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M. Dineykhan

A.Z. Dubnickova

G.V. Efimov

M.A. Ivanov

m tt HI

I n t e r n a t i o n a l Atomic Energy Agency

We propose
a virton-quark model, which satisfies all axioms of relativistic quantum field
United nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
theory and has no ultraviolet divergences. The model is based on the assumption
thai quarks do not exist (in general) as ordinary physical particles but only as
virtual states, i.e. they represent some quasi-particles, which realize hadron
interactions. Hadrons are 'bound states of quarks and are described by standard
quantized fields. After introducing Lagrangians of hadron-quark interactions,
some strong, electromagnetic and weak decays as well as low-energy scattering
form factors of different types and static properties of hadrons are studied.
In the model there are only two free parameters vhich define the quark propagators.
A good description of the experimental data has been achieved.

M. Dineykhan «
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

A.E. Dubnickova
Klatedra TeoretickeJ Fyziky, Comenius University,
Bratislava, Czechoslovakia,

G.V. Efiaov and M.A. Ivanov

Joint Institute for Huclear Research, Dubna, USSE.

December 19&k

* To lie submitted for publication.

•* Permanent address: Institute of Physics and Technology, -1-
Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulan,-Bator, Mongolia.
1. TN1 : Vi' •('»• periphery or the region o." ^IU.L-1 ,:...i, "I rLCj:Lt,;,L and their iiadror.; nation. "hi

With the discovery of SU(3) symmetry a new notion has emerged in most successful application of QCD ideas to low cr.vrgy hadron phy;:ics is

elementary particle physics, the notion of quarks as the constituents of QCD sun. rule:.;, the theory developed ir, 15]. Howevei thf behaviour of quarks

hadronE [l]. The many experimental attempts to detect quarks have not yet in the confinement region is still under investigation

been successful [2]. In the theory [5], it was suggested, first that in the low-energy

However, the success of the phenomenological quark models in theory the electrodynamics vacuum changes and, second, that, dispersion

describing strong iRteraetion,physics Indicates that quarks represent a representations hold valid for amplitudes of different physical processes.

reality although they so not exist in the usual free state-like particles- Then a minimization procedure is introduced which allows a numerical comparison

electron, proton, meson, etc. between process amplitudes in the dispersion representation, with their
expansions in QCD changed vacuum. The relations obtained show that for some
The success of the idea of gauge invariance that has led to the
processes one may connect parameters characteristic of quark and gluon fields
construction of a unified theory of electromagnetic and weak interactions
with physical observables (hadron masses, coupling constants, etc.). The energy
(the Salam-Weinberg-Glashow model) instils hope and confidence that the
range of this method is between low energy QCD and dispersion method. Therefore
problem of strong interaction will also be solved in the framework of gauge
each given process is to be considered as a separate problem.
theories. Developments of the Idea of gauge invariance led to the fomulation
of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which describes the interactions of coloured
In general, it is quite possible to imagine that the problems of
quarks with massless gauge fields, gluons [3], In the description of stronr
confinement and hadronisation of auarks were solved, then In the confinement
interactions some basic pro*bler are met ' i) to explain the quark confinement
region, the quarks should behave like some quasi-particle, which realizes
and ii) to comprehend the production rechanism of hadrons as bound states
the interaction between hadrons. Thus we believe that even in the case of a
of quarks and the absence of coloured hadron states. In our opinion this
successful solution of the problem of confinement (of course, it would
is primarily due to the fact that, quite generally, in almost all realistic
~ae an important achievement of the theor17"), the real nathematical method for
quantum field theory (QFT) models strong coupling methods have not "been
describing hadron physics in the confinement region which arises from QCD will
developed at all.
be much simpler than the mathematical structure with which one currently
Unlike standard models of QFT (<f> , quantum electrodynamics, etc), operates in QCD.
QCD has a remarkable property of asymptotic freedom [h] , so one can use the
Tn our opinion, for hadron physics in the region of confinement there
methods of perturbation theory. It turns out that processes, especially those
should exist a rather simple model of QFT in the framework of which one could
with large transfer momenta, would be described within QCD. However in the
solve the following problems* l) quarks do not exist in the free state', f?l
region of quark confinement,i.e. at low energies where the coupling constant of
quark hadrons consist of quarks; 3) colourd hadronic states are completely absent;
the/gluon field is large, QCD loses its predictive power.
h) all the axioms of relativistic QFT are satisfied; 5) there exist liadron-ouark
From the viewpoint of processes observable In the world of elementary interaction Ijigrangians which describe low-energy hadron physic?; and 6) there is
particles the region of confinement represents the physics of light hadrons at a minima] number of free parameters characterizing only quarks.
low energies, which spreads over a large class of phenomena of elementary
Te propose the virton-quark model (VQM) to be a model of such a type, i.e. a
particle physios. By light hadrons we mean elementary particles composed
model which is working i n the low-energy region and from a mathematical point
of light quarks (u,d,s ). Masses of those particles are in the region of up
of view is rather simple [6,7]- VQM is in fact an hypothesis of the existence of
to 2-2.5 C5eV, "bis energy region is specified by a very large class of various
virtons and was realized as follows
physical phenomena. It includes hadron decays •' strong, electro^atmttic
weak' leptonic and no;; leptonic), lou-energy scattering, forir factors, static The QFT allowed us to intruduc..- a field called the virton field with
properties of hadrons (magnetic moments, polarization, etc.). All these the following propertiesJ, l) the fret virton field equals identically zero,
processes are restricted to distances of order 10 cm, i.e. at the hadror i.e. quanta of virton do not exist in the free statej 2) the propagator of
the virton field differs from zero, i.e. virtons exist.only'in the virtual

state. The virton field is a good candidate for the quark field region of where Z(p) i s an operator which depends on p = i3 = i y^ 3 / 3 X • T^n the
confinement and the proposed model satisfies all the requirements listed assumption of the impossibility of the existence of virtons in the free state
above. We would like to conclude "by saying that VQM Bhowa advantages in the means that in the equation of motion
calculations for low-energy processes. Nevertheless, this model is not proposed
Z(9) <LU) = 0 (2)
as an option to QCD.

In Sec.II ve descrihe the virton- quark model and in Sec.Ill we give the operator Z(£) must be chosen in such a way that the only solution is
the description in the framework of this model of low-energy physics. identically equal to zero, i.e.

q(x) 5 0 (3)

On the other hand, we require the Green function of the field q(x), vhich
satisfies the equation

G(x-y) = i <S(x-y) , (M

to be non-trivial, i.e,
G(x-y) - i Z-1(p) i(x-y) t 0 (5)
2.1 The Virton F i e l d

Our model i s based on t h e conception of a v i r t o n f i e l d . We introduce In the framework of the standard methods of local quantum field theory
a quantized field which describes particles that do not exist in the free state i t is impossible to satisfy simultaneously Eq.(2) with solution (3) and Eq.CO
tut exist only in the virtual 3tate. We call these non-existent particles with solution (5). However, in the framework of the non-local quantum field
virtons and the field q{x) vhich describes these particles the virton field. theory developed in Ref.[9] this problem can be solved.
The virton field can be constructed in the following way. The fact that The idea is implemented as follows. We want to construct e. regularized
ordinary elementary particles are observable means that in the quantum field formalism, S
quantum field q (x), defined on some Fock space ~$l , which satisfies the imposed
the fields which describe free particles are solutions of the corresponding conditions
equations (Dlrac, Klein-Ooraon, etc.) and these solutions are non-aero. It Is
lim ^ * |t q S (x ( ) . . . q S (x n )l * ? > * 0 (6)
natural to assume that the unobservability or the impossibility of the existence of «K)
the particles in the free state means that the field of the free virtons i s
identically zero. for any n > 1 and f £ < C , i.e. in the weak sense:

In the framework of the standard Lagrangian formalism,, this means the

q(x) • » 111 q S (x) - 0 (7)
following. Suppose the Lagrangian of the free virton field q(x), which is
assumed to be a. fermion field, be written in the form
lira -i6|T(q6(x) iS<y))|o;> -
Z(p) (1)
G(x-y) = i Hx-7) t 0 (8)

A field q (x) satisfying all these conditions is a solution to the problem. The constants Jt and L are fundamental in our approach and determine the
First of all we find a general form of operators Z(p) for which Eq.(z) is a dynamics of all possible virton interactions. We consider low-energy hadron physics
unique solution of (3). and use the Green function given in Eq.{ll).

