SY Sem3 Maths Practical Question Paper

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TotalN0. of Qucstions : 3| SEAT No.

PCS52 |Total No. of Pages : 3

MT - 233 Based on MT- 231 and MT - 232 (A), MT - 232 (B)
(2019 Pattern) (Batch -A,A,,A,....Credit System)(Semester - III)
(Paper - III) (23113)
Time : 3 Hours) JMax. Marks : 35
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Q.1is compulsory.
2) Attempt any one of the Q.2 and Q.3
3) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.
4) Figures to the right indicate full makrs.
5) 30 marks are for written examination and 05 marks are for oral examination.
MT-231: Calculus of Several Variables
Q1) A) Altempt any Two of the following. [10]

a) lim
Use polar Co-ordinate, to find the lumit, 1I it exist (r,(0.0) x+
b) Using differential find the approximate value of(2.01) (3.02).
c) Find the local maximum ànd minimum values and saddle points of
the function fx. y) =rty- 4xy +1.
d) Evaluate the double integral where
2023 o

B) Attempt any One of the following. [5]
a) Using Maxima sofiware, find the first order partial derivatives of
the function
fx. y) =y'- 3xy.
b) Using Maxima sofiware. evaluate

MI-232(A):Numerieal Mcthods and Iis Applications

Q2) A) Allempt any Two ofthe following. [2x5=10]

Tind the real rootcorrect to two decimal places by bisection method
on the interval (2. 3) of the equation -4-9 = 0.
b) Evaluation


i) A(t sin x)

10 d

c) Evaluate 14 by dividing the range into 8- equals parts using

Simpson's rule.

d) Find y(0.4) using Runge-Kuta second order method where dy

y(0) = 1. (h= 0.2),

B) Attenmpt any One ofthe following. [Ix5=5]

a) Construct the forward difference table for the following set of values
of fx) =+5x-1, x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 using Maxima softwarc.

b) Evaluate sin xdx using Trapczoidairule by dividingthe interval

(0. 7) into live equalsubintervals with help ofMaxima software.

0CT.-24/PR-88 2
|-3B) Gaph Thcory
Q3) A) Alempt any Iuool the lolloMing. |101
) Drawthc praphk
GNCancNmple of connecled graplh thathas both Hamiltonian
crcUndapEulerian circuit.

b) UsingFury 's Algorithn. find the Euler circuit in the following graph.

C) Draw four spanning trees of the following graph.

d) graph G has 21 edges, 3 vertices of degree 4 and other vertices of

degree 3. Find the rumber ofvertices in G.

B) Attempt any One of the following. [5]

a) Using Maximasoflware, draw a tree on 7 vertices.
b) Using Maxima software, find complement of following graph.

OCT.-24/PR-88 3

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