10.1515_phys-2024-0004-1 jahanshir
10.1515_phys-2024-0004-1 jahanshir
10.1515_phys-2024-0004-1 jahanshir
Research Article
Arezu Jahanshir*, Ekwevugbe Omugbe, Joseph Ngene Aniezi, Ifeanyi Jude Njoku,
Clement Atachegbe Onate, Edwin Samson Eyube, Samuel Olugbade Ogundeji, Chinonso Mbamara,
Raphael Mmaduka Obodo, and Michael Chukwudi Onyeaju
Open Access. © 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2 Arezu Jahanshir et al.
in recent years. These properties have been observed using V (r ) = Vc(r ) + VSS(r ) + VLS(r ) + VT(r ) , (1)
heavy machinery [4], and some were predicted theoretically where Vc(r ) is the Cornell potential. The functions VSS(r ) , VLS(r ) ,
before their experimental discovery. In this regard, the bound- and VT(r ) are the spin–spin, spin–orbit, and tensor channels,
state solutions of the wave equations under the inter-quark respectively. The respective potential functions are repre-
potentials have been utilized to predict the mass spectroscopy sented as [22,24]
and decay properties of the elementary particles. The most uti-
lized potential energy is the Cornell potential, which is the com- 4αs
Vc(r ) = − + br , (2)
bination of the Coulomb’s energy and a linear function. The 3r
Coulomb’s energy is responsible for the short-range gluon 32παs
VSS(r ) = δ̅ σ (r )〈S̅ ·S̅ 〉, (3)
exchange interaction between a quark and its antiquark, while 9m qm q̅
the linear function is in charge of quark confinement. The addi-
1 ⎛ 2αs b⎞
tion of spin components to the Cornell potential allows for rela- VLS(r ) = − 〈L̅ ·S̅ 〉, (4)
m qm q̅ ⎝ r 3 2r ⎠
tivistic corrections and results in the hyperfine splitting between
the s-wave singlet and triplet states. The multiple triplet splitting 4αs
VT(r ) = 〈T̅ 〉, (5)
occurs for any angular momentum quantum number l > 0. m qm q̅ r 3
Li et al. [5] predicted the charmonium (cc̅ ) mass spectra
using the coupled-channel model and the screened potential where αs , b, m q , and m q̅ are the coupling constant, linear
model in the mass region below 4 GeV . Their results agreed confinement parameter, the mass of quark, and its anti-
with the masses of the cc̅ meson obtained with a quenched quark, respectively. In (3), the Dirac delta function has
2 2
potential model and literature data [6]. Mutuk [7] investigated been used as a Gaussian function (δ̅ σ (r ) = (σ / π )3e −σ r ).
the mass spectra and decay constants of vector and pseudos- The operators in Eqs. (3)–(5) are diagonal in | j , l , s〉 with
calar heavy-light mesons within the framework of the QCD the respective spin–spin ((S̅ ·S̅ )) spin–orbit (L̅ ·S̅ ) and tensor
sum rule and the quark model. The numerical results were in (T̅ ) matrix elements given by refs [22,24]
good agreement compared to observed data and other theo- s(s + 1) 3
〈S̅ ·S̅ 〉 = − , (6)
retical works. The charmonia spectra have been investigated 2 4
using the non-relativistic quark model and matrix-Numerov 1
method [8,9]. Chaturvedi and Rai [10], in a recent work, inves- 〈L̅ ·S̅ 〉 = ( j ( j + 1) − l (l + 1) − s(s + 1)) , (7)
tigated the electromagnetic transitions, mass spectroscopy,
and decay rates of the bottom-charm (bc̅ ) meson within the 6(〈L̅ ·S̅ 〉)2 + 3〈L̅ ·S̅ 〉 − 2s(s + 1)l (l + 1)
〈n3l j|T̅ |n3l j〉 = − . (8)
context of the non-relativistic QCD. Several authors [11–28] 6(2l − 1)(2l + 3)
have carried out extensive studies on the mesons bound-state The notations s , l , and j = l + s denote the spin number,
solutions and applied them to obtain their spectroscopic para- orbital quantum number, and the total angular momentum
meters. The results in the references therein were compared to quantum number, respectively. The spin–spin coupling gives
experimental data of the particle data group [29–31], and the rise to the s-wave (l = 0) hyperfine splitting between the triplet
results were predicted using different QCD-inspired potentials, (s = 1 ) and singlet (s = 0) states. For l > 0, and j = l ± 1, j = l ,
phenomenological potentials, and theoretical methods. we have the multiplets splitting for the p , d , f , g , and h triplets
In this work, we investigate the hyperfine mass spectra quantum states. The n represents the principal quantum number.