2.2 Choice of the Function Z(p) 2.3 Quantization of. the virton Pi FH d
The function Z(z) must satisfy the following requirements. Our next problem is to quantize the system described by the Lagrangian
1) The function Z(s) must be an entire analytic function in the complex z.-plane (1) with the operator Z(p) defined in (9) or (10). This task is rather peculiar
and [Z(z)]* = Z(z*). This follows from the requirement that the action as the corresponding classical solution (Eq.(2)) is identically equal to zero.
functional S = I dx £0(x.) must he real and exist on sufficiently smooth functions To solve the problem we use methods developed in the quantum field theory with non~
q(x) in the Minkowski space and Euclidean space. local interaction. The idea of our method of quantization is as follows. In the
2) The function Z(z) must not have zeroes. This implies that the unique Lagrangian (1) the operator Z(p) is changed by a regularized operate" such that
solution of Eq..(2) is equal to zero identically q(x) = 0. the function Z (z) has an infinite number of zeroes
3) In the limit Z -t- -°°, the function Z" 1 ^) = G{z) must decrease sufficiently
rapidly^ G(z) •*• 0. This condition means that we shall construct the virton field
in the framework of a non-local quantum field theory which requires that the
at the points
Green functions of the fields decrease in the Euclidean metric.

We write down the general form of a function satisfying the conditions

listed above
which in the limit vhere the regularization is lifted ( 5 + 0 ) , go to infinity,
Z(2) = (9)
M,(6) + •» and lim Z S (z) = Z(z), uniformly in any bounded domain r C C. There
J 6-+0
Here, w(z) is an entire real function which increases as Z + -°>. are some methods for introducing such a regularization, for example
The functional arbitrariness in the definition of the function Z(z) in (9)
can he eliminated by introducing an additional requirement.
k) This is the requirement of minimality. What is the minimal degree of the
function w(z) which ensures that all the preceding conditions are satisfied?
In this case
Z(z) • exp{- a - hz - cz } ,
where a,b,e, are real and c > 0. Thus, the functional arbitrariness reduces
to the three independent parameters a,b and c, but in fact, it turns out that
the parameter a is not independent. We write the operator Z{p) in the form (12)

Z(pV = i (10) where

where £ and L are two independent parameters, Therefore for the Green
function we obtain
The p a r a m e t e r s o > 0 and A,[&) > 0 and t h e e x p l i c i t form o f t h e s e coefficients
Z " (p)
Z" = L exp U p + £ can be readily determined. The parameter n
can be chosen a r b i t r a r i l y ; i t
G(P") P> • (11) -1 in the
determines the rate of decrease of the regularized function [Z ( z ) ]
complex z-plane
m -wrm •

We introduce the system of fields,


where fir and rtT are the Dirac spinors and

Then u - E cs) =
jo JF
The Hamiltonian which describes the regularized system (15) has the form

*.'= ii/
PJ %(*> => = f« Since the energy of the system must "be p o s i t i v e the spinor f i e l d s q_(x) should "be
quantized in accordance with the canonical, quantization procedure with the
i n d e f i n i t e metric

The remaining anticommutators are zero.

The fields q^(x) (J = 1,2,,..) correspond to the fictitious (unphysical) quanta
with mass . ( * ) and do not describe any physical particles. They play an The space Jf containing a l l "ghost" p a r t i c l e s i s a vector
auxiliary role and vanish in the limit 6 -+ 0. space with an i n d e f i n i t e metric . I t consists of:

The equation of motion 1) the vacuum s t a t e |o>, t h a t i s unique and i s defined by the conditions

dJjrlo>= J,jph> = o , (j=i,e,...)

and normalized t o < 0J0 > = 1.
of infinite order can be expressed as an infinite system of Dirac equations
2} One-particle and many-particle s t a t e s which can be constructed in terms of
the b&sis vectors

The solution of these equations has the standard form [10]

The vacuum,single-particle, arid raany-particle s t a t e s form a complete system of

eigenstates in the vector space at I t i s important t h a t the vacuum jo> and
the operators d _^ and h ^ do not depend on the r e g u l a r i z a t i o n parameter 5.
jk jk
We shall regard the vector space as the
We define the state space J^(E} as the space of normalized physical iuauctive limit

states 1(1 (E) with energy not exceeding the energy E of the spaces (E) with respect to the embedding Ji (E) H. Thus we have
constructed the field operators q,(x) and <j (x) y (l6) and the vector space ~}i
on vhich these operators exist. It should be notedthat the operator q. (x) (13),
for S > 0 is a local operator on the space ?t , since for (x-y) < 0

= 0

and £.1* Green Function of the Virton Field

IJ., "V
I i?,, We now consider vhat happens to the field
functions in the limit S •+ 0
q (x) and the various Green
when the regularization is lifted. Physically,
it is clear that in this limit any physical state characterised by a definite
The function space is Z g = L / Z £ ( N ) , where Z 2 (B) consists of functions value of the energy cannot contain fictitious quanta, since their masses
gd^,...]^) of the 3tf variables S1...kf( which are differentiate and for any increase in accordance with (12). Mathematically, this can be readily proved.
E > 0 there exists c > 0 such that The convergence on the space "Jt is defined as convergence on the spaces H(E)
for all fixed E > 0. Then for all ^ (E) ,I|I2(E) £ H(E) and all n >, 1
equality (6) is satified, because for any fixed E > 0, there exists 6(E) > 0
such that for all 6 < 6(E) and

Then for ip(E) £ 3\(E) we have

(£)•• fW" •

Y\\1-- This means that in the veak sense on

- "W =0. (18)

Thus, the quantized free virton field q(x) is zero.

The space Z2 vhich consists of the Fourier transformations of functions f£ Z
In the limit $ •* 0 the Green functions are generalized functions
contains analytic functions f(z ...^z ) such that for any £ > 0 there exists
defined on Z . Therefore, it is necessary to consider the improper limit
c > 0 such that

£m \dp
We introduce the standard Green functions

for all real y. , y«.

-10- -11-
It should be noted that the explicit form of the regularization procedure
, is not important for studying the limit expressions. It is important that only
the regularizatiort procedure:
1) exists and defines a local regularized field;
2) ensures the transition to the Euclidean metric;

It can be shown that 3) admits the passage to the limit i •> 0.

In what follows ve shall use the representation
(do = dm Uoc Cf.}
S-*O }
Since the corresponding calculations are simple but lengthy, we shall not give where
them here but just refei to Ref.[9], in which the analogous calculations are made 'P* '/>*
for the scalar fase A(-P )-- lch{N~F)
We now consider the causal Greeu function G(x). We have

c = £ A. (I) <ojT(f(X)
On the transition to the Euclidean metric, p2 = - p2Jl.
, (S)
J--1 (19)

In t h e l i m i t & •* 0, we h a v e ( I n accordance w i t h (12) and (IT)

The regularized Green function satisfies

This means t h a t t h e c a u s a l f u n c t i o n s G (x) in t h e l i m i t 6+0 are transformed

into the non-local propagator
tim »*|Vj (20)

Thus, we Have satisfied the conditions i'<' and (5) formulated above.

Here exists, as is readily proved "by using the methods developed in Kef. [9], and it •
determines a finite unitary causal S matrix at each order of perturbation theory.
The obtained S matrix describes only the interaction of the hadrons, since there
are no quarks in the initial or final states.

