Which of the following statement is true for a n-type semiconductor?
a. The donor level lies just below the bottom of the conduction band.
b. The donor level lies just above the top of the valence band
c. The acceptor level lies just above the top of the valence band
d. The acceptor level lies just below the bottom of the conduction band
7. In the forward bias arrangement of a p-n junction diode
a. The n-end is connected to positive terminal of the battery
b. The p-end is connected to positive terminal of the battery
c. The p-end is connected to negative terminal of the battery
d. The current flow in the diode from n-end to p-end.
8. Which of the following is forward biased?

9. Two ideal diodes are connected to a battery as shown here. The current supplied
by the battery is
a. 0.75 A
b. Zero
c. 0.25 A
d. 0.5 A

1 marks:

10. Carbon and silicon both have four valence electrons each. How then are they
11. What is an intrinsic semiconductor?
12. At what temperature would an intrinsic semiconductor behave like a perfect
13. Name two factors on which electrical conductivity of pure semiconductor at a
given temperature depends.
14. What is the difference between an n-type and a p-type intrinsic semiconductor?

15. Why can’t we take one slab of p-type semiconductor and physically join it to
another slab of n-type semiconductor to get p-n junction?
16. What is depletion region in p-n junction?
17. Name the type of biasing of a p-n junction diode so that the junction offers very
high resistance.
18. In the given figure, is the junction diode forward biased or reverse biased?

19. Can the potential barrier across a p-n junction be measured by simply
connecting a voltmeter across the junction?

2 marker:

20. In a pure semiconductor crystal of Si, if antimony is added then what type of
extrinsic semiconductor is obtained. Draw the energy band diagram of this
extrinsic semiconductor so formed.
21. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
22. What is meant by the term doping of an intrinsic semiconductor? How does it
affect the conductivity of a semiconductor?
23. Explain with help of a diagram the formation of depletion layer and potential
barrier in a p-n junction.
24. Draw the graph showing the variation of current with voltage for p-n junction
diode in forward bias as well as reverse bias arrangements.
25. Assuming that two diodes D1 and D2 used in the electric circuit shown are ideal,
find out the value of the current flowing through 2 Ω resistor.

26. Two semiconductor material X and Y shown in the figure are made by doping
germanium crystal with indium and arsenic respectively. The two are joined end
to end and connected to a battery as shown.
i. Will the junction be forward biased or reverse biased?
ii. Sketch a V-I graph for this arrangement.

27. How is forward biasing different from reverse biasing in p-n junction diode?
28. A semiconductor has equal electrons and hole concentration of 6 x 10 8 m-3. On
doping with certain impurity, electron concentration increases to 9 x 101 2 m-3.
i. Identify the new semiconductor obtained after doping.
ii. Calculate the new hole concentration.
29. Draw and explain the output waveform across the load resistor R, if the input
waveform is as shown in the given figure.

30. Give any two differences between a half wave rectifier and a full wave rectifier.

3 marker:

31. A student wants to use two p-n junction diodes to convert a.c to d.c. Draw the
labelled circuit diagram she would use and explain how it works.
32. Write any two distinguishing features between conductors, semiconductors and
insulators on the basis of energy band diagrams.
33. Show on a plot, variation of resistivity of (i) a conductor and (ii) a typical
semiconductor as a function of temperature. Using the expression for resistivity
in terms of number density and relaxation time between the collisions explain
how resistivity in the case of a conductor increases while it decreases in a
semiconductor, with the rise of temperature.
34. What is a filter? With the help of a circuit diagram describe the role of a capacitor
in filtering. Draw input and output waveforms too.

5 marks:

35. An a.c signal is fed into two circuits X and Y and the corresponding output in the
two cases have the waveforms as shown in the figure.
i. Identify the circuits X and Y. Draw their labelled circuit diagrams.
ii. Briefly explain the working of Y

iii. How does the output waveform from circuit Y modified when a capacitor
is connected across the output terminals parallel to the load resistor?


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