EEEM(3rd)May2022 (2) (1)

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S. B. Roll.



3rd Exam/Elect/5257/Jun'2022
(For 2018 Batch Onwards)
Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75
Q1. Fill in the blanks. 15x1=15
a. Filament of lamp is made of________
b. Temperature co-efficient of resistance of carbon is________
c. Use of ______reduces hysteresis losses in transformers.
d. Conductivity is the ______of resistivity.
e. Valance electrons lie in the _______orbit of the atom.
f. Aluminium is a _________resistivity material.
g. A pure semiconductor is called an _____semiconductor.
h. ______materials oppose the flow of current.
i. PVC is the abbreviation for______
j. ______insulators are commonly used for overhead power lines.
k. _______is used as a core material in electrical machines.
l. Full form of HRC is________
o m
m. The minority carriers in N-type semiconductors are_______

n. Thermocouple works on the basis of ________effect. .r c
o. Eddy current losses can be reduced by using _______silicon steel.

o p e
Q2. Attempt any six questions..r c SECTION-B

p a 6x5=30

p e
i. Explain the working of a thermocouple.
ii. Draw and explain magnetization curve.

b r
iii. Explain H.R.C. fuses.
iv. Explain the construction and working of a bimetallic strip.

r p
v. Write a short note on thermoplastics.
vi. Draw and explain crystal structure of Germanium.

vii. Write a note on constantan.
viii. Draw and explain atomic structure of Copper.
ix. Explain superconductors.

Attempt any three questions. 3x10=30
Q3. Explain the materials used in different parts of DC machines.
Q4. Define energy band. Explain the energy bands for conductors, insulators and semi-conductors.
Q5. Explain hysteresis loop in magnetic materials.
Q6. a) Write a short note on Ferromagnetic materials
b) Write a short note on Nichrome as conducting material.
Q7. Explain P-type and N-type semiconductors with neat diagrams.

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