SY Sem3 Maths Practical Question Paper
SY Sem3 Maths Practical Question Paper
SY Sem3 Maths Practical Question Paper
MT - 233 Based on MT- 231 and MT - 232 (A), MT - 232 (B)
(2019 Pattern) (Batch -A,A,,A,....Credit System)(Semester - III)
(Paper - III) (23113)
Time : 3 Hours) JMax. Marks : 35
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1is compulsory.
2) Attempt any one of the Q.2 and Q.3
3) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.
4) Figures to the right indicate full makrs.
5) 30 marks are for written examination and 05 marks are for oral examination.
MT-231: Calculus of Several Variables
Q1) A) Altempt any Two of the following. [10]
a) lim
Use polar Co-ordinate, to find the lumit, 1I it exist (r,(0.0) x+
b) Using differential find the approximate value of(2.01) (3.02).
c) Find the local maximum ànd minimum values and saddle points of
the function fx. y) =rty- 4xy +1.
d) Evaluate the double integral where
2023 o
B) Attempt any One of the following. [5]
a) Using Maxima sofiware, find the first order partial derivatives of
the function
fx. y) =y'- 3xy.
b) Using Maxima sofiware. evaluate
MI-232(A):Numerieal Mcthods and Iis Applications
Tind the real rootcorrect to two decimal places by bisection method
on the interval (2. 3) of the equation -4-9 = 0.
b) Evaluation
i) A(t sin x)
10 d
a) Construct the forward difference table for the following set of values
of fx) =+5x-1, x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 using Maxima softwarc.
0CT.-24/PR-88 2
|-3B) Gaph Thcory
Q3) A) Alempt any Iuool the lolloMing. |101
) Drawthc praphk
GNCancNmple of connecled graplh thathas both Hamiltonian
crcUndapEulerian circuit.
b) UsingFury 's Algorithn. find the Euler circuit in the following graph.
OCT.-24/PR-88 3