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SL500 Logger Interface Software


Version 1.4x
July 2012

Sealed Unit Parts Co., Inc

2230 Landmark Pl.
Allenwood, NJ 08720

Phone: (732) 223-6644

Fax: (732) 223-6823
Table of Contents
Quick Start .................................................................................................................................................................1
Connecting the Logger to Your PC ...........................................................................................................................1
Setting Up the Logger To Record Data .....................................................................................................................1
Custom Interval Setup ...............................................................................................................................................3
Alarm Setup ...............................................................................................................................................................3
Using the Software to Check Logger Status ..............................................................................................................4
General Logger Status and Data In Memory Pane ................................................................................................4
Alarm Status Pane .................................................................................................................................................5
Last Sample Pane...................................................................................................................................................5
Ending the Logging Session ......................................................................................................................................5
Loading Logger Data .................................................................................................................................................6
Automatic Data Retrieval ..........................................................................................................................................6
Working the Data Graph ............................................................................................................................................7
Using the Zoom Feature ............................................................................................................................................8
Data Listing Window.................................................................................................................................................9
Data Summary and Statistics .....................................................................................................................................9
Exporting Logger Data ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Printing the Logger Data ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Calibrating the Logger ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Setting the Calibration Password ............................................................................................................................. 13
Setting the Logger Clock ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Specifications........................................................................................................................................................... 14
SL500 Family of Loggers ........................................................................................................................................ 15
SL500TC Warning .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Turning the Loggers On and Off ............................................................................................................................. 15
Logger Display and Buttons .................................................................................................................................... 16
Setting the SL500TC Thermocouple Type .............................................................................................................. 16
Checking the Thermocouple Type Connected to the SL500TC .............................................................................. 17
Replacing the Logger Battery .................................................................................................................................. 17
SL500T, SL500XT and SL500TH Specifications ................................................................................................... 19
SL500TC Thermocouple Logger Specifications ..................................................................................................... 20
Thermocouple Temperature Range and Accuracy............................................................................................... 21

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Quick Start
Follow the procedure below to quickly start using your logging device:
1. Connect the data logger to a free USB port on your computer.
2. Start the Interface Software on your PC.
3. From the Logger menu, select Setup.
4. Select the "Logging starts immediately when setup is complete" option.
5. Click Continue to start logging.

After the Continue button is pressed, the device will start logging. You can click on the icon on the toolbar to
download and view the logged data.

Connecting the Logger to Your PC

To connect the logger to your computer, follow these steps:
1. Connect the USB cable to the logger and to a free USB port on your computer.
2. If you are connecting the logger to the PC for the first time, the logger will automatically be recognized and
installed on your computer.

3. Start the Interface Program and click on the icon on the toolbar.
The logger status screen should now be displayed.
Note: The Windows operating system can not handle USB devices being unplugged and plugged back too fast.
When unplugging the logger, wait for about 5 seconds before plugging it in again. If you unplug and plug back a
device too quickly, the computer may stop recognizing any USB devices on that port. If this happens you will have
to restart the computer. This is a Windows USB problem and is not related to the Interface Software.
If more then one logger is connected to your computer at the same time, the program will ask you to select one of
the loggers. To select a logger click on one of the loggers on the list, and click the Connect button.

Setting Up the Logger To Record Data

To set your logger to start recording data, click the button on the toolbar, or select Setup from the Logger
menu. To avoid accidentally erasing the logged data, the logger can not be setup to log while it is logging.
The setup options window is shown below.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

• Logger Information: Gives information about the logger. The type of logger, the internal serial number and
the deployment (how many times the logger was setup to log) are given. You can not change this information.
• Unit Description: This field is used to identify the logger to the user. You can enter any text you want here
such as descriptive location, serial number, etc.
• Sample Interval (Length of Recording): Select the sample interval from a predefined list of intervals.
• Custom Interval: If the interval you want is not on the list, you can set a custom interval using this button.
• Overwrite oldest samples when full: Check this box to have the logger continuously record data, overwriting
oldest recorded data. When this box is not checked, logging is stopped when the logger memory becomes full.
• How to Start Logging: Logging can start in three ways depending on the selection you make:
o Logging starts when the Start button is pushed: Logging will start when the Start button is pushed for
about 3 seconds.
o Logging starts immediately when setup is complete: Logging will start immediately once the Continue
button is clicked.
o Logging starts at this time: Logging will start at the user specified time. There is no limit how far in the
future you can set the logging to start.
• Channels to Log: This option only appears if the device has more than one channel. You can elect to disable
unused logger channels. When a channel is disabled, its memory is allocated to the other channels, increasing

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

the total logging time. The total logging time will be reflected in the Sample Interval window. Depending on
the logger, some channels are required and cannot be disabled. Channels that can not be disabled are grayed out
and can not be unchecked. For instance, in the picture above, the Temperature channel is required to record
Relative Humidity, so the Temperature channel cannot be disabled. At least one channel must be enabled for
• Alarm Setup: Click this button to open the Alarm Setup Window.