Haturally, all the calculations of the various physical effects are made
in perturbation theory. We must therefore consider vhich ^ s ^ n e effective
expansion parameter ofthe perturbation series for interaction of the type (21).
2.5 The S Matrix which Describes the Strong Interactions of Hadrons
We consider first the interaction of bosons with the virtons. Since this
We assumed that hadrons are elementary particles and are described by
interaction is of Yukawa type, it is to be expected that any matrix element in
standard quantized fields satisfying the ordinary Dirac, Klein-Gordon equations,
the n order of perturbation theory will be of the order of any diagram of the
etc. However, the hadron fields (for example of the pseudoscalar mesons P(x);
n~" order. The amplitude T corresponding to some process can be written
the vector mesons V (x); the baryons B{x), e t c . ) interact with one another not
formally as
directly but through the intermediate virton-quark field q(x). In t h i s sense,
the effective hadron-virton interaction Lagrangi&n can be chosen, for example, in 1- On
the form

The integrals are already expressed in the Euclidean metric. Here n depends
on the investigated process, R is the number of internal virton lines, S ia the
number of independent integrations and E and Q are respectively, the numbers
of external and internal meson lines. These numbers are related by
The S matrix which describes the strong interactions of the hadrons with the
Lagrangian (21) can be constructed by the methods of non-local- quantum field 2.n •>• n, = R = E+ 2G};
theory [?]. Instead of <^(x), i t is necessary to introduce in (21) the
regularized interaction Lagrangian 5= - n0
Introducing dimensionless momenta of integration q. and separating
2 Ki
the dimensional factors from the virton-quark and meson propagators, we obtain

f? 7 "

The regularized S matrix i s determined in the usual manner

Since the field q (x) is local. The limit

lin S = S

-1k- -15-
Since (—) 1 for mesons and the integration over q. is performed with a determined from the bound state condition (2k) a& a function ^ 5,1., imilroi mar -
2 and the quark parameters L and £.
Gaussian exponential, we have as the order of magnitude in the limit n
(R + 2n, Q + n, S + n)* In the present paper, we shall take into account the condition (?M up to
n second order of perturbation theory

= '"J.

is a sum of the momenta of integration. Therefore, the parameter

where 2, ( P 5 the meson mass opero.1 . second order of perturbation
Allowing for the higher orders i n perturbation theory requires complete
renormalization of the theory. We shall not do that here, since the effective
can be taken as the effective expansion constant of the perturbation series. expansion constant is found to be less than unity, and therefore the matrix
In the case of the Lagrangian of the four-fermion interaction (21), we elements of all the considered processes will be calculated In the lowest orders
readily show by making similar estimates [11] that the effective expansion constant of perturbation theory.
is the parameter We nov calculate the mass operator in the second order of perturbation
theory in the pion field. We represent the term of S matrix corresponding
(23) to the diagram in Fig.l in the form

2.6 Compositeness Criteria of Particles where

We assume that all hadrons are bound states of quarks. If the hadron
and quark fields are included Independently in the origins! Lagrangian, as in (21), -' f, - •» •>} --
then in the S matrix theory the fact that the hadron consists of quarks means
that the wave function renormalization constant of the hadron h must vanish

Indeed, the constant Z. is the probability that the physical particle is in the
Going over to the Euclidean metric and lifting the regularization, we obtain
"bare" state

Zh = | < h> > |2 ,

where !n> and |h> are the "dressed" and "bare" states of the hadron h,
respectively. Therefore, the condition (2M means that a physical particle
is always dressed and never in a state described by the free Hamiltonian (see
Ref.[l2] for more details about the conditions which determine a bound state in
quantum field theory). It should be noted that in the considered model all the
renormalization constants are finite. Thus, the coupling constant g can be

where When the electromagnetic interaction is introduced, it is necessary to preserve-
gauge invariance at all stages of the calculations. This means that the electro-
magnetic field must be introduced in such a way that the regularized Lagrangian
is also gauge invariant, i.e.

We now introduce the system of fields
and I (z) and J (z) are the Bessel functions. The renormalizations of the
mass of the pion and its wave function are determined in the standard manner

£/ =S


2 2
Setting Z = 0, we determine the effective expansion constant h = g /Cm)
as a function of the parameters ^- and % (see Ref.[7]). Then under the gauge transformations

f M * e'Hfa> ?">
2.7 Electromagnetic Interactions of the Virton Field the fields q,(x) transform as follows ;
Since we intend to describe quarks by the virton field and quarks are
charged particles, we consider the electromagnetic interactions of the virton
field. The Lagrangian of the classical free quark-virton field has the form (1).
fa* (?
The Lagrangian which describes the interaction of the electromagnetic field vith The Lagrangian (26) can be represented in the form
the virtons is obtained by the standard "minimal" substitution

= Z(-)J p
Then the gauge-invariant Lagrangian can be written In the form


-18- -19-
in which
The vacuum-polarization diagram contains ultraviolet divergences. To eliminate
them, we use the gauge-invariant Pauli-Villars regularization [9,10] with suhsidiary
i J conditions. We then obtain
Thus, in the given model there is a conserved vector current J and in
regularized form it is represented by (28).

It should be emphasized that the vector current

(29) This series converges veil and therefore

1 1° (o > 1)
7 and in the limit

is not conserved. The existence of the two vector expressions (28) and (29), one
of which is a conserved current whilst the other is simply a vector, is a feature z
of the model.
The function II (p ) tends to zero_ • in the limit 6 •* 0, as S , since the series
An axial current .r can he similarly introduced. The regularized form
of this current is converges. The virton loops containing more than two photon lines tend to zero
in the limit & •* 0 (Hef.[6]).

(30) However, if a virton loop contains even one hadron vertex, then the
/ matrix element corresponding to such a diagram is non zero.
The current J* can be used in weak interactions. The regularized S matrix
is defined in the usual manner
2.8 Physical Meaning of the Parameters % and L
=T Let us elucidate the physical meaning of the constants t and L in (11).
To this purpose, we investigate the interaction potential 'between two point sources

All physical matrix elements are obtained in the limit 5 •* 0 ; since the virton exchanging quanta of the virton field, as in the derivation of the Yukawa potential.

field q (x) vanishes in this limit. We consider the Feynman diagrams containing Suppose that there are two fermion sources $.{x) and ^(x) and that the

only closed virton loops. interaction between them and the virton field q(x) is described by the
We analyze the interaction between photons due to the virtons. We consider
• kc.
the vacuum-polarization diagram (Fig.2). The term of the S matrix corresponding
to this diagram can be presented in the form
The interaction energy between them to the second order of perturbation theory in

8 is

where V =f
We assume that these sources are at rest and

2.9 Electromagnetic Interactions of HacLrons and Yirtons and
tlie Bound State Condition
vhere u is the Dirac spinor describing the sources at rest and normalized
As an example, we consider a system consisting of pions, charged
such that
virtons and photons. We write the Lagrangian describing the electromagnetic
uu uy u = 0 and strong interactions of this system in the form

Then, denoting T = \T. - r ? |, we obtain

e (f 3?) Ar
where Here
6 (P),

6m i s the counterterm responsible for the renormalization of the pion mass;

J a (a = 1,2) i s the local virton-quark current (27) and the quarks q^ = u
The potential w(r) decreases at r •* <° as w(r) "* exp . and is bounded and q_ = d have, respectively f the charges e = x e and ^ = - T e . We
at r + 0. In this i t differs from the Yukawa potential — exp(-mr). consider the electromagnetic form factor of a charged pion in the second order
Note that the potential -w(r) aoes not have any relation t o an increasing of perturbation theory in the constant g . The corresponding Feynman diagrams
quark-confining potential. I t s physical meaning is that the interaction of the are shown in Figs.3a and 3b. The sum of the matrix elements corresponding t o the
sources due to the exchange of virtons decreases with the increasing distance diagrams in Fig.3a is
much more rapidly than in the case of the exchange of particles with mass m.
.£1 = o.
We now calculate the mean value <r > determined lay the distribution
w(r) n
by virtue of the bound-state conditions (2*0 and (25). Therefore, the eleetro-
mangetic form factor is determined solely by the diagram in Fig.3b. The form
factor F (q ) calculated in accordance vith t h i s diagram i s normalized,
For the Yukawa potential
-mr F (0) = 1 and as q + - - .
? r 2 *r Thus, in the case of the interaction of the electromagnetic field with a
hadron the bound state condition has the consequence that effectively a photon
interacts only with the quarks which form the hadron, in complete agreement with
2 2 the ideas about the composite structure of hadrons.
From the relations <r > and < r > , ve can define a formal virton mass

