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Probability Questions and Answers –

Mean and Variance of Distribution – Set

This set of Probability Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Mean and Variance of Distribution – Set 2”.

1. The mean m of the distribution of X is defined by m=E(X)=∑xrfr, when

a) X is discrete
b) X is continuous
c) X follows Normal distribution
d) X follows Poisson distribution
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Answer: a
Explanation: The mean m of a random variable X can only be specified in the
summation form (i.e ∑xrfr) if and only if the random variable takes discrete values.
If the random variable is continuous, then we need to calculate the integral over
the interval area.

2. For a random variable X, Var(aX+b)=a2Var(x), is true or false?

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: my=E(y) = E(aX+b)=aE(X)+b=amx+b,
Var(aX+b)=Var(y)=E{(Y-my)2} = E{(aX+b-amx-b2)} = a2E{(x-mx)2} = a2Var(x), since

3. The expectation E(x) of a continuous random variable X, can be expressed as

________ if F(x) is the distribution function of X.
a) E(X) = ∫∞0{1−F(x)−F(−x)}dx
b) E(X) = ∫∞−∞{1−F(x)−F(x)}dx
c) E(X) = ∫∞0{1−F(x)−F(x)}dx
d) E(X) = ∫10{1−F(x)−F(−x)}dx
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Answer: a
Explanation: E(X)=∫∞−∞xF‘(x)dx=∫∞0{1−F(x)}dx–∫0−∞F(x)dx
4. The second order moment of a random variable X is __________
a) Minimum about the mean of Y
b) Minimum about the mean of X
c) Maximum about the mean of Y
d) Maximum about the mean of X
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Answer: b
Explanation: E{(X-a)2}
= E{(X-m)2}+(m-a)2
≥ E{(X-m)2},
Since (m-a)2 ≥ 0.

5. For which of the measure of β2, the corresponding density curve has a sharper
peak than the normal density curve?
a) If β2<3
b) If β2>3
c) If β2≥3
d) If β2≤3
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Answer: b
Explanation:β2=μ4σ4 is called the coefficient of kurtosis. Thus, a high value of
β2 is thought to mean a sharply peaked distribution. Now,β2 = 3σ4σ4 = 3. So, if
β2>3, then the distribution is said to have a sharp peak.

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6. The salary of workers in a factory follows a binomial (180, 1/3) distribution.

What will be the mean and variance of the distribution curve?
a) 40, 60
b) 40, 50
c) 60, 50
d) 60, 40
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Answer: d
Explanation: For a binomial (n, p) distribution, the mean is (n*p) and variance is
Now, n = 180, p = 1/3, 1-p = 2/3
Mean = (n*p) = 180 * 1/3 = 60
Variance = (60 * 2/3) = 40.

7. For a Binomial (n,p) distribution, variance is _____________

a) n*p
b) n*p*(1-p)
c) n*p*(1-q)
d) n*q
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Answer: b
Explanation: n is the number of trials; p is the number of successes; q = (1-p) is
the number of failures
Hence, the mean is (n*p). Thus, variance is n*p*(1-p).

8. Let X be a Poisson μ variable. Then mean, variance and standard deviation of

X are _________
a) μ, μ2, μ3
b) μ, μ , μ
c) μ, μ ,μ−−√
d) μ−−√, μ , μ
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Answer: c
Explanation: For mean X=E(X)=∑∞i=0+ie−μμii!
For variance Var(X)=E{X(X-1)} – m(m-1)
For SD Var(x)−−−−−−√.

9. Standard deviation is the square root of variance.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Variance is used to measure how much spread out the dataset
instances are. But, they are calculated in square units. So, standard deviation is
introduced to get an idea about the spread in the original scale, by finding the
square root of variance.

10. The variance of a random variable X ,Var(X) is defined by ___________

a) Var(X)=E(X2) – {E(X)}2
b) Var(X)=E(X) – {E(X)}
c) Var(X)=E(X2) – {E(X)}
d) Var(X)= {E(X)}2 – E(X2)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Var(X)=E{(X-m)2}
=E{(X2 – 2Xm + m2)}
=E(X2) – 2E(X).m + m2
=E(X2)-2.m.m + m2
=E(X2) – {E(X)}2.

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