Custom Interval Setup

Commonly used intervals are predefined in the Sample Interval box in the Logger Setup screen. A custom interval
can also be defined by the user. To do this, click on the Custom Interval button in the Logger Setup screen. The
custom interval window is shown below. You can select a custom logging interval using this window.

In the window above, the sampling interval was set to 1 minute, 20 seconds, to allow about 20 days of recording.

Alarm Setup
Alarms are used to indicate if the data inside the logger exceeded a user specified threshold. This can be an
indication that an important event has occurred. The logger will indicate that an alarm condition has occurred by
displaying the Alarm icon. Once an alarm condition has occurred, the alarm icon will remain turned On for the
duration of the logging session to indicated that data stored in the device memory has alarms in it.
To get to the Alarm Setup window, click the Alarm Setup button in the Logger Setup screen. The Alarm Setup
windows allows you to set high and/or low alarm thresholds for each data channel, or disable these alarms. Alarms
are set by entering the thresholds as shown in the window below.

The checkbox to the left of the low/high alarms enables the alarm when checked, and disables the alarm when clear.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Using the Software to Check Logger Status

Selecting Status from the Logger menu brings up the Logger Status window. You can also bring up the status
window by pressing the button on the toolbar. The logger status screen is separated into three panes:

General Logger Status and Data In Memory Pane

Logger State shows the internal state of the logger:

o Power Save Mode: This mode is entered when the logger idle (not logging and not setup to log) for about
1 hour. The logger uses very little power in this mode and the battery can last for up to 10 years. The
logger's real time clock is not running in this mode.
o Idle, waiting for setup: The logger is not logging. It is waiting for a setup from the user. The logger's
real time clock is active in this mode.
o Logging will start on button press: Logging has been configured to start when the logger's Start button is
o Logging will start at xxxx: Delayed logging. Logging will start at the time specified.
o Logging in Progress: The logger is currently logging data.
• Serial Number: This internal serial number is unique for each logger.
• Deployment: Indicates the number of times the logger has been setup to log.
• Logger Time: Shows the internal logger date and time. Depending on how the time was entered, this may be
different from the Windows clock.
• Battery Level: Shows the current level of the logger's battery. It is recommended that the battery is replaced
when this indicator reaches yellow. When this indicator reaches red, logging becomes unreliable, and the
battery should be replaced before starting a new logging session.
• Logging Started At: Shows when logging was started.
• Logging Duration: Shows how long the logging session has been active.
• Sample Rate shows how often the logger is recording the data.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

• Wrap around shows how many times the sample memory wrapped around after becoming full.
• Samples in Memory: Shows information on how many samples are currently stored in the logger memory,
and how much space remains free. Note that if data wrap around occurs, this value will always be 100%.

Alarm Status Pane

The Alarm Status pane displays the alarm thresholds for the active channels. If a high alarm occurred the threshold
is displayed in red. If a low alarm occurred, the threshold is displayed in blue.

Last Sample Pane

The Last Sample pane shows the value of the last sample taken, for all the active channels. It also shows when the
next sample will be taken.

Ending the Logging Session

There are a number of ways that the logging session can end:
1. When the logger memory becomes full, and data rollover was not selected during logger setup, the logger
will automatically stop logging and enter the idle state.
2. Selecting End Logging from the Logger menu.
3. Logging will stop automatically if the logger detects a low battery condition.
4. If the battery is removed from the logger, logging will stop. No data will be lost.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Once logging has ended, it cannot be resumed without erasing the logged samples stored in the logger memory.