splitting of the heavy mesons within the framework of the The spin-dependent potentials in (4) and (5) give the mass shifts and
semi-relativistic spinless Salpeter equation (SSE). Previously, are obtained from leading-order perturbation theory [14,24]. The
the mass spectra of the heavy mesons have been obtained in operator 〈T̅ 〉 can be described by the non-vanishing diagonal matrix
previous studies [32,33] using the SSE without considering the element for l > 0 and correspond to the spin triplet states [21].
spin components and relativistic corrections for the inter-quark
potentials. The results in the references therein revealed that the
semi-relativistic equation provides a satisfying account for the 2 Energy spectrum of the SSE with
meson mass spectroscopy. Motivated by these facts, we report
for the first time the approximate analytical and numerical
spin-dependent Cornell potential
mass spectra splitting of the heavy mesons under the SSE via the WKB approximation
with a phenomenological spin-dependent Cornell potential
via the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) approximation. To obtain an approximate analytical solution, we truncate
In this study, we considered the interactions potential the Gaussian function to a harmonic function for r ≪ 1 fm
function given by via a Taylor series expansion around r = 0. The Gaussian
Heavy mesons mass spectroscopy under a spin-dependent Cornell potential 3
2 2
function can be expressed as e −σ r ∼ 1 − σ 2r 2 . In the femto- pμ(r )
meter scale, this approximation is important for quark ⎛ 1 (l + 1/2)2 ⎞ (19)
interactions [28]. = 2μ ∼ (V (r ) − Enl )2 − (V (r ) − Enl ) −
. ⎟
⎝ 2m 2μr 2 ⎠
Using this approximation, the potential in (1) can be
simplified as To obtain the energy equation for the modeled potential,
we employed the WKB energy quantization condition for two
V (r ) = − + br + 3 − Pr 2 + Ωs , (9) real turning points r1 and r2 via the integral equation:
r r
where 1⎞
∫pμ(r )dr = π ⎛⎝n + 2⎠
, ℏ = 1. (20)
4αs b(L̅ ·S̅ ) r1
Q= + , (10)
3 2m qm q̅ It is worth stating that we have added a Langer’s cor-
2αs (L̅ ·S̅ ) 4αs (T̅ ) rection [36] to the centrifugal potential using the transfor-
N= + , (11) mation l (l + 1) → (l + 1/2)2 . This correction in the WKB
m qm q̅ m qm q̅
approximation admits the exact energy eigenvalues for
P = σ 2Ωs , (12) soluble potentials and ensures that the wave function is
16παs well behaved near the origin.