111 - 2 __!
2 ">

£.10 i p l e of the v'irtoi-Quark Model There is an additional "creaking of the 3U(3) symmetry since the coupling constants
The following points are basic for the virton-quark model (VQM). We will depend on the physical masses of the hadrons. This dependence can be ignored

consider only light hadrons, i.e. without c, b, t quarks. in the case of the/mesons, but for the baryons and for the nonet tensor mesons
PC ++
(J 2 , . . . . ) i t must be taken into account.
= 2
Hadrons • '

- Hadrons have experimental masses [HL ] and experimental quantum numbers In the constructed model, the various physical processes are calculated
[iV i. by means of the technique developed in the first section and in the original
papers. For the sake of a more compact and clear exposition, the obtained results
Hadrons satisfy the SU(3) classification and symmetry is 'broken by the hadrons
will be presented as follows. In Tables 1, 3 and 6 we give the Feynman diagrams
having physical masses.
corresponding to the various processes, the experimental value of the calculated
- Hadrons are described by standard methods of local quantum field theory and
physical quantity and its theoretical prediction in FQM. In the text, we give
their fields satisfying the ordinary equations of the Dirac or Klein-Gordon and
expressions for the invariant amplitudes and, if necessary, for the decay width.
equations for particles vith higher spins.
Details of the calculations and the numerical values of invariant integrals can
be found in the original papers.
- In the group SU(3) x SU (3) quarks are denoted by the fields


where m (m = 1,2,3) and a (a = 1,2,3) are;respectively the SU(3) and colour 3.1 The Strong I n t e r a c t i o n s of Hadrons
index. 3-1-1 Lagrangians of strong i n t e r a c t i o n of t h e hadrons and quarks
- The quantized quark fields q m (x) are virton fields, so that for the free I t i s assumed t h a t t h e hadrons i n t e r a c t not d i r e c t l y with each other
quark field but by t h e exchange of quarks. We choose t h e Lagrangian3 i n t h e simplest form
without d e r i v a t i v e s . In p r a c t i c e t h i s means t h a t in t h e n o n - r e l a t i v i s t i c limit
I, t h e quarks are in t h e s t a t e s with t h e smallest o r b i t a l angular momentum. We
thus o b t a i n :
and the propagator of the quark field is
J T - For t h e nonet of pseudoscalar mesons [6] T = 0~ P(ir,K,n,i')

•where G(x-y) is defined by the formula (ll).
- The parameters of the quark propagator, i.e. L and t, are equal for u, d where A"1 are the Gell-Mann matrices and are the meson fields associated
and 3 quarks. This approximation is possible for describing processes in which with the fields TT,K and Tig by the well-known relations Jl3]
the isotopic symmmetry is unbroken.
The parameters L and £ are fundamental and independent parameters In our
model. As a result of fitting of the experimental dita the following values were

h = 3,12 GeV'.-1 (31) The mixing angle is 9 = -11 as follows from the quadratic mass formulas.
320 MeV
The effective expansion parameter calculated [6] from the condition (2k) is

-2k- -25-
- For the nonet of scalar mesons [15] J PC = 0 + + S{S,K ,s»,e)
h = (g Air)" = 0,085 .

However, as was found in Refs.[6,T] a "better agreement vith the data on the various
decays is obtained [6] for
and the constant [15]
hp = 0,13 (32b)
h = {6 /IMO 2 = 0,12 . (35D)
We consider the differences between these values to be within reasonable limits. s s
Below, we use the coupling constant in (32b).
- For the nonet of tensor .eras [16] J PC = 2 + + FU2,K*(lU30) ,f ,f')
It should be noted that neither for the pseudoscalar nor for the vector
mesons does the bound state condition depend on the sign of £, I.e. the sign of
I in (11).
- For the nonet of vector mesons [6] J = 1 V(p ,K*,U), <p )


C = 2^ iy-

u)1/t = - Ufa Si*

In this case, the quantity [16]

in t h i s case, the bound-state condition gives the coupling constant .2

\ = <v 0,13 (33b)

is the effective expansion parameter in perturbation theory or the coupling
- For the nonet of axial vector mesons [lU] J =1 A(A^,Q^,D,E
constant and from t h i s bound-state condition one obtains [16]

• /

and for the coupling constant p 1+

- For the octet of baryons J^ = — B(H,A,E,E); three types of interactions are
= 0,38 possible, but from the analysis of experimental data and the bound-state condition
we obtain [ l l ]

of the BBP vertex and proton decay. These are the basic processes in the
considered energy region and therefore the good agreement vith experiment (Tables
I and II) indicates that the constructed scheme with a small expansion constant 1 B
capable of describing correctly the strong interaction dynamics.
and for the coupling constants
- Strong decays of hadrons
7 j = f, 7 7 The decays V + P + P (Kef.[6]) of the corresponding amplitude has the
L = /£ to3 ; ^ -O.6-

- For the decuplet of tiaryons [17] JP = | - D(A,5*,Y*,n)


(38a) where V3 = 0.998 (see Eef.[l8]), and P are the vector polarization and
+ —
momentum of the vector meson (V); q and are the momenta of the pseudosealar
mesons (Pn and P,J ; Xp and are the Gell-JJann matrices. The decay
where D""" is the decuplet matrix of the baryons symmetric with respect to the widths are parametrized "by the standard formula [19]
permutation of the indices K , m and n, and C is the charge conjugation;
matrix. For the free decuplet, which are Rarita-Stfhvinger spinors, the
following conditions are satisfied I

Here \
1/2 £2m 2 ,m2 )
(m^.m are the kinematical functions [19] and m , m , m
V p '"
the meson
meson masses.
The Lagrangians (38) are the unique Lagrangianswithout derivatives invariant under
C, P and T transformations and SU(3) permutations. In the case of the decuplet, The,decay A + P + V (Ref.[lll3). The invariant amplitude has the form
the coupling constants (23) determined by the bound-state condition depend on the
Mtt,v (A* P*v) ^ QA?V
masses of the decuplet particles. The calculation [17] gives the values
= 2,3 . 10' 1,1 ' 10" 1
0,5 . 10" * (38b) 2.
V = 0,1(1+5 (see Ref.[l8]) and of the corresponding width decays has the form
3-1-2 Strong interactions of hadrons
The effective constants of the perturbation expansions (32b - 3Sl>J ,
are found t o be less than unity, i . e . in the description of the strong interaction v) -
in the virton-quark model perturbation theory can be used.
We begin by considering the processes: V + PP, S •+ n". A^ + p". F + VP, P PP,
The decay S •* P± + P 2 {Eef.[l5]). The invarisnt amplitude has the form

D * BP decays and ¥TT and KIT scatterings and also the coupling constants G___

-28- -29-
The decays


and for the width decays

where andare the tensor polarizations of F mesons; E ,
e „
and I are the invariant integrals whose calctslations are found in Ref.[l6].

The decays D •*• E + P (Ref. [IT]). The invariant amplitudes are

written in the form
The tensor meson decay [l6] F •+• P + P,. The corresponding amplitude has the



and B and F ^ are the octet matrices of baryons and pseudoscal&r mesons,
respectively; R is the invariant integral whose calculation is found in Eef.[l7].
For width decays we obtain
and the decay widths are parametrized by the following form '.