Loading Logger Data

To get the sampled data from your logger, connect the logger to your computer and click the button on the
toolbar. Once the data is transferred from the logger to your PC, the data graph and data listing windows will be
The graph display will be blank if there are less than two data points logged. The listing window will be blank if
there are no data points logged (as can happen during delayed logging, or when logging is set to start on button

Automatic Data Retrieval

The Interface Software can be setup to automatically load the data from the logger into the computer as samples
become available. In this mode the graph and the listing windows will be updated automatically with the new data.
This is how to enable the automatic data retrieval:
• Make sure that the logging device is connected to your computer.
• Make sure that the device is logging data. Automatic retrieval is not available when the logger is not logging.

• Manually download the data for the first time by clicking the button on the toolbar, or select Get Data
from the Logger menu.
• From the Logger menu select Auto Data Load.
The computer will download data when new data is logged by the device. For instance, if you set your device to
collect data once every minute, the software will perform a download once a minute. Of course the device has to be
connected to your computer while the Auto Data Load mode is active.
When the Auto Data Load mode is active, the software does not change the zoom level of your graph. Instead it
scrolls the graph as new data becomes available.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Working the Data Graph

Clicking anywhere within the graph window activates the graph toolbar buttons and the graph window features.

• The graph plots each data channel using a different color and dot style. A small rectangular legend shows the
color and the dot style of each channel. This legend can be moved by clicking the left mouse button while
inside the legend and dragging the legend to where you want it to be. The legend can be turned ON and OFF
by pressing the button on the toolbar.
• There is an additional legend above each of the Y axis. This legend is the channel name drawn in the same
color as the channel line on the graph. This legend helps identify which channel belongs to which axis. For
instance, in the graph above, the Temperature in red and Dew Point in green correspond to the left Y axis, the
Relative Humidity in blue corresponds to the right Y axis.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

• The Cursor Location Markers show the cursor position on the graph. The position is shown on each of the axis
in a slightly larger, bold text. The position indicators can be turned ON and OFF by pressing the button
on the toolbar

• Clicking the button activates the sample marker function. When this function is active, clicking a point
on the graph, marks this point, and shows the point values for all channels, at the specified time. An example
of sample markers is shown above.
• During zoom mode, you can use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to move the graph around.

• Clicking the button activates the zoom mode. To zoom to an area, click the left mouse button at one
corner and drag the mouse, while holding down the button, to the opposite corner. Releasing the button will
activate the zoom. Clicking the right mouse button unzooms the graph one level. See Using the Zoom Feature
section for more details.

• The button turns ON and OFF the marks at the data points.

• The button connects the sample points with a line.

• The button turns the grid lines ON and OFF.

• The button on the toolbar causes the graph to unzoom to the full scale of the recorded data. This means
that the minimum and maximum scale will be about equivalent to the minimum and the maximum of the data.

Using the Zoom Feature

There are a number of ways to zoom to the data you would like to see on the screen. To activate the graphic zoom,
click the button on the toolbar. The graphics window has to be selected for this button to be active.
• Graphic Zoom: You can graphically zoom on the portion of the data that is displayed on the screen by
pressing the left mouse button and dragging the box around the part of the graph you would like to zoom to.
You can repeat this until the graph is zoomed to just a few points. Pressing the right mouse button reverses the
graphic zoom (causes unzoom).
• Unzoom: Pressing the left mouse button, then releasing it without dragging the mouse causes the graph to
unzoom (zoom out). Pressing the right mouse button reverses this zoom.

• The button on the toolbar causes the graph to unzoom to the full scale of the data. This means that the
minimum and maximum scale will be about equivalent to the minimum and the maximum of the data.
• Autoscaling a specific axis: You can also autoscale the time or one of the data axes only, without affecting
the other axes. To autoscale the time axis only, choose Time -> Auto Scale from the Zoom menu. To
autoscale one of the data axis only, choose Auto Scale for the appropriate channel from the Zoom menu.
• Numerical Zoom: Another way to specify the zoom is to enter the minimum and maximum limits of the
graph numerically. You can do this individually for the time axis and for each of the data axis. To do this,
select Custom for the appropriate axis from the Zoom menu, and enter the minimum and maximum limits for
the axis.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Data Listing Window

The data listing window is shown below.

The Data pane lists the data samples collected by the logging device.
The column width of each column is adjustable by using the left mouse button and dragging the column to the
desired width.
The icon next to a data sample indicates an alarm condition. That is, one or more of the data channels are outside
the minimum or maximum (alarm low and alarm high) thresholds.