Ωs = (σ / π )3(s(s + 1) − 1.5) . (13) Inserting the momentum into the WKB quantization
9m qm q̅
integral in (20) with the potential energy given by (1), we
The spinless SSE equation for describing a two-body obtained
system is given as [34,35] r2
⎛ ⎞
2μ ∫ r6
− 4 + 3 + 2 −
r r r r
+ Λr 4 − Fr 3 + Gr 2 + Hr + K dr
⎜ ∑ −∆ + mi2 + V (r ) − Enl ⎟ξ (r , θ , φ) = 0, (21)
∆ = ∇2, (14)
⎝i = 1,2 ⎠ 1
= π ⎛n + ⎞,
⎝ 2⎠
ξ (r , θ , φ) = ψnl (r )Ylm (θ , φ) . (15) N2 2QN 2N Ωs − 2NEnl Q 2 + 2Nb
A= 2m∼ , B = 2m ∼ , C = 2m∼ − N, D = ∼
− L,
The notations ∇ 2 , V (r ), Enl , and ξ (r , θ , φ) represent the 2QΩs + 2PN − 2QEnl b 2 − 2P Ωs + 2PEnl
E= 2m∼ − Q, F = 22Pb
m∼ , G= ∼
+ P,
Laplacian, the potential function, total energy, and the total
2bΩs + 2PQ − 2bEnl (E − Ω )2 − 2Qb P2
wave function, respectively. H= 2m∼ − b, K = nl 2sm∼ + Enl − Ωs , Λ = ∼,
For interaction between particles, the summation in Eq. (l + 1 / 2)2
L= 2μ
(14) can further be expanded via Taylor series to order two:
Using coordinate transformation q = 1/r , Eq. (21)
∆ ∆2 reduces to
∑ −∆ + mi2 = m1 + m2 − − , (16)
i = 1,2 2μ 8η3 q2
− 2μ ∫ Aq 2 − B +
+ 2 − 3 + 8 − 7 + 6 +
q q q q q
η = μ⎛ m m 1 − 23μ2 ⎞ .
m1m2 mm
μ= , + 4 (22)
m1 + m2 ⎝ 1 2 ⎠ q5 q
Eq. (14) can further be reduced to a Schrödinger-like 1
equation [35] dq = π ⎛n + ⎞.
⎝ 2⎠
⎛ 1 d2 1 To solve Eq. (22) analytically, the multiple turning
⎜− 2
+ V (r ) − Enl − ∼ (V (r ) − Enl )2
⎝ 2μ dr 2m points need to be reduced to two via a Pekeris-type approx-
3 imation around q = 0. Let q = y + δ with δ (1/q ) assumed to
(l + 1/2)2 ⎞ ∼= η .
+ ψnl (r ) = 0, ℏ = 1, m
2μr ⎠ μ2 be the characteristic distance between the quark and anti-
quark pairs. The inverse power terms can be obtained
Eq. (17) can be written as a momentum eigenvalue equation using the Taylor series expansion to the second order:
((Pˆ )2 + pμ2(r ))ψnl (r ) = 0, (18) y −k k (k + 1) −k − 2 2
q −k = δ −k ⎛1 + ⎞ ∼ δ −k − kδ −k − 1y + δ y
⎝ δ⎠ 2! (23)
where P̂ is the radial momentum operator and pμ(r ) is the
meson momentum eigenvalue given as + Ο (y 3 ) ,
4 Arezu Jahanshir et al.
Note: aWe choose the bottom and charm masses from the obtained range [29] 1.2 < m c < 1.8 GeV and 4.5 < mb < 5.4 GeV .