* —

f* ' rt

and also the decay F +V +P for the invariant amplitude has

3.1.3 The TIIT and ior acatterings

The interaction Lagrangtans (32) - (38) l i s t e d afcove do not take into

account the approximate chiral invarianae of low-energy physics. Therefore,
processes with the participation of four or more hadrons (for example, TIIT and
Kit scatterings, the decay K + 3", e t c . ) cannot be correctly described in the
framework of the Lagrangian chosen in Eqs.(32) - (38). To correct the situation,
and we introduce a nonet of non-produced o particles, which leads to the appearance of

F r A,, h). an additional third parameter in the model.

In the framework of the model, we attempt to take into account the chiral
invariance. To t h i s end, in analogy with the linear a model t20], we introduce

a nonet of hypothetical unobservable a particles in such a way to achieve a
correct- description of the TTTT and KTI scattering lengths. The Lagrangian of
the interaction of the a particles with the quarks is written in the form

= £[$ 6*0.1%) The numerical values of the quantity

—r— are given in Table I.

I t is assumed that: 3-1-5 Proton decay

k -1 k1
- the a p a r t i c l e s a r e unobservable, i . e . a (x) o (y) = —S 6(x-y); From the point of view of the quark model the proton decay may proceed
through two channels. First, two quarks go into an antiquark and an antilepton,
- the field of the a particles is quantized in exactly the same way as the
and afterwards the antiquark and the third <luark create a meson. In the second
virton field;
case the nucleon i n i t i a l l y emits a meson and then the three quarks interact and
- the "mass" m is determined by the condition that the chiral Invariance of
low-energy physics or the contributions of the diagrams in Figs.lta and kh cancel. transform into an antilepton. Both mechanisms are visualized by the Feynman

If it is assumed that the masses of all the o particles are the same, then "by diagrams of Figs.(a) and (b) in Table I . For the calculation of the amplitude

virtue of the obvious equation of the process p •+ meson + antilepton i t i s necessary to know/proton and meson
wave functions as functions of quark momenta.

In the soft-pion approximation the form factor of p + i e decay is

calculated in the k +0 limit (k - four momentum of pion) which gives us
we find that m = 1+1*6 HeV [ l 8 ] . Thus, the main contribution to the amplitudes of the p o s s i b i l i t y of expressing the pion wave function of PCAC relation [20].
TTIT and KIT scatterings are made by the resonance diagrams (see Table I ) . The Further^it i s assumed that form factors are smooth functions of the variable
numerical values of the scattering lengths are given in Table I . (Pk) (p - four moments of proton) and are almost constant in the interval
0 < (pk) < g (m - proton mass). Such an approach was used in the works [27]
3.1.1+ Strong coupling constants for the pseudoscalar and "baryon-baryon Vertices and [28].
The coupling constants of vertex for pseudoscalar and baryon-baryon strong
In the approximation of "soft" pions the leading contribution to the matrix
interaction are made by the vertex diagram (see Table I) and the corresponding
element is given by three quark annihilation (see Figures in Table I) and one can use
invariant amplitude has the form the coupling constant of the proton to three quarks instead of the proton
wave function.
In the paper [28] this constant was calculated with the help of the Bethe-
Salpeter equation with relativistic oscillator potential. In the work of Ref.[27]
matrix elements of the transition of the proton to three quarks, obtained from
QCD sum rules [29] were used. From the kinematics of the proton decay process
it trivially follows that almost all proton mass is transformed into kinetic
where energy of final particles (in particular the form p * n e ). There is a
complete rearrangement of the initial state, therefore the assumption of low-energy
technique does not seem to be justified. In_ the1 paper [27] the amplitudes
of p •* meson + antilepton processes were calculated using the one-pole
approximation method. Moreover-,' dispersion relations in the p •* IT e channel
and V,Q are invariant numerical integrals and calculated in Ref. [21]. Thus,
(see Figures In Table I) have been applied without subtractions. This gives the
as coupling constants for pseudoscalar baryon-baryon interactions, we obtain

-32- -33-
possibility to rxdif..':: r,hr- -_:::rlitude of the proton decay in terms of the matrix
element of proton transition into three quarks, and trie meson-nueleon coupling
constant. Thus, the one-pole approximation agrees within 15? accuracy with the
= Zf-
result of soft pion approximation. However, i t should be taken into account that The Lasrangians of the interaction of the electromagnetic field with the hadrons
using dispersion relations without subtractions raises some doubts. In the
have the standard form [13,20].
papers [30,31] I. -• width of proton decay was calculated inthe framework of the
a) Electromagnetic decays of hadrons
MIT bag-model. The authors of Ref.[32] have used the wave functions of qq
and q^ systems, obtained from the Bethe-Salpeter equation in the confinement The decay P * TT (P * A n . n ' ) (see Refs. [6,36j).
region with r e l a t i v i s t i c oscillator potential, a calculation of the decay width The corresponding amplitude has the form
for the decays p-*-ir e,p-»qqe. The low-energy approximation has not
been assumed and the momentum dependence of the wave function has been taken
into account. Then, in the framework of VQM, the decay width of proton decays
p + ir0+ e , n 0+e , p 0+ 0+
e , u) e , k
0 +
u was calculated. For this purpose the
effective four-fermion LagranRian of the SU(5) model was used where hj
_ %>w

where •= 0,02l(; i,J,k are the colour indices; and

TC 8H 2 G U T
^ L

•n denote left and right components of fermion fields. The numerical values
for decay width obtained [31*] by standard calculation in VQH is shown in Table I.
In Table II the results of different calculations for the proton decay width
lit For the decay width we have
P "• IT e at M 2.10 GeV are shown.

3.2 Electromagnetic Interactions

Electromagnetic interactions of hadrons are a source of information on

the structure of hadronic matter and on the interaction mechanism of photons The decay n' - V Y (V+p,u> (Ref.[35])- For the invariant amplitude,

and hadrons. In particular, the study of electromagnetic decays of mesons is we obtain

of considerable interest for any theory which describes the structure of the
strongly interacting particles. Therefore, in our view, it is of great interest
to consider electromagnetic interactions of hadrons in the VQM. The minimal
?•> vrh
introduction of the electromagnetic field (see (28)) leads to the interaction Accordingly, the decay width i s

Vjf •
e m
Here, j is the electromagnetic quark current, which in regularized form




and is the invariant integral (see Ref.[35]). (ic-p)2[m*-

The decays V •+ Py (Ref.[6]). The invariant amplitude has the form
By calculating the branching ratio we obtained


and for width decays, we have

Vff •
- y

The decoy V + I* l~ (Hef.[6]). The corresponding amplitude has the m

form and
-p 2 "
The pion mean-square radius (Ref.[37]). The corresponding invariant
)= fv U amplitude for the decay it •+ iry has the for*


L = where e and q are the vector polarization and momentum of the photon. Thus,
for the pion mean-square radius, ve have

and 5 S (£) is the invariant numerical integral shown in Hef.[6]. Accordingly,

the decay width is
for D(f) see Ref.[37].
The magnetic moments of the J P « |- baryons ( R e f . [ l l ] ) . The invariant
/; amplitude of the decay B •+ B + y has the form

The decay P -* £ £ (Ref-l36]). The corresponding matrix elements

of the decay finite are determines in the following way;

-36- -37-
2% where

In the considered model V and V are invariant numerical integrals {see

Ref.[IT]). For y* we have

m^ is the nucleon mass, f Q {k ) is the form factor of the electric charge, which where u* is expressed in units of the nuclear magneton. It is convenient to
satisfies the condition.: f o (0) = 1 and ) and f 2 (k22 ) are the magnetic represent u* in the form \i* = C. The value of C is given in
form factors. Therefore, f^O) and fg(0) determine the anomalous magnetic Table III.
moments of the baryon octet. These quantities are functions of the mass of
The polarizabilities of TT and K mesons. One possibility of obtaining
the baryons and of the parameter £. We denote: f.(0) = f (m,£), (j = 1,2),
J J theoretical estimates of the electric a and the magnetic 6 polarizability
where m is the mass of the given particle. The anomalous magnetic moments of
for pseudogcalar mesons comes from the consideration of the y-y •+ PP amplitude
the baryon octet can he expressed in terms of f (m,O and f (m,p) as follows;
(Ref. [1*2]). Thus at the Born approximation for the amplitude of the yy •+ pp
processes, in the VQM we obtain the expression

s= p
= JI ' where a,"b are the isotropic indices; k and k are the photon momenta;