Data Summary and Statistics

The Data Summary pane displays the summary and statistics for the current data.
Data Summary displays the logging start and end time, the recording length, number of samples stored, and whether
or not wrap around has occurred. The logger serial number and the number of recordings performed by the logger is
displayed as well.
The statistics displayed are: Minimum value, maximum value, average value (mean) and standard deviation.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

For temperature channels Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) is displayed as well. MKT is used in pharmaceutical
and food industries as a simplified way of expressing the overall effects of temperature fluctuation during storage
and transit of perishable goods. The formula used to calculate the MKT in Kelvin is:

T1 to Tn are the sample temperatures in Kelvin.
R is the gas constant.
ΔH is the activation energy. The software uses activation energy value of 83.14472 kJ/mol.
Note: MKT will not be displayed for non temperature channels (such as Relative Humidity), or for calculated
temperature channels (such as temperature difference or dew point).
The data statistics are also included when data is exported to a text or Excel file.
A typical Data Summary window is shown below.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Exporting Logger Data

You can use the Interface Software to export sample and statistics data to a text file or to a Microsoft Excel file.
• To export the data to a text file, select Export -> Text File from the File menu.
• To export the data to a Microsoft Excel file, select Export -> Excel File from the File menu.
The file exported to Microsoft Excel is an Excel .csv file. The easiest way to open this file in Excel is to just double
click on the created file.
When you first open the .csv file in Excel, the Date Time column will be in a strange format. To convert to a normal
time and date format follow these steps:
1. Select the entire Date Time column.
2. While the cursor is in the column, click the right mouse button and select Format Cells.
3. Under Category: select Date or Time, then choose the format that suits you in the Type: column.
4. Click OK when done.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Printing the Logger Data

The Interface Software can print the data graph and the data sample list. To print, select Print from the File menu.
You can also view how your data will be printed using the Print Preview option from the File menu.
Graphs are printed as they appear on the screen. This includes the current zoom detail, marking of sample points,
etc (see Working with the Data Graph for more detail).
For the sample listing printout, you have an option to limit the printing between specific date and time. When you
select to print or print preview the sample listing, a date and time selection window will be displayed:

Only the data samples within the specified dates will be printed.

Calibrating the Logger

Your logger is factory calibrated to an accuracy given in the device specifications. However, there may be times
when you wish to adjust the calibration of your logger. The Interface Software provides you with the ability to
perform a single point offset calibration. This calibration can be used to increase the accuracy of your device for a
restricted data range. For instance, if your application calls for logging temperature between 20°F and 32°F, you
may want to calibrate your logger at 26°F.
Warning: Calibrating the logger erases the data that is stored in logger memory.
Calibration only can be performed when the device is not logging. To calibrate your logger, select Calibrate…
from the Logger menu. For extra security, calibration is password protected. You must enter the correct password
in the Calibration Password window before you’re allowed to calibrate the unit. The logger has been preset at the
factory with no password, so if this is the first time you are calibrating the device, leave the password field blank.
The Password Calibration window also allows you to change the password.
Once the password is entered correctly, a window asking you to select the channel to calibrate pops up. Select the
channel you would like to calibrate and click OK. Each channel must be calibrated separately.
The User Calibration window for the channel you selected will appear:

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

To perform the calibration:

1. Select a stable and accurate reference instrument. It is best to use a reference instrument that has at least 2
to 4 times the accuracy of the logger you are calibrating. For instance, if the accuracy of the logger
temperature is given as +/-1ºF, the accuracy of your reference instrument should be at least +/-0.5ºF to +/-
2. Place the logger and the reference sensor in a stable environment. For temperature and humidity, it is best
to place the logger and the reference sensor in a regulated chamber.
3. Wait for your reference instrument and the reading in the “Logger Reading” box to stabilize.
4. Enter the reading from your reference instrument in the “Reference Instrument” box, and hit the Calibrate!

Setting the Calibration Password

To change the calibration password select Calibrate… from the Logger menu. When the Calibration Password
window is displayed, do the following::
• Enter the current calibration password in the “Enter Calibration Password” box. If you are setting the
password for the first time, do not enter anything in this box since the logger is initialized with no password..
• Enter the new password in the “New Password” box.
• Enter the new password again in the “Repeat New Password” box.
• Click OK.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

If a calibration password exists, you can remove it (restore factory default empty password) by checking “Remove
Password”, however you have to enter the current calibration password in the “Enter Calibration Password” to do
Note: If you forgot the calibration password, the password can be removed by clicking the Forgot Password
button. Resetting the password in this was will erase the logged data in logger memory and initialize the
Deployment counter to 0.