n 2s + 1 L j J PC
J /ψ(13S1) 1‒‒ 3.520 3.094 3.0413 3.096 3.126 3.0851 3.097 ± (6 × 10‒6)
ηc (11S 0) 0‒ + 3.293 2.989 3.1404 2.981 3.033 2.9904 2.984 ± 0.0004
ψ(23S1) 1‒‒ 3.902 3.681 3.7017 3.685 3.701 3.6821 3.686 ± (6 × 10‒5)
ηc (21S0)* 0‒ + 3.638 3.602 3.6610 3.635 3.666 3.6465 3.638 ± (1.1 × 10‒3)
ψ(33S 1) 1‒‒ 4.194 4.129 4.0502 4.039 4.055 4.1002 4.039 ± 10‒3
ηc (31S 0) 0‒ + 3.895 4.058 4.1347 3.989 4.158 4.0719
ψ(43S1)* 1‒‒ 4.421 4.514 4.4185 4.427 4.415 4.4394 4.421 ± (4 × 10‒3)
ηc (41S 0) 0‒ + 4.091 4.448 4.4136 4.401 4.415 4.4209
ψ(53S1) 1‒‒ 4.600 4.863 4.6591 4.837 4.585 4.63 ± (6 × 10‒3)
ηc (51S 0) 0‒ + 4.242 4.799 4.6618 4.811 4.607
ψ(63S1) 1‒‒ 5.804 5.185 4.8801 5.167 4.733
ηc (61S 0) 0‒ + 5.175 5.124 4.8825 5.155 4.754
χc 1 (13P1)* 1++ 3.511 3.468 3.5036 3.511 3.487 3.5004 3.511 ± (5 × 10‒5)
χc 2 (13P2) 2++ 3.545 3.480 3.4888 3.555 3.522 3.5514 3.556 ± 7 × 10‒5
χc0 (13P0) 0++ 3.466 3.428 3.4137 3.413 3.407 3.3519 3.415 ± 3 × 10‒4
h c (11P1) 1+ ‒ 3.298 3.470 3.5180 3.525 3.502 3.5146 3.525 ± (1.1 × 10‒4 )
χc 1 (23P1) 1++ 3.895 3.938 3.8072 3.906 3.786 3.9335 3.872 ± (6 × 10‒5)
χc 2 (23P2)* 2++ 3.923 3.955 3.9151 3.949 3.905 3.9798 3.923 ± 1 × 10‒3
χc0 (23P0) 0++ 3.856 3.897 3.7646 3.870 3.899 3.8357 3.922 ± 1.8 × 10‒3
h c (21P1) 1+ ‒ 3.642 3.943 3.8239 3.926 3.8210 3.9446
χc 1 (33P1) 1++ 4.188 4.338 4.1210 4.319 4.1230 4.3179 4.147 ± (3 × 10‒3)
χc 2 (33P2) 2++ 4.212 4.358 4.1514 4.354 4.144 4.3834
χc0 (33P0) 0++ 4.155 4.296 4.0804 4.301 4.120 4.2167
h c (31P1) 1+ ‒ 3.899 4.344 4.1368 4.337 4.1640 4.3339
χc 1 (43P1) 1++ 4.416 4.696 4.4005 4.728 4.3730 4.6203
χc 2 (43P2) 2++ 4.436 4.718 4.4298 4.763 4.411 4.7367
χc0 (43P0) 0++ 4.388 4.653 4.3621 4.698 4.362 4.5518
h c (41P1) 1+ ‒ 4.094 4.704 4.1455 4.744 4.4200 4.6395
Heavy mesons mass spectroscopy under a spin-dependent Cornell potential 5
n 2s + 1 L j J PC
State Present [17] [16] [18] [11] [14] [24] Expt. [30]
n 2s + 1 L j J PC
Υ (13S1) 1‒‒ 9.906 9.465 9.460 9.49081 9.525 9.4600 9.4600 9.460 ± (2.6 × 10‒4 )
ηb (11S 0) 0‒ + 9.916 9.402 9.398 9.43601 9.472 9.3900 9.4280 9.399 ± (2 × 10‒3)
Υ (23S1) 1‒‒ 10.240 10.003 10.023 10.01257 10.049 10.0150 9.9790 10.023 ± (3.1 × 10‒4 )
ηb(21S0) 0‒ + 10.251 9.976 9.990 9.99146 10.028 9.9900 9.9550