% »*'> V, e
and e
are the photon polarisations; k, and k- are the momentum of
a b
The anomalous magnetic moments can be expressed in units of the nuclear magneton the pseudoscalar mesons. The explicit form of the quantity T ^ is given
in the papers [1*3,UU] ), and obtaining theoretical values corresponding to a + ,
and a as shown in Table III.
The magnetic moment of the D •* B transition (Ref.[l7]). The magnetic k" k"

moment \i* of the D •+ B transition determines the non-diagonal matrix element b) Dalitz decays , p
of the operator of the electromagnetic current of the hadrons between the states
The y quantum in the Dalitz decay becomes virtual and offers the unique
haryon B and the baryon resonance D. The magnetic moment u* can be found
possibility of studying the Vj? P transition form factors of the vector (V)
finan the probability of the radiative decay D -*• B + y. Since the amplitude for
and pseudoscalar (P) mesons. These processes have been of interest in
emission in the decay D •* B + y of an electric quadrupole y ray is appreciably
connection with the recent CERN and Serpukhov experiments in which, transition
less than the amplitude for emission of a magnetic dipole y ray, it can be
form factors of the decays IT •*• y e e~ [46], n + y U + U 1^7] and + IT v+ V
assumed with good accuracy that the width of this decay is determined solely by
[Ii8] were measured. In order to describe these processes theoretically it is
the magnetic moment ji* of the transition
essential to know the off-shell behaviour of the effective coupling constants,

-38- -39-
of more elenienta-y jj-octsscs :'.."•• ^ U-^,^ i , Cy-py 1 2 ' ' -p (q5-) '' '^J
2 2
E (ir - k 1 In the vector dominance model (VDM) [1,9] and in v the model of
vpv' 1' 2
dominance of the triangular quark anomaly [50], transition form factors of the
vector and pseut3o:;cs.lar mesons are determined only by a contribution of vector and H is the effective mass for the transitions V 2 P. The calculation of
v » 2 s
meson propagaU-: .-;, i t is assumed that the effective coupling constants do not the structural integrals K(q. , £ ) , W (q , t.) and W^I ,5) is given in Eef.[50].
depend on the momenta of the lepton p a i r , i . e . the quark blocks have no structure. The decays P •+ y t l
{Eefs. [51,52]). For completeness we have investigated
2 2
In the VQM i t is assumed that these effective coupling constants of the corresponding le t r a n s i t i o n form factors F (q2 ) of the decays
the q dependence of the t r a n s i t i o n form factors F (q ) of the decays
subprocess depend on the momenta of.the lepton pair. Therefore, in our view, i t 0 +„ y UP
+ - and n': + y U P +• _ The _ p factors of these decays have
_ form
is of interest to calculate the basic characteristic of the Dalitz decays in the ir •* y e e
the form

The decays V + P 1» (P + V i l ) , (Ref.[53]). The Feynman diagrams which

determine the decays V •* P *I and P + y II are given in Fig.5. The corresponding
invariant amplitude for the decays V + P ill has the form

- 9pn<°)
p n

and M
= [F'(0)]~ i s t h e e f f e c t i v e mass for t h e t r a n s i t i o n s p •> Y- Table IV
and gives our r e s u l t s for t h e e f f e c t i v e mass and widths of t h e s e decays. The
corresponding dependence of t h e t r a n s i t i o n form f a c t o r s on q. i s shown i n
F i g s . 6 , 7 and 8 f o r decays to ->- IT I I U , n + y y u and n 1 •* Y U V •

c) Electromagnetic pion form factor

where The pion electromagnetic form factor t ( t ) , where t Is the squared

transfer momentum is now measured - directly or indirectly - in the region
fA - 10 GeV^ < t < 10 GeV^ (Hef.[5*0). Analyzing the form factor behaviour,the
following conclusions have been drawn:
the resonance is determined by the p meson;
effects of the p-10 interference are perceptible in the resonance region;
the form factor asymptotically approaches to zero with t •* ± =» .
Until now no theoretical model exists which is capable of describing the pion
form factor in the whole region of experimentally measured values of t. The vector
dominance model (TOM) [55] does not describe F (t) well enough. There exist various
modifications of TOM, in particular in Eef.[56], where the behaviour of the form
q is the momentum of the lepton pair. F (q*) is the transition form factors factor near the resonance is defined.

(V *S P) in the decays V •+• P it, normalized in the following way 1^(0) = 1- All approaches to the explanation of the behaviour of F (t) can be
For sufficiently small q2 of F (q 2 ) it has the form F (q ) = 1 + q /M~, divided into:
where a) the dispersion-relation method;
"b) field-theoretical models (chiral models, o-models with quarks, QCD, etc.}.

-40- -Ul-
The models using methods of dispersion relations [57] describe F (t) Note that for the baryon weak current we choose only the F coupling. A D couplin
veil both in time-like (t > 0) and space-like (t < 0) regions, they essentially appears as a result of the interaction of the leptons with the quarks as an effect
depend on ad hoc hypothesis like the choice of suitable functions with a definite of the strong interactions. The following basic characteristics of the semi-

number of parameters. leptonic decays of the mesons and baryons were calculated:
the widths of the decay P •* ]iv (P + ir,K), i.e. the decay constant f ,
In the field-theoretical models there is a somewhat different situation.
which is the basic parameter of non-linear chiral theory;
In general, these models can be distinguished by the regions of t, where the form
the form factors of the K decay;
fact or behaviour can be described by the given model. The region of the asymptotic
the renormalization of the axial coupling constant due to the strong
behaviour of F (t) as t •* ± «• has been intensively studied in the framework
interaction, and the intensity of the contributions of the F and D couplings
of the quantum field models in the last time [58].
to the matrix elements of the semileptonic decays of the baryons;
In the paper [59], the pion form factor in the framework of the virton-
the ratio of the contributions of the axial and vector parts of the amplitude
quark model, which belongs to the theoretical field was computed. The
of the decay ir~ + £~v y.
corresponding Feynmsn diagrams are shown in Fig,9. The results obtained in the
framework of the VQM are shown in Figs.10. ?he rms pion square radius obtained
b) The leptonie decays hadrons
here is proved to be { r ^ - 0.37 Em .
The decay P + yv[P = I , K ] , (Bef.[39])- The corresponding amplitude
has the form
3.3 Semi-Leptonic Weak Interactions

a) The Lagrangians of weak interactions

The weak, leptonie and semi-leptonic interactions of the pseudoscalar

mesons and baryons are described by Cabibbo's current-current theory where p and p1 are the muon and neutrino momenta, respectively and
s : s = cos 9, , s = sin 0 ;


r and for the width decays

/" = n Sir
The K. decay {Eef.[39]). The invariant amplitude has the form




p/- a
The explicit form of the structure integrals CQ{£), C<£) , D(C) and E(£) is
given in Ref.[39]. Using the standard parametrization of the form factors of the
K decays, we obtain are given in Table V, for£ = l,k.
3 The numerical values for 6 and
The decay TT~ •+ e"v y (see Eefs. [63,39]). In the decay ir -»• e V y,
the most interesting quantity is the r a t i o of the contributions of the axial and
vector parts of the amplitude. The structure-dependent part of the amplitude
is usually parametrized by

_ r
F-O) = -*>/> (ft*-/»})• D(f) ;
where k and p are the photon and pion momenta. In the approach considered,
the amplitude is determined by s. set of diagrams (see Table V ) . It is found that