Setting the Logger Clock

The logger has an internal clock that is updated every second. During logging, the time stamps of the data samples
are set by this clock.
When the logger is in power down state, the real time clock is not running. When the real time clock is stopped, and
you setup your logger to log, the Interface Software automatically matches the logger clock to your computer’s
clock. You can also manually set the logger’s real time clock, using the Interface Software
To set the logger’s Real Time Clock, select Set Clock… from the Logger menu . Make sure that “Use Windows
Clock” is unchecked, then enter the current date and time in the appropriate fields. If the “Use Windows Clock” is
checked, the logger's real time clock will be matched to your Windows clock.
Note: You cannot set the logger clock while logging is in progress.

Common logger specifications are shown below. For specific logger specification, see the logger documentation.

PC Interface USB port.

Sampling Interval User selectable from 1 second to 18 hours, in 1 second increments.
Data Security Unique logger serial number. Recording session counter. Password protected
Data Statistics Minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation displayed for each channel.
Mean Kinetic Temperature displayed for temperature channels.
Operating System Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and above. Not compatible with
Compatibility Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows ME
System Requirements 800 x 600 screen resolution, 1 free USB port.
Recording Start On button press, immediate after setup, or at a user specified date and time.
Recording Mode Stop on memory full, or continuous recording with memory wrap around
Real Time Status Software real time status.
User Calibration Password protected calibration for each channel.
User Information Up to 30 characters
Logger Channels User selectable. Disabling channels increases the storage capacity of the other
Units US and Metric
Data Format Exportable to text or Excel files.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

SL500 Family of Loggers

The SL500 family of loggers comes in four different versions.
• SL500T records temperature using an internal sensor. The unit can record up to 43,334 temperature values.
• SL500XT records temperature using an external sensor. The unit can record up to 43,334 temperature
• SL500TH records temperature and humidity values using an internal sensor. The unit can record up to
21,672 temperature and humidity values, or 43,334 temperature only values.
• SL500TC is a single channel thermocouple logger. The logger supports most widely used thermocouples:
K, J, E, N, T, S, R, B and C. The user can change the thermocouple type during logger setup through the
PC. The SL500TC memory can record up to 32,638 temperature samples. The SL500TC logger requires 3
AAA batteries to operate. The batteries last 2 years under normal use.
The loggers feature a display that allows the user to see the current reading and the reading values stored in the unit's
memory. The display also shows the current date and time, the battery level, whether or not the device is collecting
data and the alarm condition. The SL500TH display alternates between temperature and humidity.
The SL500T and SL500TH sensors are open to the air. It is therefore important to ensure that water does not get
into the unit. This is especially important in high humidity situations (90% RH and above) where water may
condense inside the logger, causing damage to the internal electronics.
The SL500XT sensor is condensation resistant, but should not be submerged in liquid for an extended period of
The SL500TC thermocouple sensor can be used in any environment compatible with that thermocouple.

SL500TC Warning

• To avoid the risk of electrical shock and equipment damage, avoid using
grounded or exposed thermocouples when there is a possibility that the
thermocouple tip will touch surfaces on which voltage may be present with
respect to ground. Examples of such surfaces include heating elements and
poorly grounded conductive surfaces, such as metal pipes. When there is a
possibility that a grounded or exposed thermocouple tip will touch a surface with
a voltage potential, do not connect the logger to a computer while the
thermocouple is connected. Damage to your computer may occur if the
thermocouple tip touches a surface with a voltage potential while the SL500TC is
connected to your computer.

• To avoid electrical shock, remove the thermocouple from the measurement

surface, or disconnect the thermocouple from the instrument before replacing the

Turning the Loggers On and Off

To conserve battery life, when the unit is not logging and no buttons are pressed, the logger will turn itself Off after
about 1 hour of operation. The display will go blank and the unit will enter a power save mode. In this mode the
logger uses practically no power, and the battery will last as long as its rated shelf life.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

To turn the logger On at any time, just press any of the logger's buttons. The display will come back On and the
logger will operate normally.