Υ (33S1) 1‒‒ 10.504 10.354 10.355 10.32775 10.371 10.3430 10.3590 10.355 ± (5 × 10‒4 )
ηb(31S0) 0‒ + 10.517 10.336 10.329 10.1386 10.360 10.3260 10.3380
Υ (43S1) 1‒‒ 10.715 10.635 10.586 10.5461 10.598 10.5970 10.6830 10.579 ± (1.2 × 10‒3)
ηb (41S 0) 0‒ + 10.729 10.623 10.573 10.3236 10.592 10.5840 10.6630
Υ (53S1) 1‒‒ 10.883 10.878 10.851 10.82628 10.870 10.8110 10.9750 10.885 ± (2.6 × 10‒3) ± (1.6 × 10‒3)
ηb(51S0) 0‒ + 10.899 10.869 10.869 10.4977 10.790 10.8000 10.9560
Υ (63S1)* 1‒‒ 11.020 11.102 11.061 10.97061 11.022 10.9970 11.2430 11.020 ± (4 × 10‒3)
ηb(61S0) 0‒ + 11.036 11.097 11.088 10.6615 10.961 10.9880 11.2260 11.014 [17]
χb1 (13P1) 1++ 9.906 9.876 9.892 9.87371 9.875 9.9030 9.8190 9.893 ± (2.6 × 10‒4 ) ± (3.1 × 10‒4 )
χb2 (13P2)* 2++ 9.912 9.897 9.912 9.89083 9.903 9.921 9.825 9.912 ± (2.6 × 10‒4 ) ± (3.1 × 10‒4 )
χb0 (13P0) 0++ 9.898 9.847 9.859 9.8432 9.840 9.864 9.806 9.859 ± (4.2 × 10‒4 ) ± (3.1 × 10‒4 )
hb(11P1) 1+ ‒ 9.918 9.882 9.900 9.87919 9.884 9.9090 9.8210 9.899 ± (8 × 10‒4 )
χb1 (23P1) 1++ 10.240 10.246 10.255 10.21695 10.229 10.249 10.2170 10.255 ± (2.2 × 10‒4 ) ± (5 × 10‒4 )
χb2 (23P2) 2++ 10.245 10.261 10.268 10.22961 10.254 10.246 10.224 10.269 ± (2.2 × 10‒4 ) ± (5 × 10‒4 )
χb0 (23P0)* 0++ 10.233 10.226 10.233 10.19625 10.202 10.220 10.205 10.233 ± (4 × 10‒4 ) ± (5 × 10‒4 )
hb(21P1) 1+ ‒ 10.254 10.250 10.260 10.22153 10.237 10.254 10.220 10.260 ± (1.2 × 10‒3)
χb1 (33P1) 1++ 10.504 10.538 10.541 10.1378 10.339 10.515 10.553 10.514 ± (7 × 10‒4 )
χb2 (33P2) 2++ 10.509 10.550 10.550 10.1405 10.406 10.528 10.560 10.524 ± (8 × 10‒4 )
χb0 (33P0) 0++ 10.498 10.522 10.521 10.1342 10.299 10.490 10.540 10.500 [17]
hb(31P1)* 1+ ‒ 10.519 10.541 10.544 4.14695 10.362 10.5190 10.556 10.519 [17]
χb1 (43P1) 1++ 10.715 10.788 10.802 10.3229 10.571 10.853
χb2 (43P2) 2++ 10.719 10.798 10.812 10.3255 10.637 10.860
χb0 (43P0) 0++ 10.710 10.775 10.781 10.3193 10.532 10.840
hb(41P1) 1+ ‒ 10.731 10.790 10.804 10.3242 10.594 10.855
ℵ 1
q1 = − ℵ2 − 4T , (28)
2 2 The mass spectra are obtained from the relation between
ℵ 1 the quark masses and the energy eigenvalue:
q2 = + ℵ2 − 4T . (29)
2 2 Mnl = m q + m q̅ + Enl . (32)
Solving (24), we obtained
∫ (q2 − q )(q − q1) dq = (q − q2)2 .
