By Gregory Jaffe
This article reviews the US history and impact of Genetically Engineered (GE) crops over two
decades, explains the federal oversight of GE crops and suggests improvements to federal
oversight to ensure the safety of GE crops and greater consumer confidence in GE foods.
The article also discusses public attitudes toward GE foods and the issues surrounding the
labeling of those foods, including the law requiring mandatory disclosure signed by President
Obama on 29 July 2016.
Twenty years ago, the first farmers planted Genetically Engineered (GE) soybeans that
were tolerant to the herbicide “glyphosate.” Currently, there are 10 crops with GE variet-
ies grown on millions of acres in the US. Although a strong body of evidence documents
no significant human health or environmental harms related to GE crops or food products,
controversy surrounding those crops and the foods and ingredients made from those
crops, has not subsided and is arguably more vocal than ever.
At the same time, the federal regulatory system overseeing GE crop safety has
remained nearly unchanged during those 20 years. As the next generation of GE crops
emerges, it is time to revisit and update the regulatory system to both reflect current sci-
ence and provide consumers with confidence that GE crops are safe.
Background on GE Crops
To develop a GE crop variety, scientists generally remove a gene from one organism (or a
specific variety of an organism) and transfer that gene to a different organism (or different
variety) using recombinant DNA methods. Those methods allow scientists to cut DNA and
insert foreign DNA at the cellular level. The new gene becomes integrated into every cell
of the organism and is inherited by the modified organism’s offspring. In most cases, the
After more than 20 years of experience growing GE crops, those crops have had signifi-
cant benefits, but also some negative impacts. Food and ingredients from those crops are
safe to eat, even if consumers may not be aware of the data supporting their safety or
believe otherwise. However, the federal regulatory system for GE crops is less than ideal.
It over-regulates some crops and under-regulates others and does not generate consumer
confidence in GE crop safety.
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Cite as: Jaffe, G. “Genetically Engineered Foods and their Regulation: the Way Forward after Twenty Years of Adoption.”
Regulatory Focus. August 2016. Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.