Logger Display and Buttons

The logger display shows the current reading, the current time, the battery level, and the logging state of the device.
The SL500TH alternates the display between temperature and humidity every two seconds. The previously
recorded samples, stored in logger memory, can also be displayed by using the UP and DOWN buttons.
Note: When scrolling through the recorded data, the SL500TH will not alternate the reading between temperature
and humidity. To switch the history display between temperature and humidity, use the Units button.

Note: When no thermocouple is connected to the SL500TC, the display will show to indicate that the
thermocouple connection is OPEN.
The current time in hours and minutes, and the current date, is shown in the lower portion of the display. The time
display is blank when the logger's internal real time clock is not running. This happens when the logger comes out
of Power Down mode. When the current time is shown, the hours and minute separator, :, will blink once a second.
You can browse through the samples logged in the device memory using the UP and DOWN buttons. When
browsing past samples, the time and date display show when the sample was taken. The temperature and/or
humidity display shows the recorded value at that time. The hours and minutes separator, :, will not blink in this
The logger will automatically exit the browse mode when the browsing goes passed the last sample recorded.
Note: To exit the browse mode quickly, press and hold the Start button for about 3 seconds. The hours and minutes
separator, :, will start blinking after exiting the browse mode.
The display also shows if the logger is logging, or waiting to log, as follows:
• Logging: The icon is displayed continuously.
• Logging will start when the Start button is held: The icon flashes.
• Logging will start at a specific time: The icon and the time display flashes. The time display
indicates when the logging will start.

The icon is On when the recorded temperature and/or humidity has passed the user selected alarm
thresholds anytime during logging. This is a "sticky" icon in that it does not go away when the reading returns to
normal. The icon remains On even after logging is finished.
When the SL500TC logger is not displaying past recorded samples, the Start button can be used to check the
thermocouple type expected by the logger. See the section Checking the Thermocouple Type Connected to the
SL500TC for detail.

Setting the SL500TC Thermocouple Type

The SL500TC connected thermocouple type is set by using the PC software. The thermocouple type can only be
changed when the logging is being setup for a new logging session.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Click the Thermocouple button at the bottom of the Logger Setup screen. On the Select the Thermocouple to
Use screen, select the thermocouple type connected to the logger, and click OK. The thermocouple type will be
changed once the logger is setup for logging (Continue button is clicked on the Logger Setup screen).

Checking the Thermocouple Type Connected to the SL500TC

Press and hold the Start button to show the thermocouple type that should be connected to the logger.
Note: This only works when the unit is not displaying past recorded samples, and is not waiting for the Start button
to be pushed to start logging,
The logger display will show the following:

Thermocouple Type Logger Display

To return to normal display, release the Start button.

The thermocouple type that should be connected to the logger is also displayed by the PC software in the Status
screen and the Data Summary pane.

Replacing the Logger Battery

SL500T, SL500XT and SL500TH loggers use a single Lithium CR2032 coin cell. SL500TC uses three AAA
batteries. Both battery types are readily available. The logger battery level is shown on the logger display, or can be
checked using the Interface Software, by opening the Logger Status window. To insure reliable logging, especially
in low temperatures, it is suggested that the battery is replaced when the battery level reaches 1 bar on the display, or
is in the yellow zone in the Interface Software. When the battery indicator is empty on the logger display, or reaches
the red zone in the Interface Software, the battery needs to be replaced before any logging takes place. When the
battery level is too low, the logger will stop logging automatically to prevent data corruption.
To conserve battery power, the logger will shut down automatically when not logging, after about one hour of
operation. To turn the logger back On, just press any button.
All newer loggers have the battery readily accessible through a battery compartment in the back of the logger. Older
SL500T, SL500XT and SL500TH loggers require disassembly for battery replacement.
To replace the battery on these older units follow the procedure below:

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

1. Disconnect the logger from the USB cable. Do not replace the battery while the USB cable is connected!
2. Press any button on the logger to ensure that the logger is not in the power down state.
3. Place the logger, screen down, on a flat surface. Using a screwdriver, remove the 4 screws in the back of
the logger.
4. Carefully remove the back of the case. Do not lift the logger while doing this since the display can fall out.
5. Carefully remove the logger board from the case.
6. Using a small screw driver, gently push the battery out the holder. Once the battery is part way out, you
can use your fingers to grab it and pull it out. Do not use tweezers or pliers since they will short the battery
7. Slide the new CR2032 battery into the battery holder. Make sure that the + indicator on the battery
matches the + indicator on the battery holder.
8. Place the board back in the case. Make sure that the pins in the case slide into the four holes in the board.
You may have to lift the unit slightly to make sure that the pins next to the buttons slide into the holes.
9. Replace the logger back cover and replace the 4 screws.
10. The display should show the current reading. If the display is blank after replacing the back cover, make
sure that the back cover is screwed tight against the front cover.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