= b(0) 2lT

n ~- Dtt)
i.e., the experimentally determined quantity is

= l(0) „ !
The numerical values for \+I XQ and £(0) are given in Tatle V.
The parameters A+_ and j{0) are determined experimentally in three ways: as in the ordinary quark model [65}.
a) by analysis of the Dalitz plots (study of the spectrum of the IT mesons);
b) by measuring the polarization of the u mesons, and c) by measuring the c) The hadron decays of T-lepton (Hef.[66])
ratio /r. . In Table V, we give the mean values of A+ and 5(0} t a t o i We consider the following basic h&dron decays of heavy T lepton. In
3 3
from the polarization experiments;. particular, x" •*• iTv; p~v; k~v; k*-(892)v; ir~p v; TT~H U; kirv; p r\\> and p n'v.
The decay B -* Bev (see Ref.[ll]). Allowing for gauge invariance
The Lagrangian, of the interaction between the w boson with leptons and quarks
and the bound-state condition Z £ = 0 (2h), ve obtain the following expression for according to the standard theory of. the electroveak interactions is written in the form:
the matrix element of the semileptonic decay of the baryon '

Here a,b and c are colour indices.
* ' • ' •

In the virton quark model, the local weak currents (30) can be used to
consider these interactions but then ultraviolet divergences appear in the
perturbation theory already in the lowest orders and special efforts are therefore
needed [69] to avoid them. However, in the virton quark model there exists the
CoseK - possibility of using the following vectors instead of the local quark veak currents

X = / (1- f= Uj o! j
In this case, any product of these vectors leads to a finite result. Thus,
we consider the following two variants of interaction Lagrangians which ensure
C is the quark field , 8. is the Cabibbo angle, G is the Fermi constant;
the fulfillment of the selection rule AT = 1/2
and m is the mass W boson. The results of the calculations are shown in
Table V.
= ^ i
(variant A) >

3-!i Hon-Leptonic Weak Interactions .AT = M C \~ f A

Hon-leptonic weak interactions are of interest because 9.
their study makes possible a deeper understanding of the structure of the weak
interactions and also the connection between the weak and strong interactions.
The experimental data on the non-leptonic decays of hadrons indicate that the (variant B) . (39)
selection rule A T = 1/2 holds. So far, a convincing theoretical explanation
of t h i s fact has not been found, although a considerable number of studies have It should be noted that these two variants hardly differ in the description of the
been deveoted to this problem [6>T]. One of the most commonly adopted ways of decays K •* 2TT and K •* 3n, whereas the matrix element for the decay K •* YY
obtaining the selection rule i T = 1/2 is to assume that the Lagrangian of the depends strongly on the choice of the variant. In variant A, the theoretical
non-leptonic interaction transforms as the sixth component of an octet [6f] width of the decay K. •*• yy is approximately of a magnitude order lower than
the experimental width, which is in agreement with the conclusions of Kef.[69].
In variant B, a good agreement with the experiment ia obtained, but at present it
is still difficult to give a clear physical interpretation of such an interaction.
where is the octet of the weak, hadronic currents (in the quark model,
The transition
7r(5 A m 0 q)). This corresponds to the introduction of the neutral currents.

In colour quark models [68] there is a different and original way of

obtaining tSe selection rule £ T = 1/2

\ =1

k. c
p 0
where S = (S, - S.J/m , 5. = (K - P.) , K is the momentum of the K meson,
Pi is the momentum of pion i, S Q = m^ + m^/3 and

•B _ t
r0 a- +
Xp +
K*)c +

It can t e seen from Table V that the matrix elements M and M^ slightly differ e - ^0
from the transition BL 0 + IT0 but there i s a fairly strong difference in-
the case of the transitions K -+11,71'.
The decay K •+ 2 IT
(see Fief. [ l 8 ] }
(variant A )

(variant B)

a and "b. are the contributions of the various diagrams. The characteristics
of the other mode of the decays K + 3T are related to a + Q and Cf+ Q by
means of the isotopic relations. We have

- 0,
C- 0,996 (variant A)
L- 0,85!* (variant B)

i.e. variants A and B

• • c (variant



slightly differ in this case and


r(*:->"*-•) - ,7/ •//- 4 /
The decay K •* yy (see Eef.[l8]}
The decay K •* n IT i s forbidden since the Lagrangians (39) ensure an exact
fulfillment of the selection rule AT = 1/2.
The decay K •+ 3TT (see Eef.[l8]). The corresponding diagrams are given
in Fig. 11 and where e. and q. are the polarization and momentum of photon i. It can be
shown that the contact diagrams give a comparatively small contribution
-' (A)
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Since the main contribution is made by the resonance diagrams, the result
G.V. Efimov, Proc. Fifth I n t e r n . Symposium on Mon-Local Field Theories,
depends strongly on the choice of the Lagrangian of the non-leptonic interaction
Alushta (R2-12462, Dubna, 1973) p . 3 ;
(variants A and B ) . In the case of the variant A, the result is about an order
M. Dineykhan, G.V. Efimov and M.A. Ivanov, Proc. of the Fifth Intern,
of magnitude lower than the experimental result, whereas" the variant B leads to
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a good agreement vith the experiment.
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[7] G.V. Efimov and M.A. Ivanov, Sov. J . P a r t . Nucl. 12, 1(89 (1981).

[8] C. Beechi and G. Morpurgo, Pnys. Rev. BlltO, 687 (I965);

IV. CONCLUSIONS P.N. Bogolubov, Sov. J . P a r t . Bucl. 3., 71 (1972);

The constructed virton quark model' is a quantum field dynamical scheme P.N. Bogolubov, Ann. I n s t . Henri Poincare' 8_, 163 (19^7);

of a relativistic bag. The model has just two free parameters, which characterize A. Chodos et a l . , Phys. Rev. D£, 3^71 (WO;

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[II] M. Dineykhan, G.V. Efimov ana Yu.Yu. Lobanov, Sov. J. Mucl. Phys. 32_,
One of the authors (M.D.) would like to thank Professor Acdus Salam,
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International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. It is a pleasure to [12] K. Hayashi et al. , Fortschr. Phys. 15^, 625 (1967).
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[13] S, Gasiorowicz, Elementary Particle Physics (Wiley, New York, 1966).
the manuscript.

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A AT\ 12,5

p rj IT ^ 0,25 f34]
° + -31 - 1 lO-'V 1 [22] 0,18
• l

p^. k p 10 y
« > ^ p * Pe 0,025
+ 0,15
p- ne 0,12
B - ^ p + e*

-5U- -55-
Process Observable
diagrams Mode value Experimental Theory Width f o r decay ? •• 7r°e+ (10 y"1)
at t h e M = ?] 0 GeV, aGUQ, = 0,02l4

V^ P + F p + TTTT F ,Mev 154 + 5 [22] 145 [6]

k*+ k i Goldman loffe Toro 0 zava Donoghue Mltra VQM
51,3 ± 1 , 0 43
[33] [27] L28] [30] [32] [3U]
* kV 2,8 + 0,11 1,97

* k k° 1,47+ 0 , 0 8 5 1,29
10* 19 20 0,20 0,015 0,025
A-V + P ti^- prr r,MeV 315 + 45 [22] 260 [14]
S^P + P 6 + nn T,MeV 54 + 7 [22] 33 [15]

f + TTTT r,MeV 150 + 19 [22] 120 [16] * Total width f o r t h e P •+ e qq

F-.P + P f * kk 5,16+ 0 , 6 4,3

f + TTTf seen 7,2

f + k it dominant 40
A 15,95+ 2,C6
2* nt 16
A + kk 5,39+1,13 7,1
k*+ k n 4 4 , 8 ± 6,78 52