8 1
q2 3 Numerical results and discussion
Comparing Eqs. (24) and (30), the condition for the
The energy bound-state solution of the SSE under a spin-
energy-level equation is obtained as
dependent Cornell potential has been obtained via the semi-
ℵ2 2 ⎛ 1 classical WKB approximation method. The potential para-
−T= n + ⎞. (31) meters (αs , b, δ , σ ) were obtained by fitting the obtained
4 μW ⎝ 2⎠
Heavy mesons mass spectroscopy under a spin-dependent Cornell potential 7
Υ2(13D2) 2‒‒ 9.911 10.147 10.161 10.1126 10.096 10.153 10.075 10.164 ± (1.4 × 10‒3)
Υ3(13D3) 3‒‒ 9.921 10.155 10.166 9.73855 9.849 10.157 10.073 10.172 [17]
Υ1(13D1) 1‒‒ 9.900 10.138 10.154 9.72905 9.666 10.146 10.074 10.155 [17]
ηb2 (11D2) 2‒ + 9.923 10.148 10.163 9.7355 9.767 10.153 10.074 10.165 [17]
Υ2 (23D 2) 2‒‒ 10.244 10.449 10.443 9.94259 10.071 10.432 10.424
Υ3(23D3) 3‒‒ 10.253 10.455 10.449 9.94704 10.175 10.436 10.423
Υ1(23D1) 1‒‒ 10.235 10.441 10.435 9.93775 9.996 10.425 10.423
ηb2 (21D2) 2‒ + 10.258 10.450 10.445 9.94405 10.093 10.432 10.424
Υ2 (33D 2) 2‒‒ 10.508 10.705 10.711 10.1391 10.345 10.733
Υ3(33D3) 3‒‒ 10.516 10.711 10.717 10.1435 10.446 10.733
Υ1 (33D 1) 1‒‒ 10.501 10.698 10.704 10.1344 10.272 10.731
ηb2 (31D2) 2‒ + 10.523 10.706 10.713 10.1405 10.368 10.733
χb3 (13F3) 3++ 9.918 10.355 10.346 9.7361 9.754 10.340 10.287
χb4 (13F4) 4++ 9.932 10.358 10.349 9.74242 9.896 10.340 10.291
χb2 (13F2) 2++ 9.904 10.350 10.343 9.72948 9.642 10.338 10.283
ηb3 (11F3) 3+ ‒ 9.931 10.355 10.347 9.73759 9.778 10.339 10.288
χb3 (23F3) 3++ 10.251 10.619 10.614 9.94462 10.081 10.607
χb4 (23F4) 4++ 10.263 10.622 10.617 9.9508 10.219 10.609
χb2 (23F2) 2++ 10.239 10.615 10.610 9.93815 9.971 10.604
ηb3 (21F3) 3+ ‒ 10.265 10.619 10.615 9.94608 10.104 10.607
Υ4 (13G4) 4‒‒ 9.929 10.531 10.512
Υ5(13G5) 5‒‒ 9.946 10.532 10.514
Υ3(13G 3) 3‒‒ 9.911 10.529 10.511
ηb4 (11G4) 4‒ + 9.941 10.530 10.513
Total error ( χ ) 1.11% 0.20% 0.11% 3.85% 0.96% 0.13% 0.66%
mass spectra with the corresponding experimental masses of quark–antiquark pairs. The Coulomb part of the potential
the particle data group in Tables 2–5. We present the para- in the absence of tensor and spin orbit components domi-
meters in Table 1. The quantum states in the asterisk corre- nates at short distances, whereas the linear component is
spond to the points where the potential parameters are fitted prominent at large distances.