SL500T, SL500XT and SL500TH Specifications

Sample Point 43,344 temperature points for the SL500T and SL500XT. 21,672 temperature
Capacity and humidity points for the SL500TH.
Display Current reading and time, logging status, alarm status, recorded sample history,
battery level. SL500TH alternates the display between temperature and humidity
every two seconds.
Alarms Visual over and under alarm indicator for temperature and/or humidity
Calibration User single point offset calibration is available through software. Calibration is
password protected.
Operating -5°F to 160°F (-20°C to 70°C)*
SL500XT External -40°F to 176°F (-40°C to 80°C)
Probe Temperature
SL500XT External 6ft (1.8m)
Probe Length
Storage Temperature -20°F to 175°F (-30°C to 80°C)
Time Accuracy +/-100ppm @75°F
Temperature +/-0.9°F (0.5°C) for the range of 0°F to 120°F (-17°C to 50°C)
Temperature 0.05°F ( 0.03°C)
Resolution (PC
SL500TH Humidity +/- 2.0%RH for the range of 10%RH and 90%RH
SL500TH Humidity 0.05%RH
Dimensions 2.15’’ x 2.25" x 0.55’’ (5.5cm x 5.7cm x 1.4cm)
Weight 1.3 oz (40g)
Power Source 3V CR2032 Lithium coin cell battery (Included)
Battery Life (average 3 Years

* Lithium batteries do not perform well in very low temperatures. If the logger is going to be used in temperatures
below 32°F (0°C), make sure to start with a fresh battery, and check the battery level often.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

SL500TC Thermocouple Logger Specifications

Computer Interface USB 2.0 (1.1 Compatible)

K, J, E, N, T, S, R, B, C

Sample Point
32,638 Temperature samples

Current reading and time, logging status, alarm status,

Display recorded sample history, battery level, thermocouple
type. Displays temperature up to 1999°F or 1999°C

Alarms Visual over and under temperature alarms.

0.2°F (0.1°C) up to 199.9 °F or °C. 1°F or 1°C above 200°F
or °C
Temperature 0.2°F (0.1°C)

50 Ohms maximum for specified accuracy.
Cold Junction
Temperature +/-0.5°F (0.3°C)

User single point offset calibration is available through

User Calibration
software. Calibration is password protected.

0°F to 131°F (-18°C to 55°C)*

-20°F to 175°F (-30°C to 80°C)

Time Accuracy +/-100ppm @75°F (24°C)

Dimensions 2.15’’ x 2.25" x 1.2’’ (5.5cm x 5.7cm x 3.0cm)

Weight 2.2 oz (62g) without batteries

Power Source Three AAA batteries (Alkaline or Lithium recommended)

Battery Life 2 Years, average use.

* The operating temperature is the recommended temperature for Alkaline batteries. The temperature range can
be extended to -5°F to 160°F (-20°C to 70°C) if Lithium batteries are used.

SL500 Logger Interface Software Version 1.4x

Thermocouple Temperature Range and Accuracy

Thermocouple Accuracy1 Logger Supported Range2
K +/-1.3°F (0.7°C) -418°F to 2372°F (-250°C to 1300°C)

J +/-1.0°F (0.6°C) -274°F to 1832°F (-170°C to 1000°C)

E +/-0.8°F (0.4°C) -328°F to 1508°F (-200°C to 820°C)

N +/-1.5°F (0.8°C) -328°F to 2372°F (-200°C to 1300°C)

T +/-1.3°F (0.7°C) -328°F to 752°F (-200°C to 400°C)

S +/-5.0°F (2.8°C) -58°F to 3200°F (-50°C to 1760°C)

R +/-5.0°F (2.8°C) -58°F to 3200°F (-50°C to 1760°C)

B +/-6.0°F (3.3°C) 68°F to 3308°F (20°C to 1820°C)

C +/-3.0°F (1.7°C) 32°F to 4208°F (0°C to 2320°C)

The accuracy given is for the SL500TC unit only. Errors may increase depending on the thermocouple wire
grade used.
The logger supported range is for stored temperature. The logger can only display temperatures up to 1999°F or


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