F-*P + V A2+ P . r.MeV 7 7 , 1 + 5,92 [22] 80 [16]

k** k*j 24,5 + 4 , 4 5 24
k*-» p k 8,8 ± 1 , 9 6,9
k»* u k 4 , 2 + 1,9 2,1

D^B + P 4 + pw T.MeV 111,5+ 0 , 6 7 [22] 100 [17]

i * p ir° 76,1 + 0,46 68
4 * r,i » 36,8 + 0 , 2 2 33
4" * p i " 38,3 + 0,23 34

4° * n it 76,7 + 0,46 71

4 ~ + n if 116 + 0,69 106

£*°* £7°"° 3,26 + 0 , 2 3,3
^*° n" 5,54 + 0 , 2 5 5,3
*_ _o
3,09 + 0 , 2 3,1

6,56 + 0,4 6,6

Y * A ir+ 30,8 + 0,61 21

¥* + + I + 1T° 2,3 + 0,046 1,5

¥ * A i 30,8 + 0,61 23

diagrams Mode value Eixperiinont Theory |
^ ^ w ,• •!••!•• 'in ' "
«i '•-•• '•
• •» I "•"• '
•* i •. 7,92 + 0,42 [22j 6,8 [6], [35] 1.66 111]
1.79 [2?]
343 + 54 342
B + Bt J -1.91 -1.88
r ,kev 5,51 ± 1,53 5,2 /•v
3.70 3.514
87 + 20 [?2j 106 [35] q

r ,kev 861,3 + 75,6 [22] 920 [6]


70,8 + 10 98

50,64 + 10 170

,kev 7,08 + 0,54 [22] 4,7 [6] GeV 2 r eV

<? e 6,66 + 0,42 0,53 MODE

1,31 + 0,083 1,30 Experiment [51,52]
v -> e e Experiment

2?+21 X0-8 [37] 5.38 10 [36]

0 + - 5;". ± .1,6 [k6] 2,3 1,7 (9,111 ± 1 . 0 3 ) - 1 0~ [1*6]
( ! ,7*0,5} 10 J [38] 2,38 10 :r •+ y e e

1 , 9 i 0,14 [U3] 2,6 1,8 0,26 t 0,07 [hi]

9,97 10
8,1 10 1,7 ± 0,U [Ii7] 1,6 1,5 25 ± 16 rt
4,9 10 0 + 2,li ± 0,2 2,1 1.7 909 ± hjh 720

0,56 + 0,04 [40] 0,46 [39] 1,96 1,63

2,1 1,66
D — B + 1,25 + 0 , 2 [41] 0,82 [17] 1,96 0,6.1
1,25 + 0 , 2 0,82 1,28 137
nil u " 0,96
-Cl,?5+0,2) -0,99 6U
1,28 0,96
0,63 + 0,1 0,5
_0 0 + - 1.7 126
] ,n
1,08 + 0 , 1 7 0,7?
I.g5 ± 0,2
n1 2,1 1,66
+ - 1,96 76
10 CM' 6,B + 1,4 6,8 [A3] 1,63


2,3 [44]

- 1,1 -59-
TABLE V (cont.)

+ TT p \t r (1,04 + 0,48) 10*10 0,58 10 [66] Process Observable

diagrams Mode value Experiment Theory
+ TT I \) [221
0,6 10
It * |JV r , MeV (2,528 + 0,002) [22] 2,6 [39]
0,072 10~ -14
+ 0) ¥ V
* [IV 10 (3,383 + 0,016 3.1
0,6 1O~ -10
•+ p n \>
-16 TT -m e \> r , e v 10 (2,58 + 0 , 1 8 ) [22] 2,8 [39]
0,62 10
•* n v
K -nT n e^ r ,ev 10 (2,56 + 0,03) [22] 2,78 [39]
A [18]E[IB]
0 0
M(K°*P) 2,8 loi 1 ' 2,4 IO" 2 (0) - 0,35 + 0,14 -0,2

Jfev 2
1,3 10~2 1,7 lo" 2 *+ 0,026 + 0,08 0,016
L ^
2 -0,009
[22] -1,9 lo" 1,6 10~"
-0,003 + 0,001 0

r ,Mev (2,32 + 0,02) 10~12 2,4 10"12 1,8 10~ B *B'e-J E» neu r.Mev (1,08 + 0,04)10~ 3 t22] 1,12 [11]
K°-r n V (5,06 + 0,03) lo" 12 4,9 10~ 3,5 ID"12 A * p gv [8,07 + 0 , 2 8 ] l 0 ~ 7,32.1O~4
+ +° i'+ j\ev (0,60 + 0,06)10 0,61-10~
K* n IT (1,13 + 0,01) 1O~ 4 0 0
(0,69 + O,18)-10~ 0,25'10~ 3 .
r ,Msv (1,57 + 0,03) 10"15 1,1 io" 16 0,9 10~ S * A€v ..
< 0,5 1O~3 0,078-10~3
0,67 + 0,14 0,48 0,48 < 1,1 10~ 0,25. 10~
£*-» ECU
15 15
K % 3 „<> r ,Mev (2,73 + 0,11) 10" 2,0 10~ 1,5 10- 1,25 + 0,01 [22] 1,19 [ll]
P»P e v
K ^ TT IT " r ,ffev (2,97 ± 0,02) 10~ i5 1.8 10- 15 1,3 10~15 0,66 + 0,07 0,68
Fig.11 cr -(0,215 + 0,004) -0,24 -0,24
+ if +6U/ 0,15 + 0,11 [22] 1 [39]
K + TT TT IT r ,Mev (0,92 + 0,03) 10~ 0,6 10~15 0,4 10- 15 ~FV

a (0,607+ 0,03) 0,43 0,48


r.Kbv (6,22 ±0,64) 10 0,72 10~18 L0-10-18

r ,MeV (1,99 + 0,52)10 1.8.1Q-10
[22] tee]"-
+ p v (4,2S + l . D i o " 1 3,e-io~ 10
1 0
(0,25 + 0,13)10
-10 0,1-10
* K"y (0,33 + 0,18)10
0,28 10~10

-60- -61-

Meson self-energy diagram.

Vacuum-polarization diagram.

Diagrams describing the electromagnetic form factor of the mesons.

a) quark loop describing pp s c a t t e r i n g ;

b) contribution of the o-particles t o pp scattering.

Figs..? - Feynman diagrams which correspond t o the decays a) V •+ fit, and

b) P+ yll.
Fig.6 - Form factors for the t r a n s i t i o n V ^* P. The points are the experimental
data for the t r a n s i t i o n at + IT [**8]; curve 1 i s the r e s u l t of a f i t to Fig.1
these data; curve 2 i s calculated in the TOM; curves 1 and 2 refer to the
transition UJ + TT . Our r e s u l t s are also shown in the figure,"
curve 3 for ID -+ it , p •* n and n1 -*• p ; curve h for p + TT , ui •* v,-
and TI1 + m; curve 5 for k*a •• k° and curve 6 for the t r a n s i t i o n s
f •+ n and <p •* T\' .

Fig .7 - The electromagnetic form factor of the n meson in the decay n -»• yu u .
The points are the experimental data (see Ref.[lt7]); curve 1 i s the
result of a f i t to these data; curve 2 is the prediction of the VDM [51]
and curve 3 i s our r e s u l t .

Fig. 8 - The electromagnetic form factor of the n! meson in the decay n' •»• yu li~-
The points are the experimental results [It?]. Curve 1 it the p
dominance model (Ref.[53]) and curve 2 is our r e s u l t .

- Feynman diagrams determining the pion form factor.

- Behaviour of the pion form factor at the a) negative t ; the points

are the experimental data [60]; b) positive t; experimental results
are indicated by': • - Orsay [ 6 l ] ; A - Novosibirsk [62]; V - Novosibirsk
[63] and A - Novosibirsk [6k]. The full lines in the figures are
our r e s u l t s .
- Feynman diagrams for the decay k + 3ir.

Fig. 3



02 03 04





-SU- -65-
0 02 OJB 10

Fig. 8

0 005



tGW 1 0


0 Q2
t Gw 1

<XE; *



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