using (32). To check for accuracy, the potential parameters The total errors are obtained using the following for-
were obtained for random quantum numbers for the s-wave mula:
singlet and triplet states and also the hyperfine triplet states Z exp
M − M theo
(l > 0, j ≥ 0) where we choose the parameters that reproduce χ= ∑ nl exp nl , (33)
Z i=1 Mnl
minimum total errors. Also, to obtain potential parameters
for the bottom-charmed meson, we assumed a constant where Z, Mnl , and Mnltheo are the respective number of
characteristic distance (δ ) and spin-dependent constant (σ ) experimental data points, experimental masses, and theo-
due to the limited availability of experimental data. For the retically obtained masses. In Table 2, the mass spectra of
bottomonium and charmonium mesons, we solved four poly- charmonium for the s-wave increase as the quantum
nomial equations simultaneously with the help of Maple number increases with the singlet states bounded below
software, while two non-linear equations were solved for the triplet states. The J /ψ(13S1) and ηc (11S0) are higher than
the bottom-charmed meson to obtain the parameters αs the experimentally determined values. However, the other
and b. The variation of the potential function with distance s-wave masses are in agreement with the experimental
for the heavy mesons is plotted in Figure 1(a–c). The potential masses [30] and the masses obtained using other inter-
curves for the triplet and singlet states account for linear quark potential functions and methods reported in the
confinement and short-range gluon exchange between the existing literature [11,16,18,22,24]. In comparison with
8 Arezu Jahanshir et al.
Figure 1: (a–c) Variation of potential function with distance: (a) charmonium, (b) bottomonium, and (c) bottom-charm mesons for spin numbers s = 0
and s = 1 .
experimental data, the masses χc2 (13P2), χc0 (13P0), ψ1(13D1) , the masses of the particle data group [30]. The p-states
and ψ2(23D2 ) with hyperfine splitting and relativistic cor- masses were found to agree with the ones obtained earlier.
rections l > 0, j = l , j = l ± 1 and s = 1 as shown in Tables 2 However, the masses for d quantum states presented in
and 3 were found to be more accurate compared to the Table 5 fairly compare with the observed masses [30]. Gen-
masses (h c (11P1), ηc2 (11D2 ), and ηc2 (21D2 ) for the quantum erally, the masses increase with the increase in the radial
states (l > 0, s = 0, j = l ). The charmonium masses for the quantum number. Using Eq. (33), the bottomonium mass
s, p, d, and f states increase with the increase in the radial spectra deviation from experimental data yields a total
quantum number and were found to deviate from the percentage error of approximately 1.11%, which indicates
experimental masses by a total error of 3.32%. an improvement over the results in the study by Mansour
In Table 4, the bottomonium masses for the s and and Gamal [18] and comparable to the total percentage
p-quantum states are presented. The low-lying quantum error of 0.96% in the study by Mansour and Gamal [11]
states masses are higher than the observed values. As the and 0.66% in the study by Soni et al. [24]. It can be seen
quantum number increases, the masses Υ (53S1) and that the percentage error is higher for the charmonium
ηb(61S0) were found to be in good agreement compared meson due to its light reduced mass. In Tables 6 and 7,
to other works in the existing literature [11,14,16–18] and the masses obtained for the bottom-charmed mesons
Heavy mesons mass spectroscopy under a spin-dependent Cornell potential 9
Table 6: S and P states mass spectrum of bottom-charmed meson Table 7: D, F, and G-states mass spectrum of bottom-charmed meson
in GeV in GeV
State Present [16] [11] [24] Expt. [31] n 2s + 1 L j J PC Present [16] [11] [24]
Author contributions: The authors confirm contribution to [17] Godfrey S, Moats K. Bottomonium mesons and strategies for their
this article as follows: study conception and design: Arezu observation. Phys Rev D. 2015;92:054034.
Jahanshir, Ekwevugbe Omugbe; data collection: Ekwevugbe [18] Mansour H, Gamal A. Meson spectra using Nikiforov-Uvarov
method. Result Phys. 2022;33:105203.
Omugbe, Joseph Ngene Aniezi, Ifeanyi Jude Njoku, Clement
[19] Boroun GR, Abdolmalki H. Variational and exact solutions